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Will Some photo expert disprove Charles Wallace?

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Ray, this is the best Towner vid. cap I have. According to what Gary says , better are available.

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Based on image provided by Robin, I think the lovelady/osewald figure is visible in the towner film further back, moves/leans forward in the othewr pics.

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Based on image provided by Robin, I think the lovelady/oswald figure is visible in the towner film further back, moves/leans forward in the other pics.

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  • 9 years later...

And here we are almost ten years later........still debating this issue.

Just trying to figure out who coined ''PM'' and this thread deserves a bump!

Believe it was Sean Murphy who ID's the man in the corner next to Lovelady in Weigman.

Who called him Prayerman IDK... it was coined since his hands are clasped in front of him in "prayer"

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