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Forum member anagrams and JFK

Ron Ecker

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Someone recently mentioned anagrams here. I thought it would be interesting to see what meaningful anagrams exist for names of forum members, insofar as the anagrams relate to the JFK assassination.

The anagrams themselves didn’t require much effort, as an online anagram rearranger did all the work for me. It was then simply a matter of determining each anagram’s message.

I’ve excluded some anagrams from the list for being too much of a stretch linguistically. There is JOHN SIMKIN, for example, welcoming new members to the forum with fanfare, as when he HONKS JIM IN; LEE FORMAN wondering if the three tramps were really just that, nothing but LOAFER MEN; and a torrid work in progress by STEPHEN TURNER on the insatiable love affair between Madeleine Brown and LBJ (the anagram line being “Lyndon REENTERS NTH UP”).

Also, some anagrams unfortunately do not relate to the assassination, such as TIMOTHY J. GRATZ’s Shakespearean motto for all crafty, merciless, right-wing extremist attorneys: “JAM ZIG THY TORT.”

For the listed anagrams I have derived context or meaning partly by imagining research that a forum member might be involved in, or what his or her opinion might be in a pertinent area. (As for members not on the list, it’s nothing personal, it’s just that for a good anagram you need to change your name.)

Here, then, is the list (member names and anagrams are in caps):

JASON VERMEER has noticed a lack of jeans being worn in the Zapruder film, and thinks that the conspirators who altered the film may have used JEANS REMOVER.

GREG WAGNER is researching the deteriorating marital relationship that existed between Oswald and Marina. His article will be entitled “The NAGGER GREW.”

TOSH PLUMLEE speculates that even though Oswald never discussed the conspiracy with Marina, she may have suspected it. How? “LEE HUMS PLOT.”

BILL KELLY has described Jack Ruby killing Oswald with one shot to the abdomen as a BELLY KILL.

RYAN CROWE is reportedly doing research on how many of Ruby’s lovely young strippers at the Carousel Club suffered from ACNE WORRY.

DAVID BOYLAN is writing an article about nothing being done at the Bethesda autopsy to positively identify JFK’s body. It’s called “No NAVAL BODY I.D.”

HARRY J. DEAN can tell the Latter Day Saints flock enough about their conspiratorial church to JAR ANY HERD.

DEBRA CONWAY thinks that photos of suspicious lookalikes standing at the corner of Main and Houston may indeed show A BAD CREW YON.

PAT SPEER is working on a script called A PERP SET, about the set of perps he suspects in the JFK murder.

GERRY HEMMING admits that Interpen got so hard up for funds they took a job writing anti-Castro jingles for Miami Cuban radio. Hemming calls this their RHYMER MEN GIG.

TIM CARROLL always provides the forum with nourishing food for thought, making his anagram remarkably appropriate: CARROT MILL.

LARRY HANCOCK questions whether Jack Lawrence actually left a car in the Grassy Knoll parking lot on 11/22 after borrowing it the night before for a “heavy date” (Lawrence supposedly wrote a note to his boss on 11/21 saying, “LACK CAR, HORNY”).

MIKE REGAN wonders, as do others, why Lady Bird Johnson, during the swearing-in ceremony on Air Force One, had that MEEK GRIN on her face.

THOMAS GRAVES says that who killed JFK is as clear to him as A HARVEST SMOG.

Finally, ROBERT HOWARD aptly describes the whole bloody scene in Dallas: “BAD WET HORROR.”

(This list was compiled by RON ECKER, also known as the RECKONER.)

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Guest Stephen Turner

LOL, Top notch old boy, top notch, may I suggest our own Mark Knight with his thesis on how badly constucted the JFK Limo was "Tin kar maik" please accept my fulsome appologies. Steve.

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Someone recently mentioned anagrams here. I thought it would be interesting to see what meaningful anagrams exist for names of forum members, insofar as the anagrams relate to the JFK assassination.

The anagrams themselves didn’t require much effort, as an online anagram rearranger did all the work for me. It was then simply a matter of determining each anagram’s message.

I’ve excluded some anagrams from the list for being too much of a stretch linguistically. There is JOHN SIMKIN, for example, welcoming new members to the forum with fanfare, as when he HONKS JIM IN; LEE FORMAN wondering if the three tramps were really just that, nothing but LOAFER MEN; and a torrid work in progress by STEPHEN TURNER on the insatiable love affair between Madeleine Brown and LBJ (the anagram line being “Lyndon REENTERS NTH UP”).

Also, some anagrams unfortunately do not relate to the assassination, such as TIMOTHY J. GRATZ’s Shakespearean motto for all crafty, merciless, right-wing extremist attorneys: “JAM ZIG THY TORT.”

For the listed anagrams I have derived context or meaning partly by imagining research that a forum member might be involved in, or what his or her opinion might be in a pertinent area. (As for members not on the list, it’s nothing personal, it’s just that for a good anagram you need to change your name.)

Here, then, is the list (member names and anagrams are in caps):

JASON VERMEER has noticed a lack of jeans being worn in the Zapruder film, and thinks that the conspirators who altered the film may have used JEANS REMOVER.

GREG WAGNER is researching the deteriorating marital relationship that existed between Oswald and Marina. His article will be entitled “The NAGGER GREW.”

TOSH PLUMLEE speculates that even though Oswald never discussed the conspiracy with Marina, she may have suspected it. How? “LEE HUMS PLOT.”

BILL KELLY has described Jack Ruby killing Oswald with one shot to the abdomen as a BELLY KILL.

RYAN CROWE is reportedly doing research on how many of Ruby’s lovely young strippers at the Carousel Club suffered from ACNE WORRY.

DAVID BOYLAN is writing an article about nothing being done at the Bethesda autopsy to positively identify JFK’s body. It’s called “No NAVAL BODY I.D.”

HARRY J. DEAN can tell the Latter Day Saints flock enough about their conspiratorial church to JAR ANY HERD.

DEBRA CONWAY thinks that photos of suspicious lookalikes standing at the corner of Main and Houston may indeed show A BAD CREW YON.

PAT SPEER is working on a script called A PERP SET, about the set of perps he suspects in the JFK murder.

GERRY HEMMING admits that Interpen got so hard up for funds they took a job writing anti-Castro jingles for Miami Cuban radio. Hemming calls this their RHYMER MEN GIG.

TIM CARROLL always provides the forum with nourishing food for thought, making his anagram remarkably appropriate: CARROT MILL.

LARRY HANCOCK questions whether Jack Lawrence actually left a car in the Grassy Knoll parking lot on 11/22 after borrowing it the night before for a “heavy date” (Lawrence supposedly wrote a note to his boss on 11/21 saying, “LACK CAR, HORNY”).

MIKE REGAN wonders, as do others, why Lady Bird Johnson, during the swearing-in ceremony on Air Force One, had that MEEK GRIN on her face.

THOMAS GRAVES says that who killed JFK is as clear to him as A HARVEST SMOG.

Finally, ROBERT HOWARD aptly describes the whole bloody scene in Dallas: “BAD WET HORROR.”

(This list was compiled by RON ECKER, also known as the RECKONER.)

Here's mine for Charles Robbins.....LHO BS carbiners

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Here's a couple I left out as being of questionable taste:

JOSIAH THOMPSON interviewed the orderly who helped clean up Parkland’s Trauma Room One, but all that the orderly would tell him was “A JOHN SHOT, I MOPS.”

ALLAN EAGLESHAM claims that Oliver Stone cut a lurid scene from his movie, depicting a homosexual/sadomasochistic orgy at Clay Shaw’s, described in the script simply as “A MENAGE: LASH ALL!”

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Thanks. "Ed Lansdale: Need Dallas" is pretty chilling. Almost enough to make one believe in the Bible Code.


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Some guy who used to attend JFK conferences

actually wrote a serious book containing anagrams

of everyone connected with the assassination and

sold it at conferences. He claimed it was much like

the BIBLE CODE and gave clues.

Ron...try again using some prominent names:

Lee Harvey Oswald

Marina Prussakova Oswald

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

John Bowden Connally Junior

David Atlee Phillips

Robert Lee Oswald

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Madeleine Duncan Brown

Lady Bird Johnson

Marguerite Oswald

John Edgar Hoover

Allen Welsh Dulles

George Sergei DeMohrenschildt

...you get the idea. Maybe you will find some

important clues.


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Ron...try again using some prominent names:

Lee Harvey Oswald

Marina Prussakova Oswald

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

John Bowden Connally Junior

David Atlee Phillips

Robert Lee Oswald

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Madeleine Duncan Brown

Lady Bird Johnson

Marguerite Oswald

John Edgar Hoover

Allen Welsh Dulles

George Sergei DeMohrenschildt

...you get the idea. Maybe you will find some

important clues.


Hi Jack,

You gotta be kiddin'!

IMHO, Thomas :tomatoes

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Someone recently mentioned anagrams here. I thought it would be interesting to see what meaningful anagrams exist for names of forum members, insofar as the anagrams relate to the JFK assassination.

The anagrams themselves didn’t require much effort, as an online anagram rearranger did all the work for me. It was then simply a matter of determining each anagram’s message.

I’ve excluded some anagrams from the list for being too much of a stretch linguistically. There is JOHN SIMKIN, for example, welcoming new members to the forum with fanfare, as when he HONKS JIM IN; LEE FORMAN wondering if the three tramps were really just that, nothing but LOAFER MEN; and a torrid work in progress by STEPHEN TURNER on the insatiable love affair between Madeleine Brown and LBJ (the anagram line being “Lyndon REENTERS NTH UP”).

Also, some anagrams unfortunately do not relate to the assassination, such as TIMOTHY J. GRATZ’s Shakespearean motto for all crafty, merciless, right-wing extremist attorneys: “JAM ZIG THY TORT.”

For the listed anagrams I have derived context or meaning partly by imagining research that a forum member might be involved in, or what his or her opinion might be in a pertinent area. (As for members not on the list, it’s nothing personal, it’s just that for a good anagram you need to change your name.)

Here, then, is the list (member names and anagrams are in caps):

JASON VERMEER has noticed a lack of jeans being worn in the Zapruder film, and thinks that the conspirators who altered the film may have used JEANS REMOVER.

GREG WAGNER is researching the deteriorating marital relationship that existed between Oswald and Marina. His article will be entitled “The NAGGER GREW.”

TOSH PLUMLEE speculates that even though Oswald never discussed the conspiracy with Marina, she may have suspected it. How? “LEE HUMS PLOT.”

BILL KELLY has described Jack Ruby killing Oswald with one shot to the abdomen as a BELLY KILL.

RYAN CROWE is reportedly doing research on how many of Ruby’s lovely young strippers at the Carousel Club suffered from ACNE WORRY.

DAVID BOYLAN is writing an article about nothing being done at the Bethesda autopsy to positively identify JFK’s body. It’s called “No NAVAL BODY I.D.”

HARRY J. DEAN can tell the Latter Day Saints flock enough about their conspiratorial church to JAR ANY HERD.

DEBRA CONWAY thinks that photos of suspicious lookalikes standing at the corner of Main and Houston may indeed show A BAD CREW YON.

PAT SPEER is working on a script called A PERP SET, about the set of perps he suspects in the JFK murder.

GERRY HEMMING admits that Interpen got so hard up for funds they took a job writing anti-Castro jingles for Miami Cuban radio. Hemming calls this their RHYMER MEN GIG.

TIM CARROLL always provides the forum with nourishing food for thought, making his anagram remarkably appropriate: CARROT MILL.

LARRY HANCOCK questions whether Jack Lawrence actually left a car in the Grassy Knoll parking lot on 11/22 after borrowing it the night before for a “heavy date” (Lawrence supposedly wrote a note to his boss on 11/21 saying, “LACK CAR, HORNY”).

MIKE REGAN wonders, as do others, why Lady Bird Johnson, during the swearing-in ceremony on Air Force One, had that MEEK GRIN on her face.

THOMAS GRAVES says that who killed JFK is as clear to him as A HARVEST SMOG.

Finally, ROBERT HOWARD aptly describes the whole bloody scene in Dallas: “BAD WET HORROR.”

(This list was compiled by RON ECKER, also known as the RECKONER.)


"Brendan's anagram generator" gave me 10,452 results when I entered my name.



Memo from backup team: PLAN MART SET OK

Memo to Tim: AMTRAK SLEPT ON (sounds like AMTRUNK)

Also, the SKATER MAN PLOT suggests Ferrie's involvement and apprehending Tippett's killer should have been a PATROLMEN TASK.

Compiled by yours truly, otherwise known as PLANET SMART OK.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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Guest Stephen Turner

LEE HARVEY OSWALD, reports seeing a shooter depart from the South knoll.


At his trail JACK RUBY is asked to tell the court where he believes the fatal head shot came from, jack replys


ALLEN WELSH DULLES, asked if the CIA recieved oil industry money to fund the assassination replied.


Edited by Stephen Turner
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DAVE WEAVER asked a Secret Service agent if they weren't suspicious about the Dark Complected Man waving on the curb, but the agent replied that there was nothing in their procedures manual about EVADE WAVER.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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And if TIMOTHY GRATZ investigated the SBT and discovered that the bullet exiting JFK's throat would have had to change directions to cause Connally's wounds, he might have discovered an MT [empty] THROAT ZIG.

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