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The Khrushchev/Kennedy Plot

Len Colby

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Ron do you really believe that Hinckley WASN'T a LN and that the WTC collapse was controlled demolition?

Yes. Based on facts and precedents, .

Which 'facts' do you think support you theories"

What precedents are there to demolishing the WTC?

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Read the two books by David Ray Griffin.

The precedents I refer to are committing atrocities and blaming it on others. It's as old as the hills and the masses still haven't caught on.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Don't get too excited. I can't help but wonder if Aaron Brown getting the boot from his nightly 10 pm slot on CNN had anything to do with his on-air indignation last year at Bush lackey Hastert's intention to not give additional time to the 9/11 Commission (as if that were a real investigation anyway). Brown is partly credited with the commission getting its extra time. Now Brown has no time at 10.

Dan Rather (hardly a seeker of truth himself) recently said that he had never seen such fear as exists in newsrooms today. It looks like Brown wasn't fearful enough. His fate won't go unnoticed by his colleagues.

I agree. When Aaron was sacked I was very upset. OF course it has to do with his work, not the so called "numbers". I think one of the reasons our press is so silent on JFK is the case of Dorothy K. They saw: they learned. (Save for the great Earl Golz).

Rather built his rep on the back of lies about 11/22/63...so it's ironic that he got fired for telling the truth....

So I do see how scary it can be for the press to try....oppressive....

We hear our great leaders say we're breinging "democracy" to Iraq...when we have barely a semblance of freedom in the US. It's a mirage. I agree that Brown's firing will make others' more circumspect, to the detriment of the nation. There is literally almost NO free press in this country.


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Read the two books by David Ray Griffin.

Griffin is a paranoid fool who doesn't know what he is talking about.

In case you missed the tread on the subject there is a grand total of ZERO civil engineers or architects who believe that the towers were demo'd, only a handful of scientists say they believe this but none of them have degrees in relevant subjects.

Did Bush know the attacks were coming but intentionally do nothing? Unlikely but possible.

Did Bush or people in his administration set up 9/11? Possible but even less probable!

Where the Twin Towers felled by controlled demolition? Impossible.

Even Chomsky and Cockburn reject such CT's.

The precedents I refer to are committing atrocities and blaming it on others. It's as old as the hills and the masses still haven't caught on.

The short list of comparable atrocities will do

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there is a grand total of ZERO civil engineers or architects who believe that the towers were demo'd

What civil engineer or architect is going to sacrifice his career by saying the towers were demolished? Those people have families to feed. How do you know what they really believe?

only a handful of scientists say they believe this but none of them have degrees in relevant subjects.

You don't need a degree and you don't have to be a scientist to see the obvious. But this is not a forum about 9/11. Besides, your expressed opinion of the knowledgeable and courageous Griffin makes it obvious that talking with you any further on this subject would be a complete waste of time.

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Read the two books by David Ray Griffin.

Griffin is a paranoid fool who doesn't know what he is talking about.

In case you missed the tread on the subject there is a grand total of ZERO civil engineers or architects who believe that the towers were demo'd, only a handful of scientists say they believe this but none of them have degrees in relevant subjects.

Did Bush know the attacks were coming but intentionally do nothing? Unlikely but possible.

Did Bush or people in his administration set up 9/11? Possible but even less probable!

Where the Twin Towers felled by controlled demolition? Impossible.

Even Chomsky and Cockburn reject such CT's.

The precedents I refer to are committing atrocities and blaming it on others. It's as old as the hills and the masses still haven't caught on.

The short list of comparable atrocities will do

As noted, this thread is about something else. I deliberately have not weighed in on this 9/11 thingy. I switched from civ eng at uni in second year to geology-anthropology, and that was a loong time ago. (then dropped out and joined the sya). So, just a very little bit of technical background.

But for those who think it was a controlled demolition: A perfect job wouldn't you say? Twice.

No guarantee of perfection of course, particularly the taller the structure.

So, why bother to attempt the almost impossible perfection?

I think the usual reasons for controlled demolitions are to minimise property and people damage, while saving costs.

I suggest reverse engineering the whole thing. Hand structure over to dem experts and see if they can develop and rate a plan. I suggest that it would come down to degrees of property and people damage. If so the whole conspiracy angle does seem a mite paranoid.

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But for those who think it was a controlled demolition: A perfect job wouldn't you say? Twice.

Yes. Actually thrice (the towers and WTC7). Why is it that hard to imagine, especially when there are unlimited funds to spend on it?

FWIW here's a link to a brand-new article summarizing the work of Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones. It includes a link to Jones's article. It's encouraging that the obvious has now become something that can be openly discussed by more scientists outside the official "investigative" bodies who rubberstamped the official conspiracy theory.


Edited by Ron Ecker
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Dawn wrote:

We hear our great leaders say we're breinging [sic] "democracy" to Iraq...when we have barely a semblance of freedom in the US. It's a mirage.

Absolutely unbelievable!

The fact that Dawn is allowed to post such garbage just disproves the point she tries to make.

And CNN's firing of Aaron Brown proves there is no freedom of the press? What does Ms. Meredith suggest, that the government should prohibit CNN from firing Brown?

Dawn, do you agree that under Brown CNN's viewership took a nose dive? Suppose that fact had anything to do with his firing?

Not everything can be explained by a grand conspiracy!

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Dawn, do you agree that under Brown CNN's viewership took a nose dive?

Are you saying that viewers preferred to listen to Fox's screech-owl Greta, she of the fingernail and chalkboard voice, for their 10 o'clock news?

At least I could listen to Brown, back when I watched either one of those channels.

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Dawn, do you agree that under Brown CNN's viewership took a nose dive?

Are you saying that viewers preferred to listen to Fox's screech-owl Greta, she of the fingernail and chalkboard voice, for their 10 o'clock news?

At least I could listen to Brown, back when I watched either one of those channels.


Even worse is that seemingly endless "Aruba" tear jerking tabloid xxxx -- another feeble attempt at an "O.J." style marathon ratings grabber, especially when the weenie-wagging "now-I-be-a-whiteboy" Michel Jackson trial FLOP !! [as in cows-turds fopping on flat rocks so as to become "cow-pies"!!]




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Did you know that Greta is the granddaughter of a Wisconsin judge who was close to Sen. McCartthy?

Greta is the daughter of Urban Van Susteren, who was McCarthy's campaign manager. Her sister, Lise, is running for the position of U.S. Senator.

Tim Carroll

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Very good, Tim. Both were from Appleton, Wisconsin, also the hometown of Harry Houdini.

1874 Ehrich Weiss (Harry Houdini) born to Rabbi Mayer Samuel Weiss and his wife Cecelia on March 24 in Budapest, Hungary.

1878 Weiss family joins Rabbi Weiss in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he leads a small Reform congregation.

1883 At age nine, Ehrich and some neighborhood friends establish a five-cent circus. Wearing red woolen stockings, he bills himself as "Ehrich, The Prince of the Air."

1887 After a series of failures in the Midwest, Rabbi Weiss brings Ehrich with him to New York City, where they live in a boardinghouse on East Seventy-ninth Street. Ehrich works a variety of jobs to help support the family.


The family moved to Milwaukee when Ehrich was about eight


So he moved to Appleton when he was 3 or 4 and then moved to Milwaukee when he was 8 his tenure in Appleton was brief.

Edited by Len Colby
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