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The Big Questions.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread that deals with all the unanswered questions surrounding this case. coinsidences, contradictions, bare faced lies, impossibilities, improbabilities all will be welcome here.

I am aware that most of what gets posted here will already exist on other threads, but in a disperate fasion, lets try to put them all together as a quick guide for any newbies.


The Warren commission doesn't even try to answer this question (probably because it couldn't) and satisfies itself with vague comments about an unstable young man, from a broken family.

Mel Ayton claimed that Oswald was a lunatic, as do many other LN,s

Others claim that he did it to become famous, a sort of early celebrity wanna-be. Or that it was a political gesture, in support of Castro.

None of these, in my opinion, even comes close to explaining Oswalds supposed actions that day. Not one shred of evidence exists that points to oswald suffering from a Psychotic condition, or that he was Psyco/Sociopathic in Nature. People who commit crime to become infamous do not as a rule deny the action later, let alone attempt escape. once again people who murder for a political cause tend to glory in their actions, usually reading from a prepaired script in justifacation. Not one person EVER heard Oswald talk badly of Kennedy, let alone make threats on his life. indeed the opposit appears to be the case Lee often spoke in admiration of his president. So the question remains unanswered.


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Guest Stephen Turner

1, Sgt DW Harkness encounters several well armed men at the rear of the TSBD, they tell him they are secret service agents.According to the official version, no agent was present in this area, grassy knoll, or parking lot at this time. WHO WERE THESE MEN.

2, Ernest Mentesana filmed police officers recovering a rifle from the roof of the TSBD, it has no sling, and no scope. A secretary who overhears the officers talking about the discovery tells reporter Theyer Waldo that a rifle was indeed found on the roof. Yet no official record of this event exists. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS RIFLE.

3, Who is the man that Bernard J Hare see's being arrested in the back alley of the Texas Theatre. WHY DO NO OFFICIAL RECORDS EXIST OF THIS ARREST.

4, James tague says"Hoover didn't want me to exist, i was the only proff that there were more shots fired. WHY DID THE WARREN COMMISSION NOT HEAR HIS UNIQUE EVIDENCE.

5, All medical, and nursing staff at Parkland Hospital report observing a massive trauma at the REAR of kennedy's skull, plus an entry wound to his throat. WERE ALL THESE HIGHLY TRAINED STAFF MISTAKEN.

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Your question connecting a motive to Oswald has been one that has driven me from the beginning of my research.

Searching for a motive for the assassination attempt on the life of Edwin Walker has been more fruitful and may lead to the motive for a conspiracy to assassinate the President.

Jim Root

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2, Ernest Mentesana filmed police officers recovering a rifle from the roof of the TSBD, it has no sling, and no scope. A secretary who overhears the officers talking about the discovery tells reporter Theyer Waldo that a rifle was indeed found on the roof. Yet no official record of this event exists. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS RIFLE.

Let me take a stab at Devil's Advocate on this one:

The reason we think that the film shows "the assassin's rifle" is because of Rudy Bretz's graphic on the image. What if Bretz was wrong? What if it is the officer's own shotgun?

As there is no offical record of a rifle being found on the roof, could the officers have mistaken the location where the MC was found? Could the secretary have misheard it?

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2, Ernest Mentesana filmed police officers recovering a rifle from the roof of the TSBD, it has no sling, and no scope. A secretary who overhears the officers talking about the discovery tells reporter Theyer Waldo that a rifle was indeed found on the roof. Yet no official record of this event exists. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS RIFLE.

Let me take a stab at Devil's Advocate on this one:

The reason we think that the film shows "the assassin's rifle" is because of Rudy Bretz's graphic on the image. What if Bretz was wrong? What if it is the officer's own shotgun?

As there is no offical record of a rifle being found on the roof, could the officers have mistaken the location where the MC was found? Could the secretary have misheard it?

I believe Stephen is right on this one. I seem to remember seeing it established that this "rifle" was nothing more than a police-issue shotgun. Don't remember where I saw this, though.

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Guest Stephen Turner

2, Ernest Mentesana filmed police officers recovering a rifle from the roof of the TSBD, it has no sling, and no scope. A secretary who overhears the officers talking about the discovery tells reporter Theyer Waldo that a rifle was indeed found on the roof. Yet no official record of this event exists. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS RIFLE.

Let me take a stab at Devil's Advocate on this one:

The reason we think that the film shows "the assassin's rifle" is because of Rudy Bretz's graphic on the image. What if Bretz was wrong? What if it is the officer's own shotgun?

As there is no offical record of a rifle being found on the roof, could the officers have mistaken the location where the MC was found? Could the secretary have misheard it?

I believe Stephen is right on this one. I seem to remember seeing it established that this "rifle" was nothing more than a police-issue shotgun. Don't remember where I saw this, though.

Pat, Stephen, thanks for the information. I'll put a chicken scratch though that one.. Steve.

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  • 3 weeks later...

..... the unanswered questions surrounding this case. coinsidences, contradictions, bare faced lies, impossibilities, improbabilities all will be welcome here.

I am aware that most of what gets posted here will already exist on other threads, but in a disperate fasion, lets try to put them all together as a quick guide for any newbies.


a small question collected with posts from other thread:


2) The power-outage you mentioned appears as cited in the WC report. Has this been investigated to any depth? I find this to be another one of those convenient coincidences that seem to pop up all the time when studying this case. A power outage would have not taken out all the phones, but it would have shut down PBX-based phones, elevators, lights, etc.


Thats an interesting thing to have happen. What could the benefits be?(maybe deserves a separate thread?)

To have communications shut down seems pointless as a head poked out the window shouting would do the trick. Whats left? Machinery and lights?

Elevator makes sense to control movement between floors. A limited number of 'lookouts' so in order to cut down on 'work': switch power off?

Lights? an illuminated room will expose persons inside more to outside. And looking through glass out to a sunlit area is perhaps less easy when looking from a lit room?

Where was the switchbox located? Would an inspection of it as result of power outage take one away from upper floors/staircases/elevator? If switch is on low floor (12.25) then a dash up to sixth floor to shoot is silly, hence conspiracy indicator?

QUOTE(William Weston @ Dec 18 2005, 07:00 PM)

... The electrical control panel was in the basement. I believe Frazier was the one turning off the electricity since he went down into the basement after the assassination to “eat his lunch.” ...


Hmmm ... an interesting theory that someone would drive LHO into work, provide testimony that would not tend to incriminate LHO (i.e., the bag LHO was carrying was shorter than what was shown him), but actually, Frazier himself was part of the conspiracy and was tending to exonerate LHO to keep suspicion from himself? I'm not sure how that follows. Is it possible to be suspicious of too many people?

Edited by John Dolva
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