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So, who's the jokester here tonight?

Terry Mauro

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31 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

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Tim Gratz, Google.com , Thomas Graves, James Richards

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Have any of you folks ever noticed when logging off, that you can go down to the bottom of the page and find who's logged on and what topics they're viewing on the forum? All fair enough, except when I noticed a member by the name of Google.com?

Who's the jokester?

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Today's active topics · The moderating team · Today's top 10 posters · Overall top 10 posters

31 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

28 guests, 3 members 0 anonymous members

Tim Gratz, Google.com , Thomas Graves, James Richards

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Have any of you folks ever noticed when logging off, that you can go down to the bottom of the page and find who's logged on and what topics they're viewing on the forum? All fair enough, except when I noticed a member by the name of Google.com?

Who's the jokester?


Maybe I'm to "blame." I was Googling for quite a while still logged on to "The Forum." Would that explain it??

FWIW, Thomas


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I noticed that as well, Terry. No idea what it means!


Well, rest assured, I wasn't inferring that it was my favorite fascist, YOU, T.G.

So, here I thought I'd better go back and make sure I'd made that perfectly clear but there you were, already in like Flynn.

It isn't underlined the way the rest of our names usually are either, the google.com, I mean. Oh well, probably some merry prankster running about.

I'm calling it a night.

Ter B)

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Thomas, I often stay on the Forum and "google" as well and I have never seen that before.

It is rather bizzzare.

Then again I bet neither one of us are "geeks"!


I've usually got my Rhapsody downloads playing, my mailbox, google, the Ed Forum, and God knows what all in my toolbox tray, going from one to the other, copying and pasting. Never have seen any of those end up as a member viewing the board, here.

"geeks"? I'm probably the most computer illiterate on this site! I had to e-mail my photo to John to put it up for me because I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to scanning pictures on a PC.

Hell, I don't even have a scanner.

"Say goodnight, Gracie." "Goodnight, Gracie."

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Terry, since I am your favorite fascist can you be my favorite leftist? I would say Tim C but you are much prettier! Sorry, sounds sexist, and women should be judged on qualities other than how they look, of course!

My new (temporary) house-mate, a professional musician, one of the nicest guys I've met, is probably to the left of both of you (as hard to believe as that may be). He and I have some interesting political discussions, as you can imagine.

Another Forum idiosycracy:

Have you ever noticed that on the screen "Welcome to the Education Forum", in the words "has" , "as" and "areas" the as is in blue and under-lined?

At least on my screen.

What is that all about?

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Terry, since I am your favorite fascist can you be my favorite leftist? I would say Tim C but you are much prettier! Sorry, sounds sexist, and women should be judged on qualities other than how they look, of course!

My new (temporary) house-mate, a professional musician, one of the nicest guys I've met, is probably to the left of both of you (as hard to believe as that may be). He and I have some interesting political discussions, as you can imagine.

Another Forum idiosycracy:

Have you ever noticed that on the screen "Welcome to the Education Forum", in the words "has" , "as" and "areas" the as is in blue and under-lined?

At least on my screen.

What is that all about?


"Terry, since I am your favorite fascist can you be my favorite leftist?"

No T.G., I'm your favorite socialist, remember? Unless that's reserved for Simkin? If that's the case, then you can call me your favorite commie pinko. Or Hanoi Jane, even.

"Have you ever noticed that on the screen "Welcome to the Education Forum", in the words "has" , "as" and "areas" the as is in blue and under-lined?"

Nope, because when I come to the site it's through a bookmark I have in my Favorites file that takes me straight to the JFK assassination section. The first thing that comes up is the list of names or profiles on all the authors, researchers, and perps. Then, I click on the assassination debate and the threads show up on the screen. The only Welcome I see is the one saying Welcome guests [log in]. I never noticed any of those underlined blue "as's" that you see on your screen. Are you pulling my leg, or something? Anyhow, I've really got to hit the rack. Remember, what a lucky gig you have while I'm toting that barge and lifting that bale tomorrow morning.

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Terry, not only that, but I now moved to a job in a very nice quiet place with far more spare time and a wonderful employer on top of it! Plus the weather is outstanding!

But does anyone else go through the same screen as I do and see the "as" underlined? It makes no sense to me.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Er dont look now, I just logged on and checked to see which members were online, and Google. Com is back with us....... :o

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Have any of you folks ever noticed when logging off, that you can go down to the bottom of the page and find who's logged on and what topics they're viewing on the forum? All fair enough, except when I noticed a member by the name of Google.com?

Who's the jokester?

This mystery is easily solved. People apply to join the Forum. Sometimes they do not use their real names. All people who apply receive an email from me asking for their real name, a biography, and a photograph. It is a glitch in the software that until I send them this email it appears that they are members. They are not and cannot post.

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I've changed the board settings so I can seen when exactly the google spider and other search engines are spidering the board and monitor the effects.

Mystery solved :o

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Terry, since I am your favorite fascist can you be my favorite leftist? I would say Tim C but you are much prettier! Sorry, sounds sexist, and women should be judged on qualities other than how they look, of course!

My new (temporary) house-mate, a professional musician, one of the nicest guys I've met, is probably to the left of both of you (as hard to believe as that may be). He and I have some interesting political discussions, as you can imagine.

Another Forum idiosycracy:

Have you ever noticed that on the screen "Welcome to the Education Forum", in the words "has" , "as" and "areas" the as is in blue and under-lined?

At least on my screen.

What is that all about?

I think Tim is referring to this page which I devised for people who want an easy route to specific areas of the forum. The underlining is related to the advertising program Allfeeds which is clealry not working very well :o

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Terry, not only that, but I now moved to a job in a very nice quiet place with far more spare time and a wonderful employer on top of it! Plus the weather is outstanding!

But does anyone else go through the same screen as I do and see the "as" underlined? It makes no sense to me.

So when did you move to Havana, Senor Gratz? I won't bring out the Fidel shtick...

Edited by David G. Healy
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