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Another "lone nut" assassination attempt?

Ron Ecker

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Dick Cheney shoots prominent Texas lawyer.


From the text ....

"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a prominent Austin lawyer while the two men were on a quail hunting expedition in South Texas on Saturday,"

I hope they weren't after Dan Quayle?


Edited by James Richards
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The fact that the victim is on the Texas Funeral Service Commission rings a bell. I remember reading about some scandal in Texas when Bush was governor, and it involved funeral directors and Bush using his political power to help one in particular.

Maybe Bush gave Cheney the job of finding a good assassin to get rid of this guy, and Cheney chose himself.

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I looked up the scandal I referred to with Google, and this story is sickening. (One of the links is below.) The man Cheney shot, Harry Whittington, heads the Texas Funeral Service Commission, which was at the center of a scandal in Texas called Funeralgate, involving Bush influence and the largest funeral conglomerate in the world, run by longtime Bush friend and contributor Robert Waltrip, whose companies have been accused of discarding and otherwising desecrating corpses (Whittington's predecessor on the commission was fired for investigating Waltrip's companies too vigorously, sued, and won a settlement), and most recently one of Waltrip's companies won the contract to collect corpses in the wake of Katrina.

One has to wonder, given the alleged past practices of Waltrip's mortuaries, if all the Katrina bodies have been accounted for, or if the body count happened to turn out lower than expected.

One also has to wonder what Whittington, as head of the commission that regulates Waltrip's Texas-based death empire, has been up to lately, or what he has had to say about such a delicate subject as Katrina.

After this "warning shot" by Cheney, maybe from now on he won't be saying much of anything.


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Ron, wrong conclusion.

This proves that hunting accidents do happen.

Remember of course William Sullivan.

I had a very hard time believing Sullivan was an accident.

A good friend of mine also wrote an investigative story on

this case at the time and it sure raised a lot more questions than it

answered. However, I no longer have Harvery Yazijian's article, nor does he.


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Ron, wrong conclusion.

This proves that hunting accidents do happen.

Remember of course William Sullivan.

I had a very hard time believing Sullivan was an accident.

A good friend of mine also wrote an investigative story on

this case at the time and it sure raised a lot more questions than it

answered. However, I no longer have Harvery Yazijian's article, nor does he.


I don't think it makes sense to suspect this as an assassination attempt. If this guy died it would have drawn to much attention to the case. Also I find it hard to believe an experince hunter like Chenney could have tried to kill some one at close range with a shotgun and only "peppered him"

Dawn - I know there must be a lot of lawyers in Austin but did you know this guy?

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I've got to hand it to Cheney. What stronger message can you send to your political enemies and other American pests than to personally shoot somebody?

That's one way to look at it. The other way is equally bleak. The vice president of the US shooting somebody, accidentally, was kept secret. It was more than 18 hours before the owner of the ranch tipped off a reporter friend about what had happened. Otherwise it apparently was not even to be reported to the sheeple.

America is in good hands, folks.


Edited by Ron Ecker
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Dick Cheney shoots prominent Texas lawyer.


I saw a headline "Cheney violates first rule of hunting".

I'd say, starting with you are only supposed to shoot at the animals, aren't you? :hotorwot


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It takes all the fun out of killing things when a human gets shot in the process.

When I was a kid, our family dentist went out hunting one weekend. He sat in some bushes and made sounds like a turkey, and somebody shot him.

We had to find a new family dentist.

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