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Where and How of orientation and location

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a start to a topic aimed at establishing the exact (or as exact as possible) position and orientation of JFKs head a the time of zframe 312 313, realizing that there are those that would devalue any findings by stating that the zfilm in particular is a fake, so naturally it will be an endeavour that would seek to answer this by using sufficient alternative material (primarily other images).

this will be an attempt to gather and create reliable bench marks in terms of measurements and images.(of the scene of the crime(which includes the limousine.).

then an attempt of creating alternative views of what the head would look like from different locations around dealey plaze

and ultimately create a 3d visualisation of some kind with the aim of mapping the airspace around kennedys head where the shot COULD have come from, crossreferencing to the autopsy material to see where the shot COULD have come from. Having a set of possibilities, then cross referencing to evidence that would exclude particular locations. Where there would be serious dispute, that location would still be included, except it would be flagged.(to mark the dispute). The existence of dispute in itself is worth flagging, as of course is no dispute at all.

Then stepping back to view the whole picture, what then would be most likely. And therein focus and seek documentation.

______________ for a start, a partial map, and a limousine outline derived from among others, Dons dp map.

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I do have a hypothesis about the result, which in stating, I am also stating a willingness to have that hypothesis excluded.

Kennedy was shot from two locations. The area of the upper levels of the buildings around the southeastern corner of the PSBD building. This area may very well include the sw corner of this building. The middle third level window of the nw tower of 'Old Red'.

Edited by John Dolva
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some more benchmarks to use, with film frames just before the headshot. if anyone has a better nix frame, please post, the good thing about it is that it gives a good view of location in relation to the back seat.

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this is a preliminary finding to show my thinking on this

for a sense of scale, the yellowbordered inset is a 19" monitor desktop screencap. So, the map base at 100 % covers a virtual area the size comparable to a wall.

Firstly without the map I took the photos and a limo outline and lined them up using various markers. Correlating this to the map shows a sufficient accuracy to zoom in and attempt to locate the highest point of the head. Then using a slightly oversize (for error) top view of a head (red ellipse) I centered this on above point, and rotated to where it is possible. A further zoom to where head scaled up from the various camera positions to check for features ends up with roughly this orientation/location.

It must be kept in mind that this is an overhead view of a vehicle on a slope with photos taken from different elevations.

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this is a preliminary finding to show my thinking on this

for a sense of scale, the yellowbordered inset is a 19" monitor desktop screencap. So, the map base at 100 % covers a virtual area the size comparable to a wall.

Firstly without the map I took the photos and a limo outline and lined them up using various markers. Correlating this to the map shows a sufficient accuracy to zoom in and attempt to locate the highest point of the head. Then using a slightly oversize (for error) top view of a head (red ellipse) I centered this on above point, and rotated to where it is possible. A further zoom to where head scaled up from the various camera positions to check for features ends up with roughly this orientation/location.

It must be kept in mind that this is an overhead view of a vehicle on a slope with photos taken from different elevations.

Nice work, John... I'm following


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Good to hear David.

orientation and location

the head here is at the southern border of the error margin indicated by the red ellipse, indicating the error margin is greater as far as actual location goes. it may be something that can be refined. Remember also that this is for the immediately before headshot position.

I'll be posting a few different orientation interpretations , none of which should be taken as my final suggestion. In the mean time , anyone else has access to the photos and maps (above links) and wish to post as they see it or call me on errors, please do so.

I should mention that I first use the photo's here to derive an orientation, then I place the limousine as underlay to show location in limousine.It seems to me that the back brace is keeping Kennedys torso 'upright' and without it his body would bend forward to continue the bend his head forward tilt might indicate.

Edited by John Dolva
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some more benchmarks to use, with film frames just before the headshot. if anyone has a better nix frame, please post, the good thing about it is that it gives a good view of location in relation to the back seat.

full size


Edited by Robin Unger
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Thank you very much for that Robin.


when considering orientation, and wound locations one must consider the terminologies used. We have, professionals and non professionals of various types all looking at the wounds. An unprecise way is to say right rear, a doctor would use words like parietal, occipital and so on all of which in them selves are also areas within which further precision is called for. There are rear portions of the parietal for example.

Also the wound un touched is different from with all skin and loose bone and brain removed. So a description after the autopsy would be different from a description while in the limousine.

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I've rechecked this orientation and location of the head immediately before the headshot, and am quite happy with it. I've yet to recheck in some other ways, but wouldn't be surprised if it comes out very similarly.

So, the red ellipse* above should be shifted south slightly. Within it's borders then is the location orientation.

* see post 6

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