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Israel,LBJ and the JFK assassination

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Hello all.Awhile back i read this article and it has stuck with me,especially the passage below...You can read the entire article and it's context...There's been alot of info and disinformation about the JFK assassination through the years...In recent years there has been an effort on the part of the media to censor and discredit 2 pieces of this puzzle; first,Piper Collins' Final Judgement and second, Nigel Turner's Guilty Men.....more than 40 years after the assassination and the following propaganda,it's clear to me that Israel was the big winner of the end game in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63...If you follow the money,power, policies,and influence since 1963 to the middle east and United States Congress of today,one can either conclude that Israel has obtained it's immense power and influence as either a coincidence or a conspiracy......At the end of the day,my hunch is that the Mossad was a silent in the shadow administrator in JFK's death in concert with the Military Industrial Complex.The MIC was a very important part of the plot on the domestic front in regards to controlling and bringing together elements needed of the Military Intelligence, FBI,CIA,Secret Service, the mafia,Dallas PD, the media, and the investigation/cover up....The conditions were right for Israel in 1963,their man,LBJ, was a breath away from the presidency....JFK vs. the Federal Reserve was also as important a factor as any, as history shows in the Lincoln assassination......the Federal Reserve has strong ties to Israel,to say the least...At the end of the day on 11/22/63 until now,Israel would dictate the policies to the United States.

i tend to agree with Piper's general theory on the landscape of how Israel has progressed militarily and in the United States policies since 1963.Bottom line,they call the shots...look no further than the United States waging and threatening war today on Israel's worst blood enemies....the whole 9 yards from the USS Liberty to Jack Abramoff and everything in between.

with the build up Israel has had since 1963 why havent more people at least pointed out the coincidence of the time line with the assassination of JFK?


""how about some numbers? In Kennedy's last fiscal budget year of 1964, Israeli aid was $40 million. In LBJ's first budget of 1965, it soared to $71 million, and in 1966 more than tripled from two years earlier to $130 million! Plus, during Kennedy's administration, almost none of our aid to Israel was military in nature. Instead, it was split equally between development loans and food assistance under the PL480 Program. Yet in 1965 under the Johnson administration, 20% of our aid to Israel was for the military, while in 1966, 71% was used for war-related materials.

Continuing in this same vein, in 1963 the Kennedy administration sold 5 Hawk missiles to Israel as part of an air-defense system. In 1965-66, though, LBJ laid 250 tanks on Israel, 48 Skyhawk attack aircrafts, plus guns and artillery which were all offensive in nature. If you ever wondered when the Israeli War Machine was created, this is it! LBJ was its father.""

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While it can certainly be argued that the Mossad had means, motive, and opportunity, there is no evidence of which I'm aware that puts any Mossad operative in Dallas on 11/22/63.

There is evidence of CIA presence in Dealey Plaza, in the form of photographic spitting images of Robertson, Conein, and Hunt. There is likewise Latino presence in DP including the spitting image of a No Name Key trainee. There is evidence of organized crime presence in DP in the arrested personage of Jim Braden, and the accused assassin was conspicuously murdered by a Mob flunky. (Meyer Lansky was Jewish, but even if he was involved in the plot, what evidence is there that he was involved on behalf of the Mossad instead of on behalf of his RFK-hounded Mob associates?) There is military presence in DP with intelligence officers Powell and Whitmeyer, and with a suspicious man IDed by Prouty as Lansdale but who looks more like Maxwell Taylor.

Now maybe there was also a Mossad presence, but lacking any idea of what any Mossad agents looked like, there is no way to know, hence there is no known evidence.

Jack Ruby was Jewish, but that hardly ties him to the Mossad. Rabin was in Dallas only hours before the assassination, on the last leg of a U.S. tour. I wonder if that might have given Taylor an excuse to stop in Dallas, to visit with his Israeli counterpart, on his way home from the Honolulu Conference. But there is no way to prove that Taylor was not at the Pentagon that day as he claimed.

We do know that the Mossad played no role in the immediate cover-up, which has continued for 43 years, in terms of controlling the body, autopsy, and autopsy materials. Its role would have been confined to the executive action in Dallas. But where is the evidence of that?

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While it can certainly be argued that the Mossad had means, motive, and opportunity, there is no evidence of which I'm aware that puts any Mossad operative in Dallas on 11/22/63.

There is evidence of CIA presence in Dealey Plaza, in the form of photographic spitting images of Robertson, Conein, and Hunt. There is likewise Latino presence in DP including the spitting image of a No Name Key trainee. There is evidence of organized crime presence in DP in the arrested personage of Jim Braden, and the accused assassin was conspicuously murdered by a Mob flunky. (Meyer Lansky was Jewish, but even if he was involved in the plot, what evidence is there that he was involved on behalf of the Mossad instead of on behalf of his RFK-hounded Mob associates?) There is military presence in DP with intelligence officers Powell and Whitmeyer, and with a suspicious man IDed by Prouty as Lansdale but who looks more like Maxwell Taylor.

Now maybe there was also a Mossad presence, but lacking any idea of what any Mossad agents looked like, there is no way to know, hence there is no known evidence.

Jack Ruby was Jewish, but that hardly ties him to the Mossad. Rabin was in Dallas only hours before the assassination, on the last leg of a U.S. tour. I wonder if that might have given Taylor an excuse to stop in Dallas, to visit with his Israeli counterpart, on his way home from the Honolulu Conference. But there is no way to prove that Taylor was not at the Pentagon that day as he claimed.

We do know that the Mossad played no role in the immediate cover-up, which has continued for 43 years, in terms of controlling the body, autopsy, and autopsy materials. Its role would have been confined to the executive action in Dallas. But where is the evidence of that?


I think your post is an honest attempt to play devil's advocate, but you've actually built quite a persuasive argument to support Mark's post.

You've still pulled your punches a little, IMO. For example, Ruby's ties to Mossad might be hard to establish but his links with the Lansky crime syndicate aren't. Ruby considered Mickey Cohen an idol and Cohen and Lansky were much more aggressively pro-Israel than many think. There's evidence suggesting Lansky flushed rackets proceeds through Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. According to Piper's "Final Judgement", Rosenbaum was formerly Mossad's Director-General for finance and supply so a Mossad/Lansky (thence to Ruby) link appears highly possible, probable maybe. Also, I don't necessarily agree that Mossad played no role in the coverup. Powerful Americans sympathetic to Israel did. Eugene Rostow is credited with suggesting the WC idea to LBJ and then impudently sung its praises in the Washington Post when the Report was released. I'm about two thirds through Piper's book and there's quite a bit of stuff in it that's new to me. I want to post the major relevant points together with a summary but work and other commitments and the size of the book it might hold me up till Christmas. :ph34r: BTW, have you read it yet?

Mark, I think your post encapsulates where I stand on the assassination at this time. I'm in full agreement. I believe Mossad involvement is a lay down misere and I don't rule them out of involvement in RFK too--although I know much less about that case. The time line is another clincher, IMO. It's just too good to be true.

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Great thread Mark.


Hollywood has made many movies and TV shows about the police and crime in Los Angeles, especially during the 1930s, 1940s and '50s, such as LA Confidential and Chinatown. Gary worked out of the downtown and Hollywood precincts during his days as an LAPD cop. Later in his career, he became an investigator for the LA District Attorney's Office. In the early days of Gary’s career, he was assigned to keep watch on Mickey Cohen, who ran LA’s organized crime operations. Cohen, Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky were Jewish gangsters. Siegel “built” Las Vegas. Cohen ran the LA crime scene for many years. In typical gangster style, Cohen’s hangouts were often boxing arenas, racetracks, restaurants, etc. Gary followed Cohen around as part of his job. One member of Cohen’s entourage, who Gary saw regularly, was an aspiring lawyer who sat on the Ninth District Federal Court for many years. I saw his name in the news a few years ago, and he is still a judge, at nearly 80 years of age in 2002. The man is a gangster, and a federal judge, and the media and establishment has been lavishing praise on him lately, with awards and hagiographic articles.
2. Posner, 399. Rabbi Silverman was one of Ruby's closest confidantes following his arrest, first meeting with him on November 25, then roughly once or twice a week thereafter until Silverman moved to Los Angeles in July 1964. Silverman happened also to be friendly with Warren Commission junior counsel David W. Belin; the two had met during the summer of 1963, during a study mission to Israel. On one of Belin's first trips to Dallas on behalf of the commission, he asked Silverman his opinion as to whether Ruby was a part of a conspiracy. "Jack Ruby is absolutely innocent of any conspiracy," Silverman unhesitatingly replied. (David W. Belin, Final Disclosure [New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988], pp. 35-37.)

That's interesting - especially Silverman's comment, since it appears contradictory to Ruby's own words to the Warren Commission.

A review of 51 Documents...


History can be deceptive. It's fair to say that some of the sensational never-published-before documents, in this book, will shock those who have accepted Zionism and its supposed history, at face value, as a political movement that was the hope of the Jews. Lenni Brenner, the intrepid author of "Zionism in the Age of Dictators," reveals disturbing new evidence in his latest effort, that suggest just the opposite. In fact, he makes a compelling case that the Zionist record was "dishonorable." You can consider this excellent tome as a worthy sequel to his first expose' on the myopic Zionist zealots of that bygone era.

For openers, Brenner showed how the Zionists had a long history of shameless cooperation with the Nazis, especially after the dictator Adolph Hitler had came to power in 1933. The Zionists were also in bed, to some extent, with the other members of what later became known as WWII's "Axis of Evil," that included Benito Mussolini's Italy, and Tojo Hideki's Japan. For example, in March 29,1936, Zionists praised Il Duce, and his regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia. This is where a Zionist youth group, the "Betar," trained its sailors for the future Revisionist state. The speakers ignored the fact that on Oct. 3, 1935, Italian troops had invaded Abyssinia.

On another front, the "Third Congress of the Jewish Community of the Far East," was held in Jan., 1940, in Harbin, Manchuria, then reeling under a brutal military occupation by the Japanese imperial forces. At that time, too, Tokyo was already aligned with Hitler and Italy's Mussolini, in the notorious Anti-Comintern Pact. Also, keep in mind, that the Japanese's murderous "Rape of Nanking," had occurred in Dec., 1937, and the "Crystal Night" incident on Nov. 9, 1938. Nevertheless, the Zionist confab went out of its way to legitimize the Japanese occupation by certifying it as a guarantor of the "equality of all citizens," in that beleaguered land.

The Zionist also had a trade plan with the Berlin government by which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to then British-occupied Palestine. And to top it all off, the infamous SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had visited Palestine, in October, 1937, as the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist operative, whom Eichmann described as a "leading Haganah functionary." The chain-smoking Polkes was also on the Nazis' payroll "as an informer."

Brenner isn't the first writer to address the mostly taboo subject of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's seminal "The Destruction of European Jews"; Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem"; Ben Hecht's "Perfidy"; Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement"; Francis R. Nicosia's "The Third Reich and the Palestine Question"; Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic's "I Cannot Forgive"; and Rafael Medoff's "The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust," also dared, with varying public success.

After the Holocaust began in 1942, Eichmann dealt regularly with Dr. Rudolf Kastner, a Hungarian Jew, whom he considered a "fanatical Zionist." Kastner was later assassinated in Israel as a Nazi collaborator. At issue then, however, was the bargaining over the eventual fate of Hungary's Jews, who were slated for liquidation in the Nazi-run death camps. Eichmann said this about Kastner, the Zionist representative, "I believe that [he] would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. `You can have the others,' he would say, `but let me have this group here.' And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful. I would let his groups escape."

Readers, too, will be surprised to learn, that after the Nuremberg Anti-Jewish Race Laws were enacted in Sept., 1935, that there were only two flags that were permitted to be displayed in all of Nazi Germany. One was Hitler's favorite, the Swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism. The Zionists were also allowed to publish their own newspaper. The reasons for this Reich-sponsored favoritism was, according to the author: The Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine.

As early as June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation was sending a secret memorandum to the Nazis, which said, in part:

"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state [German Reich] can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims as a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry- -indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions..."

Incredibly, Avraham Stern, the leader of the notorious "Stern Gang," late in 1940, made a written proposal to Hitler, by which the Jewish militias in Palestine, would fight on "Germany's side," in the war against England, in exchange for the Nazis help in resolving the "Jewish Question" in Europe, and their assistance in creating an "historic Jewish state." By this date, German troops had already marched into Prague, invaded Poland, and had built the first concentration camp at Auschwitz. The deranged Stern had further bragged about how the Zionist organizations were "closely related to the totalitarian movements of Europe in [their] ideology and structure." Stern's obscene proposal was found in the German embassy, in Turkey, after WWII.

Finally, I think Brenner was right, when he wrote, "This book presents 51 historic documents to indict Zionism for repeated attempts to collaborate with Adolf Hitler. The evidence, not I, will convince you of the truth of this issue...Exposing the Zionist role in the Nazis era is part of the scrutiny of the past, required of historians."


A very dubious contract

Drew Cox and Tim Cornwell

In the spring of 1947 word reached Jewish leaders in New York of an alarming offer from one of America’s best-known gangsters. Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, owner of the Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, associate of mob bosses Lucky Luciano and Dutch Schultz, was offering to assassinate Britain’s foreign minister.

Siegel’s proposal was not as far-fetched as it sounded. During and after the Second World War many Jews had come to see the British government - and, in particular, its most visible spokesman, Ernest Bevin - as the enemy.

In Palestine, British authorities trying to hold control under a UN mandate were at war with Jewish militant groups - and, to the outrage of Zionists, determined to stem an influx of Jewish refugees. Jewish extremists - terrorists in the notorious Stern gang and the militant Irgun, had targeted the British with bombings and assassinations.

In November, 1944, two Palestinian Jews, Stern gang members, had assassinated the British minister in Cairo, Lord Moyne. That killing had outraged Winston Churchill, and mainstream Jewish leaders, who like the British denounced the tactics of terror, knew well the dangers of the backlash. Siegel’s plot to kill Bevin was an offer to be refused.

The delicate task of handling one of America’s most violent gangsters was handed to Arthur Hertzberg, later to emerge as one of the most influential figures in Jewish America. He has revealed the story in his book, A Jew in America.

The young rabbi from Nashville, Tennessee, had made his way to New York, ostensibly to find an architect for his new synagogue. He rapidly enlisted as a translator with the Zionist movement in a city seething with Zionist sentiment and outrage with the British for blocking the path to the promised land.

"I was working as a volunteer, a minor-league lay leader, in the World Zionist Organisation in New York," Hertzberg says. "We heard that someone important in the office, one of the really important people, had got the word from Bugsy Siegel that he had suddenly remembered he was a Jew.

"He wanted to serve the Jewish cause by bumping off Ernest Bevin at the dockside when he disembarked for the UN meeting that was going to consider the partition of Palestine. We got very upset at this."

In the thick of the post-war struggle for Palestine, it appears, at least one leader of the mob in America was ready to go to war against the British government. Hertzberg’s task was to head it off.

They couldn’t have been more different: the gangster and the politician. Only later was Siegel glamourised in fiction and film as a founder of Las Vegas; in reality he was an explosively violent thug said to love nothing better than to do his own killing.

Bevin, by contrast, was the trade union pioneer, the man who helped form the Transport and General Workers Union, who mobilised Britain’s workforce in Churchill’s war cabinet and became foreign secretary of the post-war Labour government.

Bugsy was born in Manhattan’s aptly named Hell’s Kitchen district in 1902. He rose to become a major crime boss there before his murder of Tony Frabrazzo forced him to relocate to Los Angeles. When he learned that neighbouring Nevada had legalised gambling during the Great Depression in a bid to attract tax funds, he moved to Las Vegas and opened the town’s first major hotel, the Flamingo, in 1945.

There are many tall tales of the gangster life in America. Hertzberg’s story has emerged more than 50 years after their supposed encounter, and the dates are vague. But if Bugsy had indeed discovered his Jewish roots, he would not be the first.

Organised crime in America in the middle part of the 20th century has been presented as an Italian enterprise. In fact, many of the first and pre-eminent gangsters were Jewish.

There was Arnold Rothstein, famous as the gambler long rumoured to have pulled off the biggest sporting fraud in history - the World Series of 1919, when the baseball players of the Chicago White Sox threw the game to the sure losers, the Cincinnati Reds.

There were the 1930s New York mobsters, Bo Weinberg and Dutch Schulz, their lives and deaths portrayed by Bruce Willis and Dustin Hoffman in the film of E L Doctorow’s best-selling novel, Billy Bathgate.

Most famous of all was Meyer Lansky, born in Russia to Jewish parents, who moved to New York as a boy. He was the Mafia’s treasurer, who boasted of turning American organised crime into a business bigger than US Steel; and, unlike almost all his associates, he lived to a rich and ripe old age. He was also Siegel’s main backer in Las Vegas.

Last, but not least, there was Mickey Cohen, Siegel’s partner on the West Coast, running the nightclubs on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles with his stripper girlfriend, Candy Barr.

If Siegel was inspired to the cause of Zionism, it may well have been by Cohen. In his own book, In My Own Words, the self-promoting gangster who nearly died when a hitman put several slugs in him told of running a fundraiser for the Irgun at Slapsie Maxie’s, where the mob mingled with Hollywood celebrities.

Cohen claimed to have raised "considerable money" for the Irgun across the country, and used his mob connections on the New York and New Jersey docks to smuggle arms to Israel. "I got so engrossed with Israel that I actually pushed aside a lot of my activities and done nothing but what was involved with this Irgun war," he said. "It’s a nature of mine, see. Either I go whole hog or nothing. So I got involved with this goddamn Israel war for three years." Cohen claimed close relations with the Irgun - to the extent of sending out an explosives expert to Israel, and goading them to retaliatory killings of British soldiers after three Jewish militants were hung by the British.

Many of the underworld stories are apocryphal, and by all accounts the involvement of Jewish gangsters in the movement to establish Israel is little more than a footnote to an epoch. Hertzberg gives his own Mafia story little more than a few paragraphs in his book.

Robert Rockaway, now of the department of Jewish history at Tel Aviv University, took a good look at Jewish hoodlums in his book, But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters.

The American Jewish gangsters had their origins early in the 20th century. Crime offered immigrants a foot on the ladder out of the ghetto and the discrimination that was aimed at each wave of new arrivals; it was a pattern followed by the Irish, the Italians, and the Jews.

They began in gambling, horse-racing, prostitution, extortion rackets demanding "protection" money from local traders. But Prohibition, for all these groups, turned alcohol into the great money-maker; it demanded organisation of secret trade routes that would bring imported or illegally distilled booze to the speakeasies. The drugs trade followed in its wake.

The Jewish gangsters, like the others, started by preying on their own communities. "They got their start in life beating up and shooting Jews," says Rockaway, "but later on they saw themselves as protectors. There was a tendency on the part of some of these mobsters to reinvent themselves, to get the kinds of credibility or honour or respect that they never had when they were shooting and killing people.

"One way of doing it in the Jewish community was to say look, I helped Israel, I was a gangster but my heart was in the right place."

Crime, among the Jewish gangsters, did not seem to run in the family; in a single generation, they moved up and out. The mainstream Jewish community, outraged by the slur of Jewish criminality, had started from the early 20th century working with the authorities to root the worst of them out. But when it came to Israel, says Rockaway, "legitimate Jews worked with Jewish criminals at the time because you didn’t choose your friends. Whatever your guy did for a living, you wouldn’t say that his money was no good".

Rockaway puts support from the criminal fraternity for Zionist causes, in cash and in kind, in the millions of dollars. There is documentary evidence, he says, that Siegel gave about $50,000 to the Haganah, the kernel of the future Israeli defence forces.

Meyer Lansky claimed to have sent his sidekicks to break up rallies by the US fascists of the German American Bund. Arms sailed to Israel on ships under the Panamanian flag, according to Rockaway, because the president of Panama was good friends with a Jewish mobster in Miami, Sammy Kaye.

Why would Bugsy want to kill Ernest Bevin? "You could say that he wanted to kill everybody," says Rockaway.

In 1938, Bugsy had visited Italy, staying at the villa of "one of his many lovers". The story that reached Rockaway’s ears - and, like so many, it is almost impossible to confirm - is that by chance, Hermann Goering and Joseph Goebbels were staying in the same luxurious estate, visiting the Italian fascist leader, Benito Mussolini. Siegel told his mistress he was going to kill "those Nazi bastards" right there and then. She pleaded with him not to, and he held off.

Siegel was pretty free with his threats. "Bugs" was American slang for crazy, or nuts. "He was very violent, and you didn’t want to get in his way," says Rockaway. "He loved violence, and he loved to do the killing himself. The way he is portrayed on TV and in films, he was crazier than that."

Bevin wasn’t the only prospective target, Rockaway says. There is evidence that the FBI investigated much earlier reports of a Jewish gangsters’ plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1933.

The British Labour government’s election platform had promised free Jewish immigration to Palestine. Left-wing Jewish intellectuals who embraced the ideals of communal living in the kibbutz saw the election of their natural allies as a Godsend. But when Britain instead limited the number of immigrants to 1,500 a month, the sense of betrayal was only the greater. The turning back of ships like the famous Exodus 47, loaded with survivors of the Holocaust, sent passions soaring.

Bevin’s policy announcements turned him into one of the great nemeses of the Jews, ranked, as his own biographer would note, with Hitler and Himmler.

"I don’t know," the future Israeli prime minister, Golda Meir, would write, "whether Bevin was a little insane, or just anti-Semitic, or both." But with the chance of Bevin’s assassination terrifying peace-minded Jewish leaders, Hertzberg was dispatched to Los Angeles. The killing was meant to be on the dockside; a natural site for the mobs who ran the dock workers’ unions.

"It was decided you couldn’t write him a note, or telephone him or something; it was decided to send me out, and I bumped across the country on a DC-3, a 22 hour flight to LA," he recalls.

"I went to see him and said to him thanks, but no thanks. I tried to explain to him that this wouldn’t work politically. I walked the fine diplomatic line, and persuaded him not to do it. He said: ‘OK, if that’s what the rabbis say, I will follow.’ That was the end of it."

Hertzberg says Bevin was seen "as an anti-Zionist, as the enemy of the Jews, as an anti-Semite". As a historian he says he now knows that judgment, a product of the passions of the time, was wrong.

"Fifty years later, when the files were opened, we learned that Bevin was a fair-minded friend and not the enemy," he says. "The documents add up to the fact that he was trying to come up with a reasonable solution, with compromises; he was not engaged in trying to do the Jews in, or Zionism in. His reputation then was not fair. I am doubly glad that I had a hand in stopping this outrage. All fair-minded scholars know now that Bevin was not the enemy."

The rest, as they say, is history. Siegel’s hotel, the Flamingo, was bleeding Mafia money. On 20 June, 1947, Bugsy was killed in a mob "hit" at his Hollywood bungalow.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired, and the state of Israel was declared. Bevin resigned in March, 1950, and was appointed Lord Privy Seal by Clement Atlee. He died at home, of a heart attack, a year later.

A Jew in America, by Arthur Hertzberg, HarperSanfrancisco, £19


Final Judgment’s case in this regard is principally built on the key significance of Meyer Lansky as the real power player in American organized crime in the 1950s and 1960s, the superior of Giancana, Roselli, Marcello, Mickey Cohen, Mickey Weiner, Moe Dalitz, Frank Costello, and others previously mentioned as participants in the Kennedy conspiracy. In turn, Lansky’s role as a committed Zionist and fund-raiser for the State of Israel involved direct, palpable links between his criminal empire, his Miami-based banks, and the Banque de Credit International (BCI) in Geneva, Switzerland. This latter entity served as the European-based money laundering center for Mr. Lansky’s global activities. BCI in turn, was headed up by an Israeli banker, Tibor Rosenbaum, former Director for Finances and Supply for the Israeli Mossad. Piper then demonstrates that BCI was a chief share holder in a Rome-based corporation called CMC/Permindex, whose chairman of the board was none other than Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada, a major fund-raiser for Israel and known asset for Israeli intelligence. CMC/Permindex, in turn, proves to be a major point of intersection which brings the shadowy Bloomfield into direct or indirect contact with Clay Shaw (the chief target of the Jim Garrison JFK investigation in New Orleans), Guy Banister, James Jesus Angleton, FBI Division 5 chief William Sullivan (who spearheaded the FBI investigation for the Warren Commission and served as FBI liaison and friend of Angleton), ex-Cuban President Carlos Prio Socarras (provable gun-running business partner of Oswald assassin Jack Ruby), Ernest Israel Japhet (chairman and president of Israeli Bank Leumi), Shaul Eisenberg (a key figure in Israel’s nuclear bomb development and participant with Rosenbaum in the Swiss-Israel Trade Bank), elements of the French nationalist Secret Army Organization (OAS), CIA agent Theodore Shackley (the CIA’s chief of station in Miami during the CIA-Lansky assassination plots against Fidel Castro), and Abe Feinberg, New York Jewish businessman used by Ben Gurion as the liaison for secret meetings with President Kennedy to resolve the dispute of the latter two over Dimona. It is thus the BCI and CMC/Permindex players and links which Piper employs to show that the players, alliances, and assets were firmly in place to bring those with motive, means, and opportunity together in a plot which culminated in Dallas.
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have you read it yet?

I haven't had time to read Piper's book yet. I haven't even finished Harvey and Lee.

The time line is another clincher, IMO. It's just too good to be true.

But the time line is another clincher, and too good to be true, in the case of LBJ too. Indeed LBJ was under a much tighter time constraint in terms of his political future and personal freedom than Israel was with its nuclear program. And it can be said that direct evidence exists against LBJ in the form of a Mac Wallace fingerprint, according to one fingerprint expert (Darby) and perhaps more (FBI experts who aren't talking).

Now LBJ, whether or not he used Wallace, didn't need the Mossad. OTOH I suppose letting the Mossad do it would be a good idea, since it would certainly give LBJ, CIA etc. plausible deniability. But it's not really that simple. Piper, according to what I read here, says that the Mossad worked through Permindex. The Torbitt document also puts Permindex at the center of things, but then so many people are involved under this umbrella, or in relation to it, that it eventually includes almost every suspect you can name, including LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover. It puts the Mossad behind the most massive conspiracy you can imagine. So I really don't know what to say, other than to continue wondering what those CIA agents were doing at Main and Houston.

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Thanks guys for supplying some of the dots.

i'd like to qualify my original post... in late 1963 it was clear that a plot against JFK was in the works,the exposed Chicago and Miami assassination plans having been thwarted in the weeks before Dallas...looking back it's easy for us to say now,how in the hell could they let JFK ride in an open car under those conditions in the proximity of the Miami and Chicago plots? i think people in the know in 1963 would have asked the same key questions then as we can so easily answer now...threats all over the place,JFK needed extra security,not less......and this is where the unknown administrators come into play to coordinate the various players needed....at the very least,i would put the Mossad in a front row seat watching this all unfold and then using the first hand knowledge of the crime to bride and blackmail the relevant power figures in the investigation/cover up as well as future agendas when need be.......at the very most i would put the Mossad as chief co conspirator with the MIC in which they coordinated the various aspects and players as to leave the trail pointed in various directions excluding Israel and the MIC,such as the Mafia,CIA,big Oil,Castro,the Birch society, or Oswald...The Mossad has a ruthless reputation for getting the job done,it's my hunch that 11/22/63 has something to do with it....if it's true, they lay claim to killing the most powerful leader in the world,having wash investigations that point everywhere but to them,dominating the america media(see below) so any relevant evidence is totally ignored,and money / resources in hollywood to put false theories out regularly....who makes movies,who financed Stone's JFK? how about the movie Nixon?, what a bumbling, drunken, anti semite fool it made him out to be with again the insinuation being that Nixon had some knowledge or involvement via Hunt,Sturgis in the JFK assassination.

on a semi related note....today on Chris Matthew's Hardball,they discussed the Nixon tapes where Nixon and the reverand Billy Graham had a conservation where Nixon said the Jews dominated the media and Graham said the stranglehold must be broken or the country would go down the drain,a comment he later apologized for....These tapes were more than 30 years ago and less than 10 years from when JFK was killed.

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While it can certainly be argued that the Mossad had means, motive, and opportunity, there is no evidence of which I'm aware that puts any Mossad operative in Dallas on 11/22/63.

There is evidence of CIA presence in Dealey Plaza, in the form of photographic spitting images of Robertson, Conein, and Hunt. There is likewise Latino presence in DP including the spitting image of a No Name Key trainee. There is evidence of organized crime presence in DP in the arrested personage of Jim Braden, and the accused assassin was conspicuously murdered by a Mob flunky. (Meyer Lansky was Jewish, but even if he was involved in the plot, what evidence is there that he was involved on behalf of the Mossad instead of on behalf of his RFK-hounded Mob associates?) There is military presence in DP with intelligence officers Powell and Whitmeyer, and with a suspicious man IDed by Prouty as Lansdale but who looks more like Maxwell Taylor.

Now maybe there was also a Mossad presence, but lacking any idea of what any Mossad agents looked like, there is no way to know, hence there is no known evidence.

Jack Ruby was Jewish, but that hardly ties him to the Mossad. Rabin was in Dallas only hours before the assassination, on the last leg of a U.S. tour. I wonder if that might have given Taylor an excuse to stop in Dallas, to visit with his Israeli counterpart, on his way home from the Honolulu Conference. But there is no way to prove that Taylor was not at the Pentagon that day as he claimed.

We do know that the Mossad played no role in the immediate cover-up, which has continued for 43 years, in terms of controlling the body, autopsy, and autopsy materials. Its role would have been confined to the executive action in Dallas. But where is the evidence of that?

hi Ron...no doubt about it,no smoking Mossad guns in Dealey Plaza or anywhere in the JFK puzzle....i would argue that some of the relevant figures that were known CIA ,were possibly double agents.Quite frankly,i think the Mossad would've been interested, at this time in history, in any possible double agents,CIA or anywhere else.Jack Ruby wouldve definitely been a person of interest to the Mossad,is there evidence of any of the JFK players being Mossad double agents? i'm not aware of any and dont look for any to be popping up anytime soon....My theory is based more on the course of history,the media cover stories/theories/list of suspects, and who really did gain the most as a result of JFK being eliminated....11/22/63 couldve been the windfall lottery luck that Israel needed to become the world power it is today or there's more to it.

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Final Judgment’s case in this regard is principally built on the key significance of Meyer Lansky as the real power player in American organized crime in the 1950s and 1960s, the superior of Giancana, Roselli, Marcello, Mickey Cohen, Mickey Weiner, Moe Dalitz, Frank Costello, and others previously mentioned as participants in the Kennedy conspiracy. quote]

Which is completely untrue. Lansky was subservient to the Genovese family. He was not the boss of Trafficante, and had a close confidant, Jimy Alo, look over Lansky's interests FOR the Genovese family.

THis comes from wiseguys' mouths not mine.

Also he did not die rich, nor did he die powerful. HIs 'power' in the underworld was being eclipsed by the 1960's.

BTW- another good book on Jewish gangsters is Rich Cohen's TOUGH JEWS- a great account of the Lower East side guys like Kid Twist Reles.

Edited by Scott Deitche
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Thanks guys for supplying some of the dots.

i'd like to qualify my original post... in late 1963 it was clear that a plot against JFK was in the works,the exposed Chicago and Miami assassination plans having been thwarted in the weeks before Dallas...looking back it's easy for us to say now,how in the hell could they let JFK ride in an open car under those conditions in the proximity of the Miami and Chicago plots? i think people in the know in 1963 would have asked the same key questions then as we can so easily answer now...threats all over the place,JFK needed extra security,not less......and this is where the unknown administrators come into play to coordinate the various players needed....at the very least,i would put the Mossad in a front row seat watching this all unfold and then using the first hand knowledge of the crime to bride and blackmail the relevant power figures in the investigation/cover up as well as future agendas when need be.......at the very most i would put the Mossad as chief co conspirator with the MIC in which they coordinated the various aspects and players as to leave the trail pointed in various directions excluding Israel and the MIC,such as the Mafia,CIA,big Oil,Castro,the Birch society, or Oswald...The Mossad has a ruthless reputation for getting the job done,it's my hunch that 11/22/63 has something to do with it....if it's true, they lay claim to killing the most powerful leader in the world,having wash investigations that point everywhere but to them,dominating the america media(see below) so any relevant evidence is totally ignored,and money / resources in hollywood to put false theories out regularly....who makes movies,who financed Stone's JFK? how about the movie Nixon?, what a bumbling, drunken, anti semite fool it made him out to be with again the insinuation being that Nixon had some knowledge or involvement via Hunt,Sturgis in the JFK assassination.

on a semi related note....today on Chris Matthew's Hardball,they discussed the Nixon tapes where Nixon and the reverand Billy Graham had a conservation where Nixon said the Jews dominated the media and Graham said the stranglehold must be broken or the country would go down the drain,a comment he later apologized for....These tapes were more than 30 years ago and less than 10 years from when JFK was killed.

Well I see it didn't take long for a plausible theory to denigrate into the usual "Jews control everything" diatribe.

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Thanks guys for supplying some of the dots.

i'd like to qualify my original post... in late 1963 it was clear that a plot against JFK was in the works,the exposed Chicago and Miami assassination plans having been thwarted in the weeks before Dallas...looking back it's easy for us to say now,how in the hell could they let JFK ride in an open car under those conditions in the proximity of the Miami and Chicago plots? i think people in the know in 1963 would have asked the same key questions then as we can so easily answer now...threats all over the place,JFK needed extra security,not less......and this is where the unknown administrators come into play to coordinate the various players needed....at the very least,i would put the Mossad in a front row seat watching this all unfold and then using the first hand knowledge of the crime to bride and blackmail the relevant power figures in the investigation/cover up as well as future agendas when need be.......at the very most i would put the Mossad as chief co conspirator with the MIC in which they coordinated the various aspects and players as to leave the trail pointed in various directions excluding Israel and the MIC,such as the Mafia,CIA,big Oil,Castro,the Birch society, or Oswald...The Mossad has a ruthless reputation for getting the job done,it's my hunch that 11/22/63 has something to do with it....if it's true, they lay claim to killing the most powerful leader in the world,having wash investigations that point everywhere but to them,dominating the america media(see below) so any relevant evidence is totally ignored,and money / resources in hollywood to put false theories out regularly....who makes movies,who financed Stone's JFK? how about the movie Nixon?, what a bumbling, drunken, anti semite fool it made him out to be with again the insinuation being that Nixon had some knowledge or involvement via Hunt,Sturgis in the JFK assassination.

on a semi related note....today on Chris Matthew's Hardball,they discussed the Nixon tapes where Nixon and the reverand Billy Graham had a conservation where Nixon said the Jews dominated the media and Graham said the stranglehold must be broken or the country would go down the drain,a comment he later apologized for....These tapes were more than 30 years ago and less than 10 years from when JFK was killed.

Well I see it didn't take long for a plausible theory to denigrate into the usual "Jews control everything" diatribe.

And it didn't take long for the predictable "don't blame Israel for anything" apologists to spring out of the woodwork.

In case you're unaware, Scott, there's many people who believe the US media is run by those whose loyalty to Israel prevents them from objectivity in the analysis of Middle Eastern affairs. Myself included. How many stories on Fox or NBC are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians? Do you think the Palestinians have been oppressed and dispossessed or is it just "poor leadership", as the Israeli lobby contemptuously suggests? Will the History channel be presenting an (objective) doco on the USS Liberty, an unresolved historical issue if ever there was one?

Incredibly, the US is seriously considering a strike on Iran, citing the possibility of an Iranian nuclear strike on Israel as one of the main reasons. Does this mean the US will pre-emptively strike any country who attempts to obtain a nuclear capability in proximity to one of its allies? If Indonesia, at times hostile to Australia, announces it intends to produce a nuclear capability for security reasons, as Israel did in the 50's and 60's, will America pre-emptively strike Indonesia? After all, Australia is a close ally of the US.

If you seroiusly believe that US Middle Eastern policy isn't run by the Israeli lobby, and zealously supported through the US media, then you don't know what you're talking about. And the overriding influence of that lobby on US foreign policy dates back to (surprise, surprise), 1963.

I don't see Mark Wilson's post as a "diatribe" at all. It's a very informative post, actually.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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have you read it yet?

I haven't had time to read Piper's book yet. I haven't even finished Harvey and Lee.

The time line is another clincher, IMO. It's just too good to be true.

But the time line is another clincher, and too good to be true, in the case of LBJ too. Indeed LBJ was under a much tighter time constraint in terms of his political future and personal freedom than Israel was with its nuclear program. And it can be said that direct evidence exists against LBJ in the form of a Mac Wallace fingerprint, according to one fingerprint expert (Darby) and perhaps more (FBI experts who aren't talking).

Now LBJ, whether or not he used Wallace, didn't need the Mossad. OTOH I suppose letting the Mossad do it would be a good idea, since it would certainly give LBJ, CIA etc. plausible deniability. But it's not really that simple. Piper, according to what I read here, says that the Mossad worked through Permindex. The Torbitt document also puts Permindex at the center of things, but then so many people are involved under this umbrella, or in relation to it, that it eventually includes almost every suspect you can name, including LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover. It puts the Mossad behind the most massive conspiracy you can imagine. So I really don't know what to say, other than to continue wondering what those CIA agents were doing at Main and Houston.


Who's to say the timelines of Israel and LBJ don't complement each other by design? Both were under pressure to change the US leadership. Mutual benefit exists here.

LBJ was the architect of America's foreign policy swing. All the stats regarding huge increases in military aid to Israel have been posted here before by Lee, myself and others. LBJ steadfastly lobbied against US sanctions during Israel's extended occupation during the Suez crisis. Israel knows a loyal ally when it sees one. Incidentally, there's a photograph in Piper's book of a monument in Israel dedicated "in memory of a dear friend, James J. Angleton 1917-1987". The author claims it has never before been published. It makes one wonder where Angleton's and LBJ's loyalties really lay.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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Final Judgment’s case in this regard is principally built on the key significance of Meyer Lansky as the real power player in American organized crime in the 1950s and 1960s, the superior of Giancana, Roselli, Marcello, Mickey Cohen, Mickey Weiner, Moe Dalitz, Frank Costello, and others previously mentioned as participants in the Kennedy conspiracy. quote]

Which is completely untrue. Lansky was subservient to the Genovese family. He was not the boss of Trafficante, and had a close confidant, Jimy Alo, look over Lansky's interests FOR the Genovese family.

THis comes from wiseguys' mouths not mine.

Also he did not die rich, nor did he die powerful. HIs 'power' in the underworld was being eclipsed by the 1960's.

BTW- another good book on Jewish gangsters is Rich Cohen's TOUGH JEWS- a great account of the Lower East side guys like Kid Twist Reles.


Are you saying Lansky died poor? Didn't he offer the Israeli Government ten million bucks to allow him to emigrate in the 70's?

Lansky subservient to Genovese? Laughable. Genovese spent the last decade of his life in jail. Some believe Lansky helped put him there.

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Well I see it didn't take long for a plausible theory to denigrate into the usual "Jews control everything" diatribe.

Hi Scott.....these kind of statements are what i'm talking about....rather than participate and offer alternative ideas you deal the anti semite card straight from the bottom of the deck.There are hundreds of theories out there about the JFK assassination but let someone consider Israel amongst them and the dirty dealing begins.Piper,myself and others that feel Israel is worth taking a look at as a possible conspirator may be wrong in considering this theory,but i'll tell what Richard Nixon,the reverand Billy Graham, and others werent wrong about and that the Jewish dominance in the American media....We've got spies,bribes, crooked congressmen,secrets being stolen,pardons,treason,wars being started,and manipulation transpiring every day that CLEARLY benefits Israel which gets little if any mention by the "american" media but you let a black stipper charge rape against the Duke lacross team, or a woman walking around with semen from 2 different men in her undergarments claiming Kobe Bryant raped her and watch the 'american' media cover a story....Full hours,multiple shows nightly on multiple channels.....OJ,Kobe,Monica,Lacy Peterson this list goes on.....my position is that the media is the key to any cover up,9/11 is a great example, coincidently or not, another windfall lottery win for Israel......9/11 and 11/22/63 are very similar,both had immediate cover stories,directly influenced foreign policy,wash investigations, and Israel is stronger because of both of these events.

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Aljazeera.com (how’s that for an unbiased source?) has a series of articles on 9/11, which was of clear benefit to Israel. (Netanyahu, when asked right after the attacks what the effect would be on U.S.-Israeli relations, replied that it would be “very good.” Then he quickly rephrased his answer without the smile.) The writer of the articles raises some valid questions. Particularly the question of why the hijackers chose to hijack planes out of Logan in Boston, far enough away from NYC to be intercepted by any competent air defense. They could have hijacked planes out of JFK or LaGuardia in NYC and been unstoppable in hitting their targets. There are two credible reasons for choosing Boston: they knew that someone was going to give them sufficient cover to reach their targets, and security at Logan was run by an Israeli-owned company.

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Guest John Gillespie

"OJ,Kobe,Monica,Lacy Peterson this list goes on.....my position is that the media is the key to any cover up,9/11 is a great example..."



Kudos, and let me add the name Natalee Holloway to that list. The phrase ad nauseum comes to mind. Another example: The illegal immigration problem is but a tool of the globalists and I am not alone in "wondering" why there has been such 'indifference' to it and that the benign neglect (to quote the late, great Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan) seems to have coincided with the ascension of Vicente Fox and his getting joined to the hip of Dubya. Where's that probing journalism on 'Nightline' or anywhere else for that matter? Note how the debate is once again framed as the vicious Right Wingers vs the Commie Leftists.

But wait, "American Idol" is coming on...


Edited by John Gillespie
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