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Walker letter writing campaign

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Thanks. I would apprecieate any information that you could provide that surrounds this area of Walker's life.

Are you, by any chance, related to Dermont "Pat" O'Neil(l)?

Jim Root

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FWIW- Back in the late 80's I went down to the Police Dept. building to try and photograph the spot where Os was shot. I met an officer on the steps going down to the basement from the outside parking area, where Ruby may have entered. I asked him if it was cool to go down and take pictures in the basement, he said yeah, but make it quick. Are you a JFK buff ? he asked, I said yeah, sorta. Well, he said, ya know it's funny, last week I bought a house out in Oak Cliff and I went down into the crawl space to inspect the pipes, and I found the weirdist thing. It was a big box of newspapers and stuff from 1963, covering the assassination and it's aftermath, magazines in perfect condition, articles on Jackie and Caroline, he paused and said ...musta been a closet Kennedy admirer! I asked what do you mean ?, He replied, well hell, back in those days, you had to keep that kinda stuff a secret or you'd be run outa town or worse! You didn't leave that kinda stuff out in the open!

After taking my pic's, I went up into the main lobby, where I looked for a drinking fountain. I noticed nearby, two wall mounted fountains about 4 feet apart. While I approached them, I looked up and noticed above each fountain was a word in black, that you could still read thru a thin wash of paint, one said COLORED and the other said WHITE. I thought whoa!.... their not even trying to hide it, so.... I took a drink out of the COLORED one, and left.


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Greg, et al,

On a similar note, in rereading Dick Russell's TMWKTM, there's the entry (p. 396-7),

"Still another Banister friend was Kent Courtney, who in June 1962 organized the Conservative Society of America (CSA) in New Orleans with his wife, Phoebe....In 1963 Phoebe authored THE CASE OF GENERAL EDWIN A. WALKER, a book-length defense of Walker. An August 15, 1963, memorandum on right-wing groups prepared for President Kennedy noted that the Courtneys' CSA 'claims a membership of several thousand, located in 47 states."


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Greg, et al,

On a similar note, in rereading Dick Russell's TMWKTM, there's the entry (p. 396-7),

"Still another Banister friend was Kent Courtney, who in June 1962 organized the Conservative Society of America (CSA) in New Orleans with his wife, Phoebe....In 1963 Phoebe authored THE CASE OF GENERAL EDWIN A. WALKER, a book-length defense of Walker. An August 15, 1963, memorandum on right-wing groups prepared for President Kennedy noted that the Courtneys' CSA 'claims a membership of several thousand, located in 47 states."


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Greg, et al,

On a similar note, in rereading Dick Russell's TMWKTM, there's the entry (p. 396-7),

"Still another Banister friend was Kent Courtney, who in June 1962 organized the Conservative Society of America (CSA) in New Orleans with his wife, Phoebe....In 1963 Phoebe authored THE CASE OF GENERAL EDWIN A. WALKER, a book-length defense of Walker. An August 15, 1963, memorandum on right-wing groups prepared for President Kennedy noted that the Courtneys' CSA 'claims a membership of several thousand, located in 47 states."


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Greg, et al,

On a similar note, in rereading Dick Russell's TMWKTM, there's the entry (p. 396-7),

"Still another Banister friend was Kent Courtney, who in June 1962 organized the Conservative Society of America (CSA) in New Orleans with his wife, Phoebe....In 1963 Phoebe authored THE CASE OF GENERAL EDWIN A. WALKER, a book-length defense of Walker. An August 15, 1963, memorandum on right-wing groups prepared for President Kennedy noted that the Courtneys' CSA 'claims a membership of several thousand, located in 47 states."


I believe that print media stories of the era would be an excellent way of digging though all of this. For many JFK researchers too young to remember the 'Ole Miss incident.' studying the person of Edwin Walker, [which is a challenge in itself, may be forced to brush up on US History at the same time.] The reason I state the above is that recently I ran across a newspaper clipping file which contained a whole host of Edwin Walker related stories of the era. To my surprise I learned, and should have known already, that Maj. Gen Edwin Walker went through a period of being 'under intense scrutiny' so to speak by the media, that would be familiar to anyone whose heard of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Why do I say that?

Well, it seems that after Edwin Walker was arrested at the behest of Att'y General Robert F. Kennedy for seditious conspiracy, insurrection, et cetera subsequently, he was given psychiatric tests which were administered by several different doctor's, one of whom was Dr. Robert Stubblefield and took place at Parkland Hospital.


Well, it could be pointed out that Dr. Stubblefield has ties to not one, not two, but three character's in the JFK Saga.

They are. Major General Edwin Walker, Sylvia Odio and Jack Ruby.

Also if one were to check the pre-November 1963 newspaper clipping's one might find a Dallas Times Herald March 6th, 1963 blurb [quoting/paraphrasing Edwin Walker] 'One US Division could free Cuba,' there were other news stories containing comments by Walker which seemed to leave one inclined to think that he was either a 'nutcase' or 'playing a role,' the latter perception has found support here on the Forum and I believe it is a credible one, not to mention the tour with the Rev. Billy James Hargis. If it was all one 'big covert op'

it certainly worked, by the time the 'tour' reached the North, one stop was cancelled due to death threats, and it was not long afterwards that the President was assassinated in Dallas.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Well, it could be pointed out that Dr. Stubblefield has ties to not one, not two, but three character's in the JFK Saga. They are. Major General Edwin Walker, Sylvia Odio and Jack Ruby. (Robert Howard)


I guess we can also add Louis J. West, the psychiatrist who examined Ruby to that list. Stubblefield honored him at an April, 1962 function.

In the image below, that is Stubblefield in the middle.


Edited by James Richards
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Well, it could be pointed out that Dr. Stubblefield has ties to not one, not two, but three character's in the JFK Saga. They are. Major General Edwin Walker, Sylvia Odio and Jack Ruby. (Robert Howard)


I guess we can also add Louis J. West, the psychiatrist who examined Ruby to that list. Stubblefield honored him at an April, 1962 function.

In the image below, that is Stubblefield in the middle.


The linkage of the three with Dr. Stubblefield kind of gives a new meaning to Charlton Heston's famous line from POTA 'This is a madhouse, a madhouse.'

JFK Assassination 11/22/1963 Kennedy slain on Streets of Dallas, LBJ takes oath, Lee Harvey Oswald charged, Bar owner shoots Oswald on national TV. Killam goes to Florida say's he's being followed by agents... A segment of the plot appeared to take place further down in the ranks, and it seemed to take shape after 4:00 p.m., Saturday.....Jack Ruby knew a few things about the prototype RB-47; An allegation that Ruby was a visitor at the home of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, appears totally unfounded. What happened to Capt. Joe Hyde's body after the U-2 crashed, that would have made a great provocation, that was never used....There is huddle, there is chant....If an inspired act of God.....Remember Cochina Bay

End of Act 1

The inference being.... as Act 1 ends....is that news and reality can be two different thing's. The masses [not to sound patronizing] anticipate the 'movie ending scenario' the newspapers start running the stories the links of the conspirator's uncovered; a government ready and willing to empty any and all skeletons from the closet, a real Frank Capra type affair, complete with the ostensible Woodward and Bernstein ensemble....a CIA official say's Garrison has a fool proof case, did he really say that?...the Devil goes down to New Orleans dressed as an angel of light.....the good CIA guy's try to speak out...but they are giving him the business down there....April 4th 1968 MLK shot rings out in the Memphis sky, Army intelligence, FBI program, Poor People's March on Washington, Re-distribution of wealth ....Ferrie is running right before he dies....Nicholas Chetta, Mary Sherman....Juan Valdes.....Eladio del Valle....What 'national security' permits the removal of fundamental power from the hands of the American people and validates the ascendancy of invisible government in the United States.? That kind of national security, is - when it smells like it, feels like it, and looks like it, you call it what it is --- It's Fascism! End of Act Two

Act Three: The horror of Watergate, FBI Cointelpro reveals Gov't Program to increase factionalism,

destroy legitimate dissent.......F.P.C.C. subsequent regional threat? Obliterated. Do you remember your President Nixon....resigns in disgrace, Ford pardons Nixon......Ruth Paine in Nicaragua, we silenced that crook Noriega.....now were silencing that crook we armed illegally. Inslaw/Promis software, Total Information Awareness.........Bill and Nancy Hamilton....Hell, didn't the same thing happen to Nicholas Tesla.

Final Act: Is the media in 2006 just a gigantic Operation Mockingbird, where legitimate news is decided by a government/corporate/ duality? Is the accepted version of history, fact? Fact! whose facts, the Gospel according to the New York Times - All the News that is [we see] fit to print.....where we provide people uniquely qualified to bring you the 'War on Terrorism' from the why we fight series on terrorism - to export our [particular brand] of Democratic principles, playing the fear card off the top of the deck. As Jon Stewart recently stated on the Daily Show commenting on the stream of lies emanating from ‘on high’ “Now run along and play.”

Edited by Robert Howard
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Greg Parker Posted Today, 01:38 PM

QUOTE(William O'Neil @ Jun 1 2006, 05:57 AM)

At the risk of sounding cryptic, or giving away the revelations in our research....Walker is the Key!!

I don't like dancing around, but I still have material to protect, that hopefuly one day, will become a book.


I agree. I've thought for a while that associates of Walker were involved - though not necessarily Walker himself. One thought I've had is that is that a particular member of CUSA double-crossed Schmidt and Weissman by spilling the beans to Dallas Birch leaders on CUSA plans to infiltrate and take over all major right wing orgs. Revenge by said leaders was by way of hijacking plan to picket motorcade (picket plan reported by DPD informant) with assassination attempt and implicating Weissman via use of his name on Black Border ad ostensibly to show Jews could be uber-Patriots, too. This picket planning commenced in the weeks prior to Oswald being hired as a temp at TSBD ["Adlai Stevenson is scheduled here on the 24th - UN Day. Kennedy is scheduled in Dallas on Nov 24th. There are to be protests..." letter to Weissman from Schmidt dated 10/1/63]. Well, we know the Walker Group protested the Stevenson UN Day rally... so where were they when Kennedy rolled through town?

Bear in mind here that those now wanting to get all touchy-feely with the Jewish community by appointing one as chairman of the non-existent Fact-Finding Committee are the ones Schmidt claimed in a letter to his lieutenants were so anti-Semitic that he thought Weissman should change his name prior to coming to Dallas. Then, according to Mike Paine, just after the Stevenson picket, the Dallas ACLU is telling members not to think of Birchers as anti-Semites. Meanwhile, that good Jewish Jack The Lad Ruby is reading Life Line and visiting the Hunt office building - long desperate to be accepted by "High Society", he may well have been conned into this new-found Bircher "inclusiveness" of Jews. Speedy Johnson testified that when Ruby spoke to him about the BB ad and Impeach Earl Warren sign, he was certain Ruby had been in favour of what was being advocated, not opposed to, or upset by it.

Hope the book becomes a reality.

Greg do you mean "Impeach Kennedy" sign? Or was there an "Impeach Earl Warren" sign too?

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Thanks Greg! Joe Grinnan was loyal to Walker and his circle of friends. We came across his Christmas cards that he sent to Walker's bud, J. Evatts Haley. Joe communicated with Haley well into the 80's and was still very loyal to the cause. On the other hand Surrey had a falling out with Walker a few years later, when Roberts wife became angry about Ted turning down their request to join the Dallas ANP.


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