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Thank you John Simkin

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Although I have only been a member of this Forum for a short time, I quickly gained the utmost respect for John Simkin. Due in large part to his efforts, many prominent authors and researchers have offered their views on American and world history, the role of journalists and historians, conspiracies and covert operations, and much more. John has invited many of them here, and asked important and interesting questions.

Administrating this Forum has to be relatively time-consuming, and yet John has also offered his own research, always well thought out and documented. Without his energy and efforts, this Forum would not be what it is, if it would even exist at all.

I've heard some disparaging comments about internet forums and their value. While some of those generalizations probably have merit, I think that John has helped make this Forum unique, and an exception. There is a lot of knowledge to be found here.

So John, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your contributions. I'm sure they do not go unappreciated by many of us who frequent this website.

Mike Hogan

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I'll second that.

I've said it a few times before, but its always worth repeating.

Whenever someone asks me a question about the assassination or Watergate or other such matters, i always direct them to this forum.

For students such as myself I find it an excellent resource and consider it a big influence on shaping my political personal beliefs.

John is both very knowledgable and very pleasant, thankfully he is in the majority among most of the fine members of this forum.

All the best,

John Geraghty

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We are of course forgetting Andy Walkers part in the site. A job well done and a pat on the back goes also to Andy. Even though Andy hasn't taken an interest in the assassination he still co-runs (I hope I'm right in saying this) this forum.


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We are of course forgetting Andy Walkers part in the site. A job well done and a pat on the back goes also to Andy. Even though Andy hasn't taken an interest in the assassination he still co-runs (I hope I'm right in saying this) this forum.


Please no gushing tributes for me ---- I nearly lost my breakfast reading the first few posts in this thread :lol:B)

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Thank you for your nice comments: Michael Hogan, John Geraghty, Mark Wilson, Robert Howard (deleted by mistake by Andy Walker) and Mark Stapleton. I obviously do it because it gives me pleasure but it is nice to be appreciated.

I do it because I believe the exposure of political corruption is vital if we are going to have a functioning democracy. Corruption only takes place because those in power have the ability to keep their actions secret. Unfortunately, those in the media have been corrupted and therefore this exposure has become very difficult. Especially as this media has the power to portray those who attempt to reveal this “secret history” as being unhinged conspiracy theorists.

I believe that new technology provides an opportunity to get to the truth about what has happened in the past. For a start, if you run a popular website as I do (six million page impressions a month) you can start to compete with the large corporations that control our mass media. With search-engines it is possible for any researcher to discover what is known about shady characters from the past.

Secondly, and more importantly, the technology that is used in Forums like this, allows us to create “collective/community intelligence”. The subjects we are studying, the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, etc. are very complex situations. By combining what is in our minds, makes it possible for us to get closer to the truth. The internet links computers together, it also links brains together.

For this to be successful it is important for us to work together. It also means that we have to be generous with our knowledge. To a certain extent, this goes against the traditional way that historians and journalists have worked during their investigations. They have in most cases been reluctant to give people the information until it is published. Hopefully, forums and websites will change the way we work.

I have attempted to create a group that contains the best people available. So far, most researchers I have approached have agreed to join us (although some don’t post as much as I would like). I have found the forum invaluable in my research. I hope other researchers have found it useful. (I have received several emails from people who use this forum for writing their books, articles, etc.)

Some people say that we are crazy to spend so much time discussing past events. I disagree. Although it is a difficult task, it is so important that it needs to be done. This is not so much about us understanding the past; it is about understanding the present. Who knows, when the modern politician finally grasps what you can achieve with modern technology, they might think twice before becoming involved in corrupt activities.

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I would also like to thank both of you for the site.

I learned more about watergate in one hour than i did reading ten other books on the subject.

The JFK portion is, flamewars aside, possibly the best there is ....anywhere on the net.

Great work you guys and again, thanks..



Edited by Blair Dobson
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I believe that new technology provides an opportunity to get to the truth about what has happened in the past. For a start, if you run a popular website as I do (six million page impressions a month) you can start to compete with the large corporations that control our mass media. With search-engines it is possible for any researcher to discover what is known about shady characters from the past.

Secondly, and more importantly, the technology that is used in Forums like this, allows us to create “collective/community intelligence”. The subjects we are studying, the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, etc. are very complex situations. By combining what is in our minds, makes it possible for us to get closer to the truth. The internet links computers together, it also links brains together.

A good recent example of this working well is this thread:


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I totally agree with the above posts. John has taken on these vast subjects and literally devoured every book in existance, gleening from each nuggets to piece together a most cohesive analysis of not just these assassinations, but the conditions which lead up to them, and even more importantly the resultant consequences for the future and especially today. When friends ask me why I "still wasted time reading about a murder that happened over 40 years ago" I too attempt to direct them to this forum with the explanation that in order to REALLY understand what is going on in the world today one must understand our TRUE history, not the crap in the history books or the CIA controlled media, then connect the dots after the coup of 63 right up to the present.

John has gathered on this forum a very knowledgable bunch of people. This forum has earned the respect that has ensured that the very best minds on this case would also come here and let us pick their brains. People like Peter Dale Scott, as just one example. Most of the great authors on these matters have come here, as well as the new generation of true historians and journalists who are determined to unearth the truth about our political past and present. Writers who don't care if they are branded "conspiracy thoerists" as the truth is their sole motivation. WIth Operation Mockingbird even more prevalent today, the net and a forum such as this is valuable beyond words.

Thanx John and yes, Andy (tho I know you don't care who killed jfk...:)


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Guest John Gillespie

Thank's John for being a consumate professional!

I believe Mr Simkin to be vastly overrated :lol::lol:


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Yes to all of the above & below. Mr. Simkin represents a kind of paternal figure here who supports our best efforts and often overlooks our shortcomings until we have crossed the line. In that regard I'm sure there have been numerous times he's lamented not installing parental controls after ducking some of our volleys.

Most important though, I cannot be more impressed and delighted with his accomplishments in building such a roster of researchers, journalists and investigators. He's not a bad sleuth himself. This is a facile forum indeed, an oasis for certain. Kudos to messrs. Simkin and Walker for giving us acres of fertile fields...and the price is right, too.

John Gillespie

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  • 10 years later...
On 5/30/2006 at 2:34 AM, John Simkin said:


I do it because I believe the exposure of political corruption is vital if we are going to have a functioning democracy. Corruption only takes place because those in power have the ability to keep their actions secret. Unfortunately, those in the media have been corrupted and therefore this exposure has become very difficult. Especially as this media has the power to portray those who attempt to reveal this “secret history” as being unhinged conspiracy theorists.

I believe that new technology provides an opportunity to get to the truth about what has happened in the past. For a start, if you run a popular website as I do (six million page impressions a month) you can start to compete with the large corporations that control our mass media. With search-engines it is possible for any researcher to discover what is known about shady characters from the past.

This is so important and so true. 

Thanks to this forum, my scepticism of the Main Stream Media has transformed into an outright revulsion. It is a bit late in life to face such a change in my worldview, but, as they say, better late than never.

Thank you John



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