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Rex Bradford joins the Forum

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Rex Bradford is a computer game developer who has become the self-appointed electronic archivist of the JFK assassination. He began scanning relevant documents and making them available online and on cd-rom in 1999. He founded History Matters to make them freely available. He has also written several essays and given talks at the annual conferences, particularly on the "Oswald Mexico City trip" and the medical evidence.

Rex is now Vice-President of the Assassination Archives and Research Center, created its website, and has published several CD-ROMs of document collections. Most recently, he is a consultant and analyst/archivist for the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which has undertaken an even larger scale document archive project, along with other materials including essays, introductory pieces for newcomers, photographs, and multimedia.




Really pleased that you have joined the Forum. In my opinion, you are one of the most important figures in the JFK research community. Please feel free to plug all new material that appears on your websites on the forum. I will then provide links via the relevant pages on my website.

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My thanks to Rex for his important HISTORY MATTERS website. My question for him: WHO SCANNED THE ENTIRE 26 VOLUMES, etc.? I own the complete set, and have never even looked at EVERY page, much less scan them. It is a great asset to have them online.


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My thanks to Rex for his important HISTORY MATTERS website. My question for him: WHO SCANNED THE ENTIRE 26 VOLUMES, etc.? I own the complete set, and have never even looked at EVERY page, much less scan them. It is a great asset to have them online.


Thanks. Though it may reflect poorly on my sanity, I admit to having personally scanned every last page of the Warren Report and 26 volumes, HSCA Report and 12 volumes, 14 Church Committee Reports, and much more. I can't claim to have read every page, though. Currently taking the staples out of a few hundred thousand pages of CIA records......


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Is there any chance of getting the back issues of Third and Fourth Decade online? (Not that you haven't done enough already, but if you can't do it, who will?)

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Is there any chance of getting the back issues of Third and Fourth Decade online? (Not that you haven't done enough already, but if you can't do it, who will?)

I would love to put the Third/Fourth Decade issues all online. I have copies of most of them - the issue here is that I try to be fairly careful about copyright infringement. Thus I secured permissions for both the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and Dealey Plaza Echo journals.

I have heard that Jerry Rose has died. Is this true, and does anyone know of the status of copyright ownership for the Third/Fourth Decade?


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[quote name='Rex Bradford' date='Jul 7 2006, 10:57 PM' post='67563']


Is there any chance of getting the back issues of Third and Fourth Decade online? (Not that you haven't done enough already, but if you can't do it, who will?)

I would love to put the Third/Fourth Decade issues all online. I have copies of most of them - the issue here is that I try to be fairly careful about copyright infringement. Thus I secured permissions for both the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and Dealey Plaza Echo journals.

Many welcomes Rex!! Been a big fan of your site a long time. Also used to subscribe.

I did not know that Jerry Rose had died. God, if true, how tragic, another one of the true heros.


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[quote name='Rex Bradford' date='Jul 7 2006, 10:57 PM' post='67563']


Is there any chance of getting the back issues of Third and Fourth Decade online? (Not that you haven't done enough already, but if you can't do it, who will?)

I would love to put the Third/Fourth Decade issues all online. I have copies of most of them - the issue here is that I try to be fairly careful about copyright infringement. Thus I secured permissions for both the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and Dealey Plaza Echo journals.

Many welcomes Rex!! Been a big fan of your site a long time. Also used to subscribe.

I did not know that Jerry Rose had died. God, if true, how tragic, another one of the true heros.


I have just heard from Gary Mack that I am likely mistaken about Jerry Rose. My apologies for spreading rumors. Does anyone know how to contact Mr. Rose?


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Does anyone know how to contact Mr. Rose?


I believe Gerry is living somewhere in FLorida. Gerry of course retired from the State University of New York at Fredonia, which is near Buffalo. It is possible that an inquiry to administration officials there would uncover his forwarding address.

I would bet that George Michael Evica has this information, but that just raises the question: How do you contact George Michael. I believe he used to be in the Hartford telephone directory, and may still be, unless he too has moved to Florida.

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[quote name='Rex Bradford' date='Jul 7 2006, 10:57 PM' post='67563']


Is there any chance of getting the back issues of Third and Fourth Decade online? (Not that you haven't done enough already, but if you can't do it, who will?)

I would love to put the Third/Fourth Decade issues all online. I have copies of most of them - the issue here is that I try to be fairly careful about copyright infringement. Thus I secured permissions for both the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and Dealey Plaza Echo journals.

Many welcomes Rex!! Been a big fan of your site a long time. Also used to subscribe.

I did not know that Jerry Rose had died. God, if true, how tragic, another one of the true heros.


I have just heard from Gary Mack that I am likely mistaken about Jerry Rose. My apologies for spreading rumors. Does anyone know how to contact Mr. Rose?


I believe Jim Fetzer is in contact with Jerry. I do not think there

would be copyright problems; the notice inside the cover says

>>>>if any author wishes to copyright contributed articles that the

notice must be submitted WITH the manuscript<<<< so I assume that

Jerry intended that, lacking an author's ADVANCE COPYRIGHT

NOTICE on a particular article, the journal itself was not claiming

any copyright. I could find no such notice in any issue.

Jerry did a fantastic dedicated job with his journal, never receiving

the acclaim he deserved...but he modestly plugged along, doing

his part to correct history. Putting it online would be a well-deserved


I am making my complete file of his journal available FOR COPYING

by Ben Jones at Baylor University's Penn Jones Collection. Ben will

put the cover (containing the index) on the online site, but cannot

put the entire collection online. It will take him a couple of months

to copy all of the copies. He already has online nearly all of the

cover pages of Penn's TCI at>>> http://www3.baylor.edu/Library/BCPM/

and the Baylor collection is worth a visit from all reserchers. To go directly

to the Penn Jones Collection, click on...



Edited by Jack White
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I am making available to the Penn Jones Collection for COPYING all of my big collection of JFK newsletters,

including Grassy Knoll Gazette, PROBE, and many others. Online will be Page One of each...but the library will have available the entire issue in-house but not necessarily online. Ben perhaps can supply scans by email of specific requests...but he and and one staff member run the entire operation with the help of student volunteers. It is good facility for anyone wishing to donate JFK materials. They also are converting more than 100 of my videos to DVD. These will be listed online, but can be seen only by visiting the library, as many researchers have been doing.


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I am making available to the Penn Jones Collection for COPYING all of my big collection of JFK newsletters,

including Grassy Knoll Gazette, PROBE, and many others. Online will be Page One of each...but the library will have available the entire issue in-house but not necessarily online. Ben perhaps can supply scans by email of specific requests...but he and and one staff member run the entire operation with the help of student volunteers. It is good facility for anyone wishing to donate JFK materials. They also are converting more than 100 of my videos to DVD. These will be listed online, but can be seen only by visiting the library, as many researchers have been doing.


Great job, Jack!

And welcome, Rex Bradford -- your reputation is well established, thanks, David Healy

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I am making available to the Penn Jones Collection for COPYING all of my big collection of JFK newsletters,

including Grassy Knoll Gazette, PROBE, and many others. Online will be Page One of each...but the library will have available the entire issue in-house but not necessarily online. Ben perhaps can supply scans by email of specific requests...but he and and one staff member run the entire operation with the help of student volunteers. It is good facility for anyone wishing to donate JFK materials. They also are converting more than 100 of my videos to DVD. These will be listed online, but can be seen only by visiting the library, as many researchers have been doing.



What a fantastic contribution. Thank you so very much for this. It's invaluable. Nice to know that some people refuse to give up on this case. Even after now nearly 43 years. It may not get "solved" in our lifetime, but that will certainly not be for lack of incredible effort and dogged research. Especially by those now gone, like Penn Jones. His legacy will live forever here in cyberspace. (I sure wish Lisa and Jim would bring PROBE back, but... now it will all be online. )


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I am making available to the Penn Jones Collection for COPYING all of my big collection of JFK newsletters,

including Grassy Knoll Gazette, PROBE, and many others. Online will be Page One of each...but the library will have available the entire issue in-house but not necessarily online. Ben perhaps can supply scans by email of specific requests...but he and and one staff member run the entire operation with the help of student volunteers. It is good facility for anyone wishing to donate JFK materials. They also are converting more than 100 of my videos to DVD. These will be listed online, but can be seen only by visiting the library, as many researchers have been doing.


Thank you Jack. I don’t always agree with Jack’s theories but we are all in his debt for his long crusade to get at the truth. He is always very generous with passing on the information that he has on the case. Out of interest, how many researchers still alive can date their involvement to soon after the assassination took place?

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Does anyone know how to contact Mr. Rose?


I believe Gerry is living somewhere in FLorida. Gerry of course retired from the State University of New York at Fredonia, which is near Buffalo. It is possible that an inquiry to administration officials there would uncover his forwarding address.

I would bet that George Michael Evica has this information, but that just raises the question: How do you contact George Michael. I believe he used to be in the Hartford telephone directory, and may still be, unless he too has moved to Florida.

George Michael Evica

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