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Comparing credentials...

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"Jack White's studies are a Masterclass in photo analysis."

...Publisher, Nexus Magazine

"Your work on the badgeman, the rifles, the Oswald studies,

and the backyard photos is superb...the best photoanalysis

I have ever seen."

...Geoffrey Crawley, Editor, British Journal of Photography

"Jack White's analysis is breath-taking in its simplicity:

now anyone can understand the evidence and come to their own


...John P.Costella PhD

OK, "Miller"...your turn. Impress us with your photoanalysis

credentials. Don't be modest.

Jack :blink:

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"Jack White's studies are a Masterclass in photo analysis."

...Publisher, Nexus Magazine

"Your work on the badgeman, the rifles, the Oswald studies,

and the backyard photos is superb...the best photoanalysis

I have ever seen."

...Geoffrey Crawley, Editor, British Journal of Photography

"Jack White's analysis is breath-taking in its simplicity:

now anyone can understand the evidence and come to their own


...John P.Costella PhD

OK, "Miller"...your turn. Impress us with your photoanalysis

credentials. Don't be modest.

Jack :blink:

Jack, are you trying to "PROVOKE" me? Here is the definition that you attribute to others for doing the same thing .... "A provocateur is "one who provokes". I am not biting on your trolling efforts. You will not distract me from the more recent sorry-assed photo interpretations that you make.

BY the way, isn't Costella one of the people in your 'Hoax' book who thought Moorman's photo was altered, but was unaware that Mary's photo was filmed not 30 minutes following the assassination? Did Costella ever tell you that you were in error about Toni Foster being 7' tall? How about when you said that the women along the north side of Elm Street were not moving ... did Costella ever correct you or was he unable to see your mistakes? How about the Moorman in white shoes nonsense ... did Costella ever correct you or was he not able to see your error????

How about the 'Franzen grows' claim ... did Costella correct you on that one or could he not see Mrs. Franzen stepping backwards? You see, it does little good to have people brag on you when they are not qualified to see your mistakes.

And how about citing David Healy concerning the photographical record being altered - was he not also in 'Hoax' .... David has said on this forum (and after seeing your claims for years) .... 'I have not seen any evidence of alteration.'

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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"Jack White's studies are a Masterclass in photo analysis."

...Publisher, Nexus Magazine

"Your work on the badgeman, the rifles, the Oswald studies,

and the backyard photos is superb...the best photoanalysis

I have ever seen."

...Geoffrey Crawley, Editor, British Journal of Photography

"Jack White's analysis is breath-taking in its simplicity:

now anyone can understand the evidence and come to their own


...John P.Costella PhD

OK, "Miller"...your turn. Impress us with your photoanalysis

credentials. Don't be modest.

Jack :blink:

Jack, are you trying to "PROVOKE" me? Here is the definition that you attribute to others for doing the same thing .... "A provocateur is "one who provokes". I am not biting on your trolling efforts. You will not distract me from the more recent sorry-assed photo interpretations that you make.

BY the way, isn't Costella one of the people in your 'Hoax' book who thought Moorman's photo was altered, but was unaware that Mary's photo was filmed not 30 minutes following the assassination? Did Costella ever tell you that you were in error about Toni Foster being 7' tall? How about when you said that the women along the north side of Elm Street were not moving ... did Costella ever correct you or was he unable to see your mistakes? How about the Moorman in white shoes nonsense ... did Costella ever correct you or was he not able to see your error????

How about the 'Franzen grows' claim ... did Costella correct you on that one or could he not see Mrs. Franzen stepping backwards? You see, it does little good to have people brag on you when they are not qualified to see your mistakes.

And how about citing David Healy concerning the photographical record being altered - was he not also in 'Hoax' .... David has said on this forum (and after seeing your claims for years) .... 'I have not seen any evidence of alteration.'

Bill Miller

LOL, now you're depending on me? ROFLMAO!

I've stated ( many times before), I [nor anyone else] can not prove [or DISPROVE] Z-film alteration! That is until film forensic testing is performed on the alledged Zapruder in-camera original. Even Roland Zavada knows THAT!

Bark up another tree, better yet, let us see a few outside opinions [from those qualified to render them] on *your* photo analysis skills...

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I've stated ( many times before), I [nor anyone else] can not prove [or DISPROVE] Z-film alteration

I don't agree with what half of what you said, but the other half does support what I posted to Jack. You see, Jack says that he has proven alteration ... even to the point of asking 'what more proof to you need!' So as I said before - even you have not been convinced that Jack has proven alteration of the assassination images.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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