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email harassment

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Recently I have been harassed by email by a "researcher"

using a name I have never heard of. "He" is familiar with

discussions on this forum, yet is not a registered member.

His writing style and insults are very similar to some of

the provocateurs here. He chastises me for "misleading

young impressionable researchers" with all of my "misbegotten

conclusions." He admonishes me for not learning the definition

of "photogrammetry" before going to Washington to testify...

all the same phony claims. I think I know who is responsible

for this harassment, but I doubt that "he" will own up to it.

Using phony names is a common tactic of these cowards.


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No mystery at all, Jack.

Tom Lowry wrote:

How embarrassed where you when asked about photogrammetry by HSCA and you didn't even know what it was ?

Incorrigible Jack White wrote :

I was not at all embarrassed. Why should it embarrass me? It was a false

issue. "Photogrammetry" merely means TAKING MEASUREMENTS ON PHOTOS. At that time it was only used by NASA and THE MILITARY in analyzing aerial photos. I do not study aerial photos. Photogrammetry was not a science and at that time not one person in a million could define it. I was no different. It was not taught in universities and there were no degrees in photogrammetry. It was merely a technique used in certain fields like the military. Coming from an advertising background, I worked with thousands of photographs, and measured them daily, but did not know that some people called what I practiced "photogrammetry"; I called it proportioning and analysis. Blakey used this as a technique to try to discredit me, but it backfired on him after Nita Totenberg criticized him on NPR, and he backed off. My friend Seth Kantor angrily confronted him and he apologized. Why do you consider it embarrassing to not know the definition of a word you have never heard? I find it educational to learn. Nowadays, with the advent of commonplace satellite photography PHOTOGRAMMETRY has become more prevalent than 35 years ago, and some schools even have courses in it for people becoming surveyors, cartographers, engineers. It is now the basis for most mapmaking and surveying of large areas .Thank you for your interest. I hope you find this information satisfactory.

John McAdams concludes:


White was showing an analysis that assumed you could measure an object

in a photo without taking into account whether it was held parallel to

the film plane, or at an angle.

You just can't do that and get reliable results.

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'Brendan Slattery' wrote:

No mystery at all, Jack.

Tom Lowry wrote:


Get your weenie Lone Neuter names correct, its NOT Lower-y it's JLeyden (more fondly called: Jelly).... Geez, nothing like being behind the times -- Jelly's been exposed for a few weeks now. Actually he's been talking mostly to himself on the alt.conspiracy.jfk board for few weeks, he puts up about 200 posts/responses a day. Typical Mel Ayton/Kenny Rahn acolyte... You know what we mean, just another McAdams ass kisser with a horrible self-image --

He'll be gone in a few weeks, school starts up and the football team will need his services once again. All orginzations need a waterboy -- what are you up to this fall?

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Recently I have been harassed by email by a "researcher"

using a name I have never heard of. "He" is familiar with

discussions on this forum, yet is not a registered member.

His writing style and insults are very similar to some of

the provocateurs here. He chastises me for "misleading

young impressionable researchers" with all of my "misbegotten

conclusions." He admonishes me for not learning the definition

of "photogrammetry" before going to Washington to testify...

all the same phony claims. I think I know who is responsible

for this harassment, but I doubt that "he" will own up to it.

Using phony names is a common tactic of these cowards.


Jack -- If its Lowry -- see below.

Martin S. and Gary Ag.... outted him. He popped onto the alt.conspiracy.jfk board right after summer vacaton started, prostelyzing for Mel Ayton...

I guess Lowry (aka: JLeyden) didn't know Gary Ag has debated Ayton, and kicked his ass... On the main USNET JFK board, Lone Nutters have taken a serious beating of late, McAdams dusts a few, old time Nutters off, roll 'em out for another round... Not working this time...

As old Harold said: all you need is the WCR evidence/testimony

Edited by David G. Healy
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I'm not going to further divert Jack's thread on being harrassed by hostile members as yet unnamed....only to add that McAdams site is full of disinformation about facts and attacks on researchers that are untrue. He is the internet equivalent of Posner - the CIA dupe of the print media. You show your true colors backing and quoting them. I don't need to defend myself against your attacks on me except to say on every point you state on me or imply you are completely wrong...but that won't surprise anyone here.

McAdams is not only a defender of the Warren Commission. He organizes attacks against anyone who questions the crimes committed by the US government over the last 40 years. See for example his blog:


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John McAdams concludes:


White was showing an analysis that assumed you could measure an object

in a photo without taking into account whether it was held parallel to

the film plane, or at an angle.

You just can't do that and get reliable results.

This is, as usual, a ridiculous attack upon a critical thinker with courage and an open mind.

Remember, respected FORUM member JACK WHITE was the first to notice the KEYSTONE

aspect of the backyard photos and he was the first one who brought out the fact that the

easel upon which the backyard photos were created was tilted --- thank you JACK WHITE !!!

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I'm not going to further divert Jack's thread on being harrassed by hostile members as yet unnamed....only to add that McAdams site is full of disinformation about facts and attacks on researchers that are untrue. He is the internet equivalent of Posner - the CIA dupe of the print media. You show your true colors backing and quoting them. I don't need to defend myself against your attacks on me except to say on every point you state on me or imply you are completely wrong...but that won't surprise anyone here.

McAdams is not only a defender of the Warren Commission. He organizes attacks against anyone who questions the crimes committed by the US government over the last 40 years. See for example his blog:


That's right, John. He's a conservative and you're a left-wing, Guardian-reading radical. So what? There's no pretense or artifice here.

"He organizes attacks against anyone who questions the crimes committed by the US government over the last 40 years."

Heaven forbid! Does he think he has First Amendment rights or something?? Doesn't he realize he's living in Amerikkka?

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John McAdams concludes:


White was showing an analysis that assumed you could measure an object

in a photo without taking into account whether it was held parallel to

the film plane, or at an angle.

You just can't do that and get reliable results.

This is, as usual, a ridiculous attack upon a critical thinker with courage and an open mind.

Remember, respected FORUM member JACK WHITE was the first to notice the KEYSTONE

aspect of the backyard photos and he was the first one who brought out the fact that the

easel upon which the backyard photos were created was tilted --- thank you JACK WHITE !!!

Which is of course simply horsecrap. That you find this crap convincing speaks volumes about YOUR lack of critical thinking skills.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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What a hypocrite! Did you extend your First Amendment rights sanctification to Webb,

Why yes, I did. Never said he didn't have the right to publish his crap.

or cheer his murder as welcome to you

Murdered? He killed himself, dummy.

- as he was someone you deem 'anti-American' and a s*****g?

He most certainly was. You too.

It is those who criticize/dissent and try to find/correct the wrongs who are the patriots, nanomoralman.

And I dissent from your lunacy. Guess that makes me a patriot. Shouldn't you be working on a get-well card for Fidel?

P.S. It's nice to see that you linked Goebbels and Zinn. Maybe you're not a lost cause after all.

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