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Email received from an "admirer"

Wim Dankbaar

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Guest John Gillespie
To quote a fellow Forum member, that article by Paul L May = "Mierda del Toro."
Ryan Crowe Posted Today, 04:34 AM

I agree Pat, I wonder what paper he thinks this will be published in...

Ryan, to us common folks, that paper would be known as "toilet paper".


Being your everyday Latin kind-of-guy, I can't resist adding...non compos mentis!



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Rather than accept the belief that someone placed Oswald in the TSBD before the assassination it is my belief that the motorcade was directed past Oswald's place of employment after intelligence agencies in Washington D. C. had been alerted to Oswald's place of employment (Hosty note of Nov. 4, 1963, another piece of evidence that was never given a commission exhibit number and seems lost from history). This fact supports, in my opinion, a conspiracy at the highest levels of government because only those at the highest levels had the access to this information.

Jim Root

Jim: I know this is a reflection on my own laziness, but can you give us the source(s) for the Hosty note in question? How was the Hosty note in question distributed among government agencies, i.e. who received copies?

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The primary question remains, "COULD Oswald have been a participant in the conspiracy?

Jim Root

My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice.

The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe.


Edited by Mark Johansson
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Here's another:

----- Original Message -----

From: Paul L May

To: 'Wim Dankbaar'

Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:23 AM

Subject: Thanx so much


What a generous gesture posting my email on The Simpkins forum. I wish I could take credit for writing it. BTW, I wasn't aware you were also prospering in the porno trade. Candidly, it doesn't surprise me. I doubt there is very little you wouldn't do for a dollar. Amusing thing about you CT's.....you use the reverse scientifc method. You determine what happened, throw out

all the data that doesn't fit your conclusions and then hail your findings as the only possible solution. 43 years and all you people have produced is crap. Keep up the good work Wim!!

An admirer, NOT!

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J. Raymond

The information comes from two sources and is drawn together by myself. Together the information from these two sources, information gathered 30 years apart, provides what I believe is a very significant piece of the assassination puzzle that the Warren Commission neglected to investigate.

The first bit of information comes from the Testimony of James Patrick Hosty before the Warren Commission:

“Mr. HOSTY. The next day was the 1st of November. I worked in the Fort Worth area in the morning and on my way back from the Fort Worth area at approximately 2:30 p.m., I stopped at the residence of Mrs. Ruth Paine, 2515 West Fifth Street, and identified myself as a special agent of the FBI, and asked if I could talk to her. She was very cordial and friendly, invited me into the house. At this time, she was the only one in the living room. Her small children were taking their nape, and apparently Marina Oswald and her children were, also napping…..

“Mr. STERN. Now, tell us in detail of your interview with Mrs. Paine starting from the time you rang the doorbell.

Mr. HOSTY. All right. As I say, when I entered the house I immediately identified myself. I showed her my credentials, identified myself as a special agent of the FBI, and requested to talk to her. She invited me into the house.

Mr. STERN. Did she seemed surprised at your visit?

Mr. HOSTY. No, she didn't. She was quite friendly and invited me in, said this is the first time she had ever met an FBI agent. Very cordial. As I say, it is my recollection I sat here on the couch and she sat across the room from me. I then told her the purpose of my visit, that I was interested in locating the whereabouts of Lee Oswald. She readily admitted that Mrs. Marina Oswald and Lee Oswald's two children were staying with her. She said that Lee Oswald was living somewhere in Dallas. She didn't know where. She said it was in the Oak Cliff area but she didn't have his address. I asked her if she knew where he worked. After a moment's hesitation, she told me that he worked at the Texas School Book Depository near the downtown area of Dallas. She didn't have the exact address, and it is my recollection that we went to the phone book and looked it up, found it to be 411 Elm Street.

Mr. STERN. You looked it up while you were there?

Mr. HOSTY. Yes; that is my recollection that we looked it up in her telephone book to show it at 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Tex. She told me at this time that she did not know where he was living, but she thought she could find out and she would let me know…..

“Mr. HOSTY. On Monday morning, I made a pretext telephone call to the Texas School Book Depository, I called up and asked for the personnel department, asked if a Lee Oswald was employed there. They said yes, he was. I said what address does he show? They said 2515 West Fifth Street, Irving, Tex., which I knew not to be his correct address. I then sent a communication, airmail communication to the New Orleans office advising them--and to the headquarters of the FBI advising them--and then instructing the New Orleans office to make the Dallas office the office of origin. We were now assuming control, because he had now been verified in our division…..

“Mr. HOSTY. Let me see. Part of it would have, this paragraph on page 11, this November 1, Mrs. Ruth Paine was interviewed. This appeared in the communication I sent out to the New Orleans office advising them where he was employed.

Mr. DULLES. When was that sent?

Mr. HOSTY. The 4th of November, sir…..

“Mr. HOSTY. Well, actually, November 4 would be our request to have the case transferred back to Dallas office of origin.

Mr. STERN. I think you ought to make clear, Mr. Hosty, to Mr. Dulles, that early in October you started doing something for the New Orleans office at their request.

Mr. HOSTY. Yes

Mr. STERN. New Orleans found that they couldn't locate Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans.

Mr. DULLES. He had left in the meantime?

Mr. HOSTY. Right.

Mr. STERN. Yes; from their leads he seemed to have gone back into the Dallas area, and they asked the Dallas office to see if they could locate him. Mr. Hosty was doing this work at the end of October and the beginning of November when he ran these interviews. Just to complete that, Mr. Hosty, you expected, did you not, that the case would be reassigned?

Mr. HOSTY. Oh, yes.

Mr. STERN. To the Dallas office?

Mr. HOSTY. Oh, yes. This was tantamount to requesting it be shifted to us, yes, when I sent this communication.

Mr. STERN. And you were beginning to think in terms of the case being your problem again?

Mr. HOSTY. Right.

Mr. STERN. Even though formally at the time you were only----

Mr. HOSTY. Auxiliary office.

Mr. STERN. Operating on the request of the New Orleans office to try to locate him, is that correct?

Mr. HOSTY. That is correct.

Mr. McCLOY. This has all been previously testified to?

Mr. DULLES. I am sorry to have missed that.

Mr. HOSTY. That is all right, Mr. Dulles, that is entirely all right.

Mr. DULLES. Just one question. Are cases of this kind administratively transferred by agreement between two offices, or does that have to go up to Washington?

Mr. HOSTY. Washington always gets a copy of these communications. They know what we are doing. Actually the original is sent to Washington, and a carbon is sent to the other field office.”

Thirty years later an infomation gathered by Jefferson Morley and John Newman would confirm potions of James Hosty's testimony. What is missing from the Morley article is the November 4th Hosty note that was never assigned an exhibit number. Why?

Quoting from the article, “What Jane Roman Said” by Jefferson Morley:

“Newman then reviewed the routing slips on two documents about Oswald that Roman herself had received in September 1963.

The first was the FBI report from agent Hosty in Dallas. Hosty reported on Oswald’s address in the summer of 1963 and his recent leftist political activities, including his subscription to the Socialist Worker newspaper.The second report was more provocative. It was a report from the FBI in New Orleans, dated September 23, 1963. Oswald, it seemed, had gotten arrested. He had been handing out FPCC pamphlets on a street corner in New Orleans on August 9, 1963 when he was confronted by some members of the militantly anti-Castro group called the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil or DRE, which was known to North American newspaper readers as the Cuban Student Directorate. An altercation ensued. Oswald and some of the Cubans were arrested. An agent in the New Orleans office of the FBI wrote up a report and sent it to Washington.”

This exchange confirms Hosty’s testimony but shows that Jane Roman was in a position, in the Offices of the CIA, to transfer the information to Richard Helms. But no mention is made of the November 4th note because once again no exhibit number was ever assigned to that note therefore Morley had no access to the November 4th note.

Is it logical to assume that the office of Richard Helms was in fact aware of exactly where Lee Harvey Oswald was working before the route of the motorcade was determined in Washington? I believe so.

Quoting further from Morley’s article:

“All we had was the FBI report on the arrest of Oswald and his antagonists in the Cuban Student Directorate that was forwarded to the CIA. The routing slip showed that Roman signed for it on October 4, 1963.”

“On October 8, 1963, Scott sent a cable to headquarters in Washington asking for more information about Oswald. Two days later, headquarters sent a response.”

“The logical conclusion: On October 10, 1963 the “latest HDQS info” on Oswald wasn’t a 17-month old State Department memo speculating about Oswald’s state of mind. It was a month-old FBI document about Oswald’s contacts with a CIA-sponsored organization. And Jane Roman—if she had done her job—had known it.”

“The markings at the bottom of the document indicated which offices and which officers had been consulted. Jane Roman was identified as one of the officers who had seen in the cable “in draft form.” The cable was also seen by an “authenticating officer” whose task it was to vouch for its contents. That was J.C. King, the chief of all CIA operations in the Western Hemisphere. Finally, the cable had to be signed by a “releasing officer” who approved the policy contents of the message. That was Tom Karamessines, who served as top deputy to covert operations chief, Richard Helms.”

We can speculate about many things but two conclusions can be drawn, without a doubt, information about the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald were being monitored by the top echelons of US Intelligence and these movements began being monitored shortly after the assassination attempt on the life of Edwin


Once again from the testimony of James Patrick Hosty:

“Mr. HOSTY. It says, "On April 21, 1963, Dallas confidential informant T-2 advised that Lee H. Oswald of Dallas, Tex, was in contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York City at which time he advised that he passed out pamphlets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. According to T-2, Oswald had a placard around his neck reading, 'Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel.'"

Mr. STERN. Did you attempt to verify that information?

Mr. HOSTY. When I got it, it was approximately 6 or 7 weeks old, past the date it allegedly took place, and we had received no information to the effect that anyone had been in the downtown streets of Dallas or anywhere in Dallas with a sign around their neck saying "Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel." It appeared highly unlikely to me that such an occurrence could have happened in Dallas without having been brought to our attention. So by the time I got it, it was, you might say, stale information and we did not attempt to verify it.

Mr. STERN. When you record this as something that an informant advised about on April 21, that doesn't mean he advised you or the Dallas office on April 21?

Mr. HOSTY. That is right.

Mr. STERN. Did this information come from another part of the FBI?

Mr. HOSTY. Yes, sir; it came from the New York office of the FBI. They were advised on the 21st of April.

Mr. STERN. But the information didn't get to you until some time after?

Mr. HOSTY. In June, I believe.

Mr. STERN. Did you have any information apart from this that there was an organization active in the Dallas area called, "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee"?

Mr. HOSTY. No, sir; we had no information of any organization by that name.

Mr. STERN. Had you at this time ever heard of such an organization?

Mr. HOSTY. Yes, sir; I had.

Mr. STERN. In what connection?

Mr. HOSTY. The New York office had advised all offices of the FBI to be on the alert for the possible formation of chapters of this organization which was headquartered in New York.

Mr. STERN. Had you investigated the Dallas area in that connection?

Mr. HOSTY. We had checked our sources, I had and other agents assigned to the internal security division had checked sources. We were on the alert for it.

Mr. STERN. And you found what?

Mr. HOSTY. We found no evidence that there was any such organization in Dallas.”

This testimony implies that within days of the assassination attempt on General Walker someone ordered the FBI to begin following Oswald’s movements. The pretense for this was Oswald's involvement in "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee" which was not, according to agent Hosty, operating in the Dallas area.

I speculate that if it were possible that someone knew Oswald would have had a reason to shoot at Walker they would create a pretense to monitor his movements. Or if someone wanted to set up Oswald as a “patsy” in an assassination plot of the President this makes sense as well.

I suggest that it was not the Fair Play for Cuba Commitee that was of inerest to the "Big Fish."

Jim Root

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The primary question remains, "COULD Oswald have been a participant in the conspiracy?

Jim Root

My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice.

The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe.



You pose an interesting concept that I have been thinking about for some time now. The idea that, in the early 60's there existed two "branches" of the CIA that were at total odds with each other. The faction that had JFK killed and the group that sent Tosh Plumlee in to try to prevent the murder.

In fact this split- or something similar- may still be occurring....fwit.

Carl Oglesby's brilliant Yankee Cowboy War first got me thinking in terms of competing groups

running things...I read his book when it first came out- 76. Did not really think of the CIA in this manner til

I read Tosh's seminar paper in 11/04.

Oswald may have been working for a part of the CIA that really did try to prevent the murder. That would certainly explain a lot about Lee's (patriotic) activities.


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The primary question remains, "COULD Oswald have been a participant in the conspiracy?

Jim Root

My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice.

The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe.



You pose an interesting concept that I have been thinking about for some time now. The idea that, in the early 60's there existed two "branches" of the CIA that were at total odds with each other. The faction that had JFK killed and the group that sent Tosh Plumlee in to try to prevent the murder.

In fact this split- or something similar- may still be occurring....fwit.

Carl Oglesby's brilliant Yankee Cowboy War first got me thinking in terms of competing groups

running things...I read his book when it first came out- 76. Did not really think of the CIA in this manner til

I read Tosh's seminar paper in 11/04.

Oswald may have been working for a part of the CIA that really did try to prevent the murder. That would certainly explain a lot about Lee's (patriotic) activities.


Thanks Dawn for sharing this information. As a relative new “investigator” (est. 1988), this was new information for me.

I would also like knowing your opinion regarding Tippit being Oswald’s getaway driver, since they both presumably, was under CIA’s payroll.


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"...........the "Big Fish."

Jim Root"

intriguing summary,...... sitting in a room DIRECTLY opposite the sixth floor of the TSBD was Holmes (watching assassination with binoculars, with 4-5 as yet unnamed others) who in his role as FBI informant, Postal Inspector, and likely in contact departmentally with NO postal inspectors who also were informants, in contact with his boss who was involved with the CIA mail openingsetc etc SHOULD know about Oswald.

He had been in Dallas since '48 working in the post office. According to Peters contact in Military Intelligence.

"Saw nothing, knew nothing"...hmmmm

has anyone tried to FOI internal PO inspectors department docs? The USPO has been restructured to the USPS, was the old PO docs kept somewhere, or are they gone now?

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"This testimony implies that within days of the assassination attempt on General Walker someone ordered the FBI to begin following Oswald's movements. The pretense for this was Oswald's involvement in "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee" which was not, according to agent Hosty, operating in the Dallas area.

I speculate that if it were possible that someone knew Oswald would have had a reason to shoot at Walker they would create a pretense to monitor his movements. Or if someone wanted to set up Oswald as a “patsy” in an assassination plot of the President this makes sense as well.

I suggest that it was not the Fair Play for Cuba Commitee that was of inerest to the "Big Fish."

Jim Root"

General Watts (Walkers attorney) investigation focused on a Duff (what happened to the bullets they gave the commission in july64?) not Oswald.

..stepping back a bit to lok at a wider timeframe ... Walker had a rough few years:


1961 - Kennedy's transfers Maj. Gen.. Edwin A. Walker from his command in West Germany to Hawaii for distributing right-wing literature to his troops.

Walker resigns, Strom Thurmond# organises senate hearing into the "muzzling of the military" After testifying at Senate hearing Walker punches reporter

1962 - Maj. Gen.(Resigned, U.S. Army) Edwin A. Walker, makes a bid for the Democratic gubernatorial* nomination in 1962 reveived 138,000 votes. (IOW he ran against Connally)

Jack Cox, the Houston oilman, received the endorsement of General Edwin Walker.

Cox, received 710,000 votes. Connally wins.

[During the vice presidential years, from 1961 to 1963, Johnson's national power faded. In Texas his former aide John B. Connally, Jr., won election as governor in 1962.

Texas was critical to Kennedy's reelection in 1964.

Feuding between Connally and Texas senator Ralph W. Yarborough imperiled the unity of the party in the 1964 election and brought President Kennedy to Dallas in November 1963 to heal the intraparty wounds.]

1962 - Medgar Evers campaigns to have James Meredith admitted to the University of Mississippi (ole' Miss)

1962 - October-November Maj. Gen.(Resigned, U.S. Army) Edwin A. Walker directs insurrection at Oxford Mississippi.


"Mr. Brown was among the first wave of U.S. military men President Kennedy sent to Oxford, Miss., in 1962. He arrived shortly after midnight Oct. 1, when thousands of people were rioting over James Meredith's arrival at the University of Mississippi......

"It was quiet at first," Mr. Brown said of that night when the A Company of the 503rd Military Police Battalion landed in helicopters near the campus. They were about half a mile from where a mob had an outnumbered group of U.S. marshals and Mississippi National Guardsmen under siege. "We stepped around the corner, and all hell broke loose," Mr. Brown said. The 117-man company came up behind the rioters, who were attacking the men protecting Mr. Meredith. "I've never been so scared in my life," said Mr. Brown, who was a 23-year-old soldier. They were outnumbered 5-to-1, he estimated.........Unlike the National Guard, federalized by President Kennedy that night, the MPs carried weapons loaded with live ammunition. The 503rd MP Battalion was the military's riot-specialty unit, and it had spent months at Fort Bragg, N.C., training in preparation for what was happening in Oxford that night. "You can't imagine the noise, the cars on fire," Mr. Brown said of the scene the soldiers found. On campus, rioters lighted rivers of gasoline, which the soldiers had to march through, he said.

"A journalist and an Oxford resident already had been killed by gunfire,.......Thirty marshals were shot, and 166 marshals and 48 soldiers were wounded,..."

1962 - November 21 - Court is told Maj. Gen.(Resigned, U.S. Army) Edwin A. Walker guided Mississippi rioters.(to prevent de-segregation of Ole' Miss)

1962 - November 22 - Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker found mentally competent to stand trial for his role in the rioting.

1963 - April 10, Shot fired at Maj. Gen.(Resigned, U.S. Army) Edwin A. Walker's house

1963 - June 12, only hours after watching Kennedys famous speech on Civil Rights (the time of waiting is over), Medgar Evers was killed by an assassin’s bullet. ...... The assassin, a white supremacist named Byron De La Beckwith, stood trial~ twice in the 1960s, but in both cases the all-white juries could not reach a verdict. Finally, in a third trial in 1994 (and thirty-one years after Evers’ murder), Beckwith was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

~(Maj. Gen.(Resigned, U.S. Army) Edwin A. Walker was in court to offer support to Beckwith)

1963 - November 22 - Kennedy killed, Connally wounded

*gubernatorial :: Meaning #1: relating to a governor, Pertains to noun: governor (well, I didn't know anyway)

#"I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the n race into our theatres into our swimming pools into our homes and into our churches." Strom Thurmond ®, 1948

Edited by John Dolva
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My interest in JFK assassination research began when I first read the Warren Report and learned of the "Strange Case of Major General Edwin Walker." I was not a fast starter but over the next several years I would occassionally attempt to learn more about Walker with very little success. Most of what I found mirrored exactly what you have put in your post with the addition of the role that General Walker played in the integration of schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.

I have had an interest in military history for as long as I can remember and have, over the years been a voracious reader in that particular field. The fact that Walker had attained the rank of Major General by 1957 led me to believe that he had played some role during WWII that might be of interest. Eventually I located a biography of Walker's military career. Two pieces to a puzzle jumped out at me that has directed my assassination research since.

Number 1: During WWII Walker was a part of and eventually commanded the First Special Services Force and:

Number 2: Walker was traveling in Europe at the same time that Lee Harvey Oswald defected to the Soviet Union.

These two bits of information were the foundation of a hypothisis that has directed my research for years. To this day what I have discovered does not allow me to believe that Walker was an innocent victim but rather a person who, at a minimum, knew alot more than what the "official" history would have us believe.

Over 100 members of units commanded by Walker during WWII would become OSS agents or future CIA operatives including William Colby. These persons were recruited because of the special training they had received in the elite unites in which they served and Walker commanded. I continue to believe that the fact that Walker commanded these units put him in a position to be a part of the recruitment of the operatives and to be a part of the CIA operations that these operatives participated in.

A careful study of Walker's career has led to continual finds that support my original hypothisis.

For example: The flight information that Antti helped me to uncover that opens up additional possibilities for Oswald's travel from London to Helsinki that supports the possibility that Walker would have been on the same plane as Oswald on Oct. 9, 1959.

That Walker was wisked out of Pearl Harbor, by plane, just days before Dec. 7, 1941 and that he had been associated with and was stationed in conjuction with the American signals intelligence listening post in Hawaii.

That Walker did at least two assignments of special interest to John J. McCloy during WWII.

That Walker was closely associated with Maxwell Taylor beginning in 1927.

That Walker along with Taylor, McCloy, Rowlett and Gardner were associated with John B. Hurt, a NSA employee who shares the name of a person that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to contact while he was in custody for the assassination of John F. Kennedy and who played a key role in breaking Japanese code prior to and during WWII.

I have evidence that stongly suggests that Walker was engaged in military intelligence activities as early as 1933 and counterintelligence activities by 1935. Further information puts Walker in a postition to engage in domestic spying on vast numbers of US citizens during the 1930's. This skill was further developed during his career when, both at the end of WWII and during the Korean War, Walker was in charge of screening and returning 100's of thousands of prisoners of war to their home countries (during the Korean War this was done under the command of Maxwell Taylor). Was Walker identifing potential intelligence assets?

That during the tenure of Maxwell Taylor as Chief of Staff of the Army, Taylor had four crisis to deal with. In two of these crisis (First Straits of Taiwan Crisis and Little Rock) Taylor assigned his old friend Edwin Walker to successfully deal with the situation.

When you add to this the Taylor - McCloy association that begins during WWII and the negotiations with the Italians for their surrender, continues with the occupation of Germany and extends to their united opposition to Kennedy's position on Nuclear Arms talks, you add an additional flavor to the mix with Walker and his association to the assassination.

That John J. McCloy would send a letter to Walker in June of 1963 is perhaps one coincidence to many in the string of information that I have gathered to allow me to believe that the assassination of JFk was the work of just one lone person.

Etc., etc., etc.

Jim Root

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J. Raymond

The information comes from two sources and is drawn together by myself. Together the information from these two sources, information gathered 30 years apart, provides what I believe is a very significant piece of the assassination puzzle that the Warren Commission neglected to investigate.

Jim Root

Thanks Jim. Yours is a very valuable post, IMO.

Because of work pressures, etc. It will take me a few days to fully digest it. But it seems to me that your post is so important that you should start a separate thread on the Hosty note and its implications. It may get lost in a thread entitled "email... from an admirer"

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