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Grandfather clause?

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I've noted that there is a member of this forum with no picture and no bio posted. I've been told by David Healy that certain members are exempt from this rule due to being early members of this forum. Is that a true statement and if so can you please explain exactly why they have been exempted.

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I've noted that there is a member of this forum with no picture and no bio posted. I've been told by David Healy that certain members are exempt from this rule due to being early members of this forum. Is that a true statement and if so can you please explain exactly why they have been exempted.

that's what I love about Lone Nutter's; they love a great conspiracy -- ROFLMAO!

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I am getting embarrased !

I have never been showered with so much attention by a forum member.

All of this and you haven't even seen my beautiful portrait ?

By the way I feel it only fair to tell you....I am happily married !

Charlie Black

Edited by Charles Black
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It should be pointed out that many people do not have scanners

and therefore cannot provide original photos.

Don't sweat it, Charlie. Lamson has never posted an identifiable

photo of himself, though he is alleged to work as a professional


There is no stipulation that the avatar photo be up-to-date; I am

considering switching to this 75 year old one of me.


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It should be pointed out that many people do not have scanners

and therefore cannot provide original photos.

Don't sweat it, Charlie. Lamson has never posted an identifiable

photo of himself, though he is alleged to work as a professional


There is no stipulation that the avatar photo be up-to-date; I am

considering switching to this 75 year old one of me.


Why Jack, there is clearly as much detail in my forum photo as there is in the "badgeman" forgery and you have no problems seeing him. Whats your problem?

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It talks!!!

Yea, Jack talks all the time. Not much of it is the truth nor does most of it make any sense (kind of like you when you venture into the photo section of the jfk debate) but what do you expect? Just look at him!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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You constantly attack Jack White, a man that has selflessly devoted many years toward JFK study, and a man has who has universally well acknowleged photographic expertise. A man that has greatly aided the assassination investigation.

You have done nothing but whine, point fingers and post an unrecognizable photo of yourself on this forum. You must be afraid that someone might recognize you personally !

I feel that you contribute nothing but trouble and confusion and are hiding like a coward in the security of a forum. In my opinion you are a parasite subsisting on others and contribute nothing but your most unpleasant presence.

I think you owe Jack White an apology. I further feel that I soil myself by even replying to the likes of you!

Charlie Black

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You constantly attack Jack White, a man that has selflessly devoted many years toward JFK study, and a man has who has universally well acknowleged photographic expertise. A man that has greatly aided the assassination investigation.

You have done nothing but whine, point fingers and post an unrecognizable photo of yourself on this forum. You must be afraid that someone might recognize you personally !

I feel that you contribute nothing but trouble and confusion and are hiding like a coward in the security of a forum. In my opinion you are a parasite subsisting on others and contribute nothing but your most unpleasant presence.

I think you owe Jack White an apology. I further feel that I soil myself by even replying to the likes of you!

Charlie Black

Thanks for your perceptive analysis, Charlie. Lamson is like

a blood-sucking mosquito...a nuisance with no redeeming value.


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You constantly attack Jack White, a man that has selflessly devoted many years toward JFK study, and a man has who has universally well acknowleged photographic expertise. A man that has greatly aided the assassination investigation.

You have done nothing but whine, point fingers and post an unrecognizable photo of yourself on this forum. You must be afraid that someone might recognize you personally !

I feel that you contribute nothing but trouble and confusion and are hiding like a coward in the security of a forum. In my opinion you are a parasite subsisting on others and contribute nothing but your most unpleasant presence.

I think you owe Jack White an apology. I further feel that I soil myself by even replying to the likes of you!

Charlie Black

Jack White is a HACK of the highest order. His limited understanding of the photographic process has been exposed MANY TIMES OVER. All Jack has added to the study of the JKF case is DISINFORMATION. That he has fooled the likes of you speaks VOLUMES about your intellectual honest and critical thinking skills...you have none.

But please dont continure "soiling" ourself, if that is possible. I've read enough from you to have your number.

Apology to Jack White, not on your life.

And BTW, I am playing by the letter of the forum rules which is far more than can be said for you. I've also posted links to my business website on this forum and that included my address and phone number. I've sent the miserable likes of Jack White packages with my name, address and phone number. You on the other hand are a complete mystery...since you are in violation of the posted forum rules...who is hiding? Moron.

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You constantly attack Jack White, a man that has selflessly devoted many years toward JFK study, and a man has who has universally well acknowleged photographic expertise. A man that has greatly aided the assassination investigation.

You have done nothing but whine, point fingers and post an unrecognizable photo of yourself on this forum. You must be afraid that someone might recognize you personally !

I feel that you contribute nothing but trouble and confusion and are hiding like a coward in the security of a forum. In my opinion you are a parasite subsisting on others and contribute nothing but your most unpleasant presence.

I think you owe Jack White an apology. I further feel that I soil myself by even replying to the likes of you!

Charlie Black

Jack White is a HACK of the highest order. His limited understanding of the photographic process has been exposed MANY TIMES OVER. All Jack has added to the study of the JKF case is DISINFORMATION. That he has fooled the likes of you speaks VOLUMES about your intellectual honest and critical thinking skills...you have none.

But please dont continure "soiling" ourself, if that is possible. I've read enough from you to have your number.

Apology to Jack White, not on your life.

And BTW, I am playing by the letter of the forum rules which is far more than can be said for you. I've also posted links to my business website on this forum and that included my address and phone number. I've sent the miserable likes of Jack White packages with my name, address and phone number. You on the other hand are a complete mystery...since you are in violation of the posted forum rules...who is hiding? Moron.

~~ and the xxxxx keeps marching on ... ~~

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This member believes and will state that in fact JACK WHITE

is a reliable and dependable source, and those who systematically

disagree with him are in fact disingenuous and suspect reactionaries,

interested only in the shrill crushing of independent thought and the

brittle elimination of critical thinking from our international forum.

Jack White is in fact a distinguished fellow and his opponents are truly suspect HACKS.


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This member believes and will state that in fact JACK WHITE

is a reliable and dependable source, and those who systematically

disagree with him are in fact disingenuous and suspect reactionaries,

interested only in the shrill crushing of independent thought and the

brittle elimination of critical thinking from our international forum.

Jack White is in fact a distinguished fellow and his opponents are truly suspect HACKS.


Shanet prove once again that those here who SAY they seek the real truth and not at all interested in truth but rather confirmation of their warped worldview.

Thanks so much Shanet. I

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