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To whom it may concern...

Jack White

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I must say, however, that one thing has always puzzled me. Gordon

Arnold was NOT a tall person, but the person in Moorman 5 that

I think is Arnold appears to be tall.


Jack, the reason for Gordon Arnold looking taller is mainly because he was much closer to Moorman than the Badge Man, thus he would look taller as Moorman viewed him at an uphill angle over the wall. In this instance we can use the concrete wall for the horizon line, which Arnold was closer to the wall than Badge Man, thus Gordon will appear much taller even if both men had been the exact same height. It is also worth noting that Arnold told Earl Golz that he stood on a mound/high spot on the ground which also would effect his height appearence, but not as much as the reason I just gave in the opening of this response.

Bill Miller

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Bill, Jack,

Badgeman is a diehard myth. A falsification, wittingly or unwittingly.

If you can't deal with it on other arguments than size, like original detail, grain, blobs, blurs, lack of witness testimony, then quit fooling around and beating around the bush. Just do the overlay, will you?


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Guest John Gillespie

Jack is correct on at least that part of the possibilities of Badge Man's existence.

Bill Miller[/b]



Here, here. Jack has a way of being correct, doesn't he? It's never been amusing nor the least bit interesting to read any of the personl attacks or name calling.


I resent spam email from the "Gang" of provocateurs clogging my

my email box. For your information, post anything you have to say


If this applies to you, save your time.


Skanks with too much time on their hands........and they are jealous!


Couldn't have said it better...


Edited by John Gillespie
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Personally, I find it rather disturbing that the personal e-mail of a forum member is being abused in such a manner. Disagreement with some of Jack's postulates is not license to inappropriately send e-mail to his private address. Honestly, it strikes me as chickensh*t to do so (pardon my bluntness). If you've got something to say, use the forum.

Secondly, the amount of ad-hominem attacks that take place on this forum (and they are not limited to one 'camp' or another) is a real turn-off. It is completely possible to have a difference of opinion without resorting to the name-calling and other slurs that end up flying around on this forum.

I know that this post is going to change a damn thing. There are obviously some old and deep-running waters of discontent here, undoubtedly spilling over from other venues. However, the negativity and downright viciousness that rears its head on this forum doesn't do ANYTHING to advance the case toward conclusion. We don't all have to agree or even get along, but we can at least be respectful and civil.

The conspiracy is assured of perpetual success if we're always fighting each other. Not only will we go nowhere, but we risk alienating younger researchers who might otherwise have been willing to take up the gauntlet.

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Guest John Woods
Personally, I find it rather disturbing that the personal e-mail of a forum member is being abused in such a manner. Disagreement with some of Jack's postulates is not license to inappropriately send e-mail to his private address. Honestly, it strikes me as chickensh*t to do so (pardon my bluntness). If you've got something to say, use the forum.

Secondly, the amount of ad-hominem attacks that take place on this forum (and they are not limited to one 'camp' or another) is a real turn-off. It is completely possible to have a difference of opinion without resorting to the name-calling and other slurs that end up flying around on this forum.

I know that this post is going to change a damn thing. There are obviously some old and deep-running waters of discontent here, undoubtedly spilling over from other venues. However, the negativity and downright viciousness that rears its head on this forum doesn't do ANYTHING to advance the case toward conclusion. We don't all have to agree or even get along, but we can at least be respectful and civil.

The conspiracy is assured of perpetual success if we're always fighting each other. Not only will we go nowhere, but we risk alienating younger researchers who might otherwise have been willing to take up the gauntlet.

Agree and well stated Frank!

I recall that the e-mails sent through the Forum website are logged for such problems. John S.

should be able to deal with this situtation.

Jack, besides the Moorman image which other images does Arnold appear?

john w

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Personally, I find it rather disturbing that the personal e-mail of a forum member is being abused in such a manner. Disagreement with some of Jack's postulates is not license to inappropriately send e-mail to his private address. Honestly, it strikes me as chickensh*t to do so (pardon my bluntness). If you've got something to say, use the forum.

Secondly, the amount of ad-hominem attacks that take place on this forum (and they are not limited to one 'camp' or another) is a real turn-off. It is completely possible to have a difference of opinion without resorting to the name-calling and other slurs that end up flying around on this forum.

I know that this post is going to change a damn thing. There are obviously some old and deep-running waters of discontent here, undoubtedly spilling over from other venues. However, the negativity and downright viciousness that rears its head on this forum doesn't do ANYTHING to advance the case toward conclusion. We don't all have to agree or even get along, but we can at least be respectful and civil.

The conspiracy is assured of perpetual success if we're always fighting each other. Not only will we go nowhere, but we risk alienating younger researchers who might otherwise have been willing to take up the gauntlet.

Agree and well stated Frank!

I recall that the e-mails sent through the Forum website are logged for such problems. John S.

should be able to deal with this situtation.

Jack, besides the Moorman image which other images does Arnold appear?

john w


But I consider all DP images are tampered with.

Imagine this. You are the FBI looking for things that you do not want

seen in photos. In several Bond photos you see a soldier with a

camera. In Nix you see a soldier with a camera. In Bronson you

see a soldier with a camera. In Willis you see a soldier with a camera,


Who is the unknown soldier? What if his film surfaces? Will the entire

plot unravel because of one unknown witness?


THE CAMERA from all of the confiscated photos.


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Guest John Woods

Personally, I find it rather disturbing that the personal e-mail of a forum member is being abused in such a manner. Disagreement with some of Jack's postulates is not license to inappropriately send e-mail to his private address. Honestly, it strikes me as chickensh*t to do so (pardon my bluntness). If you've got something to say, use the forum.

Secondly, the amount of ad-hominem attacks that take place on this forum (and they are not limited to one 'camp' or another) is a real turn-off. It is completely possible to have a difference of opinion without resorting to the name-calling and other slurs that end up flying around on this forum.

I know that this post is going to change a damn thing. There are obviously some old and deep-running waters of discontent here, undoubtedly spilling over from other venues. However, the negativity and downright viciousness that rears its head on this forum doesn't do ANYTHING to advance the case toward conclusion. We don't all have to agree or even get along, but we can at least be respectful and civil.

The conspiracy is assured of perpetual success if we're always fighting each other. Not only will we go nowhere, but we risk alienating younger researchers who might otherwise have been willing to take up the gauntlet.

Agree and well stated Frank!

I recall that the e-mails sent through the Forum website are logged for such problems. John S.

should be able to deal with this situtation.

Jack, besides the Moorman image which other images does Arnold appear?

john w


But I consider all DP images are tampered with.

Imagine this. You are the FBI looking for things that you do not want

seen in photos. In several Bond photos you see a soldier with a

camera. In Nix you see a soldier with a camera. In Bronson you

see a soldier with a camera. In Willis you see a soldier with a camera,


Who is the unknown soldier? What if his film surfaces? Will the entire

plot unravel because of one unknown witness?


THE CAMERA from all of the confiscated photos.



All photographs and films were altered?

With all these images and films being sold to different

photo company's, Time-Life, UPI, AP etc this would have been

a massive effort.

john w

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No need to do that, I can see the point right there!

Badgeman and hardhat man were midgets.


Mark, I will not hesitate to call Jack out on a bogus claim because of a poorly researched idea, so do not take it personally when I tell you that you do not know what you are talking about in this instance. I replicated Badge Man by using 6' 3" tall Tony Cummings. Tony stood on the bottom support board of the stockade fence which isn't a mere 6 to 8 " off the ground. Because Moorman was looking uphill at the knoll, the further back from the fence you stand ... the further you sink over the horizon line created by the fence against the background. This means that if a 6' 3" man was two feet behind the fence, then he'd have to be elevated higher than Tony was to achieve the same height appearence from where Moorman stood. So the fact is ... your "midget" response tells me that you are attempting to debate a possibility that you have never spent any effort gathering the needed information to intelligently discuss the matter. In this particular instance, depending on how far behind the fence Jack believes Badge Man to be and depending on Badge Man's actual height which no one really knows - Jack is correct on at least that part of the possibilities of Badge Man's existence.

Bill Miller

Thanks, Bill...saved me the trouble of explaining that the heights of

all the persons involved in the original and recreation control their

heights in photos.

I must say, however, that one thing has always puzzled me. Gordon

Arnold was NOT a tall person, but the person in Moorman 5 that

I think is Arnold appears to be tall.

However, Arnold told Gary Mack that he stood on top of a small mound

of dirt.


If the hottest places in hell are reserved for people who allow evil to perpetuate and do nothing, I can only imagine what eternity will be like for those who aid and abet it. Jack has been very involved for a lengthy amount of time in important research on the Kennedy Assassination, [The Many Faces Of Lee Harvey Oswald], to name but one facet of his work, he has testified before the government on his research....and he deserves a hell of a lot better than the treatment he get's on the Forum, Frankly, it is sickening...A Last thought to the resident asshole....Your boy in the White House has been jukking it up about the elections in November, while "Earlier this month, the elder Bush was reported to have told a Republican fund-raiser in a Philadelphia suburb that "if we have some of these wild Democrats in charge of these (congressional) committees, it will be a ghastly thing for our country."

I will offer this observation: The only ramifications of the Republican's getting their asses smoked in November, which can be honestly be called "ghastly" will be how it feels to the 'player's responsible for the lies, deception's and general miscarraige's of justice that have taken place since the "New American Century" began, and hitherto that point in the space time continuum.

While the 37% of American's who feel the Republican's have done a bang-up job walk in their mental haze, there are crack's in the wall of the Orwellian Bullxxxx Machine aka corporate media.

A Last Thought: For those who are waiting until Jan 20, 2009....ponder this for a moment. There is quite a bit of talk about what the neo-con's want to do next, if they have their way; some Washington think tanks [oxymoron?] and even 'real' conservatives have been talking about the SSP. And what may you ask is the SSP?

The Society and Prosperity Partnership of North America [sSP] is one of those recent agenda driven organizations that delight's [so they say] in continuing the exemplary policies which the current administration has been working so hard to advance, destruction of the middle class, a world without order, er....borders, just one big disfunctional North American continent basically, it seems that any criticism of the SSP by those who are not in support of it's agenda, [an Americanized version of the European Union] are labelled 'kook's, conspiracy theorist's...well you get the picture. It has been reported that one aspect of the ghastly scenario Pappa San may be commenting on is a Congressional Investigation into this agenda driven organization, [among 'other thing's] those wanting to investigate also include [gasp] several Republican's.

....And so it goes.

Edited by Robert Howard
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