Lee Forman Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Bilderberg THE ROVING EYE Bilderberg strikes again By Pepe Escobar "It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries ..." - David Rockefeller, Bilderberg club permanent member, 1991 This conversation never happened. Well, it actually did. Date: March 5 to 8, 2005. Location: the isolated, fully-booked Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt in Rottach-Egern, 60 kilometers east of Munich, Germany. Essential amenities: luxury rooms, a lake, a golf course, no suits - and no wives. Participants: 120-odd Western movers and shakers - politicians, tycoons, bankers, captains of industry, so-called strategic thinkers - invited for the 2005 meeting of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg club. Security: absolutely draconian. Global media coverage: non-existent. Talk about white man's burden: Bilderberg is strictly "Western" elite, ie American-European. Bilderberg resolutely excludes Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Bilderberg operates in strictly master of the universe territory: what we say goes. Only when events happen will corporate media report them, even though selected media people would have been aware of what has been decided weeks or even months in advance. The New York Times, the Big Three American networks, the Financial Times have all been represented at many Bilderbergs. But they are constrained by the silence of the lambs (see Asia Times Online's report on Bilderberg 2003 in Versailles The masters of the universe May 22, 2003) Bilderberg has an address - in Leiden, Holland - and even a phone number - always on female answering-machine mode. No website though. In an annual ritual, Bilderberg meeting places and agendas have to be painstakingly uncovered by a small group of independent sleuths like Briton Tony Gosling or American James Tucker - who has been following Bilderberg for 30 years. Tucker is publishing a book on Bilderberg later this year. Historian Pierre de Villemarest and journalist William Wolf have already published Facts and Chronicles Denied to the Public, volumes 1 and 2, which include a secret history of Bilderberg. Belgian sociologist Geoffrey Geuens from the University of Liege has also included a full chapter on Bilderberg in one of his books. Although Geuens condemns Bilderberg's obsessive secrecy, he does not subscribe to conspiracy theories: he prefers to study how Bilderberg unmasks the way power works and the incestuous relations between politics, economics and the media. Whenever corporate media approaches Bilderberg it mirrors the silence of the lambs. In 2005, the Financial Times released a classic pre-emptive story downplaying what it qualifies as conspiracy theories. In fact, anyone who questions the most powerful club in the world is derided as a conspiracy theorist. Bilderbergers like British lords or American policy-makers meekly justify it as "just a place to discuss ideas", an innocent "forum" where anyone can "speak frankly", and other assorted cliches. Bilderberger Etienne Davignon, a former vice president of the European Commission, adamantly stresses "this is not a capitalist plot to run the world". Thierry de Montbrial, director of the French Institute of International Relations and a Bilderberg member for almost 30 years, says this is only "a club". The official Bilderberg 2002 press release, for instance, said that "Bilderberg's only activity is its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken and no policy statements issued." Bilderberg is just "a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced". This is, in fact, what the much-lauded "trans-Atlantic relationship" is all about. Members only The Bilderberg group - which took its name from a Dutch hotel - was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands. German-born Bernhard was a card-carrying Nazi and member of the SS. As it is well-known, Prescott Bush was an officer of W A Harriman & Co, which financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis with the help of Averell Harriman and German tycoon Fritz Thyssen. Alden Hatch wrote a biography of Prince Bernhard where he insists that Bilderberg was the cradle of the European Community - later rebranded European Union. He describes Bilderberg's ultimate goal as a one-world government. Bilderberg's membership is heavily crossed with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pilgrims Society, the Trilateral Commission and the famous "Round Table" - a British, Oxford-Cambridge elite group crystallized in the homonymous journal of empire founded in 1910. The Round Table - which also denied its existence as a formal group - called for a more efficient form of global empire so that Anglo-American hegemony could be extended throughout the 20th century. Bilderberg regulars include Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller (of JP Morgan's International Council), Nelson Rockefeller, Prince Philip of Great Britain, Robert McNamara (J F Kennedy's secretary of defense and former president of the World Bank), Margaret Thatcher, former French president (and main redactor of the EU constitution) Valery Giscard D'Estaing, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and the chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan. The Rothschild family has hosted many Bilderbergs. In 1962 and 1973, on the island resort of Saltsjobaden, Sweden, the hosts were the Wallenberg banking family. Some of these masters control more of the universe than others. They are the members of the steering committee, which includes Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Jorma Ollila (Nokia), Jeurgen Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler), Peter Sutherland (former North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - general and now with Goldman Sachs), James Wolfensohn (the outgoing World Bank president) and the "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle. Iraq war conceptualist and incoming World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz is a also a Bilderberg permanent member. George W Bush happened to be in the neighborhood - the Netherlands, for the World War II commemorations - during Bilderberg 2005. He may have dropped in. Bush did meet Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, who must be present at every Bilderberg. To whose advantage? Bilderberg certainly is not an executive council. British economist Will Hutton may have gotten closer to the truth when he said that the consensus reached at each Bilderberg meeting "is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide". What Bilderberg decides can be expected to be later implemented by a G-8 meeting, and International Monetary Fund and World Bank decisions. No matter what, for innumerable, serious critics in Europe as well as the US, Bilderberg is everything from a Zionist plot to a megalomaniac secret cult. Serbs, not without some reason, blamed Bilderberg for the 1999 Balkan war and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic: after all, the US needed to control vital, Balkan pipeline routes. Bilderberg 2002 - although not without controversy - is thought to have cemented the invasion and conquest of Iraq. In his seminal A Century of War: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World War, F William Engdahl details what happened at Bilderberg 1973 in Sweden. An American outlined a scenario for an imminent 400% hike in the oil prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Bilderberg did not prevent the oil shock; instead it planned how to manage with mega-profits - what Kissinger described as "recycling the petrodollar flows". Everyone that mattered was present at this Bilderberg: oil majors and major banks. Engdahl's conclusion: What the powerful men grouped around Bilderberg had evidently decided that May was to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests and the dollar. In order to do this, they determined to use their most prized weapon - control of the world's oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo, in order to force a dramatic increase in world oil prices. Since 1945, world oil had by international custom been priced in dollars, since American oil companies dominated the post-war market. A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand for US dollars to pay for that necessary oil. Saudi petrodollars then moved to the "right" banks in London in New York to finance US government deficits. Game, set, match to Bilderberg - where the mandarins of global finance always win. Plutocracy international Although not a single word uttered inside the Bilderberg vaults is allowed to reach public opinion, it's possible to take an educated guess as to what they're talking about. Last week, the ubiquitous Kissinger started the proceedings by illuminating the meaning of "freedom" - the Bush version. Natan Sharansky, Bush's democratic guru, was a participant. Issues that would logically have interested Bilderberg 2005 include the role of NATO and the necessary approval in 2005 of the European constitution by all 25 members of the EU - the consequences of a French "no" in the upcoming May 29 referendum to approve the constitution need to be considered. Widespread job outsourcing in Europe to the Ukraine, China and India may sound the death knell to the constitution: French protesters - who have awakened the German and the Dutch - are insisting that what is good for big corporations may not be necessarily good for Western European workers. Critics say that chapter III of the constitution in fact details the way free trade may effectively kill the European welfare state. They have their reasons to be concerned. In his book The Great Chessboard, Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski hails "a Western Europe ... staying in a large measure an American protectorate". Brzezinski also insists that "Europe has to solve the problem caused by its social redistribution system", which "prevents European initiative". The father of the European constitution is none other than Bilderberger Valery Giscard d'Estaing, who happens to be very close to Kissinger. From a geopolitical perspective, the heart of the whole matter is that the constitution legally confirms that Europe cannot have a defense force apart from NATO, ie outside the control of the US. Bilderberg beliefs would point to only one direction: an ever-expanding, US-controlled NATO, an ever-eastward-expanding EU, mass delocalization, mass corporate profits and unchallenged US military supremacy. No wonder this is the focus of a bitter debate inside EU corridors in Brussels, where scores of diplomats and commission officials openly complain of Washington's bullying and accuse their governments of selling out. Gunther Verheugen, the European commissioner in charge of expanding the EU, happens to be a Bilderberger. When members of the European Commission go to a Bilderberg, their travel expenses and their daily allowance is provided by the commission. This certainly disqualifies Bilderberg's self-presentation as a "private club". Bilderberg 2005 has - coincidentally? - merged with Bush's tour among his Baltic friends and the tense meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The containment of Russia was likely top of the agenda for Bilderberg. Russia is very much worried about its "near abroad" and sees no reason to remove its army from bases in Georgia or its navy from Sebastopol, in Ukrainian Crimea - no matter how many color-coded revolutions happen at its doorstep. European Commission sources assure that Brzezinski remains an extremely influential figure. The Bilderberg discussion on the control of Eurasia still refers to The Grand Chessboard. Washington is such an avid cheerleader of Turkey's accession to the EU because this means increased American influence near the Caspian and over the eastern Mediterranean. And it also works towards the containment of Iran, Russia and China - which, according to Brzezinski, may not be allowed to emerge as rival powers to the US in Eurasia. Another contentious issue that must have occupied the minds of those at Bilderberg 2005 is preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon - this is just a detail: the point is how to prevent Iran from becoming a first-rate Eurasian power. Some in Brussels do not discount the possibility of a scenario of massive propaganda buildup to try to convince American and European public opinion of the necessity of a strike against Iran. How to force Beijing to appreciate the yuan must also have been a topic. (Copyright 2005 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us for information on sales, syndication and republishing.) http://www.bilderberg.org/kissing.htm Bruce Campbell: http://www.ciajfk.com/jfkbooks2.html See the latest evidence which ties Mohammed Al-Fayed (father of Dodi Fayed) to the closest friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, George de Mohrenschildt. Bruce Campbell Adamson has put together his tenth volume on the deMohrenschildt Story. This tome looks at the possibility of a CIA plot in cooperation with the British MI6 to kill Diana and pay back Fayed, for his association to George de Mohrenschildt. Fayed, you will learn, was like family to the de Mohrenschildt's. This volume covers a lot of territory in the JFK assassination, including de Mohrenschildt's ties to six trustees of the Museum of Modern Art: 1). Nelson Rockefeller; 2). Henry Luce; 3). Charles B. Wrightsman; 4). William S. Paley; 5). Philip C. Johnson and 6). John Hay Whitney, whom owned Freeport Sulphur at the time of the assassination. Freeport Sulphur has been merged into Freeport McMorRan and Henry Kissinger is a director.Adamson has also tied Henry Kissinger to this episode, who still works closely with the MI6-CIA and was close to the Mohrenschildt's. Kissinger was in tears when Princess Diana passed on. Kissinger and Associates claim they will make more money than the Central Intelligence Agency. Was Kissinger a mole as James Angleton has suggested? This volume will give you a look at the associations behind the scene. You will see a document that will show Henry Kissinger was given top CIA protection in 1961. President Kennedy disliked Kissinger and yet when JFK, Jr. died NBC has Kissinger on giving his condolences just as they did when Princess Di was killed. Kay Griggs: MUST SEE VIDEO ON WIFE OF COL. GEORGE GRIGGS, SHE SPILLS BEANS ON BUSH, Kissinger, SKULL & BONES, CORRUPTION, ASSASINS, HOMOSEXUALSKay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government) Part 1-2 Kay Griggs, wife of colonel George Griggs, USMC (retired USMC Commandant): 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, found her husband's diary, which contains details of homosexual blackmail in the top ranks of the US Marine Corps and names leading politicians and military leaders. Kay Griggs's information about the US government also comes from observations and people she met. She exposes initiation rituals, the raping of young men and blackmail and murders to keep people quiet. Much of this, according to Griggs, is related to secret society activity and she names figures like Henry Kissinger and a string of other top government individuals. http://www.hipforums.com/forums/showthread...324#post2896324 http://www.directoryupdate.net/societies.html The Trilateral Commission EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Henry Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc; former U.S. Secretary of State; former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Zionism http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-entertainment-...-jew-part4.htmlMurdoch and the ADL “Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch and Mortimer Zuckerman are on the [ADL] dinner committee,” according to a recent New York Times report on the ADL’s recent fund-raiser in which the controversial Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi received the ADL’s Distinguished Statesman Award. Silverstein and Eisenberg have both held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), a billion dollar Zionist “charity” organization, to which Murdoch and Lowy generously contribute. In 1997, Henry Kissinger presented Murdoch with the UJA’s award for “Humanitarian of the Year.” Silverstein is a former chairman of UJA. This organization raises hundreds of millions of dollars every year for a network of Zionist agencies in the United States and Israel. Eisenberg, who was instrumental in obtaining the lease for Silverstein, is on the Planning Board of UJA. Eisenberg in his role with the Port Authority was the key person who negotiated the 99-year leases for Silverstein and Frank Lowy’s Westfield America, who were in fact the low-bidders for the lease on the 110-story towers and the retail mall. Murdoch and the Czechoslovakian-born Israeli commando Frank Lowy, a former fighter in Israel’s Golani Brigade, who emigrated to Australia in the 1950s, have had a long friendship, which Murdoch recounted during an American Australian Association fund-raising dinner in honor of Frank’s son, Peter S. Lowy, in New York on November 20, 2002. Larry Silverstein and his wife also attended the American Australian event. Some reporters refer to the American Australian Association, whose membership includes James Wolfensohn, the president of the World Bank, who raised cash for Rupert Murdoch when he first expanded into the United States, as “the kangaroo mafia.” “Frank was a brave and determined fighter,” Rafi Kocer, Lowy’s former commander, said. Lowy has donated some $350,000 to build a memorial museum in Israel for his former brigade. Today, Lowy and his three sons control Westfield Corporation, one of the largest operators of shopping centers in the United States – and the world. American Council on Germany http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/AppendixB.htmThe official history reads: "The ACG was incorporated in 1952 in New York to encourage reconciliation and understanding following the two disastrous wars in the first half of the 20th century. Among its early leaders were John J. and Ellen McCloy, General Lucius D. Clay, Christopher Emmet, Joseph Kaskell, Dr. George N. Shuster, and Eric M. Warburg. Because of their vision of transatlantic cooperation, the Council has served as a key bridge between Germany and the United States for over 50 years." At another part of their website, 'Warburg Chapters,' it reads: "Based on a grant from a business partner of the late Eric M. Warburg, one of the founders of the ACG, Chapters of the Council were established outside of New York." And yet another section, 'Fellowships for Other Mid-Level Professionals,' reads: "The John J. McCloy Fund of the American Council on Germany was established in 1975 as a tribute to John J. McCloy, soldier, statesman, lawyer, banker, and the first civilian U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. Mr. McCloy worked continually to strengthen friendship and cooperation between Germans and Americans." So, Eric M. Warburg and John J. McCloy were two of the primary founders of the American Council on Germany. Warburg's bio can be seen above. McCloy, a Pilgrims Society member, oversaw Germany's return to statehood and released Hitler's industrial backers as Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht, Friedrich Flick, and Alfred Krupp. McCloy became a chairman of the Rockefeller's Chase National Bank and a chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, among other things. Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Dean Rusk, Dick Cheney, Richard Holbrooke, Dean Acheson, George Ball, Bill Bradley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, and Paul Volcker have sat on the board of the American Council on Germany and/or have participated in its meetings. Eugenics Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation By Leuren Moret 11-20-4 Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry. Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas. Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce. Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says: "Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S. Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared. It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski - all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation: "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995). Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S. For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies &). Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor. She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies&). Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations. The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary. Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest John Gillespie Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Bilderberg THE ROVING EYE Bilderberg strikes again By Pepe Escobar "It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries ..." - David Rockefeller, Bilderberg club permanent member, 1991 This conversation never happened. Well, it actually did. Date: March 5 to 8, 2005. Location: the isolated, fully-booked Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt in Rottach-Egern, 60 kilometers east of Munich, Germany. Essential amenities: luxury rooms, a lake, a golf course, no suits - and no wives. Participants: 120-odd Western movers and shakers - politicians, tycoons, bankers, captains of industry, so-called strategic thinkers - invited for the 2005 meeting of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg club. Security: absolutely draconian. Global media coverage: non-existent. Talk about white man's burden: Bilderberg is strictly "Western" elite, ie American-European. Bilderberg resolutely excludes Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Bilderberg operates in strictly master of the universe territory: what we say goes. Only when events happen will corporate media report them, even though selected media people would have been aware of what has been decided weeks or even months in advance. The New York Times, the Big Three American networks, the Financial Times have all been represented at many Bilderbergs. But they are constrained by the silence of the lambs (see Asia Times Online's report on Bilderberg 2003 in Versailles The masters of the universe May 22, 2003) Bilderberg has an address - in Leiden, Holland - and even a phone number - always on female answering-machine mode. No website though. In an annual ritual, Bilderberg meeting places and agendas have to be painstakingly uncovered by a small group of independent sleuths like Briton Tony Gosling or American James Tucker - who has been following Bilderberg for 30 years. Tucker is publishing a book on Bilderberg later this year. Historian Pierre de Villemarest and journalist William Wolf have already published Facts and Chronicles Denied to the Public, volumes 1 and 2, which include a secret history of Bilderberg. Belgian sociologist Geoffrey Geuens from the University of Liege has also included a full chapter on Bilderberg in one of his books. Although Geuens condemns Bilderberg's obsessive secrecy, he does not subscribe to conspiracy theories: he prefers to study how Bilderberg unmasks the way power works and the incestuous relations between politics, economics and the media. Whenever corporate media approaches Bilderberg it mirrors the silence of the lambs. In 2005, the Financial Times released a classic pre-emptive story downplaying what it qualifies as conspiracy theories. In fact, anyone who questions the most powerful club in the world is derided as a conspiracy theorist. Bilderbergers like British lords or American policy-makers meekly justify it as "just a place to discuss ideas", an innocent "forum" where anyone can "speak frankly", and other assorted cliches. Bilderberger Etienne Davignon, a former vice president of the European Commission, adamantly stresses "this is not a capitalist plot to run the world". Thierry de Montbrial, director of the French Institute of International Relations and a Bilderberg member for almost 30 years, says this is only "a club". The official Bilderberg 2002 press release, for instance, said that "Bilderberg's only activity is its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken and no policy statements issued." Bilderberg is just "a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced". This is, in fact, what the much-lauded "trans-Atlantic relationship" is all about. Members only The Bilderberg group - which took its name from a Dutch hotel - was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands. German-born Bernhard was a card-carrying Nazi and member of the SS. As it is well-known, Prescott Bush was an officer of W A Harriman & Co, which financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis with the help of Averell Harriman and German tycoon Fritz Thyssen. Alden Hatch wrote a biography of Prince Bernhard where he insists that Bilderberg was the cradle of the European Community - later rebranded European Union. He describes Bilderberg's ultimate goal as a one-world government. Bilderberg's membership is heavily crossed with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pilgrims Society, the Trilateral Commission and the famous "Round Table" - a British, Oxford-Cambridge elite group crystallized in the homonymous journal of empire founded in 1910. The Round Table - which also denied its existence as a formal group - called for a more efficient form of global empire so that Anglo-American hegemony could be extended throughout the 20th century. Bilderberg regulars include Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller (of JP Morgan's International Council), Nelson Rockefeller, Prince Philip of Great Britain, Robert McNamara (J F Kennedy's secretary of defense and former president of the World Bank), Margaret Thatcher, former French president (and main redactor of the EU constitution) Valery Giscard D'Estaing, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and the chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan. The Rothschild family has hosted many Bilderbergs. In 1962 and 1973, on the island resort of Saltsjobaden, Sweden, the hosts were the Wallenberg banking family. Some of these masters control more of the universe than others. They are the members of the steering committee, which includes Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Jorma Ollila (Nokia), Jeurgen Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler), Peter Sutherland (former North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - general and now with Goldman Sachs), James Wolfensohn (the outgoing World Bank president) and the "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle. Iraq war conceptualist and incoming World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz is a also a Bilderberg permanent member. George W Bush happened to be in the neighborhood - the Netherlands, for the World War II commemorations - during Bilderberg 2005. He may have dropped in. Bush did meet Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, who must be present at every Bilderberg. To whose advantage? Bilderberg certainly is not an executive council. British economist Will Hutton may have gotten closer to the truth when he said that the consensus reached at each Bilderberg meeting "is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide". What Bilderberg decides can be expected to be later implemented by a G-8 meeting, and International Monetary Fund and World Bank decisions. No matter what, for innumerable, serious critics in Europe as well as the US, Bilderberg is everything from a Zionist plot to a megalomaniac secret cult. Serbs, not without some reason, blamed Bilderberg for the 1999 Balkan war and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic: after all, the US needed to control vital, Balkan pipeline routes. Bilderberg 2002 - although not without controversy - is thought to have cemented the invasion and conquest of Iraq. In his seminal A Century of War: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World War, F William Engdahl details what happened at Bilderberg 1973 in Sweden. An American outlined a scenario for an imminent 400% hike in the oil prices of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Bilderberg did not prevent the oil shock; instead it planned how to manage with mega-profits - what Kissinger described as "recycling the petrodollar flows". Everyone that mattered was present at this Bilderberg: oil majors and major banks. Engdahl's conclusion: What the powerful men grouped around Bilderberg had evidently decided that May was to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests and the dollar. In order to do this, they determined to use their most prized weapon - control of the world's oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo, in order to force a dramatic increase in world oil prices. Since 1945, world oil had by international custom been priced in dollars, since American oil companies dominated the post-war market. A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand for US dollars to pay for that necessary oil. Saudi petrodollars then moved to the "right" banks in London in New York to finance US government deficits. Game, set, match to Bilderberg - where the mandarins of global finance always win. Plutocracy international Although not a single word uttered inside the Bilderberg vaults is allowed to reach public opinion, it's possible to take an educated guess as to what they're talking about. Last week, the ubiquitous Kissinger started the proceedings by illuminating the meaning of "freedom" - the Bush version. Natan Sharansky, Bush's democratic guru, was a participant. Issues that would logically have interested Bilderberg 2005 include the role of NATO and the necessary approval in 2005 of the European constitution by all 25 members of the EU - the consequences of a French "no" in the upcoming May 29 referendum to approve the constitution need to be considered. Widespread job outsourcing in Europe to the Ukraine, China and India may sound the death knell to the constitution: French protesters - who have awakened the German and the Dutch - are insisting that what is good for big corporations may not be necessarily good for Western European workers. Critics say that chapter III of the constitution in fact details the way free trade may effectively kill the European welfare state. They have their reasons to be concerned. In his book The Great Chessboard, Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski hails "a Western Europe ... staying in a large measure an American protectorate". Brzezinski also insists that "Europe has to solve the problem caused by its social redistribution system", which "prevents European initiative". The father of the European constitution is none other than Bilderberger Valery Giscard d'Estaing, who happens to be very close to Kissinger. From a geopolitical perspective, the heart of the whole matter is that the constitution legally confirms that Europe cannot have a defense force apart from NATO, ie outside the control of the US. Bilderberg beliefs would point to only one direction: an ever-expanding, US-controlled NATO, an ever-eastward-expanding EU, mass delocalization, mass corporate profits and unchallenged US military supremacy. No wonder this is the focus of a bitter debate inside EU corridors in Brussels, where scores of diplomats and commission officials openly complain of Washington's bullying and accuse their governments of selling out. Gunther Verheugen, the European commissioner in charge of expanding the EU, happens to be a Bilderberger. When members of the European Commission go to a Bilderberg, their travel expenses and their daily allowance is provided by the commission. This certainly disqualifies Bilderberg's self-presentation as a "private club". Bilderberg 2005 has - coincidentally? - merged with Bush's tour among his Baltic friends and the tense meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The containment of Russia was likely top of the agenda for Bilderberg. Russia is very much worried about its "near abroad" and sees no reason to remove its army from bases in Georgia or its navy from Sebastopol, in Ukrainian Crimea - no matter how many color-coded revolutions happen at its doorstep. European Commission sources assure that Brzezinski remains an extremely influential figure. The Bilderberg discussion on the control of Eurasia still refers to The Grand Chessboard. Washington is such an avid cheerleader of Turkey's accession to the EU because this means increased American influence near the Caspian and over the eastern Mediterranean. And it also works towards the containment of Iran, Russia and China - which, according to Brzezinski, may not be allowed to emerge as rival powers to the US in Eurasia. Another contentious issue that must have occupied the minds of those at Bilderberg 2005 is preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon - this is just a detail: the point is how to prevent Iran from becoming a first-rate Eurasian power. Some in Brussels do not discount the possibility of a scenario of massive propaganda buildup to try to convince American and European public opinion of the necessity of a strike against Iran. How to force Beijing to appreciate the yuan must also have been a topic. (Copyright 2005 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us for information on sales, syndication and republishing.) http://www.bilderberg.org/kissing.htm Bruce Campbell: http://www.ciajfk.com/jfkbooks2.html See the latest evidence which ties Mohammed Al-Fayed (father of Dodi Fayed) to the closest friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, George de Mohrenschildt. Bruce Campbell Adamson has put together his tenth volume on the deMohrenschildt Story. This tome looks at the possibility of a CIA plot in cooperation with the British MI6 to kill Diana and pay back Fayed, for his association to George de Mohrenschildt. Fayed, you will learn, was like family to the de Mohrenschildt's. This volume covers a lot of territory in the JFK assassination, including de Mohrenschildt's ties to six trustees of the Museum of Modern Art: 1). Nelson Rockefeller; 2). Henry Luce; 3). Charles B. Wrightsman; 4). William S. Paley; 5). Philip C. Johnson and 6). John Hay Whitney, whom owned Freeport Sulphur at the time of the assassination. Freeport Sulphur has been merged into Freeport McMorRan and Henry Kissinger is a director.Adamson has also tied Henry Kissinger to this episode, who still works closely with the MI6-CIA and was close to the Mohrenschildt's. Kissinger was in tears when Princess Diana passed on. Kissinger and Associates claim they will make more money than the Central Intelligence Agency. Was Kissinger a mole as James Angleton has suggested? This volume will give you a look at the associations behind the scene. You will see a document that will show Henry Kissinger was given top CIA protection in 1961. President Kennedy disliked Kissinger and yet when JFK, Jr. died NBC has Kissinger on giving his condolences just as they did when Princess Di was killed. Kay Griggs: MUST SEE VIDEO ON WIFE OF COL. GEORGE GRIGGS, SHE SPILLS BEANS ON BUSH, Kissinger, SKULL & BONES, CORRUPTION, ASSASINS, HOMOSEXUALSKay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government) Part 1-2 Kay Griggs, wife of colonel George Griggs, USMC (retired USMC Commandant): 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, found her husband's diary, which contains details of homosexual blackmail in the top ranks of the US Marine Corps and names leading politicians and military leaders. Kay Griggs's information about the US government also comes from observations and people she met. She exposes initiation rituals, the raping of young men and blackmail and murders to keep people quiet. Much of this, according to Griggs, is related to secret society activity and she names figures like Henry Kissinger and a string of other top government individuals. http://www.hipforums.com/forums/showthread...324#post2896324 http://www.directoryupdate.net/societies.html The Trilateral Commission EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Henry Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc; former U.S. Secretary of State; former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Zionism http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-entertainment-...-jew-part4.htmlMurdoch and the ADL “Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch and Mortimer Zuckerman are on the [ADL] dinner committee,” according to a recent New York Times report on the ADL’s recent fund-raiser in which the controversial Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi received the ADL’s Distinguished Statesman Award. Silverstein and Eisenberg have both held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), a billion dollar Zionist “charity” organization, to which Murdoch and Lowy generously contribute. In 1997, Henry Kissinger presented Murdoch with the UJA’s award for “Humanitarian of the Year.” Silverstein is a former chairman of UJA. This organization raises hundreds of millions of dollars every year for a network of Zionist agencies in the United States and Israel. Eisenberg, who was instrumental in obtaining the lease for Silverstein, is on the Planning Board of UJA. Eisenberg in his role with the Port Authority was the key person who negotiated the 99-year leases for Silverstein and Frank Lowy’s Westfield America, who were in fact the low-bidders for the lease on the 110-story towers and the retail mall. Murdoch and the Czechoslovakian-born Israeli commando Frank Lowy, a former fighter in Israel’s Golani Brigade, who emigrated to Australia in the 1950s, have had a long friendship, which Murdoch recounted during an American Australian Association fund-raising dinner in honor of Frank’s son, Peter S. Lowy, in New York on November 20, 2002. Larry Silverstein and his wife also attended the American Australian event. Some reporters refer to the American Australian Association, whose membership includes James Wolfensohn, the president of the World Bank, who raised cash for Rupert Murdoch when he first expanded into the United States, as “the kangaroo mafia.” “Frank was a brave and determined fighter,” Rafi Kocer, Lowy’s former commander, said. Lowy has donated some $350,000 to build a memorial museum in Israel for his former brigade. Today, Lowy and his three sons control Westfield Corporation, one of the largest operators of shopping centers in the United States – and the world. American Council on Germany http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/AppendixB.htmThe official history reads: "The ACG was incorporated in 1952 in New York to encourage reconciliation and understanding following the two disastrous wars in the first half of the 20th century. Among its early leaders were John J. and Ellen McCloy, General Lucius D. Clay, Christopher Emmet, Joseph Kaskell, Dr. George N. Shuster, and Eric M. Warburg. Because of their vision of transatlantic cooperation, the Council has served as a key bridge between Germany and the United States for over 50 years." At another part of their website, 'Warburg Chapters,' it reads: "Based on a grant from a business partner of the late Eric M. Warburg, one of the founders of the ACG, Chapters of the Council were established outside of New York." And yet another section, 'Fellowships for Other Mid-Level Professionals,' reads: "The John J. McCloy Fund of the American Council on Germany was established in 1975 as a tribute to John J. McCloy, soldier, statesman, lawyer, banker, and the first civilian U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. Mr. McCloy worked continually to strengthen friendship and cooperation between Germans and Americans." So, Eric M. Warburg and John J. McCloy were two of the primary founders of the American Council on Germany. Warburg's bio can be seen above. McCloy, a Pilgrims Society member, oversaw Germany's return to statehood and released Hitler's industrial backers as Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht, Friedrich Flick, and Alfred Krupp. McCloy became a chairman of the Rockefeller's Chase National Bank and a chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, among other things. Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Dean Rusk, Dick Cheney, Richard Holbrooke, Dean Acheson, George Ball, Bill Bradley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, and Paul Volcker have sat on the board of the American Council on Germany and/or have participated in its meetings. Eugenics Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation By Leuren Moret 11-20-4 Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry. Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas. Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce. Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says: "Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S. Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared. It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski - all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation: "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995). Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S. For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies &). Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor. She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies&). Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations. The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary. Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK. _________________________________ Now you're talkin'.... Something regarding the home front: http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/publi...icle_4218.shtml http://www.aaroads.com/high-priority/table.html Frighteningly Yours, JG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 (edited) I suggest that John start a new category called SECRET SOCIETIES: Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Masonic Order/Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Royal Roundtable, Council on Foreign Relations, International Banking Groups, The Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the Globalists, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, etc. These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Edited October 17, 2006 by Jack White Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee Forman Posted October 17, 2006 Author Share Posted October 17, 2006 I suggest that John start a new category called SECRET SOCIETIES: Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Masonic Order/Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Royal Roundtable, Council on Foreign Relations, International Banking Groups, The Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the Globalists, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, etc. These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack You didn't like my title Jack? Actually, it should have been called 'Tiptoeing behind the devil.' You may have noticed that one name appeared 52 times in those two threads. So, if there's no such thing as the 'Illuminati,' why is it that so many people seem to believe that man is a leading member? Why is it that so many of those organizations have agendas relative to Westernization, Global Unity, Population Control, Genetic Research, World Banking, etc.? - lee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain.Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Paranoid, depressingly predictable....... idiocy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 (edited) These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Paranoid, depressingly predictable....... idiocy I suggest that Mr. Walker cease calling me an idiot and take time to read RULE BY SECRECY by Jim Marrs. It is deplorable that the moderator of the forum calls members idiots. Especially when he is unfamiliar with the facts. He is unfamiliar that both candidates in the last presidential election were both members of the tiny powerful death cult SKULL AND BONES. Coincidence...NOT. Jack Edited October 17, 2006 by Jack White Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee Forman Posted October 18, 2006 Author Share Posted October 18, 2006 These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Paranoid, depressingly predictable....... idiocy Sure sure. http://shaphan.typepad.com/blog/parliament/index.html The Press Gallery's Masonic Lodge(s)I wrote yesterday about David Cameron choosing arch-Mason Giuseppe Garibaldi as his political hero, and also mentioned how a previous speech of Cameron's had had a noticable Churchillian influence (and that Bro. Churchill was also a Mason). What I didn't know then was that Cameron, at the same event, had also named Churchill as one of his inspirations. Asked about his political heroes and heroines at a journalists' lunch at Westminster, Mr Cameron came up with the unsurprising names of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill. There was one intriguing name on his list, however - Giussepi [sic] Garibaldi, the Italian soldier and nationalist who led the fight for the reunification of his country. Lest he be linked too closely with Garibaldi's frequently violent methods, Mr Cameron was anxious to point out that his choice was influenced by his fondness for Garibaldi biscuits. I don't believe that last bit about the biscuits - it's like saying he admires Maggie partly because he likes thatched cottages. And what above is described as a journalists' lunch was a speech-plus-lunch with the Parliamentary Press Gallery lunch club. A Masonic story about the Parliamentary Press Gallery appeared in the UK Press Gazette earlier this year [link - scroll down]. Recipients of email to lodge complaint? SPARE a thought for Fleet Street veteran Rob Gibson, who has learnt the hard way about the dangers of email. The former Daily Express political editor and dedicated fund-raiser for journalists' charity the NPF now runs the highly regarded Gallery News at the House of Commons. Gibson sends out stories daily to a host of outlets, including MPs at Westminster. Unfortunately, Gibson sent out one email in error last week that was a little too "exclusive". To the great man's consternation, it contained the minutes of the latest meeting of his Masonic lodge. Now there's open government for you. MPs at Westminster have had their own Masonic lodge since 1929, but the lobby journalists' lodge dates back to 1881. According to Martin Short in Inside the Brotherhood (p.582): [C]oncern [about the influence of Freemasonry in Parliament] has never been reported by Britain's Parliamentary press. Its silence may have something to do with the fact that a second lodge operates in the Palace of Westminster. Thirty-eight years before MPs had their own New Welcome Lodge [no. 1539], the press lobby had set up the Gallery Lodge (no. 1928). Kevin Maguire added this, about the Gibson faux pas, in the New Statesman: I read in the minutes of the parliamentary press pinny boys the names of an old Times hand, a couple of ex-Express scribes and my former boss at the Press Association news wire, yet disappointingly none of the Gallery galacticos. Word was that the masons operated two lobby lodges, so perhaps chapter 1928 is the retirees. Anyone who’d like to peruse what this funny-handshake brigade got up to at their 366th convocation should get in touch. And former regional lobby journalist Paul Linford blogs: Correspondents were frequently baffled to find the chairs in the Lobby Room rearranged with one facing the wrong way - a seating arrangement consistent with the masonic initiation ritual in which the candidate sits blindfolded with his back to the room. On one memorable occasion, a notorious wind-up merchant in the regional lobby put out a spoof tannoy for the Secretary of the Press Gallery Freemasons' Lodge - such a body does exist. It was answered by a very well-known Sunday newspaper political editor, who maintained he was simply curious as to who was on the other end of the line..... Anyway, my point is that there is at least one Masonic lodge for the lobby journalists in the Palace of Westminster, in a tradition going back 125 years. So, when David Cameron addressed the assembled hacks, his mentioning of Churchill and Garibaldi as political heroes would have gone down very well with all the Masons in the audience. P.S. [2006.05.05] I didn't know but the Parliamentary Press Gallery has its own website. There's a list of every member of the lobby. The aforementioned Rob(ert) Gibson is Chairman of the Press Gallery. 2006.05.03 at 21:07 | Permalink Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 (edited) These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Paranoid, depressingly predictable....... idiocy I suggest that Mr. Walker cease calling me an idiot and take time to read RULE BY SECRECY by Jim Marrs. It is deplorable that the moderator of the forum calls members idiots. Especially when he is unfamiliar with the facts. He is unfamiliar that both candidates in the last presidential election were both members of the tiny powerful death cult SKULL AND BONES. Coincidence...NOT. Jack It's kind of hard to believe that the people who take this kind of crap seriously can actually be functioning human beings. Worse is that some of them like Lee Forman cite racist web sites as sources. He like Jack and John are in violation of the forum rule requiring members to link their bios at the bottom of their posts. Edited October 18, 2006 by Len Colby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J. Raymond Carroll Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 BilderbergTHE ROVING EYE Bilderberg strikes again By Pepe Escobar What the powerful men grouped around Bilderberg had evidently decided that May was to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests and the dollar. In order to do this, they determined to use their most prized weapon - control of the world's oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo, in order to force a dramatic increase in world oil prices. Since 1945, world oil had by international custom been priced in dollars, since American oil companies dominated the post-war market. A sudden sharp increase in the world price of oil, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in world demand for US dollars to pay for that necessary oil. Not being au courant with the world of high finance and international banking, I note that in recent years the United States dollar has been taking somewhat of a battering against other major currencies. Does this mean that the Bilderberbergers have turned anti-American? I became a bit sceptical of this article by Pepe Escobar when I read the following: "Some of these masters control more of the universe than others. They are the members of the steering committee, which includes Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank), Jorma Ollila (Nokia), Jeurgen Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler), Peter Sutherland (former North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - general and now with Goldman Sachs)" Here is a short bio of the aforementioned Peter Sutherland: http://www.trilateral.org/membship/bios/ps.htm I happen to know a little bit about Peter Sutherland. He was one of my law school tutors, though I seldom attended his tutorials (I always considered tutorials, which were optional, to be the dunce's class). He is a brilliant man and very tough-minded, but I doubt if the author is correct in characterizing him as "former NATO general." I don't think he was ever in the military, and in any case Ireland has never been a member of NATO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JL Allen Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 (edited) If the ultimate goal is a one-world government and a one-world currency - everything happening now is prelude - attempting to jigger quadrants and values into some sort of relative equality and a workable format from what were once vast differences - before the final blending and unifying. It would have been necessary for the U.S. to fall financially hard. We have been. Over forty years after that black weekend - they are still attempting to turn this particular battleship around - before it's "full steam ahead". Edited October 18, 2006 by JL Allen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 These are the "unknown" people who really run the world...the wizards behind the curtain. Particularly powerful in the US are SKULL AND BONES , CFR, and BOHEMIAN GROVE. Jack Paranoid, depressingly predictable....... idiocy I suggest that Mr. Walker cease calling me an idiot and take time to read RULE BY SECRECY by Jim Marrs. It is deplorable that the moderator of the forum calls members idiots. Especially when he is unfamiliar with the facts. He is unfamiliar that both candidates in the last presidential election were both members of the tiny powerful death cult SKULL AND BONES. Coincidence...NOT. Jack It's kind of hard to believe that the people who take this kind of crap seriously can actually be functioning human beings. Worse is that some of them like Lee Forman cite racist web sites as sources. He like Jack and John are in violation of the forum rule requiring members to link their bios at the bottom of their posts. It is baffling that a human being in Brazil is working day and night to promote the interests of the Bush dynasty and their 1000 points of light. Remember..."a thousand points of light" is an Illuminati slogan. Their "new Pearl Harbor" is a PNAC slogan. Jack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 18, 2006 Share Posted October 18, 2006 It is baffling that a human being in Brazil is working day and night to promote the interests of the Bush dynasty and their 1000 points of light. Remember..."a thousand points of light" is an Illuminati slogan. Their "new Pearl Harbor" is a PNAC slogan. Jack Exactly how am I "working...to promote the interests of the Bush dynasty" debunking silly crap like this and the lunatic theories you promote (Apollo Hoax, Chemtrails, 9/11, and "the Zapruder Hoax")? Show that I work "day and night" it really doesn't take much time normally to respond to this stuff. "1000 points of light" isn't an Illuminati slogan cuz "t'ain't no such thing" Len Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 19, 2006 Share Posted October 19, 2006 It is baffling that a human being in Brazil is working day and night to promote the interests of the Bush dynasty and their 1000 points of light. Remember..."a thousand points of light" is an Illuminati slogan. Their "new Pearl Harbor" is a PNAC slogan. Jack Exactly how am I "working...to promote the interests of the Bush dynasty" debunking silly crap like this and the lunatic theories you promote (Apollo Hoax, Chemtrails, 9/11, and "the Zapruder Hoax")? Show that I work "day and night" it really doesn't take much time normally to respond to this stuff. "1000 points of light" isn't an Illuminati slogan cuz "t'ain't no such thing" Len Google has thousand of sources on ILLUMINATI, SKULL AND BONES, BUSHES, MASONS, THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT, NEW WORLD ORDER. excerpted and paraphrased from a typical one: ....The term New World Order whose last word is also the name of the secret Yale senior society sometimes called 322, The ORDER of Death [original name] or Bones (Skull and Bones), is also the American domicile of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is the most powerful secret organization in the world that usually uses a host to camouflage its presence. In the French revolution they used the Masonic orders of Germany, France and Italy, in the Russian revolution they used Zionism, and in present-day America they use the Order (Skull and Bones) along with sundry zionist organizations, and American zionism and zionist organizations to control the media and government. The ORDER has about 1000 active members in America. Remember G. Bush's pronouncements “We will lead with a thousand points of light”. The inference being that the thousand points of light are the 1000 Bonesmen Illuminists intended to rule the world. Both Bushes are members of Skull and Bones, as was Kerry... The Illuminists originally drew their name from their belief that only the elite were qualified to LIGHT THE WAY for the world....thus 1000 points of light. Look it up. Jack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 19, 2006 Share Posted October 19, 2006 More on the Order (Skull and Bones) and the Illuminati from the internet: Philosophy of the Skull & Bones Far from being a campus fun-house, the group is geared more toward the success of its members in their post-collegiate endeavours. “Historically, operations of The Order have concentrated on society, how to change society in a specific manner towards a specific goal: a New World Order. We know the elements in society that will have to be changed in order to bring about this New World order, ... " They have planned and orchestrated every major historical event for centuries, including fomenting revolutions, wars, and subversive movements that they benefit from and which weakens the nations, etc. These elite who manipulate both the so-called “right” and the so-called “left” have deliberately created the current world situation. By controlling the resulting “synthesis” -- the end result of Hegelian “thesis” and “antithesis” -- a Globalist New World Order is produced. You can call it techno-fascism or techno-feudalism, but the result is the same -- a global consolidation and mega-corporate transnational centralization of power, capital and resources. And how does it work? By using “managed conflict” or “crisis management.” A crisis or problem is produced. Then the crisis is “managed” and the problem is “solved” with an outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the Global Power Elite.” America’s Secret Establishment, by Antony C. Sutton, pg. 31-32. Influence of Skull & Bones In Finance and Foundations There are many well-known Wall Street investment firms that were formed by members of the Skull and Bones family, such as Harriman, Payne, and Whitney. Many of these firms are household names and have been very influential in the history of United States. Due to the space we will just discuss them with some important facts. Today one of the largest and oldest banks on Wall Street is Morgan-Guaranty Trust. It was created by a number of bank mergers over that last 130 years. The Guaranty Trust Company was the initial parent company formed in 1864 and the initial capital that formed this company came from the following families: Vanderbilt (S&B family), Rockefeller, Whitney (S&B family), and Harriman (S&B family). The Harriman family started the Union Pacific Railroad, which was very successful. Members of the family started the W. A. Harriman investment firm on Wall Street that later merged with Brown Brothers, which was a private international banking firm. This new firm was called Brown Brothers, Harriman. According to Ted Flynn’s book Hope for the Wicked this new firm brought in nine partners who were S&B. One of the most famous partners of this firm was Prescott Bush (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1917). He was the father of former President George Bush senior and the grandfather of President George Bush Jr., who was also made a partner of this firm. Many Skull and Bones members of the Brown Brothers, Harriman and the Morgan Guaranty Trust helped to finance Hitler and the Russian Revolution. Kris Millegan’s website on Skull & Bones said the Federal government seized stock of the Union Bank ten months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Union Bank was used as a front to trade with Hitler. Many S&B members owned stock in this bank and were members of the board of director. Prescott Bush was a director of this bank and the Harrimans owned about a third of the stock. Kris Millegan said the following about the S&B aiding the Russian Revolution in 1917. “Averell invested in the USSR soon after the revolution in defiance of federal laws and regulations. The investment firms, Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman—both dominated by “Bonesmen”—were involved in the early financing of Communist Russia. They financed industries, established banks and developed oil and mineral resources. (http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/boodleboys1.html).” These are just a few examples of the S&B influence in the affairs of the world. Influence of Skull & Bones in Politics Although a secret organization, the Skull and Bones has exerted an enormous influence in the politics and foreign policy of this country for at least 150 years. The only way this can be proven, since many of the motives and records are secret, is to examine the political appointments of various presidents. A pattern of power is revealed when Skull and Bones members are identified as filling many of these appointments. Kris Millegan’s web site The Bobble Boys: http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/boodleboys1.html reveals a few examples. He quotes historian and special assistant to JFK, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. “These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs. The New York and legal community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root* ; its present leaders, Robert A. Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “ William Taft (initiated into Skull and Bones in 1878) was elected president of the U.S. in 1909 and President Harding appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921, which he served until his death in 1930. Henry L. Stimson (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1888) was appointed to seven high government positions by seven presidents. His first appointment was Secretary of War by President Taft. His last appointment was Secretary of War under President Roosevelt and Truman. Mr. Millegan states at his web site: “He was “ultimately responsible” for the internment of Japanese-American citizens in WWII and oversaw the Manhattan Project, America’s atomic bomb program. Stimson also took credit for swaying Truman into dropping “the bomb” on Japan.” In the JFK administration Skull and Bones members played an important role in dictating policy. According to the paper entitled George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order by Paul Goldstein & Jeffrey Steinberg, it states that Kennedy had personally asked Robert A. Lovett, a partner in the Wall Street investment firm of Brown Brothers, to join his Cabinet. Robert A. Lovett did not want to become a part of JFK’s administration. Instead, he recommended a number of Bonesmen into the critical posts. McGeorge Bundy was appointed Kennedy’s National Security Adviser. Averell Harriman was made Under Secretary of State for Asian Affairs, a position that placed him in charge of many of the most critical decisions along with the disaster in Vietnam. William Bundy remained in a senior post at CIA (see website http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/whitepaper.htm). These men and others in JFK’s administration had more control over foreign policy than JFK did as president. There was a network of secret societies besides Skull and Bones, such as Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) that also dictated policy. Two quotes in the book Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs confirms this. Special Advisor to JFK John K. Galbraith said: “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had say, but foreign policy was still with the Council of Foreign Relation people (p. 127).” The Former Ambassador to Saigon, Frederick F. Nolting said: “The axis of Lodge (CFR) and Harriman (CFR) was too strong for President Kennedy to thwart or overcome (p. 130).” These are just a few instances of the CFR’s influence in the world of U.S. politics. This should be proof to the skeptic that there are secret organizations that dictate polices of the country without the consent of the American people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack White Posted October 19, 2006 Share Posted October 19, 2006 More on the Order (Skull and Bones) and the Illuminati from the internet: Philosophy of the Skull & Bones Far from being a campus fun-house, the group is geared more toward the success of its members in their post-collegiate endeavours. “Historically, operations of The Order have concentrated on society, how to change society in a specific manner towards a specific goal: a New World Order. We know the elements in society that will have to be changed in order to bring about this New World order, ... " They have planned and orchestrated every major historical event for centuries, including fomenting revolutions, wars, and subversive movements that they benefit from and which weakens the nations, etc. These elite who manipulate both the so-called “right” and the so-called “left” have deliberately created the current world situation. By controlling the resulting “synthesis” -- the end result of Hegelian “thesis” and “antithesis” -- a Globalist New World Order is produced. You can call it techno-fascism or techno-feudalism, but the result is the same -- a global consolidation and mega-corporate transnational centralization of power, capital and resources. And how does it work? By using “managed conflict” or “crisis management.” A crisis or problem is produced. Then the crisis is “managed” and the problem is “solved” with an outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the Global Power Elite.” America’s Secret Establishment, by Antony C. Sutton, pg. 31-32. Influence of Skull & Bones In Finance and Foundations There are many well-known Wall Street investment firms that were formed by members of the Skull and Bones family, such as Harriman, Payne, and Whitney. Many of these firms are household names and have been very influential in the history of United States. Due to the space we will just discuss them with some important facts. Today one of the largest and oldest banks on Wall Street is Morgan-Guaranty Trust. It was created by a number of bank mergers over that last 130 years. The Guaranty Trust Company was the initial parent company formed in 1864 and the initial capital that formed this company came from the following families: Vanderbilt (S&B family), Rockefeller, Whitney (S&B family), and Harriman (S&B family). The Harriman family started the Union Pacific Railroad, which was very successful. Members of the family started the W. A. Harriman investment firm on Wall Street that later merged with Brown Brothers, which was a private international banking firm. This new firm was called Brown Brothers, Harriman. According to Ted Flynn’s book Hope for the Wicked this new firm brought in nine partners who were S&B. One of the most famous partners of this firm was Prescott Bush (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1917). He was the father of former President George Bush senior and the grandfather of President George Bush Jr., who was also made a partner of this firm. Many Skull and Bones members of the Brown Brothers, Harriman and the Morgan Guaranty Trust helped to finance Hitler and the Russian Revolution. Kris Millegan’s website on Skull & Bones said the Federal government seized stock of the Union Bank ten months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Union Bank was used as a front to trade with Hitler. Many S&B members owned stock in this bank and were members of the board of director. Prescott Bush was a director of this bank and the Harrimans owned about a third of the stock. Kris Millegan said the following about the S&B aiding the Russian Revolution in 1917. “Averell invested in the USSR soon after the revolution in defiance of federal laws and regulations. The investment firms, Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman—both dominated by “Bonesmen”—were involved in the early financing of Communist Russia. They financed industries, established banks and developed oil and mineral resources. (http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/boodleboys1.html).” These are just a few examples of the S&B influence in the affairs of the world. Influence of Skull & Bones in Politics Although a secret organization, the Skull and Bones has exerted an enormous influence in the politics and foreign policy of this country for at least 150 years. The only way this can be proven, since many of the motives and records are secret, is to examine the political appointments of various presidents. A pattern of power is revealed when Skull and Bones members are identified as filling many of these appointments. Kris Millegan’s web site The Bobble Boys: http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/boodleboys1.html reveals a few examples. He quotes historian and special assistant to JFK, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. “These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs. The New York and legal community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root* ; its present leaders, Robert A. Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “ William Taft (initiated into Skull and Bones in 1878) was elected president of the U.S. in 1909 and President Harding appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921, which he served until his death in 1930. Henry L. Stimson (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1888) was appointed to seven high government positions by seven presidents. His first appointment was Secretary of War by President Taft. His last appointment was Secretary of War under President Roosevelt and Truman. Mr. Millegan states at his web site: “He was “ultimately responsible” for the internment of Japanese-American citizens in WWII and oversaw the Manhattan Project, America’s atomic bomb program. Stimson also took credit for swaying Truman into dropping “the bomb” on Japan.” In the JFK administration Skull and Bones members played an important role in dictating policy. According to the paper entitled George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order by Paul Goldstein & Jeffrey Steinberg, it states that Kennedy had personally asked Robert A. Lovett, a partner in the Wall Street investment firm of Brown Brothers, to join his Cabinet. Robert A. Lovett did not want to become a part of JFK’s administration. Instead, he recommended a number of Bonesmen into the critical posts. McGeorge Bundy was appointed Kennedy’s National Security Adviser. Averell Harriman was made Under Secretary of State for Asian Affairs, a position that placed him in charge of many of the most critical decisions along with the disaster in Vietnam. William Bundy remained in a senior post at CIA (see website http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/whitepaper.htm). These men and others in JFK’s administration had more control over foreign policy than JFK did as president. There was a network of secret societies besides Skull and Bones, such as Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) that also dictated policy. Two quotes in the book Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs confirms this. Special Advisor to JFK John K. Galbraith said: “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had say, but foreign policy was still with the Council of Foreign Relation people (p. 127).” The Former Ambassador to Saigon, Frederick F. Nolting said: “The axis of Lodge (CFR) and Harriman (CFR) was too strong for President Kennedy to thwart or overcome (p. 130).” These are just a few instances of the CFR’s influence in the world of U.S. politics. This should be proof to the skeptic that there are secret organizations that dictate polices of the country without the consent of the American people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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