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Eleven early print descriptions of the Zapruder film

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Exactly how many times does one have to inform you that Mr. West personally informed me that he only "saw" photographs of frames of the Z-film, and that they/the survey personnel did not utilize them.

Those personnel who were directing all of the activities had possession of the photographs and they informed the survey crews as to positioning, and what to survey.

Of course, you no doubt spoke with Mr. West numerous times and got your information, did you not????

Breneman did not even work permanently for Robert West. He was more or less a "contract" individual who did work for whoever had too large of a work load for their crews to handle.

Thus, Breneman was called in for the Time/Life Survey work.

Which, was so lacking in accuracy and detail that it is more like something which a child with a tape measure would perform.

Thereafter, Mr. West took personal charge of the US Secret Service survey and re-enactment work of December 2, 3, & 4th, with the associated survey plat dated December 5th, 1963.

This is the survey work which established most of the survey control points as well as true elevation control throughout the Elm St. area.

Thereafter, the "modification" to this work by the FBI on 2/7/64, was done partially by Mr. West, and partially by only his survey personnel.

Then, for the WC, on May 24, 1964 Mr. West was fully on site as were his survey personnel. This Survey Plat was completed (drawn) on May 31, 1964.

And, it was on May 25, 1964 that Mr. West left his office and walked across Houston St. to Dealy Plaza in order to get a few additional necessary measurements, when he observed members of the WC re-enactment personnel in a bucket lift, up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

And, they were cutting and removing the limbs from the top of this tree!

Then, on 6/25/64, Mr. West was directed to prepare another survey plat for the FBI which showed only the first and second shot impact points. No survey was done and the survey plat merely utilized that information gained from previous works.


Anyone who has paid attention to the postings on this subject would understand why there are differences between the US Secret Service survey plat and works of 12/5/63, the FBI "fudge factor" survey work and survey plat of 2/7/64, and the WC confuse the hell out of everyone work of May 1964.

However, not unlike the medical evidence, it truly is not that difficult to understand if one actually applies themselves.

In event anyone new to the forum would like it explained again, just ask.

In fact, one does not even have to "ask" nicely as I could give a sh** less about nicety.

Or, one could just ask Jack and really get more confused!

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Exactly how many times does one have to inform you that Mr. West personally informed me that he only "saw" photographs of frames of the Z-film, and that they/the survey personnel did not utilize them.

Those personnel who were directing all of the activities had possession of the photographs and they informed the survey crews as to positioning, and what to survey.

Of course, you no doubt spoke with Mr. West numerous times and got your information, did you not????

Breneman did not even work permanently for Robert West. He was more or less a "contract" individual who did work for whoever had too large of a work load for their crews to handle.

Thus, Breneman was called in for the Time/Life Survey work.

Which, was so lacking in accuracy and detail that it is more like something which a child with a tape measure would perform.

Thereafter, Mr. West took personal charge of the US Secret Service survey and re-enactment work of December 2, 3, & 4th, with the associated survey plat dated December 5th, 1963.

This is the survey work which established most of the survey control points as well as true elevation control throughout the Elm St. area.

Thereafter, the "modification" to this work by the FBI on 2/7/64, was done partially by Mr. West, and partially by only his survey personnel.

Then, for the WC, on May 24, 1964 Mr. West was fully on site as were his survey personnel. This Survey Plat was completed (drawn) on May 31, 1964.

And, it was on May 25, 1964 that Mr. West left his office and walked across Houston St. to Dealy Plaza in order to get a few additional necessary measurements, when he observed members of the WC re-enactment personnel in a bucket lift, up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

And, they were cutting and removing the limbs from the top of this tree!

Then, on 6/25/64, Mr. West was directed to prepare another survey plat for the FBI which showed only the first and second shot impact points. No survey was done and the survey plat merely utilized that information gained from previous works.


Anyone who has paid attention to the postings on this subject would understand why there are differences between the US Secret Service survey plat and works of 12/5/63, the FBI "fudge factor" survey work and survey plat of 2/7/64, and the WC confuse the hell out of everyone work of May 1964.

However, not unlike the medical evidence, it truly is not that difficult to understand if one actually applies themselves.

In event anyone new to the forum would like it explained again, just ask.

In fact, one does not even have to "ask" nicely as I could give a sh** less about nicety.

Or, one could just ask Jack and really get more confused!

Jethro...there can be NO CONFUSION here. You yourself accurately stated that I was

referring to the work for which TIME-LIFE CONTRACTED THE SERVICES OF WEST AND

BRENEMAN. However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY

MADE BY WEST AND STAFF. Time-Life furnished West and Breneman enlargements of

Zframes to locate. West was in charge. Breneman was helping him. They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

You keep talking about West's work for the USG. I am referring to his work for Time-Life.

Please quit saying I am misleading people.


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Exactly how many times does one have to inform you that Mr. West personally informed me that he only "saw" photographs of frames of the Z-film, and that they/the survey personnel did not utilize them.

Those personnel who were directing all of the activities had possession of the photographs and they informed the survey crews as to positioning, and what to survey.

Of course, you no doubt spoke with Mr. West numerous times and got your information, did you not????

Breneman did not even work permanently for Robert West. He was more or less a "contract" individual who did work for whoever had too large of a work load for their crews to handle.

Thus, Breneman was called in for the Time/Life Survey work.

Which, was so lacking in accuracy and detail that it is more like something which a child with a tape measure would perform.

Thereafter, Mr. West took personal charge of the US Secret Service survey and re-enactment work of December 2, 3, & 4th, with the associated survey plat dated December 5th, 1963.

This is the survey work which established most of the survey control points as well as true elevation control throughout the Elm St. area.

Thereafter, the "modification" to this work by the FBI on 2/7/64, was done partially by Mr. West, and partially by only his survey personnel.

Then, for the WC, on May 24, 1964 Mr. West was fully on site as were his survey personnel. This Survey Plat was completed (drawn) on May 31, 1964.

And, it was on May 25, 1964 that Mr. West left his office and walked across Houston St. to Dealy Plaza in order to get a few additional necessary measurements, when he observed members of the WC re-enactment personnel in a bucket lift, up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

And, they were cutting and removing the limbs from the top of this tree!

Then, on 6/25/64, Mr. West was directed to prepare another survey plat for the FBI which showed only the first and second shot impact points. No survey was done and the survey plat merely utilized that information gained from previous works.


Anyone who has paid attention to the postings on this subject would understand why there are differences between the US Secret Service survey plat and works of 12/5/63, the FBI "fudge factor" survey work and survey plat of 2/7/64, and the WC confuse the hell out of everyone work of May 1964.

However, not unlike the medical evidence, it truly is not that difficult to understand if one actually applies themselves.

In event anyone new to the forum would like it explained again, just ask.

In fact, one does not even have to "ask" nicely as I could give a sh** less about nicety.

Or, one could just ask Jack and really get more confused!

Jethro...there can be NO CONFUSION here. You yourself accurately stated that I was

referring to the work for which TIME-LIFE CONTRACTED THE SERVICES OF WEST AND

BRENEMAN. However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY

MADE BY WEST AND STAFF. Time-Life furnished West and Breneman enlargements of

Zframes to locate. West was in charge. Breneman was helping him. They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

You keep talking about West's work for the USG. I am referring to his work for Time-Life.

Please quit saying I am misleading people.


there can be NO CONFUSION here

If you are involved, there is confusion!

However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY


Prior to the Time/Life work of 11/26/63, there was no "previously made" works.

The Time/Life work was the first, and Mr. West had little to do with this.

Breneman was the "Instrument" man (the one who actually shoots in the elevations & angles", which is what most people call the "surveyor".

Mr. West did not supervise this work, and this is quite obviously why it looks like something that a child with a tape measure would do.

This work is so lacking in accuracy that it would not constitute a "Legal Survey" in any one of the 50 states.

So, I will ask again! Exactly how many times was it that you located and spoke with Mr. West?

You should have visited him a lot since you also apparantly live right around there.

They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

Is this the same source of facts which gave us the "six groove bullet"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "bottom sling swivel"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "curb strikes" which had never been heard of by Mr. West?

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Exactly how many times does one have to inform you that Mr. West personally informed me that he only "saw" photographs of frames of the Z-film, and that they/the survey personnel did not utilize them.

Those personnel who were directing all of the activities had possession of the photographs and they informed the survey crews as to positioning, and what to survey.

Of course, you no doubt spoke with Mr. West numerous times and got your information, did you not????

Breneman did not even work permanently for Robert West. He was more or less a "contract" individual who did work for whoever had too large of a work load for their crews to handle.

Thus, Breneman was called in for the Time/Life Survey work.

Which, was so lacking in accuracy and detail that it is more like something which a child with a tape measure would perform.

Thereafter, Mr. West took personal charge of the US Secret Service survey and re-enactment work of December 2, 3, & 4th, with the associated survey plat dated December 5th, 1963.

This is the survey work which established most of the survey control points as well as true elevation control throughout the Elm St. area.

Thereafter, the "modification" to this work by the FBI on 2/7/64, was done partially by Mr. West, and partially by only his survey personnel.

Then, for the WC, on May 24, 1964 Mr. West was fully on site as were his survey personnel. This Survey Plat was completed (drawn) on May 31, 1964.

And, it was on May 25, 1964 that Mr. West left his office and walked across Houston St. to Dealy Plaza in order to get a few additional necessary measurements, when he observed members of the WC re-enactment personnel in a bucket lift, up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

And, they were cutting and removing the limbs from the top of this tree!

Then, on 6/25/64, Mr. West was directed to prepare another survey plat for the FBI which showed only the first and second shot impact points. No survey was done and the survey plat merely utilized that information gained from previous works.


Anyone who has paid attention to the postings on this subject would understand why there are differences between the US Secret Service survey plat and works of 12/5/63, the FBI "fudge factor" survey work and survey plat of 2/7/64, and the WC confuse the hell out of everyone work of May 1964.

However, not unlike the medical evidence, it truly is not that difficult to understand if one actually applies themselves.

In event anyone new to the forum would like it explained again, just ask.

In fact, one does not even have to "ask" nicely as I could give a sh** less about nicety.

Or, one could just ask Jack and really get more confused!

Jethro...there can be NO CONFUSION here. You yourself accurately stated that I was

referring to the work for which TIME-LIFE CONTRACTED THE SERVICES OF WEST AND

BRENEMAN. However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY

MADE BY WEST AND STAFF. Time-Life furnished West and Breneman enlargements of

Zframes to locate. West was in charge. Breneman was helping him. They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

You keep talking about West's work for the USG. I am referring to his work for Time-Life.

Please quit saying I am misleading people.


there can be NO CONFUSION here

If you are involved, there is confusion!

However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY


Prior to the Time/Life work of 11/26/63, there was no "previously made" works.

The Time/Life work was the first, and Mr. West had little to do with this.

Breneman was the "Instrument" man (the one who actually shoots in the elevations & angles", which is what most people call the "surveyor".

Mr. West did not supervise this work, and this is quite obviously why it looks like something that a child with a tape measure would do.

This work is so lacking in accuracy that it would not constitute a "Legal Survey" in any one of the 50 states.

So, I will ask again! Exactly how many times was it that you located and spoke with Mr. West?

You should have visited him a lot since you also apparantly live right around there.

They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

Is this the same source of facts which gave us the "six groove bullet"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "bottom sling swivel"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "curb strikes" which had never been heard of by Mr. West?

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Exactly how many times does one have to inform you that Mr. West personally informed me that he only "saw" photographs of frames of the Z-film, and that they/the survey personnel did not utilize them.

Those personnel who were directing all of the activities had possession of the photographs and they informed the survey crews as to positioning, and what to survey.

Of course, you no doubt spoke with Mr. West numerous times and got your information, did you not????

Breneman did not even work permanently for Robert West. He was more or less a "contract" individual who did work for whoever had too large of a work load for their crews to handle.

Thus, Breneman was called in for the Time/Life Survey work.

Which, was so lacking in accuracy and detail that it is more like something which a child with a tape measure would perform.

Thereafter, Mr. West took personal charge of the US Secret Service survey and re-enactment work of December 2, 3, & 4th, with the associated survey plat dated December 5th, 1963.

This is the survey work which established most of the survey control points as well as true elevation control throughout the Elm St. area.

Thereafter, the "modification" to this work by the FBI on 2/7/64, was done partially by Mr. West, and partially by only his survey personnel.

Then, for the WC, on May 24, 1964 Mr. West was fully on site as were his survey personnel. This Survey Plat was completed (drawn) on May 31, 1964.

And, it was on May 25, 1964 that Mr. West left his office and walked across Houston St. to Dealy Plaza in order to get a few additional necessary measurements, when he observed members of the WC re-enactment personnel in a bucket lift, up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly in front of the TSDB.

And, they were cutting and removing the limbs from the top of this tree!

Then, on 6/25/64, Mr. West was directed to prepare another survey plat for the FBI which showed only the first and second shot impact points. No survey was done and the survey plat merely utilized that information gained from previous works.


Anyone who has paid attention to the postings on this subject would understand why there are differences between the US Secret Service survey plat and works of 12/5/63, the FBI "fudge factor" survey work and survey plat of 2/7/64, and the WC confuse the hell out of everyone work of May 1964.

However, not unlike the medical evidence, it truly is not that difficult to understand if one actually applies themselves.

In event anyone new to the forum would like it explained again, just ask.

In fact, one does not even have to "ask" nicely as I could give a sh** less about nicety.

Or, one could just ask Jack and really get more confused!

Jethro...there can be NO CONFUSION here. You yourself accurately stated that I was

referring to the work for which TIME-LIFE CONTRACTED THE SERVICES OF WEST AND

BRENEMAN. However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY

MADE BY WEST AND STAFF. Time-Life furnished West and Breneman enlargements of

Zframes to locate. West was in charge. Breneman was helping him. They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

You keep talking about West's work for the USG. I am referring to his work for Time-Life.

Please quit saying I am misleading people.


there can be NO CONFUSION here

If you are involved, there is confusion!

However, it is only fair to say that they used for this survey PLATS PREVIOUSLY


Prior to the Time/Life work of 11/26/63, there was no "previously made" works.

The Time/Life work was the first, and Mr. West had little to do with this.

Breneman was the "Instrument" man (the one who actually shoots in the elevations & angles", which is what most people call the "surveyor".

Mr. West did not supervise this work, and this is quite obviously why it looks like something that a child with a tape measure would do.

This work is so lacking in accuracy that it would not constitute a "Legal Survey" in any one of the 50 states.

So, I will ask again! Exactly how many times was it that you located and spoke with Mr. West?

You should have visited him a lot since you also apparantly live right around there.

They found discrepancies.

This is fact.

Is this the same source of facts which gave us the "six groove bullet"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "bottom sling swivel"?

Is the same source of facts which gave us the "curb strikes" which had never been heard of by Mr. West?

They found discrepancies.

This is fact.[/b]

Mr. West found a lot of discrepancies!

However, these were only in four areas:

1. Angular measurements.

2. Height Measurements

3. Horizontal Measurements

4. Elevation correction measurements.

Which about says it all.

The Breneman work was marginal, at best for determination of anything, and in some instances not even marginal.


1. Failure to obtain exact height of window ledge of sixth floor window above walkway.

2. Failure to add correction factors for downward grade street elevation.

3. Failure to carry vertical angles and horizontal angles into the "second".

4. Failure to carry horizontal measurements beyond the "tenth" of a foot.

With this/these inconsistant data, Paul D. Hardin had to do the best that he could in preparation of the Time/Life Survey plat. And, the inaccuracies are easily demonstratable, and can be readily seen and understood in the Time/Life Survey Plat.

After this, Mr. West personally went into Dealy Plaza and re-did the measurements for the Time/Life first impact point.

In so doing, he took into consideration all of those things which a surveyor of any repute would do, and made the appropriate corrections and found considerable "Discrepancies" in the work done by Breneman.

The attached drawing for Shot #1, as down by Mr. West, when compared with that work of Breneman, certainly demonstrates the "Discrepancies".

However, these "discrepancies" had nothing to do with anything related to where Time/Life had determined as being the point of impact.

They, for the most part, had to do with a completely inadequate survey on the part of Breneman.

In fact! Breneman made a full 10-degree "BUST" on his vertical angle from the first shot impact point to the window ledge.

He wrote in his scribble notes that it was 20-degrees & 30 minutes.

When Mr. West went back and double checked, he found that it was 30-degrees and 30-minutes due to Breneman's failure to compensate for street grade, actual/correct elevation of the window ledge, and the difference between the sidewalk elevation and the actual street elevation.


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.....Mrs. Kennedy crawls out over the trunk compartment in the rear of the car trying to escape the line of fire. Her husband slumps to the floor. A Secret Service agent runs to aid Mrs. Kennedy......

Try finding the underlined quote evidenced anywhere currently in the Zapruder footage.

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