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End-of-Course Exam/Questionaire

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Out of attachment space----continuation tomorrow.


Many, many thanks for taking the time to re-post this information; it is greatly appreciated. One final quesiton: You indicate elsewhere that there was an FBI "reconstruction" in February of 1964. Can you cite a source, or sources, references, for this particular incident?



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Page 5

Out of attachment space----continuation tomorrow.


Many, many thanks for taking the time to re-post this information; it is greatly appreciated. One final quesiton: You indicate elsewhere that there was an FBI "reconstruction" in February of 1964. Can you cite a source, or sources, references, for this particular incident?



I must be "sickic" or Psycic one! Just posted the legend block from the FBI survey and re-enactment of February 1964, as well as the Survey Plat Change which they requested in June of 1964, over under the bullet holes in the road sign topic.

My original source is of course Mr. West.

During what was my initial visit to his home and discussion of the WC re-enactment and request for any survey notes associated with this, Mr. West brought up the Time/Life Survey Plat (which apparantly all were unaware of) as well as the work for the FBI.

Mr. West asked if I wanted copies of these survey plats as well.

Needless to say, I also have these as well as what associated survey notes that Mr. West could find, FROM ALL SURVEY work done in Dealy Plaza for:

1. Time/Life

2. The U.S. Secret Service

3. The FBI

4. The WC

And, as one who once attended survey school, rest assured that they tell a lot as to what was going on.

Mr. West & I had some "common ground" in that aspect, and it just so happened that I had at the time a "West Survey" employed for me in my work for Enron at Ft. Stockton, TX.

And although no relationship (according to Mr. Robert West of Dallas), he was fully aware of the West Survey of West Texas.

Unless old age is kind to me and altzheimers sets in so that I can forget my stupidity and lack of forethought, I will die regretting that I did not at least make some effort to tape record my visits and conversations with Mr. Robert West.

This is one reason that they are being publicly revealed now, for when I bite the bullet, it will be gone unless I make the effort to inform of what many should have long ago delved into.

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Page 3 (hopefully)


Hey Purv,

That's really commendable of you to do this. I gather you never got a bite from the gov. either, right?

"Secondly, let me state that this "End-of-Course" Exam was offered to John McAdams as well as Ken Rahn, both as a means for them to earn "real" credit on the subject matter, as well as to give it a shot at "debunking"."

And, you already know what I think of those two misinfo/disinfo assholes. Their cases have been shot full of holes so many times it should've been slammed shut in their faces years ago. And, they call themselves educators? The book "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Paulo Freire could've been written with them in mind.

Keep on pushin', though.

Thought perhaps that would rattle your chain somewhat.

Always nice to see and hear from my favorite (& only one I ever met-directly/indirectly) Bunny.

As I have stated, in many areas I have appreciation for the work of McAdams, especially in his "debunking" work.

However, no one has the right to install "blinders" and merely see/look at the living trees while ignoring the infestation of dead trees which are throughout the forest, yet claim to be a researcher into the subject matter of pine beetles.

Lastly, few politicians are willing to even "touch" the subject matter of the JFK assassination, even with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!


"Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!"

And, you certainly proved that to me, awhile back, Purv. Especially, with the amount of research you've done on New Orleans' "deeper" connections. It's truly amazing what one would've found if they'd actually taken the time to climb some of those [family] trees. Kind of like "the acorn not falling far from the proverbial you-know-what." B)

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Page 3 (hopefully)


Hey Purv,

That's really commendable of you to do this. I gather you never got a bite from the gov. either, right?

"Secondly, let me state that this "End-of-Course" Exam was offered to John McAdams as well as Ken Rahn, both as a means for them to earn "real" credit on the subject matter, as well as to give it a shot at "debunking"."

And, you already know what I think of those two misinfo/disinfo assholes. Their cases have been shot full of holes so many times it should've been slammed shut in their faces years ago. And, they call themselves educators? The book "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Paulo Freire could've been written with them in mind.

Keep on pushin', though.

Thought perhaps that would rattle your chain somewhat.

Always nice to see and hear from my favorite (& only one I ever met-directly/indirectly) Bunny.

As I have stated, in many areas I have appreciation for the work of McAdams, especially in his "debunking" work.

However, no one has the right to install "blinders" and merely see/look at the living trees while ignoring the infestation of dead trees which are throughout the forest, yet claim to be a researcher into the subject matter of pine beetles.

Lastly, few politicians are willing to even "touch" the subject matter of the JFK assassination, even with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!


"Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!"

And, you certainly proved that to me, awhile back, Purv. Especially, with the amount of research you've done on New Orleans' "deeper" connections. It's truly amazing what one would've found if they'd actually taken the time to climb some of those [family] trees. Kind of like "the acorn not falling far from the proverbial you-know-what." B)


And although I am most certainly too old to enjoy the nightlife of NO, and it certainly is not the fun it was in the early 60's, with my nosing around there I feel considerably more secure if I wear some sort of disguise even on the antiques shopping excursions.

When one digs too deeply into certain family trees, and thereafter makes it public knowledge, one could end up as one of the most recent statistics from that area, even if one does have relatives who live there.

P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!

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Since it would appear that I have been fully "labeled" as the resident "Lone Nutter" on this forum, hopefully, this may aid those who have difficulty in understanding, that I absolutely DO NOT believe that LHO was some "Lone Nut".

LONE ASSASSIN-----------Yes, or even possibly (and intentionally) Designated RABBIT.


1. The WC is an intentional lie and misrepresentation of the facts of the assassination.

2. The WC misrepresentation/aka lie, has nothing to do with multiple assassins; body snatchers; or giant conspiratorial plots to assassinate the President of the United States.------It is about POLITICS, and specifically, TEXAS POLITICS!

3. Lastly, that there was in fact a LONE ASSASSIN/Single Shooter, has no bearing on the overwhelming evidence which serves to indicate that the assassination of JFK WAS NOT the result of some Lone Nut who had nothing better to do on 11/22/63.

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Page 8

Reference The First Shot/CE399 postings:

Please note that I have yet to get to CE840 and the fragment from CE399 which was extruded out the base and subsequently exited out the throat of JFK as a result of having been sheared off due to impact with the transverse process of a vertebrae.

As soon as "Exam Time" is over, then one can return to the remainder of the facts regarding CE399, which has many remaining aspects.

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Page 3 (hopefully)


Hey Purv,

That's really commendable of you to do this. I gather you never got a bite from the gov. either, right?

"Secondly, let me state that this "End-of-Course" Exam was offered to John McAdams as well as Ken Rahn, both as a means for them to earn "real" credit on the subject matter, as well as to give it a shot at "debunking"."

And, you already know what I think of those two misinfo/disinfo assholes. Their cases have been shot full of holes so many times it should've been slammed shut in their faces years ago. And, they call themselves educators? The book "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Paulo Freire could've been written with them in mind.

Keep on pushin', though.

Thought perhaps that would rattle your chain somewhat.

Always nice to see and hear from my favorite (& only one I ever met-directly/indirectly) Bunny.

As I have stated, in many areas I have appreciation for the work of McAdams, especially in his "debunking" work.

However, no one has the right to install "blinders" and merely see/look at the living trees while ignoring the infestation of dead trees which are throughout the forest, yet claim to be a researcher into the subject matter of pine beetles.

Lastly, few politicians are willing to even "touch" the subject matter of the JFK assassination, even with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!


"Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!"

And, you certainly proved that to me, awhile back, Purv. Especially, with the amount of research you've done on New Orleans' "deeper" connections. It's truly amazing what one would've found if they'd actually taken the time to climb some of those [family] trees. Kind of like "the acorn not falling far from the proverbial you-know-what." :)


And although I am most certainly too old to enjoy the nightlife of NO, and it certainly is not the fun it was in the early 60's, with my nosing around there I feel considerably more secure if I wear some sort of disguise even on the antiques shopping excursions.

When one digs too deeply into certain family trees, and thereafter makes it public knowledge, one could end up as one of the most recent statistics from that area, even if one does have relatives who live there.

P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!


"P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!"

Hell, I never thought of you as a "complete" loon, nor as the resident L.N.'er, Purv because I took the time to read your posts in their entirety. Besides, I could read the messages and inuendos between the lines of your well-organized research on the New Orleans connection. Then again, unless one has actually lived in N.O., they're not going to be as familiar with the local patois, other than what's been thrown around by Madison Avenue in the way of advertizing slogans and sound bytes, such as in referring to her as, "The Crescent City," or "The Big Easy," or at worst, "Nawlins" and/or "...blackened crawfish, guaranteed!" I prefer to remember her the way my Mama, and Grandma used to call her by name, "New" Awlins.

So Purv, whereas some folks might've tried to write you off as a "complete" loon, they were more than likely trying to put their Evelyn Woods speed-reading skills to work, and therefore overlooked the finer nuances, and satirically laced inferences I had always found to be so entertaining, yet informative at the same time. There's always another story inside the story.

And, speaking of just that, on another thread they're debating the "two" Ozwalds. I thought there there had to have been closer to six or more "cut-outs" running around in different parts of the globe, all at that same time. Your work seems to have drawn a bead on the original, along with his immediate family of ancestors and their deeper connections in N.O. And, one of the "cut outs" in that Miami radio interview of 1963 (?) actually pronounced his "supposed" hometown's name as New OrLEANS. A dead give away for a Yankee, or foreign interloper's accent as there was definitely no "French" take on that pronounciation. A tree of a whole 'nother root system, further "East," if you will.

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Page 3 (hopefully)


Hey Purv,

That's really commendable of you to do this. I gather you never got a bite from the gov. either, right?

"Secondly, let me state that this "End-of-Course" Exam was offered to John McAdams as well as Ken Rahn, both as a means for them to earn "real" credit on the subject matter, as well as to give it a shot at "debunking"."

And, you already know what I think of those two misinfo/disinfo assholes. Their cases have been shot full of holes so many times it should've been slammed shut in their faces years ago. And, they call themselves educators? The book "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Paulo Freire could've been written with them in mind.

Keep on pushin', though.

Thought perhaps that would rattle your chain somewhat.

Always nice to see and hear from my favorite (& only one I ever met-directly/indirectly) Bunny.

As I have stated, in many areas I have appreciation for the work of McAdams, especially in his "debunking" work.

However, no one has the right to install "blinders" and merely see/look at the living trees while ignoring the infestation of dead trees which are throughout the forest, yet claim to be a researcher into the subject matter of pine beetles.

Lastly, few politicians are willing to even "touch" the subject matter of the JFK assassination, even with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!


"Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!"

And, you certainly proved that to me, awhile back, Purv. Especially, with the amount of research you've done on New Orleans' "deeper" connections. It's truly amazing what one would've found if they'd actually taken the time to climb some of those [family] trees. Kind of like "the acorn not falling far from the proverbial you-know-what." :)


And although I am most certainly too old to enjoy the nightlife of NO, and it certainly is not the fun it was in the early 60's, with my nosing around there I feel considerably more secure if I wear some sort of disguise even on the antiques shopping excursions.

When one digs too deeply into certain family trees, and thereafter makes it public knowledge, one could end up as one of the most recent statistics from that area, even if one does have relatives who live there.

P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!


"P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!"

Hell, I never thought of you as a "complete" loon, nor as the resident L.N.'er, Purv because I took the time to read your posts in their entirety. Besides, I could read the messages and inuendos between the lines of your well-organized research on the New Orleans connection. Then again, unless one has actually lived in N.O., they're not going to be as familiar with the local patois, other than what's been thrown around by Madison Avenue in the way of advertizing slogans and sound bytes, such as in referring to her as, "The Crescent City," or "The Big Easy," or at worst, "Nawlins" and/or "...blackened crawfish, guaranteed!" I prefer to remember her the way my Mama, and Grandma used to call her by name, "New" Awlins.

So Purv, whereas some folks might've tried to write you off as a "complete" loon, they were more than likely trying to put their Evelyn Woods speed-reading skills to work, and therefore overlooked the finer nuances, and satirically laced inferences I had always found to be so entertaining, yet informative at the same time. There's always another story inside the story.

And, speaking of just that, on another thread they're debating the "two" Ozwalds. I thought there there had to have been closer to six or more "cut-outs" running around in different parts of the globe, all at that same time. Your work seems to have drawn a bead on the original, along with his immediate family of ancestors and their deeper connections in N.O. And, one of the "cut outs" in that Miami radio interview of 1963 (?) actually pronounced his "supposed" hometown's name as New OrLEANS. A dead give away for a Yankee, or foreign interloper's accent as there was definitely no "French" take on that pronounciation. A tree of a whole 'nother root system, further "East," if you will.

Well, back to the "ole country boy" attitude:

One squirrell jumping around on a lot of trees will confuse all but the best of squirrel dogs.

Multiple squirrels in the same area, jumping on multiple trees, will send even the best of squirrel dogs into hysteria to the extent that he may appear to be chasing his own tail.

When one considers the efforts to which someone went in order to make LHO appear as the Lone Squirrel/Lone Nut gatherer, it would only be reasonable to consider that they were smart enough to have had a few other nut gatherers as well.

Therefore, the highly convincing evidence which points to LHO, could have just as easily been the intentional work of those who knew exactly how to cause the dogs to chase a rabbit instead of treeing the squirrel that they were supposed to be hunting.

The full background and history of NO produced many who were capable of and experienced in such matters.


Received a few "attaboy's" from what I would consider one of the true experts in the people background & connections department.

For whatever that may or may not be worth.

P.P.S. Few are aware of the simple fact that it was primarily the "Yankee" money which was invested in New Orleans which kept it from lighting the night as did Atlanta, GA.

P.P.P.S. Lastly, for anyone who has wasted their time in looking for the "Lost Treasury of the Confederacy", they just may want to look towards the New York Stock Exchange.

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Page 3 (hopefully)


Hey Purv,

That's really commendable of you to do this. I gather you never got a bite from the gov. either, right?

"Secondly, let me state that this "End-of-Course" Exam was offered to John McAdams as well as Ken Rahn, both as a means for them to earn "real" credit on the subject matter, as well as to give it a shot at "debunking"."

And, you already know what I think of those two misinfo/disinfo assholes. Their cases have been shot full of holes so many times it should've been slammed shut in their faces years ago. And, they call themselves educators? The book "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" by Paulo Freire could've been written with them in mind.

Keep on pushin', though.

Thought perhaps that would rattle your chain somewhat.

Always nice to see and hear from my favorite (& only one I ever met-directly/indirectly) Bunny.

As I have stated, in many areas I have appreciation for the work of McAdams, especially in his "debunking" work.

However, no one has the right to install "blinders" and merely see/look at the living trees while ignoring the infestation of dead trees which are throughout the forest, yet claim to be a researcher into the subject matter of pine beetles.

Lastly, few politicians are willing to even "touch" the subject matter of the JFK assassination, even with a 10-foot pole.

Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!


"Sometimes, one has to literally "buy" his way into the house before the subject matter can be broached, and even then one had best have a sack full of introductory letters which demonstrate that at least, the person is not another complete "loon"!"

And, you certainly proved that to me, awhile back, Purv. Especially, with the amount of research you've done on New Orleans' "deeper" connections. It's truly amazing what one would've found if they'd actually taken the time to climb some of those [family] trees. Kind of like "the acorn not falling far from the proverbial you-know-what." :unsure:


And although I am most certainly too old to enjoy the nightlife of NO, and it certainly is not the fun it was in the early 60's, with my nosing around there I feel considerably more secure if I wear some sort of disguise even on the antiques shopping excursions.

When one digs too deeply into certain family trees, and thereafter makes it public knowledge, one could end up as one of the most recent statistics from that area, even if one does have relatives who live there.

P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!


"P.S. Notice that I did qualify that as not being a "complete" loon!"

Hell, I never thought of you as a "complete" loon, nor as the resident L.N.'er, Purv because I took the time to read your posts in their entirety. Besides, I could read the messages and inuendos between the lines of your well-organized research on the New Orleans connection. Then again, unless one has actually lived in N.O., they're not going to be as familiar with the local patois, other than what's been thrown around by Madison Avenue in the way of advertizing slogans and sound bytes, such as in referring to her as, "The Crescent City," or "The Big Easy," or at worst, "Nawlins" and/or "...blackened crawfish, guaranteed!" I prefer to remember her the way my Mama, and Grandma used to call her by name, "New" Awlins.

So Purv, whereas some folks might've tried to write you off as a "complete" loon, they were more than likely trying to put their Evelyn Woods speed-reading skills to work, and therefore overlooked the finer nuances, and satirically laced inferences I had always found to be so entertaining, yet informative at the same time. There's always another story inside the story.

And, speaking of just that, on another thread they're debating the "two" Ozwalds. I thought there there had to have been closer to six or more "cut-outs" running around in different parts of the globe, all at that same time. Your work seems to have drawn a bead on the original, along with his immediate family of ancestors and their deeper connections in N.O. And, one of the "cut outs" in that Miami radio interview of 1963 (?) actually pronounced his "supposed" hometown's name as New OrLEANS. A dead give away for a Yankee, or foreign interloper's accent as there was definitely no "French" take on that pronounciation. A tree of a whole 'nother root system, further "East," if you will.

Well, back to the "ole country boy" attitude:

One squirrell jumping around on a lot of trees will confuse all but the best of squirrel dogs.

Multiple squirrels in the same area, jumping on multiple trees, will send even the best of squirrel dogs into hysteria to the extent that he may appear to be chasing his own tail.

When one considers the efforts to which someone went in order to make LHO appear as the Lone Squirrel/Lone Nut gatherer, it would only be reasonable to consider that they were smart enough to have had a few other nut gatherers as well.

Therefore, the highly convincing evidence which points to LHO, could have just as easily been the intentional work of those who knew exactly how to cause the dogs to chase a rabbit instead of treeing the squirrel that they were supposed to be hunting.

The full background and history of NO produced many who were capable of and experienced in such matters.


Received a few "attaboy's" from what I would consider one of the true experts in the people background & connections department.

For whatever that may or may not be worth.

P.P.S. Few are aware of the simple fact that it was primarily the "Yankee" money which was invested in New Orleans which kept it from lighting the night as did Atlanta, GA.

P.P.P.S. Lastly, for anyone who has wasted their time in looking for the "Lost Treasury of the Confederacy", they just may want to look towards the New York Stock Exchange.



Received a few "attaboy's" from what I would consider one of the true experts in the people background & connections department.

For whatever that may or may not be worth.

P.P.S. Few are aware of the simple fact that it was primarily the "Yankee" money which was invested in New Orleans which kept it from lighting the night as did Atlanta, GA.

P.P.P.S. Lastly, for anyone who has wasted their time in looking for the "Lost Treasury of the Confederacy", they just may want to look towards the New York Stock Exchange."


I knew my man in N.O. was "on the money" from the git-go. Hooray and halleujah!

And, that's my "atta-boy" for you, Purv. :ph34r:

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