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Larry Stern

John Simkin

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I thought considering this information it would be a good idea to start a thread on Larry Stern.

Do you have any information on why Phil Graham and Larry Stern were "snuffed"?

Larry was a close friend of mine, and became assistant managing editor of the WashPost. He was by far their star investigative reporter, and made a lot of enemies during the LTV scandal, the Bobby Baker scandal, and many others. He knew who had been involved in the JFK assassination. It was because he was totally straight (and a true champion of the underdog) that he was not chosen to become managing editor. Eventually, it was decided to get rid of him, so the Agency (or the Enterprise – meaning the privatized part of the Agency) had Larry shot with a compressed air rifle firing a tiny dart, the same method used on Schlei, and on many others. The choice of poisons varies, depending on the objective. This almost invisible dart has a much greater range than the jeweler’s watch bearing fired by the equivalent Soviet assassination weapon, used on the Bulgarian emigres. If you find this hard to believe, look closely at the snuffing of Dr. Richard Kelly in UK. As to Phil Graham, he was up to his ears in the manipulation of JFK in behalf of LBJ and the Robber Barons – as you’ve shown. Like several other big players, he began to go bonkers with the burden of what he had been involved in, was drinking heavily, whoring around so that Kay Graham was mightily pissed, and there were many of us at the WashPost who concluded that his purported suicide did not wash. It was an assisted suicide.

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COPLEY News Service, out of San Diego, California, is CIA MOCKINGBIRD all the way. For Coply CIA ties see Penthouse magazine feature article;

Also note May 2006 story, Feds raid CIA officer home, and how this guy was recruited into the CIA from the DA office because of his ties to the local YOUNG REPUBLICANS, a hive of domestic terrorits for sure....


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My expertise on this topic comes from my research for YELLOW RAIN during which I became a very close friend of the chief forensic pathologist at the Agency, Dr. Christopher ("Kit") Green, who was here visiting last year with his second wife.

During that period (late 1970s, early 1980s) I was able to study snuffing methods of both the KGB and the Agency, and the pharmacopia, discussing much of this with Kit.

Larry Stern's death was described in the press as an incident while jogging on a beach in Martha's Vineyard with a friend, wearing a bathing suit.

He suddenly felt a beesting on his calf, halted and reached down presumably to brush off the bee (or whatever), and fell over dead. It was postulated that he died from a coronary caused by a blood clot or something, and as I recall there was no autopsy because it was portrayed as a perfectly natural thing to happen. Sometimes when you get a coronary, you feel it first as a sharp pain in some other part of the body. But as you learn fro studying snake venoms, neurotoxic venoms from vipers kill you in seconds, while haemotoxic venoms like those from cobras take as much as a minute or longer to travel through your bloodstream from your ankle or calf to your heart. This would obviously be the case with a blood clot. The key here is that Larry (and Norbert Schlei and others I've studied) felt a sting on the ankle, calf or thigh and then fell down dead in a matter of four or five seconds.

Larry had a lot of enemies in high positions, including some at the WashPost where Larry always was a champion of the Post's labor unions.

Larry's father had spent his life as a typesetter at the WashPost, so Larry was a champion of the underdog. And, as you know, champions of the underdog are often seen as pariahs by the Oligopoly. It was Larry who broke the Ling-Temco-Vought and Bobby Baker scandals, and many others, and the powers that be at the WashPost disliked him enough to by-pass him when it came time to appoint one of the Assistant Managing Editors to be the new Managing Editor.

The guy they chose was a total, devious, scumbag, perpetual turncoat. Then, of course, when Kay died, little Donny took over the WashPost, and little Donny had grown up inside the Poohbah cabal. For many years, Donny made the WashPost a far right antithesis of what it had seemed to be during the Bobby Baker and Watergate years. But it was ALWAYS an Establishment/Cabal newspaper, merely posing as champion of Liberalism. Much as Averell Harriman posed as a Liberal, and member of the Democratic Party, when he was the owner of NEWSWEEK during the years NEWSWEEK colluded in the rescue of Hirohito, the snuffing of war crimes investigators, and the rescue of indicted war criminals from Sugamo Prison. See our THE YAMATO DYNASTY for all of that.

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My expertise on this topic comes from my research for YELLOW RAIN during which I became a very close friend of the chief forensic pathologist at the Agency, Dr. Christopher ("Kit") Green, who was here visiting last year with his second wife.

During that period (late 1970s, early 1980s) I was able to study snuffing methods of both the KGB and the Agency, and the pharmacopia, discussing much of this with Kit.

Larry Stern's death was described in the press as an incident while jogging on a beach in Martha's Vineyard with a friend, wearing a bathing suit.

He suddenly felt a beesting on his calf, halted and reached down presumably to brush off the bee (or whatever), and fell over dead. It was postulated that he died from a coronary caused by a blood clot or something, and as I recall there was no autopsy because it was portrayed as a perfectly natural thing to happen. Sometimes when you get a coronary, you feel it first as a sharp pain in some other part of the body. But as you learn fro studying snake venoms, neurotoxic venoms from vipers kill you in seconds, while haemotoxic venoms like those from cobras take as much as a minute or longer to travel through your bloodstream from your ankle or calf to your heart. This would obviously be the case with a blood clot. The key here is that Larry (and Norbert Schlei and others I've studied) felt a sting on the ankle, calf or thigh and then fell down dead in a matter of four or five seconds.

Larry had a lot of enemies in high positions, including some at the WashPost where Larry always was a champion of the Post's labor unions.

Larry's father had spent his life as a typesetter at the WashPost, so Larry was a champion of the underdog. And, as you know, champions of the underdog are often seen as pariahs by the Oligopoly. It was Larry who broke the Ling-Temco-Vought and Bobby Baker scandals, and many others, and the powers that be at the WashPost disliked him enough to by-pass him when it came time to appoint one of the Assistant Managing Editors to be the new Managing Editor.

The guy they chose was a total, devious, scumbag, perpetual turncoat. Then, of course, when Kay died, little Donny took over the WashPost, and little Donny had grown up inside the Poohbah cabal. For many years, Donny made the WashPost a far right antithesis of what it had seemed to be during the Bobby Baker and Watergate years. But it was ALWAYS an Establishment/Cabal newspaper, merely posing as champion of Liberalism. Much as Averell Harriman posed as a Liberal, and member of the Democratic Party, when he was the owner of NEWSWEEK during the years NEWSWEEK colluded in the rescue of Hirohito, the snuffing of war crimes investigators, and the rescue of indicted war criminals from Sugamo Prison. See our THE YAMATO DYNASTY for all of that.

Sterling Seagrave,

Please advise how to obtain the two CDs which accompany Gold Warriors. Thanks!

Miles Scull

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I am currently reading Jim Hougan's book Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA. A footnote on page 53 mentions Laurence Stern:

... In 1965 a firm called Psychological Assessment Associates Inc., was established with headquarters in Washington D.C.

Founded by two retired CIA psychologists, the firm's mains source of funding was the CIA. See Laurence Stern, "Behind

Psychological Assessment's Door, a CIA Operation," Washington Post, June 21, 1974, p A3.

Has anyoned ever read this article, or has anyone heard of this CIA front company before? Did Laurence Stern write other articles about the CIA's

involvement in psychological research? Had he written about MKULTRA?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In 1979 the Washington Post created the Laurence Stern Fellowship for young journalists from Britain. The first twenty-seven fellows were:- David Leigh, James Naughtie, Penny Chorlton, Ian Black, Mary Ann Sieghart, Lionel Barber, Ewen MacAskill, Sarah Helm, Edward Vulliamy, Adela Gooch, Keith Kendrick, Liz Hunt, Jonathan Freedland, Ian Katz, Rebecca Fowler, Sarah Neville, Gary Younge, Audrey Gillan, Caroline Daniel, Will Woodward, Cathy Newman, Glenda Cooper, Helen Rumbelow, Tania Branigan, Mary Fitzgerald, Sam Coates and Anushka Asthana.


David Leigh went on to write some great books on the world of covert activities. I would especially recommend "The Wilson Plot", an attempt by MI5 to overthrow Wilson's Labour government.

On a personal note, I used to teach David Leigh's son, history.

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Larry Stern's son has kindly sent me some articles that appeared in the Washington Post at the time his father died. This has enabled me to create a more detailed page on Larry Stern.

There are several references to Stern in Ben Bradlee's authobiography, A Good Life. It includes the following:

"Larry Stern played a key role in our lives, Sally's and my first, shared friend. We drove him to and from work every day. We had at least drinks together almost every night, and when Nora Pouillon and her pals, the Damato brothers, needed a little cash for sheetrock to finish the walls of their restaurant around the corner, Larry persuaded us to invest $5,000 in Nora's Restaurant."

It is therefore very strange that Bradlee does not mention Larry's death.

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I am currently reading Jim Hougan's book Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA. A footnote on page 53 mentions Laurence Stern:

... In 1965 a firm called Psychological Assessment Associates Inc., was established with headquarters in Washington D.C.

Founded by two retired CIA psychologists, the firm's mains source of funding was the CIA. See Laurence Stern, "Behind

Psychological Assessment's Door, a CIA Operation," Washington Post, June 21, 1974, p A3.

Has anyoned ever read this article, or has anyone heard of this CIA front company before? Did Laurence Stern write other articles about the CIA's

involvement in psychological research? Had he written about MKULTRA?

Nathaniel ~

Larry Stern was one of the WashPost's primary writers on the Agency, with excellent sources, so it might be fruitful to do a search at the newspaper's website.

Sterling Seagrave

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  • 1 month later...

Just was looking at the previews of the Laurence Stern articles at the Washington Post website. You have to buy a pass to read the whole articles.

On first glance it sure looks like Laurence Stern might have trouble getting a job in today's world of Corporate Journalism.

There is an artilce from 1969 questions the Tax exempt status of the Rockefeller Foundation, and another one from that year that seems to imply that all the rhetoric about the Mylai massacre was designed to obfuscate the wider carnage. I wonder what doorsteps these articles lead to. I looked at many headlines and brief previews that made it seem like Stern was a real reporter. If anyone has time and doesn't mind paying four bucks an article to the Post, without knowing exactly what your going to get, this looks like a good source.

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Just was looking at the previews of the Laurence Stern articles at the Washington Post website. You have to buy a pass to read the whole articles.

On first glance it sure looks like Laurence Stern might have trouble getting a job in today's world of Corporate Journalism.

There is an artilce from 1969 questions the Tax exempt status of the Rockefeller Foundation, and another one from that year that seems to imply that all the rhetoric about the Mylai massacre was designed to obfuscate the wider carnage. I wonder what doorsteps these articles lead to. I looked at many headlines and brief previews that made it seem like Stern was a real reporter. If anyone has time and doesn't mind paying four bucks an article to the Post, without knowing exactly what your going to get, this looks like a good source.

I can put you in contact with Larry Stern's son if you are interested. He is himself an investigative journalist.

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