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Stemmon's Sign

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Zapruder line of sight from the pedestal, of course the height at which each image was photographed from needs to be taken into account

One never knows exactly what they will find if they compare things like the Memorial Photo, the Zapruder Film, the Re-Enactment Photo, and then take a look at elevations of tree limbs along concrete walls in the background.

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Hope this is OK.

I took the liberty of layering/registering both photo's for other's to see.

What's the next bombshell?




Other than that there was still only a lone assassin, I would have to dig to see if anything was missed..

There is one other photo which bears discussion but I have not managed to locate my copy yet.

Will keep looking.

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Zapruder line of sight from the pedestal, of course the height at which each image was photographed from needs to be taken into account

Robin...that is not how to determine a line of sight in a photo.

Take the UNCROPPED image, and draw two lines from opposite

corners, forming an X. The intersection of the lines forms a point

that represents the lens axis...or LINE OF SIGHT. This may be

enhanced by drawing horizontal and vertical lines through the

center point forming a + which will show the horizontal and

vertical axes. These four lines will be very helpful in making

comparisons. All bets are off if the image has been cropped.


Edited by Jack White
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Was this new Memorial photo taken on the same day? If known.


I noticed you used the background buildings to register your gif.

What would it look like if you use the stemmons sign?



Since I'm perspectively challenged, I'll just post it aligning the Stemmon's sign.

I know that left pole moves ever so slightly between the two, it's the best I can do without changing the aspect ratio.



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Zapruder line of sight from the pedestal, of course the height at which each image was photographed from needs to be taken into account

Robin...that is not how to determine a line of sight in a photo.

Take the UNCROPPED image, and draw two lines from opposite

corners, forming an X. The intersection of the lines forms a point

that represents the lens axix...or LINE OF SIGHT. This may be

enhanced by drawing horizontal and vertical lines through the

center point forming a + which will show the horizontal and

vertical axes. These four lines will be very helpful in making

comparisons. All bets are off if the image has been cropped.


Edited by Robin Unger
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Thought it might be a good idea to get a picture of the Stemmons sign support poles, when they did the WC reenactment.

I made the poles black for easier comparison/visability.


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