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DOCUMENTARY: "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy"

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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

ROSEMARY WILLIS 2nd Headsnap; Westward, Ultrafast, & Towards the "Grassy Knoll"

Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing Victims locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Suspected trajectories, Evidentiary artifacts, etc

4 Principles

T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore


For the United States


"How did it happen they hit Connally?"

- LBJ, despite the "lone assassin" media-driven statements the previous 7 days, during a 29NOV63 phone conversation with his longtime friend, longtime neighbor, & soon-to-be-appointed-by-LBJ-"for-life" F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER

Edited by Don Roberdeau
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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players.

Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone:

At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza.

Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web?


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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players.

Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone:

At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza.

Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web?



That would be the Jimmy Darnell film. He was a cameraman for WBAP-TV, riding in camera car 3. Was not in the car when he filmed this.

There are 2 segments for a total of 8 seconds.


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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players.

Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone:

At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza.

Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web?



That would be the Jimmy Darnell film. He was a cameraman for WBAP-TV, riding in camera car 3. Was not in the car when he filmed this.

There are 2 segments for a total of 8 seconds.



Many thanks! I was able to download your attached file in OuickTime format. Unfortunately, frame captures are very fuzzy; fuzzier even than freeze frame of "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy." For example:


The reason I am interested in this frame is that there seem to be men (spectators) behind the underpass balustrade to the extreme right as the balustrade connects with the west terminus of the picket fence. There seems to be one individual standing behind the balustrade at a point about 3 feet from the terminus of the picket fence.

My software is very limited. I wonder if you might know a way to develop a much clearer & detailed image here. Any chance?


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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players.

Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone:

At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza.

Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web?



That would be the Jimmy Darnell film. He was a cameraman for WBAP-TV, riding in camera car 3. Was not in the car when he filmed this.

There are 2 segments for a total of 8 seconds.



Many thanks! I was able to download your attached file in OuickTime format. Unfortunately, frame captures are very fuzzy; fuzzier even than freeze frame of "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy." For example:

The reason I am interested in this frame is that there seem to be men (spectators) behind the underpass balustrade to the extreme right as the balustrade connects with the west terminus of the picket fence. There seems to be one individual standing behind the balustrade at a point about 3 feet from the terminus of the picket fence.

My software is very limited. I wonder if you might know a way to develop a much clearer & detailed image here. Any chance?


Edited by Robin Unger
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Interresting video.

To hear Marita Lorenz say that Sturgis did send her home from Dallas before the assassination for example,

I think I remember her saying also (later) , that she wanted to leave Dallas and that it was her own decission.


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Good Day.... If you would like to view the 1h 30m documentary, "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy" (1992), it is now available, in its entirety, free online for you, here....


Best Regards in Research,


Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players.

Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone:

At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza.

Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web?



That would be the Jimmy Darnell film. He was a cameraman for WBAP-TV, riding in camera car 3. Was not in the car when he filmed this.

There are 2 segments for a total of 8 seconds.



Many thanks! I was able to download your attached file in OuickTime format. Unfortunately, frame captures are very fuzzy; fuzzier even than freeze frame of "Beyond 'JFK'; The Question of Conspiracy." For example:

The reason I am interested in this frame is that there seem to be men (spectators) behind the underpass balustrade to the extreme right as the balustrade connects with the west terminus of the picket fence. There seems to be one individual standing behind the balustrade at a point about 3 feet from the terminus of the picket fence.

My software is very limited. I wonder if you might know a way to develop a much clearer & detailed image here. Any chance?



Excellent, & thanks.

I would like to know the time frame for this photo. How many minutes/seconds was this taken after Z-313? In other words, would the figure behind the balustrade close to the end of the picket fence have been the same figure as seen in the Darnell frame standing at that position?

What would be the time interval between the Darnell frame & this photo (name?)? [it's the same man standing there, isn't it? He's been standing there since Z-313. No?]

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Merci Don. This is a bit dated but great stuff. I'd personally perfer to hear zero from Dan Moldea or John Davis, but all the Garrison and my good pal Carl Oglesby was pretty cool. Seeing Garrrison so close to death and still talking about this case was very moving.

Man....on a different note....is it global warming or what? It's FREEZING here in Austin on 4/7and gonna get colder tomorrow. Crazy weather. I hate it.


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That is Officer Haygood on top of the fence.........

The photo was taken by Harold Cabluck.....this is within minutes after..

Haygood was approximately at the corner of Houston and Elm, when the President was hit...

He looked down the street saw the people down on the ground and in confusion...He then rode his

bike to the street sewer area on the North side of Elm, just to the right in front of the Fort Worth Freeway sign.....

and parked it, after trying to jump the curb....

By then people had begun to run up the knoll, but he ran up the bank, towards the corner of the fence, people

then began to follow him.....

Harold Cabluck was on the bus..the first bus.......

He took the photo of Haygood, at the top of and peering over the fence..... it was taken within minutes

of the President being hit by the kill shot.....Zap frame 313..

The photo below showing Haygood with the motorcycle is a frame from the poor Couch film..

The other is from Wilma Bond, pointing out the sewer......that is Haygood approaching the sewer drain

and sign where he parks it...

The other photo showing Haygood, approaching the top of the hill nearing the fence that Robin

has posted, is also from the Couch film....


Edited by Bernice Moore
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That is Officer Haygood on top of the fence.........

The photo was taken by Harold Cabluck.....this is within minutes after..

Haygood was approximately at the corner of Houston and Elm, when the President was hit...

He looked down the street saw the people down on the ground and in confusion...He then rode his

bike to the street sewer area on the North side of Elm, just to the right in front of the Fort Worth Freeway sign.....

and parked it, after trying to jump the curb....

By then people had begun to run up the knoll, but he ran up the bank, towards the corner of the fence, people

then began to follow him.....

Harold Cabluck was on the bus..the first bus.......

He took the photo of Haygood, at the top of and peering over the fence..... it was taken within minutes

of the President being hit by the kill shot.....Zap frame 313..

The photo below showing Haygood with the motorcycle is a frame from the poor Couch film..

The other is from Wilma Bond, pointing out the sewer......that is Haygood approaching the sewer drain

and sign where he parks it...

The other photo showing Haygood, approaching the top of the hill nearing the fence that Robin

has posted, is also from the Couch film....


Thanks Bernice Moore: This puts developments in order & sequence. It should be possible, if it hasn't been done, to establish a relative time line for events such that the seconds elapsed between Z-313 & the Couch frame are estimated. For example:

" Mills' theory appears to be refuted by the photographic evidence. Photos and film footage taken by Wiegman, Malcolm Couch, and Richard Bothun, for example, indicate that Wiegman's press car left the plaza--WITH AGENT JOHNS IN IT--no more than 60-70 seconds after the final shot, and possibly as early as 45-55 seconds afterward (cf. Trask 156-157, 374-376, 426-427). Bothun photo 4 was taken about 30 seconds after the last shot. In it we see Wiegman pointing his camera at an oncoming patrolman, Clyde Haygood. This was AFTER Wiegman had filmed the Newmans and the Hesters (Trask 157). Wiegman stopped filming a few seconds later. Then, about 15-20 seconds after that, Wiegman raced to catch his car after running down the grassy slope toward another woman who was lying on the ground (Trask 374)

So Bothun photos 4 suggests that Wiegman's car left the plaza about 50-65 seconds after the shooting. In the Couch film we see what appears to be Agent Johns and newsman Tom Atkins running to the street to catch a ride, and Johns is seen to vault over the trunk of Wiegman's camera car (Trask 425-427). When did Couch capture this scene on film? Approximately 45-65 seconds after the last shot was fired. In short, Johns did not have enough time to do all the things required of him by Mills' theory. Richard Trask has reached the same conclusion, as Mills candidly acknowledges in a footnote.

To judge from the available evidence, Officer Smith encountered the mystery man--again, keep in mind, in the parking lot behind the knoll--about 25-40 seconds after the shots were fired. "

-- http://www.jfklancer.com/ManWho.html

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I do not think the the SA Lem Johns could have been the man behind the fence..Mike's

article points that out quite clearly...imo..also there is the time factor, Lem was at Parkland

by accounts by 12.45pm.. Wiegman never mentions him..and on...

The men seen on the overpass nearing the corner of the fence, in all

probably would more than likely have been Sam Holland, Simmons and others of the RR workers that did cross over

relatively quickly and hurried to the area behind

the fence. ...

Where some had seen the smoke drift out from under the trees, looking for a shooter..

They found two sets of different footprints...where two people had been pacing back and forth in the mud..

The final completed timing of the all the photos within Dealey has not been completed..There are several who

have done work on "some" of such, but as yet, there is not THE completion..there were over 500 photos taken

that day..many we do not nor have we had access to...many we have....perhaps someday..

You may be interested in the following....

Some follow up info, on Thomas Lemuel Johns SS.......he was asigned to

LBJ. was in the follow up V.P SS car Nov.22/63..

Statement to the WC........Thomas Lemuel Johns


Many Hits at Marys


Palamara was in touch with him..

ATSAIC of V.P./ LBJ Detail Thomas "Lem" Johns, rode in V.P. follow-up car:

"The first two sounded [shots] sounded like they were on the side of me towards the grassy knoll…"

[HSCA interview with Johns, 8/8/78: RIF# 180-10074-10079]

"Newsday" article by Michael Dorman, 2/99:

Lem Johns, a former assistant Secret Service director in charge of all the agency's protective operations, was an agent riding in the Dallas motorcade. "If you get the tie nicked by a different bullet, you've got a second gunman - simple as that," Johns said. "I've never thought that was out of the question."

Above is from the Barnley Blog..


Below his photo, and his statement to the WC, for whatever..it's worth .....is entirely up to the individual..


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