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Forum Rule Against Swearing

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Maybe a list of censored "SWEAR" words should be posted.

Jack :)

Let me see if I get you right ... The forum is against students seeing curse words in post, so you think making a list of curse words that should not be said should be posted for all to see ... if this is correct, then sleep on that thought for a night and see if it still sounds like a good idea tomorrow. (sigh~)


"Miller" never heard of "satire".


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Maybe a list of censored "SWEAR" words should be posted.

Jack :)

Let me see if I get you right ... The forum is against students seeing curse words in post, so you think making a list of curse words that should not be said should be posted for all to see ... if this is correct, then sleep on that thought for a night and see if it still sounds like a good idea tomorrow. (sigh~)


"Miller" never heard of "satire".


Swearing is not always satire.

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Maybe a list of censored "SWEAR" words should be posted. Not everyone

knows. Prudes discern swearing in many commonplace words. Such a list

would allow underage forum members to know what they are missing

without being subjected to them in postings. Most kids know more of them

than I do anyway. Personally I try to avoid all CURSEWORDS, especially

those of the religious sort.

How many minors are forum members anyway?

Maybe we should start a thread where members can propose words

to be on the banned list. I am sure Brits would ban "bloody", which

might handicap discussion of autopsy reports.

I am vehemently against ad hominem personal attacks, whether or not

they use "swear" words. I am not against colorful language which is in

common everyday use unless it is directed at a particular person.

I am for exemplary writing, and all should eschew crude or coarse

language except in SELF-DEFENSE. When unfairly attacked, one must

expose the attacker in no uncertain terms. Daintiness is perceived

as cowardice.

Jack :)

Can't imagine anyone mistaking you for dainty Jack.


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"Maybe a list of censored "SWEAR" words should be posted."

Strewth, fair crack of the whip there, mate, if you really want to lair it up, have a whinge, or if you can't mind your own bizzo and gotta avago with a spot of argy bargy, some suggested terms:

"a bit more choke and you would have started" or "who opened their lunch?

in The Lucky Country, Down Under:

Banana bender (for Brisvegan's and other Queenslanders)

Cockroach (south of the Banana benders)

Crow eater (even futher south) (pretty good at aerial ping pong)

The Never Never (the bit in the middle)

Sandgroper (out west, beyond the black stump, depending on your perspective)

Top End (up there, north of Never Never, where one goes troppo during suicide month)

(however, don't confuse "the map of Tassie", for Tasmania, they're Taswegians, usually with a hint of inbreeding.)





"seppo" - the yanks

"he doesn't know Christmas from Bourke Street" or "Kangaroos loose in the top paddock"

and if that's not enough to drive you cactus, or cause a technicolor yawn, or necessitate a call on the big white phone outback (beware of bondi cigars, or brown-eyed mullets) you could always try getting off your date and do the Harold Holt, or just 'get on yer bike' or 'take a hike' and head for Woop Woop.

Edited by John Dolva
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Only as an attempt to further clarify a point in my mind and to avert the posibility in the future of receiving a "warning" from a moderator, I sincerely hope that one particular wording may be clarified to me as being OK, or whether it also further would indicate that the user might possibly be one of those who have been judged as, seriously lacking "culture", at which point I would certainly refrain from its useage.

If one member were to acuse another member of being a "chicken dropping"....would that be considered out of order?

Charles Black

Edited by Charles Black
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The main point is this forum was set up for children...

We know that John. That's why we're acting like children.




That's what I love about you, Myra. Your dry wit. :news

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Maybe a list of censored "SWEAR" words should be posted. Not everyone

knows. Prudes discern swearing in many commonplace words. Such a list

would allow underage forum members to know what they are missing

without being subjected to them in postings. Most kids know more of them

than I do anyway. Personally I try to avoid all CURSEWORDS, especially

those of the religious sort.

How many minors are forum members anyway?

Maybe we should start a thread where members can propose words

to be on the banned list. I am sure Brits would ban "bloody", which

might handicap discussion of autopsy reports.

I am vehemently against ad hominem personal attacks, whether or not

they use "swear" words. I am not against colorful language which is in

common everyday use unless it is directed at a particular person.

I am for exemplary writing, and all should eschew crude or coarse

language except in SELF-DEFENSE. When unfairly attacked, one must

expose the attacker in no uncertain terms. Daintiness is perceived

as cowardice.

Jack :up


"I am for exemplary writing, and all should eschew crude or coarse

language except in SELF-DEFENSE. When unfairly attacked, one must

expose the attacker in no uncertain terms. Daintiness is perceived

as cowardice."

I've got a book I purchased back in 1994 with the title, "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense" by Suzette Haden Elgin, but was informed that my reading of it, would only serve as a lost cause. Why? Because, I swear from a man's P.O.V.

Well, that's how I learned, from my father and my brothers. :news

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The main point is this forum was set up for children...

We know that John. That's why we're acting like children.




That's what I love about you, Myra. Your dry wit. :news

Good crowd good crowd.

Thank you very much.

Drive safely.

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