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Wilfred Daetz-- a knoll witness?

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I agree. As I'd never heard of him before, I suspect this knoll witness has been overlooked. Unless someone knows any different, I'm gonna assume he is credible, as nothing he says is all that earth-shattering, and as he apparently never sought any attention. The one piece of valuable information is his confirmation of smoke on the knoll. While the LNs like to pretend there were just a couple of witnesses who saw this smoke, there were closer to 10.

I'm creating a database of Dealey Plaza eyewitness statements (focusing on the number and timing of the shots) in Chapters 5 through 9 of my work in progress at patspeer.com. If anyone possesses the complete interviews of the Newmans and James Chaney on 11-22, the Dallas Morning News article of Robert Baskin on 11-23, or the Dallas Morning News article of Kent Biffle on 11-19 1978, in which Baskin recounts his experiences in the motorcade, and could send them my way (or read through them and relate the parts I'm missing), it would be much appreciated. Any other eyewitness interviews not described therein would also be appreciated. As stated elsewhere, by looking through these statements it becomes abundantly clear that there was no first shot miss. When Bugliosi strikes and the media picks up his foolish tome as the end-all, I want to be able to point people somewhere where they can see the folly of his ways. Any help appreciated.

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Thanks, Ron. I'd googled "wilfred daetz" and got zippo. Clearly people have looked into him and found him lacking. The one doubt I have is that by Dec. 66 the "justice department" was in full cover-up mode. This is when they changed the description of the autopsy photo from being the back of JFK's head to his forehead. It seems entirely possible they'd create a false report on Daetz making him look like a wacko. Did any researcher ever talk to him and find out the story? Did anyone ever look into him to find out if he really had a history of arson? I'd bet not.

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