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A question for Moderators !

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Forum Moderators

I would like to know why the thread on the Virginaia Tech Spree Killer which had received a couple of thousand reads was removed.

I felt that it was very obviously directly related to the results of the 22 November, 1963 Coup d' Etat in that it addressed the problems of increasing violence within the U.S., which I and many others feel has resulted from the assassination of JFK. I would think that this is the reason that it was posted and very closely followed with a great deal of member participation.

I request that "the forum" be advised of the reason for its removal and where it can now be located.

I am objecting to its removal because I feel that it posited some of the "real truth" regarding social problems witin the U.S., rather than the one sided view from persons who do not reside within the U.S., and their false evaluation of certain causes and events.

Is there something wrong with "actual truth" and factual matter because it does not allow for the "one sided" explanations given by non American members who, obviously are quite unaware of the truth regarding these matters ?

Or is there perhaps a reason that is above my limited comprehension ?

Charles Black

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'Charles Black' wrote:

Forum Moderators

I would like to know why the thread on the Virginaia Tech Spree Killer which had received a couple of thousand reads was removed.


I responded in the thread a few minutes before you posted the above, Charlie.....

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Forum Moderators

I would like to know why the thread on the Virginaia Tech Spree Killer which had received a couple of thousand reads was removed.

I felt that it was very obviously directly related to the results of the 22 November, 1963 Coup d' Etat in that it addressed the problems of increasing violence within the U.S., which I and many others feel has resulted from the assassination of JFK. I would think that this is the reason that it was posted and very closely followed with a great deal of member participation.

I request that "the forum" be advised of the reason for its removal and where it can now be located.

I am objecting to its removal because I feel that it posited some of the "real truth" regarding social problems witin the U.S., rather than the one sided view from persons who do not reside within the U.S., and their false evaluation of certain causes and events.

Is there something wrong with "actual truth" and factual matter because it does not allow for the "one sided" explanations given by non American members who, obviously are quite unaware of the truth regarding these matters ?

Or is there perhaps a reason that is above my limited comprehension ?

Charles Black

Charlie...I just finished reading the latest postings to the thread,

and it is still there as far as I can tell. Am I wrong?


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Hello Kathy

This has "nothing" to do with political debate whatsoever. It involves only the aftermath of the

JFK assassination / Coup.

Can you perhaps think of any other reason ?

Charles Black

Edited by Charles Black
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Hello Kathy

Neither you nor Stephen need further to respond to my questions because neither of you has truly yet given a response.

I am not very bright, but it is obvious to my little mind that this thread has received the sentence of death "with no appeal".

The subject has been relegated to the position that it will sink to page 139 within a very few days.

Not a very honorable death ! But I suppose that I understand ! Slow deaths are dreadful to watch,

Charles Black

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Neither you nor Stephen need further to respond to my questions because neither I am not very bright, but it is obvious to my little mind that this thread has received the sentence of death "with no appeal".

Stephen suggested that the thread was in the wrong section. I agreed and moved it. As Kathy has pointed out, it can still be read in the Political Debates section. Charles, why do you seem to want to argue with everyone? Especially, as your points are usually based on a misreading of postings and a misunderstanding on how the forum works. Although you seem to have a martyr complex, you will not be banned from this forum. Nor will you be censored (although the moderators may feel the need to edit out bad language). Most people might agree with your statement that you are "not very bright" but that is not really an excuse for the ill-will you show towards the moderators.

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I do not understand what the fuss is about.

Even though it says MOVED, it is still under the JFK section

and is still fully operative by clicking on the topic.

So moving it seems to me to be a plus, since it appears

and is operative in two sections.

I suggest it also be moved to GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES,

giving it exposure in three sections, since many believe

it was related to Virginia Tech MKULTRA projects at the

secret CIA underground facility there, deep under the




“In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone

wills it to happen.” –William S. Burroughs

As “News Commentary” on the Truthseeker website notes, Virginia Tech is an “active partner” with DARPA, the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In addition, the CIA actively recruits VT students, holding events the

spook agency bills as “career information” sessions.

“News Commentary” claims “Blacksburg, VA houses a US government ABOVE TOP SECRET underground laboratory

(in the side of a local Blacksburg mountain) that develops in conjunction with DARPA, weapons such as human

robotic mind control programming.” A Google search, however, turns up no mention of mind control experiments, of

course, but there is plenty of reference to the “Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory… 7,000

feet under Butt Mountain” in Blacksburg.

Part of the AMADEUS Project (Advanced MAnipulation for DEep Underwater Sampling), funded by the European

Commission (i.e., the executive body of the one-world European Union), the Deep Underground Science and

Engineering Laboratory, according to The Pit Bulletin (the newsletter of the Department of Mining and Minerals

Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), is designed for “military needs, ranging from

unique designs for underground sporting arenas to storing various types of waste materials…. the AMADEUS team

feel that the expanding world population is creating a demand for additional types of underground construction.” As

well, an “expanding world population” may call for the development of “perfect weapons” long sought by DARPA and

the Pentagon, including avian influenza H5N1, an area of research at VT, according to Virginia Tech News (a Google

reference points to a page that currently produces an SQL error). “If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be

returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels,” Prince Phillip.

Finally, a resume posted on the VT Computer Science Department website by Robert G. Ball notes grants awarded

to the university by ARDA/DTO, short for Advanced Research and Development Activity, Disruptive Technology

Office. “ARDA was created in 1998 after the model of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) by

the Director of Central Intelligence and the Department of Defense, and took responsibility for funding some of

DARPA’s projects,” explains Wikipedia. “There has been speculation that the DTO is continuing research efforts

started under the Total Information Awareness program (TIA) in DARPA’s Information Awareness Office (IAO)….

Although ARDA’s budget is presumably classified as part of the intelligence budget, the New York Times quoted an

unnamed former government official saying the agency spent about $100 million a year in 2003. The Associated

Press reports that ARDA had a staff of only eight in 2004.” Early last year, I reported that DTO was to be run by

John Negroponte (see my TIA “Disruptive Technology” Subverting Bill of Rights).

Of course, all of this secret and not so secret activity on the Virginia Tech campus and environs is not definitive

evidence Cho Seung-Hui was a government produced mind-control assassin. However, it does indicate VT serves as

a hub for experimental and prototype DoD technologies.

It is no secret the Pentagon has had a keen interest in electromagnetic weapons for some time. “Electronic

mind-control research is not new,” CNN reported in 1985.

continued at link

Edited by Jack White
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Hello John

I was just contemplating your statement, "Most people might agree that you are not very bright..."

You and many of your forum members are probably absolutely right. I may not only be "not very bright", but I have decided that I am probably insane as well.

I questioned my sanity, when I just re-read every post on the Virginia Tech thread.

I must be insane because in my apparently clouded brain, I strongly feel that my posts were probably among the few rational and very logical thoughts expressed. No one was able to truly dispute anything that I posted. Merely European speculation regarding America's problems without a true understanding of the core of the problems.

Most of what I read were European "opinions" of the problems with American society. I know that you control this forum and are no doubt quite intellgent, but did it ever enter your mind the number of American Citizens who were finding fault with what I posted? Are they saying that I am dim witted ? Am I searching deeply into the forum in a paranoidal attempt to find fault with truly brilliant posts, which I recreate in my mind to be anti American "slurs" ?

If most Americans on this forum are in true agreement with you, I no doubt am quite unbalanced!

Charles Black

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