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Ford takes a shot from the grave

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Local publisher releases book by President Ford

Nashville Business Journal - 5:32 PM CDT Thursday, May 3, 2007

FlatSigned Press, a Nashville publishing house and rare books distributor, has released a new book by the late President Gerald R. Ford: "A Presidential Legacy and The Warren Commission."

In the publication, the former president speaks as the last surviving member of the legendary Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

President Ford addresses the lingering questions and conspiracy theories surrounding the Kennedy assassination. He also provides an account of his own life and historical significance, as well as his views on modern politics.

The book is available at bookstores nationwide. A limited number of leather-bound, numbered editions, autographed by President Ford, are available exclusively through the publisher.

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Local publisher releases book by President Ford

Nashville Business Journal - 5:32 PM CDT Thursday, May 3, 2007

FlatSigned Press, a Nashville publishing house and rare books distributor, has released a new book by the late President Gerald R. Ford: "A Presidential Legacy and The Warren Commission."

In the publication, the former president speaks as the last surviving member of the legendary Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

President Ford addresses the lingering questions and conspiracy theories surrounding the Kennedy assassination. He also provides an account of his own life and historical significance, as well as his views on modern politics.

The book is available at bookstores nationwide. A limited number of leather-bound, numbered editions, autographed by President Ford, are available exclusively through the publisher.




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In the mid 1990s, if memory serves, Ford's masters had him send inscribed copies of the WC to certain elected officials in the US.

Here in Rhode Island, recipients included the then-speaker and majority leader of the House of Representatives.

The inscripition was a reiteration of the Unelected One's "Trust me, it was one guy" lie.


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In the mid 1990s, if memory serves, Ford's masters had him send inscribed copies of the WC to certain elected officials in the US.

It was also for sale to the public, for $500 or so. I remember seeing an ad for it, with a photo of Ford affixing his signature. It was the epitome of crassness, or like something out of The Onion or Mad Magazine.

As for the title of this thread, I think Ford takes this shot from further down than the grave.

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And the ultimate insult to injury: the Kennedys give a Profiles in Courage Award to the S.O.B.

Ford's "courageous" act: pardoning Nixon. Which amounts to a coverup rivaling, in terms of the damage it inflicted upon this country and the world, its affront to history and the truth, and its sheer cheek, that of the WC itself.

The picture of Caroline handing it off is truly sickening.


Edited by Charles Drago
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And the ultimate insult to injury: the Kennedys give a Profiles in Courage Award to the S.O.B.

Ford's "courageous" act: pardoning Nixon. Which amounts to a coverup rivaling, in terms of the damage it inflicted upon this country and the world, its affront to history and the truth, and its sheer cheek, that of the WC itself.

The picture of Caroline handing it off is truly sickening.


I'm pretty sure these books are the same ones that came out in the nineties and have been around for years. This is merely a new marketing ploy to sell them off. The book was put together by an employee of the Johnson Library. That's a bit suspicious right there. I recently spent some time looking round the JFK Library site, by the way. They had an interview with Ford in which he yapped about the integrity of the Warren Commission. People say these things for so many years they believe them.

Ford's pardoning of Nixon, even when seen in the best light, is still a bit bothersome. He sacrificed his presidency to protect THE presidency. The unchecked power of THE presidency is what led LBJ to think he could get away with a cover-up, and the build-up in Vietnam. It's led us to the current mess in Iraq. While I thought Ford did the right thing for many years I now think Nixon should have been dragged through the mud. So that the American people would be forced to grow up...and see that president's are not kings.

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In the mid 1990s, if memory serves, Ford's masters had him send inscribed copies of the WC to certain elected officials in the US.

It was also for sale to the public, for $500 or so. I remember seeing an ad for it, with a photo of Ford affixing his signature. It was the epitome of crassness, or like something out of The Onion or Mad Magazine.

As for the title of this thread, I think Ford takes this shot from further down than the grave.


You are so correct Ron. Excellent point.

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I saw the book at a Borders books and went through it, and noticed that Ford's intro says a lot that he never said before, though he still holds the line, - if there is evidence of conspiracy, he's never seen it. It's a shame they kept it from him or he never really looked.

What stood out in my mind, is Ford's laying out exactly who his guys are, putting the list in BOLD type so you get the message, who he appointed to the key positions in his government - Bush I, Chaney, Rummy and a the full house escapes me at the moment because I stopped reading.

Should I buy this book or David Talbot's Brothers?

DT won out, and it has made all the difference.


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