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Why are the timelines relating to the assassination of John Kennedy so limited? I note that Larry Hancock in 'Shadow Warfare' does include a reference to the mv Olga Patricia, and while Joan Mellen devoted an entire book ('Our Man in Haiti') to de Mohrenschildt, she makes no reference to Don Pierson who occupied the same time and space and involved people like William Colby in his claims for redress against Haiti. The same is true of the biography of Gordon McLendon which does reference the mv Bon Jour (later renamed Mi Amigo), but it does not tie the fate of that ship into the activities of offshore broadcasting in the UK from 1964 to 1967, and neither does it include any information about McLendon's involvement in the Republic of Ireland prior to that time. There are many other missing threads in the currently limited timeline and plethora of books about the JFK Assassination. But how can a comprehensive study be undertaken if half of the evidence is excluded to begin with?

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Could it be that after 54 years, there really isn't all that much more to talk about regarding the case? And that the books you mention are just more fodder for the conspiracy theorists and Oswald-Did-It theorists to go off into a corner and start wondering what's missing in the so-called missing narrative? And that these two authors you mention wrote their books to make a buck off the case? Because, well, there are people who believe anything and will, therefore, buy the book?

For me, personally, I don't get why there are so many people out there with their own pet theory. Not everything these people think could have happened on 11/22/63. If you're new to this case, my suggestion is poke around here and discover the many outlandish, crazy threads on here  - for example, there were two Oswalds, the Z film was faked (and because it was faked all of the other films and photos were faked as well), the basement in the building housing Ruby's nightclub was assassination HQ, Judy Baker had an affair with Oswald, the autopsy photos were faked, General Walker and the Right Wingers murdered JFK....and on and on and on.

But it appears that none of these people ever ask themselves how all of this could have happened. In other words, if you believe Kennedy was murdered as a result of a conspiracy, not all of these pet theories could have happened in one grand plan. No assassination HQ was needed; no Oswald clone was needed....and so on. Someone's theory is not correct and I, personally, think many of them are incorrect.

If you're new to the case, your best bet would be to start at the link below to learn how the guy they claim was just an angry lone nobody was trained to be a low level agent who did a fake defection to the USSR.  Keep in mind that this was NOT done as a grand plan to murder Kennedy; this all happened before Kennedy was even president. After his usefulness for this was up, they didn't quite know what to do with him so he returned to the areas where he grew up. Only when the plan to kill Kennedy (most probably in mid 1963) was hatched did they figure out a way to manipulate him into the building where he could then take the fall for Kennedy's murder. When he was not murdered himself in the movie theatre for also gunning down a DPD police officer but lived until 11/24/63, he, too, had to be murdered which, unfortunately for the nation, took place "in broad daylight" on national TV.  Funnily, it appears the planners just gave up the ruse at that point and sent Ruby in to kill Lee right in front of the entire country. But once he was out of the way, the official record could be created about the angry lone screwball who killed Kennedy all by himself.


As the fictional characters in the Godfather said:

Tom Hagen: It would be like trying to kill the President; there's no way we can get to him.
Michael Corleone: Tom, you know you surprise me. If anything in this life is certain - if history has taught us anything - it's that you can kill anyone.

The key, though, is it didn't take a grand plan to kill Kennedy.


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Hi Michael - for almost 30 years I drove by the grave of Lee Harvey Oswald, and I also drove over the spot where John Kennedy had a chunk of his brains blown out.

I observed the Japanese tourists with cameras taking pictures, but I did not join in.

Since 1966 when my first freelance feature was published in a British newspaper, I have been trying to document and then unravel the real story about government control of the electronic media in the United Kingdom.

In 1971 a major recession in the UK caused me to move to North America, and for most of the ensuing almost 40 years, I lived at various locations in Texas where I came to call one of the pioneers of British sponsored commercial radio broadcasting from off the coastline of England - one of my friends. He eventually gave me his archives. 

Moving on, a series of events placed the time and space of my own investigation on top of the time and space occupied by the JFK assassination, and the period leading up to it. My research also became entangled with other people who were researching using the same time and space - to study the JFK assassination.

I do not believe in parallel universes.

Therefore the investigations of other people then became of interest to me when their preoccupation with time and space was superimposed upon my own study of time and space involving the same individuals. In other words, human beings cannot be in two places at once.

I therefore have subscriptions to various newspaper archives which I use on a regular basis. I joined Mary Ferrell's site and I do make use of it. I have a library that includes books by Larry Hancock and Joan Mellen, because they wrote about the same people, things, time and events that I was already studying.

I also contributed to a series of academic articles - in addition to the newspaper articles I have written. My trek has been quite coincidental and an audio representation over the years on broadcast media has been a part of it. I began this thread to encourage participation in compiling a universal timeline which does not at present exist.

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8 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

I note that Larry Hancock in 'Shadow Warfare' does include a reference to the mv Olga Patricia

Hello Mervyn:

You may be "happy" to know that I include several pages of information on the Olga Patricia in my forthcoming work, "Forgotten." As you are probably aware, this particular vessel was not always called the Olga, my research indicating that it went through at least eight potential names changes over the years. And as you may also be aware, the Olga was listed in a JMWAVE office cable dated June 29, 1963 as a potential "mother ship" maritime asset useful  to Manuel Artime in his CIA backed attempt to overthrow the Castro regime. Are you also aware that the Olga still exists, survives to this day, albeit in a somewhat modified form?


Gary Murr

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Hi Gary!

You don't know me personally, but I know of you and you were very, very, very instrumental in getting me to take a second look at what I was working on!

The intermediary was a very good friend of mine who I won't mention here, because he is not on this forum and for a long list of reasons he has told me that he does not want to get involved in the more controversial aspects of my research. But you originally contacted him with a declassified CIA document from the Mary Ferrell archives. He passed it on to me because I was the one who gave him the documents on his web site that caused you to respond. Those documents came from the archives of Don Pierson who gave them to me in 1985.

This is a very convoluted story, but my friend had been following my interest in the Olga Patricia and at one point in 1985 I made the only audio interview of Don Pierson. At that time I did not know anything about the secret history of the Olga Patricia. But when I asked Don about the involvement of John Tower, he made a silent motion and told me to stop the recording which was being made in his living room with my wife and his wife sitting on the couch behind us. Don, who I considered to be a good friend having gone into business with him, then said if I ever asked him that or a related question again, it would be the immediate end of our friendship.

Only later did I discover that Tower's manager and personal pilot was Pierce Langford III of Wichita Falls, Texas who had put the financing together for Don's radio ship project!

The strange thing is that we discovered that Lloyds Registry of Shipping had been tampered with and the Olga Patricia was listed as the Olga Princess. Don said they were sister ships. Only much later did I discover that the ship that became the Akuarius II had reverted into the hands of another anti-Castrol group whose head was the local rep for Collins Radio. This man was shot in his Miami home while watching TV.

But in between its life as Olga Patricia / Laissez Faire and becoming Akuarius II, it has also become entwined with Papa Doc and the de Mohrenschildt saga.

But that is not all, another offshore radio ship called Mi Amigo is also threaded through this same story and during this same timeline, which is why I wonder why none of this material has been fused together.

Delighted to hear from you.

Check out this video relating to my current research project: http://yesterdayneverhappened.com



Edited by Mervyn Hagger
typo one word correction
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I thank you for your informative reply, Mervyn - much appreciated. Funny thing, timing is; I just happen to be in the process of the final edit/re-write of the particular segment of "Forgotten" that deals, in part, with the Olga Patricia story. It is a 177 page section titled "The Light We Cannot See" that examines in detail the relationship between the CIA and Sam Cummings of Interarms/Interarmco fame and just how the Agency accumulates and then distributes the machinery of war to those involved in their various clandestine operations. The Olga story is included in this section. It is nice to know that you found my initial work on this subject matter of interest.

Is that you I see in a series of photographs taken with among others MvdV at the Offshore 50, Tattershall Castle get together in London, England, last August [2017]? If so, it looks like everyone had a good time!


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No that's that not me Gary, in fact the organizers of that event are some of the people who hate me and what I am doing bursting their bubbles. But some were there like George Saunders, the main radio engineer on the Mi Amigo who also did initial work on correcting mistakes on the Fredericia, George is a good friend of mine, and so is retired academician Mike Barraclough who was also there. Unfortunately the main body of the anorak crowd is drenched in absolute rubbish. As for the Olga Patricia, it was heavily involved with Don Pierson's Tortuga Freeport venture scuttled by Baby Doc. See: http://http://foundthreads.com/12.html

In the 70s I was sharing an office with Don's son and one day a man came in and introduced himself. "I'm Bill Colby". Yes, that Bill Colby, retired. He had been retained to try to get redress for Baby Doc killing the Freeport venture. With de Mohrenschildt in the picture, it is another reason why the universal timeline is a must, but none of those events were ever brought up in context of Don's operation.

Don originally offered the OP to Papa Doc as a broadcasting school and broadcasting station, but this morphed into the Freeport venture on Tortuga. Meanwhile the ship went through a series of major Federal court cases and ended up as a raider using a multitude of names on a flip board name plate slung over the bow. Fidel denounced it by name as a CIA ship in a Radio Havana broadcast - a transcript of which is available in English at UTA. That's when the US Justice Department waded in and caused it to be chopped up and converted into the Earl J. Conrad Jr as part of the Haynie/Zapata fishing operation.

I am also putting a book together ('Yesterday Never Happened'), and I would be happy to exchange data relating to the latter days of the OP/LF/Akuarius II.


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Thanks, Mervyn; I was aware that the Olga had been "chopped up" - current photographs make that painfully obvious. I was not aware, however, that the Justice Department was involved - very interesting. I will be in touch with you regarding sharing/exchanging information and documentation on the OP. I just have to finish this final editing work first. If there is anything specific you would like to know, just ask.


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Gary, on the book schedule. I am currently working on several research lines which is why I began this thread.

One has to do with the mv Mi Amigo as a CIA ship. After all these years I have managed to locate an original source that I am now in contact with. That ship connects directly with the JFK assassination timeline.

Another line has to do with the rebranding of Radio Caroline on board both Mi Amigo and Fredericia being 'inspired' in 1963 by Caroline Kennedy. In fact that story did not emerge until March 1965 and was not promoted until November 1965. I have already published a feature article in a British regional newspaper about this ''rebranding', which, if Joan Mellen's reporting in her book 'Our Man in Haiti' is correct, and I have previously obtained and read the same sources she used, then the hand of the CIA was at work here as well.

Our mutual friend that I previously mentioned who brought you to my attention, has also turned up a lot of new material about the Akuarius II, to which I then added the discovery of a radio transcribed broadcast by Castro naming the ship as one that had recently (1970s) carried out a raid resulting in death and injury.

With all that in mind we should compare notes to assist each other, before publication, in order to avoid either of us publishing confusing or contradictory statements that undermine the work of each other. There are enough of those books out there now.

Lastly: have you any views on Joan Mellen and Jones Harris?

Jones Harris does not seem to like either Joan or Mark Lane. Jones appears to be a subscriber to the "two Oswalds" theory of Lee and Harvey. What is your opinion about that?

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On January 14, 2018 at 8:12 AM, Michael Walton said:


Could it be that after 54 years, there really isn't all that much more to talk about regarding the case? And that the books you mention are just more fodder for the conspiracy theorists and Oswald-Did-It theorists to go off into a corner and start wondering what's missing in the so-called missing narrative? And that these two authors you mention wrote their books to make a buck off the case? Because, well, there are people who believe anything and will, therefore, buy the book?

For me, personally, I don't get why there are so many people out there with their own pet theory. Not everything these people think could have happened on 11/22/63. If you're new to this case, my suggestion is poke around here and discover the many outlandish, crazy threads on here  - for example, there were two Oswalds, the Z film was faked (and because it was faked all of the other films and photos were faked as well), the basement in the building housing Ruby's nightclub was assassination HQ, Judy Baker had an affair with Oswald, the autopsy photos were faked, General Walker and the Right Wingers murdered JFK....and on and on and on.

But it appears that none of these people ever ask themselves how all of this could have happened. In other words, if you believe Kennedy was murdered as a result of a conspiracy, not all of these pet theories could have happened in one grand plan. No assassination HQ was needed; no Oswald clone was needed....and so on. Someone's theory is not correct and I, personally, think many of them are incorrect.

If you're new to the case, your best bet would be to start at the link below to learn how the guy they claim was just an angry lone nobody was trained to be a low level agent who did a fake defection to the USSR.  Keep in mind that this was NOT done as a grand plan to murder Kennedy; this all happened before Kennedy was even president. After his usefulness for this was up, they didn't quite know what to do with him so he returned to the areas where he grew up. Only when the plan to kill Kennedy (most probably in mid 1963) was hatched did they figure out a way to manipulate him into the building where he could then take the fall for Kennedy's murder. When he was not murdered himself in the movie theatre for also gunning down a DPD police officer but lived until 11/24/63, he, too, had to be murdered which, unfortunately for the nation, took place "in broad daylight" on national TV.  Funnily, it appears the planners just gave up the ruse at that point and sent Ruby in to kill Lee right in front of the entire country. But once he was out of the way, the official record could be created about the angry lone screwball who killed Kennedy all by himself.


As the fictional characters in the Godfather said:

Tom Hagen: It would be like trying to kill the President; there's no way we can get to him.
Michael Corleone: Tom, you know you surprise me. If anything in this life is certain - if history has taught us anything - it's that you can kill anyone.

The key, though, is it didn't take a grand plan to kill Kennedy.


The weird part is each of those theories you are ridiculing is at least as plausible as the Warren Commission report.

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4 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

The weird part is each of those theories you are ridiculing is at least as plausible as the Warren Commission report.

Andrew, the reason why I have not participated in this kind of forum before is due to the slagging that often takes place. I am not into party politics or denominational religion. I have indirectly been the beneficiary of pointers from people such as Gary Murr - who I am pleased to see is a member of this forum, and I know that Gary has been very methodical in his approach to this subject. I would therefore prefer to see more comments like his, and less of the ying-yang of rival theorists.

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On 1/14/2018 at 11:37 AM, Mervyn Hagger said:

Hi Denny,

Please elaborate. I am not familiar with it. Can you post a copy of it here?


Here it is as a Kindle ebook:





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Hi Denny.

Thank you very much for the links to a timeline I have not seen before.

Because my interest in this subject comes from a different chain of events covering the same time period, this is very useful.

It is not a duplication of my own chronological study, but complimentary to it so that I can overlay one on top of the other and expand a universal timetable.

One thing that does leap out is the notification by unnamed US sources listening in on August 26, 1961, to unnamed KGB sources regarding the resumption of USSR nuclear tests in the atmosphere. I would like to know the source of that interception and the origin of the source being intercepted. If that information can be fleshed out it could give credibility to a book by Charles W. Weaver called 'Triple Double Cross'. I met Weaver in the 70s as part of my own investigation into another matter which at the time seemed unrelated. Weaver for his part never drew a connection to the murder of JFK until he wrote that book - shortly before he died as a result of illness. For his part Weaver attributed parts of the book to Jones Harris, especially the Chinese interest in developing a nuclear weapon, and the book claims that JFK toyed with the idea of taking the Chinese program out of commission with a preemptive attack.

It is mainly due to Weaver's book that I asked to join this forum. The book was privately published and stocks were wiped out by Hurricane Ike. Because so few exist, and because the book is not well written, the few that exist are being sold at a very silly price. I had to pay of $200 to get a copy, and I expect others think that they are sitting on a goldmine as a result. However, I doubt that there are many if any others out there who share my interest in what Bill Weaver wrote.

So thanks again Denny, you have certainly spurred things along.

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