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Did Arlen Specter have help Dreaming up the Magic Bullet?

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His dream only became necessary after James Tague came forward with the nick on his face in the late spring of 1964.  Hoover and the FBI never wavered from three shots, three hits.  Hard to believe he came up with the Single, Magic, Pristine, Impossible bullet all by himself.  Dulles himself went to Dallas and walked around Dealy Plaza.  Was that before or after the re-enactment or Tague coming forward?  I don't think he was dreaming.  He was likely coached, assisted in his thinking regarding the trajectory.  Who among you could think up such?  I still cant. 

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Ron Bulman said:

Did Arlen Specter have help dreaming up the Magic Bullet?

From "Reclaiming History"....

--- Quote On: ---

"From the first moment that I heard that [Arlen] Specter had come up with the single-bullet theory, it made very little sense to me since the theory was so obvious that a child could author it. .... Since [the members of the WC staff] all knew that the bullet, fired from Kennedy's right rear, had passed through soft tissue in Kennedy's body on a straight line, and that Connally was seated to the president's left front, the bullet, after emerging from Kennedy's body, would have had to go on and hit Connally for the simple reason it had nowhere else to go. How could it be that among many bright lawyers earnestly focusing their minds on this issue, only Specter saw it? ....

When I asked [Norman Redlich on September 6, 2005] if, indeed, Arlen Specter was the sole author of the single-bullet theory, his exact words were, "No, we all came to this conclusion simultaneously." When I asked him whom he meant by "we," he said, "Arlen, myself, Howard Willens, David Belin, and Mel Eisenberg." ....

I don't know about you folks, but I'm inclined to take what Redlich told me to the bank. My sense is that Redlich, who by almost all accounts worked harder on the case than anyone else, was a team player only interested in doing his job well. ....

If I have done a disservice to Specter in what I have written above, I apologize to him. But I did give him an opportunity to respond to this issue [via a letter sent to Specter on June 24, 2005], and he declined." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 302-304 of Endnotes in "Reclaiming History" (2007)


Also See....




Edited by David Von Pein
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"Even the 'evidence' which ISN'T present in the JFK murder case (but SHOULD definitely be in existence if the SBT is a false scenario) is telling us that the Commission's single-bullet conclusion almost HAS to be accurate -- e.g., no bullets found in the victims; no other bullets in evidence except CE399; no damage to the limo's back-seat areas; plus: virtually no damage done to the interior portions of JFK's upper back and neck (i.e., no broken bones and no hard, bony structures being struck by either of the TWO projectiles that conspiracists believe entered these regions of the President's body and failed to exit).

The total absence of injuries within President Kennedy's neck and back is enough--all by itself--to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that just a single bullet made a clean getaway through JFK's body, without pausing to do any substantial damage whatsoever.

It's always been amazing to me that so many people who bash Mr. Specter and the Single-Bullet Theory can then seemingly believe in some "alternate" scenario that is far more fanciful and full of implausibilities and complications and vanishing bullets than is the Single-Bullet Conclusion. And there MUST be a correct alternate theory if the SBT is untrue. So what the heck is it?! Conspiracists never say, of course.

In short, those who disbelieve the SBT are, by default, automatically choosing to believe some OTHER theory regarding the wounding of President Kennedy and Governor Connally. And ANY alternate theory in this matter falls way, way short in the common-sense and realistic departments--not to mention in the "physical evidence" category as well." -- DVP; March 29, 2006

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From Best Evidence:


James Jenkins told me that during the autopsy, when the "civilians" were practically arguing with Humes, they put the idea to him that the bullet entered at the rear, exiting through the tracheotomy inision, and that the bullet went on to hit Connally.**62 [...]




*Barnum's account also raises this question: why Burkley, speaking informally, described a transiting trajectory, yet in filing his medical report on November 22, omitted any mention of the throat wound.


**Unfortunately, Jenkins never made a written record, and so it is easy to discount his recollections by claiming he was influenced by what he later read in books and magazines.

But having spoken with him, I didn't believe that was the case. Jenkins did not follow the case and, in fact, until I spoke with him in September 1979, did not know a bullet wound at the front of the neck had been observed in Dallas. Jenkins kept referring to it as the "tracheotomy incision," and couldn't understand why those "civilians" in the autopsy room kept claiming that a bullet exited there.

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Pat Speer has done some good work on this issue.

It seems that other members of the Warren Commission began to realize early that there was a paucity of bullets in the case.

That is, you had two shells and the magic bullet.  But you had way too many wounds to account for.

So I think Pat produced some evidence that Belin and Ball began to think that they were going to have to have one bullet do heavy duty work rather early.  Although it was not as defined as Specter's radar guided flight path for CE 399.

Bugliosi's idea that that he swallowed from Redlich--that they all came to the same conclusion at the same time-- is about as credible as Belin's "dream" .


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