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I thought you might be interested in reading: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/13893143/the_last_confessions_of_e_howard_hunt on rollingstone.com.

I went out and bought the Issue 1022 March 22, 2007 issue, but no story.

No Pink Floyd. No New Clues to JFK murder.

Found it on line above. All BS except for the one paragraph where he connects the dots:

LBJ-Cord Meyer-William Havey-David Morlaes-David Atlee Phillips-Tony Vechina

What's Cord Meyer got to say about this?


Edited by William Kelly
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This appears to be the relevant part of the article by Erik Hedegaard:

E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll."

So there it was, according to E. Howard Hunt. LBJ had Kennedy killed. It had long been speculated upon. But now E. Howard was saying that's the way it was. And that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only shooter in Dallas. There was also, on the grassy knoll, a French gunman, presumably the Corsican Mafia assassin Lucien Sarti, who has figured prominently in other assassination theories.

"By the time he handed me the paper, I was in a state of shock," Saint says. "His whole life, to me and everybody else, he'd always professed to not know anything about any of it. But I knew this had to be the truth. If my dad was going to make anything up, he would have made something up about the Mafia, or Castro, or Khrushchev. He didn't like Johnson. But you don't falsely implicate your own country, for Christ's sake. My father is old-school, a dyed-in-the-wool patriot, and that's the last thing he would do."

Shortly thereafter, Laura found out what had been going on, and with the help of E. Howard's attorney put an end to it. St. John and his father were kept apart. When they did see each other, they were never left alone. And they never got a chance to finish what they'd started. Instead, the old man set about writing his autobiography and turned his back on his son. He wrote him a letter in which he said that Saint's life had been nothing but "meaningless, self-serving instant gratification," that he had never amounted to anything and never would. He asked for his JFK memos back, and Saint returned them, though not before making copies.

There is no way to confirm Hunt's allegations -- all but one of the co-conspirators he named are long gone. St. John, for his part, believes his father. E. Howard was lucid when he made his confession. He was taking no serious medications, and he and his son were finally on good terms. If anything, St. John believes, his father was holding out on him, the old spy keeping a few secrets in reserve, just in case.

"Actually, there were probably dozens of plots to kill Kennedy, because everybody hated Kennedy but the public," Saint says. "The question is, which one of them worked? My dad has always said, 'Thank God one of them worked.' I think he knows a lot more than he told me. He claimed he backed out of the plot only so he could disclaim actual involvement. In a way, I feel like he only opened another can of worms." He takes a deep breath. "At a certain point, I'm just going to have to let it go."

Later that week, E. Howard also gave Saint two sheets of paper that contained a fuller narrative. It starts out with LBJ again, connecting him to Cord Meyer, then goes on: "Cord Meyer discusses a plot with [David Atlee] Phillips who brings in Wm. Harvey and Antonio Veciana. He meets with Oswald in Mexico City. . . . Then Veciana meets w/ Frank Sturgis in Miami and enlists David Morales in anticipation of killing JFK there. But LBJ changes itinerary to Dallas, citing personal reasons."

David Atlee Phillips, the CIA's Cuban operations chief in Miami at the time of JFK's death, knew E. Howard from the Guatemala-coup days. Veciana is a member of the Cuban exile community. Sturgis, like Saint's father, is supposed to have been one of the three tramps photographed in Dealey Plaza. Sturgis was also one of the Watergate plotters, and he is a man whom E. Howard, under oath, has repeatedly sworn to have not met until Watergate, so to Saint the mention of his name was big news.

In the next few paragraphs, E. Howard goes on to describe the extent of his own involvement. It revolves around a meeting he claims he attended, in 1963, with Morales and Sturgis. It takes place in a Miami hotel room. Here's what happens:

Morales leaves the room, at which point Sturgis makes reference to a "Big Event" and asks E. Howard, "Are you with us?"

E. Howard asks Sturgis what he's talking about.

Sturgis says, "Killing JFK."

E. Howard, "incredulous," says to Sturgis, "You seem to have everything you need. Why do you need me?" In the handwritten narrative, Sturgis' response is unclear, though what E. Howard says to Sturgis next isn't: He says he won't "get involved in anything involving Bill Harvey, who is an alcoholic psycho."

After that, the meeting ends. E. Howard goes back to his "normal" life and "like the rest of the country . . . is stunned by JFK's death and realizes how lucky he is not to have had a direct role."

After reading what his father had written, St. John was stunned too. His father had not only implicated LBJ, he'd also, with a few swift marks of a pen, put the lie to almost everything he'd sworn to, under oath, about his knowledge of the assassination. Saint had a million more questions. But his father was exhausted and needed to sleep, and then Saint had to leave town without finishing their talk, though a few weeks later he did receive in the mail a tape recording from his dad. E. Howard's voice on the cassette is weak and grasping, and he sometimes wanders down unrelated pathways. But he essentially remakes the same points he made in his handwritten narrative.

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This appears to be the relevant part of the article by Erik Hedegaard:

E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll."....

My question stands: What does Cord Meyer have to say about this?

He's still alive. He's written books. He ostensibly has a phone number and an email address. Did Erik Hedegaard publish this without getting a response from Cord Meyer?

The last I checked Cord Meyer was alive and well and living in DC area. Does anybody have more recent update on Cord Meyer?

Cord Meyer, the ex-USMC vet who co-founds the World Federalists org to support the UN and world government, which also included Michael's mom, Ruth Forbes Paine Young, Priscilla Johnson McMillan and Walter Cronkite, recruited by Alan Dulles to CIA and be one of his top deputies, head of the International Organizaitons Division after Tom Braden, married to Mary Pinchot Meyer, big time Pennsylvania Republicans, who was introduced to JFK by his Choate Prep schoolmmate William Attwood, had an affair with JFK and purportedly shares some of Leary's acid (LSD) with him, and keeps a diary in her carriage house apartment at the house of his sister, who is married to Ben Bradle, editor of the Washington Post.

Why is this story unfolding while Cord Meyer is still alive?


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Is there evidence that LBJ and Cord Meyer knew each other? I'm wondering why Meyer would be listed right under LBJ on Hunt's list of culprits, according to his son. In his book, Hunt suggests that LBJ would have gone through William Harvey. So which was it and why?

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Why is this story unfolding while Cord Meyer is still alive?


Cord Meyer, Jr., died on 13 March 2001 at the age of 80.

Here's George Tenet's press release:


14 March 2001



I am greatly saddened by the death of Cord Meyer, a passionate defender of freedom around the world. During a remarkable intelligence career spanning more than a quarter of a century, Cord defined the concept, doctrine, and implementation of covert action on behalf of the security and interests of our nation. At the height of the Cold War, he played an instrumental role in America’s effort to counter Soviet influence. His leadership, innovation, and creativity inspired his colleagues and helped shape the Agency’s history.

After retiring from the Agency in 1977, Cord’s passion and his profound knowledge of world affairs was reflected in his thoughtful columns on a wide range of issues.

It was with great pride that CIA honored Cord Meyer as one of its Trailblazers when the Agency celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1997.

I want to express my deepest condolences to the Meyer family on behalf of all the men and women of the Intelligence Community.

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Why is this story unfolding while Cord Meyer is still alive?


Cord Meyer, Jr., died on 13 March 2001 at the age of 80.

Here's George Tenet's press release:


14 March 2001



I am greatly saddened by the death of Cord Meyer, a passionate defender of freedom around the world. During a remarkable intelligence career spanning more than a quarter of a century, Cord defined the concept, doctrine, and implementation of covert action on behalf of the security and interests of our nation. At the height of the Cold War, he played an instrumental role in America's effort to counter Soviet influence. His leadership, innovation, and creativity inspired his colleagues and helped shape the Agency's history.

After retiring from the Agency in 1977, Cord's passion and his profound knowledge of world affairs was reflected in his thoughtful columns on a wide range of issues.

It was with great pride that CIA honored Cord Meyer as one of its Trailblazers when the Agency celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1997.

I want to express my deepest condolences to the Meyer family on behalf of all the men and women of the Intelligence Community.

Thanks Dixie and RCD,

I didn't realize that. How did I miss it?

It's all starting to make more sense now.

Whose left alive then?


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My question stands: What does Cord Meyer have to say about this?

He's still alive. He's written books. He ostensibly has a phone number and an email address. Did Erik Hedegaard publish this without getting a response from Cord Meyer?

The last I checked Cord Meyer was alive and well and living in DC area. Does anybody have more recent update on Cord Meyer?

Cord Meyer died of lymphoma on 13th March, 2001.

What is interesting is what he said to C. David Heymann a few weeks before he died:

C. David Heymann, The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club (2003)

Cord Meyer gave expression to his support of Angleton in, "Facing Reality," an autobiography subtitled, "From World Federalism to the CIA." In the same volume, he comments briefly on the murder of his wife: "I was satisfied by the conclusions of the police investigation that Mary had been the victim of a sexually motivated assault by a single individual and that she had been killed in her struggle to escape." Carol Delaney, a family friend and longtime personal assistant to Cord Meyer, observed that, "Mr. Meyer didn't for a minute think that Ray Crump had murdered his wife or that it had been an attempted rape. But, being an Agency man, he couldn't very well accuse the CIA of the crime, although the murder had all the markings of an in-house rubout."

Asked to comment on the case, by the current author (C. David Heymann), Cord Meyer held court at the beginning of February 2001 - six weeks before his death - in the barren dining room of a Washington nursing home. Propped up in a chair, his glass eye bulging, he struggled to hold his head aloft. Although he was no longer able to read, the nurses supplied him with a daily copy of The Washington Post, which he carried with him wherever he went. "My father died of a heart attack the same year Mary was killed , " he whispered. "It was a bad time." And what could he say about Mary Meyer? Who had committed such a heinous crime? "The same sons of bitches," he hissed, "that killed John F. Kennedy."


As E. Howard Hunt says in his book, he got to know Cord Meyer when he was running Operation Mockingbird. He also claims that Mary Pinchot Meyer was killed by a professional hitman. He quotes from the research of Leo Damore. What Hunt does not say is that Damore committed suicide and his book on Meyer was never published. However, a friend of mine has a copy of the manuscript. In it Damore names an CIA operative as being the killer.


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Now that is an interesting confession just before his death!! More so that Damore committed assisted suicide! John, can you name the name? One we know?

He intends to name the person in a book that will be published in the near future. I had not heard of his name before. Interestingly, he had close links to both the FBI and the CIA. It is not known whether he is still alive.

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My question stands: What does Cord Meyer have to say about this?

He's still alive. He's written books. He ostensibly has a phone number and an email address. Did Erik Hedegaard publish this without getting a response from Cord Meyer?

The last I checked Cord Meyer was alive and well and living in DC area. Does anybody have more recent update on Cord Meyer?

Cord Meyer died of lymphoma on 13th March, 2001.

What is interesting is what he said to C. David Heymann a few weeks before he died:

C. David Heymann, The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club (2003)

Cord Meyer gave expression to his support of Angleton in, "Facing Reality," an autobiography subtitled, "From World Federalism to the CIA." In the same volume, he comments briefly on the murder of his wife: "I was satisfied by the conclusions of the police investigation that Mary had been the victim of a sexually motivated assault by a single individual and that she had been killed in her struggle to escape." Carol Delaney, a family friend and longtime personal assistant to Cord Meyer, observed that, "Mr. Meyer didn't for a minute think that Ray Crump had murdered his wife or that it had been

attempted rape. But, being an Agency man, he couldn't very well accuse the CIA of the crime, although the murder had all the markings of an in-house rubout."

Asked to comment on the case, by the current author (C. David Heymann), Cord Meyer held court at the beginning of February 2001 - six weeks before his death - "The same sons of bitches," he hissed, "that killed John F. Kennedy."


As E. Howard Hunt says in his book, he got to know Cord Meyer when he was running Operation Mockingbird. He also claims that Mary Pinchot Meyer was killed by a professional hitman. He quotes from the research of Leo Damore. What Hunt does not say is that Damore committed suicide and his book on Meyer was never published. However, a friend of mine has a copy of the manuscript. In it Damore names an CIA operative as being the killer.


Now that is an interesting confession just before his death!! More so that Damore committed assisted suicide! John, can you name the name? One we know? While it is easy to imagine that Mary was used [perhaps unknowingly] to spy on JFK [meet him in bugged rooms or whatever....] and had to be done away with for what she knew [she too suspected a conspiracy and likely knew the players - or would figure it out], the fact that Cord might be so 'high' in the cabal is new and interesting if true. I'd agree that it is worth the effort to see if LBJ and CM had some relationship - possibly through some mutual friend. All the others on the 'list' are A-OK and as now well known. I also think that the fact that MPM and JFK used LSD is NOT to be ignored. It was being tested at that time as a truth serum by the CIA and they may have been hoping to get some truth they were fishing for....if nothing else, and it was just recreational, they ['they'] were likely afraid of what such a free-spirit would become if he were taking such liberating mind-expanding drugs. 


I agree with this comment about the possible effects of LSD. Especially when it is combined with

1) fundamental questions of "who's in charge here" after the Bay of Pigs, questions that would have been irrepressible in the psychology of both the

president and the bureacratic psychology of the National Security State.

2) the experience of being the closest the world has ever been to nuclear war in October 1962, and battling chthonic buraucrats like LeMay and

Lyman Lemnitzer and others who had exciteable and speedy speedboats from Miami, and liked to pick unauthorized fights.

Imagine taking LSD and Curtis Lemay. Geez, the FDA ought to have had a warning out... something akin to barbiturates and Budweiser. Thats enough to reverse the missile gap rhetoric of 1960 real fast! (No mahn, I mean the INNER missile gap of PERCEPTION :ph34r: )

We also need to remember that LSD did not yet have the Haight-Ashbury stigma of extreme cultural marginalization that it has for us today. This is more important than it might seem, because it might be a variable in whether Kennedy dismissed his tripping or "listened to its wisdom, mahn" I would certainly be interested in learning more of the details about whether JFK took LSD at a time when it was still culturally concievable to chase a white rabbit in the White House. Any good sources on this ?

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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If Frank Sturgis was involved as alleged by Hunt, this lends new credence to Marita Lorenz's story of the caravan to Dallas. And she testified that she saw Hunt himself in Dallas.

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I thought you might be interested in reading: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/13893143/the_last_confessions_of_e_howard_hunt on rollingstone.com.

I went out and bought the Issue 1022 March 22, 2007 issue, but no story.

No Pink Floyd. No New Clues to JFK murder.

Found it on line above. All BS except for the one paragraph where he connects the dots:

LBJ-Cord Meyer-William Havey-David Morlaes-David Atlee Phillips-Tony Vechina

What's Cord Meyer got to say about this?



I still wouldn't believe ANYTHING coming out of Hunt's mouth. Not for one minute would he ever implicate himself, nor his pay masters. His job was to invent the dirty tricks, and formulate the myths. He was a talented writer, and a spinner of tales. When Prouty spoke of "actors," Hunt stands out as the boldest of them all. He's a xxxx and a fake, and so damned good at it, he'd have a bunch of supposedly intelligent people ready to believe him, hands down.

Not on your life! But, that's JMHO.

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For the Record, the New Clues to JFK'S MURDER? - Article is in Issue 1023, April 5, 2007.

There's a note that "Contributing editorErik Hedegaard first met St. John Hunt in the ninth greade at the St. James School, in Maryland."

It also contains a sidebar that I didn't see on line - The Scenario - The JFK Assassination According to E. Howard Hunt, with head shot photos and short profiles of the Rogues in the Gallery - LBJ - The Successor, Cord Meyer - the Linchpin, David Atlee Phillips - Middleman, William K. Harvey - The Spook, Antonio Veciana - The Recruiter, Frank Sturgis - Mercenary, David Morales - The Hitman, Lucien Sardi? - French Gunman.

"Here are the players, the way the conspiracy junkies see them." By David Sheffield.

If it's "By David Sheffield," wouldn't this be the way David Shefield sees them?

I guess if the book is vetted by the CIA's Publicaitons Review Board, they want us to think this article wasn't part of their program.


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One of Bud Fensterwald's enduring lessons: Any intel op worth the name has at least two objectives.

Hunt's grand finale: Give to his miscreant son an opportunity to make a few bucks while simultaneously strengthening the Great Misdirection by adding "deathbed" to his "confession."


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