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American Security Council

John Dolva

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Falangist-spanish, Franco (neutral, but helped to power by Germany), National Socialist (Nazi) Hitler -german, Fascist- Italy Mssolini

"Walker was wisked out of Pearl Harbor, by plane, just days before Dec. 7, 1941 and that he had been associated with and was stationed in conjuction with the American signals intelligence listening post in Hawaii." What about his boss?

Ulrich von der Osten, high officer in German Military Intelligence, killed by a taxi cab in Times Square, March 1941. He had a report on the defenses of Pearl Harbor...Osten was a part of the Bund, which had forged close ties to the radical right, specifically at this time the Klan.

the Liberty Lobby Radical Right leaders, among them:

Major Gen. Charles A. Willoughby (german born falangista sympathy.)*

Major Gen. Edwin A. Walker

Lt. Col. Philip Corso

*After pearl harbour, Spain took over diplomatic representation of Japan. Havana was historically a nexus of Spanish interests, during this time specifically the Falangista. After the attack on pearl harbour they were decimated by the Cuban authorities, but evidence of influence lingered.

http://www.uniset.ca/naty/maternity/55FSupp403.htm (Bund history)

http://home.comcast.net/~furrylogic/oni.html (A History of the Office of Naval Intelligence, 1882-1942)




http://www.spitfirelist.com/Books/UnderCover.html (see also topic on online ebooks)







ACS as a private body that may have pre 1960 info on Oswald

Mid-America Research Library

changed its name to the American Security Council in 1956

The files from the Mid-America Research Library are now a part of the Sol Feinstone Library for the Survival of Freedom.

The American Security Council Fdn was formed in 1958

Col. Samuel Dickens, a former intelligence officer and CIS board member, was the executive director for inter-hemispheric affairs for the American Security Council (ASC), an outfit founded by ex-FBI agents. ASC was an instrumental group which targeted leftists during the 1950s, the period of the McCarthyite witch-hunts. Founded in 1955, ASC funding has been provided by Motorola, Lockheed, Boeing and General Dynamics, among others.[15] The information they collected, much of it bogus, was then sold to ASC's dues-paying corporate members. At the height of their domestic operations ASC red hunters, including the sinister Roy Cohn, Senator McCarthy's chief inquisitor, were gathering the names of alleged "subversives" at the staggering rate of 20,000 per month. [16] One analyst has said that the ASC is "not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex."[17

The ASC was founded in 1955 by General Robert Wood (ret.), chairman and president of Sears, Roebuck & Co. , with assistance and support from Robert R. McCormick of the Chicago Tribune. (2,32) Sears, along with Motorola Corp, and Marshall

Field and Company were the original financial sponsors of the ASC. (2) Wood felt the U.S. lost the Korean War because of communist infiltrators within the U.S. To combat this, he founded the Mid-America Research Library to compile files on suspected communists who might apply for jobs in the private sector. (1,2) At its peak, the library served 3,500 firms and contained more than six million FBI-like personnel file cards. (2,10) The library cooperated with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, the FBI, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Treasury Department. (1,23)

The library changed its name to the American Security Council in 1956, and a decade later broadened its goals to include "international security and nuclear strategy." It then moved to Boston, VA to be closer to the nation's capital. John Fisher, former FBI agent and chief of security at Sears, became the first president of the Mid-America Research Library and continues to head the ASC and the ASC Fdn today. (2,23) The files from the Mid-America Research Library are now a part of the Sol Feinstone Library for the Survival of Freedom. (2)

The ASC believes that communism and the Soviet Union are the greatest evils in the world, and that the Soviets are making an all out effort for military superiority and world domination. Those within the U.S. who advocate disarmament and lower defense spending are considered by the ASC to be victims of Soviet disinformation. The "Grand Strategy" of the ASC is to achieve military superiority so that the Soviets will not dare to attack. The ASC would follow this stage with "psycho-political means to change Soviet goals and strategy." According to the ASC, this strategy requires a huge military build up, an internal strategic and civil defense network, an increase in security and intelligence capabilities, and strong opposition to all arms control agreements. Economically, the strategy requires a strong U.S. economy and policies that "will protect our overseas sources of energy and other vital raw materials." Outside of the U.S., it calls for use of nonmilitary means to deter the growth of communism, and support of our allies and other non-communist governments against communist aggression. (5)

ASC policy is developed by its steering committee, the National Strategy Committee. This committee is comprised of leaders from the military-industrial complex and high-ranking retired military people. Industrial representatives generally are recruited from corporations holding large military contracts. (10)

Original funding for the ASC came from Sears, Roebuck & Co, Marshall Field and Company, and Motorola Corp. (1) Major funding has continued to come from the corporate sector, including Sears, General Dynamics, General Electric, Lockheed, Motorola, and McDonnell-Douglas. (1,14) Common Cause magazine of July/Aug 1985 reported donations of $500,000 to the ASC Fdn from Lockheed, Boeing Corp and General Dynamics. General Dynamics then billed the Pentagon for its contribution. (23) U.S. Steel paid one of its employees, Steve Donchess, to work fulltime with ASC. (14)

Patrick J. Frawley, called in Power on the Right "the most visible, resourceful, and possibly wealthiest" member of the far right in the U.S. , has supported the ASC. (10)

ASC Fdn received a $40,000 grant from the Air Force in 1967 to produce a book of quotes from communist sources. The book, A Lexicon of Marxist-Leninist Semantics, was finally published in 1983 by the Western Goals Fdn, a group founded by Rep. Larry McDonald, a member of the John Birch Society. (23)

At its inception, the ASC worked with Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC).

Retired military personnel on the ASC or the CPTS include Lieutenant General Daniel Graham, Major General John K. Singlaub, Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer, Major General Milnor Roberts, Admiral Thomas Moorer, General Evan Hultman, General Robert Wood, Admiral Robert Spirer, General Andrew Goodpaster, and General Maxwell Taylor. (1) General Daniel Graham served with the CIA and for several years was director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. (8) Major General John Singlaub served in the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, was deputy chief of the CIA in Korea during the Korean War, and was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force in Vietnam. (3,9)

Lee Penninton, the CIA agent sent to the home of Watergate burglar James McCord to ensure that {compromising}evidence was destroyed, was at that time a top ASC official. (32)

Ronald Reagan was a long-time member of the ASC before his election to the presidency. (23) Lev Dobrianski, {sometimes spelled "Lev Dobriansky"} the leading figure among the emigre groups that belong to the CTPS, was appointed ambassador to the Bahamas by President Reagan. His daughter {Paula J. Dobriansky}was a member of the National Security Council during the Reagan administration. (24)

Former Senator John Tower (R-TX) (the failed Bush nominee for Secretary of Defense) and Sen. J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) appeared in the Peace Through Strength video produced by ASC in 1984. R. James Woolsey, former Undersecretary of the Navy also appears in the film. (25) Major participants in Peace Through Strength Week included: Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) Sen. Russell Long (D-LA), Sen. Ed Zorinsky (D-NE), Sen. Jake Garn (R-UT), former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer and Brigadeer General John Bradshaw. (25)

Among the members of Congress who have served as co-chairs of the congressional division of the CPTS are: Sen. David L. Boren (D-OK), Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), Sen. Jeremiah Denton (R-AL), Sen. Robert J. Dole (R-KS), Sen. Jake Garn (R-UT), Sen. J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA), Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-NV), Sen. Edward Zorinsky (D-NE), Rep. Bill Chapell, Jr (D-FL), Rep. Dan Daniel (D-VA), Rep. Jack F. Kemp (R-NY), Rep. Robert H. Michel (R-IL), and Rep. Samuel S. Stratton (D-NY). (25)

Edited by John Dolva
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President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation "thinking there was a conspiracy," but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. "I never saw a case that was more completely proven," he asserted.

McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.

When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham documents the role of Standard Oil~ of New Jersey, owned by the Chase Manhattan Bank, and I.G. Farben's Sterling Products with the Bank for International Settlements. Standard Oil tankers plied the sea lanes with fuel for the nazi war machine. Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.

As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:

*McCloy blocked the executions of nazi war criminals

*Forged a pact with the Vichy Regime of pro-nazi Admiral Darlan.

*Displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps.*

*Refused to recommend the bombing of nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds "the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits."

*Refused Jewish refugees entry to the U.S.

In 1952 McCloy left a Germany...(and.)... became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the "Seven Sisters" of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald's "best friend" in Dallas.

*the children of the 'Nisei' formed part of the decoders working for Willoughby.

New Jersey as a centre of the Radical Right

(Standard Oil, the Bund, The Klan, and...)

"South River, New Jersey: VorKommando Moskau’s new home

One of the most brutal groups ever to settle in New Jersey since the English killed the Indians was the VorKommando Moskau, originally formed by the SS as they advanced into Eastern Europe and recruited White Russians fleeing their homeland. "VorKommando Moskau was an elite forward unit of SS intelligence on the Soviet front. Its primary mission was anti-Communist intelligence, but it was also responsible for security screening of the occupied populations in the broad sector of the Eastern Front... VorKommando Moskau did not kill the Jews. [Or the Slavs, who were also slaughtered in large numbers.] It hired the collaborators, who recruited the executioners, who killed the Jews. From 1940 to 1942 this one small unit acted as an employment agency for the architects of the Nazi genocide in Eastern Europe." They primarily hired Eastern Europeans. [20]

During his tenure as Nazi hunter in the Justice Department, John Loftus discovered how the White Russians in the VorKommando Moskau were heavily recruited by the US government to fight the Soviets and how all documentation of their Nazi past was well hidden from prying eyes. "Many of the White Russian Nazis had been resettled en masse in the town of South River, New Jersey." [21] Allen Dulles and Bill Casey, who was later Reagan’s CIA director, resettled most of the Vorkommando Moskau’s elite leadership group in the New York - New Jersey area. [22] In April, 1998 it was discovered that Casey sought for and received a dispensation from the Justice Department so that CIA officers would not have to reveal drug trafficking on the part of their contract workers and this 6 months before large scale trafficking began in support of the Nicaraguan Contras. Casey was an old pro at sanitizing the unmentionable.

In 1950, the FBI "recruited every White Russian Nazi it could find in the New York - New Jersey area." When in the 60’s a New York reporter, Charles Allen, began his accusations that Nazis were living in the US, the FBI investigated him and labeled him a Russian pawn. [23] It would be interesting to find out about the role of these Nazis in Hoover’s COINTELPRO operations against the Black Panthers and others.

Given the massive settlement of Nazis in New Jersey, it would not at all be surprising if some number of them found their way into the State Police. After all, police work was what they were professionally suited for, what they had done for years prior to coming to the US. We can also expect the Nazis to have found jobs as corrections officers in a prison system which has shown itself remarkably tolerant of the Aryan Brotherhood and Sisterhood."

Edited by John Dolva
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"Walker was whisked out of Pearl Harbor, by plane, just days before Dec. 7, 1941 and that he had been associated with and was stationed in conjunction with the American signals intelligence listening post in Hawaii." What about his boss?

The person in charge of keeping and protecting the "Ultra Secrete" (the signals intelligence code breaking coup of the war) was John J. McCloy.

My research indicates that Walker was heavily involved in counterintelligence rather that the more obvious intelligence gathering nitty gritty. If true Walker may well have been working directly under McCloy.

For example:

The Kiska Operation during WWII is an interesting study. What was assumed to be the most sophisticated Japanese radar instillation was identified as being located on Kiska. The radar site was discovered after a specially fitted bomber was deployed on what is believed to be the first ever "ferret" mission (use of electronics to identify enemy radar and signals capabilities). The US and Canada invaded and took Attu first although it was further West than Kiska. In doing so they were able to totally isolate Kiska and blockaded Japanese shipping from approaching the island. In a daring operation the Japanese were able to send in submarines to evacuate the personal stationed on the island, something they did not usually do.

Walker was transferred to the First Special Services Force just prior to deployment for the Kiska operation. His 3rd Regiment would be the first to land and the capture of the partially destroyed radar instillation was accomplished after the landing party was met on shore by someone (Once Upon a Wartime by Peter Layton Cottigham).

Present to witness the landings at Kiska was none other than John J. McCloy.

The example places Walker in the middle of an intelligence coup that deals directly with signals intelligence. The importance to my research is this: Walker would be involved with McCloy and signals intelligence. Directly involved with signals intelligence is John B. Hurt someone who shares a name with a person that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to contact after the assassination of JFK.

Jim Root

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I know I'm lumping a lot of information together here. The diversity reflects a confusion on my part. My hope is that a more condensed summary of the relevant bits can explain it.

Thank you for isolating items of interest, Jim. I'm hoping that you and others may comment on various parts. I grew up believing that the war was much simpler than it appears. I'm beginning to wonder what it was really all about, and as I have no conclusion there, I'm grabbing bits and pieces that puzzle me, yet seem related.

What was Willoughby's role in relation to Walker and McCloy? (McArthur?)


"President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation "thinking there was a conspiracy," but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. "I never saw a case that was more completely proven," he asserted.

McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.

When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham documents the role of Standard Oil~ of New Jersey, owned by the Chase Manhattan Bank, and I.G. Farben's Sterling Products with the Bank for International Settlements. Standard Oil tankers plied the sea lanes with fuel for the nazi war machine. Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.

As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:

*McCloy blocked the executions of nazi war criminals

*Forged a pact with the Vichy Regime of pro-nazi Admiral Darlan.

*Displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps.*

*Refused to recommend the bombing of nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds "the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits."

*Refused Jewish refugees entry to the U.S.

In 1952 McCloy left Germany...(and.)... became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the "Seven Sisters" of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald's "best friend" in Dallas."

*the children of the 'Nisei' formed part of the decoders working for Willoughby.

Willoughby and Manila Falangii

"...Adolph Charles Weidenbach, born in Heidelberg, March 8, 1892. But by the time he became Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence for the war in the Pacific, he was Major General Charles A. Willoughby...

...Willoughby preferred his fascism with a Spanish accent. But this was an accident of geography. While serving as a military attache in Ecuador, he had received a decoration from Mussolini's government -- the Order of Saints Maurizio and Lazzaro. After delivering an impassioned paean to Spanish dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco at a lunch in Madrid, he was toasted by the secretary general of the Falangist Party, "I am happy to know a fellow Falangist and reactionary."

(image)Japan decorates Manila Falangi

MacArthur's pre-war headquarters were in the Philippines, whose commerce was dominated by resident Spaniards. ..(among them)... Andres Soriano, who owned an early-day conglomerate of airlines, mines, breweries... and American distributorships. During the Spanish Civil War Soriano was one of Franco's principal money-bags. When the Rising Sun flag was raised over the Philippines Soriano fled to Washington to become finance minister of the government-in-exile. But there was such a fuss over his fascist reputation that he flew off to Australia to become a colonel on MacArthur’s staff." (fled?)



New Jersey as a centre of the Radical Right

(Standard Oil, the Bund, The Klan, and...)

"South River, New Jersey: VorKommando Moskau’s new home

One of the most brutal groups ever to settle in New Jersey since the English killed the Indians was the VorKommando Moskau, originally formed by the SS as they advanced into Eastern Europe and recruited White Russians fleeing their homeland. "VorKommando Moskau was an elite forward unit of SS intelligence on the Soviet front. Its primary mission was anti-Communist intelligence, but it was also responsible for security screening of the occupied populations in the broad sector of the Eastern Front... VorKommando Moskau did not kill the Jews. [Or the Slavs, who were also slaughtered in large numbers.] It hired the collaborators, who recruited the executioners, who killed the Jews. From 1940 to 1942 this one small unit acted as an employment agency for the architects of the Nazi genocide in Eastern Europe." They primarily hired Eastern Europeans. [20]

During his tenure as Nazi hunter in the Justice Department, John Loftus discovered how the White Russians in the VorKommando Moskau were heavily recruited by the US government to fight the Soviets and how all documentation of their Nazi past was well hidden from prying eyes. "Many of the White Russian Nazis had been resettled en masse in the town of South River, New Jersey." [21] Allen Dulles and Bill Casey, who was later Reagan’s CIA director, resettled most of the Vorkommando Moskau’s elite leadership group in the New York - New Jersey area. [22] In April, 1998 it was discovered that Casey sought for and received a dispensation from the Justice Department so that CIA officers would not have to reveal drug trafficking on the part of their contract workers and this 6 months before large scale trafficking began in support of the Nicaraguan Contras. Casey was an old pro at sanitizing the unmentionable."

Edited by John Dolva
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Without getting into to much detail I see that you brought up Admiral Darlan. Needless to say I have been looking at that case for more years than I like to admit and was surprized to find that John B. Hurt had some very choice words to say about Darlan, all negitive, within some declassified documents that I attained a years or so ago. It appears that our relationship with Darlan, Vichy France and the secrete intelligence societies of France may have been very different than what is recorded in the average history book.

Suffice it to say in recent months I have began to look more closely for reasons why Oswald would have first landed in La Harve, France before backtracking to England and then traveling to Helsinki. My interest was sparked by the words that Hurt used to express his distain for Darlan. I believe the US was more involved in the assassination of Admiral Darlan than most people think.

Remember that the weapon used to assassinate Darlan had been owned by Carleton Stevens Coon who would be Ambassador to Morocco during the Kennedy administration. During WWII, as an OSS operative in North Africa, Coon advocated the creation and training of an assassination squad to be used by the SOE and OSS for sticky political situations. Perhaps by coincidence he was in North Africa at the time of the assassination of Admiral Darlan and it was a pistol that he owned that was used in the assassination. During the late 1950's and early 1960's Coon wrote several noted educational books and papers related to the supremacy of the white/european race. He used his position as an anthropologist to aid in his work as a CIA opperative in the Middle and Near East mapping potential sites for the airforce to use for espionage overflights of the Soviet Union and China (Francis Gary Powers flew from such a site).

So many connections but was Oswald's short visit to France in October of 1959 part of the plan to get him into the Soviet Union with the help of some persons involved in the field of intelligence that were in fact French? Perhaps.

Jim Root

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Without getting into to much detail I see that you brought up Admiral Darlan. Needless to say I have been looking at that case for more years than I like to admit and was surprized to find that John B. Hurt had some very choice words to say about Darlan, all negitive, within some declassified documents that I attained a years or so ago. It appears that our relationship with Darlan, Vichy France and the secrete intelligence societies of France may have been very different than what is recorded in the average history book.

Suffice it to say in recent months I have began to look more closely for reasons why Oswald would have first landed in La Harve, France before backtracking to England and then traveling to Helsinki. My interest was sparked by the words that Hurt used to express his distain for Darlan. I believe the US was more involved in the assassination of Admiral Darlan than most people think.

Remember that the weapon used to assassinate Darlan had been owned by Carleton Stevens Coon who would be Ambassador to Morocco during the Kennedy administration. During WWII, as an OSS operative in North Africa, Coon advocated the creation and training of an assassination squad to be used by the SOE and OSS for sticky political situations. Perhaps by coincidence he was in North Africa at the time of the assassination of Admiral Darlan and it was a pistol that he owned that was used in the assassination. During the late 1950's and early 1960's Coon wrote several noted educational books and papers related to the supremacy of the white/european race. He used his position as an anthropologist to aid in his work as a CIA opperative in the Middle and Near East mapping potential sites for the airforce to use for espionage overflights of the Soviet Union and China (Francis Gary Powers flew from such a site).

So many connections but was Oswald's short visit to France in October of 1959 part of the plan to get him into the Soviet Union with the help of some persons involved in the field of intelligence that were in fact French? Perhaps.

Jim Root


"HUAC" is a long-time misnomer. The official title was: The House Select Committee on Un-American Activities. While much of the "ASC" etc. documents are in the abovementioned repository; the complete collection of ALL materials was held by the now defunct "Subversive Activities Control Board". The "Board" was eliminated just after LBJ signed the FOIA [Freedom of Information/Privacy Act - Title 5, US Code, section 552 et seq.]. ALL efforts to apply FOIA demands upon the files of the "Board" have been thwarted.

Coon was a subordinate to OSS Cairo Chief of Station Colonel Ulius Amoss, who was given deep cover for his assassunation schemes via his phony firing by Gen. Bill Donovan. After the war, Amoss founded "ISI" [international Services of Information] based in Baltimore, MD. Within a week of LHO's return from the USSR, he went on the ISI payroll, and was "case officered" by Robert Emmett Johnson.




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Organisational structure, Intelligence, Ideology, Motivation, and Personell...

"..."leaderless resistance,"

described as an alternative to the "leadership" structure in "underground" groups. In this alternative, activity is autonomous, organized around ideology rather than leaders. It is explained as a system for keeping secret the plans of terrorist assaults against the Government, known only to a few individuals in small leaderless cells in order to prevent leaks or infiltration.

The concept was fathered in 1962 by Col. Ulius Amoss, the founder of an anti-Communist organization, International Services of Information(fdn)..(INFORM). who feared a Communist takeover of America. (Interestingly, this is also the organizational pattern employed by some foreign terrorist groups.)"...and the KKK


The Brown case in 1954 was seen by the Southern Radical Right as something that reason could overturn. Coon and his cousin Putnam were prominent intellectuals used by the Supremacists.

By mid 1963 the fight against de-segregation approached a crescendo.

Carleton Steven Coons, 23 June 1904 - 3 June 1981 -OSS "At Salerno an OSS detachment provided critical tactical intelligence to Darby's Rangers during their defense of the Sorrentino peninsula." Coons account reads like first hand inidcating he was there. The disastrous landing at Anzio followed, where the paths of a number of persons of interest in the events of '63 crossed.

"The Origin of Races:

Released at the height of the civil rights movement for equal rights for African Americans, segregationists immediately seized on Coon’s “proof” that African Americans were 200,000 years “less evolved” than whites to argue for continuing racial segregation in the American South. Many reviews of Coon’s book tied it to the racial politics of the day: southern newspapers often claiming the book offered support for continued racial segregation while northern reviewers attempted to distance Coon’s work from political issues."

Geneticist Dobzhanksy’s shot

His bolt and really gone to pot.

Things which now pass above his pate

Cause him to fume and fulminate

In ways unacademical

And anything but oecumenical.

Querulous cracks with venom spattered

Tell of an ethos sadly shattered.

-Coon, ca. 1963


.... a cousin to Carleton Coon:

"Carleton Putnam

and the “Equalitarian Dogma”,

The scion of an established New England family (and), Carleton Putnam was educated at Princeton and Columbia Law School in the 1920s. In 1933, Putnam established his own airline, building it into a successful business. After World War II, Putnam merged his airline with others forming Delta Airlines. Having made his fortune, Putnam stayed on the board of Delta but increasingly turned the reins over to others and began a second career as a biographer of Theodore Roosevelt. The first of a projected four volume Roosevelt biography appeared in 1958 to positive reviews....(it)... would prove to be the last, as Putnam abandoned the project to take on what he saw as a much more important one: the protection of white civilization."

In this endeavour he drew on the work of Coon to 'prove' that integration would mean the destruction of southern white civilisation. When he found that the legal arguments put forward by the southern anti Civil Rights bill of 1963 legal team neglected to mention miscegination he was horrified.

During Kennedy's presidency Putnam worked closely* with the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission in their fight against the Civil Rights bill of 1963.

His writings attracted a number of people to the White Supremacy cause (among them D. Duke)

* http://www.mdah.state.ms.us/arlib/contents...34|1|1|1|81083|

Letter to Roosevelt:


Citicens Councils:



the price of a contract?

- 1966 -

The House Select Committee on Un-American Activities 89’th congress

Activities of the Ku Klux Klan organisations in the US

Mr Hanna testifies: (Dixie Klans, States Rights Party) Mrs Witte (cincinnati) speaks of assassinating Kennedy, "walked around fountain square looking for a place to take a bead from" Guns shipped in by special friend from Ohio, and 'keep it quiet', women friends have the guns. bomb making by 'boy wonder' Henry Muegel (clifton)

.....she also offers $25,000 as a price for killing MLK

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President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation "thinking there was a conspiracy," but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. "I never saw a case that was more completely proven," he asserted.

McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.

When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual....Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.

As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:

*McCloy blocked the executions of nazi war criminals

*Forged a pact with the Vichy Regime of pro-nazi Admiral Darlan.

*Displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps.*

*Refused to recommend the bombing of nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds "the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits."

*Refused Jewish refugees entry to the U.S.

In 1952 McCloy left a Germany...(and.)... became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the "Seven Sisters" of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald's "best friend" in Dallas.

South River, New Jersey:

VorKommando Moskau’s new home

One of the most brutal groups ever to settle in New Jersey since the English killed the Indians was the VorKommando Moskau, originally formed by the SS as they advanced into Eastern Europe and recruited White Russians fleeing their homeland. "VorKommando Moskau was an elite forward unit of SS intelligence on the Soviet front. Its primary mission was anti-Communist intelligence, but it was also responsible for security screening of the occupied populations in the broad sector of the Eastern Front... VorKommando Moskau did not kill the Jews. [Or the Slavs, who were also slaughtered in large numbers.] It hired the collaborators, who recruited the executioners, who killed the Jews. From 1940 to 1942 this one small unit acted as an employment agency for the architects of the Nazi genocide in Eastern Europe." They primarily hired Eastern Europeans. [20]

During his tenure as Nazi hunter in the Justice Department, John Loftus discovered how the White Russians in the VorKommando Moskau were heavily recruited by the US government to fight the Soviets and how all documentation of their Nazi past was well hidden from prying eyes. "Many of the White Russian Nazis had been resettled en masse in the town of South River, New Jersey." [21] Allen Dulles and Bill Casey, who was later Reagan’s CIA director, resettled most of the Vorkommando Moskau’s elite leadership group in the New York - New Jersey area. [22] In April, 1998 it was discovered that Casey sought for and received a dispensation from the Justice Department so that CIA officers would not have to reveal drug trafficking on the part of their contract workers and this 6 months before large scale trafficking began in support of the Nicaraguan Contras. Casey was an old pro at sanitizing the unmentionable.

In 1950, the FBI "recruited every White Russian Nazi it could find in the New York - New Jersey area." When in the 60’s a New York reporter, Charles Allen, began his accusations that Nazis were living in the US, the FBI investigated him and labeled him a Russian pawn. [23] It would be interesting to find out about the role of these Nazis in Hoover’s COINTELPRO operations against the Black Panthers and others.

Given the massive settlement of Nazis in New Jersey, it would not at all be surprising if some number of them found their way into the State Police. After all, police work was what they were professionally suited for, what they had done for years prior to coming to the US. We can also expect the Nazis to have found jobs as corrections officers in a prison system which has shown itself remarkably tolerant of the Aryan Brotherhood and Sisterhood"


August 1961 - Vice president Johnson and General Lucius Clay, former High Commissioner for Berlin visits Germany

"The one instance in which LBJ played more than a peripheral role in foreign affairs was during a crisis over Berlin in August 1961. An exodus of many of the best-trained citizens from East Germany through Berlin moved the Communists to build a wall sealing off the eastern part of the city. Unclear as to whether this was a prelude to more aggressive action against West Berlin, unwilling to order an assault against the wall, as some in Germany asked, and eager to counter demoralization in the American, British, and French zones, Kennedy ordered Johnson to make a symbolic trip to Berlin.

Johnson was reluctant to go. He believed that such a `journey might produce more recrimination over U.S. weakness than hope that America intended to stand up to Soviet expansion. If he were right, as the President's representative, he would then take some, if not much, of the heat for a gesture that was too little and too late. Kennedy ordered 1500 U.S. troops to move from West Germany to West Berlin as a show of American determination. But believing this was insufficient to boost morale in West Berlin, he wanted Johnson to make a very public appearance in the city as a demonstration "to the Russians that Berlin was an ultimate American commitment."

Despite his doubts, Johnson took on the assignment with characteristic energy and preparation. He stayed up all night on his transAtlantic flight discussing his itinerary and speeches that would give meaning to his trip. Landing in Bonn, where West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met him, Johnson refused to be drawn into the current election campaign between Adenauer and West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt. He refused Adenauer's request to travel together to West Berlin. Instead, he focused on giving the West German crowd greeting him a message from President Kennedy that America was "determined to fulfill all our obligations and to honor all our commitments." We will "dare to the end to do our duty."

Johnson's trip to West Berlin was a triumphal tour. After an eighty-minute flight to Tempelhof Airport, LBJ rode to the city center in an open car cheered by 100,000 spectators. Stopping repeatedly to shake hands with the people lining the curbs, he was greeted with unmistakable enthusiasm. At City Hall, where 300,000 Berliners had gathered, he declared himself in Berlin at the direction of President Kennedy to convey the same commitment that "our ancestors pledged in forming the United States: `Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.'" The wall, Johnson presciently declared, was a testimony to Communism's failure. This was not a time for despair, but for understanding that "in the long run this unwise effort will fail.... This is a time, then, for confidence, for poise, and for faith--for faith in yourselves. It is also a time for faith in your allies, everywhere throughout the world. This island does not stand alone."

The next day, Sunday morning at 9 a.m., Johnson and General Lucius Clay, former High Commissioner for Berlin, who Kennedy had asked to join the Vice President, went to the Helmstedt entrance to West Berlin, where they waited the arrival of the 1500 troops traveling along a 104-mile stretch of Autobahn. President Kennedy, who normally spent his summer weekends in Hyannis Port, stayed in Washington to await word of the convoy's unimpeded arrival. When the column of tanks and troops reached the city at 10 a.m., Berliners greeted them with shouts, tears, and flowers. The commanding officer remembered the occasion as "the most exciting and impressive thing I've ever seen in my life, with the possible exception of the liberation of Paris." The moment was the capstone of what LBJ saw as his most successful vice-presidential mission abroad."


26 February, 1963 - President Kennedy visits West Berlin.

28th Premier Khrushchev visits East Berlin.

3 September, 1963 - Vice President Johnson arrives in Stockholm on a visit to the Scandinavian countries.

29 November, 1963: - Kennedy assassinated

29 November, 1963:

"To head off any congressional investigations, President Johnson decided to create a blue-ribbon commission that would be headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren and composed of august leaders like Senator Richard Russell. When Russell said he didn't like Warren and refused the assignment, Johnson told him that he had no choice, that it already had been announced, that he could work with anyone for the good of America, and that Oswald's apparent connection to Castro and Khrushchev had to be prevented "from kicking us into a war that can kill forty million Americans in an hour."

27-28 December, 1963

Germanys Chancellor Erhard Visits the LBJ Ranch,

"PRESIDENT Johnson and Chancellor Erhard have held a series of frank and far-ranging talks at the President's ranch in Texas in the last 2 days. A number of their discussions were private; in other talks they were joined by Secretary Rusk, Foreign Minister Schroder, and other advisers.

The Chancellor told the President of the deep sorrow and sense of personal loss which the German people have felt over the death of President Kennedy. The President expressed deep appreciation for himself and for the American people for this expression of sympathy. He paid a tribute to the late President Heuss, the distinguished first President of the Federal Republic.

The President and the Chancellor both emphasized the importance which they attach to this opportunity to meet early in their Administrations. Their extensive discussions serve to confirm the close understanding and high measure of agreement between the two governments on major international issues. These conversations have made it emphatically clear that there will be continuity"

With Chancellor Erhards staff at Johnsons ranch was Dr Ewald Peters, chief of security (and in charge of security during Kennedy's visit to Germany.)

"He was a top-flight professional and a very decent fellow" recalls a young American security officer who often worked with the trim, gray haired Kriminalrat..."

Ewald Peters

- In mid January, 1964 during Munich trial of a SS Officer, the name Peters is mentioned in testimony...and within a week this Peters is identified as the 49 year old Ewald.

He is arrested on the return to Germany from a trip to Rome with Chancellor Erhard.

SS Obersturmführer Ewald Peters, Kommando C, Squad Six, one of about 1000 murderers in the Einsatzkommando, (extermination squad), responsible for the extermination of perhaps a million Nazi Victims as the Wermacht penetrated into Ukraine and Southern USSR

Feb 4, 1964 - The New York Times, Bonn: Security Aide Hangs Himself in Jail



"Arrested on charges of participating in the mass murder of Jews in southern Russia was West Germany's top bodyguard, U.S.-trained Ewald Peters, who heads the federal government's criminal security police. Peters' job was to protect both West German and visiting statesmen, and he was rated as excellent on both scores. U.S. Secret Service men found him highly effective during President Kennedy's visit to West Germany last summer, and had seen him in action again last month (December '64)during Erhard's visit to President Johnson's Texas ranch. Just who fingered Peters, the Interior Ministry was not saying, but there may have been more ghosts in the East German dossier than anyone suspected."

From the Feb. 7, 1964 issue of TIME magazine

Edited by John Dolva
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Welcome back and I appreciate your response to my comments.

Are you familiar with a former OSS agent named Peter Tompkins? I have attempted to contact him in the past without success. In two books that he wrote (one dealing with the assassination of Admiral Darlan and the other that deals with his OSS assignment in Rome) Tompkins mentions several points that seem to associate him with many of the leading CIA types that were in power during the early 1960's.

Tompkins also (in his Darlan book) seems to associate information between the two assassinations (Kennedy and Darlan) that peaked my interst many years ago. When I discovered comments written by NSA employee John B. Hurt that mentioned the assassination of Admiral Darlan I was further intrigued by this event.

You once made a comment while answering a question of mine about Maxwell Taylor,

"I have never heard even a murmur about General Taylor's involvement in ANY plots or schemes reference to unauthorized tasks."

You have also indicated that you have spent alot of time speculating on exactly what happened on Nov. 22, 1963, wondering if anyone you knew were involved in the events of that day (I hope I have read this information correctly).

With that in mind I would like to ask your opinion about some speculations that remain fixed in my mind.

Taylor seems very close to this Italian group during WWII and worked closely with John J. McCloy in negotiations dealing with the surrender by the Italians. I have information that places Taylor in Rome a second time with members of Walker's 3rd Regiment of the FSSF (infiltrating from Anzio) that coincides with information that is in Tompkins book about receiving "crystals" that allowed him to continue sending intelligence to the allies. Tompkins was also involved in North Africa and after the War was OSS Berlin with I believe Helms (?) and Angleton giving Tompkins an interesting perspective on these folks.

Considering Taylor's role in directing post war policy in Germany (along with McCloy) and Taylor's opposisiton to Kennedy's dealings with the Soviets around June of 1963 (in conjunction with McCloy), as well as Taylor's association with Walker, I have speculated that McCloy and Taylor may have been involved in planning the assassination of JFK.

Any thoughts about this possibility?

Jim Root


"Carleton Steven Coons, 23 June 1904 - 3 June 1981 -OSS "At Salerno an OSS detachment provided critical tactical intelligence to Darby's Rangers during their defense of the Sorrentino peninsula." Coons account reads like first hand inidcating he was there. The disastrous landing at Anzio followed, where the paths of a number of persons of interest in the events of '63 crossed."

The remnants of Darby's rangers were folded into the FSSF at Anzio and as we know the FSSF ended their existance with Edwin Walker in command.

Another crossed path.

Jim Root

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President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission.

John J. McCloy :... spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris.... His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics.

He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.

When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual....Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.

As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war:

*McCloy blocked the executions of nazi war criminals

In 1952 McCloy left ... Germany...(and.)... became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank... During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald's "best friend" in Dallas.

South River, New Jersey:

VorKommando Moskau

One of the most brutal groups ever to settle in New Jersey ... was the VorKommando Moskau, originally formed by the SS as they advanced into Eastern Europe and recruited White Russians fleeing their homeland. "VorKommando Moskau was an elite forward unit of SS intelligence on the Soviet front. Its primary mission was anti-Communist intelligence, but it was also responsible for security screening of the occupied populations in the broad sector of the Eastern Front... VorKommando Moskau did not kill the Jews. [Or the Slavs, who were also slaughtered in large numbers.] It hired the collaborators, who recruited the executioners, who killed the Jews. From 1940 to 1942 this one small unit acted as an employment agency for the architects of the Nazi genocide in Eastern Europe." They primarily hired Eastern Europeans.

...the VorKommando Moskau were heavily recruited by the US government to fight the Soviets and how all documentation of their Nazi past was well hidden from prying eyes. "Many of the White Russian Nazis had been resettled en masse in the town of South River, New Jersey."

Allen Dulles and Bill Casey, who was later Reagan’s CIA director, resettled most of the Vorkommando Moskau’s elite leadership group in the New York - New Jersey area.

....In 1950, the FBI "recruited every White Russian Nazi it could find in the New York - New Jersey area."

When in the 60’s a New York reporter, Charles Allen, began his accusations that Nazis were living in the US, the FBI investigated him and labeled him a Russian pawn. "


August 1961 - Vice president Johnson and General Lucius Clay, former High Commissioner for Berlin visits Germany


26 February, 1963 - President Kennedy visits West Berlin.

28th Premier Khrushchev visits East Berlin.

3 September, 1963 - Vice President Johnson arrives in Stockholm on a visit to the Scandinavian countries.

29 November, 1963: - Kennedy assassinated

29 November, 1963: - "...President Johnson decided to create a ... commission that would be headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren

...Oswald's apparent connection to Castro and Khrushchev had to be prevented "from kicking us into a war that can kill forty million Americans in an hour."

27-28 December, 1963

Germanys Chancellor Erhard Visits the LBJ Ranch,

"PRESIDENT Johnson and Chancellor Erhard have held a series of frank and far-ranging talks at the President's ranch in Texas in the last 2 days. A number of their discussions were private; in other talks they were joined by Secretary Rusk, Foreign Minister Schroder, and other advisers."

With Chancellor Erhards at Johnsons ranch was Dr Ewald Peters, chief of security (and in charge of security during Kennedy's visit to Germany.)

"He was a top-flight professional and a very decent fellow" recalls a young American security officer who often worked with the trim, gray haired Kriminalrat..."

Ewald Peters

- In mid January, 1964 during Munich trial of a SS Officer, the name Peters is mentioned in testimony...and within a week this Peters is identified as the 49 year old Ewald.

He is arrested on the return to Germany from a trip to Rome with Chancellor Erhard.

SS Obersturmführer Ewald Peters, Kommando C, Squad Six, one of about 1000 murderers in the Einsatzkommando, (extermination squad), responsible for the extermination of perhaps a million Nazi Victims as the Wermacht penetrated into Ukraine and Southern USSR

Feb 4, 1964 - The New York Times, Bonn: Security Aide Hangs Himself in Jail



"Arrested on charges of participating in the mass murder of Jews in southern Russia was West Germany's top bodyguard, U.S.-trained Ewald Peters, who heads the federal government's criminal security police. Peters' job was to protect both West German and visiting statesmen, and he was rated as excellent on both scores. U.S. Secret Service men found him highly effective during President Kennedy's visit to West Germany last summer, and had seen him in action again last month (December '64)during Erhard's visit to President Johnson's Texas ranch. Just who fingered Peters, the Interior Ministry was not saying, but there may have been more ghosts in the East German dossier than anyone suspected."

From the Feb. 7, 1964 issue of TIME magazine

"Died. Ewald Peters, 49, West Germany's chief of personal security, responsible for the safety of Chancellors Adenauer and Erhard from 1960 until his arrest, fortnight ago, on charges of having participated in mass executions of Jews in the Ukraine in 1942 and 1943; by his own hand (hanged with a bed sheet); in a Bonn prison cell. In hearings after his arrest and in letters he left behind, Peters repeatedly claimed innocence; state prosecutors have now marked the case "closed."

From the Feb. 14, 1964 issue of TIME magazine

At this time the CIA-FBI-Nazi link was not publicly known. In the last decade, the New Jersey link has begun to be seriously investigated.

---However, already in 1938 the German Bund (NJ) had a significant membership of Ukranian Brown Shirts. They were in contact with the Mexican Russian Nazis, the Gold Shirts. In Havana were the spanish Grey Shirts.

They were all in contact and were forging links with the Ku Klux Klan.

What would have happened to Berlin, to the Cold war alliances, if all this had come to full public knowledge of the population of the West immediately after the assassination, when the drive was to pin it on a communist?? What if the possible revelations had shattered the Allies in finding that their champion and its security details was so deeply enmeshed with the most horrific of the Nazi War Criminals? Enough to force a first strike?

Edited by John Dolva
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"Konrad Adenauer assumed the chancellorship of the newly founded FRG in 1949, at the age of seventy-three. From the beginning, his primary foreign policy goals had been the achievement of German reunification through a policy of strength, the building of strong relations with the United States, and reconciliation with France.

Until the elections of 1961, Adenauer had enjoyed the support of a healthy CDU/CSU majority in the Bundestag. Various domestic issues and very likely also the Berlin crisis, however, reduced the CDU/CSU's strength in the Bundestag and forced the formation of a coalition government with the FDP. The work of this government was impeded by differences of opinion from the outset. Following the resignation of FDP cabinet members in protest over a controversy surrounding the arrest of Rudolf Augstein, editor of the newsmagazine Der Spiegel , for allegedly having reported classified material concerning NATO exercises, the working climate of the coalition deteriorated. Forced to accept the resignation of his powerful minister of defense, Franz Josef Strauss, who had had Augstein arrested, and facing an erosion of support within the CDU, Adenauer resigned on October 15, 1963.

Ludwig Erhard succeeded Adenauer as chancellor. Under Erhard's leadership, the CDU/CSU-FDP coalition remained in power until 1966. Erhard's more liberal economic policy toward the East European states that maintained diplomatic relations with East Germany made maintaining the Hallstein Doctrine difficult. In addition, his position of favoring close coordination of German foreign policy with the United States was resisted by the "Gaullists," even those in his own party, who favored a continuation of Adenauer's close relations with France."

Part of the important deciscions made at the ranch concerned German spending on US armaments.


SS Obersturmführer Ewald Peters, KommandoVI was chief security officer in German Chancellor Erhard's and in Chancellor Adenauer's administration. He was at LBJ's ranch in mid December 1963.


is one of these here in the background Ewald?


Talk about coincidences:::

Ewald was likely not unfamiliar with the name Oswald as in a list of Officers in KdS Kommando5 there is an Oswald.(Lange, Einsatzbefehl, Riga Oktober 1942)



Sievers, v.






Tom, good to see you back in action.

Without swallowing any of my 'thesis' here, I wonder if you know anything of German/Ukranian/Latvian Oswalds?

Edited by John Dolva
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"Konrad Adenauer assumed the chancellorship of the newly founded FRG in 1949, at the age of seventy-three. From the beginning, his primary foreign policy goals had been the achievement of German reunification through a policy of strength, the building of strong relations with the United States, and reconciliation with France.

Until the elections of 1961, Adenauer had enjoyed the support of a healthy CDU/CSU majority in the Bundestag. Various domestic issues and very likely also the Berlin crisis, however, reduced the CDU/CSU's strength in the Bundestag and forced the formation of a coalition government with the FDP. The work of this government was impeded by differences of opinion from the outset. Following the resignation of FDP cabinet members in protest over a controversy surrounding the arrest of Rudolf Augstein, editor of the newsmagazine Der Spiegel , for allegedly having reported classified material concerning NATO exercises, the working climate of the coalition deteriorated. Forced to accept the resignation of his powerful minister of defense, Franz Josef Strauss, who had had Augstein arrested, and facing an erosion of support within the CDU, Adenauer resigned on October 15, 1963.

Ludwig Erhard succeeded Adenauer as chancellor. Under Erhard's leadership, the CDU/CSU-FDP coalition remained in power until 1966. Erhard's more liberal economic policy toward the East European states that maintained diplomatic relations with East Germany made maintaining the Hallstein Doctrine difficult. In addition, his position of favoring close coordination of German foreign policy with the United States was resisted by the "Gaullists," even those in his own party, who favored a continuation of Adenauer's close relations with France."

Part of the important deciscions made at the ranch concerned German spending on US armaments.


SS Sturmbannfuhrer Ewald Peters, KommandoVI was chief security officer in German Chancellor Erhard's and in Chancellor Adenauer's administration. He was at LBJ's ranch in mid December 1963.


is one of these here in the background Ewald?


Talk about coincidences:::

Ewald was likely not unfamiliar with the name Oswald as in a list of Officers in KdS Kommando5 there is an Oswald.(Lange, Einsatzbefehl, Riga Oktober 1942)



Sievers, v.






Tom, good to see you back in action.

Without swallowing any of my 'thesis' here, I wonder if you know anything of German/Ukranian/Latvian Oswalds?

There is a "family" of Oswald's living just south of Salt Lake City, UT.

Last that I heard of them, they were visiting relatives in the Soviet Union.

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Falangist-spanish, Franco (neutral, but helped to power by Germany), National Socialist (Nazi) Hitler -german, Fascist- Italy Mssolini

"Walker was wisked out of Pearl Harbor, by plane, just days before Dec. 7, 1941 and that he had been associated with and was stationed in conjuction with the American signals intelligence listening post in Hawaii." What about his boss?

Ulrich von der Osten, high officer in German Military Intelligence, killed by a taxi cab in Times Square, March 1941. He had a report on the defenses of Pearl Harbor...Osten was a part of the Bund, which had forged close ties to the radical right, specifically at this time the Klan.

the Liberty Lobby Radical Right leaders, among them:

Major Gen. Charles A. Willoughby (german born falangista sympathy.)*

Major Gen. Edwin A. Walker

Lt. Col. Philip Corso

*After pearl harbour, Spain took over diplomatic representation of Japan. Havana was historically a nexus of Spanish interests, during this time specifically the Falangista. After the attack on pearl harbour they were decimated by the Cuban authorities, but evidence of influence lingered.

http://www.uniset.ca/naty/maternity/55FSupp403.htm (Bund history)

http://home.comcast.net/~furrylogic/oni.html (A History of the Office of Naval Intelligence, 1882-1942)




http://www.spitfirelist.com/Books/UnderCover.html (see also topic on online ebooks)







ACS as a private body that may have pre 1960 info on Oswald

Mid-America Research Library

changed its name to the American Security Council in 1956

The files from the Mid-America Research Library are now a part of the Sol Feinstone Library for the Survival of Freedom.

The American Security Council Fdn was formed in 1958

Col. Samuel Dickens, a former intelligence officer and CIS board member, was the executive director for inter-hemispheric affairs for the American Security Council (ASC), an outfit founded by ex-FBI agents. ASC was an instrumental group which targeted leftists during the 1950s, the period of the McCarthyite witch-hunts. Founded in 1955, ASC funding has been provided by Motorola, Lockheed, Boeing and General Dynamics, among others.[15] The information they collected, much of it bogus, was then sold to ASC's dues-paying corporate members. At the height of their domestic operations ASC red hunters, including the sinister Roy Cohn, Senator McCarthy's chief inquisitor, were gathering the names of alleged "subversives" at the staggering rate of 20,000 per month. [16] One analyst has said that the ASC is "not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex."[17

The ASC was founded in 1955 by General Robert Wood (ret.), chairman and president of Sears, Roebuck & Co. , with assistance and support from Robert R. McCormick of the Chicago Tribune. (2,32) Sears, along with Motorola Corp, and Marshall

Field and Company were the original financial sponsors of the ASC. (2) Wood felt the U.S. lost the Korean War because of communist infiltrators within the U.S. To combat this, he founded the Mid-America Research Library to compile files on suspected communists who might apply for jobs in the private sector. (1,2) At its peak, the library served 3,500 firms and contained more than six million FBI-like personnel file cards. (2,10) The library cooperated with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, the FBI, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Treasury Department. (1,23)

The library changed its name to the American Security Council in 1956, and a decade later broadened its goals to include "international security and nuclear strategy." It then moved to Boston, VA to be closer to the nation's capital. John Fisher, former FBI agent and chief of security at Sears, became the first president of the Mid-America Research Library and continues to head the ASC and the ASC Fdn today. (2,23) The files from the Mid-America Research Library are now a part of the Sol Feinstone Library for the Survival of Freedom. (2)

The ASC believes that communism and the Soviet Union are the greatest evils in the world, and that the Soviets are making an all out effort for military superiority and world domination. Those within the U.S. who advocate disarmament and lower defense spending are considered by the ASC to be victims of Soviet disinformation. The "Grand Strategy" of the ASC is to achieve military superiority so that the Soviets will not dare to attack. The ASC would follow this stage with "psycho-political means to change Soviet goals and strategy." According to the ASC, this strategy requires a huge military build up, an internal strategic and civil defense network, an increase in security and intelligence capabilities, and strong opposition to all arms control agreements. Economically, the strategy requires a strong U.S. economy and policies that "will protect our overseas sources of energy and other vital raw materials." Outside of the U.S., it calls for use of nonmilitary means to deter the growth of communism, and support of our allies and other non-communist governments against communist aggression. (5)

ASC policy is developed by its steering committee, the National Strategy Committee. This committee is comprised of leaders from the military-industrial complex and high-ranking retired military people. Industrial representatives generally are recruited from corporations holding large military contracts. (10)

Original funding for the ASC came from Sears, Roebuck & Co, Marshall Field and Company, and Motorola Corp. (1) Major funding has continued to come from the corporate sector, including Sears, General Dynamics, General Electric, Lockheed, Motorola, and McDonnell-Douglas. (1,14) Common Cause magazine of July/Aug 1985 reported donations of $500,000 to the ASC Fdn from Lockheed, Boeing Corp and General Dynamics. General Dynamics then billed the Pentagon for its contribution. (23) U.S. Steel paid one of its employees, Steve Donchess, to work fulltime with ASC. (14)

Patrick J. Frawley, called in Power on the Right "the most visible, resourceful, and possibly wealthiest" member of the far right in the U.S. , has supported the ASC. (10)

ASC Fdn received a $40,000 grant from the Air Force in 1967 to produce a book of quotes from communist sources. The book, A Lexicon of Marxist-Leninist Semantics, was finally published in 1983 by the Western Goals Fdn, a group founded by Rep. Larry McDonald, a member of the John Birch Society. (23)

At its inception, the ASC worked with Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC).

Retired military personnel on the ASC or the CPTS include Lieutenant General Daniel Graham, Major General John K. Singlaub, Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer, Major General Milnor Roberts, Admiral Thomas Moorer, General Evan Hultman, General Robert Wood, Admiral Robert Spirer, General Andrew Goodpaster, and General Maxwell Taylor. (1) General Daniel Graham served with the CIA and for several years was director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. (8) Major General John Singlaub served in the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, was deputy chief of the CIA in Korea during the Korean War, and was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force in Vietnam. (3,9)

Lee Penninton, the CIA agent sent to the home of Watergate burglar James McCord to ensure that {compromising}evidence was destroyed, was at that time a top ASC official. (32)

Ronald Reagan was a long-time member of the ASC before his election to the presidency. (23) Lev Dobrianski, {sometimes spelled "Lev Dobriansky"} the leading figure among the emigre groups that belong to the CTPS, was appointed ambassador to the Bahamas by President Reagan. His daughter {Paula J. Dobriansky}was a member of the National Security Council during the Reagan administration. (24)

Former Senator John Tower (R-TX) (the failed Bush nominee for Secretary of Defense) and Sen. J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) appeared in the Peace Through Strength video produced by ASC in 1984. R. James Woolsey, former Undersecretary of the Navy also appears in the film. (25) Major participants in Peace Through Strength Week included: Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) Sen. Russell Long (D-LA), Sen. Ed Zorinsky (D-NE), Sen. Jake Garn (R-UT), former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer and Brigadeer General John Bradshaw. (25)

Among the members of Congress who have served as co-chairs of the congressional division of the CPTS are: Sen. David L. Boren (D-OK), Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), Sen. Jeremiah Denton (R-AL), Sen. Robert J. Dole (R-KS), Sen. Jake Garn (R-UT), Sen. J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA), Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-NV), Sen. Edward Zorinsky (D-NE), Rep. Bill Chapell, Jr (D-FL), Rep. Dan Daniel (D-VA), Rep. Jack F. Kemp (R-NY), Rep. Robert H. Michel (R-IL), and Rep. Samuel S. Stratton (D-NY). (25)

The ASC was founded in 1955 by General Robert Wood (ret.), chairman and president of Sears, Roebuck & Co. ,



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Status: Not Active (Voluntary action)

Mailing Address: 520 ROYAL ST., NEW ORLEANS, LA




Several days after William Gaudet's interview with the FBI in 1964, he called the Bureau and reported: "JACK RUBY, from Dallas, Texas, had purchased a painting from one Lorenzo Borenstein, who has an art gallery somewhere on the 500 block of Royal Street. Gaudet stated that he did not know what dates Ruby bought these paintings. [FBI on 11.27.63 NO44-2064 S.A. John William Miller] William Gaudet denied this: "Someone telephoned the FBI and said he was William Gaudet and had seen JACK RUBY in the French Quarter in New Orleans. Why did he use my name? Why not John Doe or some made-up name? I did not make that call. I had never seen JACK RUBY...on the one hand someone injected my name to the FBI on the RUBY French Quarter hoax, and then on the other hand, someone had my name carefully removed from the list of arrivals in Mexico. To me it looks as though someone was using me as a red herring." [sun Daily Herald 11.22.80 Bil. Miss.] Gaudet told Allen Stone that he might have obtained the information from Lila Pinson, an employee whose husband was a painter. Lorenzo Borenstein advised the FBI "that he knew one JACK RUBY only as a customer and that during the Summer of 1959, he sold RUBY several paintings of local scenes, the price of which he recalled to be approximately $35. Borenstein was unable to give any further information, inasmuch as his records concerning this sale have been destroyed." [FBI NO 44-2064 11.27.63]



"Leonard Borenstein, 519 Royal Street, advised that he knew one JACK RUBY"


Warren Commission, Volume XXVI: CE 2880 - FBI reports dated ...

New Orleans, advised that he ras fully aware that LEE HARVEY. OSWALD was shot by JAC:C RUBY and that ... LORENZO BORENSTEIN, 519 Royal Street, advised that ...




Prior Name: W D S U FOUNDATION (11/26/1973)

Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Voluntary action)

Last Report Filed on 12/28/1992

Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 3179, PARK CITY, LA 84060

Domicile Address: 3801 N. CAUSEWAY BLVD. #1200, METAIRIE, LA 70002

File Date: 12/17/1954

Director: EDGAR B. STERN, JR.,



Board of Tulane

1944-1949 Edgar B. Stern

1960-1977 Edgar B. Stern, Jr.

along with:

1894-1909 Ashton Phelps

1904-1954 Charles Rosen

1915-1950 Esmond Phelps

1955-1972 Ashton Phelps (Jr.)

1953-1973 Edwin S. Fenner

1975-1991 William Boatner Reily III

(one just may want to run a "cross-index" check of these names with REX.



The estate was designed in 1939-1942 for philanthropists Edgar Bloom Stern, a New Orleans cotton broker, and his wife Edith Rosenwald Stern, an heiress to the Sears-Roebuck fortune.



Longue Vue is a historic city estate that was the home of the late philanthropists, Edgar Bloom Stern, a New Orleans businessman and cotton broker, and his wife Edith, daughter of Julius Rosenwald, the Sears magnate.



Edith Rosenwald Stern was the daughter of Julius Rosenwald who was the head of Sears, Roebuck and Co. and also a philanthropist in Chicago. Edith married Edgar Bloom Stern, a prominent New Orleans businessman, in 1921.



3. Mr. William Stuckey has never had any TV or radio show known as "Latin American Focus" on that station or, to the best of my knowledge, any other radio or TV station.

4. In August of 1963 Mr. Stuckey had a radio program called "Latin Listening Post" which was broadcast some of the time over WDSU radio.

5. Lee Harvey Oswald appeared briefly on Stuckey's radio program known as "Latin Listening Post" on August 17, 1963.


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Very interesting Tom. I find it a bit chilling how it all seems to hang together. More dots than I expected.


Walker and the German media, left - right

August 1961 Gen. Edwin Walker pro blue program exposed by "Overseas Weekly"(^) privately owned newspaper, published and edited by Marion Rospach and John Dornberg

November 23, 1963, Gen. Edwin Walker interview via transatlantic telephone, with the "Deutsche National Zeitung un Soldaten-Zeitung"(#) Munich, Germany, from Shreveport, La. As a result "the Oswald shot at Walker" story.


"Overseas Weekly"

Published in Europe since 1950, ... publisher Mrs. Marion Rospach ...Frankfurt, Germany...Most of the newspaper's staff are ex-GI's who joined the Overseas Weekly after completing military service overseas...

(The paper...acquired the nickname of the 'Oversexed Weekly' by blending pinups with come-on headlines: 'Torso Killer Lt Mad, Headshrinkers Rule,' 'Captain Seduced My Wife, Genius GI Tells Court,' 'Raped Twice in BOQ, Army Nurse Charges,' 'Old Sarge Drops Dead on Gen's PT March.')

...The newspaper is for racial equality, articulates a kind of democratic populism, and is forthrightly concerned with GI rights. Most characteristically, it has continually exposed the sometimes unbelievable antics of officers...

.... in 1961: first broke the story of Major General Edwin Walker's efforts to indoctrinate the men under his command (the 24th Infantry Division) with a program of extreme conservative political content**.

(...In 1966 the Overseas Weekly set up a Far Eastern edition (published in Hong Kong) but ... had its circulation effectively limited by being denied space on military newsstands in Asia. The Defense Department's official argument is that there is no available newsstand space. The Overseas Weekly ...(took)... its case to the federal courts charging a violation of freedom of the press.)"

**early 1961 memorandum from Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, in part:

"After the President has taken a position, has established a policy, or

after appropriate officials in the Defense Department have established a

policy, I expect that no member of the department, either civilian or

military, will discuss that policy other than in a way to support it

before the public."


Gerhard Frey, publisher of the Neo-Nazi "Deutsche National-Zeitung und Soldaten-Zeitung".

Theodor Oberlander, was the German commander of the Ukraine's Nightingales* during the war and wrote for Frey's newspaper.

*SS Nachtigal Battallion, for part of the war, formed from Ukranian Nationalists.





The revelations about Ewald Peters came from investigations by East Germany.

I wonder what the behind the scenes exchanges were. Perhaps negotiations leverages were applied? Either way, by mid february, '64, the story was 'dead'. It's now seemingly impossible to find any details. From then on he is hardly mentioned at all in German history, and for some reason finding a labeled image of him is so far impossible on the net.

Edited by John Dolva
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