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William Plumlee

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Everything posted by William Plumlee

  1. I might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory. The M-26-7 was formed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Democratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in those activities. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution. Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just before the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives within that group, the M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been formed as yet; and too, it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives) William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group, (CAG) That's the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become of interest until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scene. This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time. I'm sure some will take issue with this rough recap on one operation which ran about six years. None the less it is my viewpoint and I think if the documents are released it will support this recap and other matters to some degree. All of the above is perhaps still classified. But I do not think my memory is "Classified". I have not released any documents to this effect and my seven years is long over on these matters. I'm not sure if any of this early background helps you in anyway...., but I thought it might. I think Harry Dean might have matters he could add, as to the early sixties material..., but I do not speak for Harry. XXXXXI might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory. The M-26-7 was fromed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Domocratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in that operation. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution. Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just befor the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives with that group, M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been forumed as yet; and to it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives. William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group. Thats the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become prominate until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scean. This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time.
  2. I have one. DA Watkins said there were films in that collection that he hadn't seen. Is the Beverly Oliver's film one of them? Steve Thomas Steve: When this first broke, I was told that there were photos, and three boxes one marked 'White". I made contact with Janile Bradfield who directed me to Sharon Fuller. Mrs Fuller advised me that there were not any boxes reference as to "White", and there were NO photos. I questioned the information which is in the DPD vault and was told they had no information of anything in the DPD vault. The vault and the safe were two different places... the safe in the DA's office and the vault at the DPD basement. As to the meeting set with the DA it was suddenly canceled and there has been no further contact. I was later told (last week) that the information was going to go to the "Museum" and the DA was not going further with the investigation. Are we surprised? Same old same old... My meeting with BSE is still on tract. The affidavit from my brother has been located and certified. FWIW
  3. Francesca: I was reluctant to post this on your thread, because I did not want my postings to kill your thread. This is not anything new. In 1980 a completed CIA and FBI file or the DR, the M-26-7, Joanides, and a Mr. Howard were destroyed in a fire in Grant Colorado. Portions of these reports were not declassified at that time. Some of the Classified CIA and FBI files were lost in that fire. However, a few were saved and the Colorado CBI turned those burned records and documents over to the FBI. The FBI question me as to my having those Classified files, and wanted to know how I obtained them. I refused to answer and I told them I would by glad to tell a federal judge and I requested they take me before one. In 1987 on a FOIA request, filed by me, a few of those pages from those reports were released by the FOIA request to the FBI. The pages had burned marks around the edges and within the body of the documents. (I posted one of these documents a few days ago. Letter to Thomas Downing; reference Robert Morrow) When I joined this forum this subject matter did surface and I was called a xxxx as to the documentation of which I speak. As a result days of posting replies to those who accused me were spend in an attempt to get, what I thought was interesting information to be researched by the community. Its been about four years now and here we are again. Also, these burned files and documentation obtained from FOIA along with affidavits concerning Dallas Operations were turned over to Senator John Kerry and staff, as well as Senator Gary Hart as the investigations into The Iran/Contra and the Drug War were being investigated. (documented) At that point I was attacked by the IRS and I was shut down for over ten years... (documented) I know all this means nothing now..., but this is to let anyone out there, who really cares about this matter, that this is old hat and has been tampered with and covered up for years. And those involved in its investigation have paid a dear price as to their freedoms to expose some of the events they were involved with or associated with concerning the DR, the M-26-7, Operative Howard, and Joanidis and those days of old. I do not expect this thread to go anywhere, because some out there, and a few on this forum and in other places, are bound by a control nature, for whatever reason. They will see to it that this matter goes no further and it will die on the vine so to speak. And too, those who push for an investigation into this subject matter will be discredited. As to the affidavits concerning Dallas and other documentation pertaining to the Iran/Contra, of which I turned over to Senator John Kerry and his investigators of 1986-91 were classified by the Kerry investigators, "Top Secret, Committee Sensitive" and will remain so, as I have been told, for fifty years. My point: Information before the fact of this most recent interest on the subject matter was released by me and others as far back as the Church Committee of 1974 and at a later date, the Iran/Contra investigations of 1986-91. Your doing damn good research Francesca, stay focused and keep up your good work. However, you are in the sights of some who still do not want this matter to surface. IMO and FWIW. Peace to You. Tosh
  4. Bender was German. he also used other names..... Toney, Frank, and Mac and David. His real name you know was Gerald Drollor (spelling erro) he was also a friend of one named Damon from the "Demon project". also he was previous OSS in Germany) FWIW P.S. There was a strange helicopter accident but it was not the person mentioned by Brad, or the location. The company was Petroleum Helicopters, Lafayette, LA. and Morgan City LA. The safe house was the hotel, "Dixie...., across from the RR tracks. I gave a wrong name to see where it would go... and .... Perhaps Lemkin would like to chim in on this... Brad, Peter, and I meet at Peter's home in Salona Beach, CA; in 1990 I think it was. It was before Jim Marrs and our trip to Miami and before the hurricane Andrew. (year before I think)
  5. From a previous postings of August of 2005. Reference Robert D Morrow John Simkin thread and book review "...What do members make of Robert D. Morrow? I have just read his book, First Hand Knowledge. He explained in a speech at the State University of New York (28th June, 1991) what the motive for killing JFK: The assassination of President Kennedy was, to put it simply, an anti-Castro 'provocation', an act designed to be blamed on Castro to justify a punitive American invasion of the island. Such action would most clearly benefit the Mafia chieftains who had lost their gambling holdings in Havana because of Castro, and CIA agents who had lost their credibility with the Cuban exile freedom fighters from the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion. I also believe that this was the primary motive behind the assassination. Therefore I read the book wanting to believe his story. Briefly, this is Morrow’s story: After attending Pennsylvania Military College Morrow became an engineer in Pittsburgh. In 1956 he joined Martin Company as a senior engineer in Baltimore, Maryland. In January, 1958, Morrow moved to Washington where he set up an independent laboratory at his home in Hazelwood Avenue. For the next six months he worked with Stan Clark on the Doomsday Project. In July he joined the Neurology Project with Dr. John Seipel of Georgetown University. Mario Kohly, who had been imprisoned by Fidel Castro in Cuba, escaped and arrived in the United States in February, 1959, and began organizing exile groups against Castro. Soon afterwards Kohly met Marshall Diggs. In March, 1960, Diggs recruited Morrow to work for Kohly. Three months later Morrow met Tracy Barnes and agrees to be Kohly's CIA contact. Kohly agrees to accept help from the CIA in overthrowing Castro and in July, 1960, the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) is formed. According to Morrow, the CRC informed JFK of CIA plans to invade Cuba at the Democratic National Convention. Morrow also claims that Kohly met Richard Nixon and the CIA in October. This resulted in the formation of Operation 40. In March, 1961, Kohly's 300 man guerrilla army in the Escambray Mountains was decimated by Castro's forces. This damaged the potential success of the Bay of Pigs operation. Kohly now changed his strategy and with the help of Morrow he started a counterfeiting operation to undermine the Cuban economy. Morrow continued to work for the CIA and he travelled to France to pick up a package for Tracy Barnes. While in Europe he bought arms for Kohly's new army. In July, 1963, Morrow claims that Tracy Barnes "requested that I purchase four Mannlicher 7.35 mm surplus rifles. According to Barnes, the rifles were available in the Baltimore area from Sunny's Supply Stores. Upon my agreement to make the purchase, Barnes requested that I alter the forepiece of each rifle so that the rifles could be dismantled, hidden and reassembled quickly. I thought this last request odd until I was informed that the rifles were to be used for a clandestine operation." The following day, Morrow claims that Eladio del Valle asked him to purchase four transceivers. In August 1963, Morrow delivered these rifles and transceivers to David Ferrie. Morrow believed that that the idea was to blame Fidel Castro for the assassination of JFK in order to trigger an invasion of Cuba. In 1976 Morrow published “Betrayal: A Reconstruction of Certain Clandestine Events from the Bay of Pigs to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy”. The book was a partially fictionalized account of what Morrow experienced between 1958 and 1964. In his book, Morrow argues that Lee Harvey Oswald went to the Soviet Union as a CIA agent. On his return he became a FBI informant. According to Morrow in 1963 Jack Ruby, Eladio del Valle, Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw organized a plot to kill Kennedy. This group manipulated events to make sure that Oswald would be identified as the assassin. The actual killer was an unnamed man impersonating Oswald. This man killed J. D. Tippit when he refused to go along with the plan to kill Lee Harvey Oswald who was waiting in the Texas Theatre. When Oswald was captured alive Ruby was forced to murder him in Dallas Police Station. His next book was First Hand Knowledge (1992). Morrow claimed it was an autobiographical account of what he knew about the assassination of JFK. According to Morrow, the major players in the plot included Tracy Barnes, William Harvey, Marshall Diggs, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Mario Kohly, Eladio del Valle, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Rolando Masferrer, Michel Mertz and Thomas Davis. Morrow account implicates people who have already been named in other books. However, three people figure prominently who do not fit into this category: Mario Kohly, Marshall Diggs and Tracy Barnes. I have to admit that I do not know a great deal about Kohly or Diggs. However, I have spent sometime studying Tracy Barnes. Some researchers have mentioned his name as a possible figure in the JFK assassination conspiracy. Barnes was a member of Operation Success, the plot to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. Others involved in this operation were Frank Wisner, David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, David Morales and Rip Robertson. in 1960 Barnes joined the Directorate for Plans and helped Richard Bissell to organize the Bay of Pigs operation. Lyman Kirkpatrick, the CIA's inspector general, wrote a report on the failed project. Kirkpatrick was highly critical of both Bissell and Barnes. He claimed that they had misled JFK and that "plausible deniability was a pathetic illusion". Unlike Bissell and Dulles, Barnes survived the Bay of Pigs disaster and according to Morrow, in 1962 Barnes was placed in charge of Domestic Operations Division. It was this unit that organized the assassination of JFK. Morrow claims that Barnes had a motive. The Bay of Pigs operation failed because of JFK. However, it was the CIA who got the blame. Barnes was getting revenge on JFK and at the same time was guaranteeing a successful invasion of Cuba by setting up Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin. My main objection to this is that this does not fit Barnes’ personality. Barnes was a left of centre Democrat. Although very anti-communist (like other senior members of the CIA this view was based on his experiences in Europe during and soon after the Second World War) he held liberal views on domestic issues. Morrow’s portrait of Barnes is totally unconvincing. From what we know of how the CIA worked, Barnes would never have exposed himself in the way that Morrow suggests. Why would Barnes personally recruit Morrow to buy the weapons to kill JFK? Why would Barnes then involve Eladio del Valle in asking Morrow to buy the four transceivers. Then Barnes gets Morrow to deliver the rifles and the transceivers to David Ferrie. It is all very convenient for the plot of Morrow’s book, but it is not the way senior officials in the CIA worked. Why would Barnes be so convinced that Morrow would never tell his story? If Barnes had been foolish enough to let Morrow know about the conspiracy, surely he would have had him killed soon after the event took place? The book reads like a poorly written novel (the dialogue is appalling). That is what it is – a work of fiction. ...". (end) post reply fm Ron: "... The problem with dismissing Morrow is that one can't entirely dismiss Morrow. Morrow was an associate of Kohly's. They were arrested together in the 60's. Morrow names some of Kohly's associates such as Marshall Diggs and Owen Webster. He also claims Kohly had Nixon's support. The recently released Pfeiffer history of the Bay of Pigs reveals that Nixon supported Kohly, and that, guess what, Kohly was associated with Marshall Diggs and Owen Brewster. Unless you're willing to believe Morrow was Pfeiffer's source for this information, this means Morrow's fiction had a basis in fact. His portrait of Barnes is also interesting. When Morrow first wrote about Barnes, was Barnes widely known? Could Morrow have possibly guessed that books by Richard Bissell and Richard Helms would confirm his depiction of Barnes as a wreckless covert operative, given to bold and daring acts? Could Morrow have peformed the research necessary to see that Barnes was involved in assassination from the early fifties, with Boris Pash in Europe, with Rip Robertson in Guatemala, and with God knows who--Op 40?--in Cuba. It's possible Morrow gained his insights from Church Committee testimony, but, if so, who was his source? I suspect Morrow was involved with Kohly and overheard a lot of stuff. He wrote about his suspicions, and made the rest up. Not unlike too many others. ...". (end post)Plumlee reply: Most of Morrows inside information came from the Miami Station. Tracy Barns was one of my case officers. Morrow put bits and pieces together and obtained some info from previous Havana Mafia, Martino and Vorona. Morrow WAS a CONTRACT Operative, not an AGENT. Morrow's main job was to infiltrate varios spring-up organizations and report back to Langley via a series of cut-outs. I was attatched to OPS-40 as well as OMC TFW-W, Pentagon MI (JCS2) as well as Morrow. Our pay came from army, not CIA. From from time to time Morrow was seen with Robertson and Barns, but not at the level of operation that Morrow would later claim. I flew Morrow to pick up equipment in California and we had a safe house (rooms) at the Thunderbird INN at Las Vegas. Morrow as well as I did have associations with Roselli and others from Havana before the fall of Batista and after. Morrow was an interesting man and knew a lot about the inter workings of the Cuban underground... BUT his book was written in such a way that the CIA would not want to read it because they told him what they wanted to see in it... Morrow did write the book and he did change the facts around to protect some of the players who had not yet died and was still on payroll. However, he did get crossways with the CIA after he joined Congressman Thomas Downing's staff before the HSCA was even formed, 1975 and after his close door testimony to the Church Committee 1974, I think. Do not rule out Morrow because of a very bad book... I feel the book was a sheild... a throw away.., with just enough in it to draw some old players out that were working counter to CIA ..., Rouges if you like... Morrow told me in 1975 that LBJ was behind the whole assassination but there were hundereds of cut-out between him and Justice. (DoJ) and it would take a life time to "Strip Um, and get to his boys". He told me in Congressman Downing's office, that Bobby was going after LBJ, in a Big way and his brother wanted him to back of LBJ until they could get Justice tolook into the matter. He never told me what matter was being looked into. After the assassinations I could pretty well guess. And, today? Well we know the rest of that story. Two factions fighting it out for turf, in my opinion and Dallas became the battleground, as well as LA.
  6. Most of Morrows inside information came from the Miami Station. Tracy Barns was one of my case officers. Morrow put bits and pieces together and obtained some iinfo from previous Havana Mafia and Martino and Vorona. Morrow WAS a CONTRACT Operative, not an AGENT. Morrow's main job was to infiltrate varios spring-up organizations and report back to Langley via a series of cut-outs. I was attatched to OPS-40 and from time to time Morrow was seen with Robertson and Barns, but not at the level of operation that Morrow would later claim. I flew Morrow to pick up equipment in California and we had a safe house (rooms) at the Thunderbird INN at Las Vegas. Morrow was an interesting man and knew a lot about the inter workings of the Cuban underground... BUT his book was written in such a way that the CIA would not want to read it because they told him what they wanted to see in it... Morrow did write the book and he did change the facts around to protect some of the players who had not yet died and was still on patroll. Do not rule out Morrow because of a very bad book... I feel the book was a sheild... a throw away.., with just enough in it to draw some old players out that were working counter to CIA ..., Rouges if you like... Morrow told me in 1975 that LBJ was behind the whole assassination but there were hundereds of cut-out between him and Justice. (DoJ)
  7. There is a document and file which is very hard to find. I was told it was, or on file at the AARB, but I have not been able to find it. I did find a reference at CIA, Langley but it is classified. I was told. However, there were two pages which were in that file which were turned over to the Assassination Review Board in 1997, but I have been unable to find it or any reference to it.. Any help on this would be appreciated. References and background information: I have also tried to attach the burned document which I obtained from the FBI in a FOIA request: File locator number: CIA (class unclassified) REULE (UDN-WOO (9347) RA-BC. release date. open. Subject; EX-CIA Contract Agent Robert D Morrow. From; CIA Contact Div. Langley VA. (1) Subjects: Warren Bishop; Alex Rourk; Lester Murphy; Robert Marrow. Congressman Thomas Downing. Wm Pearson. aka William R Plumlee. (2) Copy one letter addressed to: (In file) Honorable Congressman Thomas Downing Senate Russell Building Washington DC; dated November 10, 1975 (Note) The above mentioned letter to Congressman Downing was retrieved from a fire in Grant Colorado by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation CBI Arson detail on August 7, 1981. The document was turned over to Federal authorities (FBI) Washington DC, on August 10, 1981. The document has burned marks in the body and around its edges. However, the subject matter seems to be intact. This burn document (in letter form) was released in an FOIA request dated 1987. This burned letter should be compared to the to the CIA's file locator numbers mentioned above; Subject Robert Morrow; Subject William R Plumlee. Background: Robert Morrow was involved in a classified CIA operation to introduce and ship Cuban counterfeit monies into Cuba to destabilize that countries monetary system. The operations cover was blown in Miami and five of the group were arrested by the federal government ATF, Customs, and FBI joint operation. Vice President Richard Nixon's Law Firm represented CIA contract operatives Robert Morrow and. two others. Two of these contract operatives would later be involved in the Watergate affair. William Plumlee aka Buck Pearson was the pilot who flew these operatives into Cuba to drop and place the money and the subject of the burned letter to Congressman Thomas Downing, attention Robert Morrow, Senator Downing's Investigative Staff. (Morrow was on the Senate Staff when the Congressman was forming the first phases of the HSCA) The Associated Press and the News wire of Reuters covered some of the material Robert Morrow had given Congressman Downing's committee, concerning what he knew about the Kennedy assassination and his involvement as a contact person to supply three weapons and six silencers obtained from the west coast and Curtain Studios, Santa Barbara, California in the spring of 1963. These were delivered to the Thunderbird INN at Las Vegas Nevada and eventuality to Miami anti-Castro Cubans. (note I can't seem to attatch the letter to Morrow. I think some out there perhaps has a copy of that burned letter which was taken from the house fiire in Colorado. If so perhaps you could attatch it for me.) P.S. I Just received an Email that Jim recently found an article concerning Robert Morrow which made reference to weapons. However, he could not remember where he saw it. He thought it was in the NRB? Any help would be appreciated: "Ex-CIA Agent Claims He Bought Rifles for Kennedy Killing". (Reuter Article), title of article... Thanks Jim.
  8. Hey Tosh Whats' the indication here, I mean the rifle casing in the photo? TOG = The Older Guy Harry Hey TOG; TOD here..... Just a little tongue and cheek. I'm sure if I said "I wonder if that shell casing had any teeth marks" it would be taken wrong, and some wouldn't appreciate my humor.... no offence to anyone out there... Arrowhead in bone found on the Old Butterfield stage route near Massacre Peak, in southern NM on a field trip last year. 1880 vintage..... just having a little fun with myself.
  9. Hey Tosh Whats' the indication here, I mean the rifle casing in the photo? TOG = The Older Guy Harry
  10. The Comanche Indians did it. (photo by Wm. Plumlee 2007; Copyright)
  11. Very Good points Bill. In order to do that we have to become a cohesive unified force all aiming for a common goal, unified and dedicated in that quest. Anything less is nothing more than confusing and is used against us by the powers that be. COPA is a good place to start, as well as other fronts and individuals and organizations, which have the same goals and objectives; to find those responsible and bring them to justice for the American people. Anything less than that IMO is a crime in itself. However, we do not want to become known as a "special interest group" with some kind of Ax to grind against the government. I seem to recall one word, of which I feel is fitting: Focus..., focus, and focus somemore. I was told once by a very good source, a pilot friend of mine, who is no longer with us; "Keep your Eye upon the donut and not upon its hole.". Sometimes, I too, forget this and I think of him and the price he paid. That helps me focus and helps keep my mind on the Objective. "... But under the Constitution of the United States evidence and witnesses to homicides are brought before a Grand Jury. ...". As to your statement, of which I took the liberty to quote.., I am willing to go. If need be I'll lead the way.
  12. Over and over again.., year after year, speculations, theories, and facts...,like rats in a cage.., round and round, up and down. Conspiracy has been documented and proven IMO beyond doubt. Now where do we go from here? Do we continue to go over all this stuff again..., new angles, new theories, throwing away the facts so theories can be inserted as facts to sell books. Just read the hundreds of post and ask yourselves simple questions; what have we really accomplished as to finding those who set the deed in motion? Are we going to continue to speculate, write books, post threads on our theories and throw our more confusing speculations upon the public. Have we become a "Cult"? Are we afraid to really look at ourselves? Are we afraid of what we really might see and find as to our motives? Lets all give ourselves the benefit of doubt for a moment and say there was a conspiracy. Then what? Where do we go from there? Are we more interested in WHO proves the Conspiracy for fame and glory or finding the real conspirators, if any? We have forced ourselves or have been forced into the cage with the rats and now we go round and round until we are dizzy with them. Some manage to escape. But most just keep going round and round and tell themselves they are doing a fine job of proving the conspiracy. We have totally lost sight of the real objective. (IMO) We have got to the point that new information is not accepted because it goes against the norm and if you push new information regardless of how documented or referenced it is, we can not accept it. We have been conditioned not to accept anything new, and we spend hours putting our heads and ourselves deep in the sand with our butts high in the air for all to see. Oh. Well. Back to the black hole from which I came. Good Luck.
  13. William: I cannot state to a certainty, but suspect that the document you were sent is incorrect. As a result of my numerous trips to Harold Weisberg's house in Frederick, Maryland, I was able to acquire, over a period of years, approximately 200,000 pages of FBI documents. My particular copy of 62-109060-1390 is a multi-paged teletype from the SAC, Louisville, Kentucky office to the "Director." It is dated "12-5-63", December 5, 1963, and was sent at 8:22 pm EST. The teletype concerns the report of a Covington, Kentucky police officer and a story related to him by "an old woman" concerning the shooting of President Kennedy. Don't know if this helps, or not, but FWIW. Gary Murr Thank you very much. This helps a lot. Background: The document which was sent to me, some years ago, was dated November 17, 1963. I was trying to find information which may have been in FBI files pertaining to two Cubans which had given information to the Secret Service and Military INTEL about a, "hit", on President Kennedy. (ref; Information from West Palm Beach Florida. FBI Office of Orgin; OO. Miami Florida) I question the document I had received on open forum, in 2003, (not sure if it was this forum) was called a disinformation expert working for the CIA. It was said I was trying to "hide JFK documents" from the research community. The document I obtain at that time was not on LHM and the type was from two different typewriters. Also the word "assassination", was spelled wrong. I told the source this and too, I tried to cross check the numbers in 2003, and came up with nothing. The source of the document became very upset and told me I was covering for the FBI because my code name Buck Pearson had been written in the side margins. This document was recently found in my files by my attorney and publisher and I was asked about it. Your information has been of great help. Thanks again. This is an example of what this forum is all about; exchanging information, pro and con. Thanks again.
  14. I was sent a document with FBI File number 62-109060-1390; dated November 17, 1963. Does anyone known anything about this file number of what this document is about... if in fact it is a real FBI document, and not a planted document? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.
  15. I have exchanged information and have answered questions to the best of my ability and now I would like some help on a matter. I am not sure if the following has been declassified as yet.... and at this late date I don't really care. It has been so long ago I don't think it really matters anymore... and too, I am past my seven years on the QC-2 type clearance. However, the information I ask does concern, to some degree, the Dallas Cubans and Dallas operations of 63. Perhaps indirectly to the JFK assassination, so I remain on topic for this forum. I would like if Forum members would exchange information with me if they have any information in reference to an investigation known as JMARC(-K, I think) It is not and operation but in reference to an investigation of July or August of 1960. It is the first reference (1960) to a CIA plan to assassination Fidel Castro. It was the first planning and meeting held in a Motel room in Miami (The Resort Hotel, 2nd floor; Rm 201 I think.., if I remember right. It was near the University of Miami) This was a few years before John Roselli was recruited to help in that assassination plan to kill Castro (62-63) of which the Church Committee (74) held their investigations. Those present at this early meetings, were (on the first meeting.., there were two meetings, possible three I think) Lado Fernandez..., brother of Cecil who lived in Dallas on Travis St. aka "The Dallas Cuban" Ravel Brown...., CIA case officer. Washington DC Caltex Oil and Gas Exploration, employee (CIA cover; Indo-China; field coordinator aviation section; my early case officer) Wm B Kent...., CIA case officer Miami Station Jerry Doller (the German) CIA case officer; also known as Tony Bender,aka Frank Bender, and Robert Klien.(bender also an early case officer of mine) John Smith.... Johnny CIA case officer also known as Larry Allen, and PICO or Poco? (gun-running 1959 FBI 104) Lionel or Lennie (code name) cut out Faucher, Jerry friend of John Farentello. (Later friend of John Roselli) There were two pilots at those meetings: Wm H Pearson (Buck) CIA Miami Station code name "Eagle" Manuel Rojas a previous Regina Cuban Air Cargo pilot; Contract pilot for the CIA; code name "Raven". Bender was very upset because some of the pilots (about 20 or 30) had not been accounted for and were not in place and the CIA had not cleared them to fly missions. Pete Ray, Crispin and Gonzalez.., first names I can not remember, were some of those pilots which were out of place. Two of these 20 pilots had rooms at the Mc Allister Hotel and The Green Mansions, near Miami Airport. These places were known as safe houses ( theses pilots were, "on the farm"=waiting for instructions and a mission) These men were not mentioned at the meeting, but Frank Bender was very upset and wanted to know why they were not in place. (note; Rip Robertson was a few months later in the stages of planning for the upcoming BoP, he was not at these meeting) The meeting was not about these pilots but about the plan or how to launch a team into Cuban to kill Castro. This meeting had been compromised because one of the personal told a Spanish woman at the motel bar that Castro would be, "done away with real soon".. This woman worked security for Fidel Castro, a spy. Soon after the FBI intercepted traffic which led to this woman and it brought the CIA into the mix and the plans were cut off at that point. Jake Easterline and Howard Hunt made reports to that effect and those reports are still classified. Hunt and Easterline attended the second meeting at the Resort and the matter was shifted to Manuel Artime of one of the organizations who the CIA was friendly with. This is rough recap background information from my memory. I was one of the pilots they were looking for and I did attend one of these early meetings. Any information would be appreciated. This is for one of my Chapters in my book ‘Deep Cover Shallow Graves' Chapter title 'The Raven Flys", release date October 2008 Point being: There were early attempts planned by the CIA to be made on Castro even before JFK became President and continued until he became President. The talk about assassinating Castro was started and planned by the Cubans and the Mafia as early as March of 1960. There is a full CIA report which I think has or is about to be released on this. Any help on this JMARC investigation would be appreciated. Thanks. This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Today, 10:57 PM Tosh, Dude Sadly I cannot be of help re; your request above. Would like to see full CIA report when available, re; 1960 plans to kill Castro. It was early 1963 before I got an official hint. So in an anti-Castro speech at Fluor Corp. in Los Angeles,Ca that year, I predicted "Castro will be gone within six months". Until later..... Signed; The Older Guy. Hey Old Man. I did just find something on that. I posted the links on the other Thread "Early Castro plans". Someone at the Pentagon directed me to the information and file numbers. In the spring of 1959 I was arrested for gunrunning in Ohio and the FBI grilled me... I had a cover story and I gave the FBI false and a very confusing story in hopes of throwing them off the sanctioned operation being conducted from Miami. The FBI bought the story and they in turn said I was a "Crazy" or something to that effect. (documented... that I'm a nut and gave false information... I'm sure you know that drill.) ( The CIA said Thank You for that) If you look at the link I posted you will see the names of some of my case officers at the time (1959-60) John Smith, Larry Allen and a few others. The CIA (my case officer ( 03-4-1959) told me to lay low and act dumb and fabricate a story in order to protect Sutter (?) and they would go away... I did and they did.... You can read about that deal on the MF site under William Robert Plumlee, 105 files. I was arrested in Ohio with a plane load of arms bound for Cuba, Johnny Smith was one of my case officers as well as Larry Allen, both close friends of Fravel Brown another case officer of mine who later went to S/E Asia and headed up the aviation section of which I was also associated with as a pilot. (that was a little later (61-62, I think) Anyway I just wanted to share the background with you. The "Security breach" of July 1960 at the University Resort Hotel meeting I was there and that is the first I heard of attempts to assassinate Castro... July 1960. three meetings... I was to be one of the pilots to take that crew into Cuba. Seems the research community has missed this little gold nugget... sometimes I wonder if its not on purpose. Been a long time "old Man" and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Were not "Spring Chickens" anymore. Right? P.S. Hey Harry. Do you want to be in my book, "Deep Cover; Shallow Graves? I have a spot for you... ???. Perhaps a whole damn chapter.... or another book..... Take care... .... I have just pissed some people off... you know what I mean? Tosh, Dude Thanks for the above important info. It must be confessed that until early 1960 I was extremely favorable to the Castro Cuban Revolutionary cause. The change resulted with Castro's execution of Revolutionary Hero, Major Wm. Morgan in Cuba, and with the entrance and takeover of all pro-Castro operations in the US. by the Communist front, The Fair Play For Cuba Committee, in which I had been appointed an officer. The July 1960 date you mention would have caught me scouting around Cuba gathering specific info. for US. Intelligence. Already under suspicion by everyone, and soon to be arrested and under the threat of death by Cuban G-2-DGI, for several hours! They were fooled by a fool, who was soon back in Florida. Can I be grateful your group broke-up and did'nt show up to hit Castro in that July 1960?. YES. The Older Guy. H.Dean Thanks for your kind offer, you are certainly welcome to any available info. you may dig up concerning me for mention in your book "Deep Cover; Shallow graves" Hey! Older Guy: Do I read this right that if the operation had not beeb canceled you would have been the "Young Dead Guy? P.S. Morgan was also a friend of mine and that of my step-father Clarence M. Morgan of Dallas. Tosh, Dude Only if the the Castro kill plan took place in July 1960 while I was in Cuba being interrogated by Cuban Intelligence would I have been summarily murdered by them. Decades later, I learned that another suspected US. spy had been shot dead in that same G2/DGI office one month before I was faced with likely that same threatening, gun weilding Cuban militiaman. Still fearsome just remembering! How did the Castro-Morgan outcome strike you reaction wise? Harry It PISSED me off. From that moment on I turned on Castro and did everything in my power to try and bring him down. That is why and how I became involved in those early attempts to assassinate Castro. In those days Communist were the enemy of the United States, something we forget now days, and Morgan was no "Commie". He believed in the reveolution and he believed in Castro.... that was a shame..., and that was a mistake. I was told he asked to go to his death with dignity as a warrior something he had earned... instead he died on his knees and his body was left in the yard for days for all to see.., Castro's example of what would happen to spies. That was what I was told. Castro was told Morgan was working for the CIA. The "PURGE" was on. Morgan was one of the first to see, "... the Wall...". You, Harry, would have perhaps been the next. As we both know: ("By the Grace of God, there Go I ...".
  16. The first attempts on assassination of Castro were planed by the CIA in July of 1960. There was a security breach on this planning operation and the details of this meeting has remained classified for a number of years. Has anyone out there heard or read anything about these early plans to assassination Castro? Frank Bender (also knows as Gerry Doller, and Fravel Brown were two CIA case officer who attended this early secret meetings with Manuel Artime. Does anyone know anything about this? Any help would be appreciated. I think this is an important link which could lead into new information concerning the assassination of Kennedy. Thanks P.S... I just found something on JMARC. I think this should be of interest to anyone really interested concerning the Kenedy assassination: This has been missed for a number of years (or should I say hidden in the black hole of government documents. I share this with the forum FWIW. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=5 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=6 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 "To be destroyed upon completion of Project" - yet never destroyed...heavy! http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 Peter. You, Jim, and I, talked about this many years ago. I said there was paper on that operational plan, but nobody believed me, because it could not be documented..., well here we are over seventeen years later and it pops up. It was supose to be filed in the old file 13... it was to sensitive for even the FBI to know about, and you and Jim also. I see it as a lead into the JFK mess because some of the names cross check with Dallas. (not as assins, but as Abort Team members) I think some of the "ExPerts" are going to have to go back and redo some of their books... something they will never do... their the EXPERTS... right? If its not in print or found in a book..., then it never happened type mentality. Its no wonder the JFK matter is so messed up and confusing. Thanks Larry I appreciate the infomation. I had most of this but had to asked a source for the file numbers. However, my take is a little more broader: ".... I could be wrong, but I think the particular security violation involved in the memo is the classic one where Droller and Hunt were hosting some exiles in a motel room and got well enough lubricated and noisy enough so that a lady staying next door heard them talking about secret projects and reported it to the FBI.....which of course eventually got back to CIA and didn't much help Hunt's reputation for tradecraft, it not being the only such incident in his contacts with the exiles. ...". Note: The meeting had been planned for days but the location had been kept secret until some (CIA) from Washington had came down to Miami. I can't remember just who the two were who came to the meeting, but they were taken to the Motel where others were already there. There was no drinking at this meeting in the room. It was very secure. The drinking came later at the bar.., where I was told, Hunt struck up a conversation with a Spanish woman who was there. I am not sure if Hunt or Bender ? made the statement to the lady about Castro going to be assassinated.., they were both getting out of hand and were warned by others to hold the talk down... but it was not at the motel room. The lady at the bar was a plant and a Castro spy. The FBI covered this at the request of the CIA. After they had came back from the bar is where the people in the next room overheard some of the conversation. At that time the "meeting, meeting" was over and Hunt was pissed off and so was Bender because they had been chastise for their failure to keep the pilot in place, as to what was going on and when. (Droller) and they got into a fight (verbal) over the pilots not being in place. Brown warned them to "hold it down".., they asked me to leave the room of which I did and I went back to the Green Mansion with Johnny Smith. ( the same Johnny Smith found in my 1959 FBI 104 file along with Larry Allen. dated March of 1959) In 1976 just before Roselli was reported missing. this came up in a meeting with Goldwarter's advisor Lombardo, because Congressman Tom Downing had ask about when the first time the assassination of Castro was presented. He was told, July of 1960 and not the 1963 as Goldwarter had believed and was told by the CIA, as well as Congressman Tom Downing. This was before the HSCA was formed and before any information about JMARC or the secret Motel meeting was released. The FBI put their spin on this and hear we are???? A few days later Roselli was reported missing and Goldwaters security told me to contact the FBI of which I did.. three days before Roselli was reported missing. I've been told for years that 'Johnny Smith" and "Larry Allen" were people I made up for the FBI when I was arrested in Ohio with a plane load of arms bound for Cuba. I guess you could say, 'I did a number on myself. And the FBI helped by saying I had tried to pass a forged check at "Morehouse Fashions", when in fact I was arrested by Customs and turned over to local law enforcement.., because it would be impossible to prove a case. (reference FBI/Customs document. (Declassified 1981) Anyway, that's not the issue. The first planning for a hit on Castro was in 1960 and not 1963 and it was a planning meeting with CIA officials from Washington DC at the motel. There were three of these meetings. It was the last meeting where the bar talk came into play. Brown, Hunt, and Bender all got in trouble after the FBI was tipped off for drinking at a bar in Miami, together. It was said they "Compromised the mission" and the plan was called off because Castro already knew about it. I will review the documents and see how close my memory is on this and get back to you. As you know I do not read material or books on this subject, because like Jay Harrison, I do not want to me influenced by others as to my memory of things. In spite of what some may think, I was there. I had talked about this to investigators before in 1976, but they said there were no documents or information to prove what I told them about this pre 1960 attempts to be made on assassination of Castro. That is why I was asking Forum members for any information they might have on these early attempts. Thanks for the input. I do appreciate it. I'm writing my own book on some of this. However, it is not all about the assassination of Kennedy, or that day..., just a very small part. Its much broader. Larry: Have you ran across the name "Thomas Mossness", in your research? His step-daughter (Jill) has contacted me asking about him. I think she said he died in 2005. She wanted to know how he got associated with the JFK matter? I do not think he was associated or involved in it. He was involved in early pro-Castro events and was reported by some to have came into Havana when Castro took power. Perhaps James, might have something on this. I did post about him a few years ago but that was about the hostages being held at Raul and Velma Espin's (war name Debora) hideaway in northen Cuba. Any info, would be apreciated. Thanks
  17. Hi Chris Very nice to hear from you again. No, I did not start a bogus FPCC chapter, but did aid it's main local leaders and members in creating branch groups, at the same time advising the Chicago Bureau of all FPCC activities from the outset. My explaination, that I resented FPCC redirection of Castro's originally stated Revolutionary aims, soon on to realize that he ordered it to be so. Dangerous circumstances caused me to drop out of it all (1961} and haul for Southern California. While again cooperating with the LA. Bureau I likewise joined with activists anti-Castro, anti-Communist individuals and groups. The invite to speak at Fluor Corp. was from JBS John Birch Society member David Robbins, an employee at Fluor. Robbins was a liaison between JBS leaders and my activists associates who were aiming to kill Kennedy. I am interested in hearing about the Macaulay, Rebel In Cuba story. Is he a young American that rolled into Havana with Castro troops 1959? Until later........ Harry Harry and Christy: TTHIS IS HEAR SAY FROM A THIRD PARTY: There were two Americans who came into Havana with Castro. One was on the tank and the other behind walking with some of the Rebels. The one behind was, or it was said, Tom Moseness who was also with the Rebels at Raul's stronghold in northen Cuba at the time of the hostages. (1957-58?) He was a Us Marine, or Navy Corpman, I think, and stationed at GetMO. I was trying to find Mosness some years ago. I got an email recently from his step daughter also asking me for information on her step father. Tom died in 2005, I think she said. The information I received about his being with the rebels, came from a CIA source Lado Fernandez of JM/WAVE when I was researching the 'Dark Horse Bar" in West Palm Beach in 1990. And too, from another source Fravel Brown one of my early case officers. Again this was off the record and not confirmed. Did you know of Mossness? I was under the impression that he too, also infiltrated know groups of the time.
  18. I have exchanged information and have answered questions to the best of my ability and now I would like some help on a matter. I am not sure if the following has been declassified as yet.... and at this late date I don't really care. It has been so long ago I don't think it really matters anymore... and too, I am past my seven years on the QC-2 type clearance. However, the information I ask does concern, to some degree, the Dallas Cubans and Dallas operations of 63. Perhaps indirectly to the JFK assassination, so I remain on topic for this forum. I would like if Forum members would exchange information with me if they have any information in reference to an investigation known as JMARC(-K, I think) It is not and operation but in reference to an investigation of July or August of 1960. It is the first reference (1960) to a CIA plan to assassination Fidel Castro. It was the first planning and meeting held in a Motel room in Miami (The Resort Hotel, 2nd floor; Rm 201 I think.., if I remember right. It was near the University of Miami) This was a few years before John Roselli was recruited to help in that assassination plan to kill Castro (62-63) of which the Church Committee (74) held their investigations. Those present at this early meetings, were (on the first meeting.., there were two meetings, possible three I think) Lado Fernandez..., brother of Cecil who lived in Dallas on Travis St. aka "The Dallas Cuban" Ravel Brown...., CIA case officer. Washington DC Caltex Oil and Gas Exploration, employee (CIA cover; Indo-China; field coordinator aviation section; my early case officer) Wm B Kent...., CIA case officer Miami Station Jerry Doller (the German) CIA case officer; also known as Tony Bender,aka Frank Bender, and Robert Klien.(bender also an early case officer of mine) John Smith.... Johnny CIA case officer also known as Larry Allen, and PICO or Poco? (gun-running 1959 FBI 104) Lionel or Lennie (code name) cut out Faucher, Jerry friend of John Farentello. (Later friend of John Roselli) There were two pilots at those meetings: Wm H Pearson (Buck) CIA Miami Station code name "Eagle" Manuel Rojas a previous Regina Cuban Air Cargo pilot; Contract pilot for the CIA; code name "Raven". Bender was very upset because some of the pilots (about 20 or 30) had not been accounted for and were not in place and the CIA had not cleared them to fly missions. Pete Ray, Crispin and Gonzalez.., first names I can not remember, were some of those pilots which were out of place. Two of these 20 pilots had rooms at the Mc Allister Hotel and The Green Mansions, near Miami Airport. These places were known as safe houses ( theses pilots were, "on the farm"=waiting for instructions and a mission) These men were not mentioned at the meeting, but Frank Bender was very upset and wanted to know why they were not in place. (note; Rip Robertson was a few months later in the stages of planning for the upcoming BoP, he was not at these meeting) The meeting was not about these pilots but about the plan or how to launch a team into Cuban to kill Castro. This meeting had been compromised because one of the personal told a Spanish woman at the motel bar that Castro would be, "done away with real soon".. This woman worked security for Fidel Castro, a spy. Soon after the FBI intercepted traffic which led to this woman and it brought the CIA into the mix and the plans were cut off at that point. Jake Easterline and Howard Hunt made reports to that effect and those reports are still classified. Hunt and Easterline attended the second meeting at the Resort and the matter was shifted to Manuel Artime of one of the organizations who the CIA was friendly with. This is rough recap background information from my memory. I was one of the pilots they were looking for and I did attend one of these early meetings. Any information would be appreciated. This is for one of my Chapters in my book ‘Deep Cover Shallow Graves' Chapter title 'The Raven Flys", release date October 2008 Point being: There were early attempts planned by the CIA to be made on Castro even before JFK became President and continued until he became President. The talk about assassinating Castro was started and planned by the Cubans and the Mafia as early as March of 1960. There is a full CIA report which I think has or is about to be released on this. Any help on this JMARC investigation would be appreciated. Thanks. This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Today, 10:57 PM Tosh, Dude Sadly I cannot be of help re; your request above. Would like to see full CIA report when available, re; 1960 plans to kill Castro. It was early 1963 before I got an official hint. So in an anti-Castro speech at Fluor Corp. in Los Angeles,Ca that year, I predicted "Castro will be gone within six months". Until later..... Signed; The Older Guy. Hey Old Man. I did just find something on that. I posted the links on the other Thread "Early Castro plans". Someone at the Pentagon directed me to the information and file numbers. In the spring of 1959 I was arrested for gunrunning in Ohio and the FBI grilled me... I had a cover story and I gave the FBI false and a very confusing story in hopes of throwing them off the sanctioned operation being conducted from Miami. The FBI bought the story and they in turn said I was a "Crazy" or something to that effect. (documented... that I'm a nut and gave false information... I'm sure you know that drill.) ( The CIA said Thank You for that) If you look at the link I posted you will see the names of some of my case officers at the time (1959-60) John Smith, Larry Allen and a few others. The CIA (my case officer ( 03-4-1959) told me to lay low and act dumb and fabricate a story in order to protect Sutter (?) and they would go away... I did and they did.... You can read about that deal on the MF site under William Robert Plumlee, 105 files. I was arrested in Ohio with a plane load of arms bound for Cuba, Johnny Smith was one of my case officers as well as Larry Allen, both close friends of Fravel Brown another case officer of mine who later went to S/E Asia and headed up the aviation section of which I was also associated with as a pilot. (that was a little later (61-62, I think) Anyway I just wanted to share the background with you. The "Security breach" of July 1960 at the University Resort Hotel meeting I was there and that is the first I heard of attempts to assassinate Castro... July 1960. three meetings... I was to be one of the pilots to take that crew into Cuba. Seems the research community has missed this little gold nugget... sometimes I wonder if its not on purpose. Been a long time "old Man" and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Were not "Spring Chickens" anymore. Right? P.S. Hey Harry. Do you want to be in my book, "Deep Cover; Shallow Graves? I have a spot for you... ???. Perhaps a whole damn chapter.... or another book..... Take care... .... I have just pissed some people off... you know what I mean? Tosh, Dude Thanks for the above important info. It must be confessed that until early 1960 I was extremely favorable to the Castro Cuban Revolutionary cause. The change resulted with Castro's execution of Revolutionary Hero, Major Wm. Morgan in Cuba, and with the entrance and takeover of all pro-Castro operations in the US. by the Communist front, The Fair Play For Cuba Committee, in which I had been appointed an officer. The July 1960 date you mention would have caught me scouting around Cuba gathering specific info. for US. Intelligence. Already under suspicion by everyone, and soon to be arrested and under the threat of death by Cuban G-2-DGI, for several hours! They were fooled by a fool, who was soon back in Florida. Can I be grateful your group broke-up and did'nt show up to hit Castro in that July 1960?. YES. The Older Guy. H.Dean Thanks for your kind offer, you are certainly welcome to any available info. you may dig up concerning me for mention in your book "Deep Cover; Shallow graves" Hey! Older Guy: Do I read this right that if the operation had not beeb canceled you would have been the "Young Dead Guy? P.S. Morgan was also a friend of mine and that of my step-father Clarence M. Morgan of Dallas.
  19. Thanks Harry; You right on as to the above posting. You get a Gold Star on that post. I just hope it (the star) does not end up on the wall at Langley.
  20. Christy: Good to hear from you. Its been awhile. Yes. Some interesting matters have surfaced these past few years, and months, as to documentation of various events of which we have referenced in our talks and talks with Sherry, back in 2000. At the time in 2000 most of the subject matter we discussed, of which I was associated with, was not available in document forum ,or could not be referenced, or would not be released; Or, it was said, ".... there were no documentations which could be found to support the information as to our request...". Well today is a different matter. Have they lied to us?..., like others we know? Why would we feel that way? Its been a long long road. But truth is at the end. I will take into consideration the books you referenced. However, at this point in time I am not reading much about those events untill after I complete my first drafts for the publisher. (at their request.. something about contaminating my brain (what little there is left in reference to , brain) Anyway you take care and tell Sherry Hell-O from a friend of the past. We are now closer to proving those events and how your and Sherry's father played in those extemely sensitive operations. I am sure Harry will agree with that summation, although heaven knows I do not speak for Harry. He has his own cross to carry in reference to all that he was associated with during those difficult times. As you know some of the subject matter has came forth as to what I alleged some years ago. AND which others, who are no longer with us, tried to discredit for whatever reasons or motives. This thread and the secret early planning of assassinations of Castro is only one of many such example and confirmation. My quotes of some years ago, if you remember, was; "... there are many more documents than the ones which have been released....". Someday the real truth behind events which some of us know about will be released in full. I hope I am still alive when that day comes...". That was my reply when I was asked, " Why is there is nothing in any files on you, Plumlee.., if what you are what you say is true?...". Well today read and weep. Background information of matters of which I made reference to years ago are now coming forth. Anyway, its good to hear from you again. AND today the book is a GO and there is information therein to confirm major portions of my story and I believe that of you and Sherry's fathers.
  21. The first attempts on assassination of Castro were planed by the CIA in July of 1960. There was a security breach on this planning operation and the details of this meeting has remained classified for a number of years. Has anyone out there heard or read anything about these early plans to assassination Castro? Frank Bender (also knows as Gerry Doller, and Fravel Brown were two CIA case officer who attended this early secret meetings with Manuel Artime. Does anyone know anything about this? Any help would be appreciated. I think this is an important link which could lead into new information concerning the assassination of Kennedy. Thanks P.S... I just found something on JMARC. I think this should be of interest to anyone really interested concerning the Kenedy assassination: This has been missed for a number of years (or should I say hidden in the black hole of government documents. I share this with the forum FWIW. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=5 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=6 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 "To be destroyed upon completion of Project" - yet never destroyed...heavy! http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 Peter. You, Jim, and I, talked about this many years ago. I said there was paper on that operational plan, but nobody believed me, because it could not be documented..., well here we are over seventeen years later and it pops up. It was supose to be filed in the old file 13... it was to sensitive for even the FBI to know about, and you and Jim also. I see it as a lead into the JFK mess because some of the names cross check with Dallas. (not as assins, but as Abort Team members) I think some of the "ExPerts" are going to have to go back and redo some of their books... something they will never do... their the EXPERTS... right? If its not in print or found in a book..., then it never happened type mentality. Its no wonder the JFK matter is so messed up and confusing. Thanks Larry I appreciate the infomation. I had most of this but had to asked a source for the file numbers. However, my take is a little more broader: ".... I could be wrong, but I think the particular security violation involved in the memo is the classic one where Droller and Hunt were hosting some exiles in a motel room and got well enough lubricated and noisy enough so that a lady staying next door heard them talking about secret projects and reported it to the FBI.....which of course eventually got back to CIA and didn't much help Hunt's reputation for tradecraft, it not being the only such incident in his contacts with the exiles. ...". Note: The meeting had been planned for days but the location had been kept secret until some (CIA) from Washington had came down to Miami. I can't remember just who the two were who came to the meeting, but they were taken to the Motel where others were already there. There was no drinking at this meeting in the room. It was very secure. The drinking came later at the bar.., where I was told, Hunt struck up a conversation with a Spanish woman who was there. I am not sure if Hunt or Bender ? made the statement to the lady about Castro going to be assassinated.., they were both getting out of hand and were warned by others to hold the talk down... but it was not at the motel room. The lady at the bar was a plant and a Castro spy. The FBI covered this at the request of the CIA. After they had came back from the bar is where the people in the next room overheard some of the conversation. At that time the "meeting, meeting" was over and Hunt was pissed off and so was Bender because they had been chastise for their failure to keep the pilot in place, as to what was going on and when. (Droller) and they got into a fight (verbal) over the pilots not being in place. Brown warned them to "hold it down".., they asked me to leave the room of which I did and I went back to the Green Mansion with Johnny Smith. ( the same Johnny Smith found in my 1959 FBI 104 file along with Larry Allen. dated March of 1959) In 1976 just before Roselli was reported missing. this came up in a meeting with Goldwarter's advisor Lombardo, because Congressman Tom Downing had ask about when the first time the assassination of Castro was presented. He was told, July of 1960 and not the 1963 as Goldwarter had believed and was told by the CIA, as well as Congressman Tom Downing. This was before the HSCA was formed and before any information about JMARC or the secret Motel meeting was released. The FBI put their spin on this and hear we are???? A few days later Roselli was reported missing and Goldwaters security told me to contact the FBI of which I did.. three days before Roselli was reported missing. I've been told for years that 'Johnny Smith" and "Larry Allen" were people I made up for the FBI when I was arrested in Ohio with a plane load of arms bound for Cuba. I guess you could say, 'I did a number on myself. And the FBI helped by saying I had tried to pass a forged check at "Morehouse Fashions", when in fact I was arrested by Customs and turned over to local law enforcement.., because it would be impossible to prove a case. (reference FBI/Customs document. (Declassified 1981) Anyway, that's not the issue. The first planning for a hit on Castro was in 1960 and not 1963 and it was a planning meeting with CIA officials from Washington DC at the motel. There were three of these meetings. It was the last meeting where the bar talk came into play. Brown, Hunt, and Bender all got in trouble after the FBI was tipped off for drinking at a bar in Miami, together. It was said they "Compromised the mission" and the plan was called off because Castro already knew about it. I will review the documents and see how close my memory is on this and get back to you. As you know I do not read material or books on this subject, because like Jay Harrison, I do not want to me influenced by others as to my memory of things. In spite of what some may think, I was there. I had talked about this to investigators before in 1976, but they said there were no documents or information to prove what I told them about this pre 1960 attempts to be made on assassination of Castro. That is why I was asking Forum members for any information they might have on these early attempts. Thanks for the input. I do appreciate it. I'm writing my own book on some of this. However, it is not all about the assassination of Kennedy, or that day..., just a very small part. Its much broader.
  22. Just trying to help a new generation of new researchers.... you old dogs have screwed it up beyond repair: FWIW Some of this information is old stuff and has been covered by some, L. Handcock mentioned some of this as well as others..., but a good portion has been missed and too, how it fits into various operations of the CIA, as well as some key players. Its good background information for those who are not aware of Cuban operational background and how it may play into the JFK matter.. DISPATCH: JMARC/OPERATIONAL ANTI-CASTRO GROUP http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 Sensitive background information into Cuban Operations 1959: You will find some very interesting names in these pages if you care to take the time; (11,12,13,14,15,16,17, Declassified) http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 This is another background document for those serious in their research: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...bsPageId=807032
  23. The first attempts on assassination of Castro were planed by the CIA in July of 1960. There was a security breach on this planning operation and the details of this meeting has remained classified for a number of years. Has anyone out there heard or read anything about these early plans to assassination Castro? Frank Bender (also knows as Gerry Doller, and Fravel Brown were two CIA case officer who attended this early secret meetings with Manuel Artime. Does anyone know anything about this? Any help would be appreciated. I think this is an important link which could lead into new information concerning the assassination of Kennedy. Thanks P.S... I just found something on JMARC. I think this should be of interest to anyone really interested concerning the Kenedy assassination: This has been missed for a number of years (or should I say hidden in the black hole of government documents. I share this with the forum FWIW. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=5 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=6 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 ://http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/a...p;relPageId=2 "To be destroyed upon completion of Project" - yet never destroyed...heavy! http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 Peter. You, Jim, and I, talked about this many years ago. I said there was paper on that operational plan, but nobody believed me, because it could not be documented..., well here we are over seventeen years later and it pops up. It was supose to be filed in the old file 13... it was to sensitive for even the FBI to know about, and you and Jim also. I see it as a lead into the JFK mess because some of the names cross check with Dallas. (not as assins, but as Abort Team members) I think some of the "ExPerts" are going to have to go back and redo some of their books... something they will never do... their the EXPERTS... right? If its not in print or found in a book..., then it never happened type mentality. Its no wonder the JFK matter is so messed up and confusing.
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