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William Plumlee

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Everything posted by William Plumlee

  1. Oswald's brother, Robert, has said on television that the reason Lee (Harvey) shot Kennedy was to make a name for himself, to go down in history as having shot a young president, the most prominent and celebrated man in the world. Now, if this is true, why did Oswald tell the press he didn't shoot anyone and that he was a patsy? You would expeect him to be smiling and acting like a psychopath. Kathy Kathy: Keep in mind that Oswald was not on very good terms with his family. He was a "lost sheep" from their viewpoint. And too, to me it is obvious that Robert was "speculating" at the time he made that statement and after seeing the wealth of information the FBI shared to the family. Iit was no wonder they too thought Oswald did the deed. In their eyes Oswald was "strange" and did strange things which they could not explain. Remember too, it was a different time and place for America. The Cold War was raging and Communism was the real threat, AND, in those days, our government cou;ld do no wrong. It was a different time and place..., before Watergate, Nixon, Iran/Contra and the likes.
  2. Francesca: I am not sure if my memory serves me right on this. I am working off recall as to Capehart; so if this does not fit in the record then please forgive. I have a "cobweb" of old memories. My motive is to try and help if I can. There is a report (perhaps still classified) from the Santiago, Chile, CIA Station Chief (Harry Huckser) concerning one Charlie Capehart also known as "Blue" or "Blu", who was associated with special operations of a covert nature (not sure of the dates, (I can't remember for sure and will leave this blank for now) At one point he worked as a "Roughneck" in the oil and gas sector in the USA when he was "on the Farm" ( The Farm was a term used when an operative was not assigned to any operations at the time; another term used was "Free-Agent". Sometimes one could be, "at the Farm, or on the farm", for years before he was contracted out to a sanction operation. (memory) At one point he was assigned to the "Dominican Desk" of the WH Div. of the TFW (Task Force-W) out of Miami Station. and was associated with Lester Murphy and others. Just what his assignment was I do not know. I was surprised his name popped up here. I will try to find out more on him and share with you. It was rumored he was in Dallas as a "**Spotter" I can not confirm that. (** Congress Thomas Downing, 1976) I can not recall at this time others who were associated with that operation who had connections to Capehart. Cut-Out names were used during those operations associated with TFW. Lester Murphy was "free lansing", contract employee.., for the Agency at tht tiime, I think. On another note as to "Zamba". I was one of six pilots used in those operation to transport covert operatives into position on sensitive missions. As to Zamba being Morales? I can not say for sure. I would have to check the timeline for Morales. I feel this might have been a little before Morales. JM/WAVE was not yet formed and Miami Station was still understaffed. (impression)
  3. "... It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ...". Theodore Roosevelt "Citizenship in a Republic" Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris April 23, 1910 And with that I leave you in Peace.
  4. Jack I have to disagree. My wife works at the Pentagon for the Joint Chif of Staff J-2. I was there shortly after the crash and I saw the tail and the numbers in all the smoke and confussion AND DEATH. I watched as parts of the airliner was removed and firefighters fought the blaze while many were removing bodies. To tell me I did not see an airliner is a disservice to those who were killed. They were NOT killed my our goverment. I think some want to believe we would do something like that are real sick people. I think their motive is to sell stories and write books and add height to their lack of stature. At a time when we should rally together and stand firm as a solid nation, we have some who like to walk with lies and untruths to perhaps drawn attention to themselves and stroke their own egos. I had respect for you as a researcher and as an American... that is now gone. I'm sure you do not give a crap what I think... But I am an American and I am damn proud of it. And in my own way I have fought hard for her and her flag. We are not perfect, but we are getting closer and you Sir are a real POS in my opinion.
  5. "....Now this came from Hunt County…Greenville, I think is in Hunt County. Now on that letterhead you have Hunt County on the top of that, and right under that, in 1964, one of their claims to fame in Hunt County, is on the letterhead…they have "the blackest land and whitest people."...". I was raised in Dallas and had relatives who lived in Sulphur Springs and Greenville Texas. Greenville had an arched sign over the highway at the city limits which read; " WELCOME to GREENVILLE. The Blackest Land and the Whitest People". Below that sign was another which read. (forgive) "If your a n, Your Black Ass had better be out of this County By Dark". KKK and a picture of a noose was tied at the base of the sign. Yes we have come a long way. I am not sure when those signs were taken down. I think it was sometime after the early seventies. I have a story about Dallas. When I was 10 years old. (1947) I was riding a street car on Cole Ave, near Cole Park in North Dallas, and a Black lady friend was riding in the back of the street car. She worked for my mother as a maid. We all loved her and she loved us and in Texas in the forties that was not a good thing. In fact she really raised me because in the war years my mother worked, as most mothers, at Haggar Slacks making uniforms for the servicemen. (Haggers was near Love Field) "Ma Bell", as we called her was a real gentle religious woman. (others my age called her "n Bell") I went back to sit with her. I crossed the line being a seat that was turned backwards. She said, "OH! Mr. Bobby you shouldn't be here". "Your my friend". I said. The street car stopped and the conductor came back and demanded I go back up front. I said NO; and he hit me in the mouth, grabbed me and pulled me to the front of the street car. I called him a SOB and he hit me again. "Your Folks Au'ta Whip You with a barbed whip and teach you a thing or two, Boy. After a few minutes and the street car did not move; a Dallas Policeman came on board and physically removed me from the street car and took me to a real jail. My father had to come down to Police HDQ and get me out. My father had to listen to a lecture from the police Captain about how to control me and teach me about the ways of the Real Texas. The parting words to my father were, "...We'll be Watching.., You Hear?...". True story. Bill thanks for posting the above. I feel the reason that these boxes being kept secret, as I said earlier, was because of the race tone which is found in some of those letters and information and not because of any thing that points to new information on JFK. Dallas tried to rebuild its image after the assassination and to have this public would not be accepted and the money would not come into Dallas during the big building boom of the sixties, seventies and eighties. You can forward this to Crig Watkins, if you like... I understand he likes a good story.
  6. Press Release - February 18, 2008 Fidel Castro's Hand-Drawn Revolution Battle Map in Auction Dallas, Texas: Fidel Castro's hand-drawn and signed map depicting his unsuccessful July 26, 1953 revolution-launching attack on Cuba's Moncada Barracks (Cuartel Moncada) will be offered in a public auction by Heritage Auction Galleries of Dallas, Texas (www.HA.com), February 21, 2008. The unique map was created for and given to journalist, Bernardo Viera, two days after Castro was freed from 19 months in prison in May 1955. At the time, Viera was Castro's friend and a fellow member of the Orthodoxo political party. Four years later he became one of the first journalists to publicly reject Castro's support of Communism. He was arrested and exiled to Venezuela. Now 76 years old and a resident of Miami, Viera kept the remarkable map for over a half-century and has consigned it to the auction. "This is undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary and historically important documents created by Castro ever to be offered for sale. The map involves the start of the famous 26th of July Movement, the 1953 assault on the Moncada Barracks that eventually brought Castro to power in 1959 when he overthrew the government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista," said Sandra Palomino, Heritage's director of manuscripts. The 13 by 8.5 inch folded map is drawn in blue ink and signed by Castro, "A mi brillante amigo Vierita Fidel," (To my brilliant friend, Viera, Fidel). "I went to see Fidel Castro at his sister Lydia's home the same day he arrived there from prison on May 17, 1955. I asked him how the assault to the Cuartel Moncada had taken place, and Castro then proceeded to draw on a piece of paper while he explained. When he concluded his explanation I asked him to sign the drawing," recalled Viera. Several days later, Viera left Cuba for Europe where he was a correspondent for Bohemia magazine. "When I returned to Cuba in 1959 to support Castro I realized that he had left the (Young Orthodox) political party we had all belonged to and he was now associated with the Communist party. After writing against Castro's new ideals, and being arrested for doing so, I left Cuba as an exile in Venezuela," explained Viera. "The map was reproduced in the first edition of a book, Fidel Castro: Vida y Obra (Fidel Castro: Life and Work) by Luis Conte Aguero, that was published in Havana in 1959. Subsequent editions deleted references to him and the map after Viera's exile," said Palomino. "A first edition copy of the book accompanies the map in the auction, along with a letter of authentication written and signed by Viera and his daughter, Bernadette Viera-Rausseo." The Moncada Barracks facility in Santiago de Cuba is now a school and museum, and is frequently visited by foreign dignitaries including Venezuelan President Hugo Chàvez last month. For additional information, contact Heritage Auction Galleries, (800) 872-6467, or online at www.HA.com. End I am not sure what it sold for. If I find out I will pass it along FWIW
  7. Have you watched Hannity and Colmes? Hannity hand-picked Alan as his liberal partner. You can see how puny he is. When 9/11 comes up, Alan starts off by saying, we all know our govt has nothing to do with 9/11. The only one I believe on that station is Greta Von Susteren. Geraldo has come out several times with "Oswald killed Kennedy." I guess everyone has a price. Kathy I know how to stop the gossip and dirt, name calling found on this thread.... I'll just post on this thread AND THAT WILL ABOUT DO IT.
  8. Yes That is what I thought. Frank Struges was also know as Frank Forini, "The Blade", as I have stated before to investigators in the mid to late seventies. I talked to Thomas Downing and his Investigators about the Hotel McAllister and a 1963 meeting at Bay Front Park between Roselli, Martino, Sturges, Farrentello, and myself, in 1975 before the HSCA was even formed. John Martino and I met with John Roselli and Frank around 1962-63, in reference to leaks concerning covert operations and none sanctioned training operations being conducted in south Florida and other places, and how it was putting our operations and operatives in jeopardy. Roselli was very upset at Martino and asked, "How could this happen?". He told Martino to get his act together or there would be trouble. Frank wanted nothing to do with any of it at the time (his quote.."... I'm not CIA and I am not concerned with what you do, just get the damn money to them and leave me out of this..". I was there and I heard this from his own lips. The time line date I remember as being in the spring of 1963 when I had a room at the Mc Allister and just before Rosellie gave me the $15,000 to buy aircraft in Tucson, which later ended up in a bus locker in West Palm Beach and was found by the FBI and CIA and given back to Rosellie sometime after June/July of 1963. There had been many meetings before this particular spring meeting. Point being the Mc Allister was a CIA safe place as well as a transit place for stagging and rotating personal on assignments. I am not sure about the Damon/Waters. I did know Damon and he was an associate of Warbell. (memory) As to the radio broadcast. GPH and crew were trying to raise money from the Cubans to finance their, or his, operation in south Florida. The CIA was the one who turned the federal government onto GPH and crew and in time shut them down and arrested some of them. GPH at this time made application to go to work for the CIA and was turned down as being "..a loose canon and not to be trusted..". (documented) In 1959 and 1960. Larry Allen and John SMITH, and Rex Beardsley, had rooms at the McAllister and ran a gun running operation from there for the CIA. This was before JM/WAVE was formed and before the "Miami Station" was set up and maned. There is a detailed classified field report still classified which is a detailed assassination team's outline for hit on a leader in the Dominican Republic. This was planned out of the McAllister. A team was sent in and they were successful. I cannot go into detail because it is still classified, but I have been told it is soon to be released. I will only say it is very detailed and used people from Dallas as the team members. I was not one of them, but I was the pilot. (INFO BEFORE THE FACT) On another classified CIA operational (CAG) Covert Action Group, from TFW-Section C; concerning kidnapping of forigen leaders is also about to be released. I have been warned to "Back off this". (AGAIN BEFORE THE FACT) A representitive from the CIA and the Pentagon and I will be meeting in May at Langley to discuss some of these new releases and other documents. (referenced before the fact) No secrets here.
  9. This is an important question. The main problem is psychological. In most situations, if we make a mistake and this is pointed out, we are willing to be corrected. However, JFK researchers, when publishing their information on the case, they are immediately faced with hostile critics. When mistakes are pointed out, instead of questioning their research, they immediately question the good faith of the critic. The issue then becomes one about the character, history, etc. of the researcher and critic than the original statement. The situation becomes worse because each figure in the debate usually has loyal followers. These people also become involved in what by this time has become a hostile debate. By this stage, it has become psychologically impossible to retract what has already been said. It is not true that all researchers fall into this category. Larry Hancock, for example, has spent many hours on this forum defending the material published in his book. As far as I can remember, he has never attracted very much criticism (one member did claim he was a CIA disinformation agent but no one took him seriously). However, Larry relies on documented information. Much of the hostile debate focuses on film and photographic evidence. This material is open to a variety of different interpretations. Personally, I rarely read the threads on this issue. It has no interest to me at all. I am already convinced that there was more than one gunman. It is far more important to find out who was behind the conspiracy than where individual gunman were standing. The other source of conflict concerns confessions and denials from people who may or may not be connected to the assassination. Some researchers believe characters such as Gerry Hemming, Tosh Plumlee, James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, etc. whereas others seriously doubt their testimony. These people are often the source of hostile debate. A third factor concerns the identity of the individual/group behind the conspiracy to kill JFK. This is usually tied up closely to the political views of the researcher. Therefore, someone who believes the CIA was involved in the conspiracy, are likely to be very hostile to any researcher who claims to provide evidence that Castro organized the killing of JFK. "...Some researchers believe characters such as Gerry Hemming, Tosh Plumlee, James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, etc. whereas others seriously doubt their testimony. Thank you John for your vote of confidence. I have never supported those stories. I have always tried to reference everthing I have had to say on this subject to the best of my ability. However, I was called a xxxx and foul things were said about me on your forum and I was cursed out on this forum... go back and take a look at some of the curse words used on me.., and it was said that there were no documents as Plumlee referenced. Sometime later, even years later, those references of mine, as to documents, were declassified and released. They, or some, and there are more to come, have now surfaced and proves what I said years ago... recent example the Mc Allister Hotel in Miami, Beckley St. Apartment house, MF's web site ,ect. as to past references. I tried to get to you and others.(just one of many) However I will just continue to be one of your "Characters", and let my story and basckground be interwoven with the likes of GPH and the lot. Again thanks for the information. I now know where I stand in your thoughts. Been there before. If you want me off this forum... just say so..... But do not lump me in with those stories.. I am the first to admit that years ago I got sucked into a big mess of special interest people who only wanted to use my background to fit their theories... and a flood of secret emails were sent over the years to defuse me and discredit what I have had to say because it not not fit into their projects or stroked their egos in the right manner. Some of these issues have never been address in my behalf nor corrected when proven I was right ... there were documents which supported my position as I said then, released now. Its no use... You can't overturn a negative or prove one. As I said IF you want me off you forum just say so. And I'm gone. I will no longer whip a dead hourse.
  10. Good work Francesca. Some of those mentioned were also connected to the Dallas Cubans working for the early Alpha-66 group. I knew of this document but was told it was secret and as I had referenced it and said it was secret I was called a xxxx. I have not had time to go over it, but what year was it declassified? Thanks Hi Tosh, no problem. Have much enjoyed this thread - very interesting. I know it's been diverted but hopefully the moderators won't mind as I was the one who started it and I don't It says it was 'released with deletions' on 13th May 1998. The rest of the document (20 pages in all) looks interesting but I will read it tomorrow. I must get some sleep now The Mc Allister Hotel was east of Sloppy Joe's on Flagler Street. That is the place where we were debriefed and given maps and other material for various missions into Cuba. I had a room there in the spring of 1963 (March-April) before the assassination. John Roselli, John Farrentello, Sturges, (Forini the Blade ?) and others would meet there or at Sloppy Joe's and then go over to Bay Front Park (some called the park "Biscanne Park") where we would get maps at the hotel and then go over the maps and information at the park before going on the mission(being out doors was a safe place to talk, etc.) The Mc Allister was a "contact or "drop place" for sensitive information to get back to JM/Wave HDQ or Miami Station... it was a type of "Cut-Out" or an approved "Limited Hang Out". Another place was an apartment house on Southwest 9th Ter., in Coral Gables as well as another known as The Green Manisons Resort Hotel, across from Eastern Airlines, in Miami Springs. I believe Waters was at all these places as well as the Dark Horse Bar in West Palm. I do not believe I ever saw him there at least under that name. But most all of us used cutout names and aliases. I was not aware that this document had been declassified. I referenced it some years ago, but was told I was not being trueful because there were no documents that mentioned the Mc Allister Hotel in Miami Florida, or it being used as a safehouse... (reference West Palm FBI interview June of 1963, in reference to gunrunning to the Cuban Rebels) A few months before the Bay of Pigs, I flew to Maranda outside Tucson to pick up a WWII A-26 fighter bomber and bring it back to Miami for "retro-fitting" for the up comming BoP. That was the aircraft that Crispin and his co-pilot were found in the wreckage in Central America some thirty years or so later. Their bodies were recovered around 2000 I believe. The Mc Allister was at that time used for covert meetings concerning the early planning for the BoP. Again "The Thigh Bone connect to the hip bone type thing... sorry for the drifting.. P.S. I was just told by a person in Dallas that they have a reference to the Mc Allister in their files. I am not sure if it was found in the new files released by the DA or if it was one of the files found during the remodling of the DPD basement of a few years ago. The Fort Worrth PD also has a file on some of those who claimed they were associated with the Mc Allister Hotel of Miami. Damon is a familiar name to me around 1959-61 and I connect it to the "LaBarr(pho-spel) training camp near Morgan City La. The hotel Dixie was a safehouse for that operation and a military black man by the name of 'Leroy" was kind of like the 'caretaker" of that operation. (Can't remember his last name, but )) note: In one field report a photo was shown to a questionable source and another was put beside it with the name Damon written in the margin. (which was not the name of the person in the photo) The source at first said he did not know any of those in the picture. Later he droped the name Damon and connected it with an operation that did not exist. A few days later this source contacted the Miami Station and told a story that Damon was CIA and worked for him in south Florida. A picture was shown this source without the name written in the margin. He ID'ed the photo as Damon. It was not. He was asked to state the name of the operation in south Florida. He could not do that. CI-3 source mention a fake name and the source ID'ed that name as the operation. The source was dismissed at that point. As to Damon being Waters I doubt that as I recall..., Damon was taller and Damon was a code name at the time for operation DAMON, or DEMON ??? memory; concerning Dominican Security Forces. I did know a Damon or of a Damon but this was years later, and I do not think he was associated with the earlier operations (my speculations)
  11. Someone kindly sent me this link to an article in The Fourth Decade magazine about the 'Cozy Eight Apartments' on Beckley: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=7 Is this one of the apartments you meant Tosh? "...that he was staying at the"Carlton Boarding House in the Oak Cliff"...". No. The Cozy Eight was near the Beckley rooming house address and I feel someone assumed he rented or mis understood what Oswald said as to having an apartment in that building instead of the rooming house... I think it was across the street but not real sure how close the apartment was to the rooming house. Perhaps Oswald could have used the Cozy Eight as a reference point for his rooming house apartment. (my speculation) The Cozy Eight was not in the price range for Oswald at the time. The Beckley Street Rooming house was in front of the apartment house which was located to the rear of the rooming house. That was a "safe house " and used by some of the Dallas Cubans associated with A-66 and other groups of the time.
  12. Good work Francesca. Some of those mentioned were also connected to the Dallas Cubans working for the early Alpha-66 group. I knew of this document but was told it was secret and as I had referenced it and said it was secret I was called a xxxx. I have not had time to go over it, but what year was it declassified? Thanks
  13. Tosh, I have a question for him, which I guess is really a question for both of you, since you have said you agree with Billie Sol that LBJ was behind the assassination and it was a case of how business was conducted in Texas. There were apparently planned assassination attempts in Chicago, Tampa, and Miami, in that same month leading up to the Dallas trip. Doesn't this indicate that the assassination was not just a Texas operation? Or were these other plots independent of the one in Dallas? Ron I believe they were all ran through the WH and it was a Texas group from beginning to end... I do not care what Lady Bird said... she never knew everything, even when Johnson was a State Senator, and before. She was not like Nancy Regan. Sometimes a place for a hit will dictate itself in spite of where you would like for it to happen. I do know the Mafia was monitoring this and some therein felt thery had to stop it, knowing it would point to them and their Cuban connections. I feel LBJ and his clan was banking on this. Thats a report that has not been released as of yet.
  14. James. I do understand... please believe me... I should be doing that. Ha. To late... Im cooked. Is Garcia still alive? I heard he died or was killed a few years back. You know he was an assassin, free lance for hire.. mafia, CIA and higest bidder.... often went into Cuba. I believe. Could of perhaps been in Dallas... but that is speculations on my part.
  15. You did it again. Lester was a very close friend of mine. We used to fly the same Twin Beach. (N-1800 or N6800, if I remember right on the N number) I was also going to kidnap Galindez for the agency, but that job went to Murphy. I am not sure if that was really a sanctioned operation or a "special interest" operation. Anyway the gods were with me because Murphy was also killed with Galandez, after they got stateside..., around NY or Jersey I think. Murphy was placed with Dominicana by the Agency and was working as a cut out for the CIA on an Intel operation for the Pentagon and the CIA... The details of this stuff is still Classified. Did you know that? How did you get hold of this info... if I might ask. (not to offend) In reference to Sergio. Yes... BUT not the Sergio on my flight. Sergio was an Operative name for Andreas. Could you post the picture. I think some are now ready for that. A few years ago I could not get past the 'Gatekeepers" of this forum to even get into any of this. I think it will now lead into something.... I could be wrong... I'm stepping on a thin limb. Do you have any pictures of me at the Dark Hourse or the Twin Spruce of Colorado? Faure Chomon. Yes. At one time a member of the M26-7 also known as the "Mexico Arms Deal of Pack" for Fidel about 1957 I think (pro-Castro era) Come on back Chris. Did not mean to hi-jack your thread, but its sort of like the old song "The Hip Bone is Connected to the Thigh Bone..., and the Thigh Bone is Connected to the Leg Bone and....".
  16. James. In that document or do you know or remember, if his mother was of Cuban background? I was told today (awhile ago) there is a DPD file on him. Also, does the term "The Blade" mean anything to you. I have often thought this was in reference to Frank Struges (Forini?? my health is good... but other matters are going off the shelf.... I mean that in the nicest way directed toward me) Hi Tosh, I can't recall anything about Waters having Cuban herritage but I am sure you are correct regarding the DPD having a file on him. I was told Waters during that late 1961 period was working with Eduardo Whitehouse, Dallas BOP vet who would later go to the Congo with Rip Robertson. As for 'The Blade', could that be referring to Arturo Espaillat? As you would know, Fiorini was in that 1961/62 mix with Espaillat, Robert Emmett Johnson, Larry De Joseph, Dick Whatley, etc. James James: You always overwhelm me. Thanks much.... your right on. Arturo, I did know. He was a close friend of Sergio's and was at the "Dark Horse Bar" near West Palm as well as the limited hang out at "Sloppy Joes" on Flager St. next to the Mc Alister Hotel across from Bay Front Park, many times. He also worked on the Raider Ship REX with Euduro(bad spelling, forgive. Eddie), I think.., out of Port Everglades and West Palm. He visited the apartment house in Dallas, behind Beckley St., many times. John Stockwell was aware and knew or knew off Whitehorse as we called him(Whitehouse) or horse and was in the Congo. Andreas was another player of the time also was often at the Dark Horse... do you have a picture of Andreas? Whitehorse was sometimes confused with "the big Indian" although he was not a big man. Boy you just kicked me in the butt... Thanks, I needed that. Most of that group were out of TFW, Miami Station at one time..... could have been after the assassination, but not sure. Whatley was a close associate of Joe Westbrook Rosales and another Chomon? (sp) who at one time was with the M-26-7 before Castro took power. Marquestoe was an informant and got some of those people killed by Batista's police.., security ? (all from memory.. please forgive if I'm all jumbled up on some of this... point being it does ring bells Thanks Chris for bringing this thread up... I hope I have not diverted it... if so I am really sorry and will in the future try to stay focused on the subject at hand/b]
  17. James. In that document or do you know or remember, if his mother was of Cuban background? I was told today (awhile ago) there is a DPD file on him. Also, does the term "The Blade" mean anything to you. I have often thought this was in reference to Frank Struges (Forini?? my health is good... but other matters are going off the shelf.... I mean that in the nicest way directed toward me)
  18. In reference to you question: "... any recollections of anti-Castro soldiers of fortune named Richard Tullis or Charlie..". Waters...". I think I knew Waters, but not that well, more like our paths cross at one point. Tell me if I'm on the right track. This sticks in my mind for some reason. He was often hanging out at a Drive In Restaurant in Oak Cliff where girl car hops used roller skets to serve their customers. He was a friend of Jerry Faucher?? (pho sp... Foo'shay) and was at times with the Dallas Cubans on Harlendale and the Cuban gun running operation associated with Frandenz?.., and too was close to a US Marine, Wayne Howard of Dallas and Donald Smith a Navy diver and frogman, also of Dallas ( who live on Travis St, near Knox St., with his sister). Am I thinking about the right Waters? Tullis, Im not sure about. Tosh - It sound very much like we are talking about the same Charlie Waters. Here is what I know: In the Spring of 1961, Waters was interviewed by KBOX news director Ray Carnay and claimed to be in Dallas in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs to be recruiting pilots and "guerrilla forces" for another potential invasion and, in the meantime, for participating in "flying tiger" leafleting harassment raids. He claimed to be working with Antonio de Varona and other anti-Castro exiles, as well as US intelligence. Waters also was affiliated with the New Orleans based Friends of Democratic Cuba group, whose members also included Guy Bannister, William Dalzell, and Gerard Tujaque (former employer of Oswald). The FDC group had attempted to purchase trucks from the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans in January, 1961 while using Oswald's name. Dalzell in 1967 testimony to Jim Garrison indicates that Waters may have been the man impersonating Oswald during the transaction. Waters in a 1961 report to the Dallas FBI also claimed to be a fomer Marine who had been in Marine Corps Intelligence with a top security clearance. Dalzell also told Garrison that Waters had been a significant weapons broker with contacts capable of providing large quantities of automatic weapons. Sergio Arcacha Smith in 1961 told the FBI that Waters had actually taken over the leadership of the FDC for a time after Dalzell had difficulties with local police in New Orleans. Waters by 1964 was back in Dallas working as a car salesman and reporting to the CIA on anti-Castro activities (and may well have been there at the time of the assassination). Any further recollections you have would be most helpful! I believe he is the same person. I am going off memory. At one point (and not having any direct contact with him) I was told this name by one of my case oficers in West Palm Beack Florida ( on an unrelated matter) that he, under code name,was one who went into Dallas to help stop the assassination. (abort) However, I do not believe he was on my flight to Dallas. The names you posted do fit with the people I was associated with and knew rather well.., Arcacha, Varona, ect.... it fits with the time line of the time.... if he was CIA and on that mission do you know how he got to Dallas that day? And too, what "code" name he used for that mission? Thanks again for all the fascinating info. Tosh. No, I don't know how he got to Dallas. I think it's possible he was already living and working there at the time of the assassination (at least he was there by '64, according to one document I have). Just to make sure I am tracking: Are you saying that your CIA case officer in Florida told you that Waters was dispatched to Dallas (assuming he was not already there) as part of an "abort" team who failed to stop the assassination? I am not sure if he told me he was SENT to Dallas or was in Dallas. If he was already in Dallas then he would have been dispatched by MI at Love Field (112th I think) or ONI at Hensely Field. (if he was Navy) I think he was already in Dallas and perhaps I assumed he was "sent" being as I was SENT from Florida.... Its been a long time and as I've said I am recalling from memory. I put him as being associated with the Dallas Cubans on a early gun running operation that had nothing to do with the JFK assassination. That was before JFK about 1961-62 I think. (even as late as the spring of 63 perhaps, sorry) Don't apologize. You are being more than helpful with your recollections. Do you remember if Waters was a Cuban? I have come to suspect that "Charlie Waters" was an alias, and I have not been able to pin down his nationality. Anything else w.r.t. his physical description you could remember also would be great (i.e. was he a huge soldier of fortune type like Hemming, etc.). Thanks again for all your input with this! Regards, Chris Tosh, May I ask when and who told you Waters had gone or was to go to Dallas - or was in Dallas. Thanks. Chris: I am not sure of the physical description... I just can't really place that for sure and I do not want to mislead. Peter. I think it was Tracy Barnes or John Martino, perhaps both ??? I am not sure of the time line as to the exact time line. It had to be after the assassination, after we got back to West Palm. It had to be before I was extridited to Denver by Det. Stone of the Denver PD for that $50 ISF check they said I wrote (my wife wrote) but it was never produced in a court of law. (that cost Denver over $1500 to take be back to Denver from Florida on a $50 check that did not exist... documented... I think you and I also documented that when we were in Denver together... remember?) I was in lock down before the WC was launched; released after it was over... never interviewed, except by the FBI's Scott Warner. I was in lock up at the Denver County Jail for three months and then sent to the Colorado State Reformatory for nine months on a sentance of "Indefinate term in the State Reformatory" sentenced by a Judge Sherman Finsilver (as referenced in FOIA FBI files) who a year or two later became a Federal Judge. The FBI Lab, said they could find "..no checks written by Plumlee...". I feel to this day I was "set-up". I'm sorry I drift.... but I'm still pissed about that, as you know.
  19. In reference to you question: "... any recollections of anti-Castro soldiers of fortune named Richard Tullis or Charlie..". Waters...". I think I knew Waters, but not that well, more like our paths cross at one point. Tell me if I'm on the right track. This sticks in my mind for some reason. He was often hanging out at a Drive In Restaurant in Oak Cliff where girl car hops used roller skets to serve their customers. He was a friend of Jerry Faucher?? (pho sp... Foo'shay) and was at times with the Dallas Cubans on Harlendale and the Cuban gun running operation associated with Frandenz?.., and too was close to a US Marine, Wayne Howard of Dallas and Donald Smith a Navy diver and frogman, also of Dallas ( who live on Travis St, near Knox St., with his sister). Am I thinking about the right Waters? Tullis, Im not sure about. Tosh - It sound very much like we are talking about the same Charlie Waters. Here is what I know: In the Spring of 1961, Waters was interviewed by KBOX news director Ray Carnay and claimed to be in Dallas in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs to be recruiting pilots and “guerrilla forces” for another potential invasion and, in the meantime, for participating in “flying tiger” leafleting harassment raids. He claimed to be working with Antonio de Varona and other anti-Castro exiles, as well as US intelligence. Waters also was affiliated with the New Orleans based Friends of Democratic Cuba group, whose members also included Guy Bannister, William Dalzell, and Gerard Tujaque (former employer of Oswald). The FDC group had attempted to purchase trucks from the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans in January, 1961 while using Oswald’s name. Dalzell in 1967 testimony to Jim Garrison indicates that Waters may have been the man impersonating Oswald during the transaction. Waters in a 1961 report to the Dallas FBI also claimed to be a fomer Marine who had been in Marine Corps Intelligence with a top security clearance. Dalzell also told Garrison that Waters had been a significant weapons broker with contacts capable of providing large quantities of automatic weapons. Sergio Arcacha Smith in 1961 told the FBI that Waters had actually taken over the leadership of the FDC for a time after Dalzell had difficulties with local police in New Orleans. Waters by 1964 was back in Dallas working as a car salesman and reporting to the CIA on anti-Castro activities (and may well have been there at the time of the assassination). Any further recollections you have would be most helpful! I believe he is the same person. I am going off memory. At one point (and not having any direct contact with him) I was told this name by one of my case oficers in West Palm Beack Florida ( on an unrelated matter) that he, under code name,was one who went into Dallas to help stop the assassination. (abort) However, I do not believe he was on my flight to Dallas. The names you posted do fit with the people I was associated with and knew rather well.., Arcacha, Varona, ect.... it fits with the time line of the time.... if he was CIA and on that mission do you know how he got to Dallas that day? And too, what "code" name he used for that mission? Thanks again for all the fascinating info. Tosh. No, I don't know how he got to Dallas. I think it's possible he was already living and working there at the time of the assassination (at least he was there by '64, according to one document I have). Just to make sure I am tracking: Are you saying that your CIA case officer in Florida told you that Waters was dispatched to Dallas (assuming he was not already there) as part of an "abort" team who failed to stop the assassination? I am not sure if he told me he was SENT to Dallas or was in Dallas. If he was already in Dallas then he would have been dispatched by MI at Love Field (112th I think) or ONI at Hensely Field. (if he was Navy) I think he was already in Dallas and perhaps I assumed he was "sent" being as I was SENT from Florida.... Its been a long time and as I've said I am recalling from memory. I put him as being associated with the Dallas Cubans on a early gun running operation that had nothing to do with the JFK assassination. That was before JFK about 1961-62 I think. (even as late as the spring of 63 perhaps, sorry) Don't apologize. You are being more than helpful with your recollections. Do you remember if Waters was a Cuban? I have come to suspect that "Charlie Waters" was an alias, and I have not been able to pin down his nationality. Anything else w.r.t. his physical description you could remember also would be great (i.e. was he a huge soldier of fortune type like Hemming, etc.). Thanks again for all your input with this! Regards, Chris I do know that most of those, as well as I, did not care much for SOF's. They did more damage to sanctioned OPS that anyone could comprehend. GPH, as well as others, had NO respect among any of those operatives including the Cubans who were sanctioned by CIA. Because of the rip offs of these "loose canons and guns for hire", groups that ripped off the Cubans and their money which was put up in good faith and given to some of those organizations, caused many hard feelings. Some of these fly by night unauthorized operations were a real pain in the butt and caused us great alarm and even got some of our boys killed. I think his mother was Cuban, but not sure. He did know Cicel Farnandez and others I can't recall who were associated with Alpha-66 and even one or two with Omega-7... although, we all knew most of those people. Nothing sinister at that point in time.
  20. In reference to you question: "... any recollections of anti-Castro soldiers of fortune named Richard Tullis or Charlie..". Waters...". I think I knew Waters, but not that well, more like our paths cross at one point. Tell me if I'm on the right track. This sticks in my mind for some reason. He was often hanging out at a Drive In Restaurant in Oak Cliff where girl car hops used roller skets to serve their customers. He was a friend of Jerry Faucher?? (pho sp... Foo'shay) and was at times with the Dallas Cubans on Harlendale and the Cuban gun running operation associated with Frandenz?.., and too was close to a US Marine, Wayne Howard of Dallas and Donald Smith a Navy diver and frogman, also of Dallas ( who live on Travis St, near Knox St., with his sister). Am I thinking about the right Waters? Tullis, Im not sure about. Tosh - It sound very much like we are talking about the same Charlie Waters. Here is what I know: In the Spring of 1961, Waters was interviewed by KBOX news director Ray Carnay and claimed to be in Dallas in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs to be recruiting pilots and “guerrilla forces” for another potential invasion and, in the meantime, for participating in “flying tiger” leafleting harassment raids. He claimed to be working with Antonio de Varona and other anti-Castro exiles, as well as US intelligence. Waters also was affiliated with the New Orleans based Friends of Democratic Cuba group, whose members also included Guy Bannister, William Dalzell, and Gerard Tujaque (former employer of Oswald). The FDC group had attempted to purchase trucks from the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans in January, 1961 while using Oswald’s name. Dalzell in 1967 testimony to Jim Garrison indicates that Waters may have been the man impersonating Oswald during the transaction. Waters in a 1961 report to the Dallas FBI also claimed to be a fomer Marine who had been in Marine Corps Intelligence with a top security clearance. Dalzell also told Garrison that Waters had been a significant weapons broker with contacts capable of providing large quantities of automatic weapons. Sergio Arcacha Smith in 1961 told the FBI that Waters had actually taken over the leadership of the FDC for a time after Dalzell had difficulties with local police in New Orleans. Waters by 1964 was back in Dallas working as a car salesman and reporting to the CIA on anti-Castro activities (and may well have been there at the time of the assassination). Any further recollections you have would be most helpful! I believe he is the same person. I am going off memory. At one point (and not having any direct contact with him) I was told this name by one of my case oficers in West Palm Beack Florida ( on an unrelated matter) that he, under code name,was one who went into Dallas to help stop the assassination. (abort) However, I do not believe he was on my flight to Dallas. The names you posted do fit with the people I was associated with and knew rather well.., Arcacha, Varona, ect.... it fits with the time line of the time.... if he was CIA and on that mission do you know how he got to Dallas that day? And too, what "code" name he used for that mission? Thanks again for all the fascinating info. Tosh. No, I don't know how he got to Dallas. I think it's possible he was already living and working there at the time of the assassination (at least he was there by '64, according to one document I have). Just to make sure I am tracking: Are you saying that your CIA case officer in Florida told you that Waters was dispatched to Dallas (assuming he was not already there) as part of an "abort" team who failed to stop the assassination? I am not sure if he told me he was SENT to Dallas or was in Dallas. If he was already in Dallas then he would have been dispatched by MI at Love Field (112th I think) or ONI at Hensely Field. (if he was Navy) I think he was already in Dallas and perhaps I assumed he was "sent" being as I was SENT from Florida.... Its been a long time and as I've said I am recalling from memory. I put him as being associated with the Dallas Cubans on a early gun running operation that had nothing to do with the JFK assassination. That was before JFK about 1961-62 I think. (even as late as the spring of 63 perhaps, sorry)
  21. Perhaps history repeating itself. Could this be a type of "security probe" before a main event located somewhere else? I worry about the man as he gathers momentum. I worder if he or his advisors knew about this at the time. I do not think they would have O.K'ed that. If they did then he had better get new advisors. I was told by a DP who was on detail that the feds should not have been in charge.. "..they took charge..". Sounds familiar to me. I think we need to do everything possible to insure that he and his advisors know about this now. I plan to phone and email his team, as well as write letters to media, and post on blogs and forums to publicize this incident. I'm also considering starting a website to monitor this situation. ... I don't know what else to do at the moment. I know Obama's message is all about hope, but this is too alarming to just hope he's safe. Send him copies of these postings otherwise you will be thought of as an independent alarmist and your fears for him will drop by the wayside. The editors of most major media will not take this story or let their reporters report their gut feelings.... however, they will let them sling mud at Mc Cain and others which are not in the "Group". I feel the Mc Cain mater and the timing of such was set in motion to take away from what was recently found in Dallas and too the trip to Dallas by Obama. I feel forces are moving into place for a hit and the Secret Service knows this.... ,or I should say SOME in the Secret Service know or feel this.. Its time to be very careful. The Powers that be are very feverous at this time.... I mean real jumpy. There are dark clouds on the horizon. If you notice this security breach it has not even been reported by the big boys of the media. They seem to be more interested in what someone didor didn't do with his "Pee..P..".
  22. Careful Charles on posting that three letter word, or the forum's boggy men and boggy ladies will come and get you.
  23. In reference to you question: "... any recollections of anti-Castro soldiers of fortune named Richard Tullis or Charlie..". Waters...". I think I knew Waters, but not that well, more like our paths cross at one point. Tell me if I'm on the right track. This sticks in my mind for some reason. He was often hanging out at a Drive In Restaurant in Oak Cliff where girl car hops used roller skets to serve their customers. He was a friend of Jerry Faucher?? (pho sp... Foo'shay) and was at times with the Dallas Cubans on Harlendale and the Cuban gun running operation associated with Frandenz?.., and too was close to a US Marine, Wayne Howard of Dallas and Donald Smith a Navy diver and frogman, also of Dallas ( who live on Travis St, near Knox St., with his sister). Am I thinking about the right Waters? Tullis, Im not sure about. Tosh - It sound very much like we are talking about the same Charlie Waters. Here is what I know: In the Spring of 1961, Waters was interviewed by KBOX news director Ray Carnay and claimed to be in Dallas in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs to be recruiting pilots and “guerrilla forces” for another potential invasion and, in the meantime, for participating in “flying tiger” leafleting harassment raids. He claimed to be working with Antonio de Varona and other anti-Castro exiles, as well as US intelligence. Waters also was affiliated with the New Orleans based Friends of Democratic Cuba group, whose members also included Guy Bannister, William Dalzell, and Gerard Tujaque (former employer of Oswald). The FDC group had attempted to purchase trucks from the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans in January, 1961 while using Oswald’s name. Dalzell in 1967 testimony to Jim Garrison indicates that Waters may have been the man impersonating Oswald during the transaction. Waters in a 1961 report to the Dallas FBI also claimed to be a fomer Marine who had been in Marine Corps Intelligence with a top security clearance. Dalzell also told Garrison that Waters had been a significant weapons broker with contacts capable of providing large quantities of automatic weapons. Sergio Arcacha Smith in 1961 told the FBI that Waters had actually taken over the leadership of the FDC for a time after Dalzell had difficulties with local police in New Orleans. Waters by 1964 was back in Dallas working as a car salesman and reporting to the CIA on anti-Castro activities (and may well have been there at the time of the assassination). Any further recollections you have would be most helpful! I believe he is the same person. I am going off memory. At one point (and not having any direct contact with him) I was told this name by one of my case oficers in West Palm Beack Florida ( on an unrelated matter) that he, under code name,was one who went into Dallas to help stop the assassination. (abort) However, I do not believe he was on my flight to Dallas. The names you posted do fit with the people I was associated with and knew rather well.., Arcacha, Varona, ect.... it fits with the time line of the time.... if he was CIA and on that mission do you know how he got to Dallas that day? And too, what "code" name he used for that mission?
  24. RCD Yours above, should be read by everyone concerned with the 22 Nov. 1963 assassination. H.J. Dean I too second that..., old man. We would do well to focus on those points and go from there. Two girls at the photo studio..., "Be still honey, hes gonna focus..... bow'fuss?
  25. Perhaps history repeating itself. Could this be a type of "security probe" before a main event located somewhere else? I worry about the man as he gathers momentum. I worder if he or his advisors knew about this at the time. I do not think they would have O.K'ed that. If they did then he had better get new advisors. I was told by a DP who was on detail that the feds should not have been in charge.. "..they took charge..". Sounds familiar to me.
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