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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. Tosh, could you tell us about your involvement in early Cuba gunrunning was to aid 26th of July and how the weapons were procurred?  I think people don't realize how we were simultaneously for and against the revolutionary cause.  Many things that came out in press (like the kidnapping of the workers in Cuba in '58, was it?)were not the real story.


    The flying of Lisa Howard into Cuba, how many times did this occur? Did you come in contact with Wm. Attwood?  I think this is important as it began the period of a secret accomodation plan that must have set the military on it's ear after their involvement in pre-Castro support and then post-Castro assassination attempts.

    Thanks Tosh.

    Hi Christy: Sorry I have taken so long in getting back to you. I have tried to answer the questions as they come, in order... but it does not seem to work that way..,

    I'll try to make this short. In early 1954 Fidel Castro was in the southern mountains of Cuba with a "rag tag' bunch of rebels.. about 60 or 70 I think.. The CIA was active in Guatelmala and some of these operatives were soon working in behalf of Castro. That was the start of the gun running to the Cuban Rebels known as the Jul 26 rebel movement. In the United States arms and amo were taken from National Guard Armorys and transported by air and boat to the Castro rebels. It was a CIA OPS and the FBI had no knowledge of the arrangement. Soon the gun running reach epidemic perpotions in the lower southwest and Florida. The M-26-7 was a group of Students inside Cuba working for a free Democratic Cuba. Joe Westbrook operated as contact for CIA "cut-out" contract personal. I think but not real sure that "Wild Bill" Harvey later set in motion a team of contract CIA operatives to supply and work with the M-26-7 and this group were the go betweens for getting weponds from Florida to Cuba. In the early days Havana and safe houses around Havana were used to stage the weapons and explosive before getting them to Castro's rebels in the mountains. Soon this group was used as the main link for the CIA to get Castro the equipment he needed to defeat Batista. After Jan of 1959, all that changed and so did the CIA and its support for Castro... We became "anti-Castro and the whole arm of the U.S. Government was thron againest him.........

    In the early part of 1963, or perhaps the late part of 62. I flew a lot of operatives and hit men into Cuba. John Rosellie and Jack Ruby went into Cuba many times. Ruby before the fall of Batista and Rosellie also before the Fall of Batista. Rosellie also went in after Castro came into power, twice that I know of.

    I had contact with a Cuban pilot who was connected to our government. He introduced me to another Cuban who had made contact with President Kennedy that Castro would consider talks. This was the beginning of Lisa Howard and my flying her into Cuba three times I think.. the last time around April or June of 63, about the time of the Wm Pawley affair and the dealings concerning Eddie Bayo.. I flew her from NY to Miami on two other occausions and then covertly from Miami to Havana. I did not know Attwood, but he knew of me as the pilot because I had a long history of covert flights into Cuba. I also talked to her many times about Cuba and at one time she ask if I would like to work with the team who were working with her... I already knew who they were and declined. I was to close to secret assassination teams to eliminate Castro and I was associated with John Rosellie (aka Col Rawlston) from JMWAVE and its EX Action ZR/RIFLE programs.. I would have never got into President Kennedy's "Olive Branch" to Castro program. I would only be a liability and would have been in time 'Eliminated". I know this is spoty and short and perhaps raises more questions that it solves... But you know when I first mentioned this to you.. I think it was some years ago when we were talking about Havana and your Father... long befor the Lisa Howard story and documents were de-classified and released. Right? Take care... hope this helps..

  2. Tim Good points and thanks this helps me see where some confussion occures. Rolando (? ) Cubela, Felix and Novo are not in this photo.  The picture was taken in Mexico.  The reason I incerted the BarBQ was to show that I knew the Seal family and had attended a BQ in Slidel(?)LA. This was at a later time around the mid seventies I think I was at the grill next to BSeal, I thought they might still have the Video or pictures. 

    The paper I plan to do for John and the Forum will be more detailed than this Q&A Forum and I will detail to the best of my abilit the mech of all that....  Perhaps others on this forum could send previous post about me and my activites as to who replied to questions about the watch and other matters of which I did not reply.. hope this is not confusing you.... later Tosh


    All the stuff about your being in the photo that I saw was on the Lancer Forum under topics relating to Barry and the Boys and the Novo brothers. Shanet was asking about what all this Porter Goss stuff is about. Here is the article:


    As for the paper you intend to write, I sincerely offer my editing assistance.


    I might take you up on that... as you can tell I just write and string it all together... typo's and mis spelling... time is always short and all I really want to do now is do what I said I would do... and that seems to not have room for editing. Ha... Six Months ago I couldnt even spells writtter and nows I are One....

  3. Tosh,

    Will you be able to discuss your relationship to Kiki Camerena?  Is he in any of the photos with you?


    I will be able to talk about the Mexico drug operations of which KiKI was part of... Look at the DEA files that Wim posted today known as the "Berliz and Susan Baldin fiiles about the "Mexico Thing" Caro Quentero and the Ranch" (Plumlee DEA Files PDF) Also you might like to contack Mike Levine who knows about some of the operations of KIKI and I... I do not have any pictures of me and KIKI... In those days Pictures were a "NO-NO". The OPS were known as AMSOG. The DEA had another name for their OPS. "Snowcap" Long Bow" Penatrate" "Big Toad" ect.


  4. link is here:


    Another good site is delacova's maybe James has that link handy.

    Chris I'll get back to you on those other questions you asked about Cuba... They are very good questions and I'll do my best to get it right for you... some of that information you and I have gone over in the past.. about your father and Havana... If you want you can share some of that with this Forum. Example Humboldt Apartment Complex.. and The Palace Attack and Joe Westbrook. And to0, how we CIA supported first Castro then later anti-Castro.... I'll get into that in the paper I will do for John and this Forum... Hang in their little lady... Also if you want you can share the details I told you about Liza Howard and when I first told you about her and my involvement?... Its a lot of work.. right

    Another subject: The principal of our school was a very mean man. One day a friend of mine had to go and see him. When he came back, he could not sit down for over a week. The next day, I had to go see him. I was hoping that he would not find me attractive...

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