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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Dear Dawn:

    I remember now your cryptic references to this unnamed researcher.

    We all share your grief and are sorry for his passing.

    When you have recovered emotionally, perhaps you can share some details of this individuals pursuit of truth, and carry on J Harrison's quest by giving out some of the explosive information he must have uncovered over the years.

    When you are ready, of course.

    Best Wishes,

    Shanet in Atlanta

  2. I believe the HL HUNT / BUNKER HUNT sponsored TREASON circular........... You've probably spelt it out on another thread, but does your theory include East Coast financiers? Even though Nixon was from California, I believe he was largely sponsored by East Coast banking interests.

    Well, there was MUDGE ROSE, his law firm with John Mitchell, that would be one place to start. It is largely forgotten now, but Nixon was primarily known for being a WWII NAVY officer when he entered politics.

    Which brings us to BEBE REBOZO. According to Anthony Summers, Nixon had somewhere in the range of 20 million dollars stashed in the Bahamas and Swiss banks, and these funds peaked during the four year election cycle.

    For a public servant, he did remarkably well in California and Florida real estate, building grand homes and complexes in very expensive beachfront neighborhoods.

    As VP under Eisenhower, and point man for the Cuban invasion up until Kennedy's inauguration in early 1961, I see Nixon as one of the EXECUTIVES with prior knowledge, similar to McCloy, Korth, Anderson and Dulles.

    I believe that once the EXECUTIVE SANCTION was set in motion, Nixon, along with J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson and others, was informed of it and brought into the plot to provide broad bipartisan political support in the spirit of the 25th amendment..........

  3. From Prouty.org

    For Jane Greer July 10/99

    This is an important note from Ms GREER. I have always believed that the "LEE HARVEY OSWALD" role on NOV 22, 1963 in DALLAS may have been contrived. In any event I'll outline a possibility as I saw it. On that date, I was on official military orders from the Pentagon and was in NEW ZEALAND. I was having breakfast at 6-7 AM that morning in company with a U.S. Congressman from OHIO. A bit after 6:30, New Zealand time (17 hour difference from Washington) the Hotel announcer interrupted his normal announcements to say:"Ladies and Gentleman BBC have just announced that Kennedy has been SHOT DEAD during a drive through DALLAS. "

    Naturally all of us in that N.Z. hotel dining room were shocked. We went out on the street later searching for the extra edition of the CHRISTCHURCH STAR with its earliest news. Before long we each had bought one. This created a source of information which I have yet to resolve. This is no place to present that red-hot front page news: but perhaps even more important, on page three of this same newspaper there was ad 6 by 5 inch photo labeled "THE MAN THEY ARRESTED" At the bottom of that photo was the statement:"LEE OSWALD, age 24, who has been arrested on suspicion of having shot President KENNEDY."

    The photo does look somewhat as we have learned is the OSWALD photo, but there are some distinct variances. For one thing, this photo shows a young man with his hair neatly combed, with a smile on his face, wearing a dark business-suit, a pure white ; shirt with a routine office-hours necktie."

    What concerned the Congressman and myself was the fact that this Christchurch New Zealand newspaper printed so far away printed a formal photo of this man who had just shot Kennedy. That photo could not possibly have been taken on that day in DALLAS, just after noon. All other photos of OSWALD that I have been able to gather Including my voluminous file in the PENTAGON that was available to me as soon as we returned'.

    Furthermore, one of the first things I did after my perusal of those files was to go to the Library of Congress and obtain a worldwide record of photos available to countless newspapers. I found that the NZ STAR photo was a rare item; among others. The big question that I have had since that time is "How did the Newspapers of the world obtain a studio photo of a man supplied to be the Assassin/OSWALD even before the papers in DALLAS and other cities that had him in a neat business suiteIn an attempt to answer your letter, this STAR photo does not quite look like the routine LHO photo. His face is somewhat like I might expect for Oswald; but how did some photographer know that this "Studio" photo was going to have to be used and fanned out all the way to New Zealand and other distant places not only as a studio photo; but one with significant minor facial differences...but not much? That photo had to have been processed well before the moment...even on the"day"' of the murders.

    I know there are countless other facts and questions that can be presented, and most be answered; but I simply used some of many records as a valid response to your letter.

    Get out any collection of "OSWALD" photos and see the differences. Oliver Stone used my New Zealand photo in his movie "JFK" but cleverly processed in order to reduce a storm of protest. He did have stacks of "CHRISTCHURCH STARS", but they were copies.

    I trust this provides an answer.

    L. Fletcher Prouty

  4. Remember the movie LA Confidential?

    Apparently NOTHING went down in L.A. without the knowledge of Mickey Cohen.

    The infamous LA organized crime intelligence squad probably acted in a similar manner to the Feds, i.e., get lots of information, but prosecute only sparingly and protect certain guilty "assets"


    .... you have to pull pretty hard to get someone's necktie off of them.

    Like in a death struggle with your assailant.

    The photos of the necktie next to RFK

    along the missing necktie on the officer

    that pretty much tells the whole story.

  5. Mark and Ron

    I was amazed at the sheer number of times the GEMSTONE file has been reproduced on the web. I feel sorry for people who read it and think

    "Aha, the real story"........

    Estes Kefauver was responsible for a Federal law concerning strychnine, food purity, etc., and somehow this became linked to the gemstone story.

    Estes Kefauver, a contemporary of Kennedy's, was also the original author of the Twenty Fifth Amendment, but died suddenly in 1963 (or 1962?).


    The scenario of Howard Hughes being removed and replaced with a reclusive "insane" ringer who took over the Nevada casinos, that is one of the more thought provoking elements of the Gemstone ........

  6. I believe the HL HUNT / BUNKER HUNT sponsored TREASON circular was an essential part of the assassination.

    It expresses the rationale for EXECUTIVE SANCTION, and was part of the propaganda program about Oswald, Edwin Walker and the assassination.

    The Wanted poster only painted the broad strokes.

    The joint agency executives had no motive to present their own rationalizations in full.....

    Kennedy's "incapacity" caused by acid trips with Mary Meyer and other classified NSA/ONI material was obviously not appropriate material to include in the advertisement.

    The Edwin Walker tale, the backyard photos, the CHRISTCHURCH early release material, and this Wanted poster all were parts of a PSY/OPS PROGRAM.........

    [the CHRISTCHURCH early release material of 11/23/63 is the newspaper Fletcher Prouty read in New Zealand soon after the assassination. It immediately caused him to suspect the joint agencies complicity, as the Oswald material was too detailed and complex to be reported so quickly] -------

  7. What made the story interesting was that there are some nice little touches in it, such as the x's on Jim Braden's hat band being a signal to officers to leave him alone. It's also interesting that a "sheriff" is said to have mistaken Braden for Secret Service and told him about the guy getting into the Rambler. Roger Craig did testify that he was looking for somebody in authority to tell about the Rambler, and an unidentified man told him he was Secret Service and took notes.

    Still and all, the whole thing was basically a waste of time.



    Jimmy "the Weasel" Frattiano makes his way into this tale, was this a mix up with Jimmy Files?

    ( Wim Dankbaar sent me an email yesterday of original FBI documents that prove that Jimmy Files was involved in the Posada Carriles airplane bombing and the Letelier assassination.......but I still don't think he was in Dallas...........)

  8. Steve wrote:

    In addition to Shanet's post, I think I'd throw in a bit about the protection of 'American oil' in Iraq (!) - one of the jokes in the UK at the time of the latest venture into Iraq was to call it "Operation Four Star".

    But the REAL question is:  What is all of THEIR sand doing on top of OUR oil?

    Spoken like a true lefty, there is still hope for you..........


    John is right, I don't know much about Uzbeks, but the lack of initiative and resolve in SUDAN shows the Bush administration to be a paper tiger, and a genocide supporter.

    We are now so over committed to policing IRAQ and BAGHDAD that we have no capacity to defend against REAL weapons of mass destruction being built in IRAN, PAKISTAN and NORTH KOREA, or mass murder in AFRICA.


  9. Researchers can easily spot many holes in the narrative.

    The whole tone is sloppy and speculative.

    It is interesting that ROSELLI, BRADEN and JIMMY FRATTIANNO are named as the shooters.

    This is obviously a "mob did it" theory, with Onassis in a "capo de capo" position.


    Thank you Ron for the link.

    Anyone who is interested (or remotely swayed) by the GEMSTONE should read Ron's link, it destroys the GEMSTONE credibility completely............

  10. The Pakse Base scenario still makes sense, although James is very much to be congratulated on following up and challenging his own earlier leads.

    The possibility of the Dealey Plaza assassins have strong links to US Indo -Chinese paramilitary squads, and specifically being "hidden" in Laos after 11/22/63 is reasonable.

    Since the two spotter teams, the Umbrella / Dark Complected Man team and the team in position next to EMMETT HUDSON, haave never come forward or been identified, I find it useful to closely compare thier images with military assassination and paramilitary figures seen in greater Vietnam in the mid 1960's.

    We may never know for sure if RIP ROBERTSON, LUCIEN CONEIN and JAMES MCCORD were in Dealey Plaza, but examining the surviving evidence with a critical mind is certainly worthwhile and thought provoking...........

  11. Here is a long list of books available from Last Hurrah.

    It is a fairly definitive list of conspiracy materials in print, looks like.

    Conspiracy & Controversial Deaths

    Includes unexplained deaths, political murders, organized crime, espionage, foreign plots, CIA, FBI, KGB, NSA, and other intelligence agencies.

    (5730) Messick, Hank: THE SILENT SYNDICATE. McMillan, 1967. 303 pgs. VG+/VG+ DJ. Story of the Cleveland syndicate. ... $17.50

    (5558) THE PENTAGON PAPERS; THE SENATOR GRAVEL EDITION: THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT HISTORY OF UNITED STATES DECISIONMAKING ON VIETNAM. Beacon Press, Boston, MA. Volumes 1-4 Hardcover, 1971. Volume 1, 632 pgs. Vol 2, 832 pgs. Vol 3 746 pgs. Vol 4, 687 pgs. Vol 5, LSC, published in 1972: CRITICAL ESSAYS edited by Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, and an Index to Volumes 1-4. 413 pages. ... $150.00

    (5723) Brownfeld, Allan C.: DOSSIER ON DOUGLAS: IMPEACH OR ACQUIT; THE CASE AGAINST JUSTICE WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS. New Majority Book Club, Washington, DC, 1970. 110 pgs., VG+. LSC. ... $15.00

    (5722) Murphy, Edward R. with Curt Gentry: SECOND IN COMMAND. 1971, 1st ed., Holt Rinehart Winston. 452 pgs. Account of the capture of the Pueblo by the executive officer. ... $12.50

    (5721) Armbrister, Trevor: A MATTER OF ACCOUNTABILITY: THE TRUE STORY OF THE PUEBLO AFFAIR. Coward McCann, 1970. 408 pgs. NF/NF DJ. Probes the circumstances that made the Pueblo Affair inevitable. ... $15.00

    (5719) Conley, John: UNHOLY WARS. 268 pgs. LSC. Pluto Press, United Kingdom, 2002, completely revised edition. Forward by Edward E. Said. Examines September 11 and the history of U.S. involvement with Afghanistan and radical Islam. ... $20.00

    (5718) Thompson, Paul and the Center for Cooperative Research. Forward by Peter Lance: THE TERROR TIMELINE: A COMPREHENSIVE CHRONICLE OF THE ROAD TO 9/11 AND AMERICA'S RESPONSE. LSC, Regan Books, NEw York, NY. 2004. 590 pgs. Includes chapters on Pakistani ISI, Saudi Arabia and the Bin Ladens, Israel, Iraq. ... $20.00

    (5717) Taylor, Mark: THE ELITE AKA PIRATE MAGICIANS. Olathe, KS. 49 pgs. LSC. Signed by author. 2004. Draws connections between JFK assassination, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 and the role of military intelligence in all three. ... $10.00

    (5716) Springmeier, Fritz: BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI. Ambassador House, Westminster, CO. 1999. 597 pgs. LSC. VG+. Signed by author. Includes the Astors, Bundys, DuPonts, Kennedys, Onassis, Rockefellers, and the Krupps. ... $27.50

    (5715) Leroy, Dave: GERALD FORD: UNTOLD STORY. R.W. Beatty, Arlington, VA. 1974. LSC. 128 pgs. Revised edition. VG. Chapters on the Warren Commission and attempt to impeach Justice Douglas. ... $12.50

    (5714) Kellett, Michael: THE MURDER OF VINCE FOSTER. CLS, Columbia, MD. Twenty-four items of evidence suggesting murder, death didn't occur in the park, the body was transported, that effort was made to make it look like suicide, the Clintons were openly accused.

    a. 117 pgs. NF. ... $15.00

    b. updated edition. 1996. 287 pgs. ... $20.00

    (5713) Chamish, Barry: WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN? Feral House, Venice, CA. LSC, 1998, 149 pgs. NF. A lone assassin is set up as patsy, "amateur" film of the assassination as well as eyewitness testimony documents that Rabin appeared unhurt from shots fired at the peace rally. ... $13.00

    (5712) Chamish, Barry: ISRAEL BETRAYED. The Zionist Book Club, Jerusalem. LSC, 1999, 126 pgs. NF. Chapters on the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and the takeover of Israel by the CFR. ... $15.00

    (431) Josephson, Emanuel M.: THE STRANGE DEATH OF FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Chedney Press, 1948, 333 pgs. VG+/VG DJ. 1st ed. Was FDR murdered? ... $30.00

    (5711) McFarlane, Robert C., with Zofia Smardz: SPECIAL TRUST. 1994. Cadell & Davies, New York, NY. 399 pgs. Memoir of Reagan's National Security Advisor, substantial material devoted to Iran-Contra.

    a. inscribed by author. NF/NF. ... $25.00

    b. later printing, NF/NF ... $17.50

    c. ex-lib, otherwise VG/VG ... $7.50

    (5633) Roosevelt, Kermit: COUNTERCOUP: THE STRUGGLE FOR THE CONTROL OF IRAN. McGraw Hill, 1979. 1st ed., VG+/VG+ DJ. Author masterminded the overthrow of Mossadegh and restored the Shah. ... $50.00 SALE PRICE $35.00

    (4430) Turner, William: HOW TO AVOID ELECTRONIC EAVESDROPPING AND PRIVACY INVASION. Paladin, CO 1972, 1st ed. LSC original, Fine cond., 192 pgs., Former FBI agent explains how it's done. Signed by the author. ... $22.50

    (5643) Harris, Larry Wayne: BACTERIOLOGICAL WARFARE: A MAJOR THREAT TO NORTH AMERICA. 1995, LSC, NF, 117 pages, 1st ed. ... $22.50 SALE PRICE $15.00

    (5709) Icke, David: THE BIGGEST SECRET. Bridge of Love, Scottsdale, AZ. 1999. 517 pgs. LSC. VG+. Interconnecting blood lines have controlled the world for thousands of years, gives background to British royals, and reveals how and why Princess Diana was murdered. ... $17.50

    (5708) Immerman, Richard H.: THE CIA IN GUATEMALA: THE FOREIGN POLICY OF INTERVENTION. U. of Texas Press, Austin, TX. LSC. 1984. 291 pgs. VG. ... $15.00

    (5707) LeFever, Ernest W. and Roy Goodson: THE CIA AND THE AMERICAN ETHIC. Ethics and Public Policy Center, Georgetown, Washington, DC. 1979. 161 pgs., NF/VG+ DJ. ... $11.00

    (5706) Fest, Joachim: PLOTTING HITLER'S DEATH: THE STORY OF THE GERMAN RESISTANCE. Metropolitan, 1996, 1st ed., 419 pgs. NF/NF. ... $20.00

    (5705) Escalante, Fabian: THE CUBA PROJECT: CIA COVERT OPERATIONS 1959-1962. Second edition of The Secret War. New preface by Javier Salado. 195 pgs. LSC. Ocean Press, Melbourne, Australia. ... $17.00

    (5704) Leasor, James: THE UNINVITED ENVOY. McGraw-Hill. 1962. 249 pgs. VG+/VG+ DJ. The mysterious flight of Rudolph Hess. $11.00

    (5703) Hewins, Ralph: COUNT FOLKE BERNADOTTE: HIS LIFE AND WORK. T.S. Denison, Minneapolis, 1950. 279 pgs. NF/VG+ DJ. Chapter on his assassination by members of the Stern gang. ... $15.00

    (4464) Emerson, Stephen: SECRET WARRIORS. Putnam, NY. 1988. 256 pgs. ex-library, otherwise VG+ in torn DJ. Covert operations of Reagan era. ... $8.00

    (5701) Waits, Chris and Dave Shors: UNABOMBER: THE SECRET LIFE OF TED KACZYNSKI. Helena Independent Record, Montana. 1999. LSC. 285 pgs. The Montana years. ... $12.50

    (5700) Ruppert, Michael C.: CROSSING THE RUBICON: THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE AT THE END OF THE AGE OF OIL. Foreward by Catherine Austin Fitts. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada. 674 pgs. LSC. Includes motives for 9/11 attacks--pretext for war that would enable drive for oil and gas, restore traffic in Afghan heroin, and provide basis for legal domestic repression. ... $23.00

    (5644) Davis, Jayna: THE THIRD TERRORIST: THE MIDDLE EAST CONNECTION TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING. Foreward by David P. Schippers. 355 pgs., NF/NF. 2004. W.N.D. Books, Nashville, TN. ... $25.00 SALE PRICE $15.00

    (5696) Turner, William: MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED: HOW GEORGE BUSH LOST THE WAR ON TERRORISM. 2004. LSC, 224 pgs., PenMarin, CA. ... $15.00

    (5694) Joesten, Joachim: RATS IN THE LARDER. Putnam, 1939, 270 pgs. VG+/VG+. Nazi penetration of Denmark. ... $20.00

    (810) Clark, Ronald W.: THE MAN WHO BROKE PURPLE. NF/NF. Little Brown. Boston. 1977. 217 pgs. Biography of Colonel Friedman who deciphered the Japanese code in WW2. ... $15.00

    (5691) Smith, Matthew: MARILYN'S LAST WORDS: HER SECRET TAPES AND MYSTERIOUS DEATH. Carroll & Graf. 327 pgs. Fine/Fine. 2004. Monroe's tapes to Dr. Greenson are analyzed as well as the known evidence in her case. ... $25.00

    (5686) Clubb, Oliver: KAL FLIGHT 007: THE HIDDEN STORY. 1985, Permanent Press, Sag Harbor, NY, 174 pgs. NF/NF. Plane was on mission for NSA. ... $11.00

    (5683) Messick, Hank: THE POLITICS OF PROSECUTION: JIM THOMPSON, RICHARD NIXON, MARJE EVERETT, AND THE TRIAL OF OTTO KERNER. Caroline House, Ottawa, IL. 1978. 253 pgs. NF/NF. ... $11.00

    (5682) Shafer, D. Michael: DEADLY PARADIGMS: THE FAILURE OF U.S. COUNTERINSURGENCY POLICY. 331 pgs., NF/NF, Princeton U. Press, 1999. Examines U.S. in Greek Civil War, Huk Rebellion in the Philippines, and Vietnam. ... $17.50

    (5681) Morera, Jose Luis and Rafael Calcines: THE CIA'S WAR AGAINST CUBA. National Information Service, Havana, 1988, 103 pgs., NF, LSC. Attempts to destabilize Cuba in the 80s. ... $25.00

    (5680) Schmidt, George N.: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS AND THE CIA. 1978, LSC, 81 pgs., NF, Substitutes United for Better Schools, Chicago IL. AFT was tool of CIA. ... $20.00

    (5679) Breckinridge, Scot D.: THE CIA AND THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM. Westview, Boulder, CO, 1986. 364 pgs. NF/NF. CIT veteran explains connnection between NSC and agency, he also probes dilemma of overt vs. covert action. ... $17.50

    b. second copy. Some highlighting, otherwise VG, no DJ. ... $7.50

    (5678) Crawford, Don: PUEBLO INTRIGUE. Tyndale House, Wheaton IL. 1969. 113 pgs. VG+. Story of Francis Ginther, one of the crewmen. $11.00

    (5676) O'Shea, James: THE DAISY CHAIN. 1991. Pocket, New York, NF/VG+ DJ. How borrowed billions sank a Texas S&L. ... $10.00

    (5674) McMaster, H.R.: DERELICTION OF DUTY. LSC, Harper, 1997, New York, 446 pgs., NF. Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs, and the lies that led to VietNam. ... $15.00

    (5673) Volkman, Ernest: GANGBUSTERS. 1998, Faber & Faber, New York, 318 pgs. NF/NF. FBI agent's finally destroy the Luccheses. ... $10.00

    (5672) Rudolph, Robert: THE BOYS FROM NEW JERSEY. Morrow, 431` pgs., NF/NF. 1992. How the Lucchesi crime family escaped justice. ... $10.00

    (5669) Seagrave, Sterling and Peggy: GOLD WARRIORS. Verso, New York, 2003, 332 pgs., Fine/Fine DJ, 1st ed. Hidden Japanese gold in the Philippines became fund to bribe political and military leaders, finance covert operations, and manipulate elections. ... $15.00

    (5668) Marrs, Jim: INSIDE JOB: UNMASKING THE 9/11 CONSPIRACIES. Origin Press, San Rafael CA, 2004, 1st ed., LSC, 216 pgs. Vital physical evidence was removed or never released, insiders engaged in massive short selling of airline stocks, officials claimed warnings never came, despite evidence to the contrary. ... $16.00

    (5667) Griffin, David Ray: THE NEW PEARL HARBOR. Olive Branch Press, Northampton MA, 2004, 254 pgs., LSC. UPdated edition with new afterward. Examines the events of 9/11 and whether U.S. officials had advance information, obstructed investigations prior to 9/11, and had reasons for allowing it to happen. ... $15.00

    (5666) Piper, Michael Collins: THE HIGH PRIEST OF WAR. American Free Press, Washington, DC, 2004. LSC, 128 pgs. 1st ed. Fine. he secret history of how America's "neo-conservatives" came to power and orchestrated the war in Iraq. ... $20.00

    (2246) Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri: AMERICAN ESPIONAGE FROM SECRET SERVICE TO CIA. VG/VG DJ. Free Press. NY. 1977. 276 pgs. Military intelligence, state dept., treasury dept., OSS and CIA. ... $17.50

    (5657) [CD-ROM] ASSASSINATION TRANSCRIPTS OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE. 2004. Compiled by AARC and History Matters. 125 declassified transcripts of interviews conducted by Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission includes Harvey, Helms, Roselli, Angleton, Colby, Maheu, Lansdale, Hunt, Sturgis, Bissell, and Phillips. Texts of alleged assassination plots and performance of intelligence agencies. ... $40.00

    (4849) Butler, Smedley D. Major General: WAR IS A RACKET. Intro by Adam Parfrey. Feral Press, Los Angeles, CA 2003, LSC, 66 pgs. Fine cond. Reprint of anti-war classic by highly-decorated soldier. Parfrey's intro deals with the plot against FDR that Butler exposed. ... $10.00

    (5655) Hopsicker, Daniel: WELCOME TO TERRORLAND: MOHAMMED ATTA AND THE 9/11 COVER-UP IN FLORIDA. Mad Cow Press, Eugene OR, 2004, 400 pgs. Fine in Fine DJ. Investigates FBI cover-up in Venice, FL. Argues CIA was running the training of Arab student pilots. ... $30.00

    (5654) Bly, Herman O.: COMMUNISM--THE COLD WAR AND THE FBI CONNECTION. Huntington House, Lafayette LA, 236 pgs., 1998, NF. Special agent for FBI gives their version; chapter on cointelpro. ... $13.00

    (5652) Glick, Brian: WAR AT HOME: COVERT ACTIONS AGAINST U.S. ACTIVISTS AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. Cartoons by Abbe Smith. South End Press, Boston, 1989, 90 pgs. NF. ... $8.00

    (863) Henze, Paul: THE PLOT TO KILL THE POPE. NF/NF. Scribners. NY, 1983. 1st ed., 216 pgs. Attempt on John Paul II, examines role of Bulgarians. ... $11.00

    (5649) Zagri, Sidney: FREE PRESS, FAIR TRIAL. Hallberg, Chicago, IL, 1966, 115 pgs., NF/NF. Legislative Council of Teamsters testified before Senate Judiciary Committee on the Hoffa trial. ... $22.50

    (5648) Keith, Jim and Kenn Thomas: THE OCTOPUS: SECRET GOVERNMENT AND THE DEATH OF DANNY CASOLARO. 2004, Rev. ed., Feral House, Los Angeles, CA, 235 pgs., LSC, NF. Casolaro was investigating the Inslaw Affair, the theft of a super surveillance software used to spy on criminals and police alike. The book has relevance to the October Surprise, September 11th, and the JFK assassination. ... $15.00


    (5631) Sutton, Anthony C.: WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION. Arlington House, New Rochelle NY. 1974. 228 pgs. NF/VG+ DJ. Story of how the big financiers supported the Bolshevik Revolution. ... $27.50

    (5624) Asinof, Eliot and Warren Hinckle and William Turner: THE TEN-SECOND JAILBREAK: THE HELICOPTER ESCAPE OF JOEL DAVID KAPLAN. Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, NY, 1973. 268 pgs. VG+/VG+. 1st ed. ... $12.50

    (5623) Yakovlev, Nikolai: CIA TARGET--THE USSR. 1982. Progress, Moscow. 297 pgs. NF. Much on the OSS, Academic community, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe. ... $17.50

    (5619) Ridenour, Ron: BACKFIRE: THE CIA'S BIGGEST BURN. 1991. LSC, 174 pgs. VG+. The Jose Marti Publishing House, Havana. 26 Cuban and 1 Italian infiltrate CIA for Cuba's Dept. of State security, and came out in 1987. Cuba's counterintelligence proves that the CIA never stopped attempting to murder Castro. ... $30.00

    (2137) Roosevelt, Archie: FOR LUST OF KNOWING. Little, Brown, MA 1988, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF, rem.., 500 pgs., Memoirs of early years of CIA ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE $5.50

    (5616) Scarne, John: THE MAFIA CONSPIRACY. Scarne Enterprises, North Bergen, NJ. 1976. NF/VG+. Anti-Italian reporting and anti-Italian Senate hearings created "myth" of the mafia. References to Church Committee. ... $27.50

    (5615) Messick, Hank: SYNDICATE ABROAD. Story of Lansky and the Bahamas. McMillan. 1st ed. 1969, 246 pgs., NF/VG DJ. ... $17.50

    (5613) Pennsylvania Crime Commission: RACKETEERING AND ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE BINGO INDUSTRY. 1992, Conshocken, PA. 78 pgs. LSC, ex-library, otherwise VG+. Meyer Lansky, among others, had his hand at the wheel. ... $10.00

    (3628) Hudson, James A.: THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF MARILYN MONROE. Volitant Books, NY 1968, SC original, VG cond.., 112 pgs. Explores possibilities of suicide, accident, murder as well abas rumors of involvement with Kennedys. ... $27.50

    (731) Spindel, Bernard B.: THE OMINOUS EAR. Award, NY 1968, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 253 pgs., Inscribed. Hoffa Wiretap Trials. Hard-to-find ... $35.00

    (5610) {VIDEO} Adamson, Bruce Campbell: ONE THOUSAND POINTS OF LIFE: PUBLIC REMAINS IN THE DARK: JFK, DIANA, SEPTEMBER 11. 2003, 1 hour, VHS. ... $15.00

    (5606) Ackerman, E.C. "Mike": STREET MAN. 1976, 149 pgs., LSC, VG+. This 11-year CIA career man specialized in operations against the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the PLO. After his resignation in 1975, he devoted his time to lecturing and writing on the need for an effective intelligence service. ... $20.00

    (5605) Cabell, Charles P., Jr. (Brigadier Genl, USAF, Ret.), ed.: A MAN OF INTELLIGENCE: MEMOIRS OF WAR, PEACE, AND THE CIA. Impavide Publications, Colorado Springs, CO., 1997, 397 pgs. Fine/No DJ as issued. Over 100 pages devoted to his work at the CIA, including involvement with U-2 and the Bay of Pigs operation. ... $50.00

    (5602) Peebles, Curtis: THE MOBY DICK PROJECT: RECONNAISSANCE BALLOONS OVER RUSSIA. 1991. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 258 pgs. The beginnings of the age of surveillance, the balloons preceded the U-2. ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE 9.00

    (5595) {DVD} WAR ON FREEDOM: THE 9/11 CONSPIRACIES. By Jim Marrs. Ares Publishing, Boyd, TX. 60 minutes. ... $20.00

    (5594) Marrs, Jim: WAR ON FREEDOM: THE 9/11 CONSPIRACIES. Ares Publishing, Boyd, TX. LSC, VG+, 2003, 322 pgs.. Were the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq planned long before September 11? Why did normal security measures consistently fail that day? Why has no one in government been fired or even reprimanded for failing to prevent the attacks? ... $25.00

    (5580) Corson, William R. and Robert T. Crowley: THE NEW KGB. 560 pgs. Morrow 1985. 1st ed. VG+/VG+. Origin of agency through Andropov/Cherneko era. ... $10.00

    b. second copy: Ex-Lib. otherwise VG+/VG+ DJ. ... $5.50

    (5579) Johnson, David R.: ILLEGAL TENDER: COUNTERFEITING AND THE SECRET SERVICE IN 19th CENTURY AMERICA. 1995. 1st ed. Fine/Fine. 220 pgs. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Wash DC. ... $15.00

    (5577) Weiss, Mike: DOUBLE PLAY: THE SAN FRANCISCO CITY HALL KILLINGS. Addison-Wesley. 1984, 1st ed., 422 pgs. Reading, MA. Murder of Mayor George Moscone and supervisor Harvey Milk by Dan White. ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE $9.00

    (1156) Corson, William R.: THE ARMIES OF IGNORANCE. NF/NF. 1st ed. Dial. 1977. 640 pgs. The rise of the American intelligence empire. References to Bay of Pigs and Mongoose. ... $15.00

    (5573) Goodspeed, D.J.: THE CONSPIRATORS. McMillan of Canada, 1983, LSC, 274 pgs. VG+. Study of the coup d'etat, includes chapters on Dublin 1916, Petrograd 1917, Rastenburg 1944. ... $10.00

    (5572) Crump, Irving: OUR UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE. Dodd-Mead, 1942, VG+/VG DJ. 264 pgs. War against counterfeiters. ... $15.00

    (5036) Leary, William, ed.: THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: HISTORY AND DOCUMENTS. Univ. of Alabama Press, 1984, Lg softbound, NF cond., 190 pgs., Includes excerpts of critical reports from 40's and 50's ... $17.50

    (4370) Wilson, Frank J. and Beth Day: SPECIAL AGENT: A QUARTER CENTURY WITH THE TREASURY DEPT. AND THE SECRET SERVICE. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, NY 1965, VG+/VG+, 250 pgs., Includes attempt on Truman and references to JFK assassination ... $22.50

    (5551) Mollenhoff, Clark: STRIKE FORCE. Prentiss Hall. 1972. NF/VG+ DJ. 274 pgs. Justice Department moves against Mob. ... $12.50

    (5548) Bonanno, Bill: BOUND BY HONOR: A MAFIOSO STORY. St. Martin's Press. NY, 1999. NF/NF DJ. Son of Joe Bonnano tells his story. ... $11.00

    (1652) Lunt, Lawrence K.: LEAVE ME MY SPIRIT. Affiliated Writers of America. Tempe AZ. 1990. 277 pgs. Afterward by Wayne Smith. Story of American who spent 14 years in Castro's prisons ... $17.50

    (2183) Robbins, Christopher: AIR AMERICA. VG+/VG DJ. Putnam, NY, 1979. 312 pgs. Story of the CIA's secret airlines. $17.50

    (5540) Warner, Michael: THE CIA UNDER HARRY TRUMAN. History Staff, Center for Study of Intelligence, the CIA, Washington. 1984. LSC. VG. Unnumbered pages. ... $22.50

    (3219) Welch, Neil J. and David W. Marston: INSIDE HOOVER'S FBI, 1950s-1980s. Includes covert operation that led to ABSCAM. NF/VG+ DJ. 324 pgs. 1984. Some RFK material. ... $11.00

    (5532) Shirley, Edward: KNOW THINE ENEMIES. Farrar, Strauss, Geroux, NY, 1997, 247 pgs. Fine/Fine. A spy's journey into revolutionary Iran. ... $12.50

    (5530) McRae, Ron: MIND WARS. St. Martin's, 1984, 155 pgs., NF/NF DJ. Intro by Jack Anderson. Govt. research into the military potential of psychic weapons. ... $12.50

    (5527) Franceschini, Remo: A MATTER OF HONOR: ONE COP'S LIFELONG PURSUIT OF JOHN GOTTI AND THE MOB. Simon & Schuster, 1st ed., 1993, 288 pgs. , NF/NF DJ. ... $10.00

    (2725) Pines, Maya: THE BRAIN CHANGERS. HBJ, NY, 1973. Fine/NF. 248 pgs. Scientists and the new mind control. ... $12.50

    (924) O'Toole, George: THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Norton, NY, 1978. NF/NF DJ. 250 pgs. Rent-a-cop, private spies, and the police-industrial complex. ... $20.00

    (5521) Nelson, Jack and Jack Bass: THE ORANGEBURG MASSACRE. World Publisher, Cleveland OH, 1970, 272 pgs., 1st ed., VG+/VG+. In 1968, South Carolina highway patrol opens fire on SC South Carolina protesting segregated bowling alley. Involves cover-up by FBI. ... $12.50

    b. second copy. Ballentine publisher, 1972, paperback, 266 pgs. VG. ... $7.50

    (643) Liberty Lobby: ROBERT STRANGE MCNAMARA. Softcover original, DC, 1967, 126 pgs.. Right Wing look at JFK's Secretary of Defense. ... $10.00

    (5519) Powers, Richard Gid: G-MEN: HOOVER'S FBI IN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE. Southern Illinois Univ. Press, Carbondale IL, 1983, 1st ed., 366 pgs. VG+/VG+ Images of Hoover in the media kept him safe from criticism. ... $17.50

    (3582) Borosage, Robert & John Marks, ed.: THE CIA FILE. Grossman, NY 1976, 1st ed. NF/NF, 233 pgs., Reports on the agency by Marchetti, Wise, Halperin, Ross, & others, with response by William Colby ... $20.00

    (5516) Valentine, Douglas: THE HOTEL TACLOBAN. Lawrence Hill, publisher. Westport, CT. 1984. 175 pgs., NF/VG+ DJ. Story of an American POW in the Philippines. ... $20.00

    (2141) Frazier, Howard, ed.: UNCLOAKING THE CIA. NF/NF+. Free Press, NY, 1978. 288 pgs. ... $17.50

    (1253) Phillips, David Atlee: CAREERS IN SECRET OPERATIONS. University Publications of America. 1984. 93 pgs. Fine/FIne DJ. ... $25.00

    (1693) Kimche, Jon: SPYING FOR PEACE. 1961, NY, 169 pgs. VG+/VG+ DJ. Swiss intelligence service and their commander, General Guisan during WW2. Two chapters on Allen Dulles. ... $16.00

    (5515) Helms, Richard with William Hood: A LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER: A LIFE IN THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Foreward by Henry Kissinger. Random House, 2003, 1st ed., 478 pgs. From the early days of Cold War through Watergate. Includes much on Mongoose, Nosenko, and the Garrison Investigation. ... $35.00

    (5511) Kupperman, Robert and Darrell Trent: TERRORISM: THREAT, REALITY, RESPONSE. Foreward by Walter Laqueur. Hoover Inst. Press, Stanford U., Stanford, CA. 1979. 450 pgs. Fine/Fine. ... $17.50

    (5510) Bergaust, Erik: WERNER VON BRAUN. LSC, NF, Stackpole publisher, Harrisburg PA, 1976, 589 pgs. Favorable bio of key figure in U.S. space program, and the man behind V-1 and V-2 rockets. Includes list of 118 German "paperclip" scientists who entered U.S. in 1945-46. ... $10.00

    (5509) Hutchinson, Earl Ofart: BETRAYED: A HISTORY OF PRESIDENTIAL FAILURE TO PROTECT BLACK LIVES. Westview, Boulder, CO. 1996. 1st ed. 262 pgs. VG+. 22-page chapter on the Kennedy years. ... $15.00

    (5508) Tansill, Charles Callan: THE SECRET LOVES OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Devin Adair, publisher. 1964. 1st ed. NF/VG DJ. 235 pgs. Affairs of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Morris, Hamilton. ... $10.00

    (5507) Stich, Rodney and T. Conan Russell: DISAVOWAL. Hallmark Press, Reno, NV. 392 pages. LSC. CIA cover in Honolulu blown, money laundering in India exposed, much about Nugan Hand Bank. ... $20.00

    (5502) Pisani, Sally: THE CIA AND THE MARSHALL PLAN. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 1991. 188 pgs. Fine/Fine DJ. Examines link between Office of Policy Coordination and the Marshall Plan. ... $25.00

    (5501) Zahn, Gordon: IN SOLITARY WITNESS: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF FRANZ JAGERSTATTER. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1964. LSC VG. 277 pgs. Austrian peasant who refused to fight in German army because he believed it to be anti-Christian was beheaded in 1943. ... $12.50

    (5500) Holden-Rhodes, J.F.: SHARING THE SECRETS: OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE AND THE WAR ON DRUGS. 1994. University of New Mexico Printing Services, 216 pgs., VG+ LSC, material on DEA and the militarization of the drug war. ... $10.00

    (5498) Newton, Michael: THE FBI PLOT: HOW THE FBI FOUGHT AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS IN AMERICA. Holloway House, Los Angeles, CA. 1981, paperback, VG+, 219 pgs. ... $10.00

    (5499) Thompson, E.P. and Mary Kaldor and others: MAD DOG: THE U.S. RAIDS ON LIBYA. Pluto, London. 1986. 1st ed. VG+. LSC ... $10.00

    (5496) Scott, Peter Dale: DRUGS, OIL, AND WAR: THE UNITED STATES IN AFGHANISTAN, COLUMBIA, AND INDOCHINA. Roman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2003. LSC, 225 pgs., American foreign policy is intertwined with oil policy. Drug proxies are regularly used by the CIA to implement those plans. Part I: Afghanistan, heroin, and oil. Part II: Columbia, cocaine, and oil. Part III: Indochina, opium, and oil. (Originally in the 1972 book, The War Conspiracy) ... $23.00

    (1294) Meyer, Cord: FACING REALITY. Harper & Row, NY 1980, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 433 pgs., Account of various interests of CIA, memoir of CIA agent ... $20.00

    (5436) Eveland, Wilbur Crane: ROPES OF SAND: AMERICA'S FAILURE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Norton. 1980. 1st ed. 328 pgs. Former advisor to CIA.... $12.50

    (5435) Messick, Hank: SYNDICATE IN THE SUN. McMillan 1968. NF/VG DJ. 1st ed. 248 pgs. South Florida mob. ... $17.50

    (3605) Tully, Andrew: CIA: THE INSIDE STORY. 1st ed. VG+/VG+. Morrow, NY. 1962. 276 pgs. ... $8.00

    (5434) Dunham, Roger C.: SPY SUB: A TOP SECRET MISSION TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PACIFIC. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD. 1996. 222 pgs. NF/NF. ... $10.00

    (5433) DeLong, Kent and Steven Tuckey: MOGADISHU! HEROISM AND TRAGEDY. Foreward by Ross Perot. 1994. Praeger, Westport CT. 107 pgs. NF/VG+ DJ. ... $11.00

    (5431) Joesten, Joachim: GOLD TODAY. David McKay Publisher, 1954, 182 pgs. VG+/no DJ. ... $16.00

    (5430) Fisher, Vardis: SUICIDE OR MURDER? Swallow Press and Ohio Univ. Press. 1993. LSC reprint. VG+. The strange death of Meriwether Lewis. ... $9.00

    (5428) Young, William and David E. Kaiser: POST MORTEM. Univ. of Massachustts Press, Amherst MA. 1985. VG+/VG+. 1st ed. 188 pgs. New evidence in the case of Sacco and Venzetti. ... $17.50

    (4165) Zeisman, J.M.: WITHOUT HONOR: CRIMES OF CAMELOT TO IMPEACHMENT OF RICHARD NIXON. Thunder's Mouth, NY 1996, 1st ed. VF/VF, foreword by John Dean., 300 pgs., More tales from the Yankee and Cowboy Wars ... $23.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $11.00

    (891) Seth, Ronald: UNMASKED! THE STORY OF SOVIET ESPIONAGE. Hawthorn, NY 1965, VG/VG., 318 pgs., USSR spy system ... $10.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (57) Pierce, William [Andrew MacDonald}: THE TURNER DIARIES. Barricade, NY 1996, LSC ed., Fine cond., 224 pgs. ... $12.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (901) Loftus, John: THE BELARUS SECRET. Knopf, NY 1982, NF/NF., 196 pgs., Nazis smuggled into US after WWII ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $11.00

    (4437) Higham, Charles: TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. Delacorte, NY 1983, NF/NF., 277 pgs., Espose of Nazi-American money plot 1933-1949 ... $20.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $12.50

    (4817) Isaacson, Walter: KISSINGER. Simon & Schuster, NY 1992, NF/NF., 893 pgs. ... $9.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (4317) Friedman, Stanton & Don Berliner: CRASH AT CORONA. Marlowe, NY 1995, LSC original, VF., 217 pgs., The US Military retrevial and cover-up of a UFO ... $13.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (5039) Blum, Howard: OUT THERE. Simon & Schuster, NY 1990, 1st ed. NF in VG+ dj.., 300 pgs., 17 members of US intelligence community were summoned to Pentagon to determine if life was "out there" ... $9.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (877) Tosches, Nick: POWER ON EARTH. Arbor House, 1986, VG+/VG+ DJ, 290 pgs. Michele Sindona, Vatican Bank, and P2. ... $11.00

    (5374) Rusher, William A.: THE RISE OF THE RIGHT. Morrow, NY, 1984, VG in VG+ DJ, 1st ed., 336 pgs. ... $10.00

    (5373) Whitaker, Robert W., ed.: THE NEW RIGHT PAPERS. St. Martin's, NY, 1982. VG+/VG+. 236 pgs. Nature and goals of movement explained by its most prominent voices. ... $9.00

    (5372) Bell, Daniel, ed.: THE RADICAL RIGHT. Anchor, 1963, PB, 468 pgs. The New American Right expanded and updated. ... $10.00

    (4228) Ronblom, H.K.: THE SPY WITHOUT A COUNTRY. Coward-McCann, NY 1965, 1st ed. US ed. VG+/VG+., 222 pgs, Swedish Soviet mole stationed in US ... $10.00

    (3188) Mitgang, Herbert: DANGEROUS DOSSIERS. Donald Fine publishers, NY, 1988, 331 pgs., NF/NF, former owner's name. Exposing the secret war against America's greatest authors. ... $9.00

    (854) Wise, David: THE SPY WHO GOT AWAY. Random House, NY 1988, 1st ed. US ed. NF/NF., 288 pgs., Edward Lee Howard, CIA defector ... $10.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (4237) Whitney, Craig, R.: SPY TRADER. Times Books, NY 1993, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 375 pgs, Negotiations between East & West, including Col. Abel & Francis Gary Powers ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (5001) Cook, Fred J.: THE FBI NOBODY KNOWS. Macmillan, NY 1964, VG+/VG., 436 pgs., Early critical work, much on extralegal activities ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (4818) McGehee, Ralph W.: DEADLY DECEITS. Ocean Press, Melbourne, 1999, LSC reprint, 231 pgs., Memoir of 25 yrs in CIA ... $18.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $12.00

    (2172) Caldwell, Oliver J.: A SECRET WAR: AMERICANS IN CHINA 1944-45. LSC ed., Southern Ill. U. Press, Carbondale, IL. 218 pgs. 1972. VG+. The OSS in China. ... $6.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $4.50

    (4220) Rubenstein, Richard: COMRADE VALENTINE: THE TRUE STORY OF AZEF THE SPY. Harcourt Brace, NY 1994, F/F., 316 pgs., Double agent for Czarist Russia & Russian Revolutionaries ... $10.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (5166) Murphy, David, Sergei Kondrashev, & George Bailey: BATTLEGROUND BERLIN: CIA VS. KGB IN THE COLD WAR. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven 1997, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 530 pgs., Murphy was Chief of CIA's Berlin base, Kondrashev was head of KGB's German department ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $11.00

    (4972) Thomas, Kenn: MAURY ISLAND UFO: THE CRISMAN CONSPIRACY. Illuminet Press, Lilburn, GA 1999, 1st ed. LSC, Fine cond.., 287 pgs., Story of the first UFO event of the modern era. It was first witnessed by Fred Crisman, identified later as possible assassin of JFK, during the Garrison investigation. ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $11.00

    (4984) Tannenhaus, Sam: WHITTAKER CHAMBERS. Random House, NY 1997, Fine in Fine dj.., 638 pgs., Renegade Communist who accused Alger Hiss of spying. Set off trials and made a reputation for Richard Nixon ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $11.00

    (3862) Andrew, Christopher & Oleg Gordievsky: KGB: THE INSIDE STORY. Harper, NY 1990, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 776 pgs., Ex-Colonel of KGB and leading British intelligence writer with a complete history to Gorbachev ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (5165) Wasserstein, Bernard: SECRET WAR IN SHANGHAI. Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1999, 1st US ed. ed. F/F., 354 pgs. ... $11.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (5179) Shannan, J. Patrick: THE MONTANA FREEMEN: THE UNTOLD STORY OF GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSION AND THE NEWS MEDIA COVER-UP. Center for Historial Analysis, Jackson MS. 1996. 109 pgs. LSC/Fine. ... $12.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (5184) Shannan, J. Patrick, as told to William Bicket: I RODE WITH TUPPER. 1995, 2d ed., Founders Publishing, Eustis, FL. 217 pgs., LSC/Fine. Story of F. Tupper Saussy, IRS opponent and publisher of The Tennessee Waltz ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE $11.00

    b. VG cond. ... $10.00 ... SALE PRICE $8.00

    (5364) Tabor, James D. and Eugene V. Gallagher: WHY WACO? Univ. of California Press, 1995, LSC, 252 pgs., VG+. Cults and the battle for religious freedom in America. ... $10.00

    (5363) Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh: ENIGMA: THE BATTLE FOR THE CODE. John Wiley (publisher), NY, 2000, 1st ed., NF/VG+. 422 pgs. ... $17.50

    (926) Powers, Thomas: THE MAN WHO KEPT THE SECRETS: RICHARD HELMS & THE CIA. Knopf, NY 1979, NF/VG, Book club ed. ... $8.00 b. second copy, PB, NY, 1981, VG, 508 pgs. ... $5.00

    (1661) Moorehead, Alan: THE TRAITORS. Harper & Row, 1963. NY. 236 pgs. VG in chipped DJ. British atomic spies: Fuchs, Pontecurvo, and Nunn May. First US revised and updated edition. ... $14.00

    (1263) Elhanan, Paul: KEEP 'EM ALIVE. LSC, Fine, Paladin, Boulder, CO, 1985, 121 pgs. Advanced executive/celebrity protection course. ... $7.50

    (5346) Beckman, M. J. "Red": BORN AGAIN REPUBLIC. 1981. Freedom Church, Billings MT. PB original. 1st ed., 180 pgs. Right-wing view of IRS. ... $5.00

    (821) Van Der Rhoer, Edward: THE SHADOW NETWORK: ESPIONAGE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SOVIET POLICY. Fine/Fine. Scribners, NY. 1983. 1st ed. 359 pgs. ... $15.00

    (5345) Mosley, Leonard: THE DRUID: THE NAZI SPY WHO DOUBLE-CROSSED THE DOUBLE-CROSS SYSTEM. Atheneum, York, 1981, 1st ed., 240 pgs., NF/VG+ DJ. ... $12.50

    (5344) Icardi, Aldo: AMERICAN MASTER SPY. Stalwart, Pittsburgh, PA. 1954. 1st ed. 275 pgs. NF/VG+ DJ. OSS agent in Italy. ... $17.50

    (5342) Brottman, Mikita (ed.): CAR CRASH CULTURE. Palgrave, NY. 2001. 356 pgs. Fine. 28-page essay by Pamela McElwain-Brown, "SS-100-X," provides detailed analysis of the limo used in Dallas and what became of it. Also includes "Car Crash Cover-ups: The Deaths of Princess Diana and Mary Jo Kopechne," by Philip L. Simpson. Hardback/no DJ as issued. ... $50.00 b. softcover ... $20.00

    (5340) Kane, C.L.: THE TIGHTEST SHIP--UPS EXPOSE, self published, Cogan Station, PA 1995. 1st edition, softcover original. 248 pgs. Little known facts about Big Brown's "dark side". True stories by drivers, and stories of corporate mismanagement. Written by former employee, after 25 years with company. ... $10.00

    (5338) Pennington, Janice with Carlos De Abreu: HUSBAND, LOVER, SPY. Custos Morum, Los Angeles, CA. 1st edition. NF/NF. 1994, 271 pgs. Husband disappeared along the Russian/Afghanistan/Pakistan border in plane explosion in 1975. Story of her search to learn his fate. ... $10.00

    (5337) Dux, Frank: THE SECRET MAN. Regan/Harper Collins, NY. 1996. 1st edition. 316 pgs. NF/NF DJ. CIA covert operative, martial arts expert. ... $11.00

    (4305) Moyers, Bill: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT. Seven Locks Press, Cabin John, MD 1998. LSC, VG+. 131 pgs. updated edition. The secret war against the Constitution, based on 1987 PBS show. ... $9.00

    (5333) Philbrick, Herbert A.: I LED THREE LIVES: CITIZEN, "COMMUNIST," COUNTERSPY. McGraw Hill 1952. 323 pgs. Signed by Philbrick. Entered Communist Party on behalf of FBI.. TV series based on this book was purportedly a favorite of the young Lee Harvey Oswald. ... $30.00 b. Second copy: Grosset & Dunlap, VG+. No DJ. ... $11.00

    (5332) Walsh, Lawrence T.: FINAL REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL FOR IRAN/CONTRA MATTERS. 1993. LSC. VG+. 3 volumes. Volume 1=572 pages. Volume 2=785 pages. Volume 3=1150 pages. ... $80.00

    (4425) Hayes, John: LONELY FIGHTER. Lyle Stuart, NY 1979, 1st ed. ed. VG+/chipped dj.., 208 pgs., Andrew J. Susce, IRS Agent, investigates John Sebastian LaRocca Mafia Boss of SW PA ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.00

    (2245) Hall, Sam: COUNTERTERRORIST. Fine, NY 1987, 1st ed. ed. F/VG., 336 pgs., Memoir includes action with the Contras ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.00

    (1260) VanDewerker, John S.: THE ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE & COUNTERMEASURES HANDBOOK. Thomas, TX LSC original, VF., 73 pgs., Manual covers entire area, with complete instruction & certificate of completeion of course ... $30.00 ... SALE PRICE $10.00

    (2243) Costello, John: MASK OF TREACHERY. Collins, 1988, F/F., 761 pgs., First documented dossier on Blunt, MI5, & Soviet subversion ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (1262) Thompson, Leroy: DEAD CLIENTS DON'T PAY. Thomas, TX LSC original, Oversize, VF., 112 pgs., Bodyguard manual w/ cert. of completion in Executive/Celebrity protection ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE $8.00

    (808) Kaufman, Louis, Barbara Fitzgerald and Tom Sewell. MOE BERG: ATHLETE, SCHOLAR, SPY. 274 pgs. Little Brown, NY, 1974, NF/worn DJ. OSS atomic spy. ... $11.00

    (3585) Matthews, Tony: SHADOWS DANCING. St. Martins, NY, 1993, NF/NF. 1st ed., 240 pgs. Japanese espionage against the west, 1939-1945. ... $11.00

    (5213) Gup, Ted: THE BOOK OF HONOR. 2000, 1st ed., Doubleday, NY, 390 pgs. NF/NF. Covert lives and classified deaths at the CIA. ... $12.50

    (____) Philby, Eleanor: KIM PHILBY, THE SPY I MARRIED. American woman discovered after 4 years of marriage that her husband was a Russian spy. Ballantine, 1968. New York. PB VG+, 174 pages ... $7.00

    (5210) Phelan, James: HOWARD HUGHES: THE HIDDEN YEARS. 1976, Random House, NY, 201 pgs. NF/NF. 1st edition. The last years of the reclusive billionaire. ... $11.00

    b. later printing ... $9.00

    (5208) Bonavolonta, Jules and Brian Duffy: THE GOOD GUYS. Simon & Schuster, 1st edition, 1996. 383 pgs. NF/NF. FBI agent and his team (includes Jim Kallstrom, Louis Freeh, Joe Pistone) pursue the Mafia families of New York. ... $10.00

    (5207) Iannuzzi, Joseph "Joe Dogs": JOE DOGS. Simon & Schuster, 1993, 1st edition, 364 pgs., NF/NF. Member of Gambino crime family turned FBI informant, references to John Gotti. ... $9.00

    (5206) Andrew, Christopher and Vasili Mitrokhin: THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD. Basic, NY. 1999. 1st edition. 700 pgs. Fine/Fine. The Mitrokhin archive and the secret history of the KGB.... $15.00

    (5204) Veith, George J.: CODE NAME BRIGHT LIGHT. Free Press, NY. 1st edition. 1998. 408 pgs. NF/NF. U.S. POW rescue efforts during the Vietnam War. ... $12.50

    (2727) Edmondson, Madeline & Alden Duer Cohen: THE WOMEN OF WATERGATE. 1975. 1st edition. Stein & Day. 228 pgs. VG+/VG+. Material on wives and secretaries; includes info on Dorothy Hunt. ... $17.50

    (894) Golitsyn, Anatoliy: NEW LIES FOR OLD. NF/VG DJ. 1st edition. Dodd Mead, NY, 1984. 412 pgs. KGB defector warns West about disinformation. ... $16.00

    (5203) [Newsletter] STEAMSHOVEL PRESS Issue #19. 2002. St. Louis, Mo. 46 pgs. Articles on September 11, UFOs, Bush, and a short story on the Kennedy assassination. ... $7.00

    (4459) Tuck, Jay: HIGH TECH ESPIONAGE. Sidgwick & Jackson, London 1986, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 211 pgs., How the KGB smuggles NATO's strategic secrets to Moscow ... $9.00 ... SALE PRICE $6.50

    (4825) Toscano, Louis: TRIPLE CROSS. Birch Lane Press, NY 1990, NF/NF., 321 pgs., Israel, the Atomic bomb, and the man who spilled the secrets ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE $5.50

    (5105) Judge, John. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Articles on JFK assassination, Bush crime family, Jonestown, Nazi-CIA-NSC connection, by noted researcher and activist. Prevailing Winds, Santa Barbara California. 1990. LSC. 138 pages. Fine. ... $16.00

    (5117) Summers, Anthony, with Robbyn Swan: THE ARROGANCE OF POWER: THE SECRET WORLD OF RICHARD NIXON. 1st ed., Fine/Fine in fine DJ. 640 pages. 640 pages. Documents Nixon's role in plot to topple Castro and attempted sabotage of attempted Vietnam peace process. ... $30.00 ... SALE PRICE $15.00

    (4822) Strong, Arturo Carrillo: CORRIDO DE COCAINE. Harbinger House, Tucson, AZ 1990, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG., 210 pgs., Photos by David Burckhalter, foreword by Charles Bowden ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE $5.50

    (2703) Roemer, William F. Jr.: MOB POWER PLAYS. Shapolsky, NY 1994, 1st ed. ed. VF/VF., 278 pgs., novel of mob attempts to control Congress, casinos, & baseball by author of several factual works on mob ... $19.00 ... SALE PRICE $6.50

    (4408) Levchenko, Stanislav: ON THE WRONG SIDE. Pergamon-Brassey, NY 1988, NF/VG+., 244 pgs., KGB agent defects and is on the run ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE $5.50

    (3823) Lacey, Robert: LITTLE MAN: MEYER LANSKY AND THE GANGSTER LIFE. Little, Brown, MA 1991, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 547 pgs., Organized crime, Cuba, Vegas ... $10.00 ... SALE PRICE $6.50

    (4955) Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose: THE SECRET LIFE OF BILL CLINTON. Regnery, 1997, 1st ed. NF/NF dj, remainder mark., 460 pgs., Oklahoma City was a sting gone bad, the Foster investigation was poor, Mena was a drug conduit ... $12.50 ... SALE PRICE $6.50

    (3614) Dawidoff, Nicholas: THE CATCHER WAS A SPY: MYSTERIOUS LIFE OF MOE BERG, BASEBALL PLAYER WHO BECAME OSS OPERATIVE. Pantheon, NY 1994, NF/NF, remainder mark on page edges., 453 pgs. ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE $8.00

    (806) Bamford, James: THE PUZZLE PALACE. Houghton Mifflin, NY 1982, 1st ed. NF/VG+., 465 pgs., Report on NSA ... $20.00 ... SALE PRICE $10.00

    b. second copy, VG+/VG+ ... $16.00 ... SALE PRICE $10.00

    c. third copy, LSC ed, VG ... $4.50

    (4303) Hamberg, Rivele, Wilkinson & Stone: NIXON - AN OLIVER STONE FILM. Hyperion, NY 1995, 1st ed. ed. VF LSC original., 563 pgs., Annotated Screenplay, Documents, Transcripts, & Essays ... $15.00 ... SALE PRICE $10.00

    (4428) Sutton, Anthony C.: AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ORDER OF SKULL AND BONES. Published by Liberty House Press, Billings, Montana, 1986, LSC. 1st edition. 295 pgs. Rear cover is waterstained; interior is unaffected. Yale Secret Society that includes both George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. ... $16.00

    (5069) Read, Anthony & David Fisher: OPERATION LUCY. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, NY 1981, 1st ed. NF in NF dj.., 258 pgs, Soviet spy ring in wartime Geneva - penetrated by the British $12.50

    (5199) Farago, Ladislas: AFTERMATH. Simon & Schuster, NY, 1974. 479 pages. 1st edition. VG+/VG+. ... Martin Bormann and the 4th Reich -- story of how important Nazis escaped to South America. ... $12.50

    (5198) Epstein, Benjamin R. and Forster, Arnold: "SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS". 1962, Farrar, Straus & Company, NY. VG+, VG+. Anti-Semitism in the U.S. ... $8.00

    (5197) Ross, Robert Gaylon, Sr.: WHO'S WHO OF THE ELITE: MEMBERS OF THE: BILDERBERGS, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, AND TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Published by RIE, Spicewood, Texas. 2nd revised edition. 2000. LSC, Fine. 271 pages. Lists of members of these 3 groups and their full-time occupations. ... $30.000

    (867) Garlinski, Josef: HITLER'S LAST WEAPONS. 1978, Times Books. 244 pages. 1st ed. NF/NF. The underground war against the V1 and V2. ... $12.50

    b. Later printing VG/VG ... $8.00

    (3601) Bazna, Elyesa: I WAS CICERO. Published in 1962, 1st ed., Harper & Row, 212 pages. NF/NF. WWII espionage in Turkey. ... $11.00

    (4227) Hyde, H. Montgomery: ROOM 3603, with foreward by Ian Fleming. 1962, later printing. 257 pgs. VG/VG DJ. Story of British intelligence center in NY during WW2. ... $12.50

    (2691) McGovern, James: CROSSBOW AND OVERCAST. NF/VG+. Morrow 1965, 2d ed., 279 pgs. V-2 rockets and the struggle to capture the scientists who built it. ... $15.00

    (2196) Dulles, Allen: THE SECRET SURRENDER. Harper & Row, NY, 1966. 1st ed., VG+/VG+. 268 pgs. Inside account of Operation Sunrise (the surrender of German troops in Italy in WW2). ... $15.00

    (2266) Bodansky, Yossef: TARGET AMERICA: TERRORISM IN THE US TODAY. Shapolsky, NY 1993, 1st ed. ed. SC original, VF., 352 pgs., traces history of Islamic terrorism & growth in US. Much info on the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. ... $6.00

    (888) Ravenscroft, Trevor: THE SPEAR OF DESTINY. Putnam, NY 1973, 1st US ed. VG in VG dj, some marginal notes., 362 pgs., Spear of Longinus, its Occult Powers, and Hitler's use of this spear ... $17.50

    (5013) Schomp, Gerald: THE POLITICAL ASSASSINATION OF ROBERT A. TAFT. Allegiance Books, Plantation, FL 1967, 1st ed. LSC Fine cond.., 244 pgs., Republican candidate for Presidency in 1940's and 1950's -- darling of the Right ... $17.50

    (4923) Morris, Roger: PARTNERS IN POWER: THE CLINTONS AND THEIR AMERICA. Henry Holt, NY 1996, 526 pgs., Deals with all the compromises on the road to the White House. Long chapter on Mena ... $8.00 ... SALE PRICE $3.50

    (484) Vankin, Jonathan: CONSPIRACIES, COVER-UPS AND CRIMES. Paragon House, NY 1991, 319 pgs., Political manipulation and mind control in America. ... $25.00 ... SALE PRICE $7.50

    (1796) Kross, Peter: THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD WAR II SPIES. Barricade, NJ. 2001. Fine/Fine DJ. 381 pgs. 1st edition. ... $25.00 ... SALE PRICE $17.50

    (5182) Rohmer, Maj. Genl. Richard: MASSACRE 747. Paper Jacks, Markham, Canada. PB Original, 1st edition, 1984, VG+, 213 pgs. The downing of Korean Airlines Flight 007. ... $9.00

    (5180) Sandford, Robinson Rojas: THE MURDER OF ALLENDE AND THE END OF THE CHILEAN WAY TO SOCIALISM. Harper & Row, 1976, VG+/VG+ DJ. 274 pgs. Long chapters on the death of Allende and General Rene Schneider. ... $15.00

    (5174) Kiel, R. Andrew: J. EDGAR HOOVER: THE FATHER OF THE COLD WAR. Univ. Press of America, 2000, Hardcover in fine cond, no dj, as issued., 581 pgs., How his obsession w/Communism led to the Warren Commission cover-up and escalation of Vietnam. 9 chapters on JFK assassination. ... $69.00 ... SALE PRICE $50.00

    (4993) Keith, Jim: MASS CONTROL: ENGINEERING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Illuminet Press, Lilburn GA 1999, 1st ed. LSC original, Fine cond.., 251 pgs., CIA mind control experiments, Dr, Delgado, Dr. Cameron ... $17.00 ... SALE PRICE $12.00

    (5034) Cahn, Anne Hessing: KILLING DETENTE: THE RIGHT ATTACKS THE CIA. PSU Press, Univ. Park, PA 1988, Lg softbound, NF cond.., 232 pgs., ... $15.00

    (5035) Montague, Ludwell Lee: GENERAL WALTER BEDELL SMITH AS DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE, OCTOBER 1950-FEBRUARY 1953. PSU Press, Univ. Park, PA 1992, Lg softbound, NF cond.., 308 pgs., ... $20.00

    (4992) Ratcliffe, David T.: UNDERSTANDING SPECIAL OPERATIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE VIETNAM WAR ERA. Rat Haus Reality Press, Santa Cruz, CA 1999, 1st ed. LSC original Fine cond.., 382 pgs., 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty. Much on Secret Team, Cuba, chapter on the Kennedy Assassination ... $23.00

    (5038) Casey, William J., compiled by Herbert E. Meyer: SCOUTING THE FUTURE: PUBLIC SPEECHES OF DCI. Regnery-Gateway, Washington, DC 1989, 1st ed. Fine in NF dj.., 299 pgs., ... $10.00

    (5040) Claridge, Duane: A SPY FOR ALL SEASONS: MY LIFE IN THE CIA. Scribner, NY 1997, 1st ed. NF in NF dj.., 430 pgs., Former chief, Latin American division, tells of 33 years including Iran-Contra ... $14.00

    (5041) Hargis, Billy James: COMMUNIST AMERICA....MUST IT BE? (MID EIGHTIES UPDATE). Green Forest, AR 1986, Lg. softbound, NF cond.., 192 pgs., Major Christian Right- minister examines Communist threat $10.00

    (4983) Thomas, Hugh: THE MURDER OF ADOLF HITLER. St Martin's Press, NY 1995, 1st ed. Fine in Fine dj.., 305 pgs., The truth about the bodies in the Berlin bunker ... $12.50

    (4986) Tower, John G.: CONSEQUENCES. Little, Brown, Boston 1991, 1st ed. VG+ in VG+ dj.., 388 pgs., Iran-contra, his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense ... $10.00

    (4987) [Pamphlet] Review of the News, September 14, 1983: REMEMBER LARRY MCDONALD. American Opinion, Belmont, WA 1983, pamphlet, VG cond.., 60 pgs., Head of the John Birch Society, Georgia Congressman, lost on KAL 007 $8.00 b. 2nd copy, sl watermarked, but perfect for research ... $6.50

    (4988) [Recording - LP] by Robert Welch: MEDICINE LEADS THE WAY: THE POISON AND THE ANTIDOTE. Key Recors, Los Angeles As new, factory sealed.., Recorded in the early 1960's by head of John Birch Society. SCARCE! ... $35.00

    (4989) Katcher, Leo: EARL WARREN: A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY. McGraw-Hill, NY 1967, 1st ed. NF in VG+ dj.., 502 pgs. ... $15.00

    (5170) Pineiro, Manuel: CHE GURVARA AND THE LATIN AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS. Ocean Press, Melbourne 2001, 1st ed. ed. LSC, Fine cond.., 203 pgs., ... $17.00

    (5164) Raviv, Dan and Yossi Melman: FRIENDS IN DEED: INSIDE THE US - ISRAEL ALLIANCE. Hyperion, NY 1994, 1st ed. F/F., 537 pgs. ... $10.00

    (5167) Jensen-Stevenson, Monika: SPITE HOUSE. Norton, NY 1997, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF., 371 pgs., US Military organized teams to eliminate traitors in its ranks in Vietnam ... $11.00

    (5168) Mackay, James: ALLAN PINKERTON: THE FIRST PRIVATE EYE. Wiley, NY 1996, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 256 pgs., Lincoln's spymaster and founder of detective agency ... $12.50

    (4300) Kessler, Ronald: ESCAPE FROM THE CIA. Pocket, NY 1991, 1st ed. HB ed. NF/NF., 210 pgs., The story of Col. Vitaly Yurchenko ... $11.00 ... SALE PRICE $7.50

    (829) Truby, J. David: WOMEN AT WAR: A DEADLY SPECIES. Paladin, CO 1977, 1st ed. ed. LSC original, F., 106 pgs. ... $7.50 ... SALE PRICE $4.50

    (1707) Barron, John: BREAKING THE RING. Houghton Mifflin, MA 1987, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 244 pgs., Walker spy case ... $7.50 ... SALE PRICE ... $5.00

    (940) Hoar, William P. ARCHITECTS OF CONSPIRACY. Bircher view of American history. Western Islands, Boston. 1984. NF/VG. 361 pages. ... $12.50

    (945) Fineberg, S. Andhil. THE ROSENBERG CASE. How the Rosenbergs became left-wing martyrs. Oceana. 1953. 1st edition. 159 pages. NF/VG+. ... $25.00

    (2708) Singlaub, General John K. HAZARDOUS DUTY. Provides insight on 40 years of overt and covert operations, OSS, CIA Iran-Contra. Summit Books, NY. 1991. 574 pages. ... $16.00

    (5113) Holmes, W.J. DOUBLE-EDGED SECRETS: U.S. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS IN THE PACIFIC DURING WWII. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD. 1979. 231 pages. VG+/VG+. ... $15.00

    (5112) Hyde, H. Montgomery. THE ATOM BOMB SPIES. Chatpers on Gouzenko, Fuchs, Pontechorvo, the Rosenbergs. Atheneum, NY. 1980. 1st US edition. 339 pages. NF/NF. ... $17.50

    (5111) Infield, Glenn B. UNARMED AND UNAFRAID: COMPLETE HISTORY OF AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE. Material on Cuba overflights and the U2. MacMillan. 1970. 1st edition. NF/NF. ... $20.00

    (5109) Prados, John. KEEPERS OF THE KEYS: A HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL FROM TRUMAN TO BUSH. 1991. Morrow Publisher. 632 pages. 1st edition. VG+/VG+... $12.50

    (5108) Gates, Robert M. FROM THE SHADOWS. Former director of Central Intelligence writes about how Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush won the cold war. Simon & Schuster. 1996. VG+/VG+. 604 pages ... $14.00

    (5099) Whiting, Charles: THE HUNT FOR MARTIN BORMANN. Ballantine, NY 1973, 1st ed. PB original, VG cond.., 240 pgs., The search for Hitler's designated successor ... $9.00

    (5100) Terrell, Jack with Ron Martz: DISPOSABLE PATRIOT. National Press Books, Washington 1992, NF in NF dj., 480 pgs., Author goes to Central America to fight Communists, becomes disillusioned, and determined to expose Oliver North & the CIA ... $9.00

    (5101) Storey, Robert G.: THE FINAL JUDGMENT: PEARL HARBOR TO NUREMBERG. Naylor Co., San Antonio 1968, 1st ed. NF in VG+ dj. INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR.., 208 pgs., Executive Trial Counsel at War Crimes Trials- he also participated in Texas Investigation of JFK assassination ... $35.00 b. second copy, x-lib, o/w VG in VG dj ... $9.00

    (5096) Knott, Stephen F.: SECRET AND SANCTIONED: COVERT OPERATIONS AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY. Oxford U. Press, 1996, 1st ed. NF in NF dj.., 238 pgs., Clandestine operations undertaken by Presidents from Washington to the Present ... $10.00

    (1395) Asinof, Eliot, Warren Hinkle, & William Turner: THE 10-SECOND JAILBREAK: THE HELICOPTER ESCAPE OF JOEL DAVID KAPLAN. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, NY 1973, 1st ed. NF in VG+ dj.., True story of escape from Mexican prison by Kaplan - Businessman, gunrunner, convicted murderer, possible spy ... $14.00

    (5098) MI6: BRITISH SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE OPERATIONS, 1909-1945. Random House, NY 1983, NF in NF dj.., 266 pgs., ... $12.50

    (20) Gould, Leslie: THE MANIPULATORS. David McKay, NY 1966, 1st ed. NF/VG., 276 pgs., Includes the "salad oil swindle" among other financial swindles ... $14.00

    (3757) Simpson, Christopher: BLOWBACK. Weidenfeld & Nicholson, NY 1988, 398 pgs., US recruitment of Nazis and effect on the Cold War ... SALE PRICE ... $9.00

    (___) Leary, William, editor: THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: HISTORY AND DOCUMENTS. U of Alabama Press: 1984. 190 pgs. NF no DJ as issued. ... $18.00

    (___) Stutman, Robert: DEAD ON DELIVERY: INSIDE THE DRUG WARS, STRAIGHT FROM THE STREET. Warner Books: 1992. 274 pgs., VG+/NF DJ. Former chief of the NY DEA office. ... $8.00

    (___) Adams, Sam: WAR OF NUMBERS AND INTELLIGENCE MEMOIR. Intro by David Hackworth. Steerforth Press, South Royalton VT: 1994. 1st ed., 251 pgs., NF/NF. CIA analyst points out how we underestimated North Vietnamese strength. ... $18.00

    (___) THE BLUE BOOK OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. Belmont: 1961. 184 pgs. LSC, VG. The world according to this far right organization. ... $15.00

    (850) Turner, Stansfield: SECRECY AND DEMOCRACY. Houghton Mifflin, MA 1985, 304 pgs., CIA in transition, post Church committee ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (____) Copland, Miles: THE GAME OF NATIONS. Simon and Schuster, 1969. 318 pages, VG+, VG DJ. Former CIA agent exposes underside of international diplomacy. ... $9.00

    (2261) Stevenson, William: THE BORMANN BROTHERHOOD. HBJ, NY 1973, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 334 pgs., Organization to aid escape & survival of Nazis ... $15.00

    (2254) Lane, Mark: THE STRONGEST POISON. Hawthorn, NY 1980, VG in VG dj.., 494 pgs., Jonestown ... $17.50

    (3609) Moss, Norman: KLAUS FUCHS: THE MAN WHO STOLE THE ATOM BOMB. St. Martin's, NY 1987, 1st ed. NF/NF., 216 pgs., Soviet spy ... $9.00

    (905) Anderson, Scott & Jon Lee: INSIDE THE LEAGUE. Dodd, Mead, NY 1986, 1st ed. NF/VG+., 322 pgs., How terrorists, Nazis & death squads have infiltrated world anti-Communist league ... $20.00

    (4942) Barron, John: OPERATION SOLO: FBI'S MAN IN THE KREMLIN. Regnery, 1996, LSC, NF cond, remainder dot.., 368 pgs., Morris Childs in Moscow at time of JFK assassination ... $9.00

    (4953) Bower, Tom: THE PERFECT ENGLISH SPY. St. Martin's, NY 1995, 1st US ed. NF/VG+ dj., 426 pgs., Dick White, chief of MI5, operative from 1936-1972 ... $14.00 ... REDUCED PRICE $8.00

    (1702) Brewton, Pete: THE MAFIA, CIA, & GEORGE BUSH. Shapolsky, NY 1992, VF/VF., 418 pgs., Ties between Bush & other Texas businessmen with Mafia & covert CIA assistance ... $23.00

    (2521) Bower, Tom: THE PLEDGE BETRAYED. Doubleday, NY 1982, VG cond., no dj.., 462 pgs., America & Britain & the Denazification of Germany by author of Project Paperclip ... $10.00

    (4310) Colodny, Len & Robert Griffin: SILENT COUP. St. Martin's, NY 1992, SC ed, VG., 580 pgs., Includes extra material on the Media War re: this book ... $6.00

    b. second copy, NF/NF. Controversal book on removal of Nixon. 1991, 580 pgs ... $5.50

    (4954) Flowers, Gennifer: PASSION AND BETRAYAL. Emory Dalton, CA 1995, 1st ed. NF/VG+ dj, remainder mark., 166 pgs., ... $9.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $6.50

    (1225) Gehlen, Gen. Reinhard: THE SERVICE. World, NY 1972, 1st ed. NF/VG+., 386 pgs., Memoirs of German spymaster ... $15.00

    b. second copy, PB ed. Popular Library, 1972, VG+ cond., 386 pgs ... $5.00

    (1721) Hersh, Burton: THE OLD BOYS: THE AMERICAN ELITE AND THE ORIGINS OF THE CIA. Scribners, NY 1992, 1st ed. VF/VF., 536 pgs., History of CIA, beginning with roots in WWI ... $30.00

    (4951) Keith, Jim: SAUCERS OF THE ILLUMINATI. Illuminet Press, GA 1999, LSC original, Fine cond.., 128 pgs., Material on Mind Control, MJ-12, Illuminati, UFO's ... $13.00 ... SALE PRICE ... $8.00

    (4952) Kross, Peter: SPIES, TRAITORS, AND MOLES. privately printed, LSC original, Fine cond.., 248 pgs., An espionage and intelligence quiz book ... $15.00 ... REDUCED PRICE $7.50

    (3590) Kwitny, Jonathan: THE CRIMES OF PATRIOTS. Norton, NY 1987, 1st ed. NF/NF., 424 pgs., Nugan Hand Bank, CIA, Drugs, Money Laundering ... $17.50

    b. second copy, VG+/VG dj., later ed ... $16.00

    (4950) Persico, Joseph E.: CASEY: THE LIVES & SECRETS OF WILLIAM J. CASEY FROM THE OSS TO THE CIA. Viking, NY 1990, 1st ed. NF/NF., 601 pgs., ... $15.00

    (2190) Smith, Bradley F.: THE SHADOW WARRIORS. Basic Books, NY 1983, 1st ed. NF/NF., 507 pgs., The OSS and the origins of the CIA ... $15.00

    (3854) Stafford, David: CAMP X. Dodd, Mead, NY 1986, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 327 pgs., OSS, Intrepid, and the Allies' North American Training Camp for Secret Agents, 1941-45 ... $15.00

    (2733) Sutton, Anthony C.: WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER. 76 Press, CA 1976, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 220 pgs., American financiers who provided money & material ... $25.00

    (4956) Welch, Robert: THE BLUE BOOK OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. Western Islands, Belmont, MA LSC ed, VG+ cond.., 178 pgs., How the Birch Society was set up ... $7.50

    (828) Wise, David: THE AMERICAN POLICE STATE. Random House, NY 1976, 1st ed. VG+/VG., 437 pgs., How CIA, FBI, IRS, NSA spy on Americans ... $17.50

    (2649) Hammer, Ellen J.: A DEATH IN NOVEMBER - AMERICA IN VIETNAM, 1963. Dutton, NY 1987, NF in NF dj., 373 pgs., US policy in Vietnam 1963, resulting in assassination of Diem and coup in S. Vietnam ... $22.50

    (1255) Wise, David & Thomas Ross: THE ESPIONAGE ESTABLISHMENT. Random House, NY 1967, 1st ed. VG/VG, FON., 308 pgs., International espionage ... $12.50

    b. second copy, book club ed, VG/torn dj., 1967, 308 pgs ... $6.50

    c. third copy, PB ed, Bantam VGm 1967, 277 pgs ... $5.00

    (948) Wise, David: THE POLITICS OF LYING. Random House, NY 1973, 1st ed. VG+/VG+, FON., 415 pgs., Government deception, Secrecy & Power ... $14.00

    (3870) Adams, James: SELL OUT: ALDRICH AMES AND THE CORRUPTION OF THE CIA. Viking, NY 1995, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF., 322 pgs. ... $11.00

    (1690) Agee, Philip & Louis Wolf: DIRTY WORK: THE CIA IN WESTERN EUROPE. Dorset, NY 1978, NF/NF., 318 pgs., Names CIA agents in Western Europe ... $15.00

    (4409) Agee, Philip: ON THE RUN. Lyle Stuart, NY 1987, NF in sl torn dj.., 400 pgs., Former CIA Operative ... $16.00

    (4460) Agee, Philip: WHITE PAPER WHITEWASH. Deep Cover Publishers, 1981, LSC ed. VG cond.., 101 pgs, plus 103 pgs. of appendices. Interviews on CIA and El Salvador, edited by Warner Poelchau ... $10.00

    (4229) Alali, A. Odasuo & Gary Byrd: TERRORISM AND THE NEWS MEDIA. McFarland, NC 1994, LSC original, VF., 213 pgs, A Selected, Annotated Bibliography ... $6.50

    (5066) Wean, Gary: THERE'S A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE. Casitas Books, Cave Junction, OR 1996, 2nd ed. LSC, NF cond., 648 pgs, With prologue and synopsis. Tales of corruption in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, includes material about the murder of Marilyn Monroe, and the assassination of John Kennedy. The source for the JFK material was Sen. John Tower $29.50

    (3851) Albats, Yevgenia: THE STATE WITHIN A STATE: THE KGB AND ITS HOLD ON RUSSIA - PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, NY 1994, 1st ed. ed. VF/VF., 401 pgs. ... $12.50

    (815) Alcorn, Robert H.: NO BUGLES FOR SPIES. McKay, NY 1962, 1st ed. ed. NF/VG+., 209 pgs., Tales of the OSS ... $9.00

    (1265) Alexander, Shana: THE PIZZA CONNECTION. Weidenfeld & Nicholson, NY 1988, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF., 442 pgs., Lawyers, Money, Drugs, & Mafia ... $6.50

    (1774) Allen, G.: THE ROCKEFELLER FILE. '76 Press, Seal Beach,CA 1976, SC original, VG+ cond.., 195 pgs., Family and it's struggle to dominate U.S. Intro by Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald ... $6.00

    (3131) Allen, Gary: RICHARD NIXON: THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK. Western Islands, NY 1971, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG., 433 pgs., Nixon & the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).$14.00 b. second copy, LSC ed., VG+ ... $6.50

    (4536) Allen, Gary: TAX TARGET: WASHINGTON. '76 Press, Seal Beach, CA 1979, 1st HB ed. ed. F/VG+., 174 pgs. ... $7.00

    (4637) Allen, Gary: TED KENNEDY: IN OVER HIS HEAD. '76 Press, Seal Beach, CA 1980, LSC original, NF cond.., 137 pgs. ... $7.00

    (936) Alsop, Stewart & Thomas Braden: SUB ROSA. Reynal & Hitchcock, NY 1949, VG+/no dj.., 237 pgs, Early work on OSS ... $12.50

    (4845) Americanist Library: ONE DOZEN CANDLES. Western Islands, Boston 1965, 12 SC books, VG in VG box., 12 titles that represent John Birch Society view of the world. Flynn, Toledano, McCarthy, Lane, Garrett, Petro, Smoot, Gordon ... $30.00

    (3592) Anders, Karl: MURDER TO ORDER. Devin-Adair, NY 1967, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG., 127 pgs., Russian assassin used cyanide pistol ... $16.00 b. second copy, VG/no dj ... $10.00

    (4529) Andreas, Joel: THE INCREDIVLE ROCKY VS. THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE. NACLA, 1975, revised ed. ed. LSC ed. NF., 49 pgs. ... $5.00

    (4814) Arlacchi, Pino: MEN OF DISHONOR. Morrow, NY 1993, 1st US ed. ed. VG/VG+., 285 pgs., Sicilian Mafia ... $8.00

    (4487) Ayer, Frederick: YANKEE G-MAN. Regnery, Chicago 1957, VG+/VG+., 312 pgs., FBI Man in WWII and Postwar Greece ... $9.00

    (817) Bain, Donald: THE CONTROL OF CANDY JONES. Playboy Press, IL 1976, 1st ed. ed. VG/VG., 267 pgs., CIA mind control ... $20.00 b. second copy, VG/no dj ... $14.00 c. third copy, SC ed. 1977, 273 pgs ... $6.50

    (4178) Balsamo, William & George Carpozi, Jr.: UNDER THE CLOCK: THE INSIDE STORY OF THE MAFIA'S FIRST 100 YEARS. New Horizon Press, NJ 1988, VF/VF., 400 pgs. ... $12.50

    (2122) Barron, John: KGB TODAY: THE HIDDEN HAND. Reader's Digest Press, NY 1983, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG+., 489 pgs., Soviet Intelligence in 1970's & 1980's ... $9.00

    (4842) Barron, John: OPERATION SOLO. Regnery, Chicago 1996, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF., 368 pgs., The FBI's man in the Kremlin ... $9.00

    (4160) Bearse, Ray & Anthony Read: CONSPIRATOR: THE UNTOLD STORY OF TYLER KENT. Doubleday, NY 1991, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 332 pgs., US Embassy official who gathered secret documents for sale. Britain, 1940 ... $12.50

    (4486) Beaty, John: THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. Wilkinson, Dallas, TX 1951, VG+/VG+., 268 pgs., Khazars secret control U.S ... $12.50 b. second copy, VG+/no dj ... $10.00

    (1281) Becket, Henry: THE DICTONARY OF ESPIONAGE. Stein & Day, NY 1986, 1st ed. ed. NF/VG+., 202 pgs., Spookspeak into English ... $9.00

    (1649) Beckett, Ian, ed.: THE ROOTS OF COUNTER-INSURGENCY. Blanford, NY 1988, 1st ed. ed. F/F., 160 pgs., Armies & Guerilla Warfare 1900-1945 ... $11.00

    (4492) Beckwith, Col. Charlie and Donald Knox: DELTA FORCE. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, NY 1983, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG+., 310 pgs., U.S. Counterterrorist unit and the Iran hostage rescue mission ... $9.00

    (4824) Bergreen, Laurence: CAPONE - THE MAN AND THE ERA. Simon & Schuster, NY 1994, 1st ed. ed. NF/NF., 701 pgs. ... $11.00

    (4181) Bernikow, Louise: ABEL. Trident Press, NY 1970, 1st ed. ed. NF/VG., 347 pgs., KGB colonel caught in the US ... $8.00

    (1651) Beschloss, Michael R.: MAY-DAY: EISENHOWER, KHRUSHCHEV, & THE U-2 AFFAIR. Harpe

  12. I can vouch for the two major premises here.

    One, as Inter American Affairs honcho, Nelson Rockefeller was the leader of US efforts to establish political and economic hegemony in Central and South America.

    Two, Gerald Colby's DUPONT: BEYOND THE NYLON CURTAIN is a masterpiece of investigative journalism.

  13. James Noel aka Tim Noble, if he was Rolando Cubela's case officer, would have been a principle in the AM/LASH program........

    Fabian Escalante claims that James Noel was involved in the Operation 40. Does anyone know anything about him? What about Alan Robert Nye, the ex-marine recruited in Fort Lauderdale to kill Castro in 1958?



    James Noel aka Tim Noble was an Agency employee. He was Rolando Cubela's case officer.

    Harry Dean knows about Alan Robert Nye. Hopefully Harry will read this and comment.


  14. This is Mae Brussell's 1975 GEMSTONE file that presents the thesis that Aristotle Onassis was the figure behind the JFK assassination.

    After hearing bits and pieces for years I realized that this is the fully articulated version of the theory. Stephanie Caruana, an associate of Brussell's, is the author.


    The gemstone file was written in many segments over a period of years by an

    American man named Bruce Roberts. Parts of the file were released to

    certain Americans beginning in 1969. The number of handwritten pages is

    well over a thousand, of which I have read about four hundred. I do not

    have the time of the research facilities to verify the entire story.

    Perhaps others can help.

    Since the scope of the work is so large, and the events described so

    complex and interlocking, it may be more easily understood with this

    skeleton outline of the gemstone thesis. Individual papers can then be

    read with greater comprehension.

    1932: Onassis, a Greek drug pusher and ship owner who made his first

    million selling "Turkish tobacco" (Opium) in Argentina, worked out a

    profitable deal with Joseph Kennedy, Eugene Meyer, and Meyer Lansky.

    Onassis was to ship booze directly into Boston for Joseph Kennedy. Also

    involved was a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt.

    1934: Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies)

    signed an agreement, outlined an oil cartel memo: Beat the Arabs out of

    their oil, ship it on Onassis's ships; Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters to

    get rich. All this was done.

    Roberts, studying journalism and physics at the University of Wisconsin

    learned these things via personal contacts. His special interest was in

    crystallography -- and the creation of synthetic rubies, the original

    Gemstone experiment.

    1936-1940: Eugene Meyer buys the Washington Post, to get our news Media;

    other Mafia buy other papers, broadcasting, T.V., etc. News censorship of

    all major news goes into effect.

    1941-1945: World War II; very profitable for Onassis, Rockefeller,

    Kennedys, Roosevelts, I.G. Parben, etc. Onassis selling oil, arms and dope

    to both sides went through the war without losing a single ship or man.

    1949: Onassis buys U.S. surplus "Liberty Ships" in questionable (illegal)

    purchase. Lawyer Burke Marshall helps him.

    1956: Howard Hughes, Texas millionaire, is meanwhile buying his way toward

    his own personal gain. He buys senators, governors, etc. He finally buys

    his last politician: newly elected V.P. Nixon, via a quarter-million dollar

    non-repayable loan to Nixon's brother Donald.

    Early 1957: V.P. Nixon repays the favor by having IRS Treasury grants tax-

    free status (refused twice before) to "Hughes Medical Foundation", sole

    owner of Hughes Aircraft, creating a tax-free, non-accountable money funnel

    or laundry, for whatever Hughes wanted to do. U.S. Government also shelved

    anti-trust suits against Hughes' T.W.A., etc.

    March 1957: Onassis carried out a carefully planned event: He has Hughes

    kidnapped from his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, using Hughes' own

    men (Chester Davis, born Cesare in Sisily, et al). Hughes" men either

    quit, get fired, or stay on in the new Onassis organization. A few days

    later, Mayor Cannon of Nevada (now senator Cannon) arranges a fake

    "marriage" to Jean Peters, to explain Hughes' battered and brain damaged

    in the scuffle, is taken to the Emerald Isle Hotel in the Bahamas, where

    the entire top floor has been rented for thirty days and later dragged off

    to a cell on Onassis's island, Skorpios. Onassis now has a much larger

    power base in the U.S. (the Hughes empire), as well as control over V.P.

    Nixon and other Hughes purchased politicians. L. Wayne Rector "Hughes"

    double since 1955, becomes "Hughes".

    September, 1957: Onassis calls the Appalachian meeting to announce to U.S.

    Mafia head his grab of Hughes and his adoption of Hughes game plan for

    acquiring power: buying U.S. senators, congressmen, governors, judges to

    take control legally of the U.S. government. Onassis's radio message to

    Appalachia from a remote Pennsylvania farmhouse intercepted (reluctantly)

    by FBI's J. Edgar Hoover, on the basis of a tip-off from some Army

    Intelligence guys who wern't in on the plan.

    Also in 1957: Joseph Kennedy takes John F. and Jackie to see Onassis on his

    yacht, introduced John and reminds Onassis of an old Mafia promise: the

    presidency for a Kennedy. Onassis agrees.

    1958: Hordes of Mafia-selected, purchased and supported "grass roots"

    candidates sweep into office.

    1959: Castro takes over Cuba from dictator Battista, thereby destroying

    cozy and lucrative Mafia gambling empire run for Onassis by Meyer Lansky.

    Castro scoops up 6$ million in Mafia casino receipts. Onassis is furious,

    V.P. Nixon becomes operations chief for CIA-planned Bay of Pigs invasion,

    using CIA Hunt, McCord, etc., and Cuban ex-Battista strong-arm cops (Cuban

    freedom-fighters) Martinez, Consalez, etc., as well as winners like Frank

    Sturgis (Fiorini).

    1959: Stirring election battle between Kennedy and Nixon. Either way

    Onassis wins, since he has control over both candidates.

    1960: JFK elected. American people happy. Rose Kennedy happy. Onassis

    happy. Mafia estatic.

    Roberts brings his synthetic rubies--the original gemstones to Hughes

    Aircraft in Los Angeles. They steal his rubies -- the basis for Laser beam

    research, laser bombs, etc., because of the optical quality of the rubies.

    One of the eleven possible sources for one of the ingredients involved in

    the Gemstone experiment was the Golden Triangle area. Roberts was maried

    to the daughter of the former French consul in Indochina. In that area,

    Onassis's involvements in the Golden Triangle dope trade was no secret.

    Roberts investigation revealed the Onassis-Hughes connection, kidnap and

    switch. "Gemstones"--synthetic rubies and sapphires with accomplished

    "histories"--gemstone papers--were sold or given away to consulun offices--

    in return for information. A world-wide information network was gradually

    developed-a trade of the intelligence activities of many countries. This

    intelligence network is the source for much of the information in the

    Gemstone File.

    January 1961: Joseph Kennedy has a stroke, ending his control over John

    and Bobby. The boys decide to rebel against Onassis's control. Why?

    Inter-Mafia struggle? Perhaps a dim hope of restoring this country to it's

    mythical integrity?

    They began committing Mafia no-no's: Arrested Wally Bird owner or Air

    Thailand, who had been shipping Onassis's heroin out of the Golden Triangle

    (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam), under contract with the CIA (Air Opium):

    arrested teamster Mafia Jimmy Hoffa, and put him in jail. Declared the 73$

    million in forged "Hughes" land liens, deposited with San Francisco Bank of

    America, as "security" for the TWA judgement against Hughes, to be what

    they are: Forgeries.

    April 1961: CIA Bay of Pigs fiasco. Hunt, McCord, CIA Battista's Cubans

    and Mafia angry about JFK's lack of enthusiasm. Mafia Onassis has his

    right-hand man "Hughes'top aid" former FBI and CIA Robert Maheu (nicknamed

    "IBM" for Iron Bob Maheu), hire and train a Mafia assassination team to get

    Castro. The team of a dozen or so includes John Roselli and Jimmy (The

    Weasel) Prattiano, expert Mafia hitmen, assisted by CIA Hunt and McCord and

    others. This was reported recently by Jack Anderson, who gets a lot of his

    "tips" from his friend, Frank (Fiorini) Sturgis--also on the Castro

    assassination team. The team tries five times to kill Castro with

    everything from long-range rifles to apple pie with sodium morphate in it.

    Castro survives.

    1963: Members of the Castro assassination team arrested at Lake

    Pontechartrain, La. by Bobby Kennedy's justice boys. Angered, Onassis

    stops trying to kill Castro. He changes target and goes for the head:

    JFK, who, according to Onassis, "welched" on a Mafia deal. JFK sets up

    "Group of 40" to fight Onassis.

    August 1963: Two murders had to occur before the murder of JFK, or people

    who would understand the situation and might squawk:

    Senator Estes Kefauver; whose crimes commission investigations had

    uncovered the 1932 deal between Onassis, Kennedy, Eugene Meyer, Lansky,

    Roosevelt, et al. Kefauver planned a speech on the senate floor denouncing

    Mafia operations; instead, he ate a piece of apple pie laced with sodium

    morphate (used in rat poison), and had a sodium-morphate-induced "heart

    attack" on the Senate floor.

    Phillip Graham: Editor of the Washington Post. Phillip had married

    Katherine Meyer, Eugene Meyer's daughter, who had inherited the Washington

    Post and allied media empire. Graham put together the Kennedy-Johnson

    ticket and was Kennedy's friend in the struggle with Onassis. According to

    Gemstone, Katherine Meyer Graham bribed some psychiatrists to certify that

    Phil was insane. He was allowed out of the nuthouse for the weekend and

    died of a shotgun wound in the head in the Graham home in Washington; death

    ruled "suicide".

    November 1, 1963: The hit on JFK was supposed to take place in true Mafia

    style: a triple execution, together with Diem and Nhu in Vietnam. Diem and

    Nhu got theirs, as scheduled. Onassis had invited Jackie for a cruise on

    the Christina, where she was when JFK got tipped off that big "O" planned

    to wipe him out. JFK called Jackie on the yacht, from the White House,

    hysterical: "Get off that yacht if you have to swim"' and cancelled his

    appearance at a football stadium in Chicago, where this CIA-Mafia

    assassination team was poised for the kill. Jackie stayed on board,

    descended the gangplank a few days later on Onassis's arm, in Turkey, to

    impress the Bey, Mustapha. Madame Nhu, in the U.S. bitterly remarked

    whatever has happened in Vietnam.

    One of the assassination teams was picked up in Chicago with a rifle and

    quickly released by the police. Three weeks later the Mafia's alternate

    and carefully arranged execution plan went into effect: JFK was

    assassinated in Dallas. A witness who recognised pictures of some of the

    people arrested in Dealey Plaza as having been in Chicago three weeks

    earlier told Black Panthers Hampton and Clark.

    The JFK murder: Onassis-Hughes' man Robert Maheu reassigned the Mafia-CIA

    Castro assassination team to the murder of JFK adding Eugene Brading a

    third Mafia hitman from the Denver Mafia Amaldones "family". Two months

    earlier Brading on parole after a series of crimes applied for a new

    driver's license explaining to the California DMV that he had decided to

    change his name to Jim Brading. Brading got his California parole the

    first time to look things over and the second time when JFK was scheduled

    for his Dallas trip.

    Lee Harvey Oswald CIA with carefully planned links to both the ultra right

    and to the Communists was designated as the patsy. He was supposed to

    shoot Governor Connally and he did.

    Each of the four shooters, Oswald, Brading, Frattiano and Roselli had a

    timer and a back up man. Back up men were supposed to pick up the spent

    shells and get rid of the guns. Timers would give the signal to shoot.

    Hunt and McCord were there to help. Sturgis was in Miami.

    Frattiano shot from a second story window in the Dal-Tex building across

    the street from the Texas School Book Depository. He apparently used a

    handgun-he is an excellent shot with a pistol. Frattiano and his back-up

    man were "arrested", driven away from the Dal-Tex building in a police car

    and released (without being booked). The Dallas police office is in the

    Dal-Tex building.

    Roselli shot Kennedy once hitting the right side of his head and blowing

    his brains out with a rifle from behind a fence in the grassy knoll area.

    Roselli and his timer went down a manhole behind the fence and followed the

    sewer line away from Dealey Plaza.

    The third point of the triangulated ambush was supplied by Eugene Brading

    shooting from Kennedy's left fram a small pagoda at Dealy Plaza across the

    street from the grassy knoll. (Brading missed because Roselli's and

    Frattiano shot had just hit Kennedy in the head from the right and the rear

    nearly simultaneously). Brading's shot hit the curb and ricocheted off.

    Brading was photographed on the scene stuffing his gun under his coat. He

    wore a big leather hat, its hatband marked with large conspicuous X's.

    (Police had been instructed to let anyone with an X-marked hatband through

    the police lines. Some may have been told they were Secret Service).

    After his shot, Brading ditched his gun with his back-up man and walked up

    the street toward the Dal-Tex building. Sheriff rushed up to Brading,

    assuming he was "Secret Service" and told him he had just seen a man come

    out of the Book Depository and jumped into a station wagon. Brading was

    uninterested. Brading walked into the Dal-Tex building to "make a phone

    call". There he was arrested by another deputy sheriff, showed his "Jim

    Braden" driver's license and was released without being booked.

    Oswald shot Connally twice from the Texas School Book Depository. He split

    from the front door. His back-up man was supposed to take the rifle out of

    the building (or so Oswald thought); instead he "hid" it behind some boxes,

    where it would be found later.

    Three men dressed as tramps picked up the spent shells from Dealey Plaza.

    One was Howard Hunt. Then they drifted over to an empty boxcar sitting on

    the railway spur behind the grassey knoll area, and waited. A Dallas

    police officer ordered two Dallas cops to "go over to the boxcar and pick

    up the tramps". The three 'tramps' paraded around Dealey Plaza to the

    Police Department in the Dal-Tex Building. They were held there until the

    alarm went out to pick up Oswald; then they were released, without being

    booked. In all, ten men were arrested immediately after the shooting; all

    were released soon after; none were booked; not a word about their

    existance is mentioned in the Warren Report.

    Regarding Lee Harvey Oswald: Officer Tippitt was dispatched in his police

    radio car to the Oak Cliff Section, where Oswald had rented a room.

    Tippett may have met Oswald on the street. He may have been supposed to

    kill Oswald, but something went wrong. Tippett was shot by two men using

    revolvers. The "witness", Domingo Benavides, who used Tippitt's police car

    radio to report "we've had a shooting here", may have been one of the men

    who shot him. (A Domingo Benavides" appears in connection with the Martin

    Luther King shooting also.)

    Oswald went to the movies. A "shoe store manager" told the theatre

    cashier that a suspicious looking man had sneaked in without paying.

    Fifteen assorted cops and FBI charged out to the movie theatre to look for

    the guy who had sneaked in.

    Oswald had a pistol that wouldn't fire. It may have been anticipated

    that the police would shoot the "cop-killer" for "resisting arrest". But

    since that didn't happen, the Dallas police brought Oswald out for small-

    time Mafia Jack Ruby to kill two days later.

    Brading stayed at the Teamster-Mafia-Hoffa-financed "Cuban Hotel" in

    Dallas. Ruby had gone to the Cabana the night before the murder, says the

    Warren Report. The rest, as they say, is history. Onassis was so

    confident of his control over police, media, FBI, CIA, Secret Service and

    the U.S. Judicial System that he had JFK murdered before the eyes of the

    entire nation; then systematically bought off, killed off, or frightened

    off all witnesses and had the evidence destroyed; then put a 75 year seal

    of secrecy over the entire matter. Cover up participants included among

    many: Gerald Ford on the Warren Commision (a Nixon recommendation): CIA

    attorney Leon Jaworski, of the CIA front Anderson Foundation, representing

    Texas before the Commission to see that the fair name of Texas was not

    besmirched by the investigation; CIA-Dallas Chief John McCone, his

    assistant; Richard Helms; and a passle of police, FBI, news media, etc.


    Johnny Roselli received part of his pay off for the head shot on JFK in the

    form of a $250,000 "finder's fee for bringing "Hughes" (Onassis) to Las

    Vegas in 1967.

    Jimmy Frattiano's pay-off included $109,000 in "non-repayable loans",

    from the S.F. National Bank (President: Joe Alioto). Credit authorization

    for the series of loans from 1961 to 1965, came from Joe Alioto and a high

    Teamster official. Dun and Bradstreet noted this transaction in amazement,

    listing how Frattiano could explain so much "credit" as his only known

    title (listed in D&B) was "Mafia-Executioner". Frattiano went around for

    years bragging about it: "Hi there, I'm Jimmy Frattiano, Mafia

    Executioner...." A bank V.P. told the whole story to the California Crime

    Commission, where Al Harris, who later shot off his mouth a little too

    much--"Heart attacked".

    When last seen March, 1975, Frattiano was testifying before a S.F.

    Grand Jury in regard to his participation, with East Coast Mafia Tony

    Romane, in the Sunol Golf Course swindle (which cost S.F. somewhere between

    $100,000 in "non-repayable loans" to start a trucking company in the

    Imperial Valley, where he engaged in a lot more swindling--involving U.S.

    Government member explained, "The Mafia is doing business directly with the

    U.S. Government now".

    Brading was questioned by the FBI two months after his arrest and

    released in Dallas as part of the Warren Commission's determination to

    "leave no stone unturned" in its quest for the truth about the JKF

    assassination. In spite of the fact that Brading was a known criminal with

    an arrest record dating back about twenty years, the FBI reported that

    Brading knew nothing whatsoever about the assassination.

    Brading became a charter member of the La Costa Country Club, Mafia

    heaven down near San Clemente. He also became a runner for the skim money

    from the Onassis "Hughes" Las Vegas casinos to Onassis' Swiss Banks.

    GERALD FORD; of the Warren Commission went on to become President by

    appointment of Nixon, then in danger of even further and more serious

    exposure--from which position of trust Ford pardoned Nixon one month

    later, for "any and all crimes he may have committed." That covers quite a

    lot but Ford is good at covering things up.

    McCONE; the head of CIA-Dallas, went on to become a member of the ITT Board

    of Directors sitting right next to Francis L. Dale, the head of CREEP.

    RICHARD HELMS; McCone's assistant at Dallas, ultimately has been rewarded

    with the post of CIA Director.

    LEON JOWARSKI; CIA Attorney, became the Watergate Prosecuter, replacing

    Cox, who was getting too warm. Jowarski turned in a startling performance

    in our "government-as-theatre" the honest, conscientious investigator who

    "uncovered" not a bit more than he had to and managed to steer everybody

    away from the underlying truth.

    Dr. "RED" DUKE; the man who dug two bullets out of Connelly and saved his

    life was shipped off to a hospital in Afghanistan by a grateful CIA.

    JIM GARRISON; New Orleans D.A. who tried to get Eugene Brading out of L.A.

    (but used one of Brading's other aliases, Eugene Bradley, by mistake), had

    his witnesses shot out from under him, and was framed on charges of bribery

    and extortion. FBI officers "confiscated" photos of Brading taken on the

    scene, etc.

    After JKF's death, Onassis quickly established control over Lyndon Johnson

    through fear. On the trip back to Washington, Johnson was warned by radio

    relayed from an air force base; "There was no conspiracy, Oswald was a lone

    nut assassin. Get it Lyndon? Otherwise, Air Force might have unfortunate

    accident on flight back to Washington."

    Onassis filled all important government posts with his own men. All

    government agencies became means to accomplish an end: rifle the American

    Treasury, steal as much as possible, keep the people confused and

    disorganized and leaderless; persuade world domination. JFK's original

    "Group of 40" was turned over to Rockefeller and his man, Kissinger, so

    that they could more effectively take over South America (Onassis was one

    of the first to console Jackie when she got back from Dallas with JFK's

    body.) Silva, a S.F. private detective hired by Angelina Alioto to get the

    goods on philandering Joe, followed Joe Alioto to Vacaville, to the Nut

    Tree Restaurant, where Joe held a private meeting with other Mafioso to

    arrange the details of the JFK assassination pay off to Frattiano.

    1967: Onassis has always enjoyed the fast piles of money to be made

    through gambling (in Manaco, in the 50's and in Cuba under Battista).

    Onassis took over Las Vegas in 1967, via the "Hughes" cover. U.S.

    Governmet officials explained that it was alright because "at least Hughes

    isn't the Mafia."

    Mafia Joe Alioto had Presidential ambitions, shored up by his

    participation in the Dallas pay-off. Everyone who helped kill JKF got a

    piece of the U.S. pie. But J. Edgar Hoover, FBI head, blew his cover by

    releasing some of the raw FBI files on Alioto at the Democratic National

    Convention. Joe was out of the running for V.P. and Humphrey had to settle

    for Muskie. Humphry planned to come to S.F. for a final pre-election

    rally, sparked by Joe Alioto. Roberts threatened to blow the hit-run story

    plus its Mafia ramifications open if Humphrey came to S.F. Humphrey didn't

    come; Humphrey lost in San Francisco, California and the election.

    October 1968: Jackie Kennedy was now "free" to marry Onassis. An old

    Mafia rule: if someone welches on a deal, kill him and take his gun and his

    girl: in this case, Jackie and the Pentagon.

    July, 1969: Mary Jo Kopechne, devoted JFK girl, and later one of Bobby's

    trusted aides, was in charge of packing up his files after his

    assassination in L.A. She read too much, learned about the Kennedy Mafia

    involvement and other things. She said to friends: "This isn't Camelot,

    this is murder." She was an idealistic American Catholic. She didn't like

    murdering hypocrites. She died trying to get off Chappaquiddick Island,

    where she had overheard (alonf with everyone else in the cottage) Teddy

    Kennedy's end of the D.H. Lawrence cottage telephone calls from John Tunney

    and to Joe Alioto, and Democrat bigwigs Swig, Shorenstein, Schumann and

    Bechtel. Teddy's good friend John Tunney called to complain that Alioto's

    friend Cycil Magnin and others had tried to bribe Jess Unruh to switch from

    the Governor's race to run for the Senate for the seat John Tunney wanted

    so that Alioto would have an easier run for Governor. Teddy called Alioto,

    who told him to go to hell; then Teddy called the rest to arrange for yet

    another Mafia murder. Mary Jo, up to there with Mafia ran screaming out of

    the cottage on her way to Nader. Drunken Teddy offered to drive her to the

    ferry. Trying to get away from curious Sheriff look, Teddy sped offf

    toward the Bridge, busted Mary Jo's nose when she tried to grab his arm

    from the back seat, and bailed out of the car as it went off the bridge.

    Mary Jo with a busted nose, breathed in an air bubble in the car for more

    than two hours waiting for help, while Teddy, assuming she was dead, to set

    up an alibi. Mary Jo finally suffocated in the air bubble, diluted with

    carbon dioxide. It took her 2 hours and 37 minutes to suffocate while

    Teddy called Jackie and Onassis on the Christina. Teddy also clled

    Katherine Meyer Graham, lawyers, etc. Jackie called the Pope on Teddy's

    behalf, who assigned Cardinal Cushing to help. The next morning, the first

    person Teddy tried to call after deciding he'd have to take the rap himself

    was a lawyer, Burke Marshall, Onassis's friend in the U.S. Liberty shipps

    deal back in the forties and also the designated custodian for JFK's brains

    after Dallas (the brains have since disappeared).

    Cover-up of the Chappaquiddick murder required the help of

    Massachusetts Highway Patrol, which "confiscated" the plates from Teddy's

    car after it was fished out of the pond: the Massachusetts Legislature,

    which changed a 150 year old law requiring an autopsy (which would have

    revealed the suffocation and broken nose); Coroner Mills, who let Kennedy's

    aide K. Dun Grifford, supply him with a death certificate, already prepared

    for Hill's signature, listing cause of death as drowning: Police Chief

    Arenas: Cardinal Cushing's priest who appeared before the Kopechne's

    "direct from God" with personal instructions from Him that Mary Jo was not

    to be disturbed; a Pennsylvania mortuary where Mary Jo's broken nose was

    patched up, East and West phone companies, whiched clamped maximum security

    on the records of calls to and from the cottage. S.F. Police Chief Cahill

    was reassigned to a new job; Security Chief for Pacific Telephone. The

    U.S. Senate, who never said a word about Teddy's (required equipment) plug-

    in phone; the judge who presided over the mock hearing; James Feston,

    editor of Martha's vineyard's only newspaper, who never heard a word about

    Teddy's phone at the cottage, though residents called in to tell the

    newspaper; the New York Times, Washington Post, etc.

    John Tunney's sister, Joan, heard her brother's end of the phone call,

    made from her house in Tiburon, to the Chappaquiddick cottage. The next

    day, after Mary Jo died, Joan ran away to Norway, where she was kidnapped

    by Mafia hoods Mari and Adamo. They locked her up in a Marseille heroin

    factory. Joan's husband complained so she chopped his head off with an ax,

    and was subsequently locked up in a nuthouse belonging to the Marquess of

    Blandford, then Tina Livanos Onassis' husband.

    Mari and Adamo got pressed into scrap metal in a New Jersey auto


    In the panic of trying to cover up Teddy's quilt at Chappaquiddick,

    many things came unglued. The JFK murder threatened to creep out of the

    woodwork again; Black Panthers Hampton and Clark were murdered (the Chicago

    cops fired over Attorney Charles Garry's because of what they knew about

    the JFK murder squad's presence at Chicago on November 1,1963.

    September 1969: "Gemstones", with histories, had been released around the

    globe for several years. In 1969, Roberts gave a Gemstone with history to

    Mack, head of California CREEP, for Nixon, with the proposition: the

    Presidency in return for wiping out the Mafia. The "history" included

    Teddy's phone calls to and from the Lawrence Cottage on Chappaquiddick

    billed to Teddy's home phone in Havannisport. Nixon being Mafia himself,

    wasn't interested; but kept the information to use on Teddy whenever it

    seemed advantageous.

    The article goes on and is based on thousands of pages of Bruce Roberts' notes. Interested readers can find the rest of it online via Google.


  15. John,

    How was the CIA domestic operative JOHN PAISLEY mixed up in all this?

    I know he was aware of the Sheraton Hotel Washington DC prostitution ring that was used by the CIA for extortion and intimidation of US and foreign political leaders in 1972.

    I know he was someone in CIA with an early interest and understanding of the Watergate burglary.

    I know he was murdered.

    I now am reading that he was considered a Soviet Mole.

    What is your take on JOHN PAISLEY?

    He seems to be a point of intersection between the CIA and the White House Plumbers,

    in a similar structural role to the CIA agent (now u.s. senator) BOB BENNETT.


  16. These are Xrays of what was left after John Ligget and the Bethesda group got through with JFK's head.

    It has no relationship to Kennedy's physical state immediately after the shooting, it is totally incompatible with the photos, and these XRAYs are obviously forged.

    More details are available in the SEMINAR thread paper by Dr. MANTIK.

  17. Ron,

    The Saudi royal family has apparently booby trapped their entire petroleum system.

    If anyone invades them, the entire Peninsula's petrochemical system is set to explode causing worldwide and permanent disruption of the world oil system and unprecedented pollution.

    I read this recently (can't remember the source) but you can easily Google a few key words to find out more........

    I have always said that the US/IRAQ WAR is simply the neo-conservatives' way to get the strategic "chessboard" back to where it was before 1979.

    When the Shah fell, we lost our client state in the Mid East and with the fall of the Soviet Union it became possible for the US to invade and hold Iran, or its strategic equivalent, Iraq.

    Saddam Hussein's tyranny became an excuse to place US LAND/SEA/AIR forces in the area for the long term.

    This is a global energy strategy and only has limited relationship with

    FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY or any of the other feel good words the Bush White House uses.

    The US/Britain now has a MAJOR military presence in the region, in addition to its allies in Qatar, Isreal and Saudi Arabia............

    and of course this was BUSH CHENEY RUMSFELD's plan all along.



    While Medicaid, EPA and Higher Education take spending cuts,

    One Hundred Billion Dollars a year goes to the IRAQ project.......


    (or is it sited cite?)JFK'S ASSASSINATION

    By Anthony Summers, Elias Demetracopoulos, G. Robert Blakey, Gerald Posner, Jefferson Morley, Jim Hougan, Jim Lesar, John McAdams, John Newman, Norman Mailer, Paul Hoch, Richard Whalen, Robbyn Swann Summers

    To the Editors:

    As published authors of divergent views on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we urge the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense to observe the spirit and letter of the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Act by releasing all relevant records on the activities of a career CIA operations officer named George E. Joannides, who died in 1990.

    Joannides's service to the US government is a matter of public record and is relevant to the Kennedy assassination story. In November 1963, Joannides served as the chief of the Psychological Warfare branch in the CIA's Miami station. In 1978, he served as the CIA's liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA).

    The records concerning George Joannides meet the legal definition of "assassination-related" JFK records that must be "immediately" released under the JFK Records Act. They are assassination-related because of contacts between accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and a CIA-sponsored Cuban student group that Joannides guided and monitored in August 1963.

    Declassified portions of Joannides's personnel file confirm his responsibility in August 1963 for reporting on the "propaganda" and "intelligence collection" activities of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (DRE), a prominent organization known in the North American press as the Cuban Student Directorate.

    George Joannides's activities were assassination-related in at least two ways.

    (1) In August 1963, Oswald attempted to infiltrate the New Orleans delegation of the DRE. The delegation—dependent on $25,000 a month in CIA funds provided by Joannides—publicly denounced Oswald as an unscrupulous sympathizer of Fidel Castro.

    (2) After Kennedy was killed three months later, on November 22, 1963, DRE members spoke to reporters from The New York Times and other news outlets, detailing Oswald's pro-Castro activities. Within days of the assassination, the DRE published allegations that Oswald had acted on Castro's behalf.

    The imperative of disclosure is heightened by the fact that the CIA has, in the past, failed to disclose George Joannides's activities. In 1978, Joannides was called out of retirement to serve as the agency's liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The agency did not reveal to the Congress his role in the events of 1963, compromising the committee's investigation.

    In 1998, the Agency again responded inaccurately to public inquiries about Joannides. The Agency's Historic Review Office informed the JFK Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) that it was unable to identify the case officer for the DRE in 1963. The ARRB staff, on its own, located records confirming that Joannides had been the case officer.

    This is not a record that inspires public confidence or quells conspiracy-mongering. To overcome misunderstanding, the CIA and the Defense Department should make a diligent good-faith effort to identify and release any documents about George Joannides.

    The government should make these records public in conjunction with the fortieth anniversary of the Kennedy assassination on November 22, 2003, so as to help restore public confidence and to demonstrate the agencies' commitment to compliance with the JFK Assassination Records Act.

    The law requires immediate disclosure, nothing less.

    G. Robert Blakey

    Former General Counsel

    House Select Committee on Assassinations

    Jefferson Morley

    Also signed by:

    Don DeLillo

    Paul Hoch

    Norman Mailer

    Gerald Posner

    Anthony Summers

    Richard Whalen

    and six others


    (or is it sited cite?)JFK'S ASSASSINATION

    By Anthony Summers, Elias Demetracopoulos, G. Robert Blakey, Gerald Posner, Jefferson Morley, Jim Hougan, Jim Lesar, John McAdams, John Newman, Norman Mailer, Paul Hoch, Richard Whalen, Robbyn Swann Summers

    To the Editors:

    As published authors of divergent views on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we urge the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense to observe the spirit and letter of the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Act by releasing all relevant records on the activities of a career CIA operations officer named George E. Joannides, who died in 1990.

    Joannides's service to the US government is a matter of public record and is relevant to the Kennedy assassination story. In November 1963, Joannides served as the chief of the Psychological Warfare branch in the CIA's Miami station. In 1978, he served as the CIA's liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA).

    The records concerning George Joannides meet the legal definition of "assassination-related" JFK records that must be "immediately" released under the JFK Records Act. They are assassination-related because of contacts between accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and a CIA-sponsored Cuban student group that Joannides guided and monitored in August 1963.

    Declassified portions of Joannides's personnel file confirm his responsibility in August 1963 for reporting on the "propaganda" and "intelligence collection" activities of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (DRE), a prominent organization known in the North American press as the Cuban Student Directorate.

    George Joannides's activities were assassination-related in at least two ways.

    (1) In August 1963, Oswald attempted to infiltrate the New Orleans delegation of the DRE. The delegation—dependent on $25,000 a month in CIA funds provided by Joannides—publicly denounced Oswald as an unscrupulous sympathizer of Fidel Castro.

    (2) After Kennedy was killed three months later, on November 22, 1963, DRE members spoke to reporters from The New York Times and other news outlets, detailing Oswald's pro-Castro activities. Within days of the assassination, the DRE published allegations that Oswald had acted on Castro's behalf.

    The imperative of disclosure is heightened by the fact that the CIA has, in the past, failed to disclose George Joannides's activities. In 1978, Joannides was called out of retirement to serve as the agency's liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The agency did not reveal to the Congress his role in the events of 1963, compromising the committee's investigation.

    In 1998, the Agency again responded inaccurately to public inquiries about Joannides. The Agency's Historic Review Office informed the JFK Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) that it was unable to identify the case officer for the DRE in 1963. The ARRB staff, on its own, located records confirming that Joannides had been the case officer.

    This is not a record that inspires public confidence or quells conspiracy-mongering. To overcome misunderstanding, the CIA and the Defense Department should make a diligent good-faith effort to identify and release any documents about George Joannides.

    The government should make these records public in conjunction with the fortieth anniversary of the Kennedy assassination on November 22, 2003, so as to help restore public confidence and to demonstrate the agencies' commitment to compliance with the JFK Assassination Records Act.

    The law requires immediate disclosure, nothing less.

    G. Robert Blakey

    Former General Counsel

    House Select Committee on Assassinations

    Jefferson Morley

    Also signed by:

    Don DeLillo

    Paul Hoch

    Norman Mailer

    Gerald Posner

    Anthony Summers

    Richard Whalen

    and six others

  20. The arrows mark one way streets (as of 1990, the date of the Atlas)

    The "triple overpass" at Dealy Plaza is where the railroad tracks passed over three streets: Elm, Main, and Commerce.  I'm not 100% sure about my directional orientation, but I believe Elm was one-way westbound, and it was the northernmost street; Main was the center street in the overpass; and Commerce was the southernmost street in the overpass, and it was one-way eastbound.

    So, from the TSBD/Dealy Plaza location, one would merely have to cross two nearly parallel streets--at the overpass--to be on Commerce street.

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