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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. John: Of course he did and if one is to believe the Estes documents- (the correspondance between Attorney Doug Caddy and then Asst. Attorney General Stephen Trott)- LBJ had Mac Wallace kill a lot more folks for him. Many believe he even had his own son killed- the mother Madeline Brown- certainly thought this. Forum readers who have not read Glen Sample's "The Men on The Sixth Floor", should order it. It's a real page turner, and a great introduction to Mac Wallace. It is in this book that I saw for the first time the Estes documents. Then go on to Barr McClellan's Blood Money and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK" . (Barr is in the process of updating and has some new leads, he told me a few days ago). Dawn
  2. John: Of course he did and if one is to believe the Estes documents- (the correspondance between Attorney Doug Caddy and then Asst. Attorney General Stephen Trott)- LBJ had Mac Wallace kill a lot more folks for him. Many believe he even had his own son killed- the mother Madeline Brown- certainly thought this. Forum readers who have not read Glen Sample's "The Men on The Sixth Floor", should order it. It's a real page turner, and a great introduction to Mac Wallace. It is in this book that I saw for the first time the Estes documents. Then go on to Barr McClellan's Blood Money and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK" . (Barr is in the process of updating and has some new leads, he told me a few days ago). Dawn
  3. Thanks JG and Bill Kelly and especially John Judge whose words well- describe the Phil Melanson I knew and loved for many years. It is still hard for me to realize he is gone. Dawn
  4. Glen: Thank you so much for your answers. No J never told me,in all our conversations about Steve Pegues, hat you had been the conduit for the introduction. J remained VERY shaken by Stephen's untimely death. It was J's dying wish that Pegues's manuscript be published. To this end Walt Brown promised to do so, but aprroximately six months after J died Walt said that Billie Sol had the copyright to this work. I found this explanation to be troubling and to this end I asked the other memeber of this forum- (mentioned here by you)-if he could shed any light on this. He could not. Yes, was indeed a meticulous and thorough researcher. He was determined to solve this case and was at it til his dying breath. Do you intend to try to do more with the print evidence? Dawn
  5. Hey Glen: Just hoping you might find time to answer these few questions. Merci, Dawn
  6. Max Holland has written a highly critical article about Nigel Turner at. Mac Holland is a CIA stoodge so of course he would be critical of Turner. Peter: I accidently erased your question on the other installments of TMWKK, whether they are still shown on HC. I have not seen them at all since the censorship of installments 6-9. They used to air a lot; now HC seems to favor the garbage ABC produced on the 40th anniversary. Dawn
  7. It is very hard to know how significant it is at this juncture. Depends on why they were monitering her. Maybe they moniter all fromer spouses of royalty; why I could not fathom. Maybe Diana was onto something. She certainly predicted her own death, including the manner, only six months prior to it being a reality. Perhaps her killers were reading her diary and had her monitered. I just think there are so many suspicious things in this case that this new NSA/CIA bugging revelation could be some diversion away from who killed her. Motive, means, opportunity. I also believe that British intelligence and US intelligence are joined at the hip. Dawn
  8. Thanks Terry. Even tho I clearly remember signing it months ago, I checked all the sigs and mine was absent. It is not now. I was surprised to see so many forum members' names absent. We all need to sign this and send it to our friends and others. This is major folks. Dawn
  9. *************************************************** Hey, come on folks! We can do better than 174, can't we? Dawnie, Dixie, Myra, where are your John Hancock's? I'm number 13. Terry I signed it ages ago. But if I am not showing up I shall sign it again. Dawn
  10. The CIA instructed me to do it. (By the way, did any members send you information after you requested details of my being a CIA agent?). I often change titles in order that members have a better idea of what the thread is about. This will then be added to the index system so that new members can discover what is available. Your posting caused particular problems as it was posted in the wrong section. Of course, it has nothing to do with the JFK assassination unless it is linked to the role that the CIA play in the cover-up of assassinations. See the Conspiracies section for debates on Diana's death. Ah, I see. Thank you. Nope, didn't get a reply to my attempt to initiate a dialogue on said subject. I was crushed. Myra: Did you seriously think John was CIA? If so why would you want to be on a forum run by a CIA agent? (An obvious queston I believe). BTW I too believe Diana was murdered. Been following this case from the start. Dawn
  11. Great talk, I just watched it an hour ago. Bill what can we the people do to assist in the Grand Jury effort you and others have initiated? I did write to former Dallas DA Bill Hill a few years ago, but received no response. Big surprise. We need either the District Attorney in Dallas or a Federal Prosecutor to actually convene a Grand Jury. A few years back I had high hopes with Fitzgerald, but he's done virtually nothing. Do you- or anyone- know anything about the current Dallas DA? Dawn Hi Dawn, While I don't want to hijack this post on the murder of Ronnie Moffet, the means that were used to solve that crime can and should be used to solve the JFK case. (For more info see the books Assassination on Embassy Row and Labrynth. Fitzgerald is the type of guy you need to focus on JFK, but he's not the guy. Current DAs in Dallas and New Orleans could do what Garrison did, but they also saw what happened to him. I think a Special Fed. Grand Jury is way to go and in DC, where most of the evidence now is at the NARA, but we are going to send the first JFK Grand Jury petition to the Federal Court of North Texas soon. We originally wanted to present it in person over the anniversary week in November in Dallas, but continuing unfolding events have interceeded. The delay is only temporary and we hope to get it into the registered mail for a certified response before the end of the year. I will put a full update under the JFK Grand Jury Seminar in the Controversial Issues In History Section of this forum. Rather than just convening a grand jury to investigate the case, we are are requesting a hearing at which we can present the evidence of crimes related to the assassination that can be resolved today. If we were granted such a hearign tomorrow however, I don't think we are ready to present a complete and convincing case, as we must. What can people do to assist the grand jury project, well the evidence that will be presented must be refined and the list of living witnesses must be compiled and outstanding questions raised and,.... Those interested in pursing the grand jury project with us could read the stories about the assassination of Ronnie Moffet and learn how two enterprizing asst. DAs, Proper and Barcella, conducted their investigation, collection of evidence and prosecution of those responsible. We're still in the collection of evidence stage, and need some guys like Proper and Barcella to take the ball. Know any? BK Bill: I totally agree. No DA in Dallas is going touch this, so a Federal Grand Jury is the way to go. I am in the midst of trial prep myself today, but I will go back a re-aquaint myself with the Ronni Moffet case. I followed it closely when it first occurred. Just horrifying. No, I don't know any DA's of the calibre of Proper and Barcella, tho I know a lot of terrific assistant DA's. I have no personal experience with Federal law, so don't know any Federal Prosecutors. But it would seem that this is the next step. Getting Congress to appoint such a person will be a problem. Also, a bigger problem is that there is no longer a special prosecutor statute. That ended after Clinton. Another hurdle. And Justice gets involved as well. Not gonna happen with the Bush Justice Dept. Perhaps Doug Caddy can weigh in here, with his background with Billie Sol, he may have some useful suggestions. Additionally, if we could find a Federal prosecutor he'd have to be appointed by W. Fat chance of that happening. But it's our last hope: Someone with the conscience, committment and authority of Garrison. Dawn
  12. I attempted to post here, but it disappeared. Don't have time to re-type it. Dawn
  13. _______________________________________________ Not at all a fanciful scenario, that. And let us keep in mind what transpired after the pardon: there were TWO assassination attempts on Ford -with Nelson waiting in the wings. Interesting, for want of a better word, how the media handled those unsuccessful assassination attempts...there were a couple on Clinton, also, but they seemed more like warnings and were carried out from somewhat of a distance. JG Omygod I forgot all about the attempts on Ford. Hm. Thanks John. Geez, they tried twice within seventeen days?! "...Those were the words composed by Sara Jane Moore just before her failed assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford on September 22, 1975. Ford had survived another failed assassination attempt by one Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme a mere seventeen days earlier." http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Sara%20Jane%20Moore But Fromm's gun wasn't loaded--weird: "Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme ...Witness testimony of the incident varies. Lyn was very calm, "Easy boys, I'm still." One witness said Lyn had said, "It wasn't loaded anyway." That testimony was withheld from the trial." However... "Sara Jane Moore ...At the tender age of 42, she embraced the so-called "counter-culture" way of life and went underground. Apparently she didn't go too deeply underground. The FBI managed to dig her up and in their infinite wisdom, decided she would be a prime candidate to gather information about the Patty Hearst kidnapping and the Symbionese Liberation Army. Poor Sara. I guess she wasn't that good of an undercover agent. She was quickly found out by her friends in the underground circles and ostracized. What's a poor girl gotta do to win her friends back and get a little self-esteem? How `bout shooting the President? As President Ford was leaving the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore was about forty feet away. She pulled out her .38 caliber Smith & Wesson and took aim. Fortunately for President Ford, a bystander in the crowd by the name of Oliver Sipple saw what was about to happen and grabbed Moore's arm just as she fired. Instead of hitting its intended target, the bullet ricocheted off a wall and slightly wounded a nearby cab driver. She was quickly apprehended and brought to trial. At the proceedings, she never once tried to claim her innocence. As a matter of fact, she had this to say. "There comes a point when the only way you can make a statement is to pick up a gun." Sara Jane Moore received a life sentence. In 1979, she managed to escape prison but it was short lived. She was apprehended the next day and returned to prison." Myra, when your "evil Nelson" theory starts taking wings, whereby Manson follower Sqeaky Fromme and wacko Sara Jane Moore are part of the plot, it's time to let it rest. Rocky was never gonna get elected in 76. He didn't even run. Ford dumped him from the VP slot, in fact, because he considered Rocky a political liability, WITHIN HIS OWN PARTY. It was feared that Reagan would get the nomination, with Kennedy assassination conspiracy-promoter Richard Schweicker as his VP, unless Ford made an overture to the right-wing by bringing Dole aboard. Now if you really want to confuse the plot, you can have Reagan--a member of the Rocky commission--picking Schweicker on purpose--to ruin Schweicker's career, and Rocky and Ford, Warren Commission defenders, giving him the "wink-wink-you'll get it next time, Ron." But how reasonable is this? Do you see Reagan, who was already a geezer, putting his presidential hopes aside and taking a fall for Ford? I don't. It's important to understand that the Democrats had total control of congress in the seventies and that much of what Nixon and Ford did, including the selection of their veeps, was done to appease the Dems. As far as Agnew, he was not forced out by a Rockefeller-led cabal, but was sacrificed by Nixon himself, in order to slow down the Watergate investigation. Agnew himself knew this to be true and makes a case for this in his little-read book. (As opposed to Mao's Little Red Book.) Ford was picked as Nixon's VP because he was one of the few Republican loyalists popular enough with the Dems to get confirmed. Ford picked Rocky as his VP for the exact same reasons.
  14. _______________________________________________ Not at all a fanciful scenario, that. And let us keep in mind what transpired after the pardon: there were TWO assassination attempts on Ford -with Nelson waiting in the wings. Interesting, for want of a better word, how the media handled those unsuccessful assassination attempts...there were a couple on Clinton, also, but they seemed more like warnings and were carried out from somewhat of a distance. JG Omygod I forgot all about the attempts on Ford. Hm. Thanks John. Geez, they tried twice within seventeen days?! "...Those were the words composed by Sara Jane Moore just before her failed assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford on September 22, 1975. Ford had survived another failed assassination attempt by one Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme a mere seventeen days earlier." http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Sara%20Jane%20Moore But Fromm's gun wasn't loaded--weird: "Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme ...Witness testimony of the incident varies. Lyn was very calm, "Easy boys, I'm still." One witness said Lyn had said, "It wasn't loaded anyway." That testimony was withheld from the trial." However... "Sara Jane Moore ...At the tender age of 42, she embraced the so-called "counter-culture" way of life and went underground. Apparently she didn't go too deeply underground. The FBI managed to dig her up and in their infinite wisdom, decided she would be a prime candidate to gather information about the Patty Hearst kidnapping and the Symbionese Liberation Army. Poor Sara. I guess she wasn't that good of an undercover agent. She was quickly found out by her friends in the underground circles and ostracized. What's a poor girl gotta do to win her friends back and get a little self-esteem? How `bout shooting the President? As President Ford was leaving the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore was about forty feet away. She pulled out her .38 caliber Smith & Wesson and took aim. Fortunately for President Ford, a bystander in the crowd by the name of Oliver Sipple saw what was about to happen and grabbed Moore's arm just as she fired. Instead of hitting its intended target, the bullet ricocheted off a wall and slightly wounded a nearby cab driver. She was quickly apprehended and brought to trial. At the proceedings, she never once tried to claim her innocence. As a matter of fact, she had this to say. "There comes a point when the only way you can make a statement is to pick up a gun." Sara Jane Moore received a life sentence. In 1979, she managed to escape prison but it was short lived. She was apprehended the next day and returned to prison." Myra, when your "evil Nelson" theory starts taking wings, whereby Manson follower Sqeaky Fromme and wacko Sara Jane Moore are part of the plot, it's time to let it rest. Rocky was never gonna get elected in 76. He didn't even run. Ford dumped him from the VP slot, in fact, because he considered Rocky a political liability, WITHIN HIS OWN PARTY. It was feared that Reagan would get the nomination, with Kennedy assassination conspiracy-promoter Richard Schweicker as his VP, unless Ford made an overture to the right-wing by bringing Dole aboard. Now if you really want to confuse the plot, you can have Reagan--a member of the Rocky commission--picking Schweicker on purpose--to ruin Schweicker's career, and Rocky and Ford, Warren Commission defenders, giving him the "wink-wink-you'll get it next time, Ron." But how reasonable is this? Do you see Reagan, who was already a geezer, putting his presidential hopes aside and taking a fall for Ford? I don't. It's important to understand that the Democrats had total control of congress in the seventies and that much of what Nixon and Ford did, including the selection of their veeps, was done to appease the Dems. As far as Agnew, he was not forced out by a Rockefeller-led cabal, but was sacrificed by Nixon himself, in order to slow down the Watergate investigation. Agnew himself knew this to be true and makes a case for this in his little-read book. (As opposed to Mao's Little Red Book.) Ford was picked as Nixon's VP because he was one of the few Republican loyalists popular enough with the Dems to get confirmed. Ford picked Rocky as his VP for the exact same reasons.
  15. Nonsense. Pat you drinking Ashton's Kool-Aid now? Ford was picked because he could be counted on for several things, pardoning Criminal Nixon, putting Poppa Bush at the helm of the CIA, being two vital tasks. I do not know if the coup occurred prior to 11/22/63 and JFk was an aberation, but I sure as hell know that on 11/22/63 a total MIC coup occurred and that things have only gotten worse. Ford was a good soldier as Warren Commissioner and is, in my opinion, an accessory to the crime itself, rather the cover-up. He and anyone else involved still alive should be indicted. I believe that is the purpose of the Grand Jury effort. Dawn
  16. [quote name='Peter Lemkin' date='Dec 10 2006, 06:18 AM' post='84592'] Thanks Peter. I did not realize there was a Q and A., will be sure to catch it. Just google PDS and 9-11? Dawn
  17. Interesting thread. Have people read Barr McClellan's book "Blood Money and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK"? I thought day one it was LBJ- guess a lot of people did. Later I revised my thinking but the killers still included LBJ. He was not about to be dumped and/or indicted . Barr's book has a lot of factual errors on the case itself, but on LBJ and Ed Clark, I believe it's a must read. (BTW, he's onto some new information, new leads. More when I know it). I am also encouraging him to be more active here, but his new information and updates are taking up all his itme. Dawn
  18. It's so appalling that someone as intelligent and conspiracy-aware as Gary Hart allowed himself to be so set-up. And I just love how the bastards also have thier little sense of humor at our expense: "Monkey Business". Hart acted like a trained monkey and fell for the plot so easily. Dawn
  19. Well I attempt to discuss these matters with as many people as I can, but most are just not interested. I discovered many years ago that the "higher" a person's position in the system the less likely he or she is to be interested in the truth. They have too much of a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Attempts at informing people of our lack of a free press and the reality of Operation Mockingbird are greeted with wide-eyed grins and the word "paranoia" falls from their dismissive lips. I have never let this dissuade me however, as I believe it is our duty as citizens to continue to try to educate the populace, especially the unwilling to learn. "We are all co-responsible for the way in which we are governed" -Carl Jaspers German philosopher Dawn
  20. Great talk, I just watched it an hour ago. Bill what can we the people do to assist in the Grand Jury effort you and others have initiated? I did write to former Dallas DA Bill Hill a few years ago, but received no response. Big surprise. We need either the District Attorney in Dallas or a Federal Prosecutor to actually convene a Grand Jury. A few years back I had high hopes with Fitzgerald, but he's done virtually nothing. Do you- or anyone- know anything about the current Dallas DA? Dawn
  21. Thank you Robert for linking Dr. Scott's COPA speech. It's close to an hour but well worth the time, I just viewed it. Dawn
  22. Glen: Re your fingerprint expert out there who said there was no match. I have a couple of questions: Everything I know about your work on the print came from J. Harrison. The times we spoke on the phone I meant to ask you these questions but got sidetracked. (Should have made notes to self 1. How was your guy's study done? By this I mean was he presented with the latent and the known Wallace print, in a "blind" fashion, like Nathan Darby was? Or did he know exactly what he was observing? 2. What were his credentials? You know of course that Nathan was not only a top certified expert, but that he taught the science of fingerprinting to police officers in Austin for many years. Did your guy even remotely compare? 3. J told me many times that because you obtained this known Wallace print from Austin's Department of Public Safety "with no case to which to attach said print" (J. Harrison) , that this consitituted a violation of DPS' policy, which has since rendered a dead end for anyone else to now obtain this print. I tried, at Nathan's request, many avenues to obtain a second print for him after his home was illegally entered and this entire Wallace file was stolen. (A burglar alarm was bypassed and nothing else was taken, causing Nathan to fear that his life may have been in danger). Can you comment on how you obtained the print? And the alleged ramifications of same? 4. When you visited Nathan what was it that caused you to change your mind and agree that there was indeed a match? I probably have more questions, but thank you, in advance, for responses to these. Dawn
  23. [quote name='Myra Bronstein' date='Dec 9 2006, 07:51 AM' post='84423'] The title sure indicates a JFK-Watergate connection. For anyone who read it, did it help to illuminate Watergate for you? Well here's an exerpt from his JFK book via John's Spartacus page: "(22) Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993) The Watergate break-in of 1972 (in which, I have always been convinced, Nixon was not so much a guilty perpetrator as a guilty victim) followed Nixon's secret negotiations with Hanoi for disengagement from Vietnam, significantly advanced by his May 1972 visit to Moscow, where he signed the first Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement." Yes Myra. Great book. Fabulous researcher. Another little masterpiece of his is Crime and Cover-Up The CIA, The Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate connection. Dawn
  24. Thanks Len. I have been waiting for this film. Hope Austin sees fit to run it. Amazing that Dallas will. Great! Dawn
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