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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. The only people left who can tell the story are Ricky, and J. Gary Shaw. As most know, Gary retired from researching after Larry Howard, Joe West, Bud Fensterwald and Larry Ray Harris all died untimely deaths in the same time frame, not long after the Ricky news conference, in which the five were the principal presenters of the Roscoe story. Gary got the message. Jack I remember the huge story in the local paper here in Austin when the Roscoe White story first broke. Back in the day when Earl Golz was still writing. It certainly seemed to have a lot of fire to me. Then all the deaths. I met Larry Howard's widow in Dallas in 97 and she was pretty convinced her husband had been killed. The number of deaths following that story was staggering. All young men too, comparatively speaking. Tx has more than its share of weirdness when it comes to who killed Jack Kennedy. I always said they did it in Dallas because they COULD. Redneck, oil rot to the core. JFK was not to the liking of the right wing in Dallas. Peace was not on their agenda. Dawn
  2. My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice. The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe. Mark Mark: You pose an interesting concept that I have been thinking about for some time now. The idea that, in the early 60's there existed two "branches" of the CIA that were at total odds with each other. The faction that had JFK killed and the group that sent Tosh Plumlee in to try to prevent the murder. In fact this split- or something similar- may still be occurring....fwit. Carl Oglesby's brilliant Yankee Cowboy War first got me thinking in terms of competing groups running things...I read his book when it first came out- 76. Did not really think of the CIA in this manner til I read Tosh's seminar paper in 11/04. Oswald may have been working for a part of the CIA that really did try to prevent the murder. That would certainly explain a lot about Lee's (patriotic) activities. Dawn
  3. Hi Dan (and Sid) Great speech. Can you imagine W giving a speech like this? The self-claimed "uniter" ...Not in this lifetime. Damn: two more years of him! Will he bomb Iran? Start WW 111? He's certainly made the world way less safe. (imho) JFK was the last real president for peace that we've ever had. And look where it got him. Dawn
  4. Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord. Earth to John: This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education. BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers. I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own Dawn
  5. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Dec 14 2005, 12:30 PM' post='48748'] Great photographs James. Did they come from the Cuban archives? The namebase entry for Lisa Howard can be found here: http://www.namebase.org/xhon/Lisa-Howard.html Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (128-9, 136-7) Burleigh,N. A Very Private Woman. 1999 (223-4, 291) Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 (416) DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 (253) Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 (92) Hepburn,J. Farewell America. 1968 (159) Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (196) Turner,W. Rearview Mirror. 2001 (213) John Tony Summers' Conspiracy talks about Lisa a good deal also. It is this book that first brought her to my attention in the early 80's. Dawn
  6. Paul May is a regular contributor to JFK Lancer. I'm wondering how he thinks his little diatribe is gonna be published anywhere. As we know, getting any pro-conspiracy info into the paper is near-impossible. But he is anti-conspiracy, like the press. Dawn
  7. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Aug 29 2006, 10:40 PM' post='73418'] Up until today I'd not heard of a bait and switch operation where the bait was something no one wanted to bite into. When the CIA connection to the burglars was exposed the FBI wanted to back off, and NIXON used this to try to get them to back off. More importantlly, however, the CIA initially went along with this. Why would they do this if their goal was to have these men investigated? Why not just provide this info to Pat Gray, who, according to Ashton Gray, was not gray at all, but a deep black operative of the CIA? Why not have Dean confess before the trail led to him, if he was indeed a CIA puppet? Ashton, you say your conclusions are a no-brainer and I agree, in that you'd have to be lacking a brain to go along with them. (Apologies to Henny Youngman.) Ashton, I think you really need to modify your theory if you expect any reasonable person to believe it. Anyone the least bit informed knows of Nixon and Colson and their dirty tricks. I think the real question is why you find it necessary to clear Nixon. Perhaps you think the CIA lacked the motive to frame Nixon if he was in fact dirty, so in order to prop up your Nixon-was-framed scenario you bend over backwards to make Nixon look clean. You insult the intelligence of everyone on this forum in the process. Please explain to us again how Segretti was a Hunt operation, when Segretti was in play long before he met Hunt... And why was it again that the CIA waited until after the 72 election to spring the trap and bring about Nixon's downfall? Oh yeah, you already explained this--so they could put their agent Gerry Ford in the White House. Since the only evidence connecting Ford to an intelligence agency connects him to the FBI, please explain to us how Ford's presidency benefitted either the CIA or the FBI. History shows us that the most intense investigations of U.S. intelligence actvities began during Ford's reign, and were, in part, spurred on by Ford's behavior. How was this part of a plot, and what did this plot accomplish? What upsets me the most about your theory is its lack of humanity. A dark force called the CIA manipulated everyone to perform some dark deeds in order to destroy a white knight named Richard Nixon. In your view, no one acted out of conscience. No one acted out of patriotism. But even less believably, no one acted out of self-interest. Dozens of men fell willingly on the sword given them by the CIA in order to discredit the squeaky-clean Nixon? I find the story makes more sense when the characters in it behave like humans and not drones. Perhaps you've been reading too much science-fiction? "White knight" Nixon??? Where? "Squeaky-clean Nixon"? Ashton has never said these words or even hinted at them. Pat you just pop in and twist what you read to make it become what you THINK you are reading. You can be filthy dirty and still be set up. This is really getting old kids. Dawn
  8. [quote name='Robert Howard' date='Sep 23 2006, 10:47 PM' post='75672'] Spy Saga [190 pages] is arguably the best book ever written about Lee Harvey Oswald, Melanson was a patriot as far as I am concerned, he is an inspiration to countless researchers. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Agreed Robert, re "Spy Saga". And his book on MLK is an incredible page- turner. (His RFK book is equally well- written and thoroughly researched. ) Seeing Phil's pic that John posted is just heartbreaking. Phil and I used to talk about induced cancer alot; very weird that cancer should take him. Dawn
  9. I think Rex is onto something here. I did not get to attend this confernece but talked to people who did and it was apparently worth the price of admission just to see Arlin make a fool of himself. Arlin's got a LOT of power and I think that the size of the conference and the level of sophistacation on the part of the attendees took him aback. So long as Wecht just restriced his tv appearances to high profile murder cases and kept his JFK stuff to COPA conferences they left him alone, but for he and son Ben to organize their own conference put him in a new light. Also under this administration these matters are to be more than swept under the rug. W is doing Poppa's clean up. Dawn Thanx for the link Rex. Life as a buff sounds really cool. If the "evil Gum'mint" charges you with any kind of legitimate wrongdoing, you can just point to your Kennedy assassination hobby as an excuse. Because, hey, you're important ... and therefore must be silenced. LOL. Someone needs to silence this creep. He is just so full of himself and has not a clue on this case. Dawn
  10. [quote name='Lamar Waldron' date='Sep 23 2006, 08:48 AM' post='75632'] Mr. Waldron: How do you reconcile the efforts by President Kennedy- via Lisa Howard, McGeorge Bundy, Willian Attwood, and Carlos Lechuga-toward peaceful co-existencewith Castro, with a simultanous plot to murder him? Thank You, Dawn Meredith
  11. Excellent film!! I have not seen it in some years (own a copy of course). It appears that Mr. Summers is no longer answering questions. In 1986 I wrote to him regarding some of the comments he (allegedly) made about Jim Garrison consorting with mobsters, and also about his book. Received a two sentence response... He did not answer any of my questions, and made clear he had no interest in the case any longer. Garrison, on the other hand, answered all of my questions including the fact that he had referred to Tony as "one of the CIA"s more accomodating prostitutes". Perhaps that explains his comment to Lisa Pease about a conspiracy never being proven. Get real. All we need is a second shooter and we have conspiracy. Are we to believe that Mr. Summers actually thinks it was LHO, acting alone??? If so then who really wrote "Conspiracy"? He should go back and re-read his own excellent book. Dawn
  12. Wim: Very interesting. Many of us have long thought that- if there actually was a "deep throat"- it was Bennett. Dawn
  13. [quote name='Peter Lemkin' date='Sep 22 2006, 08:37 AM' post='75510'] I'm of the opinion that LHO 'handled' that gun only after his death...thus explaining the partial print, perhaps. Peter: I agree 100%. Tosh: I will go thru my J Harrison records and see what I come up with and email you or post, or both. I know it came up in conversation, just don't know what sort of record I made, if any... What I mostly remember is that by the time you brought this up with me J was so very ill most of our daily conversations were about that and the past. Dawn
  14. [quote name='William Plumlee' date='Sep 21 2006, 06:24 PM' post='75447'] Stephen, FWIW. In 2003 Jay Harrison a Texas researcher with excellent qualifications and many contacts with the Dallas Police Departmen and also a previous DPD reserve officer in 1963, who knew some of the officers who had loged the evidence at the time of the shooting, stated to many people before his death that the DPD had evidence that the FBI as well as the DPD had taken fingerprints from the weapon and the prints taken did not match Oswald. A print was found under the berrel. Officer and detectives were told by the FBI that the gun's wood stock was to rough to get prints. The DPD said they had taken prints but any record of this is lost. Point Two: FWIW In 2004 the DPD historical committee was going through the basement of one of their buildings which had a water leak some years ago. In the process of a limited clean up, they located, behind one of the many file cases when moved, a folder with notes and pictures and an old fingerprint card. It was said at the time within the folder was notes and evidence taken from the snipers nest. It was said that this card had two sets of fingerprints which, as Jay Harrison and others claimed, belong to Malcom Wallace. This was after work had been done on another set of prints claimed to be Wallace's (palm and little finger print taken from boxes in the snipers nest) which was said to belong to Wallace. Oswald's prints were not on this card as the notations stated. The notes in the folder made reference to prints being taken from the gun and given to the Dallas FBI. These prints were said not to belong to Oswald, except the one under the stock on the metal portion of the gun. This information along with other evidence was sent to the FBI crime lab sometime in 1964. As yet no word or follow up on this lab report has been completed or made public. The two officers involved who received and signed for this evidence, which was received from the hired clean up people, are no longer available and their names were blocked out on the notes. The two officers with the DPD are also no longer with the DPD ( one retired, the other took a job with the FBI) Jay Harrison did locate one of these officers and obtain a sworn statement. The Dallas Police Department (2004) had no comment on this information which Jay Harrison and others had received. Two metal boxes were also removed from this flooded basement and turned over to the FBI to be sent to the crime lab for study. No word as to what they found, if anything, has been reported. The information above is in "sworn statements" from two of the DPD officers who claimed the above to be true and correct. One copy of this document was sent to the Dallas PD and the orginal remained in Jay Harrison's files and hopefuly remains there today. Jay Harrison's files were much bigger and more complete that Mary Ferrels (?) files and much of her information came from Harrison. This effort was one of J's life's work. His work was left to Walt Brwon...hopefully this record will continue. I can attest to the fact that the files J left were comparable to those of Mary Ferrell. Hers brought in wads of cash. .J's? If the record is preserved, history will be the judge of the value. Thanx Tosh for keeping this issue alive. The clues left behind on the 6th floor are there for eternity. Fingerprint evidence remains extremely conclusive. Dawn
  15. I am having a very hard time focussing on work today. Anyone wishing to send condolances to Phil's family can PM me for the address. Dawn
  16. [quote name='Peter Lemkin' date='Sep 21 2006, 06:28 AM' post='75407'] I have been in contact with Cyril within the last few days and they have seized ALL of his JFK related files and materials as well as much else. He is not screaming as they have him in a 'very difficult and delicate' situation and to the extent I understand it would also like to not detail it. He needs all of our help and concern...if it can happen to him, it can happen to any of us who are researchers or in 'opposition' to what is happening to our country. In fact, it happend to me...if in a different way and that is why I now live outside the USA...after having lost everything on 'seemingly unrelated' [to my research] legal attacks. That is how it is so often done. I sense from Cyril very deep concern about his future in all regards. I think the statement above is incorrect, that he would be 'screaming' if JFK [or other high-profile case or political view] related. The most he could say on this is that they 'are not directly related, but also not totally unrelated' [i am paraphrasing].....these are very difficult times for him and for all of us...who is next? Pete: For your information and background research: Dr. Cyril has just had all his past research notes and papers on many cases confiscated... IRS is knocking at his door as we read... Sound familiar? One very important case, among many, which he worked on a few years back was the Col James Sabow case, which is now being re investigated as a murder case. The findings of that case, as well as others, has now left in a little white van with government plates going east toward the sunrise from Pittsburgh. While we think Dr Cyril's problems are perhaps related to JFK, I think different. I think there is more to this than JFK. We do not know which records they really wanted... they took them all. Now as of yesterday I became aware that I too am in process of being investigating concerning a possible FBI- FAG charge filed on me because of the OC article, as well as others, of last week. (False Accusations on Government) , a charge that has not been used in over thirty years (not sience Civil Rights Movement) Basicly I am to shut the F up. Well you and others now have this information before the fact and now we will see what the rest of the story has to say about these matters. I assure you of one thing I will not do a G. Webb or a Vicent Forster checkout. They will have to blow my ass away in public. Later T I hear 'ya' Tosh! It could well be other cases than JFK...but I'm sure that one and many others are the 'bees' in 'their' bonnet....though perhaps not the straw that broke the camel's back. Sorry to hear about any new pressures on you...you take care! Yes Tosh, do be careful!! I agree with Peter, that this is an effort to silence Cyril Wecht. When Larry Teeter, Sirhan's attorney died last summer all of his files and records disappeared as well. We are living in extremely scary times. The murderous thugs have gotten away with so many murders that we KNOW about and they just have to silence the highly visible and vocal like Cyril and in a few more years they will be home free. The injustice being visited upon Cyril Wecht right now is to silence him and be a message to others, in particular the few brave journalists like Jeff Morley and David Talbot ,imho. Dawn
  17. Of course he was not. Even the slightest amount of study of this case shows he was exactly what he said of himself : " a patsy". Dawn
  18. I am stunned. Phil Melanson was a longtime friend of mine, tho in recent years we were not as close. In fact I just plugged an article of his yesterday on a different thread. (Bill Kelly's thread on assassination related articles ). Terrible news. A giant in the research community. Phil was always willing to share his vast knowledge, no matter how busy he was. Unlike a lot of people in the asassination research community Phil was never on any ego trip. I did not even know he was ill. Now I am flooded with memories of what a terrific guy he was. Hard to say that word "was". Mike, thanks for posting this. Dawn
  19. [quote name='Thomas Graves' date='Sep 20 2006, 02:16 PM' post='75333'] Hey Thomas: Glad to see you back. These words cannot be said often enough. Why can't people just have a civil discourse here? My best freind in Canada, Linda, looked at this forum last summer and was very put off by all the insults. She was just beginning to develop a tiny interest in this case- (after hearing about it for me since its inception)- but the flaming put her off. As I am sure it does others. Dawn
  20. I think he asked McCone, Director of CIA, that very question. See below: "Talbot says we "assert that Bobby blamed only the Mafia (and New Orleans godfather Carlos Marcello in particular) for the death of his brother," but we also detail RFK's initial suspicions directed at the CIA. This includes not only RFK asking CIA director John McCone if the CIA killed his brother, but RFK's statement to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Haynes Johnson that "one of your guys did it," just hours after JFK's murder. As the book explains, Johnson was working at the time on a book with Manuel Artime, and CIA files now show Artime was not only involved in AMWORLD but working on the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro (which involved Rosselli, Trafficante and Marcello) and that the CIA had considered using the Mafia as a cover to provide weapons to Artime as part of AMWORLD. " From the site below: http://www.dickrussell.org/articles/waldron.htm Well I guess this flies in the face of Joan Mellen's assertion- in AF2J- that Bobby sent Walter Sheridan to sabotage the Garrison investigation. Since the CIA was Garrison's target (and he theirs) Bobby was in all liklihood in touch with Garrison privately offering much encouragement. Dawn
  21. Hi BK: What is Paul up to these days? I used to get his newsletter, like 20 years ago. There are many more great articles. Are we to augment this? One that comes to mind is "High Tech Mysterious Deaths" by (Prof.) Phil Melanson. From a little known- and now defunct -journal called "Critique: A Journal of Conspiracies and Metaphysics". Dawn
  22. Tosh: I thank you for your courage and patriotism. You are so correct about the road this nation is on. If only there were more like you: willing to talk, in spite of obvious danger. If there were the bastard fascists who stole our country, God only knows exactly when, would no longer have their ill -gotten power. J is smiling. As am I. Dawn Thanx to B. for the article. Go Canada!
  23. It was Dave Reitzes, and not Dave Perry, who declared that he had switched from a CT to a LN. Reitzes website is still a very valuable resource, by the way. Mr. Perry is, to my best knowledge, a SERIOUS researcher, and if Jack White has anything derogatory to say about him he should not be afraid to to say it. Jack afraid to state his view about Dave Perry or Reitzes? Please! Perry is full of s***. Reitzes may be a LNer now but wrote a very good article several years ago on the Mac Wallace case. "Yellow Roses", or something to that effect. Then I saw his Garrison smear in Walt Brown's journel. (A horrible and dishonest review of Davy's book). Never trusted Reitzes after that. Wonder if he still believes all the LBJ/ Mac Wallace stuff and how he justifies this with a LN position. I had the pleasure of sepnding several hours with the late Mad Brown in Dallas in '98 and found her to be both credible and charming, so again I side with Jack here. My good pal J Harrison spent a long time trying to prove- (or disprove)- the Murchison party- no conclusion was reached, that I recall. But J did believe Ms. Brown on other issues. She sure as hell did not "make up" having a child with LBJ- a child LBJ supported until his death. (LBJ's , the boy died very young, under mysterious circunstances, as well). Dawn
  24. Hi James, William Davy mentions this in his book 'Let Justice Be Done'. Apparently Jack Martin said that he saw Hunt at Banister's office. Also, interestingly, Hunt had clearance for the secretive 'Project QKenchant which Clay Shaw also had. Thanks, Francesca. I really should start reading some of these assassination related books. Cheers, James James: You mean you HAVEN'T?? You could have fooled me. (That's a compliment:) Dawn
  25. If this is FIles's story, I would not believe a single word. If I remember rightly, it was Veciana who first raised suspicion that David Phillips was involved with Lee Oswald. What Veciana offered with one hand, he took away with the other, making it clear that the the "man" he "saw" with Oswald was NOT Phillips. Given so much misinformation pointig towards Phillips, I suggest he can be safely eliminated as a suspect. I did not come away from reading this with this conclusion. Veciana was clearly terrified. Yes he SAID it was "not Philips" , but he also said something to the effect that Phillips was involved. And the two murder attempts on Veciana would have had a rather quieting affect. Dawn
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