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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Jul 25 2006, 11:27 AM' post='70220'] As a man who works as Gary Mack’s messenger boy, could you explain why his employees allow you to post his words but do not allow him to post himself? What is the difference? We are allowed to read what he has to say on these matters via your postings. Maybe it is because if he is caught out lying, as he has been over the Jean Hill issue, he can claim that he never really said it. So Gary: It was ok to heckle Dr Crehshaw ???? How the hell do YOU KNOW LBJ never called Dr. Crenshaw? Were you THERE??? I found the late Dr. Crenshaw to have been an extremely credible witness both in his book-JFK -Conspiracy of Silence )- and in TMWKK- (or whatever video he was on, possibly the one just devoted to Dallas doctors that aired a few years ago). (I have them all on video, so can check when I have time.) Dawn
  2. I might have known Johnson would be involved in it somewhere! Informative post, thanks. God and CIA work in mysterious ways. Ashton I posted this 6/5 discussion re Cortez Hotel also. May have been on other thread tho. (SInce this question is asked here and in Watergate. Ash you asked me to post that over here too, so I guess I will. Dawn ps I don't think God works with the CIA Or they for Him, except the good ones, and there have been good ones. Gary Underhill comes to mind. "Suicide" (65) after telling others- (immediately after to assassination)- that JFK had been killed by CIA" and it was connected with Cuba. Was "suicided" (wrong hand too!) 5/8/64. Bullet to head, by right-handed former CIA Underhill, but bullet hit behind left ear. Don't they all kill themself this way? It's so damn in your face!! Ashton: Post you requested to be moved to this thread: Dawn Meredith Jul 23 2006, 11:50 AM Post #14 , The one question of whether Kennedy had been set up to go to Dallas prior to 14 October 1963 or not is absolutely crucial. Central. Pivotal. That's the tea party with Ruth Hyde Paine and Marina and Linnie Mae Frazier after which Paine does the set-up for Oswald being hired at the TSBD. If plans for Kennedy to go to Dallas were made prior to 14 October 1963, that's the end of all "lone assassin" theories. Their dust can be put into an urn and scattered at sea, and the JFK Assassination forum will be entirely deloused of that whole faction of disinformation scum. Plans were definately made prior to 14 October. I will try to locate the exact cite later today. It originated with Connolly, and LBJ who stated that Jack needed to drum up some support in TX. Adlai Stevenson had been to Dallas prior to October and saw that it was far from friendly and strongly urged JFK to abandon this trip to Dallas. Indeed that morning -11/22/63- Wanted for Treason signs were being passed out. Nellie Connally's last word's prior to the first shot-"Well you can't say Dallas doesn't love you" have always seemed very creepy to me. Like she knew. I know that sounds overly paranoid, that coincidences do occur, but the timing was very weird. In Blood Money and Power, How LBJ Killed JFk, Barr McClellan writes: "ON June 5th , 1963 Kennedy Johnson and Connolly met in El Passa Texas and agreed the Texas trip whould be in the fall...to raise money for the 1964 election (p 183) ...the details for the Texas trip were announced November 3" (p 189) including trips to Fort Worth, Dallas and Austin. We'd also then know that the Paine track will connect with the instigators for the Dallas trip somewhere, somehow, and you're on the hot trail. It might even run into Southwestern as yet another CIA front. Many have long considered the Paines "help" to both Lee (job at TSBD) and Marina overtly suspicious. Ruth and Michael Paine's CIA ties made for a most strange and intriuging " friendship" to the young couple. Attorney Craig Zirbel, writing in The Texas Connection states: "On April 23, 1963 Johnson announced that the Presidnet would visit in the near future. Less than 45 days after this announcement the basic outline for a November trip to Texas was agreed upon in a private meeting between Kennedy, Johnson and Connolly at the Cortez Hotal in Texas" (p 185) (There is no cite for this quote however, a problem overall for much of this book, published in 1991) Dawn ps Sorry bout typo: Should say EL PassO. When I am in a rush before court I often don't have the time to edit, but since BS is making such an issue of this I am MAKING the time to better edit. But only when I do have the time. (Otherwise BS is just that. poof, MIA. -------------------- Biography: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2036 Full Edit Quick Edit « Next Oldest · Watergate · Next Newest »
  3. I might have known Johnson would be involved in it somewhere! Informative post, thanks. God and CIA work in mysterious ways. Ashton I posted this 6/5 discussion re Cortez Hotel also. May have been on other thread tho. (SInce this question is asked here and in Watergate. Ash you asked me to post that over here too, so I guess I will. Dawn ps I don't think God works with the CIA Or they for Him, except the good ones, and there have been good ones. Gary Underhill comes to mind. "Suicide" (65) after telling others- (immediately after to assassination)- that JFK had been killed by CIA" and it was connected with Cuba. Was "suicided" (wrong hand too!) 5/8/64. Bullet to head, by right-handed former CIA Underhill, but bullet hit behind left ear. Don't they all kill themself this way? It's so damn in your face!!
  4. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 24 2006, 05:55 AM' post='70013'] Damn, Ron: you cleared the bases with that one! Grand slam! What a reluctant lady Connally was, huh? Gee. That's about the longest bout of foreplay I've ever read of anywhere. And Kennedy just wouldn't go to Texas unless they could hold hands. Uh-huh. I'm sure that's just the way it all happened. Except for this one little thing... Whoa! It's a threesome. Now, I'm trying to think who else would have been all up in there... Oh, yeah! Daniel Ellsberg. Beginning at almost the same time as Connally started as Secretary of the Navy, Ellsberg became a consultant from Rand for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (ISA), with "go anywhere see anything" kinds of clearances. And just try to guess who the Deputy Secretary of Defense for ISA was at the time! It was Ellsberg's good buddy Harry Rowan, who would then become head of Rand, and a few years later have the McNamara report slipped into some briefcases and handed to Ellsberg. There's more to come on this. I hope Bentand Slithery's people get him a case of No-Doz and a copy of The Big Book of Vapid One-Liners. He's gonna' need it. Ashton xxxx: Now Ellsberg's behavior at the famous party in 1978-9 (forget exact date) to raise $ to keep HSCA going is making TOTAL sense. Earth to Terry: Please ask Lifton what he remembers of the Mailer party and specifically the behavior of Dan Ellsberg. One hint: It was before,during and after a speech by our pal Carl O. Ashton: Your posts are making sense of behavior that I found so damn paradoxical for now almost 30 years!!! As always, thanx! Dawn.
  5. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 24 2006, 06:51 AM' post='70019'] Most bizarre. I have a problem sometimes when I hit "post" or " add reply I guess it is called, I get an error page and sometimes the post "takes" but just as often I have lost the whole thing. Never any rhyme or reason to what occurs. I know that I should keep work perfect open, so that the actual content is saved, but I often forget to do that, as I am usually running multiple programs as it is. (email, music, forum..... ) Hope both problems are resolvable. (Well mine is by running WP, IF I remember Dawn
  6. ...one of the chief unveilers of conspiracies in modern times - Sherman H. Skolnick, a crusader for the truth no matter where it leads. Because of the factual information he can provide and because it is important to unveil any corruption within the Church in order to restore her to the sacredness and holy aspirations established by Jesus Christ to Simon Peter in Matthew 16: 18-19, we bring Skolnick's findings to the reader with no apprehension, always relying on Our Lord's words in Matthew 16: 26, "For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" When you read Skolnick's findings you'll see many gave and took much in selling their souls, often times hiding behind the Church for the Vatican Bank's tentacles reach out and greatly involve the causes and effects of modern history. The connection of the Vatican, CIA, Mafia, Masons and Protestant initiatives to destroy the True Church financially and spiritually is undeniable. The corruption must be weeded out. We would venture to say as you read below that few spy novels can match Skolnick's courage and persistance in seeking to separate the wheat from the chaff. Since 1958 Sherman H. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963 he has been the foundr/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, a public interest group researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial bribery and political murders. Since 1971, his comments have been on a recorded phone message he calls HOTLINE NEWS, on 24 hours per day and it is a regular phone call, not an expensive one: [773] 731-1100. Since 1991 he has been a regular participant and producer, and since 1995 he has been producer/moderator of "BROADSIDES", a one hour weekly taped public access Cable TV Show on IN CHICAGO each Monday evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable. The program reaches some 400,000 viewers each Monday night and outpulls three local commercial TV Programs. His comments have appeared on various websites that can be located on Internet through a good search engine. There are about 70,000 references to him and his work on Internet, some, of course, replications. In 1973, Mr. Skolnick wrote a book, "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage", a heavily documented book dealing, among other things, with the sabotaged plane crash December, 1972, in Chicago, one month after Richard Nixon was re-elected President. Twelve Watergate figures died when the United Air Lines plane pancaked just short of Midway airport. Dead in the crash zone were Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar and others linked to the Watergate Affair. She had in her possession over 2 million dollars in valuables obtained by blackmailing Nixon on his role in the 1963 political assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Skolnick's group "liberated" the entire unpublicized file of the National Transportation Safety Board, some 1300 pages of documented reports and pictures showing sabotage. Skolnick brought a suit against the NTSB contending sabotage cover-up. The NTSB re-opened their public hearings on the crash but continued to contend it was caused by "pilot error". Skolnick who was the star-witness at the re-opened hearings demanded that the NTSB panel disqualify themselves since most were financially tied to the airlines industry and that the Rockefellers, owners of all three News Networks, and major owner of United Air Lines, wanted the matter censored. The NTSB panel refused to disqualify themselves and entered a whitewash report,condemning Skolnick and his associates. Thereafter, Rockefellers' lawyers harassed the publisher so that Skolnick's book was stopped in the printing cycle and no copies are now available. More highlights of the work of the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts. Their work in 1969, touched off the biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history,the collapse of Illinois' highest court, the Illinois Supreme Court. As the head of his group, Skolnick directly accused the high court judges of bribery involving a banker who owned a bank right across the street from the high court's Chicago offices. Facing jail and on appeal to their court, the banker, the former Illinois Director of the Department of Revenue, Theodore J.Isaacs, won his criminal appeal by bribing most of the high court judges with stock in his nearby bank. Outraged by Skolnick's direct confrontation with them, the high court judges demanded that Skolnick disclose to the high court judges how he and his associates went about investigating the high court. When Skolnick refused to disclose, the high court judges had Skolnick, a paraplegic invalid in a wheelchair, hauled off to prison for "contempt of court". The imprisoning of Skolnick touched off a public commotion and the chief justice and an associate justice of the high court resigned, and a third accused high court judge suddenly died in the ruckus and Skolnick was vindicated. Caught up in a further mess involving the same bank was the former Illinois Governor by 1969 he was a federal appeals Judge in Chicago. Skolnick accused that judge, Otto Kerner Jr., of bribery as well. Kerner held press conferences and on all the local media called Skolnick a "xxxx". Despite his denials, Federal Appeals Judge Kerner was prosecuted and sent to prison, the highest level sitting federal judge sent to prison in U.S. history. Also imprisoned was Kerner's crony, former chief state tax collector Isaacs. Kerner died an ex-convict. The work of Skolnick and his group touched off a series of bribery scandals by which from 1983 to 1993, 20 local judges and forty lawyers were sent to jail for bribery. Including: the Chief Judge of the Traffic court who said Skolnick with his accusations of bribery was "imagining" things. That Chief Judge was sent to prison for bribery and died an ex-convict. In 1991, one sizeable conservative paper was the only one that dared run the story how Skolnick and his associates were the only journalists to attend a federal appeals court hearing in Chicago in a case involving suppressed bank records of the Chicago branch of Italy's largest bank, Banca Nazionale Delavoro, owned in part by the Vatican. The suppressed records, ordered so by state and federal regulators involved the secret private joint business partner of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. After the hearing, in the back of the Federal Appeals Court, Skolnick interviewed two hearing participants who admitted to Skolnick that the suppressed bank records involved Saddam Hussein's private business partner, George Herbert Walker Bush, the then U.S. President. Sources had earlier informed Skolnick of that, and Skolnick, to be careful, asked the same question about that THREE times and each time, the answer was the same: Bush was the private business partner of Saddam Hussein in billions of dollars of oil-kickbacks paid to Saddam Hussein by the weak sheikdoms in the Persian Gulf. Skolnick is one of the only ones to have the more or less complete record on appeals in the case including the Affidavit of the CIA General Counsel, that revealing these matters would violate national security. The hearing participants said that revealing all this would cause a run on the banks worldwide and for that reason had to be suppressed. In 1991, likewise published in that newspaper, "Spotlight", was Skolnick's exclusive story about the mysterious Bank of Credit and Commerce International: How the Bank of England for 30 days only had as a public record that BCCI bribed 25 per cent of both Houses of Congress, 108 Congressmen and 28 U.S. Senators. Although Spotlight did not publish Skolnick's list of bribed lawmakers, other authors claiming they got such details by other means, published some of the names thereafter in Media Bypass Magazine. It was basically the list of names, supplied to Spotlight but omitted from the published article. Since 1995, Skolnick has put on Internet, exclusive details of the small group of highly--patriotic admirals and generals have repeatedly but unsuccessfully sought, as authorrized under the Military Code, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton on their documented charges of treason. If he arrested them for mutiny,they were prepared, if they survived, to defend themselves at Courts Martial with their documents proving he sold top nuclear secrets to sworn enemies of the United States, including Red China. Clinton has met from time to time in the White House with Wang Jun, the reputed head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. Such matters have not been discussed in the mass media as they would embarrass and finger suupposed "Independent" Counsel Kenneth W. Starr. Wang Jun is Starr's PRIVATE law client. Also, Starr is the UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese Government. Meaning that Clinton's Justice Department can whenever they wish prosecute and jail Starr as an UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist. Wang Jun is also the head of the Red Chinese Government operation, Poly Technologies, that makes and markets AK-47 submachine guns and has reportedly attempted to sell them to U.S. inner-city narco-terrorist gangs. Were the Red Chinese hoping to instigate shoot-em-ups with local police all over the U.S. The following is a short-list of the U.S. flag officers assassinated becaused they opposed Clinton and under the Military Code sought to arrest Clinton, their Commander-in-Chief: April 17, 1995, a planeload of top U.S. Military brass, assassinated when their plane blew up by sabotage near Alexander City, Alabama,including Clark Feister, an assistant Secretary of the Air Force, close friend of the then Secretary of Defense Perry; Major General Glenn Profitt II, director of plans and operations for the Air Education and Training Command at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Also the one who had been head of a super-secret military agency that was called Army Security Agency. They had on onboard, to confront Clinton and the Pentagon with lies, a live POW, supposedly not supposed to exist, from Southeast Asia. They were prepared to show how top U.S. officials, also cronies of Clinton, were in the dope traffic from S.E. Asia, "the Golden Triangle", including George Herbert Walker Bush, retired Pentagon official General Colin Powell, and former Pentagon official Richard Armitage. Also assassinated to prevent a military coup: The highest naval officer in uniform, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, assassinated in his office with several caliber weapons and disguised in the press as a "suicide". Also: General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District, site of the Early Warning System of missile attacks; murdered by way of a sabotaged air crash. Giving aid and assistance to these flag officers planning to arrest Clinton,was the former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby, assassinated near his vacation home and falsely written off as an alleged "boating accident". Colby had been general counsel of the CIA's bank proprietary, Nugan Hand Bank and their successor and alter ego, Household International and Household Bank. Household has their world headquarters in the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights, Illinois. Parked with Household was 58.4 million dollars of federal funds to make good the long-pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, that a series of banks, including Household, perpetrated a massive swindle on him. 50 million dollars of that was secretly transferred to Little Rock, Arkansas to try to cover up the embezzlement of 47 million dollars from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, for which Bill and Hillary Clinton are subject to being federal criminally prosecuted and sent to prison for misappropriation. S & L owner Jim McDougal was murdered in jail the night before his testimony about all this. His ex-wife Susan has been repeatedly harassed to shut her up on what she knows about all this. Cong. Dan Burton [R., Ind.} started to put the details of the mysterious 50 million dollars and Clinton into the Congressional Record, 5/29/96, pages H5627-28. Was it blackmail, threats, or what that stopped Burton from putting in ALL the details? - [taken from the Catholic Worker] ----------------------------------------------------- Mr. Skolnick, Welcome. Would you like to take a stab at the state/health of the Judiciary, generally, in America today....not least of all the 'Supreme' Court. And how can one get a copy of your manuscript on plane sabotage? Skolnick was one of my first "introductions" to conspiracy politics. I had figured out the Watergate plane crash soon's it happened and in April 1973 my neighbor, David Skinner, (and good pal ever since) introduced me to both Carl Oglesby ( in person) and Skolnick via his articles and tapes. In 1974 I spend two days at the liab. of Congress researching what I learned from these tapes and printouts. In 2001 when I-(finally)- decided it was time to research the plane crash of JFK jr. I googled his name and murder and of course got Skolnick, along with a lot of other research into this "accident". I was on Sherman's mailing list until just before his death. When Carl Oglesby did his section- in Yankee and Cowboy War- on the 12/8/72 plane crash (a/k/a The Watergate crash)- he relied heavily on Sherman's first person research. But Carl also had former MIT philosophy prof and then Assassination Information Bureau (AIB) member Jim Kostman do independent research to double verify all of Skolnick's findings. It all checked out. In 1974 Boston University hosted its first ever national politics of conspiracy conference. And what a line up!!. Sherman and his then- partner Alex Bottos were there, Mae Brussel, Mark Lane, the list was literally endless- 3 full days. (Carl gave a speech that was called a "tour de force" in the local Boston Globe) . Guys with Sherman's passion for truth and justice are indeed rare. The world needs many more like him. RIP brave soul; you've well-earned it. Dawn
  7. You're not on my Christmas Card list either. This ain't one of your slumber parties, Dawny. You can't unilaterally throw me out. Bredan, If you would just trouble yourself to become aqainted with even the basic "JFK assassinatin 101-for dummies" you could actually add to this debate, instead of just hanging out to insult people who are quite serious about the very evil of which brings us here. Those who are serious about confronting evil and seeking justice, that is. Why are you here? Can you ever, for even a moment, rise above your superficial and transparent arrogance and attempt to transcend your simple lack of any relevent, salient facts about these matters? You come here whoring for the so- called power brokers. But why? Do you enjoy the wrath you find here? "Slumber parties"? People who toil to attempt to force our evil government to become forthcoming and honest barely sleep, so, "slumber parties"? Hardly. For a PR guy you have little to say. Bye, and you can have the last word as I will not engage in your cowardly mockery of something that is deadly serious to the rest of us here. Dawn Meredith
  8. [quote name='Brendan Slattery' date='Jul 23 2006, 08:22 PM' post='69965'] Welcome to Buff Land, where a coincidence is never a coincidence. Should Mrs. Paine file her defamation suit in her state or yours, Ashton? B. S. Why don't you find some other planet to haunt. Don't you realize that no-one likes you around here? Even the other Lone Nutters think you're full of s*** Dawn
  9. [color=#000066] , The one question of whether Kennedy had been set up to go to Dallas prior to 14 October 1963 or not is absolutely crucial. Central. Pivotal. That's the tea party with Ruth Hyde Paine and Marina and Linnie Mae Frazier after which Paine does the set-up for Oswald being hired at the TSBD. If plans for Kennedy to go to Dallas were made prior to 14 October 1963, that's the end of all "lone assassin" theories. Their dust can be put into an urn and scattered at sea, and the JFK Assassination forum will be entirely deloused of that whole faction of disinformation scum.[/color] Plans were definately made prior to 14 October. I will try to locate the exact cite later today. It originated with Connolly, and LBJ who stated that Jack needed to drum up some support in TX. Adlai Stevenson had been to Dallas prior to October and saw that it was far from friendly and strongly urged JFK to abandon this trip to Dallas. Indeed that morning -11/22/63- Wanted for Treason signs were being passed out. Nellie Connally's last word's prior to the first shot-"Well you can't say Dallas doesn't love you" have always seemed very creepy to me. Like she knew. I know that sounds overly paranoid, that coincidences do occur, but the timing was very weird. In Blood Money and Power, How LBJ Killed JFk, Barr McClellan writes: "ON June 5th , 1963 Kennedy Johnson and Connolly met in El Passa Texas and agreed the Texas trip whould be in the fall...to raise money for the 1964 election (p 183) ...the details for the Texas trip were announced November 3" (p 189) including trips to Fort Worth, Dallas and Austin. We'd also then know that the Paine track will connect with the instigators for the Dallas trip somewhere, somehow, and you're on the hot trail. It might even run into Southwestern as yet another CIA front. Many have long considered the Paines "help" to both Lee (job at TSBD) and Marina overtly suspicious. Ruth and Michael Paine's CIA ties made for a most strange and intriuging " friendship" to the young couple. Attorney Craig Zirbel, writing in The Texas Connection states: "On April 23, 1963 Johnson announced that the Presidnet would visit in the near future. Less than 45 days after this announcement the basic outline for a November trip to Texas was agreed upon in a private meeting between Kennedy, Johnson and Connolly at the Cortez Hotal in Texas" (p 185) (There is no cite for this quote however, a problem overall for much of this book, published in 1991) Dawn
  10. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 23 2006, 04:24 AM' post='69872'] Brendan, trust me: you aren't in any danger of that. So far, the only common denominators I can find to your posts are: 1. Snide, supercilious, carping criticism of work somebody else is doing. 2. Zero relevant contribution to forum or thread topic. Have I left anything out? Ashton Nope Ashton, you've summed-up BS in full. Dawn
  11. Thanks Mark, I did miss other posts. Work got very busy so I did not see the forum for many days in a row > Guess others asked the same question. Uncommon last names give rise to such questions. Dawnl
  12. Dr. Aguilar (Gary): Welcome to the forum. Delightful to see you here. Your expertise on the medical evidence in this case is astounding. Dawn
  13. Mark: Specifically what "silly photo stuff"? And I still want to know if you are related to Jack V. (If so, why the secrecy? if not, again,why the secrecy?) Thanks Dawn FWIW I agree with Jack: lets stop all the name calling and be civil. My dearest friend from childhood who has no interest in politics of any sort took a look here about a month ago and was just amazed at all the name calling and fighting "in spite of the rules". Sadly she will now never return. I had hoped Linda might find this forum of interest...but...she is not willing to take another look. I wonder how many others come here and leave for the very same reason. The CIA is laughing when they come here. And that is a sad indictment of the research community.
  14. This from a guy who makes allusions to "paid provacateurs" without naming names. I must be the world's biggest sucker because I do it for FREE. Jack, instead of spamming this forum on a daily basis with misunderstood Zapruder footage (complete with color lines and arrows that lead to nowhere), why not take up a new hobby? Might I suggest origami? Stamps? Taxidermy? BS: I will have you know that Jack White is a well known and highly respected member of the JFK assassination research community. As for myself I never did believe there was a moon landing. And I agree with Jack on 9-11. Why don't YOU take up a "hobby" : There are some excellent books on the jfk assassination I can suggest. You might try reading some before you come in here with your flippant comments. Just what JFK assassination books have you actually read???? Case Closed and what else? I await your reply. Dawn This is a serious post Brendan. Are you capable of a serious reply?
  15. Very interesting story Ashton. I look forward to chapter two. Where can we find the words of "G-Man" and "Eduardo" regarding this incident? That CIA certainly gets around a lot!! More details here...which I am sure you will provide as you're probably the single most detail oriented guy on this forum. So I will just be patient. Dawn
  16. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 21 2006, 04:53 AM' post='69508'] It's a dirty job Ash but someone had to do it. "Impossible"? Probably. John G. I agree with your comment to little boy Dunn he needs to find a thread where he has some knowledge . (I know I am mixing and matching threads here- (with apologies) - but just saw your post on Ashton's letter to WH thread. Dawn
  17. John Wayne Gacy was crazy, that's why he did those things. Psychotic, multiple personalities, consumed with guilt about his homosexuality. John didn't even do the work, his buddy Jack (another personality) did. Check out 'Buried Dreams' by Tim Cahill and Russ Ewing. And he didn't hack them up, he buried them whole after he raped and killed them. What does that perverted clown have to do with Watergate? Forgive my ignorance folks, but I, along with many others, happen to belive that 11/22/73 and 6/17/72 are so inter-related that a person could write several books on this issue alone. In fact a few have already been written. And much has been written here on the forum. John is scanning Carl Oglesby's magnificant Yankee and Cowboy War. I believe there are at least 2 chapters here on the forum (It's sub-titled Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate.) Altho published in 1976, this book covers the gammit, but is in need of updating. Tim Carroll did an excellent update here on the forum two years ago, and it has been re-posted in the "seminars" portion of the forum. I highly recommend anyone interested in these two events and how they are really one huge event, begin with those two postings: Oglesby and Carroll. Ashton Gary has also done some very good investigative work on the Watergate issue. The late, great Mae Brussel was another who did terrific work on these events, and how each leads back to the other. Of course there are also the books by the Watergate felons themselves, and while these texts are probably of little value, save for entertainment purposes, perhaps a kernal of truth is found in these writings as well. Gacy was a nut. The people who killed JFK and set-up Tricky Dick for Watergate were/are evil. I happen to believe there is a difference. Dawn
  18. [quote name='Rex Bradford' date='Jul 21 2006, 10:40 PM' post='69655']
  19. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 21 2006, 07:45 AM' post='69539'] Thanks, kiddo. All my pleasure. Now help me get it circulated, will you? Send copies to every media person you can find. Put them on notice, too. I am. I'll be posting a list of where I've sent it soon, but it's impossible to send it out too many times to too many places. It can't be overdone. While it may be true that much of our media is controlled, all of it isn't. There are people starving for the truth. We've got to start demanding that we get it, and that nothing short of it will answer. Ashton Diddo Ter. Ashton, would you please let us know if anyone replies to this. I have been writing to politicians all my life and the only one not to reply was Richard M. Nixon. Perhaps my tone was a bit emotional and it was not a "friendly " letter. Written in 1973, on an old typewriter, looking back at the things I SAID it's a wonder he did not have me killed. (I still have a copy of it in a file here). So pols DO reply. Even presidents I am told. (I was surprised to see an email purporting to be from Bill Clinton on my computer just last week. Seriously. ) If you receive even a form letter response I hope you will post it. Of course W can't even read so I doubt he can write, but he must have a girly person for such tasks. Sending it to the media will get you very little. I have sent many letters to media, including Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, as well as many others. Only one ever responded -Mary McGrory, who had been my favorite editorial writer for years. I wrote to her asking that she cover HSCA. She sent me back a hand written card stating that she was not interested , too busy. I rarely read her after that. But, it's worth a shot. I wil send it out around here. Dawn
  20. Perhaps Gerry had it stolen in a moment of conscience. Seriously tho, it would be very hard to ever learn "who done it", but a simple trip to where ever Tricky has his works -(Whittier?)- would provide the answer to your question. Or even a call to a person who works there might confirm or deny. Dawn
  21. A lawyer who 1) can't spell, or 2) figure out a simple computer function. How do you get hired?? And who is it who employs the likes of YOU BS? Can you spell C-I-A? Or are you one of Condi's little toy boys? So I make the odd typo. Sue me!! I am a lawyer not a computer geek like you. And believe me at the moment I have way more work than I can keep up with. So get "forked". A little forking might do you some good, tho I rather doubt it. Pity the poor gal, or guy. Goodbye BS. I will not respond to a post of yours again. You are dead. I only checked this out cuz I spoke with darlin Ter yesterday for the first time in weeks. We've both been too busy with work and life to even email let alone talk on the phone. So Ter, he's all yours girlfriend. Do with him what you will. Dawn
  22. Dave Perry is definately one to avoid at all costs. I had a nasty run in with him a few years ago when I attempted to correct comething on his website. He and McAdams are twins Now Gus Russo, he was good ole Tim Gratz' Favorite person to quote on this case. TG was always giving me s*** for not reading Russo's books. I was onto Russo in the 80's. Another "interesting " Dave is -and I can't spell his last name- "Reitzes" or something to that effect. (No time to look it up in some file here). Hey BS, why don't you go hang out on those web sites. You'll be among true friends. Of course you will have a ways to go to catch up, but they will be most willing to assist Dawn
  23. On "the whole Bay of Pigs thing" comment, I still don't believe that it was some euphimism for the Kennedy assassination, because I don't think Nixon himself ever figured out exactly who did that. If he had, he never would have allowed himself to get set up and cut down the way he was. I think it was Nixon's very pointed commentary about Helms and Hunt (and CIA Deputy Directors Vernon Walters and Robert Cushman) and others at CIA having intentionally sabotaged the Bay of Pigs operation. I don't think there's any question that they did, and since Nixon had been in on the ground floor of its planning, I believe that he was able to see how CIA had sabotaged it. So I believe that when he said "Bay of Pigs," he meant "Bay of Pigs," and Helms knew exactly what Nixon was referring to, which is why Helms went nuclear. (NOTICE to the first idiot who is tempted to demand that I explain why CIA would sabotage the operation: first you explain to me a rational reason why John Wayne Gacy killed men, then hacked up their dead bodies and buried them under his house. Then I might bother entertaining your nonsense.) Of course the same CIA crew also was behind the JFK assassination. It's impossible that they weren't involved. It's simply impossible, that's all. Ten seconds of rational thought is all it takes. It also eradicates about 30,000 false trails. (Okay, I haven't counted the false trails. Maybe my estimate is conservative.) Most of the JFK assassination evaluation I've seen falls short of the Ivy League sophistication of the snakes in Brooks Brothers suits who did JFK. As I posted briefly in the JFK forum recently, Kennedy named the manner of his dying when he stated his intention to "splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." Dealey plaza is a mockery of a Greek amphitheatre in which they did to him exactly what he had threatened to do to them, and the Greek theatre setting was a visual pun to ridicule his hubris. This isn't some obsession of mine with imagery and symbolism: it's how these scum think, and it's everywhere throughout their spoor. Wherever you track them you find this same kind of convoluted, perverted, sick, twisted "intellectualism," and you ignore it or miss it at your peril. I also believe that the kill shot came from the last place in the world anyone ever would suspect, and that they put it in the world's face later that afternoon in the biggest way possible—another part of their modus operandi that they cannot escape. But that's all I'm prepared to say on this at the moment. And now Dawn Meredith, with malice aforethought, has dragged me kicking and screaming into the JFK assassination discussion. She is utterly impossible. Ashton Gray ohmygod, stop the presses. I agree with 100% of the above post. Someone must have drugged my morning coffee. Or perhaps I am not really yet awake. I believed at 14 it was LBJ but by the time I was 22 I knew it was CIA. (And by CIA I mean it in the generic sense as there is also DIA and even more secretive "IA's") I believe LBJ was involved, and had pre-knowledge. But when JFK fired Dulles and Cabal and threatened to splinter the CIA "to a thosand winds" he signed his death notice. Viet Nam as motive has been PROVEN, As has been Cuba. That he and Castro were to meet "after a brief trip to Dallas" . This has been established long ago. We even have here on this forum a member who made sure Lisa Howard made those trips to Cuba. Until he's ready to come back and say hello to us I shall not name him. Of course Lisa committed suicide, as usual. Dawn [quote name='Michael Hogan' date='Jul 21 2006, 07:15 AM' post='69530'] Ashton Gray wrote: "Dealey plaza is a mockery of a Greek amphitheatre in which they did to him exactly what he had threatened to do to them, and the Greek theatre setting was a visual pun to ridicule his hubris." In another thread I quoted an excerpt from Gaeton Fonzi's book The Last Investigation. Fonzi describes his conversation in 1975 with Vincent Salandria: "I'm afraid we were mislead," Salandria said sadly. "All the critics, myself included, were mislead very early. I see that now. We spent too much time microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: 'We are in control and no one--not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official--no one can do anything about it.'(Emphasis added) It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless. And the people eventually got the message. Consider what has happened since the Kennedy assassination. People see government today as unresponsive to their needs, yet the budget and power of the military and intelligence establishment have increased tremendously. The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but to repression. I suggest to you, my friend, that the interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are now dealing with an international conspiracy. We must face the fact -- and not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us busy for so long. And I will bet, buddy, that is what will happen to you. They'll keep you very, very busy and eventually, they'll wear you down." Michael: That is my all time favorite quote on this case. I have copied that page for so many people and I have posted those words here on the forum. I highly recomment this book by the wonderful Gaeton Fonzi. The Last Investigation. In a recent communication with someone here on the forum I used those last words: "they'll wear you down". Vince Salandria remains the best there is on this case. (Along with others of course, but he's long been a personal favorite of mine as well as a personal friend since 1998. ) Dawn
  24. I propose that we discuss a bit about how totally interrelated Watergate is to 11/22/63, and the resultant "government" we have had since that horrific Friday in Dallas. I am too busy with work- literally 18 hour days- at the moment to do any more than bring this up as a topic of discussion. Have much to say, but no time at this moment except to start the thread. ( Oh, I agree with Terry on Ashton's post -(letter to W)- that if we are gonna have this twit Dunne (NOT RCD!!) tho other one) - posting his innane comments to Ashton's serious work, we might as well bring back Tim G. With apology to John here, as I know TG was banned for threats to sue John, so I am agreeing with Terry here in jest. ) FWIW. Dawn
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