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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. I really think it's time this thread died of boredom. It's been decreed that Aston's rights will not be revoked, so Ray and Pat, just take your toys and go home. Honestly don't either of you you have anything of value to say?. Mr Hogan did a fine job a couple of posts back of demonstrating just HOW nasty you can be Mr Carroll. Kinda odd for you to be calling the proverbial kettle now, ain't it? Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e? Dawn
  2. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jun 30 2006, 01:29 AM' post='66711'] Ashton, are you ready to concede the Diem cables existed? I'd rather not spend my time proving you wrong on this point, but if you insist, I will. Believe me, you should just concede this point and focus on your other poiints. So, where's the beef?? Prove him wrong already. Dawn
  3. Whathe heck are you talking about, Dawn? How is it that Ashton is a hero for driving Caddy and Baldwin from the Forum through his incessant and rude questions, but I'm a disrupter or CIA lackey, simply because I ask Ashton to make sense of his theory? He throws out ideas like "there was no first break-in" and "there were no Diem cables" and fails to back them up beyond his demonstration that different people told different stories over the years, which you, as a lawyer MUST know is to be expected, and then refuses to acknowledge my questions once I start pinning him down on the FACTS. If he offered you Kool-aid, would you drink it? I wouldn't. Pat, No one called you a "CIA lackey." And Ashton did not "drive Caddy and Baldwin from the forum." They came here to answer questions about their respective roles in the event known as Watergate. They have [/i]chosen to stop answering questions. In fact, Caddy has gone so far as to request that Ashton be banned from the forum. Ashton answered many of your questions ad nauseum until you began to twist both your questions and his answers. It is not Ashton Gray's "theory" that there was "no first break-in." He has provided evidence for this farce and has asked, " then what was really going on that Memorial Day weekend?" You have "pinned him down" not with "facts" my friend, but your own "pet theories," which happen to be different from the very ones you addmittedly once held yourself, until you were "corrected" by Watergate burglar James McCord's book. (I love the title A Piece of Tape. It should be titled: Two pieces of tape. It was you Patrick who said you could provide the "proof" of the Diem cables. WHERE IS IT??? As to people "changing stories over the years," Pat, I have learned a few things in this relatively long life of mine and one of them is that if people are telling the truth their story remains consistent. And "as a lawyer" I utilize this particular "thing" all the time, to decide if my client is lying to me. In cross-examination this is called "impeachment by prior inconsistent statements." Truth does not "change over time." Ashton has not stopped answering your questions because you have presented him with"facts." This is a misstatement of what has occurred at this forum. Yes, if Ashton offered me kool aid I would drink it. Or are you insinuating here he would poison me? Dawn
  4. I was deeply saddened to learn yesterday of the passing of Nathan Darby. For those forum members who have been following the Texas/fingerprint part of this case, Nathan needs no introduction. (For forum members unfamiliar with Nathan and his work, I will post a link. (Or just google his name and read). It has been my profound pleasure of having been one of Nathan's friends and confidants since 1998. Nathan worked very hard on the work he did--matching the latent print found on the 6th floor to the known prints of Malcolm "Mac" Wallace. He did so at his own time and expense, refusing any monetary compensation. Even after his affidavit of 3/12/98 was hand delivered, by J Harrison, to the open homicides division of the Dallas police department, Nathan continued to work on this case until his stroke last summer, from which he never recovered. Nathan was not frightened or intimidated by learning that his work involved a potential clue to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. When the now-censored (HIstory Channel) portion of The Men Who Killed Kennedy--The Guilty Men aired, I had the pleasure of viewing it with two of its "stars": Nathan and Barr McClellan. I will greatly miss this delightful man. His courge, wisdom, and unrelenting search for the truth are rare and marvelous qualities. Many people profess to be "Christians." Nathan did not simply profess such: he lived it. Sleep well dear friend, we shall meet again. In a better place. Dawn
  5. Jack, I have attempted to explain why the Watergate story really begins in 1968 here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7253 In fact, in some ways, the Watergate story began in November, 1963. This is what many of us have been saying since 1974 or so. For those memebers who did not live through Watergate, or the assassination, they missed a crucial part of history. Because even with the press being controlled there is always a few gems dropped, so that a discerning person can piece the real story together. Just connect all the dots. As Terry posted a few days back: "all roads lead to Rome". Dawn
  6. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 1 2006, 11:08 AM' post='66822']
  7. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jun 27 2006, 03:19 AM' post='66536'] Yes, I said I thought his behavior was suspicious until I read his book. He makes no bones that he is a super-patriot. He resented that Nixon was mis-usng the intelligence agencies for partisan political purposes, and trying to make the CIA take the fall for Watergate. The book does a good job, IMO, of showing how McCord came to his decision to talk to Sirica. Once he realized the Federal Prosecutors were under Nixon's influence. and were helping the White House push the whole thing aside, his disgust reached record levels. He decided to let the whole thing play out, so he could THEN go to Sirica, and expose the corruption of the system. I think a lot of people get caught up in thinking the CIA is the root of all evil. The CIA is a tool, all too often misused by the Presidency for political purposes. I think McCord is an honest man. While the tape was his mistake, there were a number of other mistakes made contributing to the capture of the burglars. If you read McCord's book, you'll see that he was encouraging a complete clean-up of Washington. I don't see the CIA as ever recommending such a thing or tolerating one of its agents recommending such a thing...too many skeletons, too many closets... I think McCord is an honest man and I'm sure Mr. Baldwin agreed. Sometimes we have to let go of our "pet" theories before we can make sense of things. I let go of my "pet" theory that McCord deliberately got caught. So, you let go of your common sense "pet theory" that McCord was TRYING to get caught upon reading McCord's (self-serving) book that he simply made some mistakes. Hmmmm. Shudda stuck with common sense. I find it hard to believe you'd be this naive. (DM) The Watergate break-in and its aftermath now makes almost perfect sense to me. Nixon was out of control. He had a bunch of cowboys working for him. No disagreement there. (DM) It was only a matter of time before they'd get caught. They got caught. Hunt blackmailed him. McCord flip-flopped back and forth but eventually decided to do the right thing. At least that is how he tried to make it LOOK. (DM) He went to an honest, if perhaps overly aggressive, judge. Most of the truth came out. Not a chance. Most of the "truth" was covered up. (imho) (DM) Are their secrets? Sure. I think there was a secret deal between Nixon and the men behind the Watergate hearings (inc. Ted Kennedy?) to force Agnew out of the chain-of-command. NO ONE wanted him as President. I doubt Ted Kennedy was in on any deal with Tricky Dick. I think Teddy knows better than that. I agree noone wanted Agnew as president. They did want the man they knew they could depend on tho. The one who'd been such a good boy in helping cover up for the assassination of JFK. Gerry Ford. (Remember his little book "Portrait of AN Assassin" ?) How convenient that he would also make Bush head of the CIA. HOw utterly convenient Patrick. Good old dependable Gerry. (DM) It also wouldn't surprise me one bit if Hunt and Liddy had something to do with Hoover's death and/or the assassination attempt on Wallace. Well, now there's a thought....(DM) I had a "pet" theory for a long time that they'd been behind the break-ins at FBI offices, and the exposure of COINTELPRO, in an attempt to force Hoover from office, as well. Sounds like a good theory to me...so far, but... (DM) That theory went out the window last year with an acknowledgement from a respected Forum member that he had a very good idea--wink wink--who was involved. And it wasn't the White House or the CIA, but honest-to-God leftists OR, do you mean it was leftists who "exposed COINTELPRO"? (Sid Bluementhal did write a seminal article on COINTELPRO "How The FBI Tried to Destroy the Black Panthers". It's in Government by Gunplay (Harvey Yazijian and Sid Blumenthal). (1976) , WHAT????? Now you've done a 180. (And does "wink wink" mean we are, or are NOT to take this "pet theory" seriously???) DM) who remain at large... So much for "pet" theories. I suppose one of the reasons they're called "pet" theories is because we usually outlive them, I am still struggling with your throwing out the only explanation based on common sense, of the taping of the doors HORIZONTALLY, TWICE , in favor of a new theory based on what Jim McCord wrote in his book. You are one trusting soul for someone who studies this stuff. Dawn Yes, I said I thought his behavior was suspicious until I read his book. He makes no bones that he is a super-patriot. He resented that Nixon was mis-usng the intelligence agencies for partisan political purposes, and trying to make the CIA take the fall for Watergate. The book does a good job, IMO, of showing how McCord came to his decision to talk to Sirica. Once he realized the Federal Prosecutors were under Nixon's influence. and were helping the White House push the whole thing aside, his disgust reached record levels. He decided to let the whole thing play out, so he could THEN go to Sirica, and expose the corruption of the system. I think a lot of people get caught up in thinking the CIA is the root of all evil. The CIA is a tool, all too often misused by the Presidency for political purposes. I think McCord is an honest man. While the tape was his mistake, there were a number of other mistakes made contributing to the capture of the burglars. If you read McCord's book, you'll see that he was encouraging a complete clean-up of Washington. I don't see the CIA as ever recommending such a thing or tolerating one of its agents recommending such a thing...too many skeletons, too many closets... I think McCord is an honest man and I'm sure Mr. Baldwin agreed. Sometimes we have to let go of our "pet" theories before we can make sense of things. I let go of my "pet" theory that McCord deliberately got caught. So, you let go of your common sense "pet theory" that McCord was TRYING to get caught upon reading McCord's (self-serving) book that he simply made some mistakes. Hmmmm. Shudda stuck with common sense. I find it hard to believe you'd be this naive. (DM) The Watergate break-in and its aftermath now makes almost perfect sense to me. Nixon was out of control. He had a bunch of cowboys working for him. No disagreement there. (DM) It was only a matter of time before they'd get caught. They got caught. Hunt blackmailed him. McCord flip-flopped back and forth but eventually decided to do the right thing. At least that is how he tried to make it LOOK. (DM) He went to an honest, if perhaps overly aggressive, judge. Most of the truth came out. Not a chance. Most of the "truth" was covered up. (imho) (DM) Are their secrets? Sure. I think there was a secret deal between Nixon and the men behind the Watergate hearings (inc. Ted Kennedy?) to force Agnew out of the chain-of-command. NO ONE wanted him as President. I doubt Ted Kennedy was in on any deal with Tricky Dick. I think Teddy knows better than that. I agree noone wanted Agnew as president. They did want the man they knew they could depend on tho. The one who'd been such a good boy in helping cover up for the assassination of JFK. Gerry Ford. (Remember his little book "Portrait of AN Assassin" ?) How convenient that he would also make Bush head of the CIA. HOw utterly convenient Patrick. Good old dependable Gerry. (DM) It also wouldn't surprise me one bit if Hunt and Liddy had something to do with Hoover's death and/or the assassination attempt on Wallace. Well, now there's a thought....(DM) I had a "pet" theory for a long time that they'd been behind the break-ins at FBI offices, and the exposure of COINTELPRO, in an attempt to force Hoover from office, as well. Sounds like a good theory to me...so far, but... (DM) That theory went out the window last year with an acknowledgement from a respected Forum member that he had a very good idea--wink wink--who was involved. And it wasn't the White House or the CIA, but honest-to-God leftists OR, do you mean it was leftists who "exposed COINTELPRO"? (Sid Bluementhal did write a seminal article on COINTELPRO "How The FBI Tried to Destroy the Black Panthers". It's in Government by Gunplay (Harvey Yazijian and Sid Blumenthal). (1976) , WHAT????? Now you've done a 180. (And does "wink wink" mean we are, or are NOT to take this "pet theory" seriously???) DM) who remain at large... So much for "pet" theories. I suppose one of the reasons they're called "pet" theories is because we usually outlive them, I am still struggling with your throwing out the only explanation based on common sense, of the taping of the doors HORIZONTALLY, TWICE , in favor of a new theory based on what Jim McCord wrote in his book. You are one trusting soul for someone who studies this stuff. Dawn (I reply to some of your other points above. )
  8. [quote name='Jack White' date='Jun 21 2006, 04:36 PM' post='66095'] Colby shows he is incapable of understanding, when he said: "Much as I detest Bush, Fetzer's call for a military take over in the US is truly sickening and should be condemned by all members of this forum. " Fetzer was calling for a TAKEOVER BY THE PEOPLE...not by the MILITARY! When someone is 180 degrees from what is stated, they have mental problems or an agenda. Colby should be condemned by all members of this forum. Jack Great article. I totally agree. (Living in Austin I have been a fan of Alex Jones for a long time now. His web site is infowars.com). Conspiracy/critical thinking is not about "left wing" or "right wing". It is about what our government has done to we the people. It's time we find a way to take it back. Jack, there are plenty of agendas here, sadly. Dawn
  9. ] . And I already know I don't have a prayer in the bathing suit competition.
  10. [quote name='Norman T. Field' date='Jun 29 2006, 10:43 PM' post='66699'] Some of the new members now again parading LN theories probably are T.C. HUH?? SInce TC cannot defend himself I am posting that he has NEVER posted a pro LN post. This is a joke right? (DM) I don't miss his distracting babble at all. Well many of us do. Infact it's a distraction FROM the "babble". Dawn
  11. I could not agree more. Garrison had the case slved, but was blocked at every turn. Davy's book, then Mellen's prove this with the new evidence, that vindicated the Judge. What a nice thought: Garrison Justice building. Dawn
  12. I already answered this partially, Daniel, but since you've opened the door, and since you feel that right now this should be considered important, I considered it important enough to give you a little more "fleshed out" response. I realize that this is the JFK forum, and while I'm going to post an appropriately introduced version of this message in that forum, I'm posting it first in response to you here—since Mr. Caddy elected to put my name in lights in this forum as an accused forum pariah, and since you and one or two others have taken the opportunity to imply that my research and presentations on the CIA's role in Watergate not only are the deluded pursuits of a borderline loon, but also to build a totally specious "case" that to render unto CIA what is CIA's in regard to Watergate is somehow to "take Nixon off the hook." Therefore I've created this timeline for you, a condensed version of the excellent timeline I've referred to repeatedly. I've excerpted relevant events just for you. In doing so, I've expunged all references to the "S word," or to what else the CIA might have been doing simultaneously, because I don't want you or Mr. Speer to start shaking uncontrollably or to run to your black helicopters again, as Mr. Speer seems wont to do. We don't need to address possible CIA motive in order to see events: who was doing what when. So here is your own personal version of a relevant portion of that timeline, and I'm going to name it in your honor in the Watergate forum. I have taken it up only to the purported "first break-in" of the Watergate because I consider that entirely sufficient. At the end I will make an effort to sum up as succinctly as possible what I understand your position to be. Without further ado: CIA-PENTAGON PAPERS-WATERGATE TIMELINE Friday, 10 April 1970 Richard Helms has rubber-stamped E. Howard Hunt's "early retirement" and has written a letter to Robert R. Mullen on behalf of Hunt, urging Mullen to hire him. Mullen is head of a public relations firm in D.C. that is a front company for CIA. One of the Mullen offices, in Stockholm, Sweden, is "staffed, run, and paid for by CIA." Also at the Mullen firm is Douglas Caddy. Monday, 13 April 1970 Daniel Ellsberg quits Rand in California, flies to Boston and signs a contract at MIT. He remains, though, a "consultant" for Rand. Friday, 1 May 1970 E. Howard Hunt ostensibly "retires" from CIA. He goes to work for the Mullen company in D.C. There, he is told by Robert Mullen that he and Douglas Caddy have been selected by Mullen to take over running the CIA front company soon, when Mullen retires. Tuesday, 5 May 1970 Daniel Ellsberg flies to Washington, D.C. and is there for three days, flies to St. Louis for a day, then flies back to D.C. [FORUM NOTE: Caddy wouldn't answer the question of whether he or Hunt had been in touch, either directly or through intermediaries, with Ellsberg.] Thursday, 28 May 1970 A CIA Covert Security Approval is requested under Project QK/ENCHANT for the "retired" E. Howard Hunt. August 1970 Just four months after E. Howard Hunt, James McCord "retires" from CIA. September 1970 Daniel Ellsberg stops seeing Beverly Hills psychiatrist Lewis Fielding. November 1970 Douglas Caddy leaves the Mullen firm to work for Gall, Lane, Powell and Kilcullen. Around the same time, E. Howard Hunt becomes a "client" of Caddy and of Gall, Lane. Caddy consults with Hunt regarding wills and "other matters." Around the same time, G. Gordon Liddy is approached by Robert Mardian, asking Liddy to take a position that Mardian describes as "super-confidential." February 1971 A hidden taping system is installed in the Oval Office of the White House. Saturday, 17 April 1971 E. Howard Hunt is in Miami and meets with Bernard Barker, Eugenio Martinez, and Felipe De Diego. Bernard Barker has a history of almost seven years with CIA. Eugenio Martinez is on "retainer" with CIA. [NOTE: A little over four months later, these same three men will be involved with Hunt in a purported break-in of the offices of psychiatrist Lewis Fielding, ostensibly in response to Daniel Ellsberg having leaked the Pentagon Papers. But the Pentagon Papers haven't been leaked to the press yet, and won't be for almost two months.] Early June 1971 Daniel Ellsberg makes "a series of phone calls" to psychiatrist Lewis Fielding shortly before the Pentagon Papers are published. Around this same time, Douglas Caddy meets with E. Howard Hunt and Bernard Barker at the Army-Navy Club in Washington, D.C. [NOTE: Caddy will claim that this is the one and only time that he ever met Bernard Barker.] Saturday, 12 June 1971 The day before the "Pentagon Papers" are published, Morton Halperin, Leslie Gelb, and Defense Department official Paul Nitze make "a deposit into the National Archives" of "a whole lot of papers." [NOTE: This turns out later to be copies of the not-yet-published Pentagon Papers that will make Daniel Ellsberg famous and launch everything that later comes to be known as "Watergate."] Sunday, 13 June 1971 Daniel Ellsberg, having highest possible clearances from CIA, leaks the "Pentagon Papers." The New York Times publishes the first of three installments of secret documents that have been passed to Times reporter Neil Sheehan by Daniel Ellsberg. [NOTE: Ellsberg had been connected to Sheehan in Viet Nam by CIA's Edward Landsdale and CIA's Lucien Conein.] Tuesday, 15 June 1971 G. Gordon Liddy is abruptly transferred from being "Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury" to "Staff Assistant of the President of the United States," part of the White House Domestic Council. Liddy is supplied with White House credentials. Monday, 28 June 1971 Daniel Ellsberg is indicted for the leak of the Pentagon Papers. Wednesday, 30 June 1971 The Supreme Court rules 6-3 that the government has not shown compelling evidence to justify blocking further publication of the Pentagon Papers. Thursday, 1 July 1971 David Young—who is with NSA—is appointed to the White House Domestic Council to work with Egil Krogh. On or about the same date, Carol Ellsberg, Daniel Ellsberg's ex-wife, calls the FBI. She tells them that Daniel Ellsberg had seen a psychiatrist. She says that Ellsberg has "assured her" that he "had told this analyst all about what he had done" (referring to the Pentagon Papers). She volunteers the name of the Beverly Hills psychiatrist: Lewis Fielding. [NOTE: Daniel and Carol Ellsberg have been living apart since January 1964, divorced since 1966. Daniel Ellsberg didn't begin with Fielding until two years after the divorce, in March of 1968 (see), and had quit seeing Fielding in September 1970 (see)—nearly a year before "what he had done."] On or about the same date, John "Jack" Caulfield, Staff Assistant to President Nixon, has created a 12-page political espionage proposal called "Sandwedge." Ostensibly as part of it, Anthony Ulasewicz has rented an apartment at 321 East 48th Street (Apartment 11-C), New York City. G. Gordon Liddy is given the complete "Sandwedge" plan. [NOTE: The apartment is in close proximity to the lab and school of CIA's Cleve Backster. It provides a backstopped New York address and phone. Note, too, that the reference for date of Sandwedge is a document in the National Archives titled "7/71 Sandwedge proposal," despite most anecdotal accounts placing it later in 1971.] Friday, 2 July 1971 CIA Director Richard Helms is pushing behind the scenes to get E. Howard Hunt into a position connected with the White House in response to the Pentagon Papers having been leaked. H. R. Haldeman tells Nixon that that Helms has described Hunt: "Ruthless, quiet and careful, low profile. He gets things done. He will work well with all of us. He's very concerned about the health of the administration. His concern, he thinks, is they're out to get us and all that, but he's not a fanatic. We could be absolutely certain it'll involve secrecy... ." On the same day, Charles Colson sends a memo to H. R. Haldeman with a transcript of a phone conversation he had with E. Howard Hunt the previous day—which he happened to record. Colson says: "The more I think about Howard Hunt's background, politics, disposition and experience, the more I think it would be worth your time to meet him." Wednesday, 7 July 1971 E. Howard Hunt is hired as a "White House consultant" while keeping his full-time job at CIA front company Mullen. Hunt is supplied with White House credentials. Thursday, 8 July 1971 The day after starting with the White House, E. Howard Hunt has a private meeting with CIA's Lucien Conein, Hunt's acquaintance of almost 30 years. [NOTE: Conein had been part of the team that Daniel Ellsberg had gone with to Vietnam, headed by CIA's Edward Landsdale, where Ellsberg had been connected up with reporter Neil Sheehan.] Tuesday, 20 July 1971 E. Howard Hunt has a private meeting with CIA's Edward G. Landsdale. [NOTE: Landsdale had taken Daniel Ellsberg and Lucien Conein to Vietnam in 1965-66, where Ellsberg had been connected up with reporter Neil Sheehan.] Thursday, 22 July 1971 E. Howard Hunt goes to CIA headquarters and meets privately with Deputy Director of CIA Robert Cushman. Friday, 23 July 1971 The CIA supplies E. Howard Hunt with counterfeit ID in the name of "Edward J. Warren." Hunt meets CIA's Stephen Greenwood in a CIA safehouse where a fake driver's license and other ID material, plus a disguise, are given to Hunt. Saturday, 24 July 1971 Based on a memorandum by Egil Krogh and NSA's David Young, the Special Investigations Unit is established at the White House under them. It comes to be known as the White House Plumbers. [NOTE: David Young gives the unit its nickname, supposedly because it is there to "stop leaks." It never stops a single leak, or accomplishes anything effective regarding security leaks. Liddy and Hunt are already established in their positions weeks before the unit is created. The creation of the Special Investigations Unit does nothing to alter the operatioinal status or position of either of them. Young is running everything that leads to the Fielding office break-in. Young will later be given immunity by Watergate prosecutors, then will report the Fielding "burglary," backed up by CIA-supplied photos] Friday, 30 July 1971 A highly secure facility has been set up in Room 16 of the Old Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House that G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt use. It includes a secure phone used "mostly to talk to the CIA at Langley." Early August 1971 G. Gordon Liddy is in regular communication with "State and the CIA," having direct conversations with CIA Director Richard Helms. Liddy is briefed by CIA on "several additional sensitive programs in connection with his assignment to the White House staff." Liddy is also making regular trips to the Pentagon. E. Howard Hunt is making regular trips to the State Department. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time is George H.W. Bush (Sr.) Monday, 2 August 1971 CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy comes to Room 16 and meets privately with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Friday, 6 August 1971 E. Howard Hunt again meets clandestinely in a CIA safehouse, this time with CIA's Stephen Greenwood and also with CIA's Cleo Gephart. Hunt purportedly discusses CIA providing a "backstopped address and phone" in New York city. Hunt also asks for CIA to provide phony ID and a disguise for "an associate"—G. Gordon Liddy. [NOTE: Hunt is asking for ID and disguise for Liddy prior to any proposal to break into Lewis Fielding's office. Also, there's already a backstopped address and phone in New York city at 321 East 48th Street, Apartment 11-C, New York City, set up by Anthony Ulasewicz as part of the Sandwedge proposal, which Liddy and Hunt have. See 1 July 1971.] Wednesday, 11 August 1971 CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy again comes to Room 16 and meets privately with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Soon after, Liddy and Hunt recommend an attempt at surreptitious entry for "acquisition of psychiatric materials" on Daniel Ellsberg from the files of psychiatrist Lewis Fielding. They claim the need, first, for a "feasibility study" of Fielding's Beverly Hills office Friday, 20 August 1971 The CIA supplies G. Gordon Liddy with counterfeit ID in the name of "George F. Leonard." Hunt and Liddy meet CIA's Stephen Greenwood (called "Steve" in Hunt's account) in a CIA safehouse where a CIA-created fake driver's license and other ID material, plus a disguise, and a camera are issued to Liddy. Thursday, 26 August 1971 E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly to Los Angeles. Hunt takes pictures of Liddy, in his CIA-issued black wig (which doesn't disguise him), standing in front of psychiatrist Lewis Fielding's office door, with Fielding's name on the door. Liddy also takes pictures of Hunt in his CIA-supplied non-disguise. The photos are taken with the camera supplied to them by CIA. Friday, 27 August 1971 E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly back to Washington, D.C. CIA's Stephen Greenwood meets them at the airport, where Hunt gives Greenwood the film for developing by CIA. Greenwood delivers prints to Hunt the same day. The CIA keeps a copy of the photos of Liddy and Hunt (in CIA-provided "disguises" that don't disguise them at all) mugging in front of Lewis Fielding's identifiable door. [NOTE: The CIA later turns their copies of the photos over to Watergate investigators, which results in all criminal charges against Daniel Ellsberg for leaking the Pentagon Papers to be dropped.] Saturday, 28 August 1971 On a Saturday, Hunt and Liddy purportedly are in Room 16 when Liddy tells Hunt that the plan to do a break-in of Fielding's office is approved, but that the two of them are not "to be permitted anywhere near the target premises." [see 27 August 1971, immediately above.][/i] E. Howard Hunt then purportedly calls Bernard Barker in Miami and asks if Barker can "put together a three-man entry team." Barker calls back to say it will be Barker, Eugenio Martinez, and Felipe De Diego. [NOTE: As luck would have it, this happens to be the same three men Hunt had met with in Miami two months before the Pentagon Papers were published. See 17 April 1971.] Friday, 3 September 1971 A break-in takes place at the office of psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding in Beverly Hills, California. The break-in is made obvious by the smashing of a window. Accounts of the break-in are irreconcilably conflicting. According to Bernard Barker, E. Howard Hunt, and G. Gordon Liddy, the three Cubans—Barker, Martinez, and De Diego—had entered the office and searched thoroughly, and there was no file on Daniel Ellsberg anywhere. According to Lewis Fielding, there was a file on Ellsberg in his office, which Fielding says he found on the floor the next morning. Fielding claims it was evident that someone had gone through the file. The same night, Hunt and Liddy are in New York City—where Hunt has made an issue of needing "a backstopped address." They check into the Pierre hotel and remain in New York through at least Sunday, 5 September 1971. [NOTE: There is no physical evidence that either Liddy or Hunt had been in Los Angeles at all for the Fielding office break-in. Only the anecdotal claims of the co-conspirators account for the whereabouts of Hunt and Liddy that weekend. This is similar to the later purported Watergate first break-in that involves the same personnel.] October 1971 E. Howard Hunt is in telephone contact with CIA Chief European Division John Hart, and has several telephone conversations with CIA Executive Officer European Division John Caswell. [NOTE: L. Patrick Gray will later order FBI to hold off on interviewing Caswell.] Friday, 15 October 1971 E. Howard Hunt meets privately with CIA Director Richard Helms. Early November 1971 CIA's James McCord, purportedly retired in August 1970, signs a contract with the Republican National Committee to handle "security." The contract is in the name of "McCord Associates, Inc." [NOTE: The corporation will not be created until several weeks after the contract is signed; incorporation papers are not filed until 19 November 1971 (see) in Maryland.] Friday, 19 November 1971 CIA's E. Howard Hunt contacts CIA's Office of Security Director Robert Osborne. On the same day, CIA's James McCord files incorporation papers in Maryland for McCord Associates, Inc., ostensibly a security company, but the incorporation papers say nothing about providing security, and the company is not licensed for security. Included on the board are McCord, his wife, and his sister, Dorothy Berry, who works for an "oil company in Houston." [NOTE: Berry later claimed she had "no idea" she had been listed on the board. Also, the Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation—an "oil company in Houston" that controls half the world's supply of lithium—will later provide checks that get converted to traceable $100 bills for part of what becomes known as Watergate. See 15 April 1972.] Wednesday, 8 December 1971 E. Howard Hunt is in touch with senior CIA officer Peter Jessup, who is with the National Security Council staff. On or about the same day, Hunt meets privately again with CIA's Lucien Conein. Sunday, 12 December 1971 NSA's David Young meets with Egil Krogh and CIA psychiatrist Bernard Malloy. Thursday, 16 December 1971 CIA's E. Howard Hunt is in Dallas, Texas—an airline hub. Lt. George W. Bush is living in Houston, Texas. He is a pilot trained on T-38 Talons, a type of plane used as a chase plane. January 1972 G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt are collaborating on a "political espionage" plan to replace the Sandwedge proposal. One of the items they have factored into the budget, ostensibly for "political espionage," is a chase plane. [NOTE: Budgeting and planning for this "chase plane" comes up over and over, but it is utterly ludicrous for any kind of "political espionage" purposes.] Monday, 10 January 1972 G. Gordon Liddy is in New York city at the apartment Ulasewicz has established at 321 East 48th Street, Apartment 11-C. Early February 1972 G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt fly to Miami, home of Bernard Barker and other CIA-connected Cubans. Around the same time, G. Gordon Liddy "recruits" CIA's James McCord as a "wire man," purportedly to be able to do electronic eavesdropping for "political espionage" purposes. [NOTE: At the time, Liddy has no approved budget for any such activities, nor are there any approved plans for, or targets for, any such activities.] Thursday, 17 February 1972 E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy again fly to Miami, ostensibly to meet with Donald Segretti (a.k.a. "Donald Simmons"). While there, Hunt is in contact with CIA's Bernard Barker. Tuesday, 22 February 1972 G. Gordon Liddy meets with CIA personnel at Langley in connection with CIA "special clearances" he has been granted. Thursday, 24 February 1972 G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt meet with a "retired" CIA doctor, introduced by Hunt to Liddy as "Dr. Edward Gunn," to get briefed by him on various covert means of murder for a possible assassination. Late February 1972 E. Howard Hunt travels to Nicaragua on an "undisclosed mission." [NOTE: See entry for 3 March 1972.] Wednesday, 1 March 1972 Douglas Caddy, who has E. Howard Hunt as a client, begins to do "legal tasks" for John Dean and G. Gordon Liddy. Friday, 3 March 1972 Gary O. Morris, psychiatrist of E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy, vanishes while on vacation on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. No trace is ever found of the pleasure boat he had left on for a cruise with his wife and a local captain, Mervin Augustin. Monday, 27 March 1972 G. Gordon Liddy's job abruptly changes to general counsel of the Finance Committee to Re-elect the President. Wednesday, 29 March 1972 Two days after Liddy's job changes, E. Howard Hunt "terminates" in his paid capacity as a White House consultant—yet he keeps his office and the safe he'd used as such, and keeps his White House credentials because he continues to "work there a few hours each week." Early April 1972 CIA's E. Howard Hunt flies to Chicago and delivers an undisclosed amount of cash in a sealed envelope to W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation. [NOTE: Dorothy Hunt later will die in a plane crash en route to Chicago carrying an envelope of cash.] Saturday, 15 April 1972 E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy fly to Miami and deliver checks drawn on a Mexico City bank to CIA's Bernard Barker. [NOTE: Several of the checks have originated from Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation in Houston, which at the time controls half the world's supply of lithium, used in the making of hydrogen bombs and in psychiatric drugs.] Monday, 24 April 1972 CIA's Bernard Barker cashes a cashier's check for $25,000 at his bank in Miami. [NOTE: This $25,000, from the Dahlberg check, plus two later withdrawals by Barker will equal $114,000. See 2 May and 8 May 1972.] Monday, 1 May 1972 CIA's James McCord contacts an ex-FBI agent, Alfred Baldwin, who is living in Connecticut. McCord purportedly doesn't know Baldwin, but wants Baldwin to come to Washington, D.C. that night. Tuesday, 2 May 1972 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover is found dead in his home in the early morning hours. L. Patrick Gray—who has no background in law enforcement—is appointed as Acting Director of FBI. [NOTE: Hoover's death is attributed to a heart attack, and no autopsy is done. L. Patrick Gray will steer the FBI investigation of Watergate, destroy material taken from the White House safe of E. Howard Hunt, then will resign.] Alfred Baldwin meets with James McCord. McCord issues Baldwin a Smith & Wesson .38 snub-nose revolver. Baldwin is assigned to travel as a bodyguard with Martha Mitchell on "a trip to the midwest." On the same day, CIA's Bernard Barker withdraws an unspecified amount of cash from his bank in Miami. [NOTE: This is the second of three transactions by Barker that will total $114,000.] Thursday, 4 May 1972 Lt. George W. Bush is ordered to "report to commander, 111 F.I.S., Ellington AFB, not later than (NLT) 14 May, 1972." [NOTE: Bush does not report as ordered. See 19 May 1972.] Friday, 5 May 1972 CIA's James McCord rents room 419 of the Howard Johnson's motel across the street from the Watergate. The room is registered in the name of McCord Associates. Monday, 8 May 1972 Alfred Baldwin returns to Washington, D.C. from his trip with Martha Mitchell. He is told by James McCord to keep the .38 revolver because "he might be going on another trip." G. Gordon Liddy, in D.C., calls CIA's Bernard Barker in Miami. Bernard Barker withdraws another unspecified amount of cash from his bank in Miami which, with two other transactions, now totals $114,000. James McCord receives $4,000 in cash from G. Gordon Liddy. Tuesday, 9 May 1972 Alfred Baldwin leaves Washington, D.C., ostensibly going to his home in Connecticut to "get more clothes." He takes the .38 revolver with him, purportedly because he has been told by James McCord that he might be going on another trip with Martha Mitchell that is scheduled for 11 May 1972. [NOTE: Baldwin doesn't return until 12 May 1972.] Wednesday, 10 May 1972 CIA's James McCord is in Rockville, Maryland. He pays $3,500 cash for a "device capable of receiving intercepted wire and oral communications." [NOTE: Rockville, Maryland is about six miles from Laurel, Maryland. Five days later presidential candidate George Wallace will be shot in Laurel, Maryland by Arthur Bremer with a .38 calibur revolver. See 15 May 1972.] Friday, 12 May 1972 Alfred Baldwin returns to Washington, D.C. James McCord tells Baldwin he won't be going with Martha Mitchell so he can "turn in his gun." Baldwin purportedly gives the .38 revovler to McCord. McCord tells Baldwin to move from the the Roger Smith hotel, where Baldwin has been staying, into room 419 at the Howard Johnson's motel. Monday, 15 May 1972 Presidential candidate George Wallace is shot by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, Maryland, ending his presidential campaign and partially paralyzing him. Wednesday, 17 May 1972 CIA's Bernard Barker makes two calls from Miami to G. Gordon Liddy, and two calls to CIA's E. Howard Hunt. Friday, 19 May 1972 Lt. George W. Bush (Jr.), a chase plane pilot, contacts a superior officer in the reserves to discuss "options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November." The memo recording the conversation says that Bush "is working on another campaign for his dad." The memo writer thinks Bush is "also talking to someone upstairs." [NOTE: George H. W. Bush (Sr.) is U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. at this time.] On the same day, President Richard M. Nixon, about to embark on an historic trip to the Soviet Union, writes the following in a letter to Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig: "The performance in the psychological warfare field is nothing short of disgraceful. The mountain has labored for seven weeks and when it finally produced, it produced not much more than a mouse. Or to put it more honestly, it produced a rat. We finally have a program now under way but it totally lacks imagination and I have no confidence whatever that the bureaucracy will carry it out. I do not simply blame (Richard) Helms and the CIA. After all, they do not support my policies because they basically are for the most part Ivy League and Georgetown society oriented." On the same day, E. Howard Hunt makes two calls to Bernard Barker in Miami. Saturday, 20 May 1972 Richard Nixon leaves Washington, D.C. on his trip to Austria, the Soviet Union, Iran, and Poland. He will not return until 1 June 1972. James McCord sends Alfred Baldwin to Andrews Air Force Base, where Nixon is leaving on Air Force One, purportedly because there might be demonstrations and McCord wants Baldwin to be there for more "surveillance activities." [NOTE: The "reason" supplied by McCord in testimony for this trip by Baldwin is too thin to slice, particularly in light of the amount of security surrounding Nixon's departure. Besides Air Force One, there is a fleet of White House planes at Andrews for use by VIPs and various staff connected with the White House.] On or about the same day, CIA's E. Howard Hunt flies to Miami and meets with Bernard Barker. Monday, 22 May 1972 Richard Nixon arrives in Moscow and is toasting Soviet leaders at a dinner. On the same day, the CIA "Cuban contingent" arrives in Washington, D.C. from Miami: Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and Virgilio Gonzalez. They are in D.C. purportedly to carry out a "first break-in" on the following weekend of Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate with G. Gordon Liddy, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, and CIA's James McCord. [NOTE: There is no physical evidence that any such "first break-in" ever took place. For full coverage, see The Watergate "First Break-In Dilemma. Note also that while E. Howard Hunt claims that six Cubans arrived on 22 May 1972, the referenced criminal appeals court ruling names only four.] Tuesday, 23 May 1972 Alfred Baldwin leaves Washington, D.C. again, purportedly going to his home in Connecticut again. No reason is given for his departure. Friday, 26 May 1972 G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's James McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are engaged in a failed attempt to break into the Watergate—the "Ameritas dinner" attempt. [NOTE: There was no such attempt at a break-in See 26 May 1972: The "Ameritas Dinner" and Alfred Baldwin.] Saturday, 27 May 1972 G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's James McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are engaged in a second failed attempt to break into the Watergate. [NOTE: But there was no such "second attempt." See 27 May 1972: The "second failed attempt" and Alfred Baldwin.] Sunday, 28 May 1972 G. Gordon Liddy, Alfred Baldwin, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, CIA's James McCord, and several Cuban CIA contract agents purportedly are engaged in a successful "first break-in" at DNC headquarters at the Watergate. According to their later claims, McCord placed two electronic bugs in the DNC headquarters during the "first break-in," and Bernard Barker purportedly had photos taken of the office of the Chairman, Lawrence O'Brien, and of documents on his desk. [NOTE: There is no physical evidence that any such "first break-in" ever took place, or the purported two earlier failed attempts on the same holiday weekend. Barker later testified that he never was in O'Brien's office at all, and a telephone company sweep found no electronic bugs in the DNC at all (see 15 June 1972). For full coverage, see The Watergate "First Break-In Dilemma and There was no "first break-in" at the Watergate. There is nothing to account for the whereabouts of Liddy, Hunt, McCord, and Baldwin over the entire Memorial Day Weekend except the conflicting and contradictory anecdotal accounts of the co-conspirators themselves, which they volunteered when "caught" inside the building on 17 June 1972, while being represented by Douglas Caddy. See also 3 September 1971 for similarities in the purported "Fielding office break-in," including personnel involved and the use of a holiday weekend, in that case the Labor Day weekend.] AFTERWORD: Douglas Caddy will later appear in court ostensibly representing all four of the arrested CIA-connected Cubans, plus CIA's James McCord, CIA's E. Howard Hunt, and G. Gordon Liddy, who has "special CIA clearances." Later, on Wednesday, 3 January 1973, the very day that Daniel Ellsberg goes on trial, CIA's Anthony Goldin hand delivers to the Department of Justice Watergate prosecutors copies of 10 photos of E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy taken at the office of Ellsberg psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding, with Fielding's name on the door clearly visible. These will later be turned over to the Ellsberg court, and all charges against Ellsberg will be dropped.[NOTE: See 26 August 1971, when Liddy and Hunt flew to Los Angeles to take the photos of each other.] ========================= Now, Dan, given all the foregoing, allow me to see if I can sum up your position in the most pithy way possible, and you be sure to correct me if I have this wrong. (Drum roll, please.) DANIEL: NIXON DID IT. <Cymbal crash> Ashton Gray It's the end of another long day. All I can say is that this chronology of events has me singing an old Everly Brothers song "Wake Up Little Susie". I hope that .......-(know that)- people are beginning to "get it" here.. Ashton, I honestly do not know how you can make it any MORE clear. Perhaps reading it twice???? Once for content, twice for comprehension; that lightbulb moment??? I can only hope. Dawn ps Pat: GIven this chronology do you STILL think Ashton is any relation to PATRICK Gray?
  13. [quote name='Michael Hogan' date='Jun 29 2006, 10:45 PM' post='66700'] Ashton, Putting aside the Forum controversy that seems to be swirling around your posts, you are an outstanding writer and a dogged researcher. As far as your approach in questioning Messrs Baldwin and Caddy, I'll definitely stay out of that discussion for the time being. Have you ever considered self-publishing a small run book on Watergate? I'll buy two or three copies. Thanks for making me revisit the Watergate mystery. Time does tend to blur perceptions. Take care, Mike Hogan PS) I have carefully read the links you have provided. Mike: I do believe he's written one here for us. For free Dawn
  14. I would urge all to take stock of the fact that there once was a real and honest and thwarted attempt at a prosecution of some of those involved in the Assassination - Garrison's prosecution. He was on the mark, if lacking much of the newer information we now have and hindered by CIA-run attempts to thwart success in his prosecution. If you have not yet, read Mellen's A Farewell to Justice - great book on Garrison and the state of the 'case' against those who killed JFK. Peter, I could not agree with you more Re the Garrison investigation and Joan Mellen's book re his investigation. That said I had some serious problems with that portion of her book where she was so taken in by Murgado, saying that the Kennedys were trying to kill Castro. (Especially given that it was Gerry Hemming who put her onto Murgado). I find it inconceivable that, while in the midst of what has now been proven- to me at least- JFK and Castro were to have normalized relations, and in fact were to meet "after a brief trip to Dallas", that bros -Kennedy were also trying to assassinate Castro. I also had a difficult time accepting the notion that it was Bobby Kennedy who sent (CIA man!!) Walter Sheridan to New Orleans to destroy Garrison's investigation. I loved her book so far as bringing us up to the present on the work that Garrison had done, and continued to do til he died in '92. But the above two points ruined the book for me. Several other researchers are equally disappointed by these particular portions of her book: notably Vince Salandria, Lisa Pease, Jim DiEugenio, Steve Jones, Jim Douglas- just to name the ones with whom I have had this discussion. I wish she'd re-write her book, fix the terrible footnote problem, and reconsider the "evidence" for her above-referenced "theories". Dawn
  15. Lee When you say "still wrong" do you mean with your computer? Or here too? I do have a firewall and have not ever had any problem coming to the forum til yesterday. My computer "told" me that I HAVE a virus. Immediately after coming to the forum. (And my husband did the same manual er repair). So I stayed away for several hours, then thinking it was safe (based on a conversation with another member- I apparetly misunderstood- I re-visited and then had to have someone else walk me thru the same er repair. The second time it took several hours to get back on line- form 4 pm til nearly 9 last nite. This virus was (is?) ......a very bad one. Dawn
  16. Hi A.J., The Case of Congressman Gonzales is certainly one for the MK/ULTRA files, though of course the powers that be used him to get Richard Sprague, the first chief counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), who we hope to be the lead prosecutor (with Bob Tannenbaum) for the Mock Grand Jury. Gonzalas was the second chairman of the HSCA. The first (Tom Downing? of Virginia) was convinced of conspiracy by a private screening of the Zap film, but after getting the Committee going, retired, leaving it to Gonzalas, the Texas Congressman who should have ex-cused himself for being a material witness - he recovered John Connally's clothes and destroyed them as evidence. When Richard Sprague, the Philadelphia prosecutor who had already successfully prosecuted a political assassination (Lablonski UMW) was appointed chief counsel of the HSCA - the most powerful position after Chairman, he began formal homicide investigations into the murders of JFK and MLK. This, of course, was not going to play out, and the power struggle on the Hill resulted in Gonzalas losing the chairmanship and Sprague being sent back to Philly. Replacing him, G.R. Blakey, began to write a report. Now we'd like to see what Sprgue could do with a grand jury. Hi Bill: Are you saying Sprage is willing to do this? (Provided he's appointed, of course. IF that is even how this would proceed. Normally it's the DA who convens a Grand Jury, so I do not know the procedure here). That would be fantastic!! He was our best hope during HSCA and when he was driven from his position by the horrible news stories in the Op Mickingbird- (CIA-controlled)- press it was all downhill after that. Attorney -"The- Mob- did- it" Robert Blakey was...ah.. not a good person to replace the inimitable Sprague. (For those unfamiliar with all of this history, I highly recommend former HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi's book "The Last Investigation" ). We desperately need a Grand Jury investigation. While some of the conspirators are still alive (and thus indictable). Dawn
  17. color=#336666] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Good idea, Duke. --Thomas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [/color] Hi Duke, Did anything come of your meeting? I wrote a letter to Dallas D.A. Hill in 2003 asking him to re-open this case. I received no reply. (Big surprise). Dawn
  18. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jun 28 2006, 01:14 AM' post='66623'] Sayeth Mr. Gray: "As for Nixon, let me suggest an interesting exercise that I've done myself several times now: with this knowledge of a vast CIA cover-up, go back and read the full transcript of the so-called "smoking gun" tape. I've never been any fan of Nixon, and I have no doubt that he had his own sins that made him as blind as he was and vulnerable to exactly what happened to him, but the man was just being turned around and around like the blindfolded dupe in a vicious "pin the tail on the donkey" game. The only reason his so-called "cover up" fumbling instructions were issued was because he was being told that the FBI had concluded that they were up against a CIA op, and so was playing the little bit of hardball he could to get the heat off the White House and onto CIA where he felt it belonged. On that count, he was dead right." If there's any PROOF needed that Mr. Gray is a Nixon apologist, this is it. There is NO evidence Nixon suspected the CIA was behind the break-in at this point. His suspicions came later. At this point, as admitted by Haldeman (and probably Nixon--I'll have to re-read his Frost interviews), he was simply looking for an angle to prevent the investigation of a crime he suspected led back to his dirty-tricks specialist, Colson. Hmm. Nixon hired Hunt to fake cables...Ashton Gray concludes there were no cables. Hmmm. Nixon asks Haldeman to convince the CIA to cover-up for him, thereby obstrucing justice...Ashton Gray concludes that Nixon only did this because he felt the CIA were responsible for the break-in, and deserving of the heat... IS THERE A PATTERN HERE OR WHAT? I ask you again, Mr. Gray, 1) did Richard Nixon engage in impeachable offenses? 2) was he set up for those offenses? 3) would he have not been able to survive his minimal involvement in the break-in itself if not for his own actions? 4) did Jim McCord, Howard Hunt, Douglas Caddy, or Alfred Baldwin cause Nixon to lie to the American public on TV? You have NO BUSINESS hounding Caddy for answers if you refuse to answer them yourself. Oh my god, this just goes round and round.... Pat I do not think Ashton is going to dignify these absurd- on- their- face questions. In fact he has already said "there are more than enough hooks to go around". (Referring toTricky Dick). This is NOT either/or Pat. It is BOTH are true. Nixon was a lying rotten crook who deserved to be trhown out of office. And, imho, he was set up. Period. I take it then you don't believe Watergate was any kind of a set up, that Mr. McCord was genuinly trying NOT TO GET CAUGHT??? No-one "caused" Nixon to lie EVER, he lied on a regular basis, from his famous "Republican cloth coat" speech (a/k/a known as "Checkers".) to this "Your president is not a crook" speech. Dawn Oh and Ashton is NOT related to Pat Gray, but I am assuming here, you asked this question in jest????
  19. I sure hope so. I got hit yesterday, then many hours later I tried again and got hit again (and it took 3 times longer to fix it the second time- "loon" that I am). so I came back this morning after being told twice it was ok now. Andy will someone tell us who did this? Some of us here are VERY curious. Interesting timing, as there were also problems elsewhere .... (on a subject here, but a different place) Coincidence? I do not happen to think so. FWIW DAwn
  20. “We finally have a program now under way but it totally lacks imagination and I have no confidence whatever that the bureaucracy will carry it out. I do not simply blame (Richard) Helms and the CIA. After all, they do not support my policies because they basically are for the most part Ivy League and Georgetown society oriented.” —Richard Nixon excerpted from a letter of 20 May 1972 to Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig When I snap my fingers, you will be fully awake: <SNAP!> Ashton Gray [/color] One can only HOPE. As the level of "not getting it" here is getting frustrating, to say the very least. Dawn
  21. Jack: We are in TOTAL AGREEMENT then. I did not see this post til just now. And it turns out that you and Ashton are also in agreement. PROGRESS prevails. Dawn ps And re your literary qute: If they really did "kill all the lawyers" then who'd bring FOIA suits? )
  22. That's a beautiful quote John. And what's wrong with giving JFK a bit of "glory"? After all he died for us didn't he? I don't mean in any religious sense, but it's just as profound. He died standing up to the evil powers that be. And they cover- up the blood on their murderous hands to this very day. I love the video of him in Ireland. Or anywhere actually, alive. When I lived in Boston I used to visit the FJK liabrary where his press-conferences play endlessly. His wit, his charm; we've not seen the like since, and I doubt we ever will. Dawn
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