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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. My experience was similar to yours at 11 and 14. I think it is interesting that those of us who were so taken with this story from the start, were also suspicious from the start, would notice the dissparity between the national media's story and how we preceived LHO's demeanor. And we would continue to care deeply regardless of how much time passed. I too did not believe the media from day one, and Oswald's murder on tv cinched it. That he was called a "Commie" from the beginning just reeked with cover-up. That they were so POSITIVE was another big clue. (Real murder cases don't proceed this way. Developing a suspect takes time, finding probably cause even ore so.) I was also 14, in 8th grade. ALtho I am from Canada, that year I was living in Quincy MA with relatives. Like many kids my age I adored the young president so his murder had a profound affect on me. (IN fact it would shape parts of the rest of my life). Now when I occassionally cut and paste a particularily relevent thread from here, which demonstrates that it was a coup d' etat and how that event connects to today's dire events, relatives and friends tell me to let it go, move on. Our media is directly to blame for those who don't understand why this event was, and remains, so relevent . The conspirators trained the press well. BUt try telling people that we don't have a free press. They will tell you you are crazy and to go live in China. Dawn
  2. color=#003300]I find it amazing that this important piece of evidence appears to be in limbo. Is it really impossible to find a fingerprint expert willing to look at this evidence? John[/color] John: It's the evidence itself that 's impossible to get. Wallace's known prints from the Kinser murder. AFter he died in 71 there was some sort of 25 year hold . J waited the 25 years then got the prints. He never develged exactly how, just said it was extremely difficult. And this is a man who had dealt in obtaining documentary evidence for more than 40 years. Then the prints wer obtained by Glen Sample. Now that Glen looks at this forum, perhaps he can clear up this part. According to J, the manner in which Glen obtained the prints, ("Not having a case to attached prints to" J said) caused Tx. Dept Public Safety to put a freeze on anyone being able to get these prints again. I know Darby- with all his years in police work- tried and he was unsuccessful. I also tried to enlist the services of San Marcos DA Mike Wenk and then Mike asked me what case I needed to order the prints for-meaning what case I had with his office- I told him in brief and he too said what J had said, that without an actual case we are assigned to he could not, nor could I, order these prints. Richard had a good copy the day he was here with Nathan in 03, but he may have actually given that to Nathan. (As Nathan's Wallace file was stolen from his home). So the problem begins before the search for a new expert. Dawn
  3. Richard, You know that from knowing me now since about 1993 I try to keep out of fights. That I was caught in the midst of the one between you and J for so many years was of great sadness to me. So I try not to comment on "ugly fights". SInce Nathan is disabled from a stroke what we really need is a new expert to take a fresh look at the print evidence. It's one of the few smoking guns in this case. Darby really put up his creds and was willing to debate anyone who challenged his match. It never happened. Dawn
  4. Tosh, you bring up this character every now and then. You have aroused my interest in his work. Where and when will this material be available to researchers? Referring to: "His material is a must read". Thanks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Over the years parts of his work have been released. He gets very upset if his I.D. is made public or sited as the source. He works with documents and does his own leg work.., he does not get into opinions or speculations unles he can throw a document or some other fact in your face. He is very sick now with cancer and some (as well as I) are trying to get him to share his work with the research community. In my eye he is one of the unsung heroes of the research community. His work not only concerns JFK but all the side bars into the Texas political systems which may have lead up to that day. And too, he was there that day in an official capacity. His own story is one I find very interesting and I think should be told along with his research. There is a world of history in his files. I do not feel I should breach his trust by exposing him to the community until he so desires. [/color] Tosh While looking for something else earlier I happened upon this thread. Tosh was referring to our good friend Jay Harrison who died last May. His files were left to Walt Brown, who continues to work on a release of same. Walt's magazine "Deep Politics Quarterly" had a long article on J last summer and subsequent issues always refer to our "deep cover" pal. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss him and have a question. I did not ever say his name to anyone till after he was gone. That was J's one price of friendship and sharing his vast knowledge: respect his need for privacy so that he could do his research without fearing he'd encounter a "one car accident" or the like. Dawn
  5. It does sound like there could be NO other explanation. If Enyart captured the murder and a second shooter, this would be far more important than the Zapruda film. Such photos would be proof of conspiracy beyond all reasonalbe doubt. That taken with the autopsy, I believe would get Sirhan a new trial and even an aquittal IF he had an attorney who would be open to conspiracy. (Unlike the ones who sandbagged him the first time). So it's really no surprise that the pics have disappeared. Dawn
  6. Please explain. Agent for what? And I assume this is the same person who wrote the book saying Sirhan did it (and clearing his client)? Dan Moldea began his carreer allegedly on the side of conspiracy. Then he "decided" that Sirhan pulled off the same impossibility attributed to LHO. So yes, "agent for what"? Since many of us believe that Cesar might have been a MC like Sirhan and may have actually fired the kill shot. After all he was right there, behind RFK, gun in hand....That people all remember seeing Sirhan shooting took minds off the real murder. I hope that Sirhan gets some good legal counsel, tho with the seizure of Larry Teeter's files after his death last summer, one becomes mighty suspicious that any justice can ever be accomplished. Dawn
  7. I just googled it. Sure sounds like one to avoid. Apparently he used to believe in conspiracy but his research lead to LN conclusions. Gee I cannot imagine HOW. You'd think just his familiarity with weapons would prove conspiracy. Wonder whose payroll he's on Dawn
  8. "Early morning April 4th Shots ring out in the Memphis sky Free at last they took your life But they could not take your pride In the name of love What more in the name of love?" U-2 Dawn
  9. A movie about baseball in the 90's forget its name and I think it was actually Kevin COster who said something really stupid like "two things I am sure of: 1...bla bla bla and 2. Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy". Made me puke. Also X FIles had a great JFK assassination show one week. It made me a fan of the show. Dawn
  10. Ms Mellen, Since this is the most controversial part of your book could you tell us the three additional sources who could back up Murgado? Do you have an opinion on the assassination of Robert Kennedy? Do you think he was killed by the same forces who killed Jack? Do you believe reports that he planned, as president, to look into JFK's assassination? Thank you, Dawn
  11. I still have not seen this piece of garbage in its entirety. (I do have it on tape). Before it aired I was involved with several other researchers, in an effort spearheaded by Jim DiEugenio to take out as many ads as possible, warning people of this piece of disinformation in advance. I was able to watch about 15 minutes while being revolted by the Dale Myers piece. I thought it was the biggest piece of disinformation I had ever seen. It really goes to show just how far the networks will go to distort the truth on this case. Jennings became just like Dan Rather to me after that evening. For sometime there was a running commentary at a History channel website on the censorship of the Men Who Killed Kennedy. A lot of the posts were in opposition to HCs executive decision to cater to the LBJ cover-up artists. Shame on them! Dawn
  12. If the 6th floor Museum had any interest in covering the debate about who killed JFK and why, all the critical books would be displayed. Even books which are out of print can be obtained online via Amazon. But there is an agenda, which is that the assasination took place on the 6th floor. I have never gone up to the Museum for this reason. I consider it a money making farce designed to continue the disinformation WC view about this case. Hard to believe that Gary Mack was ever a serious researcher. In fact I really believe that people who come into this case and then get "turned" to LN ranting could be bought off from the start. At least this is how it has always appeared to me. People who care about hisortorical truth on these issues are not going to suddenly begin spouting the WC lie just for money. Either you are on the side of finding the truth or you are on the side of the conspiritors. Can't have it both ways, imho. Dawn
  13. John: Excellent post. I think that in order to understand any one of these assassinations, all three must be presented together, as you have done. This way it becomes very hard for someone to advance the old disinformation chestnut: "Castro did it". Opposing the Viet Nam war was dangerous for any politican. If you were not killed like JFK, MLK and RFK you were branded a "Communist dupe", like they did with George McGovern four years later. "Peace with honor" was Nixon's pledge. We got neither. War is good business for the powers that be and when a politican thinks he or she can stand up to these militant hawks this person had better be certain his/her security guards are on high alert. I have often wondered what might have happened if Bobby had said something publicly the night of 6/5 after winning the California primary. He had to know his life was in the balance. They had killed Dr King just weeks before. How powerful they must have felt in 68. How very evil. Dawn
  14. I think instead of worrying about any one magazine, the internet is the real battleground. And there is one website on the net that must start coming up "second" and "third". That is disinformationsit John McAdams. He has studied this case in detail and for a new student trying to learn, who is not aware of this person, this site can probably sound very authorative. Just about every name I google, or combination of names, seeking to further my own research leads me FIRST to McAdams' webpages. I think it has been well documented by now that Holland is paid CIA- I mean he's on the agency's own site, so this needs to be public. Nation readers need to ask why he's employed there. The problem I have always found however is that this issue is not one of left vs. right. In fact the right seems to be way more conspiracy aware than the left . And right leaning conspiray thinkers CARE far more. Most of my leftist friends could care less who killed JFK. SUre they can't stand Bush or the war in Iraq, but they also don't seem to be interested in learning our true history. And leftists like Noam Chomsky can take some credit for this failure. I also agree with Bill Kelly. Dawn
  15. [quote name='J. Raymond Carroll' date='Apr 1 2006, 05:00 PM' post='59194'] When Mailer passes judgement on Lee Oswald's character, he doesn't mention the time he lobbied for the release of convicted killer Jack Henry Abbot. In Mailer's judgement, Abbot had shown he was rehabilitated by his gift for writing. Shortly after his release, Abbot took a dagger and stabbed a young man to death in a restaurant in Greenwich Village. Everyone who knew the victim said he was a wonderful person, full of promise. Chalk up another one for Norman Mailer. Mailer also conveniently forgets that he once hosted a huge fundraiser at his NY home to raise $ to keep HSCA going. I was fortunate to be one of the attendees and not one person there was of the LN persuasion. So years later when he went over to the dark side to vie for the Posner readership I was told that he'd done so due to IRS problems. Immoral- consistent with stabbling his wife. Dawn
  16. Hi Dawn- Thanks for sharing your views (with most of which I'm in profound disagreement), but, with respect, you didn't answer my question... Best Stan Stan: I did answer your question as best I can. I am not ashamed of a particular nationality. I meant that I am ashamed to see what is taking place in America. I guess I simply worded it wrongly. I would not want to live elsewhere. In fact I am not sure why are are even posting on a thread dovoted to Tim Gratz' political views. What is our view on this case? Dawn
  17. I'm new here, Dawn, so I'll open with a question. What nationality would you be unashamed of? Stan, I am an American by naturalization. I moved to the Boston area, from Canada, in 1968, becoming a US citizen in 1976. I was so proud to become a citizen that day. There were a lot of things wrong with this government, coming out daily in the news back then, but I was (and am) a firm believer that if you don't like something, be involved in affecting change, not just complaining. I believe this last election was stolen. The policies that W and his neocons have put forth are erroding very important Consitutional privileges. That our attorney general could actually SAY that torture is acceptable horrifies me. That people can be held without being told of the charges or given the right to consult with an attorney flies in the face of the principals we hold dear. That the press has become so gultless is troublesome. For example: Are you aware that 11 US seaports are operated by a shipping company owned by the Chinese government ? Do you see this in the news? We need to be vigiliant about seeing that our once- taken- for granted rights are not further eroded. In the name of "national security" the current administration has shown utter disregard for the rule of law, or the checks and balances necessary to ensure that we don't have an imperial presidency. If citizens dare question Bush's policies they are called unpatriotic. It's the Patriot Act that is unAmerican, not we who criticise these undemocratic measures. Dawn
  18. Interesting, Mack does not post but he sure keeps up with who does. Wonder why. And for whom. Funny how some researchers just "turn"...Makes one wonder if they weren't on the wrong side to start with. Dawn
  19. [quote name='Douglas Caddy' date='Mar 27 2006, 06:58 PM' post='58801'] As I had assisted Barr McClellan, along with J. Harrison, in the very early stages of the research on his book, “Blood, Money and Power: How LBJ killed JFK,” I took a particular interest in how the History Channel reacted to the uproar organized by Jack Valenti and Bill Moyers following its airing of Nigel Turner’s “The Guilty Men.” In any event such a lawsuit would have merely opened up the entire topic to intense public scrutiny, which would have proved counter-productive to Valenti and his crew. Doug: Barr does plan to sue HC. Now I am not sure if this is over the cancellation of The Guilty Men or the disgusting follow up HC did with the "three historians". Barr was libled in that show and the merits of The Guilty men were not at all debated. Did you happen to catch this little peice of trash? I taped it and after it was over J and I talked and J was so angry he was ready to take on HC himself. We referred to these "historians" as the "three stooges". I also do not think $ was used to stop these shows, I think it was threats of some sort. It would be interesting to hear NIgel Turner's stance, and whether or not he will ever do another episode. Dawn ps A lot has been made about the Guilty Men and The Judyth Baker (The Love Story) episodes, but the third one - forgotten its title- (About Liggit) was extremely interesting. J was very involved-behind the scenes of course- with this episode as well.
  20. Great, perceptive posts. And perhaps there is some cause for optimism. The last couple of days the local media has been abuzz with Charlie Sheen (and Alex Jones) on Showbiz Tonight, speaking about a conspiracy in 9-11. Last night they followed up with commentary on this. Feminist author Erica Jong (sp) called W a dictator and mentioned the Kennedy assassination. Viewer mail is running 80 % in favor of Sheen and Jones. Now if only we could get MORE of the media to cover the truth. Everyone should also write in to CNN with positive comments about this coverage, keep this story out there. Keep talk of conspiracy as truth in the media. How unusual. Normally "all we hear is radio ga ga, radio goo goo" Dawn
  21. JOhn, Excellent point. Tho I must say that I loved this entire series just because you never see anything on tv that isn't part of the cover-up, so I admire Turner a lot for being able to get this entire series on the tube. That said, someone should contact him about doing some updates focussing on not who killed Kennedy but why. I wonder however, if the HIstory Channel would even still air his work. Arguably the most popular series the HC ever put out (and it was also aired in the US on the Arts and Entertainment channel), they certainly caved on their 40th anniversary additions. Sure glad I taped them. Dawn
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