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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [/color]Mark: We all have these questions. I suspect howver that Mr Slattery does NOT have the answers. But perhaps he'll cite something really authorative, like Gerald Posner Dawn
  2. I was having a problem with the color stuff in above post, so I respond to Doug's post within and my words are prefaced with ***** to avoid confusion. Dawn
  3. John calls us "divergent thinkers" and our task is not just to discover who killed JFK and why but to also spot infiltrators and saboteurs. This is not a parlor game. It is deadly serious and I for one have one agenda: The truth. It is why I went to law school and governs all aspects of my life. Like another fallen hero of mine once penned: "All I want is some truth; just gimme the truth" -John Lennon Dawn
  4. As always Robert, excellent post!!! I know that many have concluded that Gary Webb did commit suicide in part due to letters he left to family members, BUT if one has a gun to one's head I suspect that the victim would write as told. Just a thought. Tx Ranger Clint Peoples got the Marshall case re-opened in 1984 and the "suicide" ruling was changed. Billie SOl Estes testified at this Grand Jury hearing, represented by an interesting fellow who sometimes posts at the Watergate part of this forum: Douglas Caddy. The "Estes documents" are exceptionally interesting. ( Where Atty Caddy writes to Asst. Atty General Trott that his client Billie Sol would testify to facts including, inter alia, that LBJ's alleged hired hitman- (Malcolm "Mac" Wallace") had murdered 8 people, including JFK. That these hits were pursuant to orders from LBJ. Peoples himself died in what many consider a rather suspicious car accident in 1992. Dawn
  5. Tosh: What is going on??? Why are you leaving? I hope you are just taking a break and that you will return. Please say it ain't so. Dawn
  6. Ed: Some of us really need it spelled outfor us when it comes to these poto images. It looks like a gunman, but I can't be certain. Kinda like the badge man thing?? Thanx, Dawn
  7. [quote name='Stephen Turner' date='Jun 20 2006, 02:58 PM' post='65978'] Hoover also claims that his experts have proved that "Those shots could have been fired in three seconds, Three shots, three seconds" (had he even viewed the Zapruder film at this point) And says on more than one occasion that Oswald fired from the fifth floor, and that the rifle and carts were located on the fifth floor. To me this has all the elements of a cover story comming together, but still several drafts away from the final W/C product. Interresting thread. Re the cover story that this gun could get off three shots. The official reports were that it took the fastest trigger at FBI 2.3 seconds to get off each shot. (Sorry can't give the cite-this is from memory). Which presented the big problem for the WC as thge Z film was rolling at 18 frames a second. We see JFK hit, then just 1.3 seconds later we see Connally raeact to a shot. He always said he wasnot hit by the first shot, that he could hear it . SO darlin Arlin came up with the brilliant SBT. I agree with the idea that plan A was to blame Castro. This is still very much the "plan" (gee where is Tim Gratz when we need him ?. Recent books saying that the Kennedy brothers were trying to kill Castro are PART of this plan in my opinion., whether or not said authors are aware they are being "had". Dawn
  8. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jun 22 2006, 10:12 AM' post='66166'] Ashton, I looked at the Timeline the first time you posted it. When it started dragging the Church of Scientology into the conspiracy, I lost interest. Maybe I'll give it another shot when I have more time. And you still haven't answered my basic questions. 1) What was the objective of this purported hoax? 2) Who was victimized by this purported hoax? And I'll add another two: 3) Was Nixon corrupt? 4) Was he justifiably removed from office? What bothers me most, Mr. Gray, is that you seem far more upset by what you believe Mr. Baldwin and others did, than by what we KNOW Nixon did. Or were the Watergate transcripts transcribed by Liddy as well? You are probably aware that one of the many items on the neocon agenda has been the rehabilitation of Nixon (Karl Rove's hero) in the public eye, and the demonization of his enemies, including the Kennedys. (There I go again, mentioning those damned Kennedys!) Where do you stand on Bush? On Iraq? Who in your mind has been worse for America, John Dean or Donald Rumsfeld? James McCord or Dick Cheney? Pat: I could answer all of these questions for you CORRECTLY, based upon what I have read here on these Watergate posts. But since Ashton is a far better writer than I -and after all the questions ARE addressed to him- I am sure you will receive his responses very soon. But aren't the answers obvious? (I guess not or you would not have asked.) Dawn JOhn G: I totally agree with Ashton that the MO Dean- prostitute angle is another rabbit hole. I think like with the assassination of JFK, Watergate has to do with homicide-and I too want the truth. I knew we were not getting it during the televised hearings and these posts have really revived my interest in Watergate and its direct connections to the assassination of JFK AND OTHERS. Like Hoover- I have always thought Nixon did Hoover, but now it's looking a bit different. And everyone here knows me and that I have never been a Nixon fan!!!
  9. Dawn, I was pretty sure they were not the same Robert Jackson, but I kept thinking I'd read somewhere that they were. When I tried to look it up online, I found an interview with the Watergate Jackson from 2005, when he was 70. Pat: It's probably a very common name. Sometimes- even in this little conspiracy world- there are co-incidences. DAwn I also found an interview with the Dallas Jackson from 2004. This article said he was 69. This got me thinking again that they were the same guy. As I said, even if it is the same guy, I doubt he was anything but a good journalist. He reported the last two shots in Dallas as coming right after each other. A knowing or willing part of a conspiracy would have said the shots were evenly paced, thus making it sound more like the handi-work of a bolt-action rifle. But it sure does sound LIKE the same guy: age is right. What are the odds?? DM I posted a comment further up too, and tried to do the color thing but it won't work, except on the second part of your post. (SO I was tempted to re-do mine in caps).
  10. Thank's for the information, although it may be inappropriate to ask you, I will, take the plunge anyway. The last I heard you had 'dropped off the map' re JFK matters, and were doing lyrical analysis [for lack of a better description] regarding that icon of pop music known as 'Bob Dylan.' I saw Bob, as I affectionately call him, on the 'Street Legal' tour. Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) great, great stuff. Anyway, if things got interesting enough would you ever consider appearing in the JFK Debate section of the Forum? Robert and AJ: Check out these other threads here at Wagergate. Great stuff. Dawn ps AJ GFreat to know you're still around!!!
  11. [I agree. However, another possibility is that this is a conspiracy against the royal family. Remember the leaks about Diana fearing that Prince Charles would arrange for her to die in a road accident? No way of course. But it could explain the way the story is developing. This was in fact written by her own hand- predicted if you will- in a journal. I think there is plenty of evidence of foul play here. Dawn
  12. I couldn't agree with you more, John. And I wonder if the wheels aren't finally starting to come off of the Watergate locomotive in a shuddering, metal-on-metal screech. Ashton Gray Slowly making my way thru the massive amount of material. I did read thru the timeline 71-74- utterly fascinating. I always thought there was more to Scientology than what met the eye. Similar to Mormans- When my then boyfriend, in about 1976, Harvey Yazijian (of Assassination Information Bureau)- asked a pal who was high up at the Chase in NY to look into connections between that bank and De Morenschildt, Harv's pal Dimetre found none, but found a LOT of high up Mormans. This finding would lead to an investigative article on the MOrmans and the CIA, by Harv and I believe JIm Kostman. I forget where it was published- been so long- but some skin mag. (Back then this was the only place you COULD get this sort of article published). I will bet if one were to google Mormans and CIA there would be some hits, perhaps many. So, seeing all these connection with Scientology, remote viewing, Watergate and CIA gave me goose bumps. No wonder Scientology is SO damn powerful; like the MOrmans they are damn well CONNECTED. Now the Dan Ellsberg I had admired and the "different" Dan Ellsberg at the Mailer party make a whole lot more sense! Boy this all reads like a detective novel. There's nothing more fascinating than truth when it comes to our true history!! Ashton you've brought so much "new blood" and "new life" - ( not to mention low-life )- to this forum. Now I go to "Watergate" early am before I even look at the "JFk assassination debate". Dawn
  13. [quote name='J. Raymond Carroll' date='Jun 19 2006, 12:24 PM' post='65856'] A few days ago I received a PM from Dawn Meredith, asking me to give out Marina's contact information to a "nice guy" who wanted to ask a question of Marina. I emailed Dawn that I could not see the point, since Marina has already testified that she has no personal knowledge about the assassination, and has said the same thing ever since. I now suspect that that the "nice guy" in question was Mr. Floyd, and I am very glad that nothing I have done will enable Mr. Floyd to trouble her with his nonsense. This is incorrect. I did PM you, and it was at Floyd's request but NOT to ask you to "give out" her contact information. I wrote that he would be PMing you and asking that you ask a question of her. I also referred to him as "a good guy" meaning one who is on the level and has a fascinating personal story to tell, as well as some questions to ask. SInce you know nothing of his story you may call it "nonsense" all you wish. Sorry to have bothered you and it will not occur again. Dawn Meredith
  14. [quote name='Floyd Stephens' date='Jun 18 2006, 06:26 PM' post='65798'] Raymond I'm a new member to the forum. You have stated that you know and are in contact with Marina. In reading the recent book by Billie Sol Estes entitled Billie Sol Estes- A Texas Legend, "The Man Who Knows Who Shot JFK" he mentions that he has got to know Marina over the past serval years. Mr. Estes stated that after a few phone calls that they had arraigned a meeting. In the book he said that there conversation would remain private, but then he throughs in a line something like this. Hey Floyd Great to see you posting, at last!! Dawn
  15. MOST coincidental I would say. And for those of us who don't believe in "coincidence" in this case only "meaningful coincidence", I think you've just asked same damn good questions, Pat. Dawn
  16. xxxx, what a letdown. Can you tell us what LA newspapers, at least. Or even if it's not precisely what you may have said in 72, it surely would be nice to have some of the above questions answered, on this the 34th anniversary of such a momentous event that it brought down a president. (Totally deserving I thought, but I too noticed how often the Watergate questioners stopped short, just when it seemed to be getting very exciting. It was obvious that the investigation was just one more layer to the cover-up). Dawn
  17. Well...now if only we had a media that WOULD respond to any of this. Instead we had Bob Mr CIA Woodward "breaking" the story as the Post- (Operation Mockingbird)- saw fit. This was the big coup, remember? Now we have the same Woodward telling us Mark Felt is Deep throat. Just waw him a few weeks ago on Larry King. Real investigative journalism at work. And this is the "liberal" network !! (CNN). I am afraid what you and I seek is way past happening. There is no real investigation of anything that matters in this nation. If someone dares he or she will soon be out of a job- or dead. (What are the odds that the 4 who dared write about the Bush Crime family would "commit suicide"? ) This time last year I had the faintest hope that the special prosecutor might go after Rove for example, alas, that has gone nowhere. I had my husband read thru some of this stuff a bit ago; he had no idea there even was a "first breakin"-(and he's become fairly astute in these matters in our 10 years). I will bet that there will not be even a mention that this is the 34th anniversary of Watergate on ANY news station. I totaly agree with what you have written...but HOW do we get our government to give us any truth on anything??? Justice? It's bought and sold in this country, sadly. No, like with what has been thus far unearthed about the assassination of JFK- (and its ramifications to the present)- we will not obtain the truth about Watergate from our elected officials, but from those brave enough to dig beyond what our "free" press passes to us. I was able to figure out McCord just by reading the press at the time, and the same with Dorothy Hunt: it was SO damn obvious. Another problem is time. As in not many have it, gotta work, pay the bills. So the conspirators keep us busy with false clues and rabbit trails. And of course when you try to tell "regular folk" about any of this you're immediately met with "Oh a conspiracy nut" .... Thank God for the net and forums like this. Thus far we ARE monitered I am certain but not regulated, so much information can be shared here. I look forward to hearing your thoeries on this as it's clear you have given this case a LOT of thought. Happy Anniversary Dawn
  18. Just to remind everyone today is the 34th anniversary of Watergate; check out those threads, new stuff... Dawn
  19. [quote name='Mark Valenti' date='Jun 17 2006, 06:06 PM' post='65706'] Dawn, It would be great if you would do more than offer an insult and actually offer a reason. If you look at the film clip, it still looks plausible that she is pulling him backward. Why do you think this is impossible? Mark, I have looked at this film more times than I could ever begin to count. If you cannot SEE that the backward motion is a direct response to being hit by a bullet than there is little I can do or say. I take it you are unaware that Dan Rather has made a career of lying about this case? I was not trying to insult YOU but I have no lost love for Dan. Or Peter Jennings and his little 40th anniversary "the magic bullet- really WAS- magic" piece of disinformation trash. I had really liked and admired Jennings til I saw that. Dawn ps Are you by any chance related to Jack Valenti?
  20. [quote name='Mark Valenti' date='Jun 16 2006, 08:06 PM' post='65630'] I'd like to hear some opinions about this scenario, please: JFK is hit in the throat Jackie, confused, moves closer to him Realizing something is wrong, her hand grips his arm She leans her head near his JFK is suddenly shot in the head Jackie involuntarily recoils Her hand pulls JFK back and to the left JFK, mortally wounded and wearing a stiff corset that prevents him from bending over, is easily pulled by her Jackie, not yet coherent, moves toward the trunk, allowing JFK to fall even further to the left Is there even a remote possibility that this could explain why it looks like JFK was hit from the front? I'm asking because if this is not plausible then, at least to me, there is no other explanation (jet effect aside) but that the head shot came from the front. Thanks Believe it or not in 1975 Dan Rather actually proposed this utter nonsence in a CBS documentary on the JFK assassination. Dawn
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