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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Everyone in our government needs to read the above information. Truly terrifying. Where are the real "fiscal conservatives"? Or is that term largely a myth? The book "American Theocracy" is also very on point, thanks for the review. Need to get this one. Dawn
  2. John, I have this on VHS. It is one of the later versions tho still has problems. I had seen one of Sardie's earlier versions and it was a total mess. Don't know if it's available now. Mine was a gift from J Harrison many years ago. Dawn
  3. This is a wonderful conversation JOhn that I have not looked at in many years, certainly not since knowing of Mac Wallace. LBJ goes on to day "Bobby must not talk. I'll see to it that he gets a million dollar settlemtnt". (p66) By the time Baker finally met with justice LBJ and McCormack wer both out of office. Great little book that I will have to re-read. Dawn There is NO DOUBT in my mind that JFK would have dumped LBJ
  4. It sounds like you are viewing the "Lo-Fi" version of the board. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the following wording: "This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?." Once you click the "click here" link, you should see the full version again. Thanx. That corrected the problem. What caused the problem I know not. I must have accidently hit some key and changed the setting??? Dawn
  5. May I ask the reason for the change in format? (Or is it just my computer gone mad?) I just tried to read Larry's post here and can't, as it is not "showing up" (even tho his name is listed as the last poster on this thread .) It's also more cumbersome to read this way when you have to keep going down to next post to click on, rather than just read one after another. Dawn
  6. [We will be in Dallas COPA in November with Susan Brenner, the deal of the U of Dayton law school and grand jury specialist and Dean Webb, former HSCA attorney and current assistant federal prosecutor who wants to apply the Pinkerton doctrine to the JFK assassination. Although the Dallas part will be important, we believe that the New Orleans and D.C. aspects of the case have more chances of success, and are holding back on revealing our tactics and timing in order to avoid expected counter-measures. Whether or not the prosecutors accept our petition and convein a grand jury to review the evidence, we will have a JFK Grand Jury because we are planning, after submitting the real peititions, on conducting a JFK Mock Grand Jury that will be filmed and taped to educate people about the real evidence in the case and how grand juries work in our system of justice. I will be starting a JFK Grand Jury Seminar here at the forum to explain more about our work and procedures and to seek more input from researchers concerning the evidence to be presented. Many thanks for the patience of those who have signed on, Bill Kelly bkjfk3@yahoo.com Bill, Sounds like some real progress is being made here. Will look forward to your seminar. Dawn
  7. The fingerprint evidence is far to important to allow to wither on a vine. If we wait, what's the chance that these prints are altered and/or vanish from the Archives in the same manner as countless other items of evidence? How many studies should be done?
  8. Having lived in the middle of this dispute for all of the years it went on and being close to all the parties involved, it makes me both sad and physically ill to suddenly see it played out on here on the forum. I spent many years attempting to mediate, and it reached a point, rather quickly I must say, where I can say that poor Nathan Darby did not know if HE ever asked to keep his name private. He did tell me- MANY times- that it did seem indeed pointless for him to say a match had been made but for the print expert to be kept a secret. No, Richard and Jay did not ever "make up" from this dispute. VERY sadly, such is the state of the "critical community". Or at least this is what I have seen in now 35 some years. Egos and infighting. No wonder the case never gets solved. The government is surely thrilled. It makes their task all the easier.
  9. "......I'm afraid fascism will come to America in the name of national security" Jim Garrison, (Playboy interview 1967) Dawn
  10. Great post John. Pretty damming for Lyndon I'd say. Unlike others I do think he'd be brazen enough to have Wallace there. After all he'd gotten away with utilizing Mac's murderous capabilities on several occassions. And after all his life's ambition to be president was at stake here. I hope that Barr is someday successful in getting Lyndon's psych records. I'll bet there is a confession there. Dawn
  11. [quote name='Nancy Eldreth' date='Mar 5 2006, 07:02 PM' post='57325'] I can't see JFK Murder Solved site at all. At first I could but later on NO I can't. Nancy: Last time I checked this site was down, so no one can see- or post on- this forum. Dawn
  12. [quote name='Ron Ecker' date='Mar 3 2006, 05:02 AM' post='57175'] It seems odd that two people who wrote a book about Wallace being on the sixth floor would be "very biased" against a print ID that would show he was there. They must put a lot of faith in these experts who say it is not Wallace's print, at the expense of their own theory. I suppose that shows admirable respect for science, letting the chips fall where they may, assuming these experts came up with good science and Darby didn't. But if it's good science, I wonder why the FBI doesn't wish to confirm it, by documenting that it's not a match. It was very odd at the time. If I recall correctly Sample used a couple of cops from southern California and unlike Darby who made the match "blind" these cops were aware the controversey around these prints. To my knowledge Sample and Collum have never named these cops but they were NOT experts like Nathan Darby. At time time- to me -it seemed like some sort of competition between the California writers and the Tx. people. Sample even went so far as to say "there is no Nathan Darby listed in Austin TX.". So I pulled out the phone book and discoverend that not only was Nathan listed, he lived a block from me. SO of course I called him and we sruck up a fast friendship from that day on (1998). After Glen came here and let Nathan patiently show him the match, Sample totally backed off saying there was no match. I have talked to Glen a few times over the years but he is no longer active in this case from what I can tell. Dawn Dawn Has the JFK case ever actually driven a researcher crazy? It seems to have the potential.
  13. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Mar 3 2006, 12:04 AM' post='57150'] I read somewhere that LBJ told one of his aides something like "get me elected (in 1964) and I will give them the Vietnam War that they are after". Can anyone remember what was actually said and the book that this information came from? This quote, (according to "JFK The book of the Film") is attributed to Stanley Karnow from "Vietnam:A History" p. 326 Dawn [quote name='Dawn Meredith' date='Mar 3 2006, 01:09 AM' post='57162'] [quote name='John Simkin' date='Mar 3 2006, 12:04 AM' post='57150'] I read somewhere that LBJ told one of his aides something like "get me elected (in 1964) and I will give them the Vietnam War that they are after". Can anyone remember what was actually said and the book that this information came from? This quote, (according to "JFK The book of the Film") is attributed to Stanley Karnow from "Vietnam:A History" p. 326 Dawn And the quote is "Just get me elected and you can have your war".
  14. [quote name='Terry Mauro' date='Mar 2 2006, 05:29 PM' post='57114'] Unfortunately the internet is becoming rather censored too: I just googled "Project for a New American Century" and when I attempted to open a link promising to expose this group this site had been suspended. And recall the problems John has had publicizing Mockingbird!! Dawn
  15. Yea, I am so glad that Richard's brilliant cartoons- that I have had the luxury of enjoying for years!- will reach an international audience. Dawn
  16. The problem is that when kids in school do not know there IS a problem they don't know what questions to even ask. When my now-grown daughter was growing up I used to check her history book every year to see what was said about the assassination issue. Nothing ever was. She is now 34 and until two years ago knew her mom was obsessed with this case but she knew nothing about it. She has since seen (with me)- Executive Action, The Guilty Men and JFK and was just blown away that all this happened and that "they got away with it". The powers that be depend on the apathy of the populace, as well as the ignorance. I get livid when I hear that W is "taking democracy " to Iraq. Hardly. Dawn
  17. I too concur with the sentiments of the above posters. I have a feeling however that RC Dunne's points were hitting their mark and that this time around Tim could not escape the awful truth about his beloved leaders: that they HAD assassinated, both at home and most certainly in Latin America. It appeared that he was having a meltdown and his response was to become completely defensive and simply behave like a child with his threat to sue. He had been fully warned that such a threat would result in his being banned from this forum. I do believe that Tim does care about this subject but his right wing views present a problem. A multitude of problems, in fact. So he looks to writers like Russo who share his "truth" to bolster his innane CIA-sponsered view that Castro killed JFK. I used to believe that TG was a paid disinformant - that no one could seriously study this case and honestly hold his views. But I came to believe that these are his views. This blind patriotism that I have always found so repugnant made Tim's world all black and white, and this time he'd been backed into a corner. His country right or wrong was shown to be SO very wrong. Instead of dealing with this he lashed out at John. I do hope he comes to his senses, but such would require a great deal of growth and maturity. Be well Tim, even tho we TOTALLY disagreed on this case, and on most matters political, I will miss you. Dawn
  18. I believe that TG has gotten what he deserves for once again threatening John with legal action, but I will surely miss these near one- sided debates between Tim and the brilliant RC Dunne!! Dawn
  19. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Feb 28 2006, 08:44 AM' post='56883'] [ I agree that this article provides a lot to think about. Would Richard be willing to join the Forum (by the way Barr has agreed to join). Just received an email from Richard that he has joined the forum, just awaiting confirmation. Dawn
  20. Or for that matter what does this movement get right TODAY? Scary times, these. Dawn P.S.: Doug it is such a joy to read of your personal transformation. Perhaps someday others will re-examine their thinking. Tho, with neocons like Sean Hannity, Rush and O'Rilley to brainwash it's hard to imagine people who like these sorts actually thinking for themselves.
  21. Dr. Phil Melanson has been teaching political Science at Southeastern MA U. ( in Massachusetts) for over two decades and teaches classes in all three of the assassinations (JFK, MLK, RFK). His college is also The Robert F Kennedy Assassination Artchieves, of which he is the director. (I played a small role in 86 in the records from LA being turned over to Phil's university) Dawn I have always thought how great it would be if every college- high school yet- in the nation had such a class.
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