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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. What an honor: to have both Alfred McCoy and Peter Dale Scott post here in the same day! Prof McCoy: Your seminal work: "The politics of Heroin" made many of us 60's kids understand what Viet Nam was really all about. Dawn
  2. Same to you Stephen, and to all others here. Have a safe holiday. Dawn
  3. Anderson helped influence the 1972 presidential election by falsely reporting that McGovern's VP choice, Tom Eagleton, had been arrested several times for DWI. This information cast both candidates in a very bad light. The accurate information of Eagleton's emotional problems was also wrtitten about by Anderson, forcing McGovern to drop Eagleton from the ticket. Dawn
  4. That there is even a DEBATE about the Patriot Act shows how far fascism has come in America. I cannot watch W without intense anger, so I didnot see his speech last night, except in passing. I will read it in the paper. I don't believe one word of what he says. The NSA has been spying on people for a long time, so this admission is old news. If this were Clinton impeachment proceedings would be underway already, but W, like Ray Gun, is a no stick president. I was at a law Christmas party the other night, and we were all having a few drinks. So I asked some very inteligent attorneys who I know are also Republicans how they can cope with Bush. And they thnk he's just fine. It's like the right has been blinded, literally. Bush could walk up to somone and shoot him cold blank and the right would find a way to justify it. Dawn
  5. Gary Webb made this story accessabe to every day news readers. Now stories about CIA and cocaine are all over the net. Just google the two words. I tell all my balck drug clients this. They already "know" by instinct, but by giving them the tools to prove this, I hope to make them angry enough to REALLY want treatment and help their peers who are out there, selling crack by age 7. Dawn Come on, guys, this place is beginning to look like Conspiracies R Us. The CIA condoning central American operatives in the drug trade is not the same as the CIA orchestratiing the drug trade and specifically targeting the black population. I suppose the current Meth epidemic devastating White Trash America is the CIA's attempt to balance the scales? Pat: Do you not believe this? That one of the purposes IS to target the black population? Meth is a different animal. Meth is made here in people's homes, cars even. The ingredients are obtained at any grocery or drug store. Thankfully these ingredients are now being put under the counter and to putchase such must be specifically requested. Records are kept. Don't need a dr. prescription, but a meth cooker can no longer just go into any store and clean up on all these ingredients. Meth is a huge problem here, but something is finally being done, locally. FIghting the CIA on heroin and cocaine is another matter altogether. Dawn
  6. [quote name='William Kelly' date='Dec 15 2005, 08:33 PM' post='48954'] Pat, Dawn, John,.... After Teeter died, a group of people entered his home, evicted his live-in housekeeper, and ransacked the house for three days before Teeter's girlfriend and mother could get the local Bar Association to intervein and take custody of his papers. When the housekeeper and Teeter's girlfriend first complained to the LAPD, they considered it a domestic issue and not a criminal one, especially when told it was SBS's attorney, and only acted with the Bar Association, who now has custody of the hard copy documents and records. Teeter's computer disapeared, and was probably sold. If any attorney would like to inquire about this further, I can provide names and numbers. I also have the auto license plate numbers, descriptions of cars and names of those who did this, which the LAPD consideres a petty crime. BK bkjfk3@yahoo.com Bill, Given the manner that the LAPD dealt with this case, destruction of evidence and all, I would not be surprised if that's who is really behing this crime. Burg. of a Habitation is a second degree felony here in Tx. (highest felony is first degree). Carries 2-20 years in the pen and up to a $10,000 fine. I suspect it's the same level in CA. Hardly "petty". Very disturbing. If you have this info I am assuming the LAPD has it too. Any arrests? thanx, Dawn
  7. Stephen: I look forward to your book on Ferrie. Sounds like it will be exahustive. I see that Ms. Foster-Dules does not even have the sense to thank you for your kind offer. (I can read her post if I hit reply; otherwise she's blocked). She has zero desire to learn anything, and is here merely to disrupt the forum. SHe seems to delight in antagonizing people here. SOme sort of personality disorder. Dawn
  8. [quote name='Duke Lane' date='Dec 16 2005, 06:59 PM' post='49079'] I have a friend who is a former Dallas prosecutor, and he and I will be having lunch in the course of the next couple of weeks. Any questions, comments or suggestions that would be beneficial to pursuing this avenue of thought? Duke: Is your friend planning to get into the race? Have you ever discussed this case with him? If not perhaps that would be a good place to begin. Ask what he already knows and pass on some info, like the foolishness of the SBT, and a little history of prior investigations. Try to get him interested by presenting it as the most interesting unsolved homicide he will ever encounter. I wrote to Bill Hill two years ago to try to get him to look into this case, but he did not respond. (Big surprise). If much more time passes there will be no one left to indict...so this DA is the one we must all petition, both during the election (all the candidates- perhaps you can post that information, once it's become available)- and after the election. Dawn
  9. Lynne, I think you have previously posted that link. I do not know why Lynne-Mat is posting links for me to open. I have made it clear her posts are blocked to by me. And her links messed up my computer badly once so why would I ever do this again? I have now counted 7 others who registered the same complaint. Ignore her folks and she will find an other place to haunt. Dawn
  10. What can you say about someone who needs to start about 10 threads a day, that she alone responds to? That says it all. Dawn
  11. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Dec 16 2005, 12:42 AM' post='48981'] I need proof, is that what Clyde said? Humor of the day Dawn I guess she does serve a purpose here. We all have to laugh sometimes!
  12. Jim: Great to see you here. I am hoping to see your response to Joan Mellen's big detraction in her otherwise great book, AF2J. That being that bros Kennedy were really trying to kill Castro. And that Bobby-thru Walter Sheridan- did all he could to sabotage Garrison. Her chief source is Murgado, who claims to be the Angelo of Odio infamy. I heard her last night on a radio show- (called "Taking Aim")- say it was GERRY HEMMING who put her in touch with Murgado (now named Kennedy). We all know what a bs artist Hemming is. (he posts here quite regularily, you might find this interesting itself). Also there is a real nutcake here who goes by the name of Lynne Foster. She came out of the woodwork right when Joan's book came out and her main theme is to bash Garrison. I put her on "ignore all posts" about two weeks ago. Prior to that we got into it regularily. I wanted to go up to Toronto and slap her silly. Which is very weird for me. Peace loving hippie that I am. But to listen to her slam Garrison all the time; she was drawing blood. I think also bringing the forum way down, when there are in reality very knowledgable peolple here. Welcome, welcome. Dawn
  13. I propose a two year old party, since today is the 15th of December- AGAIN. Have we made any progress on the case? I was so sorry to have had to miss being in Dallas this past November. Perhaps next year we can all plan ahead and plan to have an in- person get together there. I really feel as if I "know" the people here. Dawn
  14. Bobby Kennedy: To ask him all about what was truly going on in 63. Peace or kill Castro. (or both) Dawn
  15. [quote name='Adam Wilkinson' date='Dec 14 2005, 06:03 AM' post='48711'] Its good to be able to talk here without the interruptions of Lynne. don’t think she ventures far outside the jfk forum. I have no idea how she is 'controlling' me but apparently I am somehow 'strongly influenced by her' despite the fact we have hardly spoken...maybe it is some kind of long distance hypnosis... You are getting verrrrry sleepy Dawn
  16. Tim: If you mean this- and I have no reason to believe you are lying- then this is a big step for you. You should listen to the radio program about this. Just google "Taking Aim" and click on the three hour interview with Joan Mellen. Lots of stuff about the CIA. Dawn
  17. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Dec 15 2005, 03:46 PM' post='48904'] Why don't you post a good link that relates to the Kennedy assassination, so that people can at least examine relevant documents. I think that would be more interesting than stalking Gatz. Ya Thomas, only Ms Foster-Dulles is allowed to stalk people. Didn't ya know? I am just amazed, no one responds to her threads so she just post and re-posts. I have this running "ignore all posts" monologue now on several threads. By the way Nathenial, thank you for the audio link "Taking AIm". (Interview with Joan Mellen). Dawn
  18. I just realized if you reply to this nutcake then you actually see what she has written, even tho I have enjoyed having her on "ignore" for some time now. Adam: Take your life; I don't need it anymore:) Dawn
  19. [quote name='William Kelly' date='Dec 14 2005, 12:12 AM' post='48693'] [/coloHey Bill, It was in Boston, where I lived from 19968 til 1990. The AIB disbanded after HSCA finished, but Carl and Harvey remained close, were roommates in fact til about 5 years ago. I still keep in touch regularily by phone. (And always see them when I go back to visit). BK (Bob Katz) is still in Cambridge area too, but Willy (Dave Williams) moved to DC I think. And Jim Kostman also left Boston around 1980 or so. That was an exciting time, thought the case was gonna get solved!! Never been anyone's agent before, so would not have a clue, tho I did try to get Carl's "Yankee Cowboy" republished a couple of years back, by the guy who published Barr McClellan's book. He said he'd think about it, but nothing came of it. Dawn ps Yes I am very interested in the GJ project.
  20. Where are we headed? Read the link below for Bob Barr's surprising comments. Then the real zinger: Bush opines on the US Constitution. Dawn http://www.timebomb2000.com/vb/showthread.php?t=179234
  21. Mark: Why would you even subject yourself to it? Since I do not believe a word that passes his lips I have not seen him speak since the debates. When I have on the news and he comes on I change the channel. I don't need to want to break my tv on a regular basis. Dawn I "keep up" by reading.
  22. I agree (WOW!!) with Tim on his interpretation of the law, as stated in the above posts. (Thanx Tim). Fascinating reading on just what may have gone thru Dick Nixon's mind- if he had any hand in this killing. I know the conspiracy from the far right's perspective have the Rockerfellers at the center, and while this is also intersting reading, I don't buy this interpretation. Dawn
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