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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [quote name='Andy Walker' date='Jul 13 2006, 04:20 PM' post='68354'] Clearly a conspiracy is afoot Andy: What brings you over to the jfk forum? And since you co/mod with John you should be dropping in once in awhile. Just thought I'd say hi. I like you sense of humor! Dawn Jack: Do we realy even want to waste our time talking about Gary the Mackster?
  2. Sounds like some rather interesting reading John: Why don't you ask the publisher if HUNT wants to discuss it on the forum. Now that would be quite a "get"!! Dawn
  3. Thanx Mike Will listen to- (or read?)- later, during lunch. Should be interesting. Dawn
  4. V-e-r-y interesting. Mae's another hero of mine and died under mysterious circumstances. Dawn
  5. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jul 12 2006, 10:20 AM' post='68138'] ________________________________________________________________________________ __ So what don't you see here, Pat? It seems pretty cut and dry, to me. (Terry) What's cut and dry? I honestly don't get it. (Pat) ***I honestly don't believe you. (Dawn) (Note to Dawn: Will learn a different method of posting, color is getting confusing so I have put names after each line, as well as ***before my words). From the moment of the arrests Hunt was trying to save his own skin. (Pat) *****Was and still is. Will go to his grave doing so. And your point is? (Dawn) By putting the evidence in the White House safe, he forced the White House to either destroy the evidence, thereby incriminating themselves, or deny the evidence existed, thereby incriminating themselves. Either way, he had the ability to blackmail them.[ (Pat) ****Precisley, I told you that you were "getting it". (Albeit, you still want to believe the cable fable) (Dawn) I don't pretend to understand every aspect or evey element of the story, (Pat) *****I think you do; very much like our dear Tim Gratz did the same thing. (Dawn) Opps re: John Dean on Daily show. Saw it too. So what? So he's against torture.... Why is everything either/or with you? Dawn
  6. You are correct in the general assertion that grand jury testimony is secret. However, there is a recognized exception to this legal rule that permits any witness who has appeared before the grand jury to disclose publicly what transpired during that witness's appearance, including testimony and queries posed by the prosecutor and jury members. This is applicable even if the witness is a defendant, although in most cases a defendant decides not to speak out. I talked to Billie Sol within a few days following his grand jury appearance in March 1984 in Robertson County, Texas. He had received transactional immunity from the prosecutor before testifying. The grand jury appearance had been arranged with Billie Sol's consent by U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples. It was my impression in talking to Billie Sol afterwards that he wanted his testimony before the grand jury to be made public and had so authorized public discussion by the prosecutor, U.S. Marshal Peoples, and his own attorney. There were a number of press reports at the time, so it would be impossible now to state which exact source of information about Billie Sol's testimony was used by the writer of a particular press report. Billie Sol desired to set the record straight publicly about murders commissioned by LBJ and wisely employed the grand jury system to accomplish this end. Doug: Thanx for the reminder here. We discussed the highly suspicious death of the great US Marshall- (and former TX Ranger)- Clint Peoples privately, some time ago, for which I remain most appreciative. 1. What do you think of the print evidence? (Mac Wallace known prints from murder conviction of Kinsner, to latent print on 6th floor, matched by Nathan Darby and others (one wishing to remain private, and one by an expert in France). 2. Do you have a personal opinion as to why Billie sol was not killed? (Especially given that the brave men who investigated Billie sol's evidence/testimony to Grand Jury : Henry Marshall, and Clint Peoples were, in my opinion, murdered. Again I appreciate your reply. Dawn
  7. As usual you don't know what you are talking about BS. (I adore you initials tho When I first came here Gary Mack PM'd me on a regular basis. I responed privately at first, then feeling rather harrassed, I began posting my responses. Gary is realy two " people" : the one who was respected for " Badge Man" and the like and 2.) The one who pushes the LN crap on the 6th floor. I refuse to go to his little nest. Don't like people who, in my opinion become, sell outs. Gary Mack, Norman Mailer. A whore is a whore no matter what name s/he goes by. (And "Gary Mack" is also not his name....but that's beside the point Dawn _________________________________________________ "Recap: a respected curator like Mack is banished, but Jack White gets to hang around and advance every uninformed, crackpot theory known to man. That seems fair." Stand by, folks. There's gonna be another CLYDE AWARD!!! Hey Ter: Forgive my ignorance re "CLYDE AWARD", but is this a reference to Hoover's mainman Tolson? (Sorry, could not resist). Dawn
  8. [quote name='Rex Bradford' date='Jul 7 2006, 06:12 PM' post='67537'] I wonder if Carl or anybody else has any thoughts on the Bush family as a sort of synthesis of the Yankees and Cowboys, the product of a truce of sorts. The family hails from Connecticut, with granddad Prescott more Yankee than Cowboy. But George Sr. branched out to Texas and the oil business, while being deeply connected to CIA which has been traditionally more on the Yankee side. George Jr. seems to be more Cowboy than Yankee, which is indicative of the tip in the balance of power in this conflict. Rex Bradford Rex: Carl's answer on the phone Sunday was actually a mini speech, so I cannot transcribe it. I will re-ask the question and try to get him to limit his response. I have also mailed him this stuff, snail mail. He has also asked that I give out his tel no. to anyone with questions or would just like to say hello. In fact I should probably just post it because as he said "I am in the damn phone book if anyone wants to call me". (I took that as a hint that he'd appreciate a call!! .) He is a public person since the Viet Nam war invaded his private life in 1965. Can be reached at 413-253-7410. (And if the NSA is still listening he and I just laugh at them> Must be a terribly boring job, so we provide a bit of humor just for them
  9. [quote name='Dawn Meredith' date='Jul 10 2006, 02:00 PM' post='67832'] Dawn: Thank you for asking these questions that are framed in a professional manner. I am pleased to answer them to the best of my ability. (1) Taken as a whole, I think that much of the truth about Watergate was aired during the Watergate Committee hearings. However, two subjects that should have been covered but were omitted were (i) the alterations of my grand jury testimony and the sworn testimony of Alfred Baldwin by the original prosecutors; and (ii) Robert "Butch" Merritt's allegations about how the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police department recruited him as an informant on the activities of the New Left and the gay community and of me as an attorney in Watergate. The lengthy article about Merritt published in the Advocate in 1977 reproduced a photograph of a signed receipt of money given to Merritt by the Washington, D.C. police to cover costs of his role as an informant. So the story he told was not something that he made up out of thin air. (2) All I can say about the death of Dorothy Hunt in the plane crash in 1972 is that the circumstances of the crash remain highly suspicious. (3) I do not believe that we have a free press in the U.S. today. Operation Mockingbird may not be in place at the present time but instead the mass media is controlled by a small number of corporations. These corporations bend when the government asks them to do in curtailing the dissemination of news. The most encouraging develop in the last year has been the rise of the bloggers, who are like bloodhounds on the scent of government corruption and controlled news. The biggest challenge facing the successors of Operation Mockingbird is how to control the Internet (which they are now trying to do through proposed legislation) and rein in the bloggers. (4) Bob Woodward is known to have had close ties to the Pentagon even before Watergate. His role in trying to downplay the Plame investigation has led to allegations that he engaged in some sort of coverup. Woodward today gives the appearance of someone heavily influenced by government authorities. Contrast him with Seymour Hersh and the difference between a controlled newsman and a free one becomes quite evident. Thank you very much Mr. Caddy. I think I have another question or two for you, and some thoughts on what you posted, but have to get out the door for a trial. (Fortunately for me it will be short: a parole revocation hearing with a mentally ill inmate. ) Sometime perhaps we can discuss the legal bus...off this forum... I know that you and Barr are close as are Barr and I. (email daily, of late, re Nathan Darby's death, and the work he is doing now, about which I will PM you, later.) Dawn Thank you again Doug. As you know from my prior questions to you my interest is in the JFk assassination. Not to say I am not deply interested in Watergate, but I want to go back to 11/22/63. I believe I may have already asked you this, so forgive me if I did, but 1. How did Billie sol Estes come to pick you to rep. him? (Or at least to write to AG Trott). 2. (If you know) how did Trott become the person to whom you wrote? I ask this because as soon as HSCA ended and it got turned over to the Justice Dept. I began calling and called every year on 11/22 . The name of the AG in charge - or so I was told- was Cubbage. I spoke with him several years in a row. Not that I ever thought under Reagan there was a prayer that Justice WOULD follow-up, I called none the less. Got nowhere. 3.Do you have an opinion on who killed JFk? 4. Do you have an opinion as to why he was killed? 5. I am curious as to what lead you here. The why of it? (I got here by goglging a name of one of my favorite researchers (also probably the nicest): -Atty Vince Salandria in 10/04- and life has not ever been the same:)) Again, with much appreciation. I also have some comment re your answers above but want to just check in here, then have a ton of legal work to get done....Do you ever miss practicing law? I doubt I will ever retire as I love it still, after now 21 years. Dawn ps Your answer re the Mac Wallace press conference is the same as Barr's. It's J who had it wrong then. J -God rest his soul- thought/told me- there was to be a joint press conf in DC with you and Barr. Guess Barr did not get around to asking you til later. Sounds like Barr! I am mailing him a picture packet today, of different times we were all here in Austin. The town where Mac Wallace's first murder was fixed. JFK's next stop if Dallas did not "work out".
  10. [quote name='J. Raymond Carroll' date='Jul 12 2006, 03:06 AM' post='68072'] I am not now, nor have I ever been, in favor of Ashton Gray's removal. Well you sure had me fooled. Dawn
  11. Jack, I have kept away fro the entire Z hoax v no hoax for lack of time to read anyone I could understand. The two posters here just flame each other. (Bill MIller and Mr Healy) So badly that I don't even know which side the other is on. (Some even suspect that one of them is really Gary Mack, making it even MORE confusing. Years ago I attempted to read something Richard Bartholomew wrote reviewing Fetzer's work, but it was so poorly written that it made little sense. I guess one had to read the book first and this was an eamil "review" of the book. Richard is normally a fine writer, tho he uses so many names you need a flow chart to keep up. So could you -when you have the time- summerize for me why you believe the film is a forgery. Do you think it was: 1. filmed by Abe Zapruder and then tampered with? 2. Do you believe Bob Groden- a good guy!- ever had a copy that was the real untampered- with thing? 3.What do you think the conspirators were trying to destroy? 4. Why was the back-ward head shot left intact, rendering the "single bullet theory" the lunacy/lie it was when first invented by "darlin arlin" ? Thank you .... Dawn
  12. Now, this is not a reply to Mr. Carroll, because I would not tell him the directions to Hades if he had nowhere else to go, and a hot date waiting there. I've yet to see him contribute any single thing of substance; apparently he is far too busy authoring sideline carping criticisms of other people's hard-won contributions, while back-channel tag-teaming (I've got it on record in the Diem cables thread in the Watergate forum) with Pat Speer, who posted sworn testimony there that he had subtley fudged to suit his own purposes (I've got it on record in the Diem cables thread). Ashton Gray Anyone interested in seeing how something as exotic as an agent/provocateur, or something as banal as an internet xxxxx, behaves, should just sit back and read Mr. Gray's posts. He couldn't counter that Colson testified to having been aware of the creation of the cables, so he decided to attack me as having mis-typed something on purpose. Simply amazing. When a man commits a crime, and admits to it, and multiple witnesses acknowledge they either witnessed the crime or it's being covered up, and NO ONE who knows the admitted criminal or the witnesses has the least bit doubt the crime occurred, it is simply wacky to decide the crime never occurred. Since Ashton has theorized this non-crime was invented to damage Nixon, perhaps he can show us how this non-crime damaged Nixon, as none of the men involved in the commission of this crime ever testified to Nixon having any knowledge of the crime or its cover-up. Perhaps he also can explain why inventing a story about faked cables was so much easier than actually creating fake cables. Pat: When I first came on this forum I actually thought you and Ray Carroll were intelligent, honorable men. I still believe you both to be intelligent. However, these days the two of you are making the antics of Tim Gratz look like those of a Sunday school teacher. Isn't there something more interesting for you boys to post on than Ashton? This is truley getting old. As well as terribly boring. Just mho here. Dawn
  13. John, Most interesting!! . Who wrote the article? Bennett has been my choice for DT for some time, or a composite. However more recently I have come to suspect .....well let's just say the name I suspect has already been posted here by somene else. Is Sturgis still alive? I don't recal hearing he'd died, but it's hard to keep up with all of this, especailly when there is also so much purposful distraction to contend with. Reminds me of the word of the great Vince Salandria - who is still alive- "they will just wear you down". (paraphrase). Dawn
  14. Hey John! 'Bout time! Damn! Here I am juggling lion cubs, and you're off touring Maine? Enh. It's just the gathering of the Nazguls. They got nothing, so they post nothing. They just take up as much space as they possibly can ranting and raving about it. Same old snake oil pitch we've been hearing for 34 years. Hasn't changed a whiff. Good to have you back! Ashton John, Yes, great to have you back. Having just read Pat's post above ....I hardly know what to say. He just totally contradicted himself in the first sentence. I don't even read his rants anymore. His logic is on Mars. But what can one expect from someone who professes to believe the likes of Liddy, McCord etc.? Geez I never believe my own clients until I have corroborated what I am told in several other ways...so why would I believe a convicted felon whom I have never met? Oh well, some folks are just skilled in the art of naivete, a skill I do not possess Glad you had a wonderful vacation. Dawn
  15. I agree. Read also Destiny Betrayed -Jim DiEugenio, and Let Justice Be Done- Bill Davy. (I received an eamil from Owen last nite informing me that Bill Davy has just loined the forum. GREAT!!) Dawn
  16. Dawn: Thank you for asking these questions that are framed in a professional manner. I am pleased to answer them to the best of my ability. (1) Taken as a whole, I think that much of the truth about Watergate was aired during the Watergate Committee hearings. However, two subjects that should have been covered but were omitted were (i) the alterations of my grand jury testimony and the sworn testimony of Alfred Baldwin by the original prosecutors; and (ii) Robert "Butch" Merritt's allegations about how the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police department recruited him as an informant on the activities of the New Left and the gay community and of me as an attorney in Watergate. The lengthy article about Merritt published in the Advocate in 1977 reproduced a photograph of a signed receipt of money given to Merritt by the Washington, D.C. police to cover costs of his role as an informant. So the story he told was not something that he made up out of thin air. (2) All I can say about the death of Dorothy Hunt in the plane crash in 1972 is that the circumstances of the crash remain highly suspicious. (3) I do not believe that we have a free press in the U.S. today. Operation Mockingbird may not be in place at the present time but instead the mass media is controlled by a small number of corporations. These corporations bend when the government asks them to do in curtailing the dissemination of news. The most encouraging develop in the last year has been the rise of the bloggers, who are like bloodhounds on the scent of government corruption and controlled news. The biggest challenge facing the successors of Operation Mockingbird is how to control the Internet (which they are now trying to do through proposed legislation) and rein in the bloggers. (4) Bob Woodward is known to have had close ties to the Pentagon even before Watergate. His role in trying to downplay the Plame investigation has led to allegations that he engaged in some sort of coverup. Woodward today gives the appearance of someone heavily influenced by government authorities. Contrast him with Seymour Hersh and the difference between a controlled newsman and a free one becomes quite evident. Thank you very much Mr. Caddy. I think I have another question or two for you, and some thoughts on what you posted, but have to get out the door for a trial. (Fortunately for me it will be short: a parole revocation hearing with a mentally ill inmate. ) Sometime perhaps we can discuss the legal bus...off this forum... I know that you and Barr are close as are Barr and I. (email daily, of late, re Nathan Darby's death, and the work he is doing now, about which I will PM you, later.) Dawn
  17. Thanks. Though it may reflect poorly on my sanity, I admit to having personally scanned every last page of the Warren Report and 26 volumes, HSCA Report and 12 volumes, 14 Church Committee Reports, and much more. I can't claim to have read every page, though. Currently taking the staples out of a few hundred thousand pages of CIA records...... Rex Rex, I can't believe I missed this post til just now. You just made may day...tho I am playing catch -up here:) You guys rock! Mucho appreciation. Dawn
  18. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Jul 9 2006, 05:38 PM' post='67734'] With your daft jokes you are beginning to sound like Tim Gratz. While Tim Gratz and I had many differences they were all political in nature. (he loves W; I can't stand him). On matters of a higher importance we were in agreement. And in spite of all his innane "Castro- did it" nonsence -(which I never once believed HE actually believed)- he was good hearted, ultimately. In his own peculiar way. That is til he threatened to sue the moderator, for which he was banned. I once thought that Raymond Carroll meant well too but I have seen differently. He's is neither funny, nor is he kind. But I am breaking my own self-imposed "peace maker" rule here. So I am going to bow out of this discussion and ignore the tag- team of Ray and Pat. Frankly, I do hope Mr Caddy answers the questions he's been asked, the ones that don't violate attorney client privilege, which is of course, sacrosanct. I am very interested in what he has to say. Dawn
  19. [quote name='Peter Lemkin' date='Jul 9 2006, 10:02 AM' post='67685'] I've been saying the exact thing to my husband for sometime now. Carl O thinks it's too late also. I think we MUST fight back in any and all ways we can. Thank god for alt. media. Dawn
  20. I nominate this the post of the day. Jack you're still hitting 'em out of the park. If Posner ever joined this forum I'd resign on principle. (I know that would certainly please a few unnamed members Dawn
  21. Jack, What a fantastic contribution. Thank you so very much for this. It's invaluable. Nice to know that some people refuse to give up on this case. Even after now nearly 43 years. It may not get "solved" in our lifetime, but that will certainly not be for lack of incredible effort and dogged research. Especially by those now gone, like Penn Jones. His legacy will live forever here in cyberspace. (I sure wish Lisa and Jim would bring PROBE back, but... now it will all be online. ) Dawn
  22. I concur. I saw a lovely quote last night that I thought might be appropriate here, though I was torn by the thought that Ashton's words should be the final words on this thread. In 1992, one of the few heros of Watergate, the late former Texas Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, spoke these words: "I've always felt that as long as you are alive you should be doing something that makes a difference. You don't have to do gigantic things. Just do things incrementally that make a difference." For me that is the sole purpose of this forum.
  23. Mr Caddy: I respect you for returning here. Can we all agree on one thing: that the purpose of this forum is to arrive at the truth? It is my sole purpose. And your post above certainly apears to be sincere. I do not know how long you have been reading this forum but I joined in 10/04 and the flaming and name calling drove me away several times. In fact I begged for rules that would later be established regarding the manner in which posters should treat each other. With respect and civility. You do not have to answer anyone's questions here, but I do have a few rather broad ones: 1. Do you believe that the full truth about Watergate was aired during the hearings? 2. Are you personally satisfied the that Dorothy Hunt was killed in an "accident? on 12/8/72? 3. Do you believe that there is a free press in this counrty, uncontrolled by Operation Mockingbird.? 4. If not, do you believe that Bob Woodward is/was an Op Mockingbird journalist? Thank you. If you have covered any of these questions in the past I apologise for any repititon of same. (Most of us do not possess photographic memories, so occassionally I ask a question that has been alreadly dealt with. ) Dawn
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