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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. And according to A Farewell to Justice, by Joan Mellen, Boggs was deeply unhappy with the WC findings and encouraged Jim Garrison to go forward with his case. Garrison always maintained utter discretion about Boggs clandestine role she says. And I have read Garrison's book; he doesn't mention Boggs. Mark Lane is also very terse in discussing Boggs in his books, while being very specific in his criticism of other Warren Commission members like Warren, Ford, and good ol' Dulles. So I think Boggs was not fooled and was murdered. Anyone else have an opinion or info about Bogg's feelings on the WC? Myra I have some sort of - I hesitate to use this tierm- but "sixth sense" about these things. And in October 1972 I did not even know who Hale Boggs was, BUT I was very suspicious of this plane crash. It did not seem to me that it was an accident. I had heated discusiions about this at the time. I had not yet done serious research into the JFK assassination- (tho believed it to be conspiracy from day one). Then in the period between 73-76 I read about 40 books on the assassination. In his interview with Playboy Garrison credited Huey Long -( or was it Russell, don't remember)- with getting him (Garrison) interested in re-visiting the assassination of JFK. But according to Mellen- who I believe- this was to cover for Hale Boggs. I have heard that Bogg's signature on the WCR was actually forged. May be folklore, but he was not fooled and I think he was about to go public when his plane went missing. Not for a moment do I believe that his daughter does not know the truth. But to keep her job she whores out her father's memory. Dawn
  2. Did I ever think anything else? Perhaps not. I thought you believed the hunting accident fable, but I could be mis-remembering. Dawn
  3. Does anyone know if Donald Kaylor reached any conclusion re the prints? Thanks Dawn ps John: Nice to see that you now believe Sullivan was murdered too.
  4. I have always thought Sullivan was murdered. Wish I could get my hands on the article Harvey Yazijian wrote shortly after. Harv can't even get it. As for McAdams: so damn clearly CIA, or Gov. in some capacity. Powerful friends indeed. Dawn
  5. Even if Gary Webb died by his own hand THEY still killed him. I know that many believe it was a sefl-inflicted shot, but if Gary was indeed working on further stories that were dangerous, a suicide is so easily arranged. Letters to family members too. He was staying with his mom, he had young kids. Careers can be re-built. I have a lot of doubts about this suicide story. The CIA does both: destroyes careers and kills people. I don't know how such decisions are rendered, just that they are. Dawn
  6. [quote name='Robert Charles-Dunne' date='Oct 9 2006, 10:09 AM' post='77245'] Great post Robert. Of course with all the "problems" with electronic voting the Republicans can always just steal the election, in states where they are behind. On Foley though, I don't think he should have resigned. I learned yesterday that the "boy" in question is 18. That is two consenting adults in my opinion. I was equally bored with the Clinton nonsense, all the money that was wasted over a damn b*** J**. Ken Starr was the real prev. Probably jealous that the ladies like Bill. We need to be focussing on the real wrongs -the huge deficit, the illegal war, that the administration and buddies want to blend US, Canada and Mexico. One country. And all these nukes. W is nuts enough to use one on someone. We need to get these people out of office. We cannot afford two more years of these neo-cons. Dawn
  7. [quote name='Jack White' date='Oct 8 2006, 10:02 PM' post='77206'] As Miller points out, Mark is entirely wrong. I have never said Badgeman stood on the hood of a car. I said it is possible he stood on a car bumper, as I have showed with reconstruction photos. It is not possible for him to be on the ground, since the fence is five feet tall. He could have stood on anything that raised him about eighteen inches. According to Gordon Arnold, there was a shot from that location. I have never said that Badgeman's shot hit anything; in fact, I believe that his shot missed. The important thing about Badgeman, as it has always been, is he is a shooter on the knoll, disproving the "lone assassin theory". As for Bowers, he did mention seeing two men in the area, but it is not clear just what he saw. Jack We also don't know how much of Bower's testimony was edited out, as was the case with other eye witnesses to this horror. I don't see a lot in most of the photos or film clips but, even to the untrained eye like mine, Badgeman is very obvious. Does not say he's a cop, just someone wearing a badge, who likely should not have been there. An innocent explanation would have been offered years ago. Dawn
  8. They called Reagan the teflon president but it seems these bastards can get away with anything. Disgustingly scary times, these. Dawn
  9. Bill and David: Who cares? If the Zapruder film was altered or not, how does arguing about this advance this case? If the conspirators altered it, they left in the back- and- to- the- left fatal headshot that ended the president's life. Whether or not he is clutching his neck or had his hands very close to doing this: all irrelevent. "Microanalyzing", as VInce Salandria called it in Fonzi's book (The Last Investigation). Why was JFK killed? Show how and why it was not LHO. That the media still covers it up. This is the fight that is important, not the side show over the Zapruder film. Dawn ps I have repeatedly asked for both sides to give me 5 reasons for and against Z alteration. Guess no one's ever going to do so. I have no interest in reading the otherwise wonderful Jim Fetzer's book. I am enormously more interested in hearing what Fetzer has to say on the conspiraay in 9-11. Now that is important!
  10. Steve: (etc) I think far more compelling words by Ruby to Warren and Ford were these: "And I wish that our beloved President, Lyndon Johnson, would have delved deeper into the situation, hear me, not to accept just circumstantial facts about my truth or innocence, and would have questioned to find out the truth about me before he relinquished certain powers to these certain people...Consequently a whole new form of government is going to to take over our country and I know I won't live to see you another time...". Now you LN's here on this forum how do explain away THESE damning words?? Dawn
  11. ______________________________________________ Brendan, Regarding my "real" last name, I was adopted at four months of age and found/met my biological parents in 1987. Thats when I found out that my original surname was "Mahon." Care to make a joke about that? ______________________________________________ That means sooo much coming from a man who ridicules the appearance of others in an unprovoked manner. I suggest you get out of the "joke" business yourself. ______________________________________________ Brendan, I was only suggesting that you have your vision checked. If you can't see what Ron Ecker pointed out in his posting on this thread of the photo of "Dark Complected Man," then you should visit an optometrist ASAP. P.S. If you are really serious about having a "date" with me, I suggest that we meet in Heber Springs, Arkansas on a date that will be convenient for you-- In other words, when you aren't writing speeches for George W. (That reminds me, is it really true that you wrote the speech in which he said, "It will take some time for us to restore chaos." ??? "Fondly" yours, --Thomas ______________________________________________ I'm confused, is our resident BS gay? Not that I care about anyone's sexual orientation. I find it most boring as I believe everyone's private life is his/her own (and I am thoroughly hetro, very happily married to a wonderful man). It never even occurrd to me that anyone would think Thomas gay. BS your guy-W- is doing pretty badly in the polls; then again the Republicans in general are way down. Sadly I fear it's too late for this country. The debt alone, and the Constitution now gone... who could have predicted this? A rhetorical question. Dawn
  12. I believe that Prouty has stated the man walking away is Lansdale. This was confirmed by some of his associates , who also knew Landsdale. Prouty further stated " forget the tramps" they are actors" The important thing is that it has been established that Edward Landsale was in Dallas that afternoon. Edward Lansdale, lifetime spook and a man with more than an ax to grind with JFK. I remember the first time I saw this id by Prouty being very convinced. Prouty knew Lansdale well and would certainly recognize him, even from the back. FWIT I always thought the old tramp resembled Hunt more than anyone else, and now that his at- home with -the -kids alibi has been totally disolved one has to wonder ... Dawn
  13. [quote name='Stephen Roy' date='Oct 3 2006, 05:28 PM' post='76706'] OK I'll bite: Who's the close friend? Has he ever gone on record with this? Thanx, Dawn
  14. Tosh: I totally agree with Wim. And thank you as well. A couple of questions: I know that you and J Harrison went way back, to before the assassination. And J was a Dallas police officer on that tragic day. Did you ever tell J about your mission concurrent with when it occurred? (I know that J knew about it, just no idea when he may have learned). Have you ever considered writing a book about all of this? Or working with an author to get your story out there? It's such an important aspect of this case. Dawn
  15. Thanx B-- Rose is a hero to many. If only people had listened to her. Wim: of course she was murdered. Geez Dawn
  16. Mr. Connoly, Altho I am merely a lowly criminal defense attorney I can tell you that calling something "nonsense" is not actionable. Also Jack has apologised. I suggest you follow the advice of the forum owner and moderator or you will join Tim Gratz and be removed from this forum. What's with these people threatening lawsuits on a public forum, established for the puropse of discerning the truth about the murder of Jack Kennedy? Dawn Meredith
  17. Antti and Owen: Great arguments but you will get nowhere with Mr Carroll. He detests Garrison and all your proof will not change his personal opinion. Dawn
  18. "Earth to John" Yes Dawn, I'm here and why are you involving me? john w It was to John SIMKIN, not you ...I don't even know you. Dawn
  19. Wim, That's absurd. Of course he was hit in the throat. And all the doctors at Parkland said it was an ENTRANCE wound. The back wound was very insignificant. And why clutch your throat if you have a slight wound in your back? Dawn
  20. I think the story that Dean told Garrison was credible. Dean later became very afraid and denied all. The lunch in the film is presented just as Garrison recounts it in the book. Now for those who call Garrison a xxxx, that's another matter. Dawn
  21. Someone with the initials BV perhaps? That is disgusting. Wim involved in child porn? Hardly! I think someone does not like Wim's connecting the dots and created some fiction our of whole cloth. Dawn
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