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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Wim: Where the heck did that come from? And what does it have to do with Joan Mellen's speech? I know that Joan totally believes Murgado, but I and many others feel she was taken in, first by Hemming, who streered her to Murgado, then by the man himself. As for Walter Sheridan, he was doing the CIA's bidding, not RFK's. This could have been a great book, in fact on the Garrison parts it is, imo. But, no matter how many critics disagree with her, such as Peter Dale Scott, Lisa Pease, JimDiEugenio- who wrote a brilliant review of this book- she holds steadfastly to her very anti- RFK views. When asked who killed RFK and why she has no viable response. And I REALLY like this woman, so this is not an attack on her, just that I feel she was conned. Dawnl
  2. I agree with the above posts. I would like to just add that since Ashton Gray has been put on probation the attacks on him by Charlie Black and Pat Spear have grown. Charlie seems to be downright obsessed. While everyone may not like Ashton's style, his efforts are sincere, and I totally believe his interest in arriving at the truth is equally sincere. I feel that attacks by any member on another are repugnent and I am really sick of all the attacks on Jack White. Jack has given decades to the research community; he deserves our respect. Dawn
  3. Posner is certainly no match for PDS - and he is so damn disingenous it is sickening to read his lying words. But on all things conspiracy he is the media's darling. Dawn
  4. I know that seances don't work. (Hope that doesn't ruffle any feathers.) I was thinking of it from the human interest angle. Who was there, what they had to say, the atmosphere, description (as you've given here) of Ruby's old apartment, what the "medium" did or said, what it was like to hold Leavell's hand, etc. I would enjoy reading about the evening, but I guess I could be in a minority. I agree Ron, BUT. In October 1972 I was with a group of people in Paterson, New Jersey, where we were all working for Senator George McGovern. One of the women suggested a seance for the purpose of "contacting" LHO. I do not remember the particulars of what we actually did, but immeiately afterwards one of our group walked into the other room to go to the rest room. She screamed. Of course we quickly followed and we could all both see and feel an energy, like something magnetic, or electrical, in the corner. I walked over and into it and experienced a kind of shocking sensation. It was very eerie, and frightening. Dawn
  5. Charlie, For the last several days your posts in this thread are all to attack the forum member you claim is baiting you. So you disagree with Ashton Gray. You have made this more than abundantly clear. I fail to see how he is baiting you. This name calling is really demeaning. You have questioned his intelligenece, his sanity, and his motives. Yet you claim that he is baiting YOU. The way I see it you are baiting yourself. Please disagree where you feel you have a valid issue then move on. Talk of "white coats" has no place in this discussion. These personal attacks are really degrading to all forum members and readers alike. Thank you. Dawn
  6. You're joking right???? Hunt "told the truth much of the time"? I'd ask you to name just one time...but I know where that would lead. A bit naive is an understatement. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, however, I do not think it's shared on this forum. Dawn
  7. Pat: I beg to differ. When someone has been THREATENED I believe it has a tendency to stick in one's mind. This is hardly the first time we have heard of important witnesses being threatened in this case. And how many have died? If the man says this is what he saw and was told to shut up or else face many years in jail I really do not believe this is something he was likely to simply "forget". Obviously he tried to, and then when witnesses started having heart attacks, karate chops, single car crashes and the like, I will bet that Custer's fear grew worse. Time does not dull memory where threats are involved. Dawn
  8. -in? That's right. Zero. And just how does this make it more true? My experience with convicted felons is that they lie on a regular basis. Dawn
  9. Just wanted to publicly wish my dear friend and adopted sister Terry a very happy birthday!!! Wish you were here!!! Much Love from Austin, Tx. Dawn, Erick and Teka
  10. Hey John You're welcome to stop by here as well, in Austin. I can attest to Terry's high energy and conversational skills. We had a blast when she was here in Nov. We are hoping to get to the COPA conf. in Nov as well, right Ter? Dawn
  11. Perhaps in his old age Hunt has decided to tell us that it was conspiracy. I doubt he will go further and implicate his old agency- Actually though, it's CIA for life. I agree that it would be great if Doug Caddy would/could open a new dialogue with E Howard and just see what possibly shakes loose. Hunt's "no comment" regarding his possible presence in Dallas 11/22/63, and Angleton's possible involvement in the assassionation demonstrate that he is willing to make a couple of minor admissions. Time is short; it's worth a try. Dawn
  12. So where is Tim? Usually by now he would have had 10 new threads and 50 new posts. Is he actually back here? Does he even want to be? Or is he even aware that he's been re-admitted? Dawn- trying to stay warm here in a rare freeze and ice storm in Austin, TX.
  13. Well it will be interesting to see Tim back. We all miss the debates between him and Robert -Charles Dunne. RCD always kicked butt. Now that W is in the tank in terms of popularity it will be fascinating to read Tim trying to defend his president, (who is indefensible in my opinion). And to respond to the Rove dirty tricks information. I can hear him now! But 'cha know he will turn every thread into his Castro -did -it nonsense. None-the less- let me be the first to say "welcome back Tim". Dawn
  14. Just what can Ted do about this? I am positive he knows. I think Chappaquiddick was one very dire warning. Dawn
  15. Opps, the title is supposed to say " Posada"; that's what I get for trying to post while on the phone. Tried to to fix , but apparently can only edit text but not topic titles... Dawn
  16. Grand jury indicts Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles and two associatesBY ALFONSO CHARDY AND JAY WEAVER achardy@MiamiHerald.com Document | Indictment in U.S. v. Luis Posada Carriles Document | Indictment in U.S. v. Santiago Alvarez Document | Indictment in U.S. v. Osvaldo Mitat A federal grand jury in El Paso, Texas handed down a seven-count indictment today against Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles, charging him with lying about how he sneaked into the United States in March 2005. It is the first time the CIA-trained Posada has been charged with a crime in the United States. His chief benefactor, Santiago Alvarez, and another supporter -- Osvaldo Mitat -- were also indicted after they refused to testify before the same grand jury today. They were charged with contempt of court when they invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The indictment accused Posada, 78, of making false statements to immigration officials about how he arrived in the United States. Posada has insisted he came through the Mexican border, but the indictment asserted Posada entered the United States by sea aboard the shrimping vessel Santrina crewed by Alvarez, Mitat and others. This is the first time Posada has been criminally charged in the United States, the country he viewed as an ally and safe haven because of his past connections to the CIA and the U.S. military. By indicting Posada, the federal government ensures his continued detention. The possibility of Posada's release loomed closer after a federal judge in El Paso, in a separate case, set a Feb. 1 deadline for the U.S. government to justify the militant's continued detention. The judge's action came after a federal magistrate recommended that Posada be released. The U.S. government objected on the ground that releasing Posada -- who Cuba and Venezuela consider a ''terrorist'' -- could pose adverse foreign policy consequences. Posada has been in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement since he was detained in Miami-Dade County on May 17, 2005. He was then flown to El Paso where he has been held at an immigration facility. Posada is wanted in Venezuela for his alleged role in the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 that killed 73 people and in Cuba for his alleged role in the bombing of several tourist sites in 1997 that killed one Italian tourist. The indictment alleged Posada made the false statements on his application for naturalization ''on or about Sept. 10, 2005,'' the Justice Department said. The indictment also alleges that he knowingly made false statements under oath during his naturalization interview with Department of Homeland Security officials on April 25 and 26, 2006. In his naturalization interview, the Justice Department said, Posada allegedly made several false statements regarding his March 2005 entry into the United States, ``including statements about the transportation routes and methods used, as well as individuals who accompanied him.'' For example, the indictment charges that Posada said he ''traveled from Honduras through Belize and entered the United States over land near Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas,'' with the assistance of an unidentified alien smuggler. In fact, the indictment said, Posada entered the United States aboard the Santrina accompanied by Alvarez and Mitat among others. M O R E N E W S F R O M • Brownsville, TX • Matamoros, Mexico • Miami Dade County, FL • El Paso Metro • World News • Mexico • El Paso, TX • Tamaulipas, Mexico • Discuss Tamaulipas, Mexico
  17. I spoke with Tosh last night and I asked him if he is ever coming back to the forum, that people have more questions for him. He reminded me that someone deleted his posts. He said that he absolutely did not do this; that why would he spend time posting information only to later delete it? Fair question. Can anyone shed some light on this? Dawn
  18. Hmmmm... Ashton My laugh of the day!! Honestly though, James HOW do you come up with these pics? I mean no matter how obscure the name you put a face to it. Every damn time. Just amazing. Dawn
  19. You won't get an arugment from me on this. Dawn
  20. Ashton, Here is a possibility to consider for discussion: The President's back wound could have been caused by the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository. That rifle was never intended as the primary killing weapon, because no serious sniper would have used it. It was a throw-down gun, a diversion, but someone fired it nonetheless. Old military surplus ammo can have what is called a "dud round" whereby not all of the powder propellant burns. This results in a low-velocity discharge, with a rapid bullet drop rate. This would explain the shallow back wound. It could also explain the so-called pristine bullet found at Parkland Hospital. I realize that bullet was not found on the President's stretcher, but the person who found it could have been mistaken. The bullet could have been forced out during resuscitation efforts. Erick Erick: Admittedly you know all about guns and I know zero. But I seriously doubt that the Mannlicher-Carnaco was fired on 11/22/63. And CE 399 was found, allegedly, on Connolly's stretcher. Most researchere, including myself, are of the belief that it was planted, possibly by Jack Ruby who was seen at Parkland hospital, by journalist Seth Kantor, about an hour after JFK had been shot. (Now just what would Ruby be doing at Parkland?) Dawn
  21. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jan 10 2007, 02:12 AM' post='88380'] I absolutely agree that the CIA always plays both sides of the game, and that the use of double- agents is sop. Once both Sprague and Gonzalez were out of the way, their boy Blakey was installed. The Company obtained its non-disclosure agreements , and all aveunes of inquiry into CIA involvement were shut down. So, ultimately the HSCA was a failure. A re-run of the WC really, with the exception of a some important language: Their finding of "conspiracy" which was muted beyond recognition by the next words "probably Mafia". I do not believe that our government will ever properly investigate itself. Dawn
  22. Ashton: First of all Sprague was horribly attacked in a media smear campaign. Because he wanted to go after the CIA. You can refer to this all you want as a fake " fight"; I beg to differ. And he did not just " go home". He was fired by Henry Gonzales. (Was that fake too?). You're playing a bit fast and loose with the facts here. So what if both he and darlin' arlin are from Pennsylvania? That's REALLY reaching! I know you call 'em as you see 'em. As do I. Dawn
  23. It's been obvious to me, almost from the start, and to most other forum members that the CIA set up Tricky Dick, but I am curious, aside from Haldeman, have any others from Nixon's inner group written that Watergate was a CIA set up? (I apologise if this has been asked and answered before.) Dawn
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