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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Myra, someone could have gotten his computer info very easily: The FBI. It's been proven today that the FBI has been monitoring some people through their own Spyware. Wouldn't Tosh Plumlee be one of the ones the govt is spying on? Maybe everyone on this Forum is being spywared. Anyway, at thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com I have posted a link and part of the article about the FBI admitting it spies on citizens. The article says what their spyware can find out about you; what it targets. And apparently, it's legal. Kathy Myra, Kathy, This is not a hoax. Tim's wife called Tosh when Tim died, left a voicemail, and did not hear back. I also left one today and have not heard back. This is TOTALLY not Tosh. He cared about his friends here and always returned calls. Sometimes he'd just call to say hello, like he did with me about a month ago. Chris told me yesterday that he and Tim talked recently also. I wish this was not true...but...not hearing back from Tosh is completely unlike him. Dawn
  2. I received this today from Cris, Tim's loving and devoted wife. Dawn Friends of Tim: My deepest appreciation for your kind and comforting words on hearing of Tim's death. He was a man of many passions and a honed intellect with a touch of alchemy. Light and water were emblematic and important to him. I know that he would want you to continue your research and continue to raise your voices and shine a light on the great unanswered mystery of our lifetime. The assassination of JFK was a seminal moment in our childhood, a world-changing event, a touchstone for many from different walks of life, and a particular passion of Tim's. Your work on the forum stimulated a part of him that was important and that I, not being as well versed in the subject, could adequately address. He was an insatiable intellectual questioner and I know he would hope that your work continues so that we never forget or fail to inspire the next generation to carry on with questioning and challenging the status quo, seeking answers for the important questions, being involved in our communities, and cherishing life and your loved ones now. I intend to print some of your tributes and his writings on the subject to display as part of the public memorial since this passion was very important to him and must be represented. By posting on the forum, you have made my task easier. My best regards and sincere thanks. Cris
  3. This is indeed shocking and sad. I was surprised that he has not posted on Tim 's death. If he died Sat that means he and Tim died the same day. I cannot imagine anyone posting that Tosh had passed it it is not true. I spoke with Tosh on the phone not too long ago and he told me he was working on something sensitive that he could not talk about. He was however sincerely concerned with advancingh the truth. I am saddened and speechless... Dawn
  4. When I first joined the forum (10/04) Tim was the first person to reach out to me in friendship. We immediately became fast friends talking on the phone several times a week. It was such a pleasure to introduce him to his "hero" Carl O. and have Carl share Tim's work. Last night after I got Cris' email I sat quietly for several hours and, through tears, remembered our friendship. It is so hard to believe we won't talk again. In this time of sadness I would like to thank John Simkin for providing this forum where such a community of has been forged, all over the world. RIP old pal. We will miss you always. Dawn
  5. Terry Mauro and I talked with Tim fairly regularily until recently. I knew it was getting close but it is still a shock. We will miss his rare intelligence and never failing humor. Dawn (Thanks John G. I did receive an email from Chris but I was out til now). With sadness.
  6. This looks like a pic of the guy who just shot his singer wife, ??? (Allegedly) then allegedly shot himself??? Dawn
  7. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:30 AM' post='109041'] Dawn wrote: "I won't even read Ultimate Sacrifice for this reason and this type of disinformation ruined Joan Mellen's book for me. " There are definite risks involved in reading a book with which you disagree. You might even change your pre-conceived opinions! Dawn also wrote: "CIA disinformation that Op Mockingbird will be happy to peddle." Well, there is no question that Lamar Waldron is a card-carrying member of Operation Mockingbird. (I've seen his card!) Why, why--any author who disagrees that the Garrison gospel that the CIA did it must be a Mockingbird member! But wait--I thought Walter Sheridan was reporting to RFK, not to Richard Helms! Oh, I am so confused! I wil bite this ONE TIME only Tim. It's not my place to argue with your wacco logic. RCD does that and is the best. While I do not know exactly WHO killed Kennedy: Good guesses tell me a combination of CIA rogues (Morales, Angleton, Philips together with high ups in the military (people so secret we don't even know who they are) and LBJ saw to it that the murder would happen, and the coverup be in place. Any one or book which argues that the CIA's TWO FALSE SPONSERS: Castro or the Mob as being the killers is not anything I ininterested in reading. You can criticise me all you like. (As if I'd bloody well care). You are the one with the pet theory (Castro) not me. I say up front I don't kow who did it, but I do know who did not do it: Castro or the Mob. Say goodnight Gracie. Dawn
  8. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:30 AM' post='109041'] Dawn wrote: "I won't even read Ultimate Sacrifice for this reason and this type of disinformation ruined Joan Mellen's book for me. " There are definite risks involved in reading a book with which you disagree. You might even change your pre-conceived opinions! Dawn also wrote: "CIA disinformation that Op Mockingbird will be happy to peddle." Well, there is no question that Lamar Waldron is a card-carrying member of Operation Mockingbird. (I've seen his card!) Why, why--any author who disagrees that the Garrison gospel that the CIA did it must be a Mockingbird member! But wait--I thought Walter Sheridan was reporting to RFK, not to Richard Helms! Oh, I am so confused! I wil bite this ONE TIME only Tim. It's not my place to argue with your wacco logic. RCD does that and is the best. While I do not know exactly WHO killed Kennedy: Good guesses tell me a combination of CIA rogues (Morales, Angleton, Philips together with high ups in the military (people so secret we don't even know who they are) and LBJ saw to it that the murder would happen, and the coverup be in place. Any one or book which argues that the CIA's TWO FALSE SPONSERS: Castro or the Mob as being the killers is not anything I ininterested in reading. You can criticise me all you like. (As if I'd bloody well care). You are the one with the pet theory (Castro) not me. I say up front I don't kow who did it, but I do know who did not do it: Castro or the Mob. Say goodnight Gracie. Dawn
  9. Hi Carol, Glad to see you on board. I am always happy to see "new converts" to the JFK case. It was very nice to hear from you inspiring to hear that you are reading so much on this subject. Dawn
  10. According to Joan Mellen it was actually (former Warren Commissoner) Hale Boggs who had this influence. Dawn
  11. I have been seeing this spin for awhile now. In many articles recenty and some not so recent books. (As far back as Henry Hurt's Reasonable Doubt in the 80's): putting the kill -Castro plots on Bobby. I won't even read Ultimate Sacrifice for this reason and this type of disinformation ruined Joan Mellen's book for me. It was always clear to me that when cover story one:- LN LHO- got discredited, the two fall- back positions would be The Mob did it, or Castro did it because the Kennedys were trying to kill Castro. CIA disinformation that Op Mockingbird will be happy to peddle. Dawn
  12. Except the only "news" that is coming out is primarily stuff that came out via the Church Committee. CIA and Mafia plots to kill Castro. So yes it's VERY "selective". Relevent documents on the assassinations will come out only by accident after some enterprising researcher wades thru a lot of useless items for one jewell. (Which they thought had been destroyed). Dawn
  13. David, It was great to see you featured in Time mag AND on coast to coast last night. The host (Ian ) seemed well -versed on the subject too, such a nice departure from the Chris Matthews show. He was so rude to you, I will not watch him now. I hope this great exposure keeps up. Dawn
  14. As I mentioned on another thread, a key House panel in Congress is urging the creation of a special Justice Department Unit and funding it with $100 million to attempt to crack unsolved civil rights cases from the fifties and sixties. Many of these were classified as cold cases. Appearing before Congressional members, Medgar Evans' widow said that "Murder is murder." It seems ironic that at this point in time, the Justice Department has never followed up on the HSCA recommendations, and that there is virtually no support in Congress to reopen any investigation into the murder of President Kennedy. A resolution in our lifetimes? For too many frustrating decades, with each passing day that possibility seems more and more unlikely. That's why Gaeton Fonzi called his book THE LAST Investigation. (And referred in the book several times to this term). I have always wondered if Cater had won in 1980 instead of Reagan if a Carter Justice Department would have done the folow-up recommended by HSCA. I knew once it was Ronnie there would be no chance. Dawn
  15. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. To answer your question, your perspective fellow Mike Hogan and I don't see eye-to-eye on ANYTHING, anything other than JFK was assassinated in Dallas Nov 22nd 1963 of course. You call it a gift, some see it as other things.... My but you get so personal in your comments David. Is there some reason why you can't just stick with the facts of this case instead of making ad hominem attacks? Myra, facts of the case? First you'll have to demonstrate YOU have command of case facts.... I and others do tire of the petty ad hominen complaint. You're a relative new comer to this board and other boards I know you post to. A few of us have been around for over 30+ years (15 of those on the internet boards, where else could John Simkin find us, yes?). We need no hand holding and long ago become quite sick of Lone Nut whining. Just enjoy the show, take what you need, then write your book, we all what to know the latest who did it, even Hogan. When this board is gone, Hogasn and i are gone and you are gone, the CT crowd will be out there... much to Bugliosi and his supporters chagrin....Does that sound like ad hominen to you? Actually, David, it sounds like you're saying that no one on a forum has the right to expect civil behavior from other forum members if they haven't been a member of the forum a certain length of time. Actually Myra, Did I say that Myra? Why do you insist you know what CT's think, Bad habit, girl! What I AM saying is quite simple, your futile (and Lone Nutters) ad hom argument doesn't work, you want to fall on your alleged CT sword, by all means DO! Hogan, I suspect will hold it for you! -- Add to that, nobody likes a pushy-controlling Lady Myra, especially one who doesn't have intellectual command of the evidence..... Bet in 2 more posts we'll have every forum hall monitor present.... what say you? David: Why are you being so crude and insulting to two of the forum members? Both Mike and Myra are very respected here and both have done their homework. Calling Mrya "pushy, controlling" does a real lot to advance this case! Usually you're a good fellow, from what I have seen in the past, (unless you get into it with someone about the Z film), so why these personal attacks? Dawn
  16. I heard from the head of the transplant team at Stanford a couple of days ago and haven't been able to make sense of what he was saying. He informed me that I have a coronary lesion over the left ventricle which would lessen the chances of a successful outcome from a single lung transplant. Since my family history has had me convinced that there was a coronary element to all of this, and because a lung transplant is one of the most dangerous and extensive surgeries being performed, I countered with the whole shebang: how about a heart/lung transplant? His response was that I am now too ill to withstand that surgery. I have read too many case studies of lung transplant patients who died due to the damage to the heart caused by the lungs to be able to elect a surgery with such poor odds and with new problems being found in my heart. Tim, This is indeed bad news. I wonder why they made you wait so long just for this. Bastards. Hang in there buddy ....a lot of people care and are hoping for a miracle. love, Dawn
  17. I heard from the head of the transplant team at Stanford a couple of days ago and haven't been able to make sense of what he was saying. He informed me that I have a coronary lesion over the left ventricle which would lessen the chances of a successful outcome from a single lung transplant. Since my family history has had me convinced that there was a coronary element to all of this, and because a lung transplant is one of the most dangerous and extensive surgeries being performed, I countered with the whole shebang: how about a heart/lung transplant? His response was that I am now too ill to withstand that surgery. I have read too many case studies of lung transplant patients who died due to the damage to the heart caused by the lungs to be able to elect a surgery with such poor odds and with new problems being found in my heart. Tim, This is indeed bad news. I wonder why they made you wait so long just for this. Bastards. Hang in there buddy ....a lot of people care and are hoping for a miracle. love, Dawn
  18. I heard from the head of the transplant team at Stanford a couple of days ago and haven't been able to make sense of what he was saying. He informed me that I have a coronary lesion over the left ventricle which would lessen the chances of a successful outcome from a single lung transplant. Since my family history has had me convinced that there was a coronary element to all of this, and because a lung transplant is one of the most dangerous and extensive surgeries being performed, I countered with the whole shebang: how about a heart/lung transplant? His response was that I am now too ill to withstand that surgery. I have read too many case studies of lung transplant patients who died due to the damage to the heart caused by the lungs to be able to elect a surgery with such poor odds and with new problems being found in my heart. Tim, This is indeed bad news. I wonder why they made you wait so long just for this. Bastards. Hang in there buddy ....a lot of people care and are hoping for a miracle. love, Dawn
  19. Ya sure, he thought "Eight days a weeks" was original? He is simply a pathological xxxx,imho. Dawn
  20. David Talbot was the boss at Salon so he didn't have to answer to anyone. Most reporters have to answer to their corporate bosses who are part of the matrix. In my limited experience talking with reporters/producers/journalists/cameramen, (the ones on the street doing the real work) they're among the most naive creatures on the planet because they usually mean well and are honest, but can not or will not see the bias of their bosses. I think it's just human nature; they don't want to see that they're working for an evil entity so they block it all out. I agree that Salon.com gave David the idependence he needed to just researsch and write this marvelous boolk. Now he needs lots of exposure. We need a very lot of people reading this book. If wouldf be even better if Stone would make it as a film, but I think Stone got burnt out by the media's marginalization of him with JFK. Too bad, "Brothers" would be a brilliant flick. Dawn
  21. David Talbot was the boss at Salon so he didn't have to answer to anyone. Most reporters have to answer to their corporate bosses who are part of the matrix. In my limited experience talking with reporters/producers/journalists/cameramen, (the ones on the street doing the real work) they're among the most naive creatures on the planet because they usually mean well and are honest, but can not or will not see the bias of their bosses. I think it's just human nature; they don't want to see that they're working for an evil entity so they block it all out. I agree that Salon.com gave David the idependence he needed to just researsch and write this marvelous boolk. Now he needs lots of exposure. We need a very lot of people reading this book. If wouldf be even better if Stone would make it as a film, but I think Stone got burnt out by the media's marginalization of him with JFK. Too bad, "Brothers" would be a brilliant flick. Dawn
  22. Just one more Gerry Hemming "story". When Gaeton Fonzi met with David Atlee Phillips' family (brother, wife and daughter) and showed each of them the artist's sketch of "Maurice Bishop" they all responded that it was David Phillips. Veciana all but admitted this to Fonzi. And the shot to Veciana's head was a remeinder that the CIA does not like it when one of its covers is blown. (Even tho Veciana SAID this was Castro retaliation it's clear he knows it's CIA). Do good old Gerry provide a photo of Jake Esterline for comparison?
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