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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. For those of you who are night owls. It will likely be more of what was in the Rolling Stone article. Dawn
  2. Peter: Thanks for posting the incredible research of John Armstrong. I somehow missed this when it was posted. And I am amazed that no one has commented on it. John G: Thanks to you for posting all of TMWKK. I have all this stuff but it's great to know that the censorship of the final three installments has been overcome by U-Tube. My husband Erick and I watched "The Guilty Men" with Barr (McClellan) and Nathan (Darby) here at our home 11/23/03. I wonder if Barr knows it's now available on U-Tube. I will email him and let him know. I don't agree that LBJ was "at the top" of this conspiracy but have always believed he was involved. Dawn
  3. Merci Don. This is a bit dated but great stuff. I'd personally perfer to hear zero from Dan Moldea or John Davis, but all the Garrison and my good pal Carl Oglesby was pretty cool. Seeing Garrrison so close to death and still talking about this case was very moving. Man....on a different note....is it global warming or what? It's FREEZING here in Austin on 4/7and gonna get colder tomorrow. Crazy weather. I hate it. Dawn
  4. My point of view has zero to do with any friendships I may have. Your blaming the victim comment, that was taken issue with by Ray Carroll, was absurd. But you go on...trash the Kennedys while claiming to have such respect for them. A rather convoluted position. I noted that in response to Raymond's posting of Jim DiEugenio's excellent article your only response was that you don't care for DiEugenio. Did you bother to read this piece? No matter, you may have the last word. This is your thread and you can rehash so called "secrets" all you wish. "Too hot"? Hardly. Dawn
  5. This gem is up there with Tim Gratz's claim that the assassination may have been a good thing for America. Maybe it is just another way of saying the same thing. Agreed. This Kennedy bashing is getting really old. Dawn
  6. Pat, that's not necessarily a bad thing. For instance, nearly all videos with historic value that are used in documentaries, are culled from other people's videos. I never represented these clips as my own creations ( I was about 10 years old when some of these clips were taken) and I certainly never received any profit for their posting. It has been my intention to put together these videos, many of which are not available outside the US, for the benefit of educating the world's children and helping them understand the circumstances leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy. It is my view that only by understanding both the events leading up to the assassination, the powers arrayed against him, and the resistance he faced trying to move the US in a new direction, can we understand what culminated on November 22, 1963. Thank You all for your interest in these video clips. I agree with John and Gil. When my daughter, now 35, was growing up I checked her history book every year to see what they were teaching kids about the assassination. Almost nothing, just the WC lie and then only a blip. Not a word about controversey surrounding this. Today kids spend more time on the net than they do in class and these little video clips are a great tool in a student's beginning studies. Who knows which kids will become journalists or run for office? Perhaps make a difference here. Dawn
  7. Just noting the anniversary. "Early morning April 4 Shots ring out in a Memphis sky Free at last they took your life But they could not take your pride.. in the name of love... "In the Name of Love" U-2 Dawn
  8. Thanks for these videos Gil. There are also comments that we can respond to by signing up. Just one more way to try to educate kids today. Dawn
  9. Charlie, please excuse my ignorance, but who, or what, are GATORS. (APART FROM THE OBVIOUS). They are a football team, and what relevence they have to this forum escapes me completely. Dawn
  10. [quote name='Charles Black' date='Apr 1 2007, 02:46 PM' post='98704'] To all I feel that Robert's lack of maturity and sound political behavior, coupled with his deplorable manners and arrogant behavior, contributed more to his brother's downfall than any other single person.....including the trigger pullers. This is one of the most absurd "blaming the victim" statements I have ever seen on this forum. Dawn
  11. I don't find EHH's story about hs wife credible. I first read Skolnick's work on this matter in 73 and found it to be very credible. I wonder how many other times in Dorothy's life she bought insurance before flying. Whether Nixon had the plane brought down- or the CIA- it was sabotage. And Nixon saw to it that it was covered up. Interestingly though, one of the three who helped cover up- Alex Butterfield -would later be Nixon's undoing with the disclosure of Nixon's taping system. Recall that the crash was 12/8/72. On 12/9 Watergate plumber Egil Krogh suddenly became an underetary for the Dept. f Transportation, investigating the crash. Dec. 19 Butterfield was appointed administrator of the FAA. Less than a month later Nixon's appointment secty. Dwight Chapin joined the staff at United Air Lines. And since when do 50 FBI agents show up for any plane crash? Dawn
  12. [quote name='Don Jeffries' date='Mar 29 2007, 06:50 AM' post='98449'] I'm not one of those who think that the conspiracy couldn't have been big, or someone would have broken their silence about it. Powerful people have conspired to commit crimes since the beginning of time, and most of those conspiracies were successful. If you control the apparatus whereby the public at large gets their information, then your crimes will never be exposed. Our mainstream media has been controlled by the forces who killed JFK for the past 43+ years, and unless the internet becomes the primary source of information for the vast majority of people, the coverup will never be broken because of this. Personally, I think that the individuals most obviously involved in the conspiracy at the ground level were Emory Roberts, Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman, at the very least, among the Secret Service agents in Dallas, presidential advisor McGeorge Bundy, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, vice president Lyndon Johnson, and CIA veterans like James Angleton and Richard Helms. Those involved in setting Oswald up as the patsy would probably have included Ruth and Michael Paine, Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and possibly George Demohrenschildt and James Hosty. It is hard to imagine that CIA director John McCone didn't know about the conspiracy at least after the fact. Certainly Allen Dulles must have known, and I'm certain Earl Warren must have figured it out. Assistant attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach must at least have been guilty of being an accesory after the fact, for writing his infamous "the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin" memo almost as soon as Oswald was pronounced dead on 11/24/63. The list of conspirators, imho, is very long. This was a true coup d'tat, and involved the most powerful forces in our society. I concur completely with this view. I also don't think we will ever know the who, just that it was the most powerful and they knew they could count on the media to ignore the lack of investigation. Perhaps the lesson of Dorothy Kilgallen also loomed large. I think it is great that some of today's journalists like David Talbot and Jefferson Morley have taken such an interest. But neither of them are mainstream. Even Sidney Blumenthal who was once knowledgeable on this subject ignores it now. Moved on I guess. Dawn
  13. He was also very instrumental in getting "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" stopped from being aired on the History Channel. Dawn
  14. As for the Black Muslim who's captured everyone's attention, I think if he gets close to a nomination or wins some primaries, he will die, probably in a small plane crash. Kathy Obama is not a "Black Muslim". Dawn
  15. No chance this was a "rogue" operation. This was from the TOP. Perhaps Hunt was trying to a bare his soul in some minute fashion .....But after Dorothy was murdered 12/8/72 I knew E Howard would take his secrets to the grave. He was left with 5 motherless kids. He knew what talking meant. Dawn
  16. No chance this was a "rogue" operation. This was from the TOP. Perhaps Hunt was trying to a bare his soul in some minute fashion .....But after Dorothy was murdered 12/8/72 I knew E Howard would take his secrets to the grave. He was left with 5 motherless kids. He knew what talking meant. Dawn
  17. No he did not have enough time, but that is only one of many problems on the Tippit shooting. Witnesses saw two people. Bullets did not match up. Erlene Roberts (before she died) testified that a cop car pulled up and sounded his horn. A signal to LHO? I have always believed poor old Tippet was sent there to kill Oswald and because he failed in that he was killed. Dawn
  18. It's been several years now since I read Prouty's reasoning on why he thought this guy was Lansdale, but I remember being pretty convinced at the time. Guess I will try googling it. Even tho it's a from behind shot someone who knew him well should be able to tell who it is, imho. Dawn
  19. Terry and I did sign it in good faith. I wonder who this is who dislikes us all. One person comes to mind (no one who posts here, he's been kicked off every forum). Ash will be back; he is under a book deadline and has not had time for the forum. Dawn
  20. I think the timing of this "news" is to try to discredit Talbot before his book comes out. And Ray yes Jim Di's article is great. Dawn
  21. Bill, Bernice, Doug This bulls### disinfo has been floating around for years. Next there will be Bobby kills MM, the movie. Of course Drudge has it. Sickening. Dawn
  22. The WC was a whitewash. Specter and a few of the other counsel tried to find out if the whitewash was also the truth. On April 30th he pushed the commission to verify the location of the President's wounds. They agreed to do this. On May 12th he wrote a memo explaining exactly what needed to be done. Warren, instead, changed his mind and refused to let the autopsy photos and x-rays be used to verify the location of the back wound. On May 24th Specter performed the re-enactment in Dallas, and measured the angle of a bullet from the sniper's nest against the relative angle of Kennedy's and Connally's wounds. They didn't line up. Years later, Specter would admit that the Secret Service showed him the back wound photo that day. This photo should have caused Specter to really question the single-bullet theory, which he'd felt was necessary to prove Oswald acted alone. Instead, he said all was well and never reported to Warren and the Commission what the photo showed. In Passion for Truth he lies through his teeth and says the photo shows that the back wound was higher than the throat wound. My question: if Specter really believed the back wound in the photo was higher than the throat wound, why didn't he tell anybody about viewing the photo? 1) He was a gutless coward who thought he'd get in trouble. 2) He didn't think they really cared. " 'HIGHER' than the throat wound"??? Pat, this man is nuts!! I've read his inane explanation about the shirt "bunching up", in fact there's a wonderful conversation between Vince Salandria and Specter on this where Specter shows just how badly he fares in his his position. To title a book "Passion for Truth" is really a sad irony and he damn well knows it. Dawn
  23. And no matter what Specter does with the rest of his life he will forever be considered a xxxx, a fool and an accessory after the fact for his role in the cover-up. I did not get to see him in Pittsburg at the JFK conference put on by Dr. Wecht and son Ben, but a friend who was there said he made a total fool of himself. None-the-less he stands by the lunacy of the magic bullet theory. Dawn
  24. By comparison, it would appear to be a bigger whitewash than was the WC. Personally, I have also spoke with Anita Hill years ago, and rest assured that she is considerably more believeable than is Arlen Specter. 99 cents is about what it is worth to find out that one is a xxxx, when in fact they already know that they are a xxxx. Tom: I totally agree. I watched the hearings and completely believed Anita Hill. David Brock who wrote a smear book about Hill has also confessed in "Blinded By the Right" that he lied about both Hill and his Clinton articles. Interesting that Specter is now preceived as a liberal. Dawn
  25. Dave Why do YOU bring up FIles? Wim posts a great little video (thanx Wim) and says zero about James Files, but you jump all over him. Send him a PM or email. Dawn
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