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Al Carrier

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Posts posted by Al Carrier

  1. I stand by my statement that Ayoob is a prostitute and have and will always await his response. Which will never come.



    It would appear that "never" has arrived!

    I stand by my statement that Ayoob is a prostitute and have and will always await his response. Which will never come.



    It would appear that "never" has arrived!

    I stand by my statement that Ayoob is a prostitute and have and will always await his response. Which will never come.



    It would appear that "never" has arrived!

    I stand by my statement that Ayoob is a prostitute and have and will always await his response. Which will never come.



    It would appear that "never" has arrived!

    Mr Purvis went out and contacted the legend in his own mind Ayoob and posted a reply from him on the forum. He waited until I was missing from the forum to do so. I have never said that Ayoob has not estabilished himself with the clueless agencies who reach out for a paper trail for training instead of establishing realistic training. That is what he has been good for. In the television magazine of some fifteen years ago (Glock, A Dangerous Weapon) the Master Ayoob jumps on the money trail bandwagon and attacks the now most popular law enforcement handgun on the market. A few years ago, he realizes his errors and has the gaul to write an article which I was appalled that was excepted by Glock in their own magazine that backs this state of the art weapon. In the television news magazine, he places his finger in the trigger of the Glock and strikes his forearm and detonates the weapon. If you slow the tape down, you see that he detonates the weapon prior to striking his forearm. The Glock has three internal safeties and no external. This was a too much for the prostitute to understand but instead chose to jump on the Smith and Wesson bandwagon to slam their competitor. I have a copy of the video and the magazine. I will produce it if necessary. He is a prostitute and nothing more.

    I am tired of dealing with the likes of Purvis who I compare to the Jimmie Files followers who reach out and find their so-called experts to prove their points. Hell, I can go out into the cyberspace world and find experts who can put up and arguement that the world is flat. If one cannot understand the concept, then they will find followers on forums to eat it up. I am preaching to persons who cannot understand what is realistic expert background and what is bullxxxx. Therefore, I am wasting my breath.

    Ayoob can contact me at my home address at polinst@mchsi.com if he really wishes to get into this.


  2. wrap an inner tube tightly over the short knuckle of a drive shaft. Mount a plywood oval off centre on this. The long diameter of the oval the same as the (plastic) bucket at half full level. Tie a 5 foot bit of wire onto the long knucle and make aloop about halfway up the drive shaft. This is for strapping down the bucket over the platform. Chuck the lot with assistants into a ute and head for the shallowest dam(unless you like getting very wet) with the most space and contour surrounding it.

    Bury the drive shaft firrnly (not forgetting to put the long knuckle perpendicular at the bottom of the hole to stop the shaft from turning) at the edge of the water. put wet sawdust in a bucket slip it qiuick over upside down over platform make snug with the sawdust compressed, strapping the edge down tight (if the edge of the bucket is too weak, tie a rope around here to catch the lip of the bucket and have the straps hooked to this) to meet the profile of the platform. This will then represent the various tendons and tissues holding a head up.

    Estimate the location of the pivot and paint marks on 4 opposite sides of the bucket to aid locating the pivot point in the film (don't forget the camera (pref 2 for other than z position.) meanwhile perhaps one of you would create the perimeter with warning signs and locate a good vantage point for help and lookout for stray kids.or animals. Perhaps a third assistant is advisable to patrol the perimeter exclusively.

    Mount camera on tripod lock and load. bang away recording distances, super/sub bullet, angles, etc for each shot.

    for each shot shoot above at and below pivot point

    On previous posts here and on Lancer I described the easiest way to recreate the skull for shot impact and exit wounds. Fill a standard latex balloon with 5-7% ballistic gelatin and then coat the outside with plaster coated strips of paper and layer them five deep. The hardened paper will be fairly consistent with the layered skull plating, the latex balloon will simulate the dura and the thinned ballistic gelatin will simulate the brain cavity. It will give you through and through realistic resistance and pressure that one would look for to repeat a wound cavity and disruption in a human skull.


  3. How good were the shooters is the questions.

    Let's look at it from a shooters perspective.

    The shooters were firing on a moving target at varying speeds at varying angles of lateral and horizontal placement. The shooters had to get off their shots and escape undetected (and I will not even address the issue of suppressors). The shooters had to cause as little damage outside of the target as possible (only JFK and Connally were hit).

    Were these professionals? You bet your ass. When I term "professionals", I am not referring to Italian or French mobsters. I am talking about professionals in terms of military snipers. I have posted time and again on this here and at Lancer. I have introduced the term "Canyon Shoot" to those outside the military sniper realm. I have talked about gravitational pull issues, panning and recovery of sight alignment after the shot.

    I see no need to go into again as the challenges I have received have been from those who have shot stationary fixed targets on a controlled range. Apples and oranges.



    Much appreciated. A concise evaluation of how good the shooters needed to be (from someone with knowledge in this area) was what I was trying to obtain. (although the opinions expressed by others have also been helpful).

    So despite the fact that the organisers made every effort to accomodate the shooters, the shooters were required to be among the very best in their field. Probably obvious in light of the importance of their job, but I was curious about this aspect of the assassination. Thanks again.

    Might I recommend: ayoob@attglobal.net

    Or else search: Massad Ayoob

    or else: http://personal.stevens.edu/~gliberat/carcano/biblio.html

    Ayoob, Massad

    The Ayoob Files - The JFK Assassination: A Shooter's Eye View

    in: American Handgunner, March/April 1993

    Gun experts examine a number of issues related to Oswald's MC rifle, his shooting skill, ballistics, and the reaction of Kennedy to the shots. The single-assassin theory is found to be well within the limits of plausibility.

    Perhaps Mr. Simkin will approach Massad and see if he will discuss the accuracy; integrity; capability; reliability; operating speed; etc; of the Carcano Rifle.

    Then again, Mr. Massad Ayoob may just tell everyone to read and review what he wrote for American Handgunner some 13 years ago.

    Once again I am shaking my head at the likes of Mr. Purvis. In the fifteen or so odd years that I have been researching the JFK Assassination and the six or so years that I have been public with my research, I have found that the majority of my time has been spent wasted on the likes of Mr. Purvis and others who have deemed themselves worthy to interpret data and challenge those who have a background in such matters that are capable of intepreting data. The Mr. Purvis types will always find some prostitute to call an expert to drive their THEORY home while interpreting video and testimony to fit their THEORY when they have no clue as to what they are talking about as they have no background or hands-on experience to relate to what they are saying. I bring out issues such as how the MC had a considerable percentage of non-existent resistant trigger travel before the break, that would make this weapon a poor choice for a precision rifle. I also bring out that the weapon has a short stock and long bolt which would make target reaquisition extremely difficult. I also brought out how a heavy long bullet fired from a low level velocity cartridge would create considerable difficulty in adapting to elevation and changes in a moving target. These issues go on deaf ears when dealing with the Tom Purvis' of the research community because they cannot begin to understand what I am talking about. If one would take the time to study Craig Robert's recreation or look into Carlos Hathcock's interpretation of the likelihood of the official scenario, then this might come together. But what the hell does Roberts, Hathcock or I know beyond the expertise in weapons and certification and documentation of being a proven scout sniper?

    An example of the prostitute to prove a point issue, lets take Mr. Ayoob since Mr. Purvis has used him here to prove his point. Masad Ayoob is a Reserve Police Officer who boasts of an extensive background in the Middle East and runs a shooting academy where he makes large sums of money from in-bread red-necked derelicts from both the civilian and LE market, that like Mr. Purvis believe what they read when they wished to believe it. Before one takes too much credibility from anything the likes of Ayoob says, I would recommend they ask someone from a military or LE firearms background on their take of Mr. Ayoob.

    In 1991, my agency transitioned from a .357 magnum revolver to a semi-automatic pistol. I took part in a committiee to test various semi-autos on the market and we went unanimously with the Glock Model 22 which is a full sized handgun chambered for the .40S&W cartridge. by this time Glock had been on the American Market for about two years and had already grabbed onto roughly 40% of the LE market in semi-auto handguns. The FBI did a study and developed the 10mm which the .40S&W evolved from as it was just a cut down cartridge, lower velocity version of the 10mm. The FBI denounced the Glock and the .40S&W and armed their agents with the 10mm in two versions produced by S&W, which were stainless, large bulky framed handguns. (Shortly after my agency transitioned to the Glock, I was involved in a shooting where I was the first LE officer in the state of Iowa to shoot an individual with the Glock. I was successful in stopping the individual who was attacking me with a knife with a three shot placement to the pelvic girdle.)

    In 1993, a cable network television news magazine came out with an hour long episode entitled, "GLock, a Dangerous Weapon". In this episode, they introduced the public to four lawsuites being filed against Glock where LE Officers supposedly were involved in wrongful (accidental) shootings. Ayoob followed the money in line with the FBI and took part in this news magazine and made the statement that "You cannot train LE officers to keep their finger off the trigger of the weapon under stress." The Glock has three internal safeties and no external safeties and many in the lawsuites were claiming that the weapon just went off. Ayoob is a prostitute but not an idiot so he took up the stance that the accidental shootings were the cause of impossible training to keep the officers fingers off the triggers until ready to shoot. He then put on a rediculous demonstration where he held a Glock pointed at a target with his finger on the trigger. He then struck his forearm in the region of the radial nerve and the gun went off. When one slowed down the video, they would see that the Glock fired before he struck his forearm. The point being, most competion with Glock at the time were the S&W second and third generation, the Beretta and Sig which had either an external safety on the lower receiver or the slide. He was saying that LE officer could be trained to manually manipulate the external safety under stress, but could not be trained to keep their finger off the trigger. Both are what is defined as fine muscle group obedience and either can only be mastered by the same repetative training. What the prostitute Ayoob failed to tell the news magazine either because of his ignorance or because of his alterior motives, is that officers who carried weapons with external safeties were in large part trained to disengage the safety before initial holstering, so that they did not have to deal with this issue under stress. Under stress of drawing and firing, the ten year standard at the time of this study showed that LE officers had 2.5 seconds from beginning to end of a LE gunfight. He also relayed the light trigger on the Glock when the Glock produced weapons with a standard 5lb trigger, NY#1 8lb trigger and NY#2 12lb trigger. A revolver double action trigger is in the range of 9-11lbs.

    In 1998, the FBI, DEA and Boarder Patrol all began transitioning their agencies to the Glock .40S&W. The 10mm is a round of the past as the frame was too large for most officers and almost all female officers/agents and the recoil was difficult to say the least for most. Even S&W pistols chambered for .40S&W were too bulky and the trigger pull too difficult especially for multiple shot placement. Glock published their annual magazine that year with the FBI's article on going to their weapon. The following article was written by Massad Ayoob, backing the Glock weapon! Prostitute?

    In conclusion, believe what you will and trust who you will. But please look a little deeper than what the wanna-bes are producing at face value. I do not have the time and strength to continue to argue with the Purvis' of the community. My silence is not a sign of defeat to their challenges, just a reluctance to continue to fight against their hollow challenges that they produce.


    Masad Ayoob is a Reserve Police Officer who boasts of an extensive background in the Middle East and runs a shooting academy where he makes large sums of money from in-bread red-necked derelicts from both the civilian and LE market, that like Mr. Purvis believe what they read when they wished to believe it.


    Massad F. Ayoob (b. July 20, 1948) is an internationally-known firearms and self-defense instructor. He is the Director of the Lethal Force Institute in Concord, New Hampshire, has taught police techniques and civilian self-defense in numerous venues since 1974, and has appeared as an expert witness in several trials. He has served as a police officer in New Hampshire since 1972 and currently holds the rank of Captain in the Grantham, New Hampshire police department.

    Massad Ayoob has authored several books and over 1,000 articles on firearms, combat techniques, self-defense, and legal issues, and has served in an editorial capacity for Guns Magazine, American Handgunner, Gun Week and Combat Handguns.




    This is a guide to help you select the best ammunition for your defensive firearm. Most of these opinions are based upon the work of Massad Ayoob, Evan Marshall and Ed Sanow, police officers who have extensively studied the issue of firearms, ammunition and stopping power. I refer all interested parties to the excellent series by Ayoob ('In the Gravest Extreme,''Stressfire,' 'The Semi-Automatic Pistol in Police Service and Self-Defense', 'Stressfire II: Advanced Combat Shotgun') and the comprehensive book 'Stopping Power' by Marshall and Sanow.

    These three policemen are the world's foremost authorities on choosing ammunition for real-world defensive use. Their views are based on exhaustive review of thousands of police and civilian shooting incidents, autopsies, and ballistic tests.

    For this reason, I have chosen to rely on Ayoob, Marshall, and Sanow when it comes to selecting my ammunition and strongly advise you do the same.

    Unfortunately, I cannot teach you tactics in this short essay, only recommend proven ammunition. You MUST seek out competent training in tactics and marksmanship from a qualified instructor in your area. In the meanwhile, studying Ayoob's great book 'Stressfire' will get you off to an excellent start.

    I invoke the Ascended Master, Massad Ayoob

    I refer all interested parties to Ayoob's excellent and comprehensive book 'The Truth About Self-Protection' (truly the best $8.95 investment you'll ever make),

    and gun enthusiasts should rely on Ayoob's in-depth expertise.



    Massad Ayoob on Firearms

    Massad Ayoob is one of America's leading firearms and self-defense experts and trainers


    please look a little deeper than what the wanna-bes are producing

    I am sorry because I cannot argue with those who have no idea what they are talking about. Anyone can keep searching websites and find favorable on persons who have become legends in their own minds and made a tremendous amount of money off those who are looking for an "expert". I refer back to my original post. I will add to this by stating a challenge I ask anyone in the know to sound off against. In the case of Ayoob and the "ideal handgun load", does it make a difference? Handgun ammunition does not reliably expand and it is a proven fact by the likes of Dr. Fackler and the ongoing tests produced by the DOJ. It comes down realistically to not what is fired, but shot placement and in the case of handguns, multiple shot placement. We are not dealing with pinpoint accuracy but a spread placement into the central cavity to ensure that the low range velocity projectiles disrupt and penetrate major organs and vessels. Thus creating significant trauma and bleeding which would evenutally disable the perp through bleeding out and shock. Whether I fire a Federal bonded Tactical load or FMJ range load, it accomplishes the same in the case of handgun loads. The key is multiple shot placement that can only be taught on the range through realistic scenarios. And one does not have to attend the prostitute Ayoobs "Lethal Force Institute" to accomplish this. They only need to find a realistic firearms instructor who has been around a bit to know what the hell they are talking about.

    I stand by my statement that Ayoob is a prostitute and have and will always await his response. Which will never come.



    I have not logged onto Lancer or The Education Forum here for nearly two weeks. I was brought to it when a fellow researcher whom I respect a great deal sent me an e-mail advising me of his support of the nasty exchanges I have been having with Tom Purvis on this thread. I have now reviewed this and while I tend to agree with most of the things posted here in my name, it has not been me posting them. If I am doing the math correctly for the time to calculate it into Central Time where I am at, the posts have been entered either when I have been at work in the middle of the night or in the middle of my sleep during the late mornings. I have had this problem once before on Lancer a year and a half ago or better. I had upgraded my firewall and added internet security software and a secure router. In the past month or so, the three have had problems interfacing and opening my computer to intrusion.

    I apologize to Mr. Purvis, although I don't necessarily agree with his scenario, I do not treat respectable researchers in the way that he has been in my name in the past two weeks or so. Whoever has taken my identity has obviously studied my past posts here and on Lancer as they are representing me well, except for their failure to conceive some ballistic issues and their demeanor toward others such as Mr. Purvis.

    I am asking that Mr. John Simkin cancel my registration to this forum so this does not continue. I am off to Southern New Mexico/Southern Arizona in less than two weeks for a week or so and when I return, will hook up with Mr. Simkin again to reregister. In the meantime, I will fix my computer security issues. For those who wish to contact me during this downtime, I ask that you e-mail me at my work e-mail at al.carrier@waterloo-ia.org and I will respond. I just want to assure everyone it is me responding.

    I apologize for this long exchange that is in poor taste and done in my name. I hope others realize that this is not my character.

    Al C.

  5. Mr. Purvis,

    You are beginning to tire me and I am sure many others here on the forum with your lunatic rantings about Dan Marvin. I am also getting a little tired of your downplaying my background. I am a certified firearms instructor for my state. Are you? I am a certified weapons armorer for three major weapons manufacturers, two being should weapons. Are you? I spent several years instructing firearms to people being paid to carry and utilize them on a daily basis. Have you? I have received a national award from the International Association of Police of Chiefs for surviving and armed attack. Have you? I am a certified court expert in the field of weapons and ballistics. Are you?

    I have been stabbed in the line of duty while being paid by taxpayers on three separate occasions. What have you done? I served my country and you are not capable of researching how I did and I will not state any more than I have here and on Lancer. You keep refering to your military career and comparing how I was in diapers when you served. I am not a teenager, I am in my forties. That does not make you more qualified, just old and from your postings, apparently scenile.

    You were kind enough to accept my issues of gravitational pull and trigger travel and then in the same breath stated that these obstacles can be manipulated when sighting the rifle in. Please tell me when LHO was able to sight the rifle in from a sixty foot elevation. Also explain to us how sighting a rifle in can account for a poor trigger when utilizing such a piece of crap rifle for precision shooting. I guess my years as a firearms instructor was totally wrong when the teachings and experience showed that trigger control had to be overcome with repititions.

    But what the hell do I know, I am a podunct cop. What exactly are you?

    And please tell the forum how a Marine radar tech received his training in tracking a moving target. You keep saying how easy it is, please tell us how and how you are so masterful at accomplishing such a feat when nobody else who has tried it has been. If you can explain all of this, I bowed down to your aged expertise.

    And BTW, I was NEVER shown to be liable in a court of law when it came to use of force. Please post what I had posted that showed this. What I have posted is that a case was settled out of court because it wasn't financially feasible to challenge it for what the person was suing for. But you are an expert in all of this so you must have an explanaition for misrepresenting the facts and how could be charged with defamation of character in a civil court for this posting alone.

    Don't screw with me on an issue like this. You won't like the outcome! I am also a use of force instructor and will bury your aged ass if you speak out of line against my character on an issue such as this!

    Boy am I scared!!!!!!

    Big Al,

    Merely point out a few facts to those who have fallen for your BS.

    First off, you are so stupid, that you fell for Marvin's BS.

    Secondly, your research capability (since you claim to have checked LTC Marvin out) is obviously so limited in it's scope, content, and context, that you can not even find out that:

    A. There was no SF career branch for U.S. Army Officers at the time that LTC Marvin retired, therefore making it impossible for him to carry that title.

    B. That not only was LTC Dan Marvin NOT a retired SF Officer, but that he was a retired officer in the United States Quartermaster Supply Corps, which few if any recognize as being a COMBAT ARMS branch of the military services.

    From there, we went into a few recognized experts:

    A. Massad Ayoob, a fully recognized EXPERT, by virtually any standard, is a "Prostitute" to you.

    B. Both the FBI, as well as such persons as Mr. James Looney, a distinguished member of the AFTE as well as graduate of the FBI Academy, are all know nothings.

    Now, we have USMC Sergeant Zahm, of the TRUE/ONE/And Only fully recognized USMC School at Quantico, VA, informing us that the shooting would have been relatively easy for anyone who had even the basic USMC rifle training that LHO had acquired. And, this does not even take into consideration any previous and/or post training and/or experience.

    Not only that, SGT Zahm also explains how the slight downhill slope of Elm St., actually would aid an experienced shooter in achieving these shots.

    Now, do we believe absolutely documented experts such as Sgt. Zahm?

    Do we believe independent SF Sniper School shooters such as those who were independently found by Pat Speer?

    Do we believe internationationally recognized experts such as Massad Ayoob?

    Do we believe all of the work of those such as: Alexander Eichener; Richard Hobbs; Dave Emary; etc; etc; etc.

    Especially, when "non-shooters" such as Dr. Lattimer as well as Chad Zimmerman have physically proven the exact opposite of what you keep trying to sell to the uninformed.

    Sgt. Zahm, a fully recognized expert in the field of rifle marksmanship has directly contradicted you!

    Might I ask exactly why it is that this fully qualified EXPERT deems the shots to have been relatively easy.

    The old Italian Rifle Team reportedly remained in the TOP 5 in shooting with this rifle and their relatively poor quality ammo.

    You are the one who continues to attempt to pass yourself off as some sort of "Shooting Expert", thereby claiming the impossibility of the shots, how difficult they would have been, etc; etc; etc;.

    Now that persons such as Mr. Speer have gotten into the game and started questioning your claims, and a few additional points as well as the statements of some TRUE EXPERTS have been pointed out, perhaps it would be best if your either rethink your position on the difficulty of the shots in Dealy Plaza, or else change your identity.

    I would assume, that even if you were no more than a USMC gate guard, that during basic rifle training, that they taught you how to "squeeze" the trigger, did they not?

    Therefore, that you, from all of your claims, have difficulty in accurately shooting the 6.5mm Carcano rifle, does not mean that the remainder of the world, LHO, and/or the true experts have had this same problem.

    In fact, the great majority of these other persons, as demonstrated by any search of the evidence, will demonstrate that they have not had these same difficulties, which you seem to be unable to overcome.

    As to myself, rest assured that I "grew up" fast after having hunted, as well as having been hunted by a quarry that also carried weapons as well, and thereafter lost all interest in continueing to "play" with guns.

    I therefore prefer to be judged on how well the flowers in the yard are doing, as well as how much the kids and other's grandkids enjoy catching the fish from the ponds which I construct on my land.

    And it is of course recognized that not unlike most, I am beginning to get somewhat senile. However, the nice thing about it is that I don't give a crap about that either.

    Just that if and when I get so senile that I begin to lap dog worship the likes of Dangerous Dan Marvin, and do not have the ability to not recognize and wallow in BS, then either mercy killing and/or euthanasia would be in order, as there would obviously not be adequate cerebral tissue remaining to even know that one was or was not alive.

    At least dead people can not be "dumb"!

    And finally:

    You won't like the outcome! I am also a use of force instructor and will bury your aged ass if you speak out of line against my character on an issue such as this!

    Me thinks that just perhaps you should invest in a telephone call and/or email to my old Okinawan Shorin-Ji-Ru instructor just prior to going into the "whip ass" mode.

    Although I love to plant flowers, there is still nothing more satisfying then playing whip ass with some wannabee who for whatever reason could not grow up and cease to play with guns.


    Once again you feeble minded old fool, have failed to address anything I have said. You are like the lunatic from the keys who sent an e-mail to my chief last year screaming that I threatened him. I am not that stupid, although could take the likes of you on my worst day with my strong arm tied behind my back. What I was referring to and you are too far gone to understand is that you are misquoting me here and making me out to be a brutal cop who was found so in a court of law. I mention the fact that I am a use of force instructor as these false accusations effect me professionally, you f****g idiot! And what you won't like is when I sue your worthless ass!

    How about addressing how I am much more qualified to address these issues than you instead of your lunatic ramblings. Maybe you ought to lay off the shine? Or seek professional help for your shortcominings on reality. How about addressing how sighting a rifle can overcome obstacles such as gravitational pull from a sixty foot perch and a piece of crap trigger travel when you try to use this weapon as a precision instrument. And how are you qualified to judge ones ability on hitting a moving target at varying speeds? Keep talking laughing boy. You are making a bigger fool of yourself than I thought you could.

    I posted my qualifications and will attach certificates to back them up. What again are yours?


  6. Mr. Purvis,

    You are beginning to tire me and I am sure many others here on the forum with your lunatic rantings about Dan Marvin. I am also getting a little tired of your downplaying my background. I am a certified firearms instructor for my state. Are you? I am a certified weapons armorer for three major weapons manufacturers, two being should weapons. Are you? I spent several years instructing firearms to people being paid to carry and utilize them on a daily basis. Have you? I have received a national award from the International Association of Police of Chiefs for surviving and armed attack. Have you? I am a certified court expert in the field of weapons and ballistics. Are you?

    I have been stabbed in the line of duty while being paid by taxpayers on three separate occasions. What have you done? I served my country and you are not capable of researching how I did and I will not state any more than I have here and on Lancer. You keep refering to your military career and comparing how I was in diapers when you served. I am not a teenager, I am in my forties. That does not make you more qualified, just old and from your postings, apparently scenile.

    You were kind enough to accept my issues of gravitational pull and trigger travel and then in the same breath stated that these obstacles can be manipulated when sighting the rifle in. Please tell me when LHO was able to sight the rifle in from a sixty foot elevation. Also explain to us how sighting a rifle in can account for a poor trigger when utilizing such a piece of crap rifle for precision shooting. I guess my years as a firearms instructor was totally wrong when the teachings and experience showed that trigger control had to be overcome with repititions.

    But what the hell do I know, I am a podunct cop. What exactly are you?

    And please tell the forum how a Marine radar tech received his training in tracking a moving target. You keep saying how easy it is, please tell us how and how you are so masterful at accomplishing such a feat when nobody else who has tried it has been. If you can explain all of this, I bowed down to your aged expertise.

    And BTW, I was NEVER shown to be liable in a court of law when it came to use of force. Please post what I had posted that showed this. What I have posted is that a case was settled out of court because it wasn't financially feasible to challenge it for what the person was suing for. But you are an expert in all of this so you must have an explanaition for misrepresenting the facts and how could be charged with defamation of character in a civil court for this posting alone.

    Don't screw with me on an issue like this. You won't like the outcome! I am also a use of force instructor and will bury your aged ass if you speak out of line against my character on an issue such as this!


  7. Tommy,

    Nice picture and cover story on your heroism. Congrats, you have jumped out of planes so you are worthy of our time and respect when it comes to ballistics! You are a legend in your own mind! Now that you have done your reading and made no sense of gravitational pull factors in dealing with a sub-par rifle and totally obsurd position, you have done nothing more than prove my point. Again you are relying on what took place and gave no crecence to what may have happened as to reaction. You also are dealing with steady disruption in speed which is not the case.

    Does all six of your piece of xxxx Carcano rifles have a no resistance trigger travel for 2/3 of the way before the break? Does this make it a piece of xxxx rifle when it comes to precision shooting. Maybe your boy can answer that as he is shooting on the range? Have you ever shot at a moving target? Obviously not! But you volunteered for VN and have photos of jumping out of planes so you are a ballistic expert! Sorry but my side is killing me. You have buffaloed many here with your bullxxxx, but that is as far as you will get.

    Please feel free to check with my department to see if I was removed from the street. I have had one other derelict on the forum file a complaint with my chief already.

    It is the people like you who keep those who can provide data that is realistic from posting. Keep the truth a secret another forty years and be proud of it. So this is my way of saying, you are an idiot and you are in good company with the others who are wandering aimlessly spreading rediculous scenarios and preventing the truth from coming forward. I tried and keep getting railroaded by dorks like you.

    Signing off. I have the planner and have a pretty good take on how it went down. That was my motivation and I have accomplished that.

    I hope your ego is worthy of your loss. Actually, I could care less.



  8. Mr. Purvis,

    Forgive me if I don't address your last post addressed to me point by point but it all became fuzzy as you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about. Therefore, any attack against me is not worth my time addressing. I will say that I did not achieve the position of training coordinator and running the police range because I was the first to raise my hand when they asked for volunteers. I was actually qualified. A term you are not familiar with. I no longer have that position as I have since requested the patrol watch and am in the position I wish to be, the overnight watch commander. This is part of the reason I have taken so long to respond here, as I really don't have the time to post much anymore, running a shift and all.

    I would like to touch on your range marker theory though, and only touch on it as I could write a book on how rediculous it is. I will only say these few sentences and that should suffice. Range markers for a six to seven second shot sequence in a field of operation within a 100m? That should make trained scout snipers fall off their chairs laughing. But what would I know Tommy, since I have only read books on the subject, right? Do you think that the possibility of varying speeds of the motorcade may have been an issue if the range markers were a factor with a piece of crap bolt action rifle? Do you think elevation, varying speeds and irregular roadway horizontal and vertical terrain may have been a greater challenge than the 30-70m range factor?

    This all reminds me of Gary Mack's reconstruction of the shooting scenario where he had an "expert" fire on a limo on a track away from a tower with the limo being pulled directly away at constant speed on a level surface. The shooter was able to replicate the shots but the disclaimer showed how many times it took him to do it due to weapon malfunctions. Yes the weapon malfunctioned I am sure because it is a piece of crap. The other part of the weapon malfunction was likely due to shooter error as the shooter most likely short stroked this piece of crap rifle when hurrying his shots. Again, as in the true case, we will never know.

    But you are more knowlegable than me when it comes to the MC as you own 4 or more, I forget, and I only own one and have only compared it to an associates for consistency in testing. I found it only worth the 99 dollars I spent on the one as it is a piece of junk. $30 was shipping and the additional $69 was for a rifle that was the same make and model of the supposed Oswald rifle, otherwise it would have cost about $30 as it isn't worth anymore than that. So you are much smarter because you bought several of these pieces of junk. I keep mine in the laundry room!

    In closing, to be fair to you and your thinking, Agent Orange does terrible things to the thought process. Blast away at me all you wish, your not worth responding to. Why, because you are an idiot!


  9. How good were the shooters is the questions.

    Let's look at it from a shooters perspective.

    The shooters were firing on a moving target at varying speeds at varying angles of lateral and horizontal placement. The shooters had to get off their shots and escape undetected (and I will not even address the issue of suppressors). The shooters had to cause as little damage outside of the target as possible (only JFK and Connally were hit).

    Were these professionals? You bet your ass. When I term "professionals", I am not referring to Italian or French mobsters. I am talking about professionals in terms of military snipers. I have posted time and again on this here and at Lancer. I have introduced the term "Canyon Shoot" to those outside the military sniper realm. I have talked about gravitational pull issues, panning and recovery of sight alignment after the shot.

    I see no need to go into again as the challenges I have received have been from those who have shot stationary fixed targets on a controlled range. Apples and oranges.



    Much appreciated. A concise evaluation of how good the shooters needed to be (from someone with knowledge in this area) was what I was trying to obtain. (although the opinions expressed by others have also been helpful).

    So despite the fact that the organisers made every effort to accomodate the shooters, the shooters were required to be among the very best in their field. Probably obvious in light of the importance of their job, but I was curious about this aspect of the assassination. Thanks again.

    Might I recommend: ayoob@attglobal.net

    Or else search: Massad Ayoob

    or else: http://personal.stevens.edu/~gliberat/carcano/biblio.html

    Ayoob, Massad

    The Ayoob Files - The JFK Assassination: A Shooter's Eye View

    in: American Handgunner, March/April 1993

    Gun experts examine a number of issues related to Oswald's MC rifle, his shooting skill, ballistics, and the reaction of Kennedy to the shots. The single-assassin theory is found to be well within the limits of plausibility.

    Perhaps Mr. Simkin will approach Massad and see if he will discuss the accuracy; integrity; capability; reliability; operating speed; etc; of the Carcano Rifle.

    Then again, Mr. Massad Ayoob may just tell everyone to read and review what he wrote for American Handgunner some 13 years ago.

    Once again I am shaking my head at the likes of Mr. Purvis. In the fifteen or so odd years that I have been researching the JFK Assassination and the six or so years that I have been public with my research, I have found that the majority of my time has been spent wasted on the likes of Mr. Purvis and others who have deemed themselves worthy to interpret data and challenge those who have a background in such matters that are capable of intepreting data. The Mr. Purvis types will always find some prostitute to call an expert to drive their THEORY home while interpreting video and testimony to fit their THEORY when they have no clue as to what they are talking about as they have no background or hands-on experience to relate to what they are saying. I bring out issues such as how the MC had a considerable percentage of non-existent resistant trigger travel before the break, that would make this weapon a poor choice for a precision rifle. I also bring out that the weapon has a short stock and long bolt which would make target reaquisition extremely difficult. I also brought out how a heavy long bullet fired from a low level velocity cartridge would create considerable difficulty in adapting to elevation and changes in a moving target. These issues go on deaf ears when dealing with the Tom Purvis' of the research community because they cannot begin to understand what I am talking about. If one would take the time to study Craig Robert's recreation or look into Carlos Hathcock's interpretation of the likelihood of the official scenario, then this might come together. But what the hell does Roberts, Hathcock or I know beyond the expertise in weapons and certification and documentation of being a proven scout sniper?

    An example of the prostitute to prove a point issue, lets take Mr. Ayoob since Mr. Purvis has used him here to prove his point. Masad Ayoob is a Reserve Police Officer who boasts of an extensive background in the Middle East and runs a shooting academy where he makes large sums of money from in-bread red-necked derelicts from both the civilian and LE market, that like Mr. Purvis believe what they read when they wished to believe it. Before one takes too much credibility from anything the likes of Ayoob says, I would recommend they ask someone from a military or LE firearms background on their take of Mr. Ayoob.

    In 1991, my agency transitioned from a .357 magnum revolver to a semi-automatic pistol. I took part in a committiee to test various semi-autos on the market and we went unanimously with the Glock Model 22 which is a full sized handgun chambered for the .40S&W cartridge. by this time Glock had been on the American Market for about two years and had already grabbed onto roughly 40% of the LE market in semi-auto handguns. The FBI did a study and developed the 10mm which the .40S&W evolved from as it was just a cut down cartridge, lower velocity version of the 10mm. The FBI denounced the Glock and the .40S&W and armed their agents with the 10mm in two versions produced by S&W, which were stainless, large bulky framed handguns. (Shortly after my agency transitioned to the Glock, I was involved in a shooting where I was the first LE officer in the state of Iowa to shoot an individual with the Glock. I was successful in stopping the individual who was attacking me with a knife with a three shot placement to the pelvic girdle.)

    In 1993, a cable network television news magazine came out with an hour long episode entitled, "GLock, a Dangerous Weapon". In this episode, they introduced the public to four lawsuites being filed against Glock where LE Officers supposedly were involved in wrongful (accidental) shootings. Ayoob followed the money in line with the FBI and took part in this news magazine and made the statement that "You cannot train LE officers to keep their finger off the trigger of the weapon under stress." The Glock has three internal safeties and no external safeties and many in the lawsuites were claiming that the weapon just went off. Ayoob is a prostitute but not an idiot so he took up the stance that the accidental shootings were the cause of impossible training to keep the officers fingers off the triggers until ready to shoot. He then put on a rediculous demonstration where he held a Glock pointed at a target with his finger on the trigger. He then struck his forearm in the region of the radial nerve and the gun went off. When one slowed down the video, they would see that the Glock fired before he struck his forearm. The point being, most competion with Glock at the time were the S&W second and third generation, the Beretta and Sig which had either an external safety on the lower receiver or the slide. He was saying that LE officer could be trained to manually manipulate the external safety under stress, but could not be trained to keep their finger off the trigger. Both are what is defined as fine muscle group obedience and either can only be mastered by the same repetative training. What the prostitute Ayoob failed to tell the news magazine either because of his ignorance or because of his alterior motives, is that officers who carried weapons with external safeties were in large part trained to disengage the safety before initial holstering, so that they did not have to deal with this issue under stress. Under stress of drawing and firing, the ten year standard at the time of this study showed that LE officers had 2.5 seconds from beginning to end of a LE gunfight. He also relayed the light trigger on the Glock when the Glock produced weapons with a standard 5lb trigger, NY#1 8lb trigger and NY#2 12lb trigger. A revolver double action trigger is in the range of 9-11lbs.

    In 1998, the FBI, DEA and Boarder Patrol all began transitioning their agencies to the Glock .40S&W. The 10mm is a round of the past as the frame was too large for most officers and almost all female officers/agents and the recoil was difficult to say the least for most. Even S&W pistols chambered for .40S&W were too bulky and the trigger pull too difficult especially for multiple shot placement. Glock published their annual magazine that year with the FBI's article on going to their weapon. The following article was written by Massad Ayoob, backing the Glock weapon! Prostitute?

    In conclusion, believe what you will and trust who you will. But please look a little deeper than what the wanna-bes are producing at face value. I do not have the time and strength to continue to argue with the Purvis' of the community. My silence is not a sign of defeat to their challenges, just a reluctance to continue to fight against their hollow challenges that they produce.


  10. Per Military SOP the correct action when ambushed in a moving convoy is to accelerate out of the ambush area. This is true today in Iraq just as it was in 1963. Depending on the circumstances, the ambushed party can then re-group and counter attack, hold and wait for reinforcements or retreat.

    SS Agents should, at the very least, show as much common sense as any Army PFC driving a jeep. I don't know any good excuse for slowing down to a stop or near stop. I find it hard to believe there isn't an SOP for when a presidential limo is attacked. Greer was either incompetent or complicit.


    Let's be fair to Greer first of all. When was the last time prior to Dallas '63 when their was a realistic attempt on a President? Was the DPD or the USSS prepared for a sniper assault on the President given the conditions of the motorcade that day? Can you understand how Greer would have hesitated when shots rang out from multiple origins and how he could have feared driving into an ambush? Can you appreciate how Greer would have slowed the limo subconsiously when he looked over his shoulder to see what was going on in the passenger compartment?

    The limo did not stop. Where many reported that it did was those farther back in the motorcade. With the limo slowing, the cars behind would have to react to the reduction in speed and the farther back the slower the reaction and those would have come to a stop as they reacted to the slowing and stopping in front of them.


  11. How good were the shooters is the questions.

    Let's look at it from a shooters perspective.

    The shooters were firing on a moving target at varying speeds at varying angles of lateral and horizontal placement. The shooters had to get off their shots and escape undetected (and I will not even address the issue of suppressors). The shooters had to cause as little damage outside of the target as possible (only JFK and Connally were hit).

    Were these professionals? You bet your ass. When I term "professionals", I am not referring to Italian or French mobsters. I am talking about professionals in terms of military snipers. I have posted time and again on this here and at Lancer. I have introduced the term "Canyon Shoot" to those outside the military sniper realm. I have talked about gravitational pull issues, panning and recovery of sight alignment after the shot.

    I see no need to go into again as the challenges I have received have been from those who have shot stationary fixed targets on a controlled range. Apples and oranges.


  12. I have not found any literature that supports the methodology used in that paraffin test as accurate. To use it to rule out Oswald firing a rifle would be premature.

    Al Carrier's post makes it clear that the paraffin test's unreliability was skewed toward the false positive rather than the false negative.

    The problem with the paraffin tests are that they produce too many false positives.... To believe that LHO's cheek tested negative for nitrates in the paraffin tests and believe he still fired a three shot volley is ridiculous.

    It seems very unlikely, especially considering Al's points, that Oswald could have fired the Carcano and then have his cheek test negative for any rifle firing.


    Al is off on this one. Check the research.

    There are a number of tests that were showing false negatives as well. The point is that the test conducted by the DPD AT THE TIME, is completely flawed. It was simply unreliable. Al may say that the paraffin test produces too many false positives while other experts proclaim it produced too many false negatives. Either way, that SEVERELY HAMPERS the VALIDITY of the test. Al's point is meaningless given the TEST administered AT THE TIME. I'm sure if Al reads this he will understand what I am saying and modify his response accordingly. He can no more say that the DPD test ruled out Oswald shooting a rifle that day than he can say the test ruled it in because RELIABILITY effects VALIDITY. In one report, in 1965 the CIA were conducting tests on Vietnamese known to have been discharging weapons. The paraffin tests were horribly useless in that they produced a large number of false negatives on the cheek and hand region. They pontificated that testing the inside of the nostrils and checking disturbed ear wax may be a better measure....Yes, I'm serious on this one. Jason Vermeer

    Oh my, It's taken me three days to reply to this one as each time I have tried, my computer had locked up on this website, and allowed me access on all others. Jason is comparing paraffin tests from SE Asia to a standard norm. This is apples and oranges. When one looks at situations in the jungles of SE Asia and Rain Forrests in the regions of Central and South America, one must consider the humidity that leaves one WET. Firing a weapon in tropical heat and high humidity will prevent the nitrates from embedding into the skin surface as the pores release great amounts of perspiration which will expell the nitrates from fusing into the skin. I spent several weeks in the rainforests under intense conditions and was never dry and suffered from jungle rot in numerous regions of my body. I was constantly wiping and being brushed off by the fauna and swating at the insects that attracted to my perspiration. Is this at all consistant to a norm test and one that would be done on a shooter in a 60 foot window in Dallas in November?


  13. A Nobel Prize (1968) winning physicist from Berkley who studied the Z - film said it slowed down.

    Agreed. The limo slowed twice; once before the fatal head shot at Z-313 and again afterward, just before Clint Hill climbs on the back. Greer finally floors the limo as Hill is trying to step on, causing Hill to nearly be run down by the Queen Mary II SS car. In addition to slowing, Greer turns toward the rear and is facing JFK when the headshot is fired, leading to the theory that Greer fired it (he didn't, but his actions did nothing to help JFK). The limo is picking up speed as it heads into the Triple Underpass; when it emerges it overtakes the Lead Car.

    One must put themselves in Greer's position at the time of the assassination. If this was a triangulation of fire which IMHO it obviously was, Greer would have first been caught off-guard in the scerene plaza and then confused as to the shot origin. In looking over his shoulder, he was checking on the commotion in the rear of the limo and when he observes the headshot, he ducks and then is delayed in his reaction as to where the shots are coming from. He eventually does the right thing and accelerates out of the plaza. It is not unreasonable to think that one would decelerate when they take their eyes off the road and look behind them. While it is true that Greer was supposed to be a trained professional and should have reacted quicker and per P&P, he was also human and real time/real life does not always accept training.


  14. Would the WC's position have been different had there been nitrates found on Oswald's cheek? Well, I suspect so, don't you?!

    Yes, that's why I asked the above rhetorical question. (The question was rhetorical.)

    The problem with the paraffin tests are that they produce too many false positives. Too many other foreign objects will produce a false positive such as handling metals, carbon paper, and many more. I mention carbon paper because LHO was a order filler and would handle carbon paper regularly in his duties at the TSBD. Both hands, unless washed well would likely show a false positive for nitrates that would not be distinguishable from firing a powder charged weapon. The cantaminates in the firing of the weapon would be the powder discharge, the azoid composites in the primer and the exposed base of the projectile that dispurses micro particles when relieved from the casing.

    The Warren Commission quoted the FBI Firearms Lab in saying that a shooter would not have nitrates deposited on their cheek when firing a closed bolt weapon such as the MC. That is ridiculous for anyone who is educated in this field. The MC has a rather high acceptable facing value for the weapon to operate in comparison to modern day rifles such as the Remington 700. And the Remington 700 will still discharge nitrates in a closed bolt firing mode. With a single shot equation, the shooter will be infected by the nitrates in the region of the nose up to the hair line due to the shooter having to utilize a cheek weld on the weapon when firing a scoped rifle. In multiple shot equations, the shooters strong cheek will be exposed to the nitrates as the bolt is manipulated and the cheek pulls off and exposes the stock to the nitrates and then presses back against the stock for the next shot. An open bolt after firing produces a high level of nitrates in the hot mode. To believe that LHO's cheek tested negative for nitrates in the paraffin tests and believe he still fired a three shot volley is ridiculous.


  15. Plumlee never served in the U. S. Armed Forces, save for 4 months in "Recruit Basic Training"; and upon it being discovered that he was underage -- he was "Separated from Service". The document used by the Department of Defense was a "Form" printed up by the GPO for this very type of "Minority Separation"; which is completely different than that which regular members of the military are issued;

    "Form DD-214".

    There is no "Discharge" per se, as there has been no lawful service of enlistment. In fact, his later alleged "Army Serial Number" (RA 183890160) was immediately rescinded due to his false enlistment, and that number was later issued to another Army member. A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.

    Any reference by a person separated thus, and later claiming to have been granted either a "General" or "Honorable" Discharge is fraudulent, a federal criminal felony, and pursuant to 18 US Code, sect. 1001; is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment (w/ $10,000 fine) in each and every instance where the person makes said claim(s)!!

    A year after his 4 months of recruit training, the official records [confirmed by Plumlee to the FBI) employment records and residences which begin during July 1954, and continue through July 1958.

    I would call attention to the fact that at age 21 [1958] he already had his self-styled "REDBIRD" tattoo, and that any association with his many other fraudulent claims. Especially the lies about his alleged "CIA JFK ABORT FLIGHT" to Redbird Airport [13 miles SW of Dallas] during November, 1963 -- and that said tattoo was a "commemorative sign" adopted by he and his cohorts subsequent to the assassination of JFK !!




    Any transmittal of fraudulent claims by Plumlee, especially over the Internet; voids the federal 5 year statute of limitations, and thereby renews his being subjected to federal criminal charges.

    [18 US CODE, Sect. 1001; 18 US CODE, sect. 371; etc.]


    Mr. Patrick,

    Please take a look at my DD214 from '80 forward and then my IRS earned compensation records from '80-'84. You know damned well what was going on with Tosh and his records and if you don't, then I have underestimated you and your background. I fail to understand what has possessed you to post such crap about Tosh when you know damned well how these records are doctored. If you have a hard-on for Tosh, then take it up privately, by doing so on open forum, you are doing an injustice to further research!




    If he has beguiled the VA, etc. into a "Category 8" disability, then you have just guaranteed that he will be hearing from the U.S. Attorney in Denver, CO.

    I hope he thanks you for getting him back into the slam for the 6th time ??!!



    Plumlee never served in the U. S. Armed Forces, save for 4 months in "Recruit Basic Training"; and upon it being discovered that he was underage -- he was "Separated from Service". The document used by the Department of Defense was a "Form" printed up by the GPO for this very type of "Minority Separation"; which is completely different than that which regular members of the military are issued; "Form DD-214". There is no "Discharge" per se, as there has been no lawful service of enlistment.

    Here is a copy of the "Form DD-214" (lower left corner) which Gerry Hemming claims Tosh wouldn't have, showing an honorable discharge:

    A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.

    Here is a copy of the page showing the award of benefits from a December 29, 2004 document:




    If he has beguiled the VA, etc. into a "Category 8" disability, then you have just guaranteed that he will be hearing from the U.S. Attorney in Denver, CO.

    I hope he thanks you for getting him back into the slam for the 6th time ??!!



    And don't give me the government phonied up the records of this snitch who cashed forged checks across the U.S. and on to Honolulu, Hawaii.

    Maybe you can sucker him into making out a NOTARIZED affidavit reference those files, and his fraudulent receipt of VA benefits ??!! I have testified under oath, and I would like to see him just say [under oath] that he has testified ANYWHERE !!

    Thanks Mr. Patrick!

    You have proved my point on your own ignorance. Ihave asked you to ask your brother about me and you ignored it. I told you to check my own DD214 and IRS records and again you ignored it. If you would have checked, you would see that I came out on a medical and receive disability compensation from the government. I have handed you a near shadow line of Tosh and you could not see it. If you were so important you would have understood the parallels and recognized such simplistic doctoring of official documents. You are what I have labeled you from the start. A wanna-be operative who would not have been considered. There is a distinct difference in an operational asset and a second rate SOF. Guess where you fell in. And as far as being impressed with testifying before Congress, look at the company you keep. I need say no more. If you were so important, you would not have been disclosed so frequently. You are a legend in your own mind Mr. Patrick. I hope others on the forum clearly see that!

    Enough said, you are not worth my time or the space you take up on the forum. So your statement "Are you blind or stupid?" Back at you! So FO!


  16. Plumlee never served in the U. S. Armed Forces, save for 4 months in "Recruit Basic Training"; and upon it being discovered that he was underage -- he was "Separated from Service". The document used by the Department of Defense was a "Form" printed up by the GPO for this very type of "Minority Separation"; which is completely different than that which regular members of the military are issued;

    "Form DD-214".

    There is no "Discharge" per se, as there has been no lawful service of enlistment. In fact, his later alleged "Army Serial Number" (RA 183890160) was immediately rescinded due to his false enlistment, and that number was later issued to another Army member. A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.

    Any reference by a person separated thus, and later claiming to have been granted either a "General" or "Honorable" Discharge is fraudulent, a federal criminal felony, and pursuant to 18 US Code, sect. 1001; is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment (w/ $10,000 fine) in each and every instance where the person makes said claim(s)!!

    A year after his 4 months of recruit training, the official records [confirmed by Plumlee to the FBI) employment records and residences which begin during July 1954, and continue through July 1958.

    I would call attention to the fact that at age 21 [1958] he already had his self-styled "REDBIRD" tattoo, and that any association with his many other fraudulent claims. Especially the lies about his alleged "CIA JFK ABORT FLIGHT" to Redbird Airport [13 miles SW of Dallas] during November, 1963 -- and that said tattoo was a "commemorative sign" adopted by he and his cohorts subsequent to the assassination of JFK !!




    Any transmittal of fraudulent claims by Plumlee, especially over the Internet; voids the federal 5 year statute of limitations, and thereby renews his being subjected to federal criminal charges.

    [18 US CODE, Sect. 1001; 18 US CODE, sect. 371; etc.]


    Mr. Patrick,

    Please take a look at my DD214 from '80 forward and then my IRS earned compensation records from '80-'84. You know damned well what was going on with Tosh and his records and if you don't, then I have underestimated you and your background. I fail to understand what has possessed you to post such crap about Tosh when you know damned well how these records are doctored. If you have a hard-on for Tosh, then take it up privately, by doing so on open forum, you are doing an injustice to further research!


  17. John and Mark,

    I refer to the "Manual on Assassinations and Torture for Central America" with a government printing date of March of '81. Col. Prouty referred to and presented a sanitized reproduction of same. Be careful of wording in such that has been released as the true manual will never be released. Wording varies referring to who is to carry out these objectives. The true wording is that highly trained military personnel will carry out and indinginous personnel and persons associated with crime syndicates will be put into place to take responsibility for such actions. The key is who would be considered reliable and dependable. So far, most forum members here and on other forums fail to grasp this. The actual manual is my insurance policy and will one day come to light.


    Hi, Al

    The Manual On Assassination And Tourture for Central America, originated with and by, the

    RCAF Royal Canadaian Air Force.



    Never heard that one and am interested for you to add to this. I am referring to the manual stamped GPO 81-3-# (# referring to copy number for each individual printed manual). These were closely guarded and were dissiminated at SOA in a class on Counterinsurgency, one that Edwin was a part of the presentation. I am fairly sure these were the original dissiminations as the # were in the early twenties.


  18. Fascinating stuff, John. Thanks for the link.

    It should be assumed that it will never be ordered or authorised by any U.S. Headquarters, though the latter may in rare circumstances agree to its execution by members of an associated foreign service.

    Could the JFK assassination be one of these rare circumstances?

    According to the definitions cited, I would classify JFK's assassination as "lost", "guarded" and "terroristic".

    John and Mark,

    I refer to the "Manual on Assassinations and Torture for Central America" with a government printing date of March of '81. Col. Prouty referred to and presented a sanitized reproduction of same. Be careful of wording in such that has been released as the true manual will never be released. Wording varies referring to who is to carry out these objectives. The true wording is that highly trained military personnel will carry out and indinginous personnel and persons associated with crime syndicates will be put into place to take responsibility for such actions. The key is who would be considered reliable and dependable. So far, most forum members here and on other forums fail to grasp this. The actual manual is my insurance policy and will one day come to light.


  19. I too met a whole bunch of people in strange-and-far-away-places. Nasty Ops ?? Who the hell do you think pushed for the exposure/elimination of the Guatemalen Army troops that slaughtered whole Mayan tribes all over the Peten Plateau -- and I started even before I left the Cuban Rebel Army and Air Force.

    I started in Guatemala during March 1954 [with missionaries], and was just back from Indo-China -- then on to USMC boot camp for a rest !! I did the Guat/Salv/Nic/Hond-Ops against these serial mass murderers until 1982.

    Ask me sometime about aborting the massacre of the entire Costa Rican Legislature and then Prez "Pepe" Figueres [1972 - Ops Cactus, Bambu, Coyote]

    Check out Weberman's bullxxxx version of my confrontation with the Army Colonel [Attache] and his cohorts, during the Rorke/Sullivan search & rescue [Oct. 1963]. I told them to their faces [at their outside/Embassy covert offices] that I was going to once again -- make damn sure that the SF troopers would be rotated back to CONUS -- and never again have to witness nor assist in those massacres !!

    We got the JM/WAVE SF [Army Reserve] ODAs disbanded, and transferred to the Florida Guard. A couple later went P.T.S.D. on us, and had to resign; and that was many years after personally experiencing the Guat-Massacre xxxx !!

    I've got guys from my ODA that were at El Mozote, Las Aradas, etc. [El Salvador], and witnessed the famous "Atlacatl Battalion" do its 400+ massacre of boys, girls, and children !!

    My brother rode with the "special" shooters, attempting to nail the assassins who had murdered the U.S. Ambassador [AmEmbGuat.] along with the Colonel who was the chief military attache. "Tooshee types" were a dime-a-dozen, and they ain't got nothing to feel guilty about, cause they never did xxxx. You want an extra copy of "Tooshee's" REAL U.S. FILES ??

    I've got a family member just home from Baghdad, who did a year at the Guat-City Embassy a few years back -- and he can't stop laughing at all of this horse-xxxx !!

    And exactly where is your explanation for that "pdf" and the xxxxty map, much less the San Diego bullxxxx tabloid trash ?? Or is he already brain-dead, and you are covering for him. Check out the South African SF website to see how they spot wannabes, and you will see the exact duplicate of 'Tooshee's" Bio !!

    It gets real tiresome that the bullxxxx line never wavers, and WHY? He's got it memorized !!

    Happy Holidays !!



    Mr. Patrick,


    I was thrown into this bullxxxx as a youngster and had to grow up fast. I was smart enough to cover my ass and that is why I am still here. Again, ask your brother to take a look at my photo and see if he can associate it with Angel. If he cannot comprehend, then I have nothing more to say. Again, you can say what you want about Tosh, but I will stand by what it is apparent he was involved in. Otherwise, I would not have encountered him and he would not have known about certain operations that he does. Who else out there does? Not many left around!

    For other forum members, Tosh is one who was brave enough to speak out to the right people and still was at-risk. I do not include myself in Tosh's company as I have a family and career to consider. It may sound like I speak in tongue when it comes to these issues, but those who know where I am coming from will understand why. Tosh is one of those. Once my kids are grown, I will write a paper that will shake up alot! Not being disrespectful to Mr. Patrick, as he has been around, but am tired of posted and getting the runaround.


  20. If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

    Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

    Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

    So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

    How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?




    Lt. Carrier:

    My references to "Tooshee" as a snitch are backed up by my stack of U.S. Government files, which focus mainly on his repeated attempts at getting felonies off of his back by volunteering to snitch-out fellow miscreants !! [Not to mention some private correspondence from folks that think they have been had !!]

    In most cases he was rejected, and this was because he had absolutely nothing to offer !! Not even something with which a grand jury [listening to hearsay] might swallow. And just like James Files [who Nancy says has "..always liked me..!!"] -- he claims to have been more "everywhere" than "Chickenman" sings in the commercial. I give him credit for not copping files claim [a-la Augustinovich] that he was with us on No Name Key. Talk about a "Forrest Gump"??!!

    Everybody who was anybody [Miami 1960s] either has NEVER heard of him, or they still claim that they blew him off as a government [or other entity ?] snitch. NOT ONE N.A.R.A. file even mentions his name in a serious vein. You have Scott Armstrong's telephone number [NSArchive founder], give him a call and ask him about "Tooshee" !! And while you are at it, ask him about one Gerry Patrick Hemming, the same guy that worked with him and Bob Fink on the "Letelier Assassination Case" during 1977.

    As for so-called "classified files" secreted away somewhere in D.C. ? Congress maybe ? That is total horsexxxx, and he knows it. The guy is a pathetic waistrel, and like Files, has spent too much time reading books. He even repeats the (since corrected) errors made in first editions of those books. He reads Sheehan's "fantasy-land" affidavit ?? -- and then adopts it as his own. Not that many years ago, he tried to con Dick Clark's production people into swallowing his tabloid tales.

    I worked the "Mother Ship" operations from 1976 thru 1978, and gladly returned to the air interdiction ops during 1978 thru 1982. I flew out of various airstrips in Panama, but only refueled in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica twice. I haven't a clue as to said "Anglo", as the only folks I dealt with in Puerto Limon, were Roger Redondo, and other ex-S.F.N.E. guys. at that time they were importing (6 cylinder only) automobiles from Miami. They bought impounds, and auction block vehicles, and then shipped them down to C.R. !!

    Which "Major Lopez" are we talking about. This name is as common as Smith & Jones in Latin America. Was he a "Comandante" Lopez?, or a U.S. Armed Forces Lopez? -- or even a "Mayor" Lopez?

    Have you even looked at that "gas station" map, with all of the illiterate scribbling on it. Where are his "W.A.C. Sectionals", the "USAF Topographicals", or at least the "1:25,000 Mil. Maps"?? I've still got mine from when I set up the labs in "Tranquilandia" [Putamayo, Amazonas, Colombia]. And just when did he give all of these "secret' insider tips to the authorities, Wow, like years after the xxxx had long gone public.

    My brother, who worked the "Death Squads" in Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. was curious as to how you couldn't have known that Mario Sandoval Alarcon was a serial mass murderer, when any whore on the streets of "Guat-City" could have gushed out plenty of C.V. on that killer ??!! When I told Mario about the movie "Wild Bunch" -- and that his old buddy, Emilio "El Indio" Hernandez was a star in it -- he almost choked while laughing through his "Trache-Hole"

    He asked what part did his buddy play, and I told him that we had nicknamed him [sandoval] after that character, "General Mapache" (which means Racoon)!! He almost fell out of his throne. We had to get him a copy of the flick, but when we got back two weeks later, he had already ordered the theaters all over town to immediately schedule the flick. A couple of years later, "El Indio" blew a Mexican extra's head off on a movie set, and quickly fled to Guat-City, where Mario hid him out. He surendered a year later, and died in prison.

    I am at a loss with grasping this comical "Jack & Jill" bit, as I didn't ever find any humor with what we encountered in Central America during 1971 thru 1982, NOT at all !! I was quite happy to spend my flying hours mostly in the eastern Caribbean by that time, but duties forced me back into that muck & mire all too frequently.

    Why am I here, and why did I start as early as December 1963 looking into the JFK matter ?? When it became obvious that seemingly honest people, including those closely related to the Kennedy family, wanted everone to back off -- that is what we did !! That is: Until Garrison started his "Cover Marcello's Ass Scheme" by pointing the finger at US !!

    99% of the names disclosed, and later cited by Danny Brandt in "Namebase.org" came from books whose authors got them from me. While 99% of the names cited in the Warren Comm. Report, HSCA, etc. originated as disinformation from "Dame" Hoover. I testified before the "Church Committee", the HSCA, etc. -- where is "Tooshee's" name in any of those files, hell even wing-nut whackos testi-lied before the A.R.R.B.; where the hell is "Tooshee's" script ??!!. Classified my ass.

    Weberman twisted around everything that he got from me and my brother [nobody else, including Sturgis would give him xxxx]. So what does he do, inserts phrases totally out of context, and spices it all up with "Over-Profanity" to make it appear more credible.

    I have yet to see anything on this Forum to date, that is first hand, or comes from a well researched "active" source. Just a whole lot of book-reader speculations, and arguments about some of the silliest crap imaginable. I have no compunctions about revealing "covert" operations, and especially with regard to those which should have been surfaced years ago. The very fact that they have remained classified this long; just further encourages all of the fantasy-land/wet-dreaming by people with too much time on their hands -- or are driven by some weird political agenda.

    NOBODY is going to get famous scribbling on this forum, so give it up -- and let's get real about some of the serious matters under discussion. Then, maybe some of the "never-were-there" characters will fade into the sunset ??!!

    I had expected that, with your background, you might have discerned who is who by now, that is: Unless you are cultivating somebody for some other purpose. If somebody is mentally unstable, and you are concerned as to his reactions to a dose of reality -- let me know by private e-mail, and I will back off !!




    Mr. Patrick,

    First of all, I met Tosh in Puerto Limon in '81 and he is no wanna-be. I can assure you that. My correspondence with him in private and on open forum has convinced me that he is well aware of operations that are and will most likely be forever classified. He was aware of locals and timelines of very nast ops that only persons on the inside would know.

    As far as my knowlege of Mario Sandoval Alarcon, I know firsthand of what OUR government paid him to do and am ashamed to admit that I laid cover for his ops in the central highland villages where I saw from my scope what he and his murdurous squads were about. You should understand that from my posts if you would take the time to read them.

    Ask your brother if he was familiar with Angel who was associated with Joe F and Hull's outpost. Have him take a good look at my photo.

    Also ask your brother about the EOD team that was eliminated before they left country because their was concern as to their ability to remain silent. JACK AND JILL...

    The Major Lopez I am referring to is Humberto "Bobby" Leon. Apparently you were not connected with him. I have had his files and have conversed with his family. He is of great interest to me dating back to November of '63.


  21. If researchers will look closely at one of Tosh's recent posts, they will realize what type of person he is. From everything I have read in the past twenty years, I have yet to see anything so close, accurate and dangerously posted as what Tosh has done in the revelations of what was going down in Central America in the '80's.

    Tosh did not wait 20+ years to begin blowing the whistle on the criminal activity of the US Government in Central America in and around Nicaragua, but instead went directly to Congress with his inside information. He risked his own being in attempting to expose this and now twenty plus years later, is devulging information on public forum that is locked away within the government.

    Gerry (Mr. Patrick) Hemming is calling him a "snitch" among other obscene names because Tosh tried and is still trying to right the wrongs that he saw and was part of. I am confident from my exchanges with Tosh that he is well aware of far greater attrocities that were conducted by the US Intelligence Community and Military, and I am sure he has reported such in the now sealed documents in congress.

    So why do we now even consider looking at him as a snitch? Isn't that why we are all here? Aren't we looking for those who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth of what our gov't has done so we can put this all into perspective. Mr. Patrick, if Tosh is a Snitch, then why in the hell are you here? Could it be because you are truely a disinformation agent trying to keep the truth from being brought out?

    How about answering my questions if you are so knowlegable and want to help find the truths. Who is the anglo in the room at the Americana Hotel that I posted? Did you work with Major Lopez at all in the '60's?



  22. Al and Gerry,

    Hate to intrude on this "love in", but seriously, isn't your explanation just a high falutin' crock?

    Maybe I'm not sufficiently well versed in "protection speak" but my interpretation is that you feel that because "eliminating the target is almost assured" and "no protection plan can diminish it's success" then the serious deficiency in security in Dallas was irrelevant.

    Ridiculous. It was carefully planned down to the smallest detail. The planners can't undertake such a high stakes gambit without a comprehensive plan. Presidential security was the first thing they would have discussed. The assassination wasn't a wild gamble undertaken without consideration of the Presidential security arrangements. Protection plans for the President had to be made "favorable" for the conspirators otherwise they wouldn't have risked it. A failed attempt would have increased the risk of exposure. Why? Because you've failed to get your man in the White House. You can't depend on enquiries being scuttled. It's a very uncertain outcome.

    Security in Dallas was compromised. Face it. They weren't playing for pennies so why leave anything to chance? It's illogical.

    The same argument could be used to explain away the DPD's performance in protecting Oswald. "We couldn't have protected him--he was going to die anyway". It's the same as saying, "tie him to a tree and we'll use him for target practise".


    First of all, I find your "love in" comment offensive to say the least. You do not know me or Hemming and your rude behavior is uncalled for. I have earned my status through getting dirty and trying to educate and add to forum issues. This crap is one of the reasons I am hesitant to even post. I have been in law enforcement for almost 23 years and have worked more protective service details than you have likely read about. If I were to write a book on military operations of the early eighties, you would probably consider it fiction because you could not comprehend reality of what is going on in your own government.

    If you would like to be civil and give me the respect of a stranger on the street, I will be happy to address your issues. Actually, I will bring you into reality that apparently from your posts you cannot conceive. Consider a slow moving open limo along a stretch of four to six deep onlookers with high buildings on each side and then say that the president was not at risk from the beginning. If you cannot fathom this, then I have nothing more to say to you. DP was an excellent killing zone not for the fact that it made the hit fairly easy, but it accomodated the plan of success and allowing all assassins to walk away, while still setting up the patsy.

    If you think DPD was lax in security, get an in with a USSS Agent and ask him/her what kind of assistance they get on the average from local LE. The answer will scare you.

    I have wasted enough time on this and still have not heard specific issues. Only generic and broad ramblings about the corrupt DPD and how they blew it. Get real and look at it from beginning to end. If that is possible.


  23. Dealy Plaza was an ideal kill zone if one was looking for a military sniper hit. Nobody was in November of '63.

    I thought that a military-type sniper hit was on most people's minds in November 1963. There were the OAS plots against deGaulle (Day of the Jackal scenario), and Kennedy himself had described precisely this type of assassination that very morning in Forth Worth.



    Again you are looking at it in hindsight and puting history into perspective with real time of November of '63. Did any of the previous USSS protection details consider such a hit? If you look at them they did not or they would not have utilized an open limo. Kennedy referred to a nut with a rifle, not a professional military hit team. To this day, if professionals are called in and deployed at lets say an airfield or at a speaking engagement arrival, the chance of succeeding in a hit is pretty high.



    Lt. Carrier KNOWS of what he speaks. He is NOT defending the USSS, DPD, DCSO, MI, US Army CIC, or the YMCA; nor anybody else who has been blatantly accused of complicity in the JFK "Hit" !!

    The current campaign to have the Barrett .50 calibre "Long-Range Sniper Rifle" included in new rule-making

    proceedings by the BATF component of the Dept. of Homeland Security speaks volumes.

    [see: "The Federal Administrative Procedures Act" - annotated Rulemaking Cases, Administrative Law Reports & the C.F.R. - http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html (Code of Federal Regulations)]

    The first Hollywood film that showed the unique effectiveness of the "Barrett" was: "Navy Seals", and starred Charlie Sheen, Biehn, et al. !! "60-Minutes" and some other programs have hysterically focused their "sights" against this weapon; as have some Democrat politicians and "Gun Control" activists.

    One TV segment showed a politician standing near Pennsylvania and Constitution, and with the Capitol Building at his back, he expounded upon the reality that: A shooter could easily hit a target sited at either end or even the middle of said streets, and target that building or the White House !!

    However, and whether it be a Barrett of 2005 -- or a "National Match" M-14 (NATO 7.62 mm) of 1963; there is absolutely NO defense against a "well-trained military sniper". The skills necessary for hide-site selection, angles of fire, lighting, windage, mirage, parallax, tracking, etc. are NOT those readily acquired by an amateur "Rifleman".

    [Take note of exactly how many times a rifle has been used in ANY assassination (or attempt) in the history of the World ??!!]

    The bald allegations and accusations of complicity by USSS or other law enforcement entities goes beyond the pale. That some "wing-nuts" have pointed the finger at Kellerman and Greer is scandalous, to say the least. That some "Puke" scribbled a worthless & gossipy "book?" -- about the accidental discharge of one SS agent's "M-16" (in a "tailback" vehicle); that having caused any of JFK's wounds is outrageous.

    Too many "self-styled" researchers/investigators?? are nothing more than filthy rumor-mongers; who have absolutely NO regard for the personal reputations or integrity of ANY alleged "suspects?" nor their families !!

    [ALL that is required is: That "NEW" names surface concurrent with one newly emerging event of note; such as -- "Watergate", or the "Soviet Agitprop Christic RICO lawsuit", etc., and etc. -- ad nauseum !!]

    That said, I would NOT be shocked to find that: There indeed were one or more persons, who, previously having been "highly placed" in government circles, opted (or was coerced) into giving an assist to the those shooters who participated in the "MULTIPLE" assassination schemes during that November of 1963.

    Anyone who is de minimus conversant with tradecraft -- would have immediately noticed the "professional" skills exhibited with the selection of Dealey Plaza, the TSBD, and its environs. The same professional criteria is obvious with the selection of Oswald "safe-houses in the Dallas suburds. It is quite obvious that this was done "for" LHO, and NOT by Oswald.

    Red Flags went up over 40+ years ago, when experts perused the very obvious "signatures" left by the Intel operator(s) selections: The necessities of a rear entrance or a side alley; a nearby park or semi-forested area; a nearby library (needed for "dead-drops"); that the front of the house is situated with an intersection wich precludes "spotter vehicles" from any casual/routine parking for stake-outs; etc., and etc. !!

    As Lt. Carrier so "politely" attempts to tutor: NO assist by law enforcement (nor Intel) is necessary. What is necessary for targeting by a "skilled" rifleman? -- his "personal" plan.

    The "Sponsor" provides ALL that which is needed in order to place the target within a prescribed "killing zone" !!

    Once the target enters ANY of the previously selected "MULTIPLE KILLING ZONES/WINDOWS" -- THAT TARGET IS DEAD MEAT !!

    ENOUGH of this hundreds of "suspects?"bullxxxx disinformation spiel, ranting ever onward with all of this crap about "faces-in-the-crowd", "traitors-from-within" !! Oliver Stone hired us to "Plan" the assassination of an executive target, and we crawled all over EVERY building in the area; showing Stone and his crew exactly what goes into the kill zone-selection, hide-site(s) selection, and "E & E" Plan.

    Uppermost in the planning of "non-Kamikaze" assassins is: The 'E & E" Plan. "Escape and Evasion" seems to be a critical factor in one's surviving long enough to collect one's rewards.

    LHO didn't "bring a knife to a gunfight" -- he didn't bring anything at all !! Had he wanted to commit "suicide-by-cop", he wouldn't have left his snub-nose revolver at home. I have strong doubts that he ever possessed any weapon whatsoever. And rarest of the rare -- he risks self-defeating the singular opportunity at "15 Centuries-of-Fame"; by DENYING THE WHOLE GODDAMN THING ??!!

    That he would even contemplate the use of an "EYETIE" throw-down & surrender rifle, or a worthless piece of xxxx "2 inch barreled" revolver, especially when for & $7 more, he could have purchased a semi-auto pistol -- and one very similar to the Colt .45 cal. pistol we Marines are ALL trained with at 'Boot Camp" !!

    Once again, we have that most unique of alleged "fanatical assassins". One who fails to make the "head-on" shot [because the "sniper's nest" is a wet-dream]; then carries the still loaded rifle all the way across the "6th Floor??", taking TIME to hide it, runs down the stairway (and now unarmed), calmly exits the TSBD from the FRONT door, catches a bus, and then a taxi -- back to his "safe-house". He then allegedly takes a circuitous/deviated/detour (walking?) route from there to the site of later arrest -- a "THEATER" !!

    Will somebody please grow some brains, and get off of the current disinformation campaign, every skilled in this research recognizes it as a continuation of the very same scheme -- which began even LONG before JFK's arrival in Texas.




    Mr. Patrick,

    Although we are at odds at many issues of the sixties, you have nailed it down as well as it could be. You obviously know me and your respect to my posting is appreciated. I could not have worded it any better than you have.

    My question to you is were you ever affiliated or have knowlege of the activities of AKA Bobby Leon'?

    Also, in my posting to Tosh and the photos taken at the Americana Hotel at Puerto Limon in '81, do you know the identity of the anglo?

    I will support your posting 100% that if the perps in the assault knows the agenda of the target, the likelihood of suceeding in eliminating the target is almost assured, and the escape of the assassins is equally assured. The target allows the ease of the success and escape. This is old school and no protective paln can diminish it's success.


  24. Dealy Plaza was an ideal kill zone if one was looking for a military sniper hit. Nobody was in November of '63.

    I thought that a military-type sniper hit was on most people's minds in November 1963. There were the OAS plots against deGaulle (Day of the Jackal scenario), and Kennedy himself had described precisely this type of assassination that very morning in Forth Worth.



    Again you are looking at it in hindsight and puting history into perspective with real time of November of '63. Did any of the previous USSS protection details consider such a hit? If you look at them they did not or they would not have utilized an open limo. Kennedy referred to a nut with a rifle, not a professional military hit team. To this day, if professionals are called in and deployed at lets say an airfield or at a speaking engagement arrival, the chance of succeeding in a hit is pretty high.


  25. Very interesting. It's either the biggest stuff-up in USSS history or it was planned as a one way trip. It raises some interesting questions.

    Three that pop immediately to mind are:

    1) How did Oswald stage-manage all of this?

    2) Could there
    have been a conspiracy?

    3) Can Al Carrier
    "defend" this all away?

    Stay tuned ...! Somehow I suspect it will all get much more interesting ....


    Hazarding a guess, my answers are he must have been a genius, yes and I doubt it.

    The question of the motorcycle flanking units is an interesting one. Vince Palamara states that, according to the DPD, this was a last minute change which resulted from a November 21 meeting via David Grant (Vince Palamara's words). The decision to downsize the number of flanking units from 18 to 4 was unique to Dallas. 18 units were used in Fort Worth earlier that day.

    Strange things were happening which were unique to Dallas. Second and third stringers were being put in charge (in some cases for the first time). Palamara's analysis of the SS White House Detail reveals that SAIC Jerry Behn took his first holiday in three years leaving ASAIC Floyd Boring in charge--but he organised the trip from Washington, leaving third stringer Roy Kellerman in charge in Dallas (his first time in charge). Kellerman's order to driver Bill Greer was disobeyed and his authority at DP and Parkland was usurped by a subordinate, Emory Roberts. Roberts was later promoted to be Official Records Secretary to LBJ (whatever that is). Roberts had also ordered Agent Rybka from the back of the Presidential limo at Love Field and also ordered the agents not to move seconds before the fatal headshot.

    Press Secretary Pierre Salinger, well versed in motorcade security arrangements, was on a plane to Japan. Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff, a third stringer and relatively inexperienced, was on his own for the first time.

    Boring's advance man, David Grant, arrived from Miami on November 18 and, according to Palamara, had a major influence in security arrangements including the motorcade route and motorcycle escorts. The more high profile partner from the advance party, Win Lawson and Agent Forrest Sorrels had driven the route--the one which went straight down Main Street-- on November 14 but we all know it was subsequently changed prior to November 22. Boring was later promoted to Inspector.

    Niether Boring, Roberts nor Grant were interviewed by the WC, HSCA or the FBI.

    Remember Al, the HSCA didn't judge that security arrangements for Dallas were insecure. They judged that security arrangements for Dallas were "uniquely insecure".

    You are all looking at this after-the-fact in terms of presidential security. You are focusing on a scoped rifle attack on the president and picking apart Dealy Plaza and ignoring the prior route on Main that was just as accessible to a rifle threat and even the Tampa Visit the previous week where the only variation was the use of the flying wedge with the motorcycle escort that was not present in Dallas. (I refer to my DP Echo Article of March of 2002). Even with that, the elevation of the shooters would not have been effected by the motorcycle escorts if they would have been present as they were in Tampa and Berlin.

    The sharp turn from Houston to Elm was covered as far as normal security was considered as there were ample uniformed officers in the vacinity and the follow-up USSS car was in close proximity to challenge any groung attacks. The shooter(s) did not fire when the limo made the slow turn.

    Dealy Plaza was an ideal kill zone if one was looking for a military sniper hit. Nobody was in November of '63. If they were, then the route would have been changed and the speed of the limo would have been altered from the time it left Love Field. There are no inconsistencies in DP from the previous security on the motorcade route. This tells us what they were concerned about and how they got caught with their pants down. It does not show complicentcy with the assassination.

    Once the limo entered DP, they could have added twenty more motorcycles and an additional fifty officers on the ground, the hit would still have went off if that was what they wanted. Trust me, it was not that difficult under the circumstances. The most difficult part was fleeing the scene undetected.


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