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Sherry Sullivan

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  1. Thank you for the post. Interesting documents. LBF, during a personal interview, acknowledged that he sponsored the last flight of my father, Geoffrey Sullivan and Rorke. He said he left the country while their mission was to be carried out. Upon his return he was surprised to learn that my dad flew a rented twin engine instead of the military airplane he provided. Gentzkow was also personally interviewed. He dated Shermane Billingsley, sister in law to Rorke. Doug also reported Rorke to the CIA after finding some of Rorke's documents. Rigaud is the person who I believe funded Rorke and Sullivan in August 1963. The two men were in Puerto Rico awaiting the funds. Sherry
  2. Can anyone identify the men in this photograph? It was taken by Alexnder Rorke, Jr. in 1959. Looks like signing an agreement. Sherry
  3. Tosh: Please contact Sherry Sullivan. Urgent. sassully44@gmail.com Please. Thanks, your buddy, Sherry

    1. Sherry Sullivan

      Sherry Sullivan

      thank you to all who responded. We found him.

  4. Sherry Sullivan here. Trying to get in touch with Tosh Plumlee. It is extremely important and timely. Anyone on the Forum who can reach him, please ask him to get in touch with me. Thank you! My new email address is; sassully44@gmail.com
  5. My text got lost somehow when I added the photo. I wanted to thank all of you who take the time to respond and for your input. I also wanted to know if anyone recognizes this man. A photo associated with Alex Rorke in Costa Rica in 1961 (date uncertain). Thanks! Sherry
  6. Thank you Chris, I will check it out promptly. Sherry
  7. Frank O'Brien was a NYC PD who worked under BOSSI in the early 1960's. He was counterpart or supervisor to Alexander Rorke, Jr. Does anyone have information on him or where his records might be? Thank you, Sherry Sullivan sassully@roadrunner.com
  8. Sherry Sullivan here again. Thanks for all of the replies to my request on CT property. I have a photo taken by Rorke in July 1959 in Costa Rica. These men are obviously signing some type of agreement. Any thoughts on who these people might be? It seems that I am only able to load one photo at a time. I have more if anyone is interested. Thanks, Sherry
  9. Tosh, Thanks for the info on the PBY. Muchly appreciated. The Manuel Rojas you mentioned, could that have been Carlos Rojas? This photo below shows Carlos Rojas. Cheers, James
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