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Nic Martin

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Everything posted by Nic Martin

  1. Hosty said in "Assignment: Oswald" that he was told RFK wanted Dulles & McCloy appointed, so maybe that's a slight backup of LBJ's story. Maybe RFK suggested McCloy because he knew McCloy & Hoover hated each other? ( According to several sources, anyway - correct me if I'm wrong ). Also, JFK described McCloy as "a diplomat and public servant, banker to the world, and Godfather to German freedom" - so maybe it was just another nod to his brother's memory? On top of that, wasn't McCloy formerly big on Wall Street? Maybe he & Joe Sr had something.
  2. Also, it should be noted that Uncle Teddy will only have the lawyers let you see the autopsy photos & x-rays if you're a licensed doctor. I guess he doesn't want his corpse brother's brains plastered all over the internet. Too late for that now.
  3. Thanks, Richard - I think had that around here somewhere, but my desk is a current mess and I couldn't find it. I found a phone number for Perry, I'm thinking about giving him a call, there's some questions I need him to answer.
  4. If we do this, I think we should avoid dragging in "big names" to keep credibility - this means no Oliver Stone, no Kevin Costner. I also think we should avoid theories that are still under debate as to their authenticity ( Jimmy Files, Judy Baker, and Oliver-Messagee/Babushka Lady ), as I think that'd cheapen it.
  5. You're right, people here are by far the most qualified people, especially Jack White - who's just, brilliant. Several witnesses are still living, and I think some of them would talk on camera if it was on their terms.
  6. I know Jean Hill was very friendly to researchers, especially young ones ( sadly, I never got a chance to meet her ), I wonder if Moorman's the same way ( although she's very reluctant to talk now, but I would be too ). During the 40th anniversary, the History Channel ran DAYS of JFK-related things. One night, I was using all 4 TVs in this house to tape things. I don't know what they've sold on DVD, but I remember the ratings for a few of them were quite high.
  7. I have a feeling if he was related to our modern most-well-known Warrenatti apologizer, that Gerald would have raved about the connection on the book jacket, adding some more weight to his claims.
  8. Due to certain sources within this community, I think a few people wouldn't see issue with their pictures & film being used. I think the only thing that might cost much would be the Zapruder film, who knows how much that'd cost.
  9. This case is like the cure for cancer - if every researcher pooled their sources together, we'd have this thing solved by now, but everyone wants to be the one to solve the JFK case. It's my personal POV to try to help fellow researchers like I've been helped, as well as finding the truth. This sounds like an amazing idea, though.
  10. Posner's book, like the WCR, is good reference material when it comes to verifying facts regarding the less-serious items, but for everything else - I just suggest everyone to take it with a grain of salt.
  11. From "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" documentary from 1993: LEAVELLE: I was riding in the back with him, holding his hand, arm, trying to reach a pulse. The doctor was massaging his chest, trying to get him to breathe. And he -- he groaned and stretched a little bit and then just went completely limp and I actually -- that's when I think he expired, was then, because I never saw him make another move at all. So we have document of massaging Oswald's chest, but I don't ever remember hearing Oswald's cause of death was blood loss. Judging by the official version of events as reported in 1963, the bullet pierced his aorta & lung, although I heard later that it pierced the diaphragm. However, that is the official story.
  12. I'm pretty sure have it on VHS, that I taped off of TV, but there's so many of them ( I have over 80 taped items of life & death documentaries about the Kennedys ) that I don't remember this one. If you haven't ordered it yet, I could dig it out later & give you a review.
  13. Finding a good quality of the Nix film is next to impossible, but researchers have been trying to get it for a long time. I have a CD burned by a member here that has the films on it, but I'll look for it later, as I'm kind of in a time crunch right now.
  14. You're beautiful. Thank you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nic- I ahve a drawing Leavelle did for me if you're interested but I'm not posting it here. -C <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Definitely interested! I've spent the past few days looking into that thing you told me about ( about LHO ), and everything I've been finding.. Wow. It really makes me look at everything about that whole thing in a different light. A lot of quotes make a lot more sense, a lot of footage & pictures make more sense.. Just, wow.
  15. Nic, Between the area of the parking garage where LHO was shot and the elevator, there was a jail office. Between the jail office and the garage, there was a glass door and partition. Just inside the door there was what I would refer to as a reception desk, about as high as a bank teller's station. LHO was on the floor behind the desk. WFAA shot film footage of this area after LHO was shot, but the front desk was in the way(you couldn't see him on the floor). You could, however, see detectives standing around him looking down. The footage is seen in the WFAA documentary The Story Behind the Story. After the shooting, Ruby was led into the jail office, past LHO, and into the elevator. Sorry I don't have any photos of the jail office, but I marked your drawing with X's showing LHO's approx location. RJS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you so much, that explains a lot, and helps more than you know with what I'm looking into.
  16. I've looked through every book & report I own, but I can't for the life of me figure out where exactly Oswald was taken after being rushed back inside the PD. Was he kept just inside the door, back towards the elevator, what? This might seem pointless, but I'm looking into something where this does actually matter.
  17. This isn't really problems, but information nonetheless.. When I got into this case, the first three things I accepted were: 1.) The vast majority of fellow "researchers" are NOT your friends. A lot of these people will stab their own mother in the back to make a quick buck. There are a few amazing people ( Jack White, James Richards, Carrie Gallagher-Driscoll, and the late John Ritchson to mention a few of the ones that have been nicest to me ), but you have to watch your back and be very particular about who you get close to. 2.) This is a dangerous hobby. Plenty of good people have died for this. You can't let fear control you, but you can't get careless either. 3.) This case will control your life, or at least a very large part of it. I'm eighteen years old, and instead of going to parties or clubs, I sit at home filling out FOIA requests, writing letters, and reviewing the same films and photographs I've been over at least a thousand times. You can't take this halfway and drop it, it's all or nothing. It is a part of you. It's difficult to deal with sometimes, but at the end of the day, I don't regret it - and I can't say I've ever met someone that regrets it.
  18. I think it was a result of Italian for fool, "pazzo" which came from Old Italian, "paccio." I can't believe I still remember so much useless knowledge.
  19. Hi Nic, Humes died in 1999, Finck lives in Switzerland. For an insight into these guys, read the interviews by William Law in In the Eye of History. [snip] Boswell is described an in an interview with Harold Rydberg In the Eye of History as the one who might "crack" someday, being the "weak link". Recall that at the HSCA, Boswell moved the back wound on the autopsy face sheet to the back of the neck. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...md159_0001a.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't know Humes had died.. That explains why the phone # I had didn't work, then. Thanks. :] I have Finck's address, as well as Boswell's. I might consider writing a letter, then.. Definitely to Humes. Thanks again.
  20. Are you planning to contact Ruth Paine or is this just an excercise? Ask her about the allegations of Roy Frankhauser. For details see Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe this thread was started as a "spin-off" of my thread on asking living witnesses questions. I have contact information for several living witnesses, & would like suggestions on questions to ask.
  21. But, Tim, you're grown men and you're acting like you're in junior high, shoving each other into lockers and calling each other "butthead."
  22. Didn't Connally say, "My god, they're going to kill us all?" I think LBJ definitely knew the assassination was going to take place on 11-22-63, for me, it's merely a matter of if he was involved or not.
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